Liav A 7c0540a229 Everywhere: Move global Kernel pattern code to Kernel/Library directory
This has KString, KBuffer, DoubleBuffer, KBufferBuilder, IOWindow,
UserOrKernelBuffer and ScopedCritical classes being moved to the
Kernel/Library subdirectory.

Also, move the panic and assertions handling code to that directory.
2023-06-04 21:32:34 +02:00

136 lines
3.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <Kernel/Devices/CharacterDevice.h>
#include <Kernel/Library/IOWindow.h>
namespace Kernel {
class SerialDevice final : public CharacterDevice {
friend class DeviceManagement;
static NonnullLockRefPtr<SerialDevice> must_create(size_t com_number);
virtual ~SerialDevice() override;
// ^CharacterDevice
virtual bool can_read(OpenFileDescription const&, u64) const override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(OpenFileDescription&, u64, UserOrKernelBuffer&, size_t) override;
virtual bool can_write(OpenFileDescription const&, u64) const override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(OpenFileDescription&, u64, UserOrKernelBuffer const&, size_t) override;
void put_char(char);
enum InterruptEnable {
LowPowerMode = 0x01 << 5,
SleepMode = 0x01 << 4,
ModemStatusInterrupt = 0x01 << 3,
ReceiverLineStatusInterrupt = 0x01 << 2,
TransmitterHoldingRegisterEmptyInterrupt = 0x01 << 1,
ReceivedDataAvailableInterrupt = 0x01 << 0
enum Baud {
Baud50 = 2304,
Baud110 = 1047,
Baud220 = 524,
Baud300 = 384,
Baud600 = 192,
Baud1200 = 96,
Baud2400 = 48,
Baud4800 = 24,
Baud9600 = 12,
Baud19200 = 6,
Baud38400 = 3,
Baud57600 = 2,
Baud115200 = 1
enum ParitySelect {
None = 0x00 << 3,
Odd = 0x01 << 3,
Even = 0x03 << 3,
Mark = 0x05 << 3,
Space = 0x07 << 3
enum StopBits {
One = 0x00 << 2,
Two = 0x01 << 2
enum WordLength {
FiveBits = 0x00,
SixBits = 0x01,
SevenBits = 0x02,
EightBits = 0x03
enum FIFOControl {
EnableFIFO = 0x01 << 0,
ClearReceiveFIFO = 0x01 << 1,
ClearTransmitFIFO = 0x01 << 2,
Enable64ByteFIFO = 0x01 << 5,
TriggerLevel1 = 0x00 << 6,
TriggerLevel2 = 0x01 << 6,
TriggerLevel3 = 0x02 << 6,
TriggerLevel4 = 0x03 << 6
enum ModemControl {
AutoflowControlEnabled = 0x01 << 5,
LoopbackMode = 0x01 << 4,
AuxiliaryOutput2 = 0x01 << 3,
AuxiliaryOutput1 = 0x01 << 2,
RequestToSend = 0x01 << 1,
DataTerminalReady = 0x01 << 0
enum LineStatus {
ErrorInReceivedFIFO = 0x01 << 7,
EmptyDataHoldingRegisters = 0x01 << 6,
EmptyTransmitterHoldingRegister = 0x01 << 5,
BreakInterrupt = 0x01 << 4,
FramingError = 0x01 << 3,
ParityError = 0x01 << 2,
OverrunError = 0x01 << 1,
DataReady = 0x01 << 0
SerialDevice(NonnullOwnPtr<IOWindow> registers_io_window, unsigned minor);
friend class PCISerialDevice;
// ^CharacterDevice
virtual StringView class_name() const override { return "SerialDevice"sv; }
void initialize();
void set_interrupts(bool interrupt_enable);
void set_baud(Baud);
void set_fifo_control(u8 fifo_control);
void set_line_control(ParitySelect, StopBits, WordLength);
void set_break_enable(bool break_enable);
void set_modem_control(u8 modem_control);
u8 get_line_status() const;
mutable NonnullOwnPtr<IOWindow> m_registers_io_window;
bool m_interrupt_enable { false };
u8 m_fifo_control { 0 };
Baud m_baud { Baud38400 };
ParitySelect m_parity_select { None };
StopBits m_stop_bits { One };
WordLength m_word_length { EightBits };
bool m_break_enable { false };
u8 m_modem_control { 0 };
bool m_last_put_char_was_carriage_return { false };
Spinlock<LockRank::None> m_serial_lock {};