MacDue 909bcfe9a4 LibWeb: Resolve and paint simple SVG masks
This allows applying SVG <mask>s to elements. It is only implemented for
the simplest (and default) case:

	- mask-type = luminance
 	- maskContentUnits = maskContentUnits
 	- maskUnits = objectBoundingBox
	- Default masking area

It should be possible to extend to cover more cases. Though the layout
for maskContentUnits = objectBoundingBox will be tricky to figure out.
2023-09-19 10:46:05 +02:00

101 lines
3.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2023, Aliaksandr Kalenik <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Painting/SVGTextPaintable.h>
#include <LibWeb/SVG/SVGSVGElement.h>
namespace Web::Painting {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<SVGTextPaintable> SVGTextPaintable::create(Layout::SVGTextBox const& layout_box)
return layout_box.heap().allocate_without_realm<SVGTextPaintable>(layout_box);
SVGTextPaintable::SVGTextPaintable(Layout::SVGTextBox const& layout_box)
: SVGGraphicsPaintable(layout_box)
Optional<HitTestResult> SVGTextPaintable::hit_test(CSSPixelPoint position, HitTestType type) const
return {};
void SVGTextPaintable::paint(PaintContext& context, PaintPhase phase) const
if (!is_visible())
if (!layout_node().computed_values().fill().has_value())
if (layout_node().computed_values().fill()->is_url()) {
dbgln("FIXME: Using url() as fill is not supported for svg text");
SVGGraphicsPaintable::paint(context, phase);
if (phase != PaintPhase::Foreground)
auto& painter = context.painter();
auto& text_element = layout_box().dom_node();
auto const* svg_element = text_element.shadow_including_first_ancestor_of_type<SVG::SVGSVGElement>();
auto svg_element_rect = svg_element->paintable_box()->absolute_rect();
Gfx::PainterStateSaver save_painter { painter };
auto svg_context_offset = context.floored_device_point(svg_element_rect.location()).to_type<int>();
auto const& dom_node = layout_box().dom_node();
auto child_text_content = dom_node.child_text_content();
auto maybe_transform = layout_box().layout_transform();
if (!maybe_transform.has_value())
auto transform = Gfx::AffineTransform(context.svg_transform()).multiply(*maybe_transform);
// FIXME: Support arbitrary path transforms for fonts.
// FIMXE: This assumes transform->x_scale() == transform->y_scale().
auto& scaled_font = layout_node().scaled_font(static_cast<float>(context.device_pixels_per_css_pixel()) * transform.x_scale());
Utf8View text_content { child_text_content };
auto text_offset = context.floored_device_point(dom_node.get_offset().transformed(transform).to_type<CSSPixels>());
// FIXME: Once SVGFormattingContext does text layout this logic should move there.
switch (text_element.text_anchor().value_or(SVG::TextAnchor::Start)) {
case SVG::TextAnchor::Start:
// The rendered characters are aligned such that the start of the resulting rendered text is at the initial
// current text position.
case SVG::TextAnchor::Middle: {
// The rendered characters are shifted such that the geometric middle of the resulting rendered text
// (determined from the initial and final current text position before applying the text-anchor property)
// is at the initial current text position.
text_offset.translate_by(-scaled_font.width(text_content) / 2, 0);
case SVG::TextAnchor::End: {
// The rendered characters are shifted such that the end of the resulting rendered text (final current text
// position before applying the text-anchor property) is at the initial current text position.
text_offset.translate_by(-scaled_font.width(text_content), 0);
painter.draw_text_run(text_offset.to_type<int>(), text_content, scaled_font, layout_node().computed_values().fill()->as_color());