mirror of
synced 2025-01-24 18:24:45 -05:00
Resulting in a massive rename across almost everywhere! Alongside the namespace change, we now have the following names: * JS::NonnullGCPtr -> GC::Ref * JS::GCPtr -> GC::Ptr * JS::HeapFunction -> GC::Function * JS::CellImpl -> GC::Cell * JS::Handle -> GC::Root
2510 lines
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2510 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020, Andreas Kling <andreas@ladybird.org>
* Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Linus Groh <linusg@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, David Tuin <davidot@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/AllOf.h>
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/ByteString.h>
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/FloatingPointStringConversions.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <AK/StringFloatingPointConversions.h>
#include <AK/Utf8View.h>
#include <LibCrypto/BigInt/SignedBigInteger.h>
#include <LibCrypto/NumberTheory/ModularFunctions.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Accessor.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Array.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/BigInt.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/BigIntObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/BooleanObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/BoundFunction.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Completion.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Error.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/FunctionObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/NativeFunction.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/NumberObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Object.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PrimitiveString.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ProxyObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/RegExpObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/StringObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/StringPrototype.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/SymbolObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Utf16String.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Value.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ValueInlines.h>
#include <math.h>
namespace JS {
static inline bool same_type_for_equality(Value const& lhs, Value const& rhs)
// If the top two bytes are identical then either:
// both are NaN boxed Values with the same type
// or they are doubles which happen to have the same top bytes.
if ((lhs.encoded() & GC::TAG_EXTRACTION) == (rhs.encoded() & GC::TAG_EXTRACTION))
return true;
if (lhs.is_number() && rhs.is_number())
return true;
// One of the Values is not a number and they do not have the same tag
return false;
static Crypto::SignedBigInteger const BIGINT_ZERO { 0 };
ALWAYS_INLINE bool both_number(Value const& lhs, Value const& rhs)
return lhs.is_number() && rhs.is_number();
ALWAYS_INLINE bool both_bigint(Value const& lhs, Value const& rhs)
return lhs.is_bigint() && rhs.is_bigint();
// Number::toString ( x ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-tostring
// Implementation for radix = 10
static void number_to_string_impl(StringBuilder& builder, double d, NumberToStringMode mode)
auto convert_to_decimal_digits_array = [](auto x, auto& digits, auto& length) {
for (; x; x /= 10)
digits[length++] = x % 10 | '0';
for (i32 i = 0; 2 * i + 1 < length; ++i)
swap(digits[i], digits[length - i - 1]);
// 1. If x is NaN, return "NaN".
if (isnan(d)) {
// 2. If x is +0𝔽 or -0𝔽, return "0".
if (d == +0.0 || d == -0.0) {
// 4. If x is +∞𝔽, return "Infinity".
if (isinf(d)) {
if (d > 0) {
// 5. Let n, k, and s be integers such that k ≥ 1, radix ^ (k - 1) ≤ s < radix ^ k,
// 𝔽(s × radix ^ (n - k)) is x, and k is as small as possible. Note that k is the number of
// digits in the representation of s using radix radix, that s is not divisible by radix, and
// that the least significant digit of s is not necessarily uniquely determined by these criteria.
// Note: guarantees provided by convert_floating_point_to_decimal_exponential_form satisfy
// requirements of NOTE 2.
auto [sign, mantissa, exponent] = convert_floating_point_to_decimal_exponential_form(d);
i32 k = 0;
AK::Array<char, 20> mantissa_digits;
convert_to_decimal_digits_array(mantissa, mantissa_digits, k);
i32 n = exponent + k; // s = mantissa
// 3. If x < -0𝔽, return the string-concatenation of "-" and Number::toString(-x, radix).
if (sign)
// Non-standard: Intl needs number-to-string conversions for extremely large numbers without any
// exponential formatting, as it will handle such formatting itself in a locale-aware way.
bool force_no_exponent = mode == NumberToStringMode::WithoutExponent;
// 6. If radix ≠ 10 or n is in the inclusive interval from -5 to 21, then
if ((n >= -5 && n <= 21) || force_no_exponent) {
// a. If n ≥ k, then
if (n >= k) {
// i. Return the string-concatenation of:
// the code units of the k digits of the representation of s using radix radix
builder.append(mantissa_digits.data(), k);
// n - k occurrences of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO)
builder.append_repeated('0', n - k);
// b. Else if n > 0, then
} else if (n > 0) {
// i. Return the string-concatenation of:
// the code units of the most significant n digits of the representation of s using radix radix
builder.append(mantissa_digits.data(), n);
// the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP)
// the code units of the remaining k - n digits of the representation of s using radix radix
builder.append(mantissa_digits.data() + n, k - n);
// c. Else,
} else {
// i. Assert: n ≤ 0.
VERIFY(n <= 0);
// ii. Return the string-concatenation of:
// the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO)
// the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP)
// -n occurrences of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO)
builder.append_repeated('0', -n);
// the code units of the k digits of the representation of s using radix radix
builder.append(mantissa_digits.data(), k);
// 7. NOTE: In this case, the input will be represented using scientific E notation, such as 1.2e+3.
// 9. If n < 0, then
// a. Let exponentSign be the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS).
// 10. Else,
// a. Let exponentSign be the code unit 0x002B (PLUS SIGN).
char exponent_sign = n < 0 ? '-' : '+';
AK::Array<char, 5> exponent_digits;
i32 exponent_length = 0;
convert_to_decimal_digits_array(abs(n - 1), exponent_digits, exponent_length);
// 11. If k is 1, then
if (k == 1) {
// a. Return the string-concatenation of:
// the code unit of the single digit of s
// the code unit 0x0065 (LATIN SMALL LETTER E)
// exponentSign
// the code units of the decimal representation of abs(n - 1)
builder.append(exponent_digits.data(), exponent_length);
// 12. Return the string-concatenation of:
// the code unit of the most significant digit of the decimal representation of s
// the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP)
// the code units of the remaining k - 1 digits of the decimal representation of s
builder.append(mantissa_digits.data() + 1, k - 1);
// the code unit 0x0065 (LATIN SMALL LETTER E)
// exponentSign
// the code units of the decimal representation of abs(n - 1)
builder.append(exponent_digits.data(), exponent_length);
String number_to_string(double d, NumberToStringMode mode)
StringBuilder builder;
number_to_string_impl(builder, d, mode);
return builder.to_string().release_value();
ByteString number_to_byte_string(double d, NumberToStringMode mode)
StringBuilder builder;
number_to_string_impl(builder, d, mode);
return builder.to_byte_string();
// 7.2.2 IsArray ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isarray
ThrowCompletionOr<bool> Value::is_array(VM& vm) const
// 1. If argument is not an Object, return false.
if (!is_object())
return false;
auto const& object = as_object();
// 2. If argument is an Array exotic object, return true.
if (is<Array>(object))
return true;
// 3. If argument is a Proxy exotic object, then
if (is<ProxyObject>(object)) {
auto const& proxy = static_cast<ProxyObject const&>(object);
// a. If argument.[[ProxyHandler]] is null, throw a TypeError exception.
if (proxy.is_revoked())
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::ProxyRevoked);
// b. Let target be argument.[[ProxyTarget]].
auto const& target = proxy.target();
// c. Return ? IsArray(target).
return Value(&target).is_array(vm);
// 4. Return false.
return false;
Array& Value::as_array()
VERIFY(is_object() && is<Array>(as_object()));
return static_cast<Array&>(as_object());
// IsError ( argument ), https://tc39.es/proposal-is-error/#sec-iserror
bool Value::is_error() const
// 1. If argument is not an Object, return false.
// 2. If argument has an [[ErrorData]] internal slot, return true.
// 3. Return false.
return is_object() && is<Error>(as_object());
// 7.2.3 IsCallable ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-iscallable
bool Value::is_function() const
// 1. If argument is not an Object, return false.
// 2. If argument has a [[Call]] internal method, return true.
// 3. Return false.
return is_object() && as_object().is_function();
FunctionObject& Value::as_function()
return static_cast<FunctionObject&>(as_object());
FunctionObject const& Value::as_function() const
return static_cast<FunctionObject const&>(as_object());
// 7.2.4 IsConstructor ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isconstructor
bool Value::is_constructor() const
// 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
if (!is_function())
return false;
// 2. If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true.
if (as_function().has_constructor())
return true;
// 3. Return false.
return false;
// 7.2.8 IsRegExp ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isregexp
ThrowCompletionOr<bool> Value::is_regexp(VM& vm) const
// 1. If argument is not an Object, return false.
if (!is_object())
return false;
// 2. Let matcher be ? Get(argument, @@match).
auto matcher = TRY(as_object().get(vm.well_known_symbol_match()));
// 3. If matcher is not undefined, return ToBoolean(matcher).
if (!matcher.is_undefined())
return matcher.to_boolean();
// 4. If argument has a [[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot, return true.
// 5. Return false.
return is<RegExpObject>(as_object());
// 13.5.3 The typeof Operator, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-typeof-operator
GC::Ref<PrimitiveString> Value::typeof_(VM& vm) const
// 9. If val is a Number, return "number".
if (is_number())
return *vm.typeof_strings.number;
switch (m_value.tag) {
// 4. If val is undefined, return "undefined".
return *vm.typeof_strings.undefined;
// 5. If val is null, return "object".
case NULL_TAG:
return *vm.typeof_strings.object;
// 6. If val is a String, return "string".
return *vm.typeof_strings.string;
// 7. If val is a Symbol, return "symbol".
return *vm.typeof_strings.symbol;
// 8. If val is a Boolean, return "boolean".
return *vm.typeof_strings.boolean;
// 10. If val is a BigInt, return "bigint".
return *vm.typeof_strings.bigint;
// 11. Assert: val is an Object.
// B.3.6.3 Changes to the typeof Operator, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-IsHTMLDDA-internal-slot-typeof
// 12. If val has an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot, return "undefined".
if (as_object().is_htmldda())
return *vm.typeof_strings.undefined;
// 13. If val has a [[Call]] internal slot, return "function".
if (is_function())
return *vm.typeof_strings.function;
// 14. Return "object".
return *vm.typeof_strings.object;
String Value::to_string_without_side_effects() const
if (is_double())
return number_to_string(m_value.as_double);
switch (m_value.tag) {
return "undefined"_string;
case NULL_TAG:
return "null"_string;
return as_bool() ? "true"_string : "false"_string;
case INT32_TAG:
return String::number(as_i32());
return as_string().utf8_string();
return as_symbol().descriptive_string().release_value();
return as_bigint().to_string().release_value();
return String::formatted("[object {}]", as_object().class_name()).release_value();
return "<accessor>"_string;
return "<empty>"_string;
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<PrimitiveString>> Value::to_primitive_string(VM& vm)
if (is_string())
return as_string();
auto string = TRY(to_string(vm));
return PrimitiveString::create(vm, move(string));
// 7.1.17 ToString ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tostring
ThrowCompletionOr<String> Value::to_string(VM& vm) const
if (is_double())
return number_to_string(m_value.as_double);
switch (m_value.tag) {
// 1. If argument is a String, return argument.
return as_string().utf8_string();
// 2. If argument is a Symbol, throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::Convert, "symbol", "string");
// 3. If argument is undefined, return "undefined".
return "undefined"_string;
// 4. If argument is null, return "null".
case NULL_TAG:
return "null"_string;
// 5. If argument is true, return "true".
// 6. If argument is false, return "false".
return as_bool() ? "true"_string : "false"_string;
// 7. If argument is a Number, return Number::toString(argument, 10).
case INT32_TAG:
return String::number(as_i32());
// 8. If argument is a BigInt, return BigInt::toString(argument, 10).
return TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, as_bigint().big_integer().to_base(10));
// 9. Assert: argument is an Object.
case OBJECT_TAG: {
// 10. Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(argument, string).
auto primitive_value = TRY(to_primitive(vm, PreferredType::String));
// 11. Assert: primValue is not an Object.
// 12. Return ? ToString(primValue).
return primitive_value.to_string(vm);
// 7.1.17 ToString ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tostring
ThrowCompletionOr<ByteString> Value::to_byte_string(VM& vm) const
return TRY(to_string(vm)).to_byte_string();
ThrowCompletionOr<Utf16String> Value::to_utf16_string(VM& vm) const
if (is_string())
return as_string().utf16_string();
auto utf8_string = TRY(to_string(vm));
return Utf16String::create(utf8_string.bytes_as_string_view());
ThrowCompletionOr<String> Value::to_well_formed_string(VM& vm) const
return ::JS::to_well_formed_string(TRY(to_utf16_string(vm)));
// 7.1.2 ToBoolean ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toboolean
bool Value::to_boolean_slow_case() const
if (is_double()) {
if (is_nan())
return false;
return m_value.as_double != 0;
switch (m_value.tag) {
// 1. If argument is a Boolean, return argument.
return as_bool();
// 2. If argument is any of undefined, null, +0𝔽, -0𝔽, NaN, 0ℤ, or the empty String, return false.
case NULL_TAG:
return false;
case INT32_TAG:
return as_i32() != 0;
return !as_string().is_empty();
return as_bigint().big_integer() != BIGINT_ZERO;
// B.3.6.1 Changes to ToBoolean, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-IsHTMLDDA-internal-slot-to-boolean
// 3. If argument is an Object and argument has an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot, return false.
if (as_object().is_htmldda())
return false;
// 4. Return true.
return true;
return true;
// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive ( input [ , preferredType ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toprimitive
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Value::to_primitive_slow_case(VM& vm, PreferredType preferred_type) const
// 1. If input is an Object, then
if (is_object()) {
// a. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive).
auto exotic_to_primitive = TRY(get_method(vm, vm.well_known_symbol_to_primitive()));
// b. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then
if (exotic_to_primitive) {
auto hint = [&]() -> ByteString {
switch (preferred_type) {
// i. If preferredType is not present, let hint be "default".
case PreferredType::Default:
return "default";
// ii. Else if preferredType is string, let hint be "string".
case PreferredType::String:
return "string";
// iii. Else,
// 1. Assert: preferredType is number.
// 2. Let hint be "number".
case PreferredType::Number:
return "number";
// iv. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, « hint »).
auto result = TRY(call(vm, *exotic_to_primitive, *this, PrimitiveString::create(vm, hint)));
// v. If result is not an Object, return result.
if (!result.is_object())
return result;
// vi. Throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::ToPrimitiveReturnedObject, to_string_without_side_effects(), hint);
// c. If preferredType is not present, let preferredType be number.
if (preferred_type == PreferredType::Default)
preferred_type = PreferredType::Number;
// d. Return ? OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, preferredType).
return as_object().ordinary_to_primitive(preferred_type);
// 2. Return input.
return *this;
// 7.1.18 ToObject ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toobject
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<Object>> Value::to_object(VM& vm) const
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
// Number
if (is_number()) {
// Return a new Number object whose [[NumberData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 21.1 for a description of Number objects.
return NumberObject::create(realm, as_double());
switch (m_value.tag) {
// Undefined
// Null
case NULL_TAG:
// Throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::ToObjectNullOrUndefined);
// Boolean
// Return a new Boolean object whose [[BooleanData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 20.3 for a description of Boolean objects.
return BooleanObject::create(realm, as_bool());
// String
// Return a new String object whose [[StringData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 22.1 for a description of String objects.
return StringObject::create(realm, const_cast<JS::PrimitiveString&>(as_string()), realm.intrinsics().string_prototype());
// Symbol
// Return a new Symbol object whose [[SymbolData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 20.4 for a description of Symbol objects.
return SymbolObject::create(realm, const_cast<JS::Symbol&>(as_symbol()));
// BigInt
// Return a new BigInt object whose [[BigIntData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 21.2 for a description of BigInt objects.
return BigIntObject::create(realm, const_cast<JS::BigInt&>(as_bigint()));
// Object
// Return argument.
return const_cast<Object&>(as_object());
// 7.1.3 ToNumeric ( value ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tonumeric
FLATTEN ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Value::to_numeric_slow_case(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(value, number).
auto primitive_value = TRY(to_primitive(vm, Value::PreferredType::Number));
// 2. If primValue is a BigInt, return primValue.
if (primitive_value.is_bigint())
return primitive_value;
// 3. Return ? ToNumber(primValue).
return primitive_value.to_number(vm);
constexpr bool is_ascii_number(u32 code_point)
return is_ascii_digit(code_point) || code_point == '.' || (code_point == 'e' || code_point == 'E') || code_point == '+' || code_point == '-';
struct NumberParseResult {
StringView literal;
u8 base;
static Optional<NumberParseResult> parse_number_text(StringView text)
NumberParseResult result {};
auto check_prefix = [&](auto lower_prefix, auto upper_prefix) {
if (text.length() <= 2)
return false;
if (!text.starts_with(lower_prefix) && !text.starts_with(upper_prefix))
return false;
return true;
// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tonumber-applied-to-the-string-type
if (check_prefix("0b"sv, "0B"sv)) {
if (!all_of(text.substring_view(2), is_ascii_binary_digit))
return {};
result.literal = text.substring_view(2);
result.base = 2;
} else if (check_prefix("0o"sv, "0O"sv)) {
if (!all_of(text.substring_view(2), is_ascii_octal_digit))
return {};
result.literal = text.substring_view(2);
result.base = 8;
} else if (check_prefix("0x"sv, "0X"sv)) {
if (!all_of(text.substring_view(2), is_ascii_hex_digit))
return {};
result.literal = text.substring_view(2);
result.base = 16;
} else {
if (!all_of(text, is_ascii_number))
return {};
result.literal = text;
result.base = 10;
return result;
// StringToNumber ( str ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-stringtonumber
double string_to_number(StringView string)
// 1. Let text be StringToCodePoints(str).
auto text = Utf8View(string).trim(whitespace_characters, AK::TrimMode::Both).as_string();
// 2. Let literal be ParseText(text, StringNumericLiteral).
if (text.is_empty())
return 0;
if (text == "Infinity"sv || text == "+Infinity"sv)
return INFINITY;
if (text == "-Infinity"sv)
return -INFINITY;
auto result = parse_number_text(text);
// 3. If literal is a List of errors, return NaN.
if (!result.has_value())
return NAN;
// 4. Return StringNumericValue of literal.
if (result->base != 10) {
auto bigint = MUST(Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger::from_base(result->base, result->literal));
return bigint.to_double();
auto maybe_double = text.to_number<double>(AK::TrimWhitespace::No);
if (!maybe_double.has_value())
return NAN;
return *maybe_double;
// 7.1.4 ToNumber ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tonumber
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Value::to_number_slow_case(VM& vm) const
// 1. If argument is a Number, return argument.
if (is_number())
return *this;
switch (m_value.tag) {
// 2. If argument is either a Symbol or a BigInt, throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::Convert, "symbol", "number");
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::Convert, "BigInt", "number");
// 3. If argument is undefined, return NaN.
return js_nan();
// 4. If argument is either null or false, return +0𝔽.
case NULL_TAG:
return Value(0);
// 5. If argument is true, return 1𝔽.
return Value(as_bool() ? 1 : 0);
// 6. If argument is a String, return StringToNumber(argument).
return string_to_number(as_string().byte_string());
// 7. Assert: argument is an Object.
case OBJECT_TAG: {
// 8. Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(argument, number).
auto primitive_value = TRY(to_primitive(vm, PreferredType::Number));
// 9. Assert: primValue is not an Object.
// 10. Return ? ToNumber(primValue).
return primitive_value.to_number(vm);
static Optional<BigInt*> string_to_bigint(VM& vm, StringView string);
// 7.1.13 ToBigInt ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tobigint
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<BigInt>> Value::to_bigint(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let prim be ? ToPrimitive(argument, number).
auto primitive = TRY(to_primitive(vm, PreferredType::Number));
// 2. Return the value that prim corresponds to in Table 12.
// Number
if (primitive.is_number()) {
// Throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::Convert, "number", "BigInt");
switch (primitive.m_value.tag) {
// Undefined
// Throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::Convert, "undefined", "BigInt");
// Null
case NULL_TAG:
// Throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::Convert, "null", "BigInt");
// Boolean
// Return 1n if prim is true and 0n if prim is false.
auto value = primitive.as_bool() ? 1 : 0;
return BigInt::create(vm, Crypto::SignedBigInteger { value });
// BigInt
// Return prim.
return primitive.as_bigint();
case STRING_TAG: {
// 1. Let n be ! StringToBigInt(prim).
auto bigint = string_to_bigint(vm, primitive.as_string().byte_string());
// 2. If n is undefined, throw a SyntaxError exception.
if (!bigint.has_value())
return vm.throw_completion<SyntaxError>(ErrorType::BigIntInvalidValue, primitive);
// 3. Return n.
return *bigint.release_value();
// Symbol
// Throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::Convert, "symbol", "BigInt");
struct BigIntParseResult {
StringView literal;
u8 base { 10 };
bool is_negative { false };
static Optional<BigIntParseResult> parse_bigint_text(StringView text)
BigIntParseResult result {};
auto parse_for_prefixed_base = [&](auto lower_prefix, auto upper_prefix, auto validator) {
if (text.length() <= 2)
return false;
if (!text.starts_with(lower_prefix) && !text.starts_with(upper_prefix))
return false;
return all_of(text.substring_view(2), validator);
if (parse_for_prefixed_base("0b"sv, "0B"sv, is_ascii_binary_digit)) {
result.literal = text.substring_view(2);
result.base = 2;
} else if (parse_for_prefixed_base("0o"sv, "0O"sv, is_ascii_octal_digit)) {
result.literal = text.substring_view(2);
result.base = 8;
} else if (parse_for_prefixed_base("0x"sv, "0X"sv, is_ascii_hex_digit)) {
result.literal = text.substring_view(2);
result.base = 16;
} else {
if (text.starts_with('-')) {
text = text.substring_view(1);
result.is_negative = true;
} else if (text.starts_with('+')) {
text = text.substring_view(1);
if (!all_of(text, is_ascii_digit))
return {};
result.literal = text;
result.base = 10;
return result;
// 7.1.14 StringToBigInt ( str ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-stringtobigint
static Optional<BigInt*> string_to_bigint(VM& vm, StringView string)
// 1. Let text be StringToCodePoints(str).
auto text = Utf8View(string).trim(whitespace_characters, AK::TrimMode::Both).as_string();
// 2. Let literal be ParseText(text, StringIntegerLiteral).
auto result = parse_bigint_text(text);
// 3. If literal is a List of errors, return undefined.
if (!result.has_value())
return {};
// 4. Let mv be the MV of literal.
// 5. Assert: mv is an integer.
auto bigint = MUST(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::from_base(result->base, result->literal));
if (result->is_negative && (bigint != BIGINT_ZERO))
// 6. Return ℤ(mv).
return BigInt::create(vm, move(bigint));
// 7.1.15 ToBigInt64 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tobigint64
ThrowCompletionOr<i64> Value::to_bigint_int64(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let n be ? ToBigInt(argument).
auto bigint = TRY(to_bigint(vm));
// 2. Let int64bit be ℝ(n) modulo 2^64.
// 3. If int64bit ≥ 2^63, return ℤ(int64bit - 2^64); otherwise return ℤ(int64bit).
return static_cast<i64>(bigint->big_integer().to_u64());
// 7.1.16 ToBigUint64 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tobiguint64
ThrowCompletionOr<u64> Value::to_bigint_uint64(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let n be ? ToBigInt(argument).
auto bigint = TRY(to_bigint(vm));
// 2. Let int64bit be ℝ(n) modulo 2^64.
// 3. Return ℤ(int64bit).
return bigint->big_integer().to_u64();
ThrowCompletionOr<double> Value::to_double(VM& vm) const
return TRY(to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 7.1.19 ToPropertyKey ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-topropertykey
ThrowCompletionOr<PropertyKey> Value::to_property_key(VM& vm) const
// OPTIMIZATION: Return the value as a numeric PropertyKey, if possible.
if (is_int32() && as_i32() >= 0)
return PropertyKey { as_i32() };
// 1. Let key be ? ToPrimitive(argument, string).
auto key = TRY(to_primitive(vm, PreferredType::String));
// 2. If key is a Symbol, then
if (key.is_symbol()) {
// a. Return key.
return &key.as_symbol();
// 3. Return ! ToString(key).
return MUST(key.to_byte_string(vm));
// 7.1.6 ToInt32 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toint32
ThrowCompletionOr<i32> Value::to_i32_slow_case(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
double number = TRY(to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 2. If number is not finite or number is either +0𝔽 or -0𝔽, return +0𝔽.
if (!isfinite(number) || number == 0)
return 0;
// 3. Let int be the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto abs = fabs(number);
auto int_val = floor(abs);
if (signbit(number))
int_val = -int_val;
// 4. Let int32bit be int modulo 2^32.
auto int32bit = modulo(int_val, NumericLimits<u32>::max() + 1.0);
// 5. If int32bit ≥ 2^31, return 𝔽(int32bit - 2^32); otherwise return 𝔽(int32bit).
if (int32bit >= 2147483648.0)
int32bit -= 4294967296.0;
return static_cast<i32>(int32bit);
// 7.1.6 ToInt32 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toint32
ThrowCompletionOr<i32> Value::to_i32(VM& vm) const
if (is_int32())
return as_i32();
return to_i32_slow_case(vm);
// 7.1.7 ToUint32 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-touint32
ThrowCompletionOr<u32> Value::to_u32(VM& vm) const
// OPTIMIZATION: If this value is encoded as a positive i32, return it directly.
if (is_int32() && as_i32() >= 0)
return as_i32();
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
double number = TRY(to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 2. If number is not finite or number is either +0𝔽 or -0𝔽, return +0𝔽.
if (!isfinite(number) || number == 0)
return 0;
// 3. Let int be the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto int_val = floor(fabs(number));
if (signbit(number))
int_val = -int_val;
// 4. Let int32bit be int modulo 2^32.
auto int32bit = modulo(int_val, NumericLimits<u32>::max() + 1.0);
// 5. Return 𝔽(int32bit).
// Cast to i64 here to ensure that the double --> u32 cast doesn't invoke undefined behavior
// Otherwise, negative numbers cause a UBSAN warning.
return static_cast<u32>(static_cast<i64>(int32bit));
// 7.1.8 ToInt16 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toint16
ThrowCompletionOr<i16> Value::to_i16(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
double number = TRY(to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 2. If number is not finite or number is either +0𝔽 or -0𝔽, return +0𝔽.
if (!isfinite(number) || number == 0)
return 0;
// 3. Let int be the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto abs = fabs(number);
auto int_val = floor(abs);
if (signbit(number))
int_val = -int_val;
// 4. Let int16bit be int modulo 2^16.
auto int16bit = modulo(int_val, NumericLimits<u16>::max() + 1.0);
// 5. If int16bit ≥ 2^15, return 𝔽(int16bit - 2^16); otherwise return 𝔽(int16bit).
if (int16bit >= 32768.0)
int16bit -= 65536.0;
return static_cast<i16>(int16bit);
// 7.1.9 ToUint16 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-touint16
ThrowCompletionOr<u16> Value::to_u16(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
double number = TRY(to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 2. If number is not finite or number is either +0𝔽 or -0𝔽, return +0𝔽.
if (!isfinite(number) || number == 0)
return 0;
// 3. Let int be the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto int_val = floor(fabs(number));
if (signbit(number))
int_val = -int_val;
// 4. Let int16bit be int modulo 2^16.
auto int16bit = modulo(int_val, NumericLimits<u16>::max() + 1.0);
// 5. Return 𝔽(int16bit).
return static_cast<u16>(int16bit);
// 7.1.10 ToInt8 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toint8
ThrowCompletionOr<i8> Value::to_i8(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
double number = TRY(to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 2. If number is not finite or number is either +0𝔽 or -0𝔽, return +0𝔽.
if (!isfinite(number) || number == 0)
return 0;
// 3. Let int be the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto abs = fabs(number);
auto int_val = floor(abs);
if (signbit(number))
int_val = -int_val;
// 4. Let int8bit be int modulo 2^8.
auto int8bit = modulo(int_val, NumericLimits<u8>::max() + 1.0);
// 5. If int8bit ≥ 2^7, return 𝔽(int8bit - 2^8); otherwise return 𝔽(int8bit).
if (int8bit >= 128.0)
int8bit -= 256.0;
return static_cast<i8>(int8bit);
// 7.1.11 ToUint8 ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-touint8
ThrowCompletionOr<u8> Value::to_u8(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
double number = TRY(to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 2. If number is not finite or number is either +0𝔽 or -0𝔽, return +0𝔽.
if (!isfinite(number) || number == 0)
return 0;
// 3. Let int be the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto int_val = floor(fabs(number));
if (signbit(number))
int_val = -int_val;
// 4. Let int8bit be int modulo 2^8.
auto int8bit = modulo(int_val, NumericLimits<u8>::max() + 1.0);
// 5. Return 𝔽(int8bit).
return static_cast<u8>(int8bit);
// 7.1.12 ToUint8Clamp ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-touint8clamp
ThrowCompletionOr<u8> Value::to_u8_clamp(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
auto number = TRY(to_number(vm));
// 2. If number is NaN, return +0𝔽.
if (number.is_nan())
return 0;
double value = number.as_double();
// 3. If ℝ(number) ≤ 0, return +0𝔽.
if (value <= 0.0)
return 0;
// 4. If ℝ(number) ≥ 255, return 255𝔽.
if (value >= 255.0)
return 255;
// 5. Let f be floor(ℝ(number)).
auto int_val = floor(value);
// 6. If f + 0.5 < ℝ(number), return 𝔽(f + 1).
if (int_val + 0.5 < value)
return static_cast<u8>(int_val + 1.0);
// 7. If ℝ(number) < f + 0.5, return 𝔽(f).
if (value < int_val + 0.5)
return static_cast<u8>(int_val);
// 8. If f is odd, return 𝔽(f + 1).
if (fmod(int_val, 2.0) == 1.0)
return static_cast<u8>(int_val + 1.0);
// 9. Return 𝔽(f).
return static_cast<u8>(int_val);
// 7.1.20 ToLength ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tolength
ThrowCompletionOr<size_t> Value::to_length(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let len be ? ToIntegerOrInfinity(argument).
auto len = TRY(to_integer_or_infinity(vm));
// 2. If len ≤ 0, return +0𝔽.
if (len <= 0)
return 0;
// FIXME: The expected output range is 0 - 2^53-1, but we don't want to overflow the size_t on 32-bit platforms.
// Convert this to u64 so it works everywhere.
constexpr double length_limit = sizeof(void*) == 4 ? NumericLimits<size_t>::max() : MAX_ARRAY_LIKE_INDEX;
// 3. Return 𝔽(min(len, 2^53 - 1)).
return min(len, length_limit);
// 7.1.22 ToIndex ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toindex
ThrowCompletionOr<size_t> Value::to_index(VM& vm) const
// 1. If value is undefined, then
if (is_undefined()) {
// a. Return 0.
return 0;
// 2. Else,
// a. Let integer be ? ToIntegerOrInfinity(value).
auto integer = TRY(to_integer_or_infinity(vm));
// OPTIMIZATION: If the value is negative, ToLength normalizes it to 0, and we fail the SameValue comparison below.
// Bail out early instead.
if (integer < 0)
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::InvalidIndex);
// b. Let clamped be ! ToLength(𝔽(integer)).
auto clamped = MUST(Value(integer).to_length(vm));
// c. If SameValue(𝔽(integer), clamped) is false, throw a RangeError exception.
if (integer != clamped)
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::InvalidIndex);
// d. Assert: 0 ≤ integer ≤ 2^53 - 1.
VERIFY(0 <= integer && integer <= MAX_ARRAY_LIKE_INDEX);
// e. Return integer.
// NOTE: We return the clamped value here, which already has the right type.
return clamped;
// 7.1.5 ToIntegerOrInfinity ( argument ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tointegerorinfinity
ThrowCompletionOr<double> Value::to_integer_or_infinity(VM& vm) const
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
auto number = TRY(to_number(vm));
// 2. If number is NaN, +0𝔽, or -0𝔽, return 0.
if (number.is_nan() || number.as_double() == 0)
return 0;
// 3. If number is +∞𝔽, return +∞.
// 4. If number is -∞𝔽, return -∞.
if (number.is_infinity())
return number.as_double();
// 5. Let integer be floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto integer = floor(fabs(number.as_double()));
// 6. If number < -0𝔽, set integer to -integer.
// NOTE: The zero check is required as 'integer' is a double here but an MV in the spec,
// which doesn't have negative zero.
if (number.as_double() < 0 && integer != 0)
integer = -integer;
// 7. Return integer.
return integer;
// Standalone variant using plain doubles for cases where we already got numbers and know the AO won't throw.
double to_integer_or_infinity(double number)
// 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
// 2. If number is NaN, +0𝔽, or -0𝔽, return 0.
if (isnan(number) || number == 0)
return 0;
// 3. If number is +∞𝔽, return +∞.
if (__builtin_isinf_sign(number) > 0)
return static_cast<double>(INFINITY);
// 4. If number is -∞𝔽, return -∞.
if (__builtin_isinf_sign(number) < 0)
return static_cast<double>(-INFINITY);
// 5. Let integer be floor(abs(ℝ(number))).
auto integer = floor(fabs(number));
// 6. If number < -0𝔽, set integer to -integer.
// NOTE: The zero check is required as 'integer' is a double here but an MV in the spec,
// which doesn't have negative zero.
if (number < 0 && integer != 0)
integer = -integer;
// 7. Return integer.
return integer;
// 7.3.3 GetV ( V, P ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getv
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Value::get(VM& vm, PropertyKey const& property_key) const
// 1. Let O be ? ToObject(V).
auto object = TRY(to_object(vm));
// 2. Return ? O.[[Get]](P, V).
return TRY(object->internal_get(property_key, *this));
// 7.3.11 GetMethod ( V, P ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getmethod
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ptr<FunctionObject>> Value::get_method(VM& vm, PropertyKey const& property_key) const
// 1. Let func be ? GetV(V, P).
auto function = TRY(get(vm, property_key));
// 2. If func is either undefined or null, return undefined.
if (function.is_nullish())
return nullptr;
// 3. If IsCallable(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!function.is_function())
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::NotAFunction, function.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 4. Return func.
return function.as_function();
// 13.10 Relational Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-relational-operators
// RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression > ShiftExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> greater_than(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. Let lref be ? Evaluation of RelationalExpression.
// 2. Let lval be ? GetValue(lref).
// 3. Let rref be ? Evaluation of ShiftExpression.
// 4. Let rval be ? GetValue(rref).
// NOTE: This is handled in the AST or Bytecode interpreter.
// OPTIMIZATION: If both values are i32, we can do a direct comparison without calling into IsLessThan.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32())
return lhs.as_i32() > rhs.as_i32();
// 5. Let r be ? IsLessThan(rval, lval, false).
auto relation = TRY(is_less_than(vm, lhs, rhs, false));
// 6. If r is undefined, return false. Otherwise, return r.
if (relation == TriState::Unknown)
return Value(false);
return Value(relation == TriState::True);
// 13.10 Relational Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-relational-operators
// RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression >= ShiftExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> greater_than_equals(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. Let lref be ? Evaluation of RelationalExpression.
// 2. Let lval be ? GetValue(lref).
// 3. Let rref be ? Evaluation of ShiftExpression.
// 4. Let rval be ? GetValue(rref).
// NOTE: This is handled in the AST or Bytecode interpreter.
// OPTIMIZATION: If both values are i32, we can do a direct comparison without calling into IsLessThan.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32())
return lhs.as_i32() >= rhs.as_i32();
// 5. Let r be ? IsLessThan(lval, rval, true).
auto relation = TRY(is_less_than(vm, lhs, rhs, true));
// 6. If r is true or undefined, return false. Otherwise, return true.
if (relation == TriState::Unknown || relation == TriState::True)
return Value(false);
return Value(true);
// 13.10 Relational Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-relational-operators
// RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression < ShiftExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> less_than(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. Let lref be ? Evaluation of RelationalExpression.
// 2. Let lval be ? GetValue(lref).
// 3. Let rref be ? Evaluation of ShiftExpression.
// 4. Let rval be ? GetValue(rref).
// NOTE: This is handled in the AST or Bytecode interpreter.
// OPTIMIZATION: If both values are i32, we can do a direct comparison without calling into IsLessThan.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32())
return lhs.as_i32() < rhs.as_i32();
// 5. Let r be ? IsLessThan(lval, rval, true).
auto relation = TRY(is_less_than(vm, lhs, rhs, true));
// 6. If r is undefined, return false. Otherwise, return r.
if (relation == TriState::Unknown)
return Value(false);
return Value(relation == TriState::True);
// 13.10 Relational Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-relational-operators
// RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression <= ShiftExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> less_than_equals(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. Let lref be ? Evaluation of RelationalExpression.
// 2. Let lval be ? GetValue(lref).
// 3. Let rref be ? Evaluation of ShiftExpression.
// 4. Let rval be ? GetValue(rref).
// NOTE: This is handled in the AST or Bytecode interpreter.
// OPTIMIZATION: If both values are i32, we can do a direct comparison without calling into IsLessThan.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32())
return lhs.as_i32() <= rhs.as_i32();
// 5. Let r be ? IsLessThan(rval, lval, false).
auto relation = TRY(is_less_than(vm, lhs, rhs, false));
// 6. If r is true or undefined, return false. Otherwise, return true.
if (relation == TriState::True || relation == TriState::Unknown)
return Value(false);
return Value(true);
// 13.12 Binary Bitwise Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-binary-bitwise-operators
// BitwiseANDExpression : BitwiseANDExpression & EqualityExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> bitwise_and(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// OPTIMIZATION: Fast path when both values are Int32.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32())
return Value(lhs.as_i32() & rhs.as_i32());
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::bitwiseAND ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-bitwiseAND
// 1. Return NumberBitwiseOp(&, x, y).
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number() || !rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return Value(0);
return Value(TRY(lhs_numeric.to_i32(vm)) & TRY(rhs_numeric.to_i32(vm)));
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::bitwiseAND ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-bitwiseAND
// 1. Return BigIntBitwiseOp(&, x, y).
return BigInt::create(vm, lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().bitwise_and(rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer()));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "bitwise AND");
// 13.12 Binary Bitwise Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-binary-bitwise-operators
// BitwiseORExpression : BitwiseORExpression | BitwiseXORExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> bitwise_or(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// OPTIMIZATION: Fast path when both values are Int32.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32())
return Value(lhs.as_i32() | rhs.as_i32());
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::bitwiseOR ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-bitwiseOR
// 1. Return NumberBitwiseOp(|, x, y).
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number() && !rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return Value(0);
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return rhs_numeric;
if (!rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return lhs_numeric;
return Value(TRY(lhs_numeric.to_i32(vm)) | TRY(rhs_numeric.to_i32(vm)));
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::bitwiseOR ( x, y )
// 1. Return BigIntBitwiseOp(|, x, y).
return BigInt::create(vm, lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().bitwise_or(rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer()));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "bitwise OR");
// 13.12 Binary Bitwise Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-binary-bitwise-operators
// BitwiseXORExpression : BitwiseXORExpression ^ BitwiseANDExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> bitwise_xor(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// OPTIMIZATION: Fast path when both values are Int32.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32())
return Value(lhs.as_i32() ^ rhs.as_i32());
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::bitwiseXOR ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-bitwiseXOR
// 1. Return NumberBitwiseOp(^, x, y).
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number() && !rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return Value(0);
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return rhs_numeric;
if (!rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return lhs_numeric;
return Value(TRY(lhs_numeric.to_i32(vm)) ^ TRY(rhs_numeric.to_i32(vm)));
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::bitwiseXOR ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-bitwiseXOR
// 1. Return BigIntBitwiseOp(^, x, y).
return BigInt::create(vm, lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().bitwise_xor(rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer()));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "bitwise XOR");
// 13.5.6 Bitwise NOT Operator ( ~ ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-bitwise-not-operator
// UnaryExpression : ~ UnaryExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> bitwise_not(VM& vm, Value lhs)
// 1. Let expr be ? Evaluation of UnaryExpression.
// NOTE: This is handled in the AST or Bytecode interpreter.
// 2. Let oldValue be ? ToNumeric(? GetValue(expr)).
auto old_value = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 3. If oldValue is a Number, then
if (old_value.is_number()) {
// a. Return Number::bitwiseNOT(oldValue).
// Number::bitwiseNOT ( x ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-bitwiseNOT
// 1. Let oldValue be ! ToInt32(x).
// 2. Return the result of applying bitwise complement to oldValue. The mathematical value of the result is
// exactly representable as a 32-bit two's complement bit string.
return Value(~TRY(old_value.to_i32(vm)));
// 4. Else,
// a. Assert: oldValue is a BigInt.
// b. Return BigInt::bitwiseNOT(oldValue).
// BigInt::bitwiseNOT ( x ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-bitwiseNOT
// 1. Return -x - 1ℤ.
return BigInt::create(vm, old_value.as_bigint().big_integer().bitwise_not());
// 13.5.4 Unary + Operator, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-unary-plus-operator
// UnaryExpression : + UnaryExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> unary_plus(VM& vm, Value lhs)
// 1. Let expr be ? Evaluation of UnaryExpression.
// NOTE: This is handled in the AST or Bytecode interpreter.
// 2. Return ? ToNumber(? GetValue(expr)).
return TRY(lhs.to_number(vm));
// 13.5.5 Unary - Operator, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-unary-minus-operator
// UnaryExpression : - UnaryExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> unary_minus(VM& vm, Value lhs)
// 1. Let expr be ? Evaluation of UnaryExpression.
// NOTE: This is handled in the AST or Bytecode interpreter.
// 2. Let oldValue be ? ToNumeric(? GetValue(expr)).
auto old_value = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 3. If oldValue is a Number, then
if (old_value.is_number()) {
// a. Return Number::unaryMinus(oldValue).
// Number::unaryMinus ( x ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-unaryMinus
// 1. If x is NaN, return NaN.
if (old_value.is_nan())
return js_nan();
// 2. Return the result of negating x; that is, compute a Number with the same magnitude but opposite sign.
return Value(-old_value.as_double());
// 4. Else,
// a. Assert: oldValue is a BigInt.
// b. Return BigInt::unaryMinus(oldValue).
// BigInt::unaryMinus ( x ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-unaryMinus
// 1. If x is 0ℤ, return 0ℤ.
if (old_value.as_bigint().big_integer() == BIGINT_ZERO)
return BigInt::create(vm, BIGINT_ZERO);
// 2. Return the BigInt value that represents the negation of ℝ(x).
auto big_integer_negated = old_value.as_bigint().big_integer();
return BigInt::create(vm, big_integer_negated);
// 13.9.1 The Left Shift Operator ( << ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-left-shift-operator
// ShiftExpression : ShiftExpression << AdditiveExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> left_shift(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::leftShift ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-leftShift
// OPTIMIZATION: Handle infinite values according to the results returned by ToInt32/ToUint32.
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return Value(0);
if (!rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return lhs_numeric;
// 1. Let lnum be ! ToInt32(x).
auto lhs_i32 = MUST(lhs_numeric.to_i32(vm));
// 2. Let rnum be ! ToUint32(y).
auto rhs_u32 = MUST(rhs_numeric.to_u32(vm));
// 3. Let shiftCount be ℝ(rnum) modulo 32.
auto shift_count = rhs_u32 % 32;
// 4. Return the result of left shifting lnum by shiftCount bits. The mathematical value of the result is
// exactly representable as a 32-bit two's complement bit string.
return Value(lhs_i32 << shift_count);
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::leftShift ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-leftShift
auto multiplier_divisor = Crypto::SignedBigInteger { Crypto::NumberTheory::Power(Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger(2), rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().unsigned_value()) };
// 1. If y < 0ℤ, then
if (rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().is_negative()) {
// a. Return the BigInt value that represents ℝ(x) / 2^-y, rounding down to the nearest integer, including for negative numbers.
// NOTE: Since y is negative we can just do ℝ(x) / 2^|y|
auto const& big_integer = lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
auto division_result = big_integer.divided_by(multiplier_divisor);
// For positive initial values and no remainder just return quotient
if (division_result.remainder.is_zero() || !big_integer.is_negative())
return BigInt::create(vm, division_result.quotient);
// For negative round "down" to the next negative number
return BigInt::create(vm, division_result.quotient.minus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1 }));
// 2. Return the BigInt value that represents ℝ(x) × 2^y.
return Value(BigInt::create(vm, lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().multiplied_by(multiplier_divisor)));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "left-shift");
// 13.9.2 The Signed Right Shift Operator ( >> ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-signed-right-shift-operator
// ShiftExpression : ShiftExpression >> AdditiveExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> right_shift(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::signedRightShift ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-signedRightShift
// OPTIMIZATION: Handle infinite values according to the results returned by ToInt32/ToUint32.
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return Value(0);
if (!rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return lhs_numeric;
// 1. Let lnum be ! ToInt32(x).
auto lhs_i32 = MUST(lhs_numeric.to_i32(vm));
// 2. Let rnum be ! ToUint32(y).
auto rhs_u32 = MUST(rhs_numeric.to_u32(vm));
// 3. Let shiftCount be ℝ(rnum) modulo 32.
auto shift_count = rhs_u32 % 32;
// 4. Return the result of performing a sign-extending right shift of lnum by shiftCount bits.
// The most significant bit is propagated. The mathematical value of the result is exactly representable
// as a 32-bit two's complement bit string.
return Value(lhs_i32 >> shift_count);
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::signedRightShift ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-signedRightShift
// 1. Return BigInt::leftShift(x, -y).
auto rhs_negated = rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
return left_shift(vm, lhs, BigInt::create(vm, rhs_negated));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "right-shift");
// 13.9.3 The Unsigned Right Shift Operator ( >>> ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-unsigned-right-shift-operator
// ShiftExpression : ShiftExpression >>> AdditiveExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> unsigned_right_shift(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 5-6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::unsignedRightShift ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-unsignedRightShift
// OPTIMIZATION: Handle infinite values according to the results returned by ToUint32.
if (!lhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return Value(0);
if (!rhs_numeric.is_finite_number())
return lhs_numeric;
// 1. Let lnum be ! ToUint32(x).
auto lhs_u32 = MUST(lhs_numeric.to_u32(vm));
// 2. Let rnum be ! ToUint32(y).
auto rhs_u32 = MUST(rhs_numeric.to_u32(vm));
// 3. Let shiftCount be ℝ(rnum) modulo 32.
auto shift_count = rhs_u32 % 32;
// 4. Return the result of performing a zero-filling right shift of lnum by shiftCount bits.
// Vacated bits are filled with zero. The mathematical value of the result is exactly representable
// as a 32-bit unsigned bit string.
return Value(lhs_u32 >> shift_count);
// 6. If lnum is a BigInt, then
// d. If opText is >>>, return ? BigInt::unsignedRightShift(lnum, rnum).
// BigInt::unsignedRightShift ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-unsignedRightShift
// 1. Throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperator, "unsigned right-shift");
// 13.8.1 The Addition Operator ( + ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-addition-operator-plus
// AdditiveExpression : AdditiveExpression + MultiplicativeExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> add(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1. If opText is +, then
// OPTIMIZATION: If both values are i32 or double, we can do a direct addition without the type conversions below.
if (both_number(lhs, rhs)) {
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32()) {
Checked<i32> result;
result = MUST(lhs.to_i32(vm));
result += MUST(rhs.to_i32(vm));
if (!result.has_overflow())
return Value(result.value());
return Value(lhs.as_double() + rhs.as_double());
// a. Let lprim be ? ToPrimitive(lval).
auto lhs_primitive = TRY(lhs.to_primitive(vm));
// b. Let rprim be ? ToPrimitive(rval).
auto rhs_primitive = TRY(rhs.to_primitive(vm));
// c. If lprim is a String or rprim is a String, then
if (lhs_primitive.is_string() || rhs_primitive.is_string()) {
// i. Let lstr be ? ToString(lprim).
auto lhs_string = TRY(lhs_primitive.to_primitive_string(vm));
// ii. Let rstr be ? ToString(rprim).
auto rhs_string = TRY(rhs_primitive.to_primitive_string(vm));
// iii. Return the string-concatenation of lstr and rstr.
return PrimitiveString::create(vm, lhs_string, rhs_string);
// d. Set lval to lprim.
// e. Set rval to rprim.
// 2. NOTE: At this point, it must be a numeric operation.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs_primitive.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs_primitive.to_numeric(vm));
// 6. N/A.
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::add ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-add
auto x = lhs_numeric.as_double();
auto y = rhs_numeric.as_double();
return Value(x + y);
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::add ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-add
auto x = lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
auto y = rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
return BigInt::create(vm, x.plus(y));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "addition");
// 13.8.2 The Subtraction Operator ( - ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-subtraction-operator-minus
// AdditiveExpression : AdditiveExpression - MultiplicativeExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> sub(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::subtract ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-subtract
auto x = lhs_numeric.as_double();
auto y = rhs_numeric.as_double();
// 1. Return Number::add(x, Number::unaryMinus(y)).
return Value(x - y);
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::subtract ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-subtract
auto x = lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
auto y = rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
// 1. Return the BigInt value that represents the difference x minus y.
return BigInt::create(vm, x.minus(y));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "subtraction");
// 13.7 Multiplicative Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-multiplicative-operators
// MultiplicativeExpression : MultiplicativeExpression MultiplicativeOperator ExponentiationExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> mul(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// OPTIMIZATION: Fast path for multiplication of two Int32 values.
if (lhs.is_int32() && rhs.is_int32()) {
Checked<i32> result = lhs.as_i32();
result *= rhs.as_i32();
if (!result.has_overflow())
return result.value();
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::multiply ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-multiply
auto x = lhs_numeric.as_double();
auto y = rhs_numeric.as_double();
return Value(x * y);
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::multiply ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-multiply
auto x = lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
auto y = rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
// 1. Return the BigInt value that represents the product of x and y.
return BigInt::create(vm, x.multiplied_by(y));
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "multiplication");
// 13.7 Multiplicative Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-multiplicative-operators
// MultiplicativeExpression : MultiplicativeExpression MultiplicativeOperator ExponentiationExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> div(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::divide ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-divide
return Value(lhs_numeric.as_double() / rhs_numeric.as_double());
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::divide ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-divide
auto x = lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
auto y = rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
// 1. If y is 0ℤ, throw a RangeError exception.
if (y == BIGINT_ZERO)
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::DivisionByZero);
// 2. Let quotient be ℝ(x) / ℝ(y).
// 3. Return the BigInt value that represents quotient rounded towards 0 to the next integer value.
return BigInt::create(vm, x.divided_by(y).quotient);
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "division");
// 13.7 Multiplicative Operators, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-multiplicative-operators
// MultiplicativeExpression : MultiplicativeExpression MultiplicativeOperator ExponentiationExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> mod(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 13.15.3 ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator ( lval, opText, rval ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-applystringornumericbinaryoperator
// 1-2, 6. N/A.
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// Number::remainder ( n, d ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-remainder
// The ECMA specification is describing the mathematical definition of modulus
// implemented by fmod.
auto n = lhs_numeric.as_double();
auto d = rhs_numeric.as_double();
return Value(fmod(n, d));
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::remainder ( n, d ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-remainder
auto n = lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
auto d = rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
// 1. If d is 0ℤ, throw a RangeError exception.
if (d == BIGINT_ZERO)
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::DivisionByZero);
// 2. If n is 0ℤ, return 0ℤ.
// 3. Let quotient be ℝ(n) / ℝ(d).
// 4. Let q be the BigInt whose sign is the sign of quotient and whose magnitude is floor(abs(quotient)).
// 5. Return n - (d × q).
return BigInt::create(vm, n.divided_by(d).remainder);
// 5. If Type(lnum) is different from Type(rnum), throw a TypeError exception.
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "modulo");
// Number::exponentiate ( base, exponent ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-exponentiate
static Value exp_double(Value base, Value exponent)
VERIFY(both_number(base, exponent));
// 1. If exponent is NaN, return NaN.
if (exponent.is_nan())
return js_nan();
// 2. If exponent is +0𝔽 or exponent is -0𝔽, return 1𝔽.
if (exponent.is_positive_zero() || exponent.is_negative_zero())
return Value(1);
// 3. If base is NaN, return NaN.
if (base.is_nan())
return js_nan();
// 4. If base is +∞𝔽, then
if (base.is_positive_infinity()) {
// a. If exponent > +0𝔽, return +∞𝔽. Otherwise, return +0𝔽.
return exponent.as_double() > 0 ? js_infinity() : Value(0);
// 5. If base is -∞𝔽, then
if (base.is_negative_infinity()) {
auto is_odd_integral_number = exponent.is_integral_number() && (fmod(exponent.as_double(), 2.0) != 0);
// a. If exponent > +0𝔽, then
if (exponent.as_double() > 0) {
// i. If exponent is an odd integral Number, return -∞𝔽. Otherwise, return +∞𝔽.
return is_odd_integral_number ? js_negative_infinity() : js_infinity();
// b. Else,
else {
// i. If exponent is an odd integral Number, return -0𝔽. Otherwise, return +0𝔽.
return is_odd_integral_number ? Value(-0.0) : Value(0);
// 6. If base is +0𝔽, then
if (base.is_positive_zero()) {
// a. If exponent > +0𝔽, return +0𝔽. Otherwise, return +∞𝔽.
return exponent.as_double() > 0 ? Value(0) : js_infinity();
// 7. If base is -0𝔽, then
if (base.is_negative_zero()) {
auto is_odd_integral_number = exponent.is_integral_number() && (fmod(exponent.as_double(), 2.0) != 0);
// a. If exponent > +0𝔽, then
if (exponent.as_double() > 0) {
// i. If exponent is an odd integral Number, return -0𝔽. Otherwise, return +0𝔽.
return is_odd_integral_number ? Value(-0.0) : Value(0);
// b. Else,
else {
// i. If exponent is an odd integral Number, return -∞𝔽. Otherwise, return +∞𝔽.
return is_odd_integral_number ? js_negative_infinity() : js_infinity();
// 8. Assert: base is finite and is neither +0𝔽 nor -0𝔽.
VERIFY(base.is_finite_number() && !base.is_positive_zero() && !base.is_negative_zero());
// 9. If exponent is +∞𝔽, then
if (exponent.is_positive_infinity()) {
auto absolute_base = fabs(base.as_double());
// a. If abs(ℝ(base)) > 1, return +∞𝔽.
if (absolute_base > 1)
return js_infinity();
// b. If abs(ℝ(base)) is 1, return NaN.
else if (absolute_base == 1)
return js_nan();
// c. If abs(ℝ(base)) < 1, return +0𝔽.
else if (absolute_base < 1)
return Value(0);
// 10. If exponent is -∞𝔽, then
if (exponent.is_negative_infinity()) {
auto absolute_base = fabs(base.as_double());
// a. If abs(ℝ(base)) > 1, return +0𝔽.
if (absolute_base > 1)
return Value(0);
// b. If abs(ℝ(base)) is 1, return NaN.
else if (absolute_base == 1)
return js_nan();
// a. If abs(ℝ(base)) > 1, return +0𝔽.
else if (absolute_base < 1)
return js_infinity();
// 11. Assert: exponent is finite and is neither +0𝔽 nor -0𝔽.
VERIFY(exponent.is_finite_number() && !exponent.is_positive_zero() && !exponent.is_negative_zero());
// 12. If base < -0𝔽 and exponent is not an integral Number, return NaN.
if (base.as_double() < 0 && !exponent.is_integral_number())
return js_nan();
// 13. Return an implementation-approximated Number value representing the result of raising ℝ(base) to the ℝ(exponent) power.
return Value(::pow(base.as_double(), exponent.as_double()));
// 13.6 Exponentiation Operator, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-exp-operator
// ExponentiationExpression : UpdateExpression ** ExponentiationExpression
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> exp(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 3. Let lnum be ? ToNumeric(lval).
auto lhs_numeric = TRY(lhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 4. Let rnum be ? ToNumeric(rval).
auto rhs_numeric = TRY(rhs.to_numeric(vm));
// 7. Let operation be the abstract operation associated with opText and Type(lnum) in the following table:
// [...]
// 8. Return operation(lnum, rnum).
if (both_number(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
return exp_double(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric);
if (both_bigint(lhs_numeric, rhs_numeric)) {
// BigInt::exponentiate ( base, exponent ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-exponentiate
auto base = lhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
auto exponent = rhs_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer();
// 1. If exponent < 0ℤ, throw a RangeError exception.
if (exponent.is_negative())
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::NegativeExponent);
// 2. If base is 0ℤ and exponent is 0ℤ, return 1ℤ.
// 3. Return the BigInt value that represents ℝ(base) raised to the power ℝ(exponent).
return BigInt::create(vm, Crypto::NumberTheory::Power(base, exponent));
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "exponentiation");
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> in(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
if (!rhs.is_object())
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::InOperatorWithObject);
auto lhs_property_key = TRY(lhs.to_property_key(vm));
return Value(TRY(rhs.as_object().has_property(lhs_property_key)));
// 13.10.2 InstanceofOperator ( V, target ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-instanceofoperator
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> instance_of(VM& vm, Value value, Value target)
// 1. If target is not an Object, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!target.is_object())
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 2. Let instOfHandler be ? GetMethod(target, @@hasInstance).
auto instance_of_handler = TRY(target.get_method(vm, vm.well_known_symbol_has_instance()));
// 3. If instOfHandler is not undefined, then
if (instance_of_handler) {
// a. Return ToBoolean(? Call(instOfHandler, target, « V »)).
return Value(TRY(call(vm, *instance_of_handler, target, value)).to_boolean());
// 4. If IsCallable(target) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!target.is_function())
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::NotAFunction, target.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 5. Return ? OrdinaryHasInstance(target, V).
return ordinary_has_instance(vm, target, value);
// 7.3.22 OrdinaryHasInstance ( C, O ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-ordinaryhasinstance
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> ordinary_has_instance(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. If IsCallable(C) is false, return false.
if (!rhs.is_function())
return Value(false);
auto& rhs_function = rhs.as_function();
// 2. If C has a [[BoundTargetFunction]] internal slot, then
if (is<BoundFunction>(rhs_function)) {
auto const& bound_target = static_cast<BoundFunction const&>(rhs_function);
// a. Let BC be C.[[BoundTargetFunction]].
// b. Return ? InstanceofOperator(O, BC).
return instance_of(vm, lhs, Value(&bound_target.bound_target_function()));
// 3. If O is not an Object, return false.
if (!lhs.is_object())
return Value(false);
auto* lhs_object = &lhs.as_object();
// 4. Let P be ? Get(C, "prototype").
auto rhs_prototype = TRY(rhs_function.get(vm.names.prototype));
// 5. If P is not an Object, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!rhs_prototype.is_object())
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::InstanceOfOperatorBadPrototype, rhs.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 6. Repeat,
while (true) {
// a. Set O to ? O.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
lhs_object = TRY(lhs_object->internal_get_prototype_of());
// b. If O is null, return false.
if (!lhs_object)
return Value(false);
// c. If SameValue(P, O) is true, return true.
if (same_value(rhs_prototype, lhs_object))
return Value(true);
// 7.2.10 SameValue ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-samevalue
bool same_value(Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
if (!same_type_for_equality(lhs, rhs))
return false;
// 2. If x is a Number, then
if (lhs.is_number()) {
// a. Return Number::sameValue(x, y).
// Number::sameValue ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-sameValue
// 1. If x is NaN and y is NaN, return true.
if (lhs.is_nan() && rhs.is_nan())
return true;
// 2. If x is +0𝔽 and y is -0𝔽, return false.
if (lhs.is_positive_zero() && rhs.is_negative_zero())
return false;
// 3. If x is -0𝔽 and y is +0𝔽, return false.
if (lhs.is_negative_zero() && rhs.is_positive_zero())
return false;
// 4. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
// 5. Return false.
return lhs.as_double() == rhs.as_double();
// 3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
return same_value_non_number(lhs, rhs);
// 7.2.11 SameValueZero ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-samevaluezero
bool same_value_zero(Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
if (!same_type_for_equality(lhs, rhs))
return false;
// 2. If x is a Number, then
if (lhs.is_number()) {
// a. Return Number::sameValueZero(x, y).
if (lhs.is_nan() && rhs.is_nan())
return true;
return lhs.as_double() == rhs.as_double();
// 3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
return same_value_non_number(lhs, rhs);
// 7.2.12 SameValueNonNumber ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-samevaluenonnumeric
bool same_value_non_number(Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. Assert: Type(x) is the same as Type(y).
VERIFY(same_type_for_equality(lhs, rhs));
// 2. If x is a BigInt, then
if (lhs.is_bigint()) {
// a. Return BigInt::equal(x, y).
// BigInt::equal ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-bigint-equal
// 1. If ℝ(x) = ℝ(y), return true; otherwise return false.
return lhs.as_bigint().big_integer() == rhs.as_bigint().big_integer();
// 5. If x is a String, then
if (lhs.is_string()) {
// a. If x and y are exactly the same sequence of code units (same length and same code units at corresponding indices), return true; otherwise, return false.
return lhs.as_string().byte_string() == rhs.as_string().byte_string();
// 3. If x is undefined, return true.
// 4. If x is null, return true.
// 6. If x is a Boolean, then
// a. If x and y are both true or both false, return true; otherwise, return false.
// 7. If x is a Symbol, then
// a. If x and y are both the same Symbol value, return true; otherwise, return false.
// 8. If x and y are the same Object value, return true. Otherwise, return false.
// NOTE: All the options above will have the exact same bit representation in Value, so we can directly compare the bits.
return lhs.m_value.encoded == rhs.m_value.encoded;
// 7.2.15 IsStrictlyEqual ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isstrictlyequal
bool is_strictly_equal(Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
if (!same_type_for_equality(lhs, rhs))
return false;
// 2. If x is a Number, then
if (lhs.is_number()) {
// a. Return Number::equal(x, y).
// Number::equal ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-numeric-types-number-equal
// 1. If x is NaN, return false.
// 2. If y is NaN, return false.
if (lhs.is_nan() || rhs.is_nan())
return false;
// 3. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
// 4. If x is +0𝔽 and y is -0𝔽, return true.
// 5. If x is -0𝔽 and y is +0𝔽, return true.
if (lhs.as_double() == rhs.as_double())
return true;
// 6. Return false.
return false;
// 3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
return same_value_non_number(lhs, rhs);
// 7.2.14 IsLooselyEqual ( x, y ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-islooselyequal
ThrowCompletionOr<bool> is_loosely_equal(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs)
// 1. If Type(x) is the same as Type(y), then
if (same_type_for_equality(lhs, rhs)) {
// a. Return IsStrictlyEqual(x, y).
return is_strictly_equal(lhs, rhs);
// 2. If x is null and y is undefined, return true.
// 3. If x is undefined and y is null, return true.
if (lhs.is_nullish() && rhs.is_nullish())
return true;
// 4. NOTE: This step is replaced in section B.3.6.2.
// B.3.6.2 Changes to IsLooselyEqual, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-IsHTMLDDA-internal-slot-aec
// 4. Perform the following steps:
// a. If Type(x) is Object and x has an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot and y is either null or undefined, return true.
if (lhs.is_object() && lhs.as_object().is_htmldda() && rhs.is_nullish())
return true;
// b. If x is either null or undefined and Type(y) is Object and y has an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot, return true.
if (lhs.is_nullish() && rhs.is_object() && rhs.as_object().is_htmldda())
return true;
// == End of B.3.6.2 ==
// 5. If Type(x) is Number and Type(y) is String, return ! IsLooselyEqual(x, ! ToNumber(y)).
if (lhs.is_number() && rhs.is_string())
return is_loosely_equal(vm, lhs, MUST(rhs.to_number(vm)));
// 6. If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is Number, return ! IsLooselyEqual(! ToNumber(x), y).
if (lhs.is_string() && rhs.is_number())
return is_loosely_equal(vm, MUST(lhs.to_number(vm)), rhs);
// 7. If Type(x) is BigInt and Type(y) is String, then
if (lhs.is_bigint() && rhs.is_string()) {
// a. Let n be StringToBigInt(y).
auto bigint = string_to_bigint(vm, rhs.as_string().byte_string());
// b. If n is undefined, return false.
if (!bigint.has_value())
return false;
// c. Return ! IsLooselyEqual(x, n).
return is_loosely_equal(vm, lhs, *bigint);
// 8. If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is BigInt, return ! IsLooselyEqual(y, x).
if (lhs.is_string() && rhs.is_bigint())
return is_loosely_equal(vm, rhs, lhs);
// 9. If Type(x) is Boolean, return ! IsLooselyEqual(! ToNumber(x), y).
if (lhs.is_boolean())
return is_loosely_equal(vm, MUST(lhs.to_number(vm)), rhs);
// 10. If Type(y) is Boolean, return ! IsLooselyEqual(x, ! ToNumber(y)).
if (rhs.is_boolean())
return is_loosely_equal(vm, lhs, MUST(rhs.to_number(vm)));
// 11. If Type(x) is either String, Number, BigInt, or Symbol and Type(y) is Object, return ! IsLooselyEqual(x, ? ToPrimitive(y)).
if ((lhs.is_string() || lhs.is_number() || lhs.is_bigint() || lhs.is_symbol()) && rhs.is_object()) {
auto rhs_primitive = TRY(rhs.to_primitive(vm));
return is_loosely_equal(vm, lhs, rhs_primitive);
// 12. If Type(x) is Object and Type(y) is either String, Number, BigInt, or Symbol, return ! IsLooselyEqual(? ToPrimitive(x), y).
if (lhs.is_object() && (rhs.is_string() || rhs.is_number() || rhs.is_bigint() || rhs.is_symbol())) {
auto lhs_primitive = TRY(lhs.to_primitive(vm));
return is_loosely_equal(vm, lhs_primitive, rhs);
// 13. If Type(x) is BigInt and Type(y) is Number, or if Type(x) is Number and Type(y) is BigInt, then
if ((lhs.is_bigint() && rhs.is_number()) || (lhs.is_number() && rhs.is_bigint())) {
// a. If x or y are any of NaN, +∞𝔽, or -∞𝔽, return false.
if (lhs.is_nan() || lhs.is_infinity() || rhs.is_nan() || rhs.is_infinity())
return false;
// b. If ℝ(x) = ℝ(y), return true; otherwise return false.
if ((lhs.is_number() && !lhs.is_integral_number()) || (rhs.is_number() && !rhs.is_integral_number()))
return false;
VERIFY(!lhs.is_nan() && !rhs.is_nan());
auto& number_side = lhs.is_number() ? lhs : rhs;
auto& bigint_side = lhs.is_number() ? rhs : lhs;
return bigint_side.as_bigint().big_integer().compare_to_double(number_side.as_double()) == Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleEqualsBigInt;
// 14. Return false.
return false;
// 7.2.13 IsLessThan ( x, y, LeftFirst ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-islessthan
ThrowCompletionOr<TriState> is_less_than(VM& vm, Value lhs, Value rhs, bool left_first)
Value x_primitive;
Value y_primitive;
// 1. If the LeftFirst flag is true, then
if (left_first) {
// a. Let px be ? ToPrimitive(x, number).
x_primitive = TRY(lhs.to_primitive(vm, Value::PreferredType::Number));
// b. Let py be ? ToPrimitive(y, number).
y_primitive = TRY(rhs.to_primitive(vm, Value::PreferredType::Number));
} else {
// a. NOTE: The order of evaluation needs to be reversed to preserve left to right evaluation.
// b. Let py be ? ToPrimitive(y, number).
y_primitive = TRY(lhs.to_primitive(vm, Value::PreferredType::Number));
// c. Let px be ? ToPrimitive(x, number).
x_primitive = TRY(rhs.to_primitive(vm, Value::PreferredType::Number));
// 3. If px is a String and py is a String, then
if (x_primitive.is_string() && y_primitive.is_string()) {
auto x_string = x_primitive.as_string().byte_string();
auto y_string = y_primitive.as_string().byte_string();
Utf8View x_code_points { x_string };
Utf8View y_code_points { y_string };
// a. Let lx be the length of px.
// b. Let ly be the length of py.
// c. For each integer i such that 0 ≤ i < min(lx, ly), in ascending order, do
for (auto k = x_code_points.begin(), l = y_code_points.begin();
k != x_code_points.end() && l != y_code_points.end();
++k, ++l) {
// i. Let cx be the integer that is the numeric value of the code unit at index i within px.
// ii. Let cy be the integer that is the numeric value of the code unit at index i within py.
if (*k != *l) {
// iii. If cx < cy, return true.
if (*k < *l) {
return TriState::True;
// iv. If cx > cy, return false.
else {
return TriState::False;
// d. If lx < ly, return true. Otherwise, return false.
return x_code_points.length() < y_code_points.length()
? TriState::True
: TriState::False;
// 4. Else,
// a. If px is a BigInt and py is a String, then
if (x_primitive.is_bigint() && y_primitive.is_string()) {
// i. Let ny be StringToBigInt(py).
auto y_bigint = string_to_bigint(vm, y_primitive.as_string().byte_string());
// ii. If ny is undefined, return undefined.
if (!y_bigint.has_value())
return TriState::Unknown;
// iii. Return BigInt::lessThan(px, ny).
if (x_primitive.as_bigint().big_integer() < (*y_bigint)->big_integer())
return TriState::True;
return TriState::False;
// b. If px is a String and py is a BigInt, then
if (x_primitive.is_string() && y_primitive.is_bigint()) {
// i. Let nx be StringToBigInt(px).
auto x_bigint = string_to_bigint(vm, x_primitive.as_string().byte_string());
// ii. If nx is undefined, return undefined.
if (!x_bigint.has_value())
return TriState::Unknown;
// iii. Return BigInt::lessThan(nx, py).
if ((*x_bigint)->big_integer() < y_primitive.as_bigint().big_integer())
return TriState::True;
return TriState::False;
// c. NOTE: Because px and py are primitive values, evaluation order is not important.
// d. Let nx be ? ToNumeric(px).
auto x_numeric = TRY(x_primitive.to_numeric(vm));
// e. Let ny be ? ToNumeric(py).
auto y_numeric = TRY(y_primitive.to_numeric(vm));
// h. If nx or ny is NaN, return undefined.
if (x_numeric.is_nan() || y_numeric.is_nan())
return TriState::Unknown;
// i. If nx is -∞𝔽 or ny is +∞𝔽, return true.
if (x_numeric.is_positive_infinity() || y_numeric.is_negative_infinity())
return TriState::False;
// j. If nx is +∞𝔽 or ny is -∞𝔽, return false.
if (x_numeric.is_negative_infinity() || y_numeric.is_positive_infinity())
return TriState::True;
// f. If Type(nx) is the same as Type(ny), then
// i. If nx is a Number, then
if (x_numeric.is_number() && y_numeric.is_number()) {
// 1. Return Number::lessThan(nx, ny).
if (x_numeric.as_double() < y_numeric.as_double())
return TriState::True;
return TriState::False;
// ii. Else,
if (x_numeric.is_bigint() && y_numeric.is_bigint()) {
// 1. Assert: nx is a BigInt.
// 2. Return BigInt::lessThan(nx, ny).
if (x_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer() < y_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer())
return TriState::True;
return TriState::False;
// g. Assert: nx is a BigInt and ny is a Number, or nx is a Number and ny is a BigInt.
VERIFY((x_numeric.is_number() && y_numeric.is_bigint()) || (x_numeric.is_bigint() && y_numeric.is_number()));
// k. If ℝ(nx) < ℝ(ny), return true; otherwise return false.
bool x_lower_than_y;
VERIFY(!x_numeric.is_nan() && !y_numeric.is_nan());
if (x_numeric.is_number()) {
x_lower_than_y = y_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().compare_to_double(x_numeric.as_double())
== Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
} else {
x_lower_than_y = x_numeric.as_bigint().big_integer().compare_to_double(y_numeric.as_double())
== Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt;
if (x_lower_than_y)
return TriState::True;
return TriState::False;
// 7.3.21 Invoke ( V, P [ , argumentsList ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-invoke
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Value::invoke_internal(VM& vm, PropertyKey const& property_key, Optional<GC::MarkedVector<Value>> arguments)
// 1. If argumentsList is not present, set argumentsList to a new empty List.
// 2. Let func be ? GetV(V, P).
auto function = TRY(get(vm, property_key));
// 3. Return ? Call(func, V, argumentsList).
ReadonlySpan<Value> argument_list;
if (arguments.has_value())
argument_list = arguments.value().span();
return call(vm, function, *this, argument_list);