mirror of
synced 2025-01-24 10:12:25 -05:00
This generally seems like a better name, especially if we somehow also need a better name for "read the entire buffer, but not the entire file" somewhere down the line.
830 lines
30 KiB
830 lines
30 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021, Linus Groh <linusg@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, David Tuin <davidot@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/DeprecatedString.h>
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/JsonObject.h>
#include <AK/Result.h>
#include <AK/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/Stream.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/BasicBlock.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/Generator.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/Interpreter.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/PassManager.h>
#include <LibJS/Contrib/Test262/GlobalObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Interpreter.h>
#include <LibJS/Parser.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibJS/Script.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if !defined(AK_OS_MACOS) && !defined(AK_OS_EMSCRIPTEN)
// Only used to disable core dumps
# include <sys/prctl.h>
static DeprecatedString s_current_test = "";
static bool s_use_bytecode = false;
static bool s_enable_bytecode_optimizations = false;
static bool s_parse_only = false;
static DeprecatedString s_harness_file_directory;
static bool s_automatic_harness_detection_mode = false;
enum class NegativePhase {
struct TestError {
NegativePhase phase { NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly };
DeprecatedString type;
DeprecatedString details;
DeprecatedString harness_file;
using ScriptOrModuleProgram = Variant<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>, JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::SourceTextModule>>;
template<typename ScriptType>
static Result<ScriptOrModuleProgram, TestError> parse_program(JS::Realm& realm, StringView source, StringView filepath)
auto script_or_error = ScriptType::parse(source, realm, filepath);
if (script_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
return ScriptOrModuleProgram { script_or_error.release_value() };
static Result<ScriptOrModuleProgram, TestError> parse_program(JS::Realm& realm, StringView source, StringView filepath, JS::Program::Type program_type)
if (program_type == JS::Program::Type::Script)
return parse_program<JS::Script>(realm, source, filepath);
return parse_program<JS::SourceTextModule>(realm, source, filepath);
template<typename InterpreterT>
static Result<void, TestError> run_program(InterpreterT& interpreter, ScriptOrModuleProgram& program)
auto result = JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value> { JS::js_undefined() };
if constexpr (IsSame<InterpreterT, JS::Interpreter>) {
result = program.visit(
[&](auto& visitor) {
return interpreter.run(*visitor);
} else {
auto program_node = program.visit(
[](auto& visitor) -> NonnullRefPtr<JS::Program> {
return visitor->parse_node();
auto unit_result = JS::Bytecode::Generator::generate(program_node);
if (unit_result.is_error()) {
result = JS::throw_completion(JS::InternalError::create(interpreter.realm(), DeprecatedString::formatted("TODO({})", unit_result.error().to_deprecated_string())));
} else {
auto unit = unit_result.release_value();
auto optimization_level = s_enable_bytecode_optimizations ? JS::Bytecode::Interpreter::OptimizationLevel::Optimize : JS::Bytecode::Interpreter::OptimizationLevel::Default;
auto& passes = JS::Bytecode::Interpreter::optimization_pipeline(optimization_level);
result = interpreter.run(*unit);
if (result.is_error()) {
auto error_value = *result.throw_completion().value();
TestError error;
error.phase = NegativePhase::Runtime;
if (error_value.is_object()) {
auto& object = error_value.as_object();
auto name = object.get_without_side_effects("name");
if (!name.is_empty() && !name.is_accessor()) {
error.type = name.to_string_without_side_effects();
} else {
auto constructor = object.get_without_side_effects("constructor");
if (constructor.is_object()) {
name = constructor.as_object().get_without_side_effects("name");
if (!name.is_undefined())
error.type = name.to_string_without_side_effects();
auto message = object.get_without_side_effects("message");
if (!message.is_empty() && !message.is_accessor())
error.details = message.to_string_without_side_effects();
if (error.type.is_empty())
error.type = error_value.to_string_without_side_effects();
return error;
return {};
static HashMap<DeprecatedString, DeprecatedString> s_cached_harness_files;
static Result<StringView, TestError> read_harness_file(StringView harness_file)
auto cache = s_cached_harness_files.find(harness_file);
if (cache == s_cached_harness_files.end()) {
auto file_or_error = Core::Stream::File::open(DeprecatedString::formatted("{}{}", s_harness_file_directory, harness_file), Core::Stream::OpenMode::Read);
if (file_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
DeprecatedString::formatted("Could not open file: {}", harness_file),
auto contents_or_error = file_or_error.value()->read_until_eof();
if (contents_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
DeprecatedString::formatted("Could not read file: {}", harness_file),
StringView contents_view = contents_or_error.value();
s_cached_harness_files.set(harness_file, contents_view.to_deprecated_string());
cache = s_cached_harness_files.find(harness_file);
VERIFY(cache != s_cached_harness_files.end());
return cache->value.view();
static Result<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>, TestError> parse_harness_files(JS::Realm& realm, StringView harness_file)
auto source_or_error = read_harness_file(harness_file);
if (source_or_error.is_error())
return source_or_error.release_error();
auto program_or_error = parse_program<JS::Script>(realm, source_or_error.value(), harness_file);
if (program_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
return program_or_error.release_value().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>>();
enum class StrictMode {
static constexpr auto sta_harness_file = "sta.js"sv;
static constexpr auto assert_harness_file = "assert.js"sv;
static constexpr auto async_include = "doneprintHandle.js"sv;
struct TestMetadata {
Vector<StringView> harness_files { sta_harness_file, assert_harness_file };
StrictMode strict_mode { StrictMode::Both };
JS::Program::Type program_type { JS::Program::Type::Script };
bool is_async { false };
bool is_negative { false };
NegativePhase phase { NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly };
StringView type;
static Result<void, TestError> run_test(StringView source, StringView filepath, TestMetadata const& metadata)
if (s_parse_only || (metadata.is_negative && metadata.phase == NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly && metadata.program_type != JS::Program::Type::Module)) {
// Creating the vm and interpreter is heavy so we just parse directly here.
// We can also skip if we know the test is supposed to fail during parse
// time. Unfortunately the phases of modules are not as clear and thus we
// only do this for scripts. See also the comment at the end of verify_test.
auto parser = JS::Parser(JS::Lexer(source, filepath), metadata.program_type);
auto program_or_error = parser.parse_program();
if (parser.has_errors()) {
return TestError {
return {};
auto vm = JS::VM::create();
auto ast_interpreter = JS::Interpreter::create<JS::Test262::GlobalObject>(*vm);
auto& realm = ast_interpreter->realm();
auto program_or_error = parse_program(realm, source, filepath, metadata.program_type);
if (program_or_error.is_error())
return program_or_error.release_error();
OwnPtr<JS::Bytecode::Interpreter> bytecode_interpreter = nullptr;
if (s_use_bytecode)
bytecode_interpreter = make<JS::Bytecode::Interpreter>(realm);
auto run_with_interpreter = [&](ScriptOrModuleProgram& program) {
if (s_use_bytecode)
return run_program(*bytecode_interpreter, program);
return run_program(*ast_interpreter, program);
for (auto& harness_file : metadata.harness_files) {
auto harness_program_or_error = parse_harness_files(realm, harness_file);
if (harness_program_or_error.is_error())
return harness_program_or_error.release_error();
ScriptOrModuleProgram harness_program { harness_program_or_error.release_value() };
auto result = run_with_interpreter(harness_program);
if (result.is_error()) {
return TestError {
return run_with_interpreter(program_or_error.value());
static Result<TestMetadata, DeprecatedString> extract_metadata(StringView source)
auto lines = source.lines();
TestMetadata metadata;
bool parsing_negative = false;
DeprecatedString failed_message;
auto parse_list = [&](StringView line) {
auto start = line.find('[');
if (!start.has_value())
return Vector<StringView> {};
Vector<StringView> items;
auto end = line.find_last(']');
if (!end.has_value() || end.value() <= start.value()) {
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Can't parse list in '{}'", line);
return items;
auto list = line.substring_view(start.value() + 1, end.value() - start.value() - 1);
for (auto const& item : list.split_view(","sv))
return items;
auto second_word = [&](StringView line) {
auto separator = line.find(' ');
if (!separator.has_value() || separator.value() >= (line.length() - 1u)) {
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Can't parse value after space in '{}'", line);
return ""sv;
return line.substring_view(separator.value() + 1);
Vector<StringView> include_list;
bool parsing_includes_list = false;
bool has_phase = false;
for (auto raw_line : lines) {
if (!failed_message.is_empty())
if (raw_line.starts_with("---*/"sv)) {
if (parsing_includes_list) {
for (auto& file : include_list)
return metadata;
auto line = raw_line.trim_whitespace();
if (parsing_includes_list) {
if (line.starts_with('-')) {
} else {
if (include_list.is_empty()) {
failed_message = "Supposed to parse a list but found no entries";
for (auto& file : include_list)
parsing_includes_list = false;
if (parsing_negative) {
if (line.starts_with("phase:"sv)) {
auto phase = second_word(line);
has_phase = true;
if (phase == "early"sv || phase == "parse"sv) {
metadata.phase = NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly;
} else if (phase == "resolution"sv) {
metadata.phase = NegativePhase::Resolution;
} else if (phase == "runtime"sv) {
metadata.phase = NegativePhase::Runtime;
} else {
has_phase = false;
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Unknown negative phase: {}", phase);
} else if (line.starts_with("type:"sv)) {
metadata.type = second_word(line);
} else {
if (!has_phase) {
failed_message = "Failed to find phase in negative attributes";
if (metadata.type.is_null()) {
failed_message = "Failed to find type in negative attributes";
parsing_negative = false;
if (line.starts_with("flags:"sv)) {
auto flags = parse_list(line);
if (flags.is_empty()) {
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Failed to find flags in '{}'", line);
for (auto flag : flags) {
if (flag == "raw"sv) {
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::NoStrict;
} else if (flag == "noStrict"sv) {
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::NoStrict;
} else if (flag == "onlyStrict"sv) {
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::OnlyStrict;
} else if (flag == "module"sv) {
VERIFY(metadata.strict_mode == StrictMode::Both);
metadata.program_type = JS::Program::Type::Module;
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::NoStrict;
} else if (flag == "async"sv) {
metadata.is_async = true;
} else if (line.starts_with("includes:"sv)) {
auto files = parse_list(line);
if (files.is_empty()) {
parsing_includes_list = true;
} else {
for (auto& file : files)
} else if (line.starts_with("negative:"sv)) {
metadata.is_negative = true;
parsing_negative = true;
if (failed_message.is_empty())
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Never reached end of comment '---*/'");
return failed_message;
static bool verify_test(Result<void, TestError>& result, TestMetadata const& metadata, JsonObject& output)
if (result.is_error()) {
if (result.error().phase == NegativePhase::Harness) {
output.set("harness_error", true);
output.set("harness_file", result.error().harness_file);
output.set("result", "harness_error");
} else if (result.error().phase == NegativePhase::Runtime) {
auto& error_type = result.error().type;
auto& error_details = result.error().details;
if ((error_type == "InternalError"sv && error_details.starts_with("TODO("sv))
|| (error_type == "Test262Error"sv && error_details.ends_with(" but got a InternalError"sv))) {
output.set("todo_error", true);
output.set("result", "todo_error");
if (metadata.is_async && output.has("output"sv)) {
auto& output_messages = output.get("output"sv);
if (output_messages.as_string().contains("AsyncTestFailure:InternalError: TODO("sv)) {
output.set("todo_error", true);
output.set("result", "todo_error");
auto phase_to_string = [](NegativePhase phase) {
switch (phase) {
case NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly:
return "parse";
case NegativePhase::Resolution:
return "resolution";
case NegativePhase::Runtime:
return "runtime";
case NegativePhase::Harness:
return "harness";
auto error_to_json = [&phase_to_string](TestError const& error) {
JsonObject error_object;
error_object.set("phase", phase_to_string(error.phase));
error_object.set("type", error.type);
error_object.set("details", error.details);
return error_object;
JsonValue expected_error;
JsonValue got_error;
ScopeGuard set_error = [&] {
JsonObject error_object;
error_object.set("expected", expected_error);
error_object.set("got", got_error);
output.set("error", error_object);
if (!metadata.is_negative) {
if (!result.is_error())
return true;
got_error = JsonValue { error_to_json(result.error()) };
return false;
JsonObject expected_error_object;
expected_error_object.set("phase", phase_to_string(metadata.phase));
expected_error_object.set("type", metadata.type.to_deprecated_string());
expected_error = expected_error_object;
if (!result.is_error()) {
if (s_parse_only && metadata.phase != NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly) {
// Expected non-parse error but did not get it but we never got to that phase.
return true;
return false;
auto const& error = result.error();
got_error = JsonValue { error_to_json(error) };
if (metadata.program_type == JS::Program::Type::Module && metadata.type == "SyntaxError"sv) {
// NOTE: Since the "phase" of negative results is both not defined and hard to
// track throughout the entire Module life span we will just accept any
// SyntaxError as the correct one.
// See for example:
// - test/language/module-code/instn-star-err-not-found.js
// - test/language/module-code/instn-resolve-err-syntax-1.js
// - test/language/import/json-invalid.js
// The first fails in runtime because there is no 'x' to export
// However this is during the linking phase of the upper module.
// Whereas the second fails with a SyntaxError because the linked module
// has one.
// The third test is the same as the second, upper module is fine but
// import a module with SyntaxError, however here the phase is runtime.
// In conclusion all the test which would cause the initial module to not
// be evaluated !should! have '$DONOTEVALUATE();' at the top causing a
// Reference error, meaning we just ignore the phase in the SyntaxError case.
return error.type == metadata.type;
return error.phase == metadata.phase && error.type == metadata.type;
static bool extract_harness_directory(DeprecatedString const& test_file_path)
auto test_directory_index = test_file_path.find("test/"sv);
if (!test_directory_index.has_value()) {
warnln("Attempted to find harness directory from test file '{}', but did not find 'test/'", test_file_path);
return false;
s_harness_file_directory = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}harness/", test_file_path.substring_view(0, test_directory_index.value()));
return true;
static FILE* saved_stdout_fd;
static bool g_in_assert = false;
[[noreturn]] static void handle_failed_assert(char const* assert_failed_message)
if (!g_in_assert) {
// Just in case we trigger an assert while creating the JSON output just
// immediately stop if we are already in a failed assert.
g_in_assert = true;
JsonObject assert_fail_result;
assert_fail_result.set("test", s_current_test);
assert_fail_result.set("assert_fail", true);
assert_fail_result.set("result", "assert_fail");
assert_fail_result.set("output", assert_failed_message);
outln(saved_stdout_fd, "RESULT {}{}", assert_fail_result.to_deprecated_string(), '\0');
// (Attempt to) Ensure that messages are written before quitting.
void __assertion_failed(char const* assertion)
extern "C" __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __assert_fail(char const* assertion, char const* file, int line, char const* function)
# else
extern "C" __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __assert_fail(char const* assertion, char const* file, unsigned int line, char const* function)
# endif
auto full_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}:{}: {}: Assertion `{}' failed.", file, line, function, assertion);
constexpr int exit_wrong_arguments = 2;
constexpr int exit_stdout_setup_failed = 1;
constexpr int exit_setup_input_failure = 7;
constexpr int exit_read_file_failure = 3;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int timeout = 10;
bool enable_debug_printing = false;
bool disable_core_dumping = false;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.set_general_help("LibJS test262 runner for streaming tests");
args_parser.add_option(s_harness_file_directory, "Directory containing the harness files", "harness-location", 'l', "harness-files");
args_parser.add_option(s_use_bytecode, "Use the bytecode interpreter", "use-bytecode", 'b');
args_parser.add_option(s_enable_bytecode_optimizations, "Enable the bytecode optimization passes", "enable-bytecode-optimizations", 'e');
args_parser.add_option(s_parse_only, "Only parse the files", "parse-only", 'p');
args_parser.add_option(timeout, "Seconds before test should timeout", "timeout", 't', "seconds");
args_parser.add_option(enable_debug_printing, "Enable debug printing", "debug", 'd');
args_parser.add_option(disable_core_dumping, "Disable core dumping", "disable-core-dump", 0);
args_parser.parse(argc, argv);
#if !defined(AK_OS_MACOS) && !defined(AK_OS_EMSCRIPTEN)
if (disable_core_dumping && prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0) < 0) {
return exit_wrong_arguments;
if (s_harness_file_directory.is_empty()) {
s_automatic_harness_detection_mode = true;
} else if (!s_harness_file_directory.ends_with('/')) {
s_harness_file_directory = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/", s_harness_file_directory);
if (timeout <= 0) {
warnln("timeout must be at least 1");
return exit_wrong_arguments;
// The piping stuff is based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/956269.
constexpr auto BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * KiB;
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = {};
auto saved_stdout = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);
if (saved_stdout < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
saved_stdout_fd = fdopen(saved_stdout, "w");
if (!saved_stdout_fd) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
int stdout_pipe[2];
if (pipe(stdout_pipe) < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
auto flags = fcntl(stdout_pipe[0], F_GETFL);
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(stdout_pipe[0], F_SETFL, flags);
auto flags2 = fcntl(stdout_pipe[1], F_GETFL);
flags2 |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(stdout_pipe[1], F_SETFL, flags2);
if (dup2(stdout_pipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
if (close(stdout_pipe[1]) < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
auto collect_output = [&] {
auto nread = read(stdout_pipe[0], buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
DeprecatedString value;
if (nread > 0) {
value = DeprecatedString { buffer, static_cast<size_t>(nread) };
while (nread > 0) {
nread = read(stdout_pipe[0], buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
return value;
#define ARM_TIMER() \
#define DISARM_TIMER() \
auto standard_input_or_error = Core::Stream::File::standard_input();
if (standard_input_or_error.is_error())
return exit_setup_input_failure;
Array<u8, 1024> input_buffer {};
auto buffered_standard_input_or_error = Core::Stream::BufferedFile::create(standard_input_or_error.release_value());
if (buffered_standard_input_or_error.is_error())
return exit_setup_input_failure;
auto& buffered_input_stream = buffered_standard_input_or_error.value();
size_t count = 0;
while (!buffered_input_stream->is_eof()) {
auto path_or_error = buffered_input_stream->read_line(input_buffer);
if (path_or_error.is_error() || path_or_error.value().is_empty())
auto& path = path_or_error.value();
s_current_test = path;
if (s_automatic_harness_detection_mode) {
if (!extract_harness_directory(path))
return exit_read_file_failure;
s_automatic_harness_detection_mode = false;
auto file_or_error = Core::Stream::File::open(path, Core::Stream::OpenMode::Read);
if (file_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("Could not open file: {}", path);
return exit_read_file_failure;
auto& file = file_or_error.value();
DeprecatedString source_with_strict;
static StringView use_strict = "'use strict';\n"sv;
static size_t strict_length = use_strict.length();
auto contents_or_error = file->read_until_eof();
if (contents_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("Could not read contents of file: {}", path);
return exit_read_file_failure;
auto& contents = contents_or_error.value();
StringBuilder builder { contents.size() + strict_length };
source_with_strict = builder.to_deprecated_string();
StringView with_strict = source_with_strict.view();
StringView original_contents = source_with_strict.substring_view(strict_length);
JsonObject result_object;
result_object.set("test", path);
ScopeGuard output_guard = [&] {
outln(saved_stdout_fd, "RESULT {}{}", result_object.to_deprecated_string(), '\0');
auto metadata_or_error = extract_metadata(original_contents);
if (metadata_or_error.is_error()) {
result_object.set("result", "metadata_error");
result_object.set("metadata_error", true);
result_object.set("metadata_output", metadata_or_error.error());
auto& metadata = metadata_or_error.value();
bool passed = true;
if (metadata.strict_mode != StrictMode::OnlyStrict) {
result_object.set("strict_mode", false);
auto result = run_test(original_contents, path, metadata);
DeprecatedString first_output = collect_output();
if (!first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("output", first_output);
passed = verify_test(result, metadata, result_object);
if (metadata.is_async && !s_parse_only) {
if (!first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestComplete"sv) || first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestFailure"sv)) {
result_object.set("async_fail", true);
if (first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("output", JsonValue { AK::JsonValue::Type::Null });
passed = false;
if (passed && metadata.strict_mode != StrictMode::NoStrict) {
result_object.set("strict_mode", true);
auto result = run_test(with_strict, path, metadata);
DeprecatedString first_output = collect_output();
if (!first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("strict_output", first_output);
passed = verify_test(result, metadata, result_object);
if (metadata.is_async && !s_parse_only) {
if (!first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestComplete"sv) || first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestFailure"sv)) {
result_object.set("async_fail", true);
if (first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("output", JsonValue { AK::JsonValue::Type::Null });
passed = false;
if (passed)
if (!result_object.has("result"sv))
result_object.set("result"sv, passed ? "passed"sv : "failed"sv);
s_current_test = "";
outln(saved_stdout_fd, "DONE {}", count);
// After this point we have already written our output so pretend everything is fine if we get an error.
if (dup2(saved_stdout, STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) {
return 0;
if (fclose(saved_stdout_fd) < 0) {
return 0;
if (close(stdout_pipe[0]) < 0) {
return 0;
return 0;