Timothy Flynn 7103012c7d LibTimeZone: Add an API to retrieve both daylight and standard offsets
This API will also include the formatted name of the time zone, with
respect for DST (e.g. EST vs EDT for America/New_York).
2022-01-25 18:39:36 +00:00

180 lines
4.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <LibTimeZone/TimeZone.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace TimeZone {
// NOTE: Without ENABLE_TIME_ZONE_DATA LibTimeZone operates in a UTC-only mode and only recognizes
// the 'UTC' time zone, which is slightly more useful than a bunch of dummy functions that
// can't do anything. When we build with time zone data, these weakly linked functions are
// replaced with their proper counterparts.
enum class TimeZone : u16 {
class TimeZoneFile {
TimeZoneFile(char const* mode)
: m_file(fopen("/etc/timezone", mode))
if (m_file)
if (m_file) {
ErrorOr<String> read_time_zone()
if (!m_file)
return Error::from_string_literal("Could not open /etc/timezone");
Array<u8, 128> buffer;
size_t bytes = fread(, 1, buffer.size(), m_file);
if (bytes == 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("Could not read time zone from /etc/timezone");
return String(buffer.span().slice(0, bytes)).trim_whitespace();
ErrorOr<void> write_time_zone(StringView time_zone)
if (!m_file)
return Error::from_string_literal("Could not open /etc/timezone");
auto bytes = fwrite(time_zone.characters_without_null_termination(), 1, time_zone.length(), m_file);
if (bytes != time_zone.length())
return Error::from_string_literal("Could not write new time zone to /etc/timezone");
return {};
FILE* m_file { nullptr };
StringView current_time_zone()
TimeZoneFile time_zone_file("r");
// FIXME: Propagate the error to existing callers.
if (auto time_zone = time_zone_file.read_time_zone(); !time_zone.is_error())
return canonicalize_time_zone(time_zone.value()).value_or("UTC"sv);
return "UTC"sv;
ErrorOr<void> change_time_zone([[maybe_unused]] StringView time_zone)
#ifdef __serenity__
TimeZoneFile time_zone_file("w");
if (auto new_time_zone = canonicalize_time_zone(time_zone); new_time_zone.has_value())
return time_zone_file.write_time_zone(*new_time_zone);
return Error::from_string_literal("Provided time zone is not supported");
// Do not even attempt to change the time zone of someone's host machine.
return {};
Span<StringView const> __attribute__((weak)) all_time_zones()
static constexpr auto utc = Array { "UTC"sv };
return utc;
return {};
Optional<TimeZone> __attribute__((weak)) time_zone_from_string([[maybe_unused]] StringView time_zone)
if (time_zone.equals_ignoring_case("UTC"sv))
return TimeZone::UTC;
return {};
StringView __attribute__((weak)) time_zone_to_string([[maybe_unused]] TimeZone time_zone)
VERIFY(time_zone == TimeZone::UTC);
return "UTC"sv;
return {};
Optional<StringView> canonicalize_time_zone(StringView time_zone)
auto maybe_time_zone = time_zone_from_string(time_zone);
if (!maybe_time_zone.has_value())
return {};
auto canonical_time_zone = time_zone_to_string(*maybe_time_zone);
if (canonical_time_zone.is_one_of("Etc/UTC"sv, "Etc/GMT"sv))
return "UTC"sv;
return canonical_time_zone;
Optional<DaylightSavingsRule> __attribute__((weak)) daylight_savings_rule_from_string(StringView) { return {}; }
StringView __attribute__((weak)) daylight_savings_rule_to_string(DaylightSavingsRule) { return {}; }
Optional<Offset> __attribute__((weak)) get_time_zone_offset([[maybe_unused]] TimeZone time_zone, AK::Time)
VERIFY(time_zone == TimeZone::UTC);
return Offset {};
return {};
Optional<Offset> get_time_zone_offset(StringView time_zone, AK::Time time)
if (auto maybe_time_zone = time_zone_from_string(time_zone); maybe_time_zone.has_value())
return get_time_zone_offset(*maybe_time_zone, time);
return {};
Optional<Array<NamedOffset, 2>> __attribute__((weak)) get_named_time_zone_offsets([[maybe_unused]] TimeZone time_zone, AK::Time)
VERIFY(time_zone == TimeZone::UTC);
NamedOffset utc_offset {}; = "UTC"sv;
return Array { utc_offset, utc_offset };
return {};
Optional<Array<NamedOffset, 2>> get_named_time_zone_offsets(StringView time_zone, AK::Time time)
if (auto maybe_time_zone = time_zone_from_string(time_zone); maybe_time_zone.has_value())
return get_named_time_zone_offsets(*maybe_time_zone, time);
return {};