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* Copyright (c) 2018-2024, Andreas Kling <andreas@ladybird.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <LibWeb/ARIA/Roles.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HTMLElementPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleValues/DisplayStyleValue.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EditingHostManager.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ElementFactory.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/IDLEventListener.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/LiveNodeList.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Position.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ShadowRoot.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CustomElements/CustomElementDefinition.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/ElementInternals.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventHandler.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLAnchorElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBRElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBaseElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBodyElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLLabelElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLParagraphElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/Strings.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/Box.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/TextNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/Namespace.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/PaintableBox.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/PointerEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/DOMException.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HTMLElement::HTMLElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: Element(document, move(qualified_name))
HTMLElement::~HTMLElement() = default;
void HTMLElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void HTMLElement::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-dir
StringView HTMLElement::dir() const
// FIXME: This should probably be `Reflect` in the IDL.
// The dir IDL attribute on an element must reflect the dir content attribute of that element, limited to only known values.
auto dir = get_attribute_value(HTML::AttributeNames::dir);
if (dir.equals_ignoring_ascii_case(#keyword##sv)) \
return #keyword##sv;
return {};
void HTMLElement::set_dir(String const& dir)
MUST(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::dir, dir));
bool HTMLElement::is_editable() const
switch (m_content_editable_state) {
case ContentEditableState::True:
return true;
case ContentEditableState::False:
return false;
case ContentEditableState::Inherit:
return parent() && parent()->is_editable();
bool HTMLElement::is_focusable() const
return m_content_editable_state == ContentEditableState::True;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-iscontenteditable
bool HTMLElement::is_content_editable() const
// The isContentEditable IDL attribute, on getting, must return true if the element is either an editing host or
// editable, and false otherwise.
return is_editable();
StringView HTMLElement::content_editable() const
switch (m_content_editable_state) {
case ContentEditableState::True:
return "true"sv;
case ContentEditableState::False:
return "false"sv;
case ContentEditableState::Inherit:
return "inherit"sv;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#contenteditable
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_content_editable(StringView content_editable)
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("inherit"sv)) {
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("true"sv)) {
MUST(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "true"_string));
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("false"sv)) {
MUST(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "false"_string));
return {};
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm(), "Invalid contentEditable value, must be 'true', 'false', or 'inherit'"_string);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#set-the-inner-text-steps
void HTMLElement::set_inner_text(StringView text)
// 1. Let fragment be the rendered text fragment for value given element's node document.
auto fragment = rendered_text_fragment(text);
// 2. Replace all with fragment within element.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#merge-with-the-next-text-node
static void merge_with_the_next_text_node(DOM::Text& node)
// 1. Let next be node's next sibling.
auto next = node.next_sibling();
// 2. If next is not a Text node, then return.
if (!is<DOM::Text>(next))
// 3. Replace data with node, node's data's length, 0, and next's data.
MUST(node.replace_data(node.length_in_utf16_code_units(), 0, static_cast<DOM::Text const&>(*next).data()));
// 4. Remove next.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-innertext-idl-attribute:dom-outertext-2
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_outer_text(String const& value)
// 1. If this's parent is null, then throw a "NoModificationAllowedError" DOMException.
if (!parent())
return WebIDL::NoModificationAllowedError::create(realm(), "setOuterText: parent is null"_string);
// 2. Let next be this's next sibling.
auto* next = next_sibling();
// 3. Let previous be this's previous sibling.
auto* previous = previous_sibling();
// 4. Let fragment be the rendered text fragment for the given value given this's node document.
auto fragment = rendered_text_fragment(value);
// 5. If fragment has no children, then append a new Text node whose data is the empty string and node document is this's node document to fragment.
if (!fragment->has_children())
MUST(fragment->append_child(document().create_text_node(String {})));
// 6. Replace this with fragment within this's parent.
MUST(parent()->replace_child(fragment, *this));
// 7. If next is non-null and next's previous sibling is a Text node, then merge with the next text node given next's previous sibling.
if (next && is<DOM::Text>(next->previous_sibling()))
// 8. If previous is a Text node, then merge with the next text node given previous.
if (is<DOM::Text>(previous))
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#rendered-text-fragment
GC::Ref<DOM::DocumentFragment> HTMLElement::rendered_text_fragment(StringView input)
// 1. Let fragment be a new DocumentFragment whose node document is document.
// Instead of creating a DocumentFragment the nodes are appended directly.
auto fragment = realm().create<DOM::DocumentFragment>(document());
// 2. Let position be a position variable for input, initially pointing at the start of input.
// 3. Let text be the empty string.
// 4. While position is not past the end of input:
while (!input.is_empty()) {
// 1. Collect a sequence of code points that are not U+000A LF or U+000D CR from input given position, and set text to the result.
auto newline_index = input.find_any_of("\n\r"sv);
size_t const sequence_end_index = newline_index.value_or(input.length());
StringView const text = input.substring_view(0, sequence_end_index);
input = input.substring_view_starting_after_substring(text);
// 2. If text is not the empty string, then append a new Text node whose data is text and node document is document to fragment.
if (!text.is_empty()) {
// 3. While position is not past the end of input, and the code point at position is either U+000A LF or U+000D CR:
while (input.starts_with('\n') || input.starts_with('\r')) {
// 1. If the code point at position is U+000D CR and the next code point is U+000A LF, then advance position to the next code point in input.
if (input.starts_with("\r\n"sv)) {
// 2. Advance position to the next code point in input.
input = input.substring_view(2);
} else {
// 2. Advance position to the next code point in input.
input = input.substring_view(1);
// 3. Append the result of creating an element given document, br, and the HTML namespace to fragment.
auto br_element = DOM::create_element(document(), HTML::TagNames::br, Namespace::HTML).release_value();
// 5. Return fragment.
return fragment;
struct RequiredLineBreakCount {
int count { 0 };
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#rendered-text-collection-steps
static Vector<Variant<String, RequiredLineBreakCount>> rendered_text_collection_steps(DOM::Node const& node)
// 1. Let items be the result of running the rendered text collection steps with each child node of node in tree order, and then concatenating the results to a single list.
Vector<Variant<String, RequiredLineBreakCount>> items;
node.for_each_child([&](auto const& child) {
auto child_items = rendered_text_collection_steps(child);
return IterationDecision::Continue;
// NOTE: Steps are re-ordered here a bit.
// 3. If node is not being rendered, then return items.
// For the purpose of this step, the following elements must act as described
// if the computed value of the 'display' property is not 'none':
// FIXME: - select elements have an associated non-replaced inline CSS box whose child boxes include only those of optgroup and option element child nodes;
// FIXME: - optgroup elements have an associated non-replaced block-level CSS box whose child boxes include only those of option element child nodes; and
// FIXME: - option element have an associated non-replaced block-level CSS box whose child boxes are as normal for non-replaced block-level CSS boxes.
auto* layout_node = node.layout_node();
if (!layout_node)
return items;
auto const& computed_values = layout_node->computed_values();
// 2. If node's computed value of 'visibility' is not 'visible', then return items.
if (computed_values.visibility() != CSS::Visibility::Visible)
return items;
// AD-HOC: If node's computed value of 'content-visibility' is 'hidden', then return items.
if (computed_values.content_visibility() == CSS::ContentVisibility::Hidden)
return items;
// 4. If node is a Text node, then for each CSS text box produced by node, in content order,
// compute the text of the box after application of the CSS 'white-space' processing rules
// and 'text-transform' rules, set items to the list of the resulting strings, and return items.
// FIXME: The CSS 'white-space' processing rules are slightly modified:
// collapsible spaces at the end of lines are always collapsed,
// but they are only removed if the line is the last line of the block,
// or it ends with a br element. Soft hyphens should be preserved. [CSSTEXT]
if (is<DOM::Text>(node)) {
auto const* layout_text_node = verify_cast<Layout::TextNode>(layout_node);
return items;
// 5. If node is a br element, then append a string containing a single U+000A LF code point to items.
if (is<HTML::HTMLBRElement>(node)) {
return items;
auto display = computed_values.display();
// 6. If node's computed value of 'display' is 'table-cell', and node's CSS box is not the last 'table-cell' box of its enclosing 'table-row' box, then append a string containing a single U+0009 TAB code point to items.
if (display.is_table_cell() && node.next_sibling())
// 7. If node's computed value of 'display' is 'table-row', and node's CSS box is not the last 'table-row' box of the nearest ancestor 'table' box, then append a string containing a single U+000A LF code point to items.
if (display.is_table_row() && node.next_sibling())
// 8. If node is a p element, then append 2 (a required line break count) at the beginning and end of items.
if (is<HTML::HTMLParagraphElement>(node)) {
items.prepend(RequiredLineBreakCount { 2 });
items.append(RequiredLineBreakCount { 2 });
// 9. If node's used value of 'display' is block-level or 'table-caption', then append 1 (a required line break count) at the beginning and end of items. [CSSDISPLAY]
if (display.is_block_outside() || display.is_table_caption()) {
items.prepend(RequiredLineBreakCount { 1 });
items.append(RequiredLineBreakCount { 1 });
// 10. Return items.
return items;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#get-the-text-steps
String HTMLElement::get_the_text_steps()
// 1. If element is not being rendered or if the user agent is a non-CSS user agent, then return element's descendant text content.
if (!layout_node())
return descendant_text_content();
// 2. Let results be a new empty list.
Vector<Variant<String, RequiredLineBreakCount>> results;
// 3. For each child node node of element:
for_each_child([&](Node const& node) {
// 1. Let current be the list resulting in running the rendered text collection steps with node.
// Each item in results will either be a string or a positive integer (a required line break count).
auto current = rendered_text_collection_steps(node);
// 2. For each item item in current, append item to results.
return IterationDecision::Continue;
// 4. Remove any items from results that are the empty string.
results.remove_all_matching([](auto& item) {
return item.visit(
[](String const& string) { return string.is_empty(); },
[](RequiredLineBreakCount const&) { return false; });
// 5. Remove any runs of consecutive required line break count items at the start or end of results.
while (!results.is_empty() && results.first().has<RequiredLineBreakCount>())
while (!results.is_empty() && results.last().has<RequiredLineBreakCount>())
// 6. Replace each remaining run of consecutive required line break count items
// with a string consisting of as many U+000A LF code points as the maximum of the values
// in the required line break count items.
for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
if (!results[i].has<RequiredLineBreakCount>())
int max_line_breaks = results[i].get<RequiredLineBreakCount>().count;
size_t j = i + 1;
while (j < results.size() && results[j].has<RequiredLineBreakCount>()) {
max_line_breaks = max(max_line_breaks, results[j].get<RequiredLineBreakCount>().count);
results.remove(i, j - i);
results.insert(i, MUST(String::repeated('\n', max_line_breaks)));
// 7. Return the concatenation of the string items in results.
StringBuilder builder;
for (auto& item : results) {
[&](String const& string) { builder.append(string); },
[&](RequiredLineBreakCount const&) {});
return builder.to_string_without_validation();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-innertext
String HTMLElement::inner_text()
// The innerText and outerText getter steps are to return the result of running get the text steps with this.
return get_the_text_steps();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-outertext
String HTMLElement::outer_text()
// The innerText and outerText getter steps are to return the result of running get the text steps with this.
return get_the_text_steps();
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view-1/#dom-htmlelement-offsetparent
GC::Ptr<DOM::Element> HTMLElement::offset_parent() const
// 1. If any of the following holds true return null and terminate this algorithm:
// - The element does not have an associated CSS layout box.
// - The element is the root element.
// - The element is the HTML body element.
// - The element’s computed value of the position property is fixed.
if (!layout_node())
return nullptr;
if (is_document_element())
return nullptr;
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*this))
return nullptr;
if (layout_node()->is_fixed_position())
return nullptr;
// 2. Return the nearest ancestor element of the element for which at least one of the following is true
// and terminate this algorithm if such an ancestor is found:
// - The computed value of the position property is not static.
// - It is the HTML body element.
// - The computed value of the position property of the element is static
// and the ancestor is one of the following HTML elements: td, th, or table.
for (auto* ancestor = parent_element(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent_element()) {
if (!ancestor->layout_node())
if (ancestor->layout_node()->is_positioned())
return const_cast<Element*>(ancestor);
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*ancestor))
return const_cast<Element*>(ancestor);
if (!ancestor->layout_node()->is_positioned() && ancestor->local_name().is_one_of(HTML::TagNames::td, HTML::TagNames::th, HTML::TagNames::table))
return const_cast<Element*>(ancestor);
// 3. Return null.
return nullptr;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view-1/#dom-htmlelement-offsettop
int HTMLElement::offset_top() const
// 1. If the element is the HTML body element or does not have any associated CSS layout box
// return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*this))
return 0;
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
if (!layout_node())
return 0;
CSSPixels top_border_edge_of_element;
if (paintable()->is_paintable_box()) {
top_border_edge_of_element = paintable_box()->absolute_border_box_rect().y();
} else {
top_border_edge_of_element = paintable()->box_type_agnostic_position().y();
// 2. If the offsetParent of the element is null
// return the y-coordinate of the top border edge of the first CSS layout box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors, and terminate this algorithm.
auto offset_parent = this->offset_parent();
if (!offset_parent || !offset_parent->layout_node()) {
return top_border_edge_of_element.to_int();
// 3. Return the result of subtracting the y-coordinate of the top padding edge
// of the first box associated with the offsetParent of the element
// from the y-coordinate of the top border edge of the first box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// NOTE: We give special treatment to the body element to match other browsers.
// Spec bug: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10549
CSSPixels top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent;
if (offset_parent->is_html_body_element() && !offset_parent->paintable()->is_positioned()) {
top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = 0;
} else if (offset_parent->paintable()->is_paintable_box()) {
top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = offset_parent->paintable_box()->absolute_padding_box_rect().y();
} else {
top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = offset_parent->paintable()->box_type_agnostic_position().y();
return (top_border_edge_of_element - top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent).to_int();
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view-1/#dom-htmlelement-offsetleft
int HTMLElement::offset_left() const
// 1. If the element is the HTML body element or does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*this))
return 0;
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
if (!layout_node())
return 0;
CSSPixels left_border_edge_of_element;
if (paintable()->is_paintable_box()) {
left_border_edge_of_element = paintable_box()->absolute_border_box_rect().x();
} else {
left_border_edge_of_element = paintable()->box_type_agnostic_position().x();
// 2. If the offsetParent of the element is null
// return the x-coordinate of the left border edge of the first CSS layout box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors, and terminate this algorithm.
auto offset_parent = this->offset_parent();
if (!offset_parent || !offset_parent->layout_node()) {
return left_border_edge_of_element.to_int();
// 3. Return the result of subtracting the x-coordinate of the left padding edge
// of the first CSS layout box associated with the offsetParent of the element
// from the x-coordinate of the left border edge of the first CSS layout box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// NOTE: We give special treatment to the body element to match other browsers.
// Spec bug: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10549
CSSPixels left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent;
if (offset_parent->is_html_body_element() && !offset_parent->paintable()->is_positioned()) {
left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = 0;
} else if (offset_parent->paintable()->is_paintable_box()) {
left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = offset_parent->paintable_box()->absolute_padding_box_rect().x();
} else {
left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = offset_parent->paintable()->box_type_agnostic_position().x();
return (left_border_edge_of_element - left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent).to_int();
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#dom-htmlelement-offsetwidth
int HTMLElement::offset_width() const
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
// 1. If the element does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (!paintable_box())
return 0;
// 2. Return the width of the axis-aligned bounding box of the border boxes of all fragments generated by the element’s principal box,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// FIXME: Account for inline boxes.
return paintable_box()->border_box_width().to_int();
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#dom-htmlelement-offsetheight
int HTMLElement::offset_height() const
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
// 1. If the element does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (!paintable_box())
return 0;
// 2. Return the height of the axis-aligned bounding box of the border boxes of all fragments generated by the element’s principal box,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// FIXME: Account for inline boxes.
return paintable_box()->border_box_height().to_int();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#cannot-navigate
bool HTMLElement::cannot_navigate() const
// An element element cannot navigate if one of the following is true:
// - element's node document is not fully active
if (!document().is_fully_active())
return true;
// - element is not an a element and is not connected.
return !is<HTML::HTMLAnchorElement>(this) && !is_connected();
void HTMLElement::attribute_changed(FlyString const& name, Optional<String> const& old_value, Optional<String> const& value, Optional<FlyString> const& namespace_)
Base::attribute_changed(name, old_value, value, namespace_);
HTMLOrSVGElement::attribute_changed(name, old_value, value, namespace_);
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable) {
if (!value.has_value()) {
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::Inherit;
} else {
if (value->is_empty() || value->equals_ignoring_ascii_case("true"sv)) {
// "true", an empty string or a missing value map to the "true" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::True;
} else if (value->equals_ignoring_ascii_case("false"sv)) {
// "false" maps to the "false" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::False;
} else {
// Having no such attribute or an invalid value maps to the "inherit" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::Inherit;
// 1. If namespace is not null, or localName is not the name of an event handler content attribute on element, then return.
// FIXME: Add the namespace part once we support attribute namespaces.
#undef __ENUMERATE
#define __ENUMERATE(attribute_name, event_name) \
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::attribute_name) { \
element_event_handler_attribute_changed(event_name, value); \
#undef __ENUMERATE
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::cloned(Web::DOM::Node& copy, bool clone_children)
TRY(Base::cloned(copy, clone_children));
TRY(HTMLOrSVGElement::cloned(copy, clone_children));
return {};
void HTMLElement::inserted()
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#fire-a-synthetic-pointer-event
bool HTMLElement::fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(FlyString const& type, DOM::Element& target, bool not_trusted)
// 1. Let event be the result of creating an event using PointerEvent.
// 2. Initialize event's type attribute to e.
auto event = UIEvents::PointerEvent::create(realm(), type);
// 3. Initialize event's bubbles and cancelable attributes to true.
// 4. Set event's composed flag.
// 5. If the not trusted flag is set, initialize event's isTrusted attribute to false.
if (not_trusted) {
// FIXME: 6. Initialize event's ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, and metaKey attributes according to the current state
// of the key input device, if any (false for any keys that are not available).
// FIXME: 7. Initialize event's view attribute to target's node document's Window object, if any, and null otherwise.
// FIXME: 8. event's getModifierState() method is to return values appropriately describing the current state of the key input device.
// 9. Return the result of dispatching event at target.
return target.dispatch_event(event);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#dom-lfe-labels-dev
GC::Ptr<DOM::NodeList> HTMLElement::labels()
// Labelable elements and all input elements have a live NodeList object associated with them that represents the list of label elements, in tree order,
// whose labeled control is the element in question. The labels IDL attribute of labelable elements that are not form-associated custom elements,
// and the labels IDL attribute of input elements, on getting, must return that NodeList object, and that same value must always be returned,
// unless this element is an input element whose type attribute is in the Hidden state, in which case it must instead return null.
if (!is_labelable())
return {};
if (!m_labels) {
m_labels = DOM::LiveNodeList::create(realm(), root(), DOM::LiveNodeList::Scope::Descendants, [&](auto& node) {
return is<HTMLLabelElement>(node) && verify_cast<HTMLLabelElement>(node).control() == this;
return m_labels;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-click
void HTMLElement::click()
// 1. If this element is a form control that is disabled, then return.
if (auto* form_control = dynamic_cast<FormAssociatedElement*>(this)) {
if (!form_control->enabled())
// 2. If this element's click in progress flag is set, then return.
if (m_click_in_progress)
// 3. Set this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = true;
// 4. Fire a synthetic pointer event named click at this element, with the not trusted flag set.
fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(HTML::EventNames::click, *this, true);
// 5. Unset this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = false;
Optional<ARIA::Role> HTMLElement::default_role() const
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-address
if (local_name() == TagNames::address)
return ARIA::Role::group;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-article
if (local_name() == TagNames::article)
return ARIA::Role::article;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-aside
if (local_name() == TagNames::aside)
return ARIA::Role::complementary;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-b
if (local_name() == TagNames::b)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-bdi
if (local_name() == TagNames::bdi)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-bdo
if (local_name() == TagNames::bdo)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-code
if (local_name() == TagNames::code)
return ARIA::Role::code;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-dfn
if (local_name() == TagNames::dfn)
return ARIA::Role::term;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-em
if (local_name() == TagNames::em)
return ARIA::Role::emphasis;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-figure
if (local_name() == TagNames::figure)
return ARIA::Role::figure;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-footer
if (local_name() == TagNames::footer) {
// TODO: If not a descendant of an article, aside, main, nav or section element, or an element with role=article, complementary, main, navigation or region then role=contentinfo
// Otherwise, role=generic
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-header
if (local_name() == TagNames::header) {
// TODO: If not a descendant of an article, aside, main, nav or section element, or an element with role=article, complementary, main, navigation or region then role=banner
// Otherwise, role=generic
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-hgroup
if (local_name() == TagNames::hgroup)
return ARIA::Role::group;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-i
if (local_name() == TagNames::i)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-main
if (local_name() == TagNames::main)
return ARIA::Role::main;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-nav
if (local_name() == TagNames::nav)
return ARIA::Role::navigation;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-s
if (local_name() == TagNames::s)
return ARIA::Role::deletion;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-samp
if (local_name() == TagNames::samp)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-search
if (local_name() == TagNames::search)
return ARIA::Role::search;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-section
if (local_name() == TagNames::section) {
// TODO: role=region if the section element has an accessible name
// Otherwise, no corresponding role
return ARIA::Role::region;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-small
if (local_name() == TagNames::small)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-strong
if (local_name() == TagNames::strong)
return ARIA::Role::strong;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-sub
if (local_name() == TagNames::sub)
return ARIA::Role::subscript;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-summary
if (local_name() == TagNames::summary)
return ARIA::Role::button;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-sup
if (local_name() == TagNames::sup)
return ARIA::Role::superscript;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-u
if (local_name() == TagNames::u)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#get-an-element's-target
String HTMLElement::get_an_elements_target() const
// To get an element's target, given an a, area, or form element element, run these steps:
// 1. If element has a target attribute, then return that attribute's value.
auto maybe_target = attribute(AttributeNames::target);
if (maybe_target.has_value())
return maybe_target.release_value();
// FIXME: 2. If element's node document contains a base element with a
// target attribute, then return the value of the target attribute of the
// first such base element.
// 3. Return the empty string.
return String {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#get-an-element's-noopener
TokenizedFeature::NoOpener HTMLElement::get_an_elements_noopener(StringView target) const
// To get an element's noopener, given an a, area, or form element element and a string target:
auto rel = MUST(get_attribute_value(HTML::AttributeNames::rel).to_lowercase());
auto link_types = rel.bytes_as_string_view().split_view_if(Infra::is_ascii_whitespace);
// 1. If element's link types include the noopener or noreferrer keyword, then return true.
if (link_types.contains_slow("noopener"sv) || link_types.contains_slow("noreferrer"sv))
return TokenizedFeature::NoOpener::Yes;
// 2. If element's link types do not include the opener keyword and
// target is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "_blank", then return true.
if (!link_types.contains_slow("opener"sv) && Infra::is_ascii_case_insensitive_match(target, "_blank"sv))
return TokenizedFeature::NoOpener::Yes;
// 3. Return false.
return TokenizedFeature::NoOpener::No;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<GC::Ref<ElementInternals>> HTMLElement::attach_internals()
// 1. If this's is value is not null, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (is_value().has_value())
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals cannot be attached to a customized build-in element"_string);
// 2. Let definition be the result of looking up a custom element definition given this's node document, its namespace, its local name, and null as the is value.
auto definition = document().lookup_custom_element_definition(namespace_uri(), local_name(), is_value());
// 3. If definition is null, then throw an "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (!definition)
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals cannot be attached to an element that is not a custom element"_string);
// 4. If definition's disable internals is true, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (definition->disable_internals())
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals are disabled for this custom element"_string);
// 5. If this's attached internals is non-null, then throw an "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (m_attached_internals)
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals already attached"_string);
// 6. If this's custom element state is not "precustomized" or "custom", then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (!first_is_one_of(custom_element_state(), DOM::CustomElementState::Precustomized, DOM::CustomElementState::Custom))
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "Custom element is in an invalid state to attach ElementInternals"_string);
// 7. Set this's attached internals to a new ElementInternals instance whose target element is this.
auto internals = ElementInternals::create(realm(), *this);
m_attached_internals = internals;
// 8. Return this's attached internals.
return { internals };
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#dom-popover
Optional<String> HTMLElement::popover() const
// FIXME: This should probably be `Reflect` in the IDL.
// The popover IDL attribute must reflect the popover attribute, limited to only known values.
auto value = get_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::popover);
if (!value.has_value())
return {};
if (value.value().is_empty() || value.value().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto"sv))
return "auto"_string;
return "manual"_string;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#dom-popover
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_popover(Optional<String> value)
// FIXME: This should probably be `Reflect` in the IDL.
// The popover IDL attribute must reflect the popover attribute, limited to only known values.
if (value.has_value())
return set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::popover, value.release_value());
return {};
void HTMLElement::adjust_computed_style(CSS::StyleProperties& style)
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-3/#unbox
if (local_name() == HTML::TagNames::wbr) {
if (style.display().is_contents())
style.set_property(CSS::PropertyID::Display, CSS::DisplayStyleValue::create(CSS::Display::from_short(CSS::Display::Short::None)));
void HTMLElement::did_receive_focus()
if (m_content_editable_state != ContentEditableState::True)
auto editing_host = document().editing_host_manager();
DOM::Text* text = nullptr;
for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type<DOM::Text>([&](auto& node) {
text = &node;
return TraversalDecision::Continue;
if (!text) {
editing_host->set_selection_anchor(*this, 0);
editing_host->set_selection_anchor(*text, text->length());
void HTMLElement::did_lose_focus()
if (m_content_editable_state != ContentEditableState::True)
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-accesskeylabel
String HTMLElement::access_key_label() const
dbgln("FIXME: Implement HTMLElement::access_key_label()");
return String {};