Timothy Flynn fe891727dc LibWeb: Use correct URL parsing methods throughout LibWeb
There are essentially 3 URL parsing AOs defined by the spec:
1. Parse a URL
2. Encoding parse a URL
3. Encoding parse a URL and serialize the result

Further, these are replicated between the Document and the ESO.

This patch defines these methods in accordance with the spec and updates
existing users to invoke the correct method. In places where the correct
method is ambiguous, we use the encoding parser to preserve existing ad-
hoc behavior.
2024-12-10 10:37:01 -08:00

470 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2024, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibGC/Heap.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Realm.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/EventSourcePrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Fetching/Fetching.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchAlgorithms.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchController.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Headers.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Requests.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Responses.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CORSSettingAttribute.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventLoop/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventSource.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/MessageEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/PotentialCORSRequest.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<GC::Ref<EventSource>> EventSource::construct_impl(JS::Realm& realm, StringView url, EventSourceInit event_source_init_dict)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let ev be a new EventSource object.
auto event_source = realm.create<EventSource>(realm);
// 2. Let settings be ev's relevant settings object.
auto& settings = relevant_settings_object(event_source);
// 3. Let urlRecord be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given url, relative to settings.
auto url_record = settings.encoding_parse_url(url);
// 4. If urlRecord is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError" DOMException.
if (!url_record.is_valid())
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, MUST(String::formatted("Invalid URL '{}'", url)));
// 5. Set ev's url to urlRecord.
event_source->m_url = move(url_record);
// 6. Let corsAttributeState be Anonymous.
auto cors_attribute_state = CORSSettingAttribute::Anonymous;
// 7. If the value of eventSourceInitDict's withCredentials member is true, then set corsAttributeState to Use Credentials
// and set ev's withCredentials attribute to true.
if (event_source_init_dict.with_credentials) {
cors_attribute_state = CORSSettingAttribute::UseCredentials;
event_source->m_with_credentials = true;
// 8. Let request be the result of creating a potential-CORS request given urlRecord, the empty string, and corsAttributeState.
auto request = create_potential_CORS_request(vm, event_source->m_url, {}, cors_attribute_state);
// 9. Set request's client to settings.
// 10. User agents may set (`Accept`, `text/event-stream`) in request's header list.
auto header = Fetch::Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Accept"sv, "text/event-stream"sv);
// 11. Set request's cache mode to "no-store".
// 12. Set request's initiator type to "other".
// AD-HOC: We must not buffer the response as the connection generally never ends, thus we can't wait for the end
// of the response body.
// 13. Set ev's request to request.
event_source->m_request = request;
// 14. Let processEventSourceEndOfBody given response res be the following step: if res is not a network error, then
// reestablish the connection.
auto process_event_source_end_of_body = [event_source](GC::Ref<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response) {
if (!response->is_network_error())
// 15. Fetch request, with processResponseEndOfBody set to processEventSourceEndOfBody and processResponse set to the
// following steps given response res:
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::Input fetch_algorithms_input {};
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response_end_of_body = move(process_event_source_end_of_body);
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response = [event_source](GC::Ref<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response) {
auto& realm = event_source->realm();
// FIXME: If the response is CORS cross-origin, we must use its internal response to query any of its data. See:
response = response->unsafe_response();
auto content_type_is_text_event_stream = [&]() {
auto content_type = response->header_list()->extract_mime_type();
if (!content_type.has_value())
return false;
return content_type->essence() == "text/event-stream"sv;
// 1. If res is an aborted network error, then fail the connection.
if (response->is_aborted_network_error()) {
// 2. Otherwise, if res is a network error, then reestablish the connection, unless the user agent knows that
// to be futile, in which case the user agent may fail the connection.
else if (response->is_network_error()) {
// 3. Otherwise, if res's status is not 200, or if res's `Content-Type` is not `text/event-stream`, then fail
// the connection.
else if (response->status() != 200 || !content_type_is_text_event_stream()) {
// 4. Otherwise, announce the connection and interpret res's body line by line.
else {
auto process_body_chunk = GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [event_source, pending_data = ByteBuffer()](ByteBuffer body) mutable {
if (pending_data.is_empty())
pending_data = move(body);
auto last_line_break = AK::StringUtils::find_any_of(pending_data, "\r\n"sv, AK::StringUtils::SearchDirection::Backward);
if (!last_line_break.has_value())
auto end_index = *last_line_break + 1;
event_source->interpret_response({ pending_data.bytes().slice(0, end_index) });
pending_data = MUST(pending_data.slice(end_index, pending_data.size() - end_index));
auto process_end_of_body = GC::create_function(realm.heap(), []() {
// This case is handled by `process_event_source_end_of_body` above.
auto process_body_error = GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [](JS::Value) {
// This case is handled by `process_event_source_end_of_body` above.
response->body()->incrementally_read(process_body_chunk, process_end_of_body, process_body_error, { realm.global_object() });
event_source->m_fetch_algorithms = Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(vm, move(fetch_algorithms_input));
event_source->m_fetch_controller = TRY(Fetch::Fetching::fetch(realm, request, *event_source->m_fetch_algorithms));
// 16. Return ev.
return event_source;
EventSource::EventSource(JS::Realm& realm)
: EventTarget(realm)
EventSource::~EventSource() = default;
void EventSource::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
auto* relevant_global = dynamic_cast<HTML::WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin*>(&HTML::relevant_global_object(*this));
relevant_global->register_event_source({}, *this);
void EventSource::finalize()
// If an EventSource object is garbage collected while its connection is still open, the user agent must abort any
// instance of the fetch algorithm opened by this EventSource.
if (m_ready_state != ReadyState::Closed) {
if (m_fetch_controller)
m_fetch_controller->abort(realm(), {});
auto* relevant_global = dynamic_cast<HTML::WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin*>(&HTML::relevant_global_object(*this));
relevant_global->unregister_event_source({}, *this);
void EventSource::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
void EventSource::set_onopen(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::open, event_handler);
WebIDL::CallbackType* EventSource::onopen()
return event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::open);
void EventSource::set_onmessage(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::message, event_handler);
WebIDL::CallbackType* EventSource::onmessage()
return event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::message);
void EventSource::set_onerror(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::error, event_handler);
WebIDL::CallbackType* EventSource::onerror()
return event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::error);
void EventSource::close()
// The close() method must abort any instances of the fetch algorithm started for this EventSource object, and must
// set the readyState attribute to CLOSED.
if (m_fetch_controller)
m_fetch_controller->abort(realm(), {});
m_ready_state = ReadyState::Closed;
void EventSource::forcibly_close()
// If a user agent is to forcibly close an EventSource object (this happens when a Document object goes away
// permanently), the user agent must abort any instances of the fetch algorithm started for this EventSource
// object, and must set the readyState attribute to CLOSED.
if (m_fetch_controller)
m_fetch_controller->abort(realm(), {});
m_ready_state = ReadyState::Closed;
void EventSource::announce_the_connection()
// When a user agent is to announce the connection, the user agent must queue a task which, if the readyState attribute
// is set to a value other than CLOSED, sets the readyState attribute to OPEN and fires an event named open at the
// EventSource object.
HTML::queue_a_task(HTML::Task::Source::RemoteEvent, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(heap(), [this]() {
if (m_ready_state != ReadyState::Closed) {
m_ready_state = ReadyState::Open;
dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::open));
void EventSource::reestablish_the_connection()
IGNORE_USE_IN_ESCAPING_LAMBDA bool initial_task_has_run { false };
// 1. Queue a task to run the following steps:
HTML::queue_a_task(HTML::Task::Source::RemoteEvent, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(heap(), [&]() {
ScopeGuard guard { [&]() { initial_task_has_run = true; } };
// 1. If the readyState attribute is set to CLOSED, abort the task.
if (m_ready_state == ReadyState::Closed)
// 2. Set the readyState attribute to CONNECTING.
m_ready_state = ReadyState::Connecting;
// 3. Fire an event named error at the EventSource object.
dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::error));
// 2. Wait a delay equal to the reconnection time of the event source.
HTML::main_thread_event_loop().spin_until(GC::create_function(heap(), [&, delay_start = MonotonicTime::now()]() {
return (MonotonicTime::now() - delay_start) >= m_reconnection_time;
// 3. Optionally, wait some more. In particular, if the previous attempt failed, then user agents might introduce
// an exponential backoff delay to avoid overloading a potentially already overloaded server. Alternatively, if
// the operating system has reported that there is no network connectivity, user agents might wait for the
// operating system to announce that the network connection has returned before retrying.
// 4. Wait until the aforementioned task has run, if it has not yet run.
if (!initial_task_has_run) {
HTML::main_thread_event_loop().spin_until(GC::create_function(heap(), [&]() { return initial_task_has_run; }));
// 5. Queue a task to run the following steps:
HTML::queue_a_task(HTML::Task::Source::RemoteEvent, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(heap(), [this]() {
// 1. If the EventSource object's readyState attribute is not set to CONNECTING, then return.
if (m_ready_state != ReadyState::Connecting)
// 2. Let request be the EventSource object's request.
GC::Ref request { *m_request };
// 3. If the EventSource object's last event ID string is not the empty string, then:
if (!m_last_event_id.is_empty()) {
// 1. Let lastEventIDValue be the EventSource object's last event ID string, encoded as UTF-8.
// 2. Set (`Last-Event-ID`, lastEventIDValue) in request's header list.
auto header = Fetch::Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Last-Event-ID"sv, m_last_event_id);
// 4. Fetch request and process the response obtained in this fashion, if any, as described earlier in this section.
m_fetch_controller = Fetch::Fetching::fetch(realm(), request, *m_fetch_algorithms).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
void EventSource::fail_the_connection()
// When a user agent is to fail the connection, the user agent must queue a task which, if the readyState attribute
// is set to a value other than CLOSED, sets the readyState attribute to CLOSED and fires an event named error at the
// EventSource object. Once the user agent has failed the connection, it does not attempt to reconnect.
HTML::queue_a_task(HTML::Task::Source::RemoteEvent, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(heap(), [this]() {
if (m_ready_state != ReadyState::Closed) {
m_ready_state = ReadyState::Closed;
dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::error));
void EventSource::interpret_response(StringView response)
// Lines must be processed, in the order they are received, as follows:
for (auto line : response.lines(StringView::ConsiderCarriageReturn::Yes)) {
// -> If the line is empty (a blank line)
if (line.is_empty()) {
// Dispatch the event, as defined below.
// -> If the line starts with a U+003A COLON character (:)
else if (line.starts_with(':')) {
// Ignore the line.
// -> If the line contains a U+003A COLON character (:)
else if (auto index = line.find(':'); index.has_value()) {
// Collect the characters on the line before the first U+003A COLON character (:), and let field be that string.
auto field = line.substring_view(0, *index);
// Collect the characters on the line after the first U+003A COLON character (:), and let value be that string.
// If value starts with a U+0020 SPACE character, remove it from value.
auto value = line.substring_view(*index + 1);
if (value.starts_with(' '))
value = value.substring_view(1);
// Process the field using the steps described below, using field as the field name and value as the field value.
process_field(field, value);
// -> Otherwise, the string is not empty but does not contain a U+003A COLON character (:)
else {
// Process the field using the steps described below, using the whole line as the field name, and the empty
// string as the field value.
process_field(line, {});
void EventSource::process_field(StringView field, StringView value)
// -> If the field name is "event"
if (field == "event"sv) {
// Set the event type buffer to field value.
m_event_type = MUST(String::from_utf8(value));
// -> If the field name is "data"
else if (field == "data"sv) {
// Append the field value to the data buffer, then append a single U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character to the data buffer.
// -> If the field name is "id"
else if (field == "id"sv) {
// If the field value does not contain U+0000 NULL, then set the last event ID buffer to the field value.
// Otherwise, ignore the field.
if (!value.contains('\0'))
m_last_event_id = MUST(String::from_utf8(value));
// -> If the field name is "retry"
else if (field == "retry"sv) {
// If the field value consists of only ASCII digits, then interpret the field value as an integer in base ten,
// and set the event stream's reconnection time to that integer. Otherwise, ignore the field.
if (auto retry = value.to_number<i64>(); retry.has_value())
m_reconnection_time = AK::Duration::from_seconds(*retry);
// -> Otherwise
else {
// The field is ignored.
void EventSource::dispatch_the_event()
// 1. Set the last event ID string of the event source to the value of the last event ID buffer. The buffer does not
// get reset, so the last event ID string of the event source remains set to this value until the next time it is
// set by the server.
auto const& last_event_id = m_last_event_id;
// 2. If the data buffer is an empty string, set the data buffer and the event type buffer to the empty string and return.
auto data_buffer = m_data.string_view();
if (data_buffer.is_empty()) {
m_event_type = {};
// 3. If the data buffer's last character is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, then remove the last character from the data buffer.
if (data_buffer.ends_with('\n'))
data_buffer = data_buffer.substring_view(0, data_buffer.length() - 1);
// 4. Let event be the result of creating an event using MessageEvent, in the relevant realm of the EventSource object.
// 5. Initialize event's type attribute to "message", its data attribute to data, its origin attribute to the serialization
// of the origin of the event stream's final URL (i.e., the URL after redirects), and its lastEventId attribute to the
// last event ID string of the event source.
// 6. If the event type buffer has a value other than the empty string, change the type of the newly created event to equal
// the value of the event type buffer.
MessageEventInit init {}; = JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm(), data_buffer);
init.origin = m_url.origin().serialize();
init.last_event_id = last_event_id;
auto type = m_event_type.is_empty() ? HTML::EventNames::message : m_event_type;
auto event = MessageEvent::create(realm(), type, init);
// 7. Set the data buffer and the event type buffer to the empty string.
m_event_type = {};
// 8. Queue a task which, if the readyState attribute is set to a value other than CLOSED, dispatches the newly created
// event at the EventSource object.
HTML::queue_a_task(HTML::Task::Source::RemoteEvent, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(heap(), [this, event]() {
if (m_ready_state != ReadyState::Closed)