Jonne Ransijn 75b482bbb9 AK: Fix "assignment from temporary" check of Optional::operator=
There was an existing check to ensure that `U` was an lvalue reference,
but when this check fails, overload resolution will just move right on
to the copy asignment operator, which will cause the temporary to be
assigned anyway.

Disallowing `Optional<T&>`s to be created from temporaries entirely
would be undesired, since existing code has valid reasons for creating
`Optional<T&>`s from temporaries, such as for function call arguments.

This fix explicitly deletes the `Optional::operator=(U&&)` operator,
so overload resolution stops.
2024-11-24 23:04:34 -07:00

612 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, Daniel Bertalan <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/Noncopyable.h>
#include <AK/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <AK/Try.h>
#include <AK/Types.h>
#include <AK/kmalloc.h>
namespace AK {
namespace Detail {
template<auto condition, typename T>
struct ConditionallyResultType;
template<typename T>
struct ConditionallyResultType<true, T> {
using Type = typename T::ResultType;
template<typename T>
struct ConditionallyResultType<false, T> {
using Type = T;
template<auto condition, typename T>
using ConditionallyResultType = typename Detail::ConditionallyResultType<condition, T>::Type;
// NOTE: If you're here because of an internal compiler error in GCC 10.3.0+,
// it's because of the following bug:
// Make sure you didn't accidentally make your destructor private before
// you start bug hunting. :^)
class Optional;
struct OptionalNone {
explicit OptionalNone() = default;
template<typename T, typename Self = Optional<T>>
requires(!IsLvalueReference<Self>) class [[nodiscard]] OptionalBase {
using ValueType = T;
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Self& operator=(V)
return static_cast<Self&>(*this);
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T* ptr() &
return static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value() ? __builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T*>(&static_cast<Self&>(*this).value())) : nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T const* ptr() const&
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() ? __builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T const*>(&static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value())) : nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value_or(T const& fallback) const&
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return fallback;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value_or(T&& fallback) &&
if (static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value())
return move(static_cast<Self&>(*this).value());
return move(fallback);
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE O value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE Optional<O> value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<O> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<Optional<O>> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename O>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(Optional<O> const& other) const
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() == (other).has_value()
&& (!static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() || static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value() == (other).value());
template<typename O>
requires(!Detail::IsBaseOf<OptionalBase<T, Self>, O>)
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(O const& other) const
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() && static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value() == other;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T const& operator*() const { return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value(); }
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T& operator*() { return static_cast<Self&>(*this).value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T const* operator->() const { return &static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T* operator->() { return &static_cast<Self&>(*this).value(); }
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper)
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(static_cast<Self&>(*this).value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { mapper(static_cast<Self&>(*this).value()) };
return OptionalType {};
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper) const
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { mapper(static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value()) };
return OptionalType {};
template<typename T>
requires(!IsLvalueReference<T>) class [[nodiscard]] Optional<T> : public OptionalBase<T, Optional<T>> {
template<typename U>
friend class Optional;
static_assert(!IsLvalueReference<T> && !IsRvalueReference<T>);
using ValueType = T;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional() = default;
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional(V) { }
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional& operator=(V)
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional const& other)
: m_has_value(other.m_has_value)
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.value());
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional&& other)
: m_has_value(other.m_has_value)
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.release_value());
template<typename U>
requires(IsConstructible<T, U const&> && !IsSpecializationOf<T, Optional> && !IsSpecializationOf<U, Optional>) ALWAYS_INLINE explicit Optional(Optional<U> const& other)
: m_has_value(other.has_value())
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.value());
template<typename U>
requires(IsConstructible<T, U &&> && !IsSpecializationOf<T, Optional> && !IsSpecializationOf<U, Optional>) ALWAYS_INLINE explicit Optional(Optional<U>&& other)
: m_has_value(other.has_value())
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.release_value());
template<typename U = T>
requires(!IsSame<OptionalNone, RemoveCVReference<U>>)
ALWAYS_INLINE explicit(!IsConvertible<U&&, T>) Optional(U&& value)
requires(!IsSame<RemoveCVReference<U>, Optional<T>> && IsConstructible<T, U &&>)
: m_has_value(true)
new (&m_storage) T(forward<U>(value));
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional const& other)
requires(!IsTriviallyCopyConstructible<T> || !IsTriviallyDestructible<T>)
if (this != &other) {
m_has_value = other.m_has_value;
if (other.has_value()) {
new (&m_storage) T(other.value());
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional&& other)
if (this != &other) {
m_has_value = other.m_has_value;
if (other.has_value()) {
new (&m_storage) T(other.release_value());
return *this;
template<typename O>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(Optional<O> const& other) const
return has_value() == other.has_value() && (!has_value() || value() == other.value());
template<typename O>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(O const& other) const
return has_value() && value() == other;
requires(!IsTriviallyDestructible<T> && IsDestructible<T>)
ALWAYS_INLINE void clear()
if (m_has_value) {
m_has_value = false;
template<typename... Parameters>
ALWAYS_INLINE void emplace(Parameters&&... parameters)
m_has_value = true;
new (&m_storage) T(forward<Parameters>(parameters)...);
template<typename Callable>
ALWAYS_INLINE void lazy_emplace(Callable callable)
m_has_value = true;
new (&m_storage) T { callable() };
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_value() const { return m_has_value; }
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T& value() &
return *__builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_storage));
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T const& value() const&
return *__builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T const*>(&m_storage));
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value() &&
return release_value();
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T release_value()
T released_value = move(value());
m_has_value = false;
return released_value;
alignas(T) u8 m_storage[sizeof(T)];
bool m_has_value { false };
template<typename T>
requires(IsLvalueReference<T>) class [[nodiscard]] Optional<T> {
friend class Optional;
template<typename U>
constexpr static bool CanBePlacedInOptional = IsSame<RemoveReference<T>, RemoveReference<AddConstToReferencedType<U>>> && (IsBaseOf<RemoveCVReference<T>, RemoveCVReference<U>> || IsSame<RemoveCVReference<T>, RemoveCVReference<U>>);
using ValueType = T;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional() = default;
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional(V) { }
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional& operator=(V)
return *this;
template<typename U = T>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(U& value)
: m_pointer(&value)
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(RemoveReference<T>& value)
: m_pointer(&value)
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional const& other)
: m_pointer(other.m_pointer)
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional&& other)
: m_pointer(other.m_pointer)
other.m_pointer = nullptr;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional<U>& other)
: m_pointer(other.ptr())
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional<U> const& other)
requires(CanBePlacedInOptional<U const>)
: m_pointer(other.ptr())
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional<U>&& other)
: m_pointer(other.ptr())
other.m_pointer = nullptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional& other)
m_pointer = other.m_pointer;
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional const& other)
m_pointer = other.m_pointer;
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional&& other)
m_pointer = other.m_pointer;
other.m_pointer = nullptr;
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional<U>& other)
m_pointer = other.ptr();
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional<U> const& other)
requires(CanBePlacedInOptional<U const>)
m_pointer = other.ptr();
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional<U>&& other)
requires(CanBePlacedInOptional<U> && IsLvalueReference<U>)
m_pointer = other.m_pointer;
other.m_pointer = nullptr;
return *this;
template<typename U>
requires(!IsSame<OptionalNone, RemoveCVReference<U>>)
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(U& value)
m_pointer = &value;
return *this;
// Note: Disallows assignment from a temporary as this does not do any lifetime extension.
template<typename U>
requires(!IsSame<OptionalNone, RemoveCVReference<U>>)
ALWAYS_INLINE consteval Optional& operator=(RemoveReference<U> const&& value)
= delete;
ALWAYS_INLINE void clear()
m_pointer = nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_value() const { return m_pointer != nullptr; }
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE RemoveReference<T>* ptr()
return m_pointer;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE RemoveReference<T> const* ptr() const
return m_pointer;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value()
return *m_pointer;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE AddConstToReferencedType<T> value() const
return *m_pointer;
template<typename U>
requires(IsBaseOf<RemoveCVReference<T>, U>) [[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE AddConstToReferencedType<T> value_or(U& fallback) const
if (m_pointer)
return value();
return fallback;
// Note that this ends up copying the value.
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE RemoveCVReference<T> value_or(RemoveCVReference<T> fallback) const
if (m_pointer)
return value();
return fallback;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T release_value()
return *exchange(m_pointer, nullptr);
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(Optional<U> const& other) const
return has_value() == other.has_value() && (!has_value() || value() == other.value());
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(U const& other) const
return has_value() && value() == other;
ALWAYS_INLINE AddConstToReferencedType<T> operator*() const { return value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T operator*() { return value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE RawPtr<AddConst<RemoveReference<T>>> operator->() const { return &value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE RawPtr<RemoveReference<T>> operator->() { return &value(); }
// Conversion operators from Optional<T&> -> Optional<T>
ALWAYS_INLINE operator Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>>() const
if (has_value())
return Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>>(value());
return {};
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE Optional<T> value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<T> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<Optional<T>> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper)
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { mapper(value()) };
return OptionalType {};
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper) const
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { mapper(value()) };
return OptionalType {};
RemoveReference<T>* m_pointer { nullptr };
using AK::Optional;
using AK::OptionalNone;