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* Copyright (c) 2022, Florent Castelli <florent.castelli@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Sam Atkins <atkinssj@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Tobias Christiansen <tobyase@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "Session.h"
#include "BrowserConnection.h"
#include "Client.h"
#include <LibCore/DateTime.h>
#include <LibCore/LocalServer.h>
#include <LibCore/Stream.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibWeb/Cookie/Cookie.h>
#include <LibWeb/Cookie/ParsedCookie.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace WebDriver {
Session::Session(unsigned session_id, NonnullRefPtr<Client> client)
: m_client(move(client))
, m_id(session_id)
if (m_started) {
auto error = stop();
if (error.is_error()) {
warnln("Failed to stop session {}: {}", m_id, error.error());
ErrorOr<void> Session::start()
auto socket_path = String::formatted("/tmp/browser_webdriver_{}_{}", getpid(), m_id);
dbgln("Listening for WebDriver connection on {}", socket_path);
// FIXME: Use Core::LocalServer
struct sockaddr_un addr;
int listen_socket = TRY(Core::System::socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0));
::memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
::strncpy(addr.sun_path, socket_path.characters(), sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1);
TRY(Core::System::bind(listen_socket, (const struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)));
TRY(Core::System::listen(listen_socket, 1));
char const* argv[] = { "/bin/Browser", "--webdriver", socket_path.characters(), nullptr };
TRY(Core::System::posix_spawn("/bin/Browser"sv, nullptr, nullptr, const_cast<char**>(argv), environ));
int data_socket = TRY(Core::System::accept(listen_socket, nullptr, nullptr));
auto socket = TRY(Core::Stream::LocalSocket::adopt_fd(data_socket));
m_browser_connection = TRY(adopt_nonnull_ref_or_enomem(new (nothrow) BrowserConnection(move(socket), m_client, session_id())));
dbgln("Browser is connected");
m_started = true;
m_windows.set("main", make<Session::Window>("main", true));
m_current_window_handle = "main";
return {};
ErrorOr<void> Session::stop()
return {};
// 10.1 Navigate To, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-navigate-to
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::navigate_to(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. If the url property is missing from the parameters argument or it is not a string, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!payload.is_object() || !payload.as_object().has_string("url"sv)) {
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Payload doesn't have a string url" };
// 4. Let url be the result of getting a property named url from the parameters argument.
URL url(payload.as_object().get_ptr("url"sv)->as_string());
// FIXME: 5. If url is not an absolute URL or an absolute URL with fragment, return error with error code invalid argument. [URL]
// 6. Let url be the result of getting a property named url from the parameters argument.
// Duplicate step?
// 7. Navigate the current top-level browsing context to url.
// FIXME: 8. Run the post-navigation checks and return its value if it is an error.
// FIXME: 9. Wait for navigation to complete and return its value if it is an error.
// FIXME: 10. Set the current browsing context to the current top-level browsing context.
// 11. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue();
// 10.2 Get Current URL, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-current-url
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::get_current_url()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Let url be the serialization of the current top-level browsing context’s active document’s document URL.
auto url = m_browser_connection->get_url().to_string();
// 4. Return success with data url.
return JsonValue(url);
// 10.3 Back, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-back
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::back()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Traverse the history by a delta –1 for the current browsing context.
// FIXME: 4. If the previous step completed results in a pageHide event firing, wait until pageShow event
// fires or for the session page load timeout milliseconds to pass, whichever occurs sooner.
// FIXME: 5. If the previous step completed by the session page load timeout being reached, and user
// prompts have been handled, return error with error code timeout.
// 6. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue();
// 10.4 Forward, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-forward
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::forward()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Traverse the history by a delta 1 for the current browsing context.
// FIXME: 4. If the previous step completed results in a pageHide event firing, wait until pageShow event
// fires or for the session page load timeout milliseconds to pass, whichever occurs sooner.
// FIXME: 5. If the previous step completed by the session page load timeout being reached, and user
// prompts have been handled, return error with error code timeout.
// 6. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue();
// 10.5 Refresh, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-refresh
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::refresh()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Initiate an overridden reload of the current top-level browsing context’s active document.
// FIXME: 4. If url is special except for file:
// FIXME: 1. Try to wait for navigation to complete.
// FIXME: 2. Try to run the post-navigation checks.
// FIXME: 5. Set the current browsing context with current top-level browsing context.
// 6. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue();
// 10.6 Get Title, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-title
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::get_title()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Let title be the initial value of the title IDL attribute of the current top-level browsing context's active document.
// 4. Return success with data title.
return JsonValue(m_browser_connection->get_title());
// 11.2 Close Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-close-window
ErrorOr<void, Variant<HttpError, Error>> Session::close_window()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return Variant<HttpError, Error>(HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" });
// 2. Close the current top-level browsing context.
// 3. If there are no more open top-level browsing contexts, then close the session.
if (m_windows.is_empty()) {
auto result = stop();
if (result.is_error()) {
return Variant<HttpError, Error>(result.release_error());
return {};
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-or-create-a-web-element-reference
static String get_or_create_a_web_element_reference(Session::LocalElement const& element)
// FIXME: 1. For each known element of the current browsing context’s list of known elements:
// FIXME: 1. If known element equals element, return success with known element’s web element reference.
// FIXME: 2. Add element to the list of known elements of the current browsing context.
// FIXME: 3. Return success with the element’s web element reference.
return String::formatted("{}", element.id);
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-web-element-identifier
static const String web_element_identifier = "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf";
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-web-element-reference-object
static JsonObject web_element_reference_object(Session::LocalElement const& element)
// 1. Let identifier be the web element identifier.
auto identifier = web_element_identifier;
// 2. Let reference be the result of get or create a web element reference given element.
auto reference = get_or_create_a_web_element_reference(element);
// 3. Return a JSON Object initialized with a property with name identifier and value reference.
JsonObject object;
object.set("name"sv, identifier);
object.set("value"sv, reference);
return object;
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find
ErrorOr<JsonArray, HttpError> Session::find(Session::LocalElement const& start_node, StringView const& using_, StringView const& value)
// 1. Let end time be the current time plus the session implicit wait timeout.
auto end_time = Core::DateTime::from_timestamp(Core::DateTime::now().timestamp() + s_session_timeouts);
// 2. Let location strategy be equal to using.
auto location_strategy = using_;
// 3. Let selector be equal to value.
auto selector = value;
// 4. Let elements returned be the result of trying to call the relevant element location strategy with arguments start node, and selector.
auto location_strategy_handler = s_locator_strategies.first_matching([&](LocatorStrategy const& match) { return match.name == location_strategy; });
if (!location_strategy_handler.has_value())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "No valid location strategy" };
auto elements_or_error = (this->*location_strategy_handler.value().handler)(start_node, selector);
// 5. If a DOMException, SyntaxError, XPathException, or other error occurs during the execution of the element location strategy, return error invalid selector.
if (elements_or_error.is_error())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid selector", String::formatted("The location strategy could not finish: {}", elements_or_error.release_error().message) };
auto elements = elements_or_error.release_value();
// FIXME: 6. If elements returned is empty and the current time is less than end time return to step 4. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
// 7. Let result be an empty JSON List.
auto result = JsonArray();
// 8. For each element in elements returned, append the web element reference object for element, to result.
for (auto const& element : elements) {
// 9. Return success with data result.
return result;
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-table-of-location-strategies
Vector<Session::LocatorStrategy> Session::s_locator_strategies = {
{ "css selector", &Session::locator_strategy_css_selectors },
{ "link text", &Session::locator_strategy_link_text },
{ "partial link text", &Session::locator_strategy_partial_link_text },
{ "tag name", &Session::locator_strategy_tag_name },
{ "xpath", &Session::locator_strategy_x_path },
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#css-selectors
ErrorOr<Vector<Session::LocalElement>, HttpError> Session::locator_strategy_css_selectors(Session::LocalElement const& start_node, StringView const& selector)
// 1. Let elements be the result of calling querySelectorAll() with start node as this and selector as the argument.
// If this causes an exception to be thrown, return error with error code invalid selector.
auto elements_ids = m_browser_connection->query_selector_all(start_node.id, selector);
if (!elements_ids.has_value())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid selector", "query_selector_all returned failed!" };
Vector<Session::LocalElement> elements;
for (auto id : elements_ids.release_value()) {
elements.append({ id });
// 2.Return success with data elements.
return elements;
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#link-text
ErrorOr<Vector<Session::LocalElement>, HttpError> Session::locator_strategy_link_text(Session::LocalElement const&, StringView const&)
// FIXME: Implement
return HttpError { 501, "not implemented", "locator strategy link text" };
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#partial-link-text
ErrorOr<Vector<Session::LocalElement>, HttpError> Session::locator_strategy_partial_link_text(Session::LocalElement const&, StringView const&)
// FIXME: Implement
return HttpError { 501, "not implemented", "locator strategy partial link text" };
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#tag-name
ErrorOr<Vector<Session::LocalElement>, HttpError> Session::locator_strategy_tag_name(Session::LocalElement const&, StringView const&)
// FIXME: Implement
return HttpError { 501, "not implemented", "locator strategy tag name" };
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#xpath
ErrorOr<Vector<Session::LocalElement>, HttpError> Session::locator_strategy_x_path(Session::LocalElement const&, StringView const&)
// FIXME: Implement
return HttpError { 501, "not implemented", "locator strategy XPath" };
// 12.3.2 Find Element, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find-element
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::find_element(JsonValue const& payload)
if (!payload.is_object())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Payload is not a JSON object" };
auto const& properties = payload.as_object();
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property called "using".
if (!properties.has("using"sv))
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "No property called 'using' present" };
auto const& maybe_location_strategy = properties.get("using"sv);
if (!maybe_location_strategy.is_string())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Property 'using' is not a String" };
auto location_strategy = maybe_location_strategy.to_string();
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!s_locator_strategies.first_matching([&](LocatorStrategy const& match) { return match.name == location_strategy; }).has_value())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "No valid location strategy" };
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property called "value".
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!properties.has("value"sv))
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "No property called 'value' present" };
auto const& maybe_selector = properties.get("value"sv);
if (!maybe_selector.is_string())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Property 'value' is not a String" };
auto selector = maybe_selector.to_string();
// 5. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 6. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 7. Let start node be the current browsing context’s document element.
auto maybe_start_node_id = m_browser_connection->get_document_element();
// 8. If start node is null, return error with error code no such element.
if (!maybe_start_node_id.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such element", "document element does not exist" };
auto start_node_id = maybe_start_node_id.release_value();
LocalElement start_node = { start_node_id };
// 9. Let result be the result of trying to Find with start node, location strategy, and selector.
auto result = TRY(find(start_node, location_strategy, selector));
// 10. If result is empty, return error with error code no such element. Otherwise, return the first element of result.
if (result.is_empty())
return HttpError { 404, "no such element", "the requested element does not exist" };
return JsonValue(result.at(0));
// 12.3.3 Find Elements, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find-elements
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::find_elements(JsonValue const& payload)
if (!payload.is_object())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Payload is not a JSON object" };
auto const& properties = payload.as_object();
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property called "using".
if (!properties.has("using"sv))
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "No property called 'using' present" };
auto const& maybe_location_strategy = properties.get("using"sv);
if (!maybe_location_strategy.is_string())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Property 'using' is not a String" };
auto location_strategy = maybe_location_strategy.to_string();
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!s_locator_strategies.first_matching([&](LocatorStrategy const& match) { return match.name == location_strategy; }).has_value())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "No valid location strategy" };
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property called "value".
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!properties.has("value"sv))
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "No property called 'value' present" };
auto const& maybe_selector = properties.get("value"sv);
if (!maybe_selector.is_string())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Property 'value' is not a String" };
auto selector = maybe_selector.to_string();
// 5. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 6. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
// 7. Let start node be the current browsing context’s document element.
auto maybe_start_node_id = m_browser_connection->get_document_element();
// 8. If start node is null, return error with error code no such element.
if (!maybe_start_node_id.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such element", "document element does not exist" };
auto start_node_id = maybe_start_node_id.release_value();
LocalElement start_node = { start_node_id };
// 9. Return the result of trying to Find with start node, location strategy, and selector.
auto result = TRY(find(start_node, location_strategy, selector));
return JsonValue(result);
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-serialized-cookie
static JsonObject serialize_cookie(Web::Cookie::Cookie const& cookie)
JsonObject serialized_cookie = {};
serialized_cookie.set("name", cookie.name);
serialized_cookie.set("value", cookie.value);
serialized_cookie.set("path", cookie.path);
serialized_cookie.set("domain", cookie.domain);
serialized_cookie.set("secure", cookie.secure);
serialized_cookie.set("httpOnly", cookie.http_only);
serialized_cookie.set("expiry", cookie.expiry_time.timestamp());
// FIXME: Add sameSite to Cookie and serialize it here too.
return serialized_cookie;
// 14.1 Get All Cookies, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-all-cookies
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::get_all_cookies()
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Let cookies be a new JSON List.
JsonArray cookies = {};
// 4. For each cookie in all associated cookies of the current browsing context’s active document:
for (auto const& cookie : m_browser_connection->get_all_cookies()) {
// 1. Let serialized cookie be the result of serializing cookie.
auto serialized_cookie = serialize_cookie(cookie);
// 2. Append serialized cookie to cookies
// 5. Return success with data cookies.
return JsonValue(cookies);
// 14.2 Get Named Cookie, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-named-cookie
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::get_named_cookie(String const& name)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. If the url variable name is equal to a cookie’s cookie name amongst all associated cookies of the
// current browsing context’s active document, return success with the serialized cookie as data.
auto maybe_cookie = m_browser_connection->get_named_cookie(name);
if (maybe_cookie.has_value()) {
auto cookie = maybe_cookie.release_value();
auto serialized_cookie = serialize_cookie(cookie);
return JsonValue(serialized_cookie);
// 4. Otherwise, return error with error code no such cookie.
return HttpError { 404, "no such cookie", "Cookie not found" };
// 14.3 Add Cookie, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-adding-a-cookie
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::add_cookie(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. Let data be the result of getting a property named cookie from the parameters argument.
if (!payload.is_object() || !payload.as_object().has_object("cookie"sv))
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Payload doesn't have a cookie object" };
auto const& maybe_data = payload.as_object().get("cookie"sv);
// 2. If data is not a JSON Object with all the required (non-optional) JSON keys listed in the table for cookie conversion,
// return error with error code invalid argument.
// NOTE: Table is here: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-table-for-cookie-conversion
if (!maybe_data.is_object())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Value \"cookie\' is not an object" };
auto const& data = maybe_data.as_object();
if (!data.has("name"sv) || !data.has("value"sv))
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Cookie-Object doesn't contain all required keys" };
// 3. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 4. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
// FIXME: 5. If the current browsing context’s document element is a cookie-averse Document object,
// return error with error code invalid cookie domain.
// 6. If cookie name or cookie value is null,
// FIXME: cookie domain is not equal to the current browsing context’s active document’s domain,
// cookie secure only or cookie HTTP only are not boolean types,
// or cookie expiry time is not an integer type, or it less than 0 or greater than the maximum safe integer,
// return error with error code invalid argument.
if (data.get("name"sv).is_null() || data.get("value"sv).is_null())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Cookie-Object is malformed: name or value are null" };
if (data.has("secure"sv) && !data.get("secure"sv).is_bool())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Cookie-Object is malformed: secure is not bool" };
if (data.has("httpOnly"sv) && !data.get("httpOnly"sv).is_bool())
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Cookie-Object is malformed: httpOnly is not bool" };
Optional<Core::DateTime> expiry_time;
if (data.has("expiry"sv)) {
auto expiry_argument = data.get("expiry"sv);
if (!expiry_argument.is_u32()) {
// NOTE: less than 0 or greater than safe integer are handled by the JSON parser
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Cookie-Object is malformed: expiry is not u32" };
expiry_time = Core::DateTime::from_timestamp(expiry_argument.as_u32());
// 7. Create a cookie in the cookie store associated with the active document’s address using
// cookie name name, cookie value value, and an attribute-value list of the following cookie concepts
// listed in the table for cookie conversion from data:
Web::Cookie::ParsedCookie cookie;
if (auto name_attribute = data.get("name"sv); name_attribute.is_string())
cookie.name = name_attribute.as_string();
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Expect name attribute to be string" };
if (auto value_attribute = data.get("value"sv); value_attribute.is_string())
cookie.value = value_attribute.as_string();
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Expect value attribute to be string" };
// Cookie path
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise "/".
if (data.has("path"sv)) {
if (auto path_attribute = data.get("path"sv); path_attribute.is_string())
cookie.path = path_attribute.as_string();
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Expect path attribute to be string" };
} else {
cookie.path = "/";
// Cookie domain
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise the current browsing context’s active document’s URL domain.
// NOTE: The otherwise case is handled by the CookieJar
if (data.has("domain"sv)) {
if (auto domain_attribute = data.get("domain"sv); domain_attribute.is_string())
cookie.domain = domain_attribute.as_string();
return HttpError { 400, "invalid argument", "Expect domain attribute to be string" };
// Cookie secure only
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise false.
if (data.has("secure"sv)) {
cookie.secure_attribute_present = data.get("secure"sv).as_bool();
} else {
cookie.secure_attribute_present = false;
// Cookie HTTP only
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise false.
if (data.has("httpOnly"sv)) {
cookie.http_only_attribute_present = data.get("httpOnly"sv).as_bool();
} else {
cookie.http_only_attribute_present = false;
// Cookie expiry time
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise leave unset to indicate that this is a session cookie.
cookie.expiry_time_from_expires_attribute = expiry_time;
// FIXME: Cookie same site
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise leave unset to indicate that no same site policy is defined.
// If there is an error during this step, return error with error code unable to set cookie.
// NOTE: This probably should only apply to the actual setting of the cookie in the Browser,
// which cannot fail in our case.
// Thus, the error-codes used above are 400 "invalid argument".
// 8. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue();
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-delete-cookies
void Session::delete_cookies(Optional<StringView> const& name)
// For each cookie among all associated cookies of the current browsing context’s active document,
// run the substeps of the first matching condition:
for (auto& cookie : m_browser_connection->get_all_cookies()) {
// -> name is undefined
// -> name is equal to cookie name
if (!name.has_value() || name.value() == cookie.name) {
// Set the cookie expiry time to a Unix timestamp in the past.
cookie.expiry_time = Core::DateTime::from_timestamp(0);
// -> Otherwise
// Do nothing.
// 14.4 Delete Cookie, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-delete-cookie
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::delete_cookie(StringView const& name)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Delete cookies using the url variable name parameter as the filter argument.
// 4. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue();
// 14.5 Delete All Cookies, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-delete-all-cookies
ErrorOr<JsonValue, HttpError> Session::delete_all_cookies()
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
auto current_window = get_window_object();
if (!current_window.has_value())
return HttpError { 404, "no such window", "Window not found" };
// FIXME: 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
// 3. Delete cookies, giving no filtering argument.
// 4. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue();