Daniel Bertalan e9f0ebd4bd LibHTTP: Fix logic error leading to buffer over-read
When we receive HTTP payloads, we have to ensure that the number of
bytes read is *at most* the value specified in the Content-Length

However, we did not use the correct value when calculating the truncated
size of the last payload. `m_buffered_size` does not store the total
number of bytes received, but rather the number of bytes that haven't
been read from us.

This means that if some data has already been read from us,
`m_buffered_size` is smaller than `m_received_size`. Because of this, we
ended up resizing the `payload` ByteBuffer to a larger size than its
contents. This garbage data was then read by consumers, producing this
warning when executing scripts:

> Extension byte 0xdc in 1 position after first byte 0xdc doesn't make
> sense.
2021-10-30 00:54:34 +03:30

438 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <LibCompress/Gzip.h>
#include <LibCompress/Zlib.h>
#include <LibCore/Event.h>
#include <LibCore/TCPSocket.h>
#include <LibHTTP/HttpResponse.h>
#include <LibHTTP/Job.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace HTTP {
static Optional<ByteBuffer> handle_content_encoding(const ByteBuffer& buf, const String& content_encoding)
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job::handle_content_encoding: buf has content_encoding={}", content_encoding);
if (content_encoding == "gzip") {
if (!Compress::GzipDecompressor::is_likely_compressed(buf)) {
dbgln("Job::handle_content_encoding: buf is not gzip compressed!");
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job::handle_content_encoding: buf is gzip compressed!");
auto uncompressed = Compress::GzipDecompressor::decompress_all(buf);
if (!uncompressed.has_value()) {
dbgln("Job::handle_content_encoding: Gzip::decompress() failed.");
return {};
if constexpr (JOB_DEBUG) {
dbgln("Job::handle_content_encoding: Gzip::decompress() successful.");
dbgln(" Input size: {}", buf.size());
dbgln(" Output size: {}", uncompressed.value().size());
return uncompressed.value();
} else if (content_encoding == "deflate") {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job::handle_content_encoding: buf is deflate compressed!");
// Even though the content encoding is "deflate", it's actually deflate with the zlib wrapper.
auto uncompressed = Compress::Zlib::decompress_all(buf);
if (!uncompressed.has_value()) {
// From the RFC:
// "Note: Some non-conformant implementations send the "deflate"
// compressed data without the zlib wrapper."
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job::handle_content_encoding: Zlib::decompress_all() failed. Trying DeflateDecompressor::decompress_all()");
uncompressed = Compress::DeflateDecompressor::decompress_all(buf);
if (!uncompressed.has_value()) {
dbgln("Job::handle_content_encoding: DeflateDecompressor::decompress_all() failed.");
return {};
if constexpr (JOB_DEBUG) {
dbgln("Job::handle_content_encoding: Deflate decompression successful.");
dbgln(" Input size: {}", buf.size());
dbgln(" Output size: {}", uncompressed.value().size());
return uncompressed.value();
return buf;
Job::Job(const HttpRequest& request, OutputStream& output_stream)
: Core::NetworkJob(output_stream)
, m_request(request)
void Job::flush_received_buffers()
if (!m_can_stream_response || m_buffered_size == 0)
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Flushing received buffers: have {} bytes in {} buffers for {}", m_buffered_size, m_received_buffers.size(), m_request.url());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_received_buffers.size(); ++i) {
auto& payload = m_received_buffers[i];
auto written = do_write(payload);
m_buffered_size -= written;
if (written == payload.size()) {
// FIXME: Make this a take-first-friendly object?
VERIFY(written < payload.size());
payload = payload.slice(written, payload.size() - written);
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Flushing received buffers done: have {} bytes in {} buffers for {}", m_buffered_size, m_received_buffers.size(), m_request.url());
void Job::on_socket_connected()
register_on_ready_to_write([&] {
if (m_sent_data)
m_sent_data = true;
auto raw_request = m_request.to_raw_request();
if constexpr (JOB_DEBUG) {
dbgln("Job: raw_request:");
dbgln("{}", String::copy(raw_request));
bool success = write(raw_request);
if (!success)
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
register_on_ready_to_read([&] {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Ready to read for {}, state = {}, cancelled = {}", m_request.url(), to_underlying(m_state), is_cancelled());
if (is_cancelled())
if (m_state == State::Finished) {
// We have everything we want, at this point, we can either get an EOF, or a bunch of extra newlines
// (unless "Connection: close" isn't specified)
// So just ignore everything after this.
if (eof())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
if (m_state == State::InStatus) {
if (!can_read_line()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} cannot read line", m_request.url());
auto line = read_line(PAGE_SIZE);
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} read line of length {}", m_request.url(), line.length());
if (line.is_null()) {
dbgln("Job: Expected HTTP status");
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
auto parts = line.split_view(' ');
if (parts.size() < 3) {
dbgln("Job: Expected 3-part HTTP status, got '{}'", line);
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
auto code = parts[1].to_uint();
if (!code.has_value()) {
dbgln("Job: Expected numeric HTTP status");
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
m_code = code.value();
m_state = State::InHeaders;
if (m_state == State::InHeaders || m_state == State::Trailers) {
if (!can_read_line())
// There's no max limit defined on headers, but for our sanity, let's limit it to 32K.
auto line = read_line(32 * KiB);
if (line.is_null()) {
if (m_state == State::Trailers) {
// Some servers like to send two ending chunks
// use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk
// that is not a valid trailing header.
return finish_up();
dbgln("Job: Expected HTTP header");
return did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed);
if (line.is_empty()) {
if (m_state == State::Trailers) {
return finish_up();
} else {
if (on_headers_received)
on_headers_received(m_headers, m_code > 0 ? m_code : Optional<u32> {});
m_state = State::InBody;
// We've reached the end of the headers, there's a possibility that the server
// responds with nothing (content-length = 0 with normal encoding); if that's the case,
// quit early as we won't be reading anything anyway.
if (auto result = m_headers.get("Content-Length"sv).value_or(""sv).to_uint(); result.has_value()) {
if (result.value() == 0 && !m_headers.get("Transfer-Encoding"sv).value_or(""sv).view().trim_whitespace().equals_ignoring_case("chunked"sv))
return finish_up();
auto parts = line.split_view(':');
if (parts.is_empty()) {
if (m_state == State::Trailers) {
// Some servers like to send two ending chunks
// use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk
// that is not a valid trailing header.
return finish_up();
dbgln("Job: Expected HTTP header with key/value");
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
auto name = parts[0];
if (line.length() < name.length() + 2) {
if (m_state == State::Trailers) {
// Some servers like to send two ending chunks
// use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk
// that is not a valid trailing header.
return finish_up();
dbgln("Job: Malformed HTTP header: '{}' ({})", line, line.length());
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
auto value = line.substring(name.length() + 2, line.length() - name.length() - 2);
m_headers.set(name, value);
if (name.equals_ignoring_case("Content-Encoding")) {
// Assume that any content-encoding means that we can't decode it as a stream :(
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Content-Encoding {} detected, cannot stream output :(", value);
m_can_stream_response = false;
} else if (name.equals_ignoring_case("Content-Length")) {
auto length = value.to_uint();
if (length.has_value())
m_content_length = length.value();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: [{}] = '{}'", name, value);
VERIFY(m_state == State::InBody);
read_while_data_available([&] {
auto read_size = 64 * KiB;
if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) {
auto remaining = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value();
if (remaining == -1) {
// read size
auto size_data = read_line(PAGE_SIZE);
if (m_should_read_chunk_ending_line) {
m_should_read_chunk_ending_line = false;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
auto size_lines = size_data.view().lines();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Received a chunk with size '{}'", size_data);
if (size_lines.size() == 0) {
if (!eof())
return AK::IterationDecision::Break;
dbgln("Job: Reached end of stream");
return IterationDecision::Break;
} else {
auto chunk = size_lines[0].split_view(';', true);
String size_string = chunk[0];
char* endptr;
auto size = strtoul(size_string.characters(), &endptr, 16);
if (*endptr) {
// invalid number
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
return IterationDecision::Break;
if (size == 0) {
// This is the last chunk
// '0' *[; chunk-ext-name = chunk-ext-value]
// We're going to ignore _all_ chunk extensions
read_size = 0;
m_current_chunk_total_size = 0;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = 0;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Received the last chunk with extensions '{}'", size_string.substring_view(1, size_string.length() - 1));
} else {
m_current_chunk_total_size = size;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size;
read_size = size;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Chunk of size '{}' started", size);
} else {
read_size = remaining;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Resuming chunk with '{}' bytes left over", remaining);
} else {
auto transfer_encoding = m_headers.get("Transfer-Encoding");
if (transfer_encoding.has_value()) {
// HTTP/1.1
// If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the Content-Length. [...]
m_content_length = {};
// Note: Some servers add extra spaces around 'chunked', see #6302.
auto encoding = transfer_encoding.value().trim_whitespace();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: This content has transfer encoding '{}'", encoding);
if (encoding.equals_ignoring_case("chunked")) {
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = -1;
goto read_chunk_size;
} else {
dbgln("Job: Unknown transfer encoding '{}', the result will likely be wrong!", encoding);
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Waiting for payload for {}", m_request.url());
auto payload = receive(read_size);
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Received {} bytes of payload from {}", payload.size(), m_request.url());
if (payload.is_empty()) {
if (eof()) {
return IterationDecision::Break;
if (should_fail_on_empty_payload()) {
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
return IterationDecision::Break;
bool read_everything = false;
if (m_content_length.has_value()) {
auto length = m_content_length.value();
if (m_received_size + payload.size() >= length) {
payload.resize(length - m_received_size);
read_everything = true;
m_buffered_size += payload.size();
m_received_size += payload.size();
deferred_invoke([this] { did_progress(m_content_length, m_received_size); });
if (read_everything) {
VERIFY(m_received_size <= m_content_length.value());
return IterationDecision::Break;
if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) {
auto size = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value() - payload.size();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: We have {} bytes left over in this chunk", size);
if (size == 0) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Finished a chunk of {} bytes", m_current_chunk_total_size.value());
if (m_current_chunk_total_size.value() == 0) {
m_state = State::Trailers;
return IterationDecision::Break;
// we've read everything, now let's get the next chunk
size = -1;
if (can_read_line()) {
auto line = read_line(PAGE_SIZE);
} else {
m_should_read_chunk_ending_line = true;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
if (!is_established()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Connection appears to have closed, finishing up");
void Job::timer_event(Core::TimerEvent& event)
if (m_buffered_size == 0)
void Job::finish_up()
m_state = State::Finished;
if (!m_can_stream_response) {
auto flattened_buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(m_buffered_size).release_value(); // FIXME: Handle possible OOM situation.
u8* flat_ptr =;
for (auto& received_buffer : m_received_buffers) {
memcpy(flat_ptr,, received_buffer.size());
flat_ptr += received_buffer.size();
// For the time being, we cannot stream stuff with content-encoding set to _anything_.
// FIXME: LibCompress exposes a streaming interface, so this can be resolved
auto content_encoding = m_headers.get("Content-Encoding");
if (content_encoding.has_value()) {
if (auto result = handle_content_encoding(flattened_buffer, content_encoding.value()); result.has_value())
flattened_buffer = result.release_value();
return did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed);
m_buffered_size = flattened_buffer.size();
m_can_stream_response = true;
if (m_buffered_size != 0) {
// We have to wait for the client to consume all the downloaded data
// before we can actually call `did_finish`. in a normal flow, this should
// never be hit since the client is reading as we are writing, unless there
// are too many concurrent downloads going on.
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Flush finished with {} bytes remaining, will try again later", m_buffered_size);
if (!has_timer())
m_has_scheduled_finish = true;
auto response = HttpResponse::create(m_code, move(m_headers));
deferred_invoke([this, response = move(response)] {
// If the server responded with "Connection: close", close the connection
// as the server may or may not want to close the socket.
if (auto result = response->headers().get("Connection"sv); result.has_value() && result.value().equals_ignoring_case("close"sv))