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* Copyright (c) 2018-2024, Andreas Kling <andreas@ladybird.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/NativeFunction.h>
#include <LibWeb/ARIA/Roles.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HTMLElementPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleValues/DisplayStyleValue.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EditingHostManager.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ElementFactory.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/IDLEventListener.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/LiveNodeList.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Position.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ShadowRoot.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CloseWatcher.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CustomElements/CustomElementDefinition.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/ElementInternals.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventHandler.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLAnchorElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBRElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBaseElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBodyElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLDialogElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLLabelElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLParagraphElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/ToggleEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/Strings.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/Box.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/TextNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/Namespace.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/PaintableBox.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/PointerEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/DOMException.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HTMLElement::HTMLElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: Element(document, move(qualified_name))
HTMLElement::~HTMLElement() = default;
void HTMLElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void HTMLElement::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-dir
StringView HTMLElement::dir() const
// FIXME: This should probably be `Reflect` in the IDL.
// The dir IDL attribute on an element must reflect the dir content attribute of that element, limited to only known values.
auto dir = get_attribute_value(HTML::AttributeNames::dir);
if (dir.equals_ignoring_ascii_case(#keyword##sv)) \
return #keyword##sv;
return {};
void HTMLElement::set_dir(String const& dir)
MUST(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::dir, dir));
bool HTMLElement::is_focusable() const
return is_editing_host() || get_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::tabindex).has_value();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-iscontenteditable
bool HTMLElement::is_content_editable() const
// The isContentEditable IDL attribute, on getting, must return true if the element is either an editing host or
// editable, and false otherwise.
return is_editable_or_editing_host();
StringView HTMLElement::content_editable() const
switch (m_content_editable_state) {
case ContentEditableState::True:
return "true"sv;
case ContentEditableState::False:
return "false"sv;
case ContentEditableState::PlaintextOnly:
return "plaintext-only"sv;
case ContentEditableState::Inherit:
return "inherit"sv;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#contenteditable
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_content_editable(StringView content_editable)
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("inherit"sv)) {
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("true"sv)) {
MUST(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "true"_string));
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("plaintext-only"sv)) {
MUST(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "plaintext-only"_string));
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("false"sv)) {
MUST(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "false"_string));
return {};
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm(), "Invalid contentEditable value, must be 'true', 'false', 'plaintext-only' or 'inherit'"_string);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#set-the-inner-text-steps
void HTMLElement::set_inner_text(StringView text)
// 1. Let fragment be the rendered text fragment for value given element's node document.
auto fragment = rendered_text_fragment(text);
// 2. Replace all with fragment within element.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#merge-with-the-next-text-node
static void merge_with_the_next_text_node(DOM::Text& node)
// 1. Let next be node's next sibling.
auto next = node.next_sibling();
// 2. If next is not a Text node, then return.
if (!is<DOM::Text>(next))
// 3. Replace data with node, node's data's length, 0, and next's data.
MUST(node.replace_data(node.length_in_utf16_code_units(), 0, static_cast<DOM::Text const&>(*next).data()));
// 4. Remove next.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-innertext-idl-attribute:dom-outertext-2
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_outer_text(String const& value)
// 1. If this's parent is null, then throw a "NoModificationAllowedError" DOMException.
if (!parent())
return WebIDL::NoModificationAllowedError::create(realm(), "setOuterText: parent is null"_string);
// 2. Let next be this's next sibling.
auto* next = next_sibling();
// 3. Let previous be this's previous sibling.
auto* previous = previous_sibling();
// 4. Let fragment be the rendered text fragment for the given value given this's node document.
auto fragment = rendered_text_fragment(value);
// 5. If fragment has no children, then append a new Text node whose data is the empty string and node document is this's node document to fragment.
if (!fragment->has_children())
MUST(fragment->append_child(document().create_text_node(String {})));
// 6. Replace this with fragment within this's parent.
MUST(parent()->replace_child(fragment, *this));
// 7. If next is non-null and next's previous sibling is a Text node, then merge with the next text node given next's previous sibling.
if (next && is<DOM::Text>(next->previous_sibling()))
// 8. If previous is a Text node, then merge with the next text node given previous.
if (is<DOM::Text>(previous))
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#rendered-text-fragment
GC::Ref<DOM::DocumentFragment> HTMLElement::rendered_text_fragment(StringView input)
// 1. Let fragment be a new DocumentFragment whose node document is document.
// Instead of creating a DocumentFragment the nodes are appended directly.
auto fragment = realm().create<DOM::DocumentFragment>(document());
// 2. Let position be a position variable for input, initially pointing at the start of input.
// 3. Let text be the empty string.
// 4. While position is not past the end of input:
while (!input.is_empty()) {
// 1. Collect a sequence of code points that are not U+000A LF or U+000D CR from input given position, and set text to the result.
auto newline_index = input.find_any_of("\n\r"sv);
size_t const sequence_end_index = newline_index.value_or(input.length());
StringView const text = input.substring_view(0, sequence_end_index);
input = input.substring_view_starting_after_substring(text);
// 2. If text is not the empty string, then append a new Text node whose data is text and node document is document to fragment.
if (!text.is_empty()) {
// 3. While position is not past the end of input, and the code point at position is either U+000A LF or U+000D CR:
while (input.starts_with('\n') || input.starts_with('\r')) {
// 1. If the code point at position is U+000D CR and the next code point is U+000A LF, then advance position to the next code point in input.
if (input.starts_with("\r\n"sv)) {
// 2. Advance position to the next code point in input.
input = input.substring_view(2);
} else {
// 2. Advance position to the next code point in input.
input = input.substring_view(1);
// 3. Append the result of creating an element given document, "br", and the HTML namespace to fragment.
auto br_element = DOM::create_element(document(), HTML::TagNames::br, Namespace::HTML).release_value();
// 5. Return fragment.
return fragment;
struct RequiredLineBreakCount {
int count { 0 };
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#rendered-text-collection-steps
static Vector<Variant<String, RequiredLineBreakCount>> rendered_text_collection_steps(DOM::Node const& node)
// 1. Let items be the result of running the rendered text collection steps with each child node of node in tree order, and then concatenating the results to a single list.
Vector<Variant<String, RequiredLineBreakCount>> items;
node.for_each_child([&](auto const& child) {
auto child_items = rendered_text_collection_steps(child);
return IterationDecision::Continue;
// NOTE: Steps are re-ordered here a bit.
// 3. If node is not being rendered, then return items.
// For the purpose of this step, the following elements must act as described
// if the computed value of the 'display' property is not 'none':
// FIXME: - select elements have an associated non-replaced inline CSS box whose child boxes include only those of optgroup and option element child nodes;
// FIXME: - optgroup elements have an associated non-replaced block-level CSS box whose child boxes include only those of option element child nodes; and
// FIXME: - option element have an associated non-replaced block-level CSS box whose child boxes are as normal for non-replaced block-level CSS boxes.
auto* layout_node = node.layout_node();
if (!layout_node)
return items;
auto const& computed_values = layout_node->computed_values();
// 2. If node's computed value of 'visibility' is not 'visible', then return items.
if (computed_values.visibility() != CSS::Visibility::Visible)
return items;
// AD-HOC: If node's computed value of 'content-visibility' is 'hidden', then return items.
if (computed_values.content_visibility() == CSS::ContentVisibility::Hidden)
return items;
// 4. If node is a Text node, then for each CSS text box produced by node, in content order,
// compute the text of the box after application of the CSS 'white-space' processing rules
// and 'text-transform' rules, set items to the list of the resulting strings, and return items.
// FIXME: The CSS 'white-space' processing rules are slightly modified:
// collapsible spaces at the end of lines are always collapsed,
// but they are only removed if the line is the last line of the block,
// or it ends with a br element. Soft hyphens should be preserved. [CSSTEXT]
if (is<DOM::Text>(node)) {
auto const* layout_text_node = verify_cast<Layout::TextNode>(layout_node);
return items;
// 5. If node is a br element, then append a string containing a single U+000A LF code point to items.
if (is<HTML::HTMLBRElement>(node)) {
return items;
auto display = computed_values.display();
// 6. If node's computed value of 'display' is 'table-cell', and node's CSS box is not the last 'table-cell' box of its enclosing 'table-row' box, then append a string containing a single U+0009 TAB code point to items.
if (display.is_table_cell() && node.next_sibling())
// 7. If node's computed value of 'display' is 'table-row', and node's CSS box is not the last 'table-row' box of the nearest ancestor 'table' box, then append a string containing a single U+000A LF code point to items.
if (display.is_table_row() && node.next_sibling())
// 8. If node is a p element, then append 2 (a required line break count) at the beginning and end of items.
if (is<HTML::HTMLParagraphElement>(node)) {
items.prepend(RequiredLineBreakCount { 2 });
items.append(RequiredLineBreakCount { 2 });
// 9. If node's used value of 'display' is block-level or 'table-caption', then append 1 (a required line break count) at the beginning and end of items. [CSSDISPLAY]
if (display.is_block_outside() || display.is_table_caption()) {
items.prepend(RequiredLineBreakCount { 1 });
items.append(RequiredLineBreakCount { 1 });
// 10. Return items.
return items;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#get-the-text-steps
String HTMLElement::get_the_text_steps()
// 1. If element is not being rendered or if the user agent is a non-CSS user agent, then return element's descendant text content.
if (!layout_node())
return descendant_text_content();
// 2. Let results be a new empty list.
Vector<Variant<String, RequiredLineBreakCount>> results;
// 3. For each child node node of element:
for_each_child([&](Node const& node) {
// 1. Let current be the list resulting in running the rendered text collection steps with node.
// Each item in results will either be a string or a positive integer (a required line break count).
auto current = rendered_text_collection_steps(node);
// 2. For each item item in current, append item to results.
return IterationDecision::Continue;
// 4. Remove any items from results that are the empty string.
results.remove_all_matching([](auto& item) {
return item.visit(
[](String const& string) { return string.is_empty(); },
[](RequiredLineBreakCount const&) { return false; });
// 5. Remove any runs of consecutive required line break count items at the start or end of results.
while (!results.is_empty() && results.first().has<RequiredLineBreakCount>())
while (!results.is_empty() && results.last().has<RequiredLineBreakCount>())
// 6. Replace each remaining run of consecutive required line break count items
// with a string consisting of as many U+000A LF code points as the maximum of the values
// in the required line break count items.
for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
if (!results[i].has<RequiredLineBreakCount>())
int max_line_breaks = results[i].get<RequiredLineBreakCount>().count;
size_t j = i + 1;
while (j < results.size() && results[j].has<RequiredLineBreakCount>()) {
max_line_breaks = max(max_line_breaks, results[j].get<RequiredLineBreakCount>().count);
results.remove(i, j - i);
results.insert(i, MUST(String::repeated('\n', max_line_breaks)));
// 7. Return the concatenation of the string items in results.
StringBuilder builder;
for (auto& item : results) {
[&](String const& string) { builder.append(string); },
[&](RequiredLineBreakCount const&) {});
return builder.to_string_without_validation();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-innertext
String HTMLElement::inner_text()
// The innerText and outerText getter steps are to return the result of running get the text steps with this.
return get_the_text_steps();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-outertext
String HTMLElement::outer_text()
// The innerText and outerText getter steps are to return the result of running get the text steps with this.
return get_the_text_steps();
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view-1/#dom-htmlelement-offsetparent
GC::Ptr<DOM::Element> HTMLElement::offset_parent() const
// 1. If any of the following holds true return null and terminate this algorithm:
// - The element does not have an associated CSS layout box.
// - The element is the root element.
// - The element is the HTML body element.
// - The element’s computed value of the position property is fixed.
if (!layout_node())
return nullptr;
if (is_document_element())
return nullptr;
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*this))
return nullptr;
if (layout_node()->is_fixed_position())
return nullptr;
// 2. Return the nearest ancestor element of the element for which at least one of the following is true
// and terminate this algorithm if such an ancestor is found:
// - The computed value of the position property is not static.
// - It is the HTML body element.
// - The computed value of the position property of the element is static
// and the ancestor is one of the following HTML elements: td, th, or table.
for (auto* ancestor = parent_element(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent_element()) {
if (!ancestor->layout_node())
if (ancestor->layout_node()->is_positioned())
return const_cast<Element*>(ancestor);
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*ancestor))
return const_cast<Element*>(ancestor);
if (!ancestor->layout_node()->is_positioned() && ancestor->local_name().is_one_of(HTML::TagNames::td, HTML::TagNames::th, HTML::TagNames::table))
return const_cast<Element*>(ancestor);
// 3. Return null.
return nullptr;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view-1/#dom-htmlelement-offsettop
int HTMLElement::offset_top() const
// 1. If the element is the HTML body element or does not have any associated CSS layout box
// return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*this))
return 0;
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
if (!paintable_box())
return 0;
CSSPixels top_border_edge_of_element = paintable_box()->absolute_border_box_rect().y();
// 2. If the offsetParent of the element is null
// return the y-coordinate of the top border edge of the first CSS layout box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors, and terminate this algorithm.
auto offset_parent = this->offset_parent();
if (!offset_parent || !offset_parent->layout_node()) {
return top_border_edge_of_element.to_int();
// 3. Return the result of subtracting the y-coordinate of the top padding edge
// of the first box associated with the offsetParent of the element
// from the y-coordinate of the top border edge of the first box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// NOTE: We give special treatment to the body element to match other browsers.
// Spec bug: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10549
CSSPixels top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent;
if (offset_parent->is_html_body_element() && !offset_parent->paintable_box()->is_positioned()) {
top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = 0;
} else {
top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = offset_parent->paintable_box()->absolute_padding_box_rect().y();
return (top_border_edge_of_element - top_padding_edge_of_offset_parent).to_int();
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view-1/#dom-htmlelement-offsetleft
int HTMLElement::offset_left() const
// 1. If the element is the HTML body element or does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(*this))
return 0;
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
if (!paintable_box())
return 0;
CSSPixels left_border_edge_of_element = paintable_box()->absolute_border_box_rect().x();
// 2. If the offsetParent of the element is null
// return the x-coordinate of the left border edge of the first CSS layout box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors, and terminate this algorithm.
auto offset_parent = this->offset_parent();
if (!offset_parent || !offset_parent->layout_node()) {
return left_border_edge_of_element.to_int();
// 3. Return the result of subtracting the x-coordinate of the left padding edge
// of the first CSS layout box associated with the offsetParent of the element
// from the x-coordinate of the left border edge of the first CSS layout box associated with the element,
// relative to the initial containing block origin,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// NOTE: We give special treatment to the body element to match other browsers.
// Spec bug: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10549
CSSPixels left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent;
if (offset_parent->is_html_body_element() && !offset_parent->paintable_box()->is_positioned()) {
left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = 0;
} else {
left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent = offset_parent->paintable_box()->absolute_padding_box_rect().x();
return (left_border_edge_of_element - left_padding_edge_of_offset_parent).to_int();
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#dom-htmlelement-offsetwidth
int HTMLElement::offset_width() const
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
// 1. If the element does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (!paintable_box())
return 0;
// 2. Return the width of the axis-aligned bounding box of the border boxes of all fragments generated by the element’s principal box,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
return paintable_box()->border_box_width().to_int();
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#dom-htmlelement-offsetheight
int HTMLElement::offset_height() const
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
// 1. If the element does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (!paintable_box())
return 0;
// 2. Return the height of the axis-aligned bounding box of the border boxes of all fragments generated by the element’s principal box,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
return paintable_box()->border_box_height().to_int();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#cannot-navigate
bool HTMLElement::cannot_navigate() const
// An element element cannot navigate if one of the following is true:
// - element's node document is not fully active
if (!document().is_fully_active())
return true;
// - element is not an a element and is not connected.
return !is<HTML::HTMLAnchorElement>(this) && !is_connected();
void HTMLElement::attribute_changed(FlyString const& name, Optional<String> const& old_value, Optional<String> const& value, Optional<FlyString> const& namespace_)
Base::attribute_changed(name, old_value, value, namespace_);
HTMLOrSVGElement::attribute_changed(name, old_value, value, namespace_);
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable) {
if (!value.has_value()) {
// No value maps to the "inherit" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::Inherit;
} else if (value->is_empty() || value->equals_ignoring_ascii_case("true"sv)) {
// "true", an empty string or a missing value map to the "true" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::True;
} else if (value->equals_ignoring_ascii_case("false"sv)) {
// "false" maps to the "false" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::False;
} else if (value->equals_ignoring_ascii_case("plaintext-only"sv)) {
// "plaintext-only" maps to the "plaintext-only" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::PlaintextOnly;
} else {
// Having an invalid value maps to the "inherit" state.
m_content_editable_state = ContentEditableState::Inherit;
// 1. If namespace is not null, or localName is not the name of an event handler content attribute on element, then return.
// FIXME: Add the namespace part once we support attribute namespaces.
#undef __ENUMERATE
#define __ENUMERATE(attribute_name, event_name) \
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::attribute_name) { \
element_event_handler_attribute_changed(event_name, value); \
#undef __ENUMERATE
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::cloned(Web::DOM::Node& copy, bool clone_children) const
TRY(Base::cloned(copy, clone_children));
TRY(HTMLOrSVGElement::cloned(copy, clone_children));
return {};
void HTMLElement::inserted()
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#fire-a-synthetic-pointer-event
bool HTMLElement::fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(FlyString const& type, DOM::Element& target, bool not_trusted)
// 1. Let event be the result of creating an event using PointerEvent.
// 2. Initialize event's type attribute to e.
auto event = UIEvents::PointerEvent::create(realm(), type);
// 3. Initialize event's bubbles and cancelable attributes to true.
// 4. Set event's composed flag.
// 5. If the not trusted flag is set, initialize event's isTrusted attribute to false.
if (not_trusted) {
// FIXME: 6. Initialize event's ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, and metaKey attributes according to the current state
// of the key input device, if any (false for any keys that are not available).
// FIXME: 7. Initialize event's view attribute to target's node document's Window object, if any, and null otherwise.
// FIXME: 8. event's getModifierState() method is to return values appropriately describing the current state of the key input device.
// 9. Return the result of dispatching event at target.
return target.dispatch_event(event);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#dom-lfe-labels-dev
GC::Ptr<DOM::NodeList> HTMLElement::labels()
// Labelable elements and all input elements have a live NodeList object associated with them that represents the list of label elements, in tree order,
// whose labeled control is the element in question. The labels IDL attribute of labelable elements that are not form-associated custom elements,
// and the labels IDL attribute of input elements, on getting, must return that NodeList object, and that same value must always be returned,
// unless this element is an input element whose type attribute is in the Hidden state, in which case it must instead return null.
if (!is_labelable())
return {};
if (!m_labels) {
m_labels = DOM::LiveNodeList::create(realm(), root(), DOM::LiveNodeList::Scope::Descendants, [&](auto& node) {
return is<HTMLLabelElement>(node) && verify_cast<HTMLLabelElement>(node).control() == this;
return m_labels;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-click
void HTMLElement::click()
// 1. If this element is a form control that is disabled, then return.
if (auto* form_control = dynamic_cast<FormAssociatedElement*>(this)) {
if (!form_control->enabled())
// 2. If this element's click in progress flag is set, then return.
if (m_click_in_progress)
// 3. Set this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = true;
// 4. Fire a synthetic pointer event named click at this element, with the not trusted flag set.
fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(HTML::EventNames::click, *this, true);
// 5. Unset this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = false;
Optional<ARIA::Role> HTMLElement::default_role() const
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-address
if (local_name() == TagNames::address)
return ARIA::Role::group;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-article
if (local_name() == TagNames::article)
return ARIA::Role::article;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-aside
if (local_name() == TagNames::aside) {
// https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-aside
for (auto const* ancestor = parent_element(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent_element()) {
if (ancestor->local_name().is_one_of(TagNames::article, TagNames::aside, TagNames::nav, TagNames::section)
&& accessible_name(document()).value().is_empty())
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-aside-ancestorbodymain
return ARIA::Role::complementary;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-b
if (local_name() == TagNames::b)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-bdi
if (local_name() == TagNames::bdi)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-bdo
if (local_name() == TagNames::bdo)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-code
if (local_name() == TagNames::code)
return ARIA::Role::code;
// https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-dd
if (local_name() == TagNames::dd)
return ARIA::Role::definition;
// https://wpt.fyi/results/html-aam/dir-role.tentative.html
if (local_name() == TagNames::dir)
return ARIA::Role::list;
// https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-dt
if (local_name() == TagNames::dt)
return ARIA::Role::term;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-dfn
if (local_name() == TagNames::dfn)
return ARIA::Role::term;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-em
if (local_name() == TagNames::em)
return ARIA::Role::emphasis;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-figure
if (local_name() == TagNames::figure)
return ARIA::Role::figure;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-footer
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-header
if (local_name() == TagNames::footer || local_name() == TagNames::header) {
// If not a descendant of an article, aside, main, nav or section element, or an element with role=article,
// complementary, main, navigation or region then (footer) role=contentinfo (header) role=banner. Otherwise,
// role=generic.
for (auto const* ancestor = parent_element(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent_element()) {
if (ancestor->local_name().is_one_of(TagNames::article, TagNames::aside, TagNames::main, TagNames::nav, TagNames::section)) {
if (local_name() == TagNames::footer)
return ARIA::Role::sectionfooter;
return ARIA::Role::sectionheader;
if (first_is_one_of(ancestor->role_or_default(), ARIA::Role::article, ARIA::Role::complementary, ARIA::Role::main, ARIA::Role::navigation, ARIA::Role::region)) {
if (local_name() == TagNames::footer)
return ARIA::Role::sectionfooter;
return ARIA::Role::sectionheader;
// then (footer) role=contentinfo.
if (local_name() == TagNames::footer)
return ARIA::Role::contentinfo;
// (header) role=banner
return ARIA::Role::banner;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-hgroup
if (local_name() == TagNames::hgroup)
return ARIA::Role::group;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-i
if (local_name() == TagNames::i)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-main
if (local_name() == TagNames::main)
return ARIA::Role::main;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-mark
if (local_name() == TagNames::mark)
return ARIA::Role::mark;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-nav
if (local_name() == TagNames::nav)
return ARIA::Role::navigation;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-s
if (local_name() == TagNames::s)
return ARIA::Role::deletion;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-samp
if (local_name() == TagNames::samp)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-search
if (local_name() == TagNames::search)
return ARIA::Role::search;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-section
if (local_name() == TagNames::section) {
// role=region if the section element has an accessible name
if (!accessible_name(document()).value().is_empty())
return ARIA::Role::region;
// Otherwise, role=generic
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-small
if (local_name() == TagNames::small)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-strong
if (local_name() == TagNames::strong)
return ARIA::Role::strong;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-sub
if (local_name() == TagNames::sub)
return ARIA::Role::subscript;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-summary
if (local_name() == TagNames::summary)
return ARIA::Role::button;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-sup
if (local_name() == TagNames::sup)
return ARIA::Role::superscript;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#el-u
if (local_name() == TagNames::u)
return ARIA::Role::generic;
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#get-an-element's-target
String HTMLElement::get_an_elements_target() const
// To get an element's target, given an a, area, or form element element, run these steps:
// 1. If element has a target attribute, then return that attribute's value.
auto maybe_target = attribute(AttributeNames::target);
if (maybe_target.has_value())
return maybe_target.release_value();
// FIXME: 2. If element's node document contains a base element with a
// target attribute, then return the value of the target attribute of the
// first such base element.
// 3. Return the empty string.
return String {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#get-an-element's-noopener
TokenizedFeature::NoOpener HTMLElement::get_an_elements_noopener(StringView target) const
// To get an element's noopener, given an a, area, or form element element and a string target:
auto rel = MUST(get_attribute_value(HTML::AttributeNames::rel).to_lowercase());
auto link_types = rel.bytes_as_string_view().split_view_if(Infra::is_ascii_whitespace);
// 1. If element's link types include the noopener or noreferrer keyword, then return true.
if (link_types.contains_slow("noopener"sv) || link_types.contains_slow("noreferrer"sv))
return TokenizedFeature::NoOpener::Yes;
// 2. If element's link types do not include the opener keyword and
// target is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "_blank", then return true.
if (!link_types.contains_slow("opener"sv) && Infra::is_ascii_case_insensitive_match(target, "_blank"sv))
return TokenizedFeature::NoOpener::Yes;
// 3. Return false.
return TokenizedFeature::NoOpener::No;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<GC::Ref<ElementInternals>> HTMLElement::attach_internals()
// 1. If this's is value is not null, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (is_value().has_value())
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals cannot be attached to a customized build-in element"_string);
// 2. Let definition be the result of looking up a custom element definition given this's node document, its namespace, its local name, and null as the is value.
auto definition = document().lookup_custom_element_definition(namespace_uri(), local_name(), is_value());
// 3. If definition is null, then throw an "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (!definition)
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals cannot be attached to an element that is not a custom element"_string);
// 4. If definition's disable internals is true, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (definition->disable_internals())
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals are disabled for this custom element"_string);
// 5. If this's attached internals is non-null, then throw an "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (m_attached_internals)
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "ElementInternals already attached"_string);
// 6. If this's custom element state is not "precustomized" or "custom", then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (!first_is_one_of(custom_element_state(), DOM::CustomElementState::Precustomized, DOM::CustomElementState::Custom))
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "Custom element is in an invalid state to attach ElementInternals"_string);
// 7. Set this's attached internals to a new ElementInternals instance whose target element is this.
auto internals = ElementInternals::create(realm(), *this);
m_attached_internals = internals;
// 8. Return this's attached internals.
return { internals };
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#dom-popover
Optional<String> HTMLElement::popover() const
// FIXME: This should probably be `Reflect` in the IDL.
// The popover IDL attribute must reflect the popover attribute, limited to only known values.
auto value = get_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::popover);
if (!value.has_value())
return {};
if (value.value().is_empty() || value.value().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto"sv))
return "auto"_string;
return "manual"_string;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#dom-popover
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_popover(Optional<String> value)
// FIXME: This should probably be `Reflect` in the IDL.
// The popover IDL attribute must reflect the popover attribute, limited to only known values.
if (value.has_value())
return set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::popover, value.release_value());
return {};
void HTMLElement::adjust_computed_style(CSS::ComputedProperties& style)
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-3/#unbox
if (local_name() == HTML::TagNames::wbr) {
if (style.display().is_contents())
style.set_property(CSS::PropertyID::Display, CSS::DisplayStyleValue::create(CSS::Display::from_short(CSS::Display::Short::None)));
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#check-popover-validity
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<bool> HTMLElement::check_popover_validity(ExpectedToBeShowing expected_to_be_showing, ThrowExceptions throw_exceptions, GC::Ptr<DOM::Document> expected_document)
// 1. If element's popover attribute is in the no popover state, then:
if (!popover().has_value()) {
// 1.1. If throwExceptions is true, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (throw_exceptions == ThrowExceptions::Yes)
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm(), "Element is not a popover"_string);
// 1.2. Return false.
return false;
// 2. If any of the following are true:
// - expectedToBeShowing is true and element's popover visibility state is not showing; or
// - expectedToBeShowing is false and element's popover visibility state is not hidden,
if ((expected_to_be_showing == ExpectedToBeShowing::Yes && m_popover_visibility_state != PopoverVisibilityState::Showing) || (expected_to_be_showing == ExpectedToBeShowing::No && m_popover_visibility_state != PopoverVisibilityState::Hidden)) {
// then return false.
return false;
// 3. If any of the following are true:
// - element is not connected;
// - element's node document is not fully active;
// - expectedDocument is not null and element's node document is not expectedDocument;
// - element is a dialog element and its is modal flage is set to true; or
// - FIXME: element's fullscreen flag is set,
// then:
// 3.1 If throwExceptions is true, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
// 3.2 Return false.
if (!is_connected() || !document().is_fully_active() || (expected_document && &document() != expected_document) || (is<HTMLDialogElement>(*this) && verify_cast<HTMLDialogElement>(*this).is_modal())) {
if (throw_exceptions == ThrowExceptions::Yes)
return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Element is not in a valid state to show a popover"_string);
return false;
// 4. Return true.
return true;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#dom-showpopover
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::show_popover_for_bindings(ShowPopoverOptions const& options)
// 1. Let invoker be options["source"] if it exists; otherwise, null.
auto invoker = options.source;
// 2. Run show popover given this, true, and invoker.
return show_popover(ThrowExceptions::Yes, invoker);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#show-popover
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::show_popover(ThrowExceptions throw_exceptions, GC::Ptr<HTMLElement> invoker)
// 1. If the result of running check popover validity given element, false, throwExceptions, and null is false, then return.
if (!TRY(check_popover_validity(ExpectedToBeShowing::No, throw_exceptions, nullptr)))
return {};
// 2. Let document be element's node document.
auto& document = this->document();
// 3. Assert: element's popover invoker is null.
// 4. Assert: element is not in document's top layer.
// 5. Let nestedShow be element's popover showing or hiding.
auto nested_show = m_popover_showing_or_hiding;
// 6. Set element's popover showing or hiding to true.
m_popover_showing_or_hiding = true;
// 7. Let cleanupShowingFlag be the following steps:
auto cleanup_showing_flag = [&nested_show, this] {
// 7.1. If nestedShow is false, then set element's popover showing or hiding to false.
if (!nested_show)
m_popover_showing_or_hiding = false;
// 8. If the result of firing an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, with the cancelable attribute initialized to true, the oldState attribute initialized to "closed", and the newState attribute initialized to "open" at element is false, then run cleanupShowingFlag and return.
ToggleEventInit event_init {};
event_init.old_state = "closed"_string;
event_init.new_state = "open"_string;
event_init.cancelable = true;
if (!dispatch_event(ToggleEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::beforetoggle, move(event_init)))) {
return {};
// 9. If the result of running check popover validity given element, false, throwExceptions, and document is false, then run cleanupShowingFlag and return.
if (!TRY(check_popover_validity(ExpectedToBeShowing::No, throw_exceptions, nullptr))) {
return {};
// 10. Let shouldRestoreFocus be false.
bool should_restore_focus = false;
// 11. If element's popover attribute is in the auto state, then:
if (popover().has_value() && popover().value() == "auto"sv) {
// FIXME: 11.1. Let originalType be the value of element's popover attribute.
// FIXME: 11.2. Let ancestor be the result of running the topmost popover ancestor algorithm given element, invoker, and true.
// FIXME: 11.3. If ancestor is null, then set ancestor to document.
// FIXME: 11.4. Run hide all popovers until given ancestor, false, and not nestedShow.
// FIXME: 11.5. If originalType is not equal to the value of element's popover attribute, then throw a "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
// FIXME: 11.6. If the result of running check popover validity given element, false, throwExceptions, and document is false, then run cleanupShowingFlag and return.
// FIXME: 11.7. If the result of running topmost auto popover on document is null, then set shouldRestoreFocus to true.
// 11.8. Set element's popover close watcher to the result of establishing a close watcher given element's relevant global object, with:
m_popover_close_watcher = CloseWatcher::establish(*document.window());
// - cancelAction being to return true.
// We simply don't add an event listener for the cancel action.
// - closeAction being to hide a popover given element, true, true, and false.
auto close_callback_function = JS::NativeFunction::create(
realm(), [this](JS::VM&) {
MUST(hide_popover(FocusPreviousElement::Yes, FireEvents::Yes, ThrowExceptions::No));
return JS::js_undefined();
0, "", &realm());
auto close_callback = realm().heap().allocate<WebIDL::CallbackType>(*close_callback_function, realm());
m_popover_close_watcher->add_event_listener_without_options(HTML::EventNames::close, DOM::IDLEventListener::create(realm(), close_callback));
// FIXME: 12. Set element's previously focused element to null.
// FIXME: 13. Let originallyFocusedElement be document's focused area of the document's DOM anchor.
// 14. Add an element to the top layer given element.
// 15. Set element's popover visibility state to showing.
m_popover_visibility_state = PopoverVisibilityState::Showing;
// 16. Set element's popover invoker to invoker.
m_popover_invoker = invoker;
// FIXME: 17. Set element's implicit anchor element to invoker.
// FIXME: 18. Run the popover focusing steps given element.
// 19. If shouldRestoreFocus is true and element's popover attribute is not in the no popover state
if (should_restore_focus && popover().has_value()) {
// FIXME: then set element's previously focused element to originallyFocusedElement.
// 20. Queue a popover toggle event task given element, "closed", and "open".
queue_a_popover_toggle_event_task("closed"_string, "open"_string);
// 21. Run cleanupShowingFlag.
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#dom-hidepopover
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::hide_popover_for_bindings()
// The hidePopover() method steps are to run the hide popover algorithm given this, true, true, and true.
return hide_popover(FocusPreviousElement::Yes, FireEvents::Yes, ThrowExceptions::Yes);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#hide-popover-algorithm
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::hide_popover(FocusPreviousElement, FireEvents fire_events, ThrowExceptions throw_exceptions)
// 1. If the result of running check popover validity given element, true, throwExceptions, and null is false, then return.
if (!TRY(check_popover_validity(ExpectedToBeShowing::Yes, throw_exceptions, nullptr)))
return {};
// 2. Let document be element's node document.
auto& document = this->document();
// 3. Let nestedHide be element's popover showing or hiding.
auto nested_hide = m_popover_showing_or_hiding;
// 4. Set element's popover showing or hiding to true.
m_popover_showing_or_hiding = true;
// 5. If nestedHide is true, then set fireEvents to false.
if (nested_hide)
fire_events = FireEvents::No;
// 6. Let cleanupSteps be the following steps:
auto cleanup_steps = [&nested_hide, this] {
// 6.1. If nestedHide is false, then set element's popover showing or hiding to false.
if (nested_hide)
m_popover_showing_or_hiding = false;
// 6.2. If element's popover close watcher is not null, then:
if (m_popover_close_watcher) {
// 6.2.1. Destroy element's popover close watcher.
// 6.2.2. Set element's popover close watcher to null.
m_popover_close_watcher = nullptr;
// 7. If element's popover attribute is in the auto state, then:
if (popover().has_value() && popover().value() == "auto"sv) {
// FIXME: 7.1. Run hide all popovers until given element, focusPreviousElement, and fireEvents.
// FIXME: 7.2. If the result of running check popover validity given element, true, and throwExceptions is false, then run cleanupSteps and return.
// FIXME: 8. Let autoPopoverListContainsElement be true if document's showing auto popover list's last item is element, otherwise false.
// 9. Set element's popover invoker to null.
m_popover_invoker = nullptr;
// 10. If fireEvents is true:
if (fire_events == FireEvents::Yes) {
// 10.1. Fire an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, with the oldState attribute initialized to "open" and the newState attribute initialized to "closed" at element.
ToggleEventInit event_init {};
event_init.old_state = "open"_string;
event_init.new_state = "closed"_string;
dispatch_event(ToggleEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::beforetoggle, move(event_init)));
// FIXME: 10.2. If autoPopoverListContainsElement is true and document's showing auto popover list's last item is not element, then run hide all popovers until given element, focusPreviousElement, and false.
// 10.3. If the result of running check popover validity given element, true, throwExceptions, and null is false, then run cleanupSteps and return.
if (!TRY(check_popover_validity(ExpectedToBeShowing::Yes, throw_exceptions, nullptr))) {
return {};
// 10.4. Request an element to be removed from the top layer given element.
} else {
// 11. Otherwise, remove an element from the top layer immediately given element.
// 12. Set element's popover visibility state to hidden.
m_popover_visibility_state = PopoverVisibilityState::Hidden;
// 13. If fireEvents is true, then queue a popover toggle event task given element, "open", and "closed".
if (fire_events == FireEvents::Yes)
queue_a_popover_toggle_event_task("open"_string, "closed"_string);
// FIXME: 14. Let previouslyFocusedElement be element's previously focused element.
// FIXME: 15. If previouslyFocusedElement is not null, then:
// FIXME: 15.1. Set element's previously focused element to null.
// FIXME: 15.2. If focusPreviousElement is true and document's focused area of the document's DOM anchor is a shadow-including inclusive descendant of element, then run the focusing steps for previouslyFocusedElement; the viewport should not be scrolled by doing this step.
// 16. Run cleanupSteps.
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#dom-togglepopover
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<bool> HTMLElement::toggle_popover(TogglePopoverOptionsOrForceBoolean const& options)
// 1. Let force be null.
Optional<bool> force;
GC::Ptr<HTMLElement> invoker;
// 2. If options is a boolean, set force to options.
[&force](bool forceBool) {
force = forceBool;
[&force, &invoker](TogglePopoverOptions options) {
// 3. Otherwise, if options["force"] exists, set force to options["force"].
force = options.force;
// 4. Let invoker be options["source"] if it exists; otherwise, null.
invoker = options.source;
// 5. If this's popover visibility state is showing, and force is null or false, then run the hide popover algorithm given this, true, true, and true.
if (popover_visibility_state() == PopoverVisibilityState::Showing && (!force.has_value() || !force.value()))
TRY(hide_popover(FocusPreviousElement::Yes, FireEvents::Yes, ThrowExceptions::Yes));
// 6. Otherwise, if force is not present or true, then run show popover given this true, and invoker.
else if (!force.has_value() || force.value())
TRY(show_popover(ThrowExceptions::Yes, invoker));
// 7. Otherwise:
else {
// 7.1 Let expectedToBeShowing be true if this's popover visibility state is showing; otherwise false.
ExpectedToBeShowing expected_to_be_showing = popover_visibility_state() == PopoverVisibilityState::Showing ? ExpectedToBeShowing::Yes : ExpectedToBeShowing::No;
// 7.2 Run check popover validity given expectedToBeShowing, true, and null.
TRY(check_popover_validity(expected_to_be_showing, ThrowExceptions::Yes, nullptr));
// 8. Return true if this's popover visibility state is showing; otherwise false.
return popover_visibility_state() == PopoverVisibilityState::Showing;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/popover.html#queue-a-popover-toggle-event-task
void HTMLElement::queue_a_popover_toggle_event_task(String old_state, String new_state)
// 1. If element's popover toggle task tracker is not null, then:
if (m_popover_toggle_task_tracker.has_value()) {
// 1. Set oldState to element's popover toggle task tracker's old state.
old_state = move(m_popover_toggle_task_tracker->old_state);
// 2. Remove element's popover toggle task tracker's task from its task queue.
HTML::main_thread_event_loop().task_queue().remove_tasks_matching([&](auto const& task) {
return task.id() == m_popover_toggle_task_tracker->task_id;
// 3. Set element's popover toggle task tracker to null.
m_popover_toggle_task_tracker->task_id = {};
// 2. Queue an element task given the DOM manipulation task source and element to run the following steps:
auto task_id = queue_an_element_task(HTML::Task::Source::DOMManipulation, [this, old_state, new_state = move(new_state)]() mutable {
// 1. Fire an event named toggle at element, using ToggleEvent, with the oldState attribute initialized to
// oldState and the newState attribute initialized to newState.
ToggleEventInit event_init {};
event_init.old_state = move(old_state);
event_init.new_state = move(new_state);
dispatch_event(ToggleEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::toggle, move(event_init)));
// 2. Set element's popover toggle task tracker to null.
m_popover_toggle_task_tracker = {};
// 3. Set element's popover toggle task tracker to a struct with task set to the just-queued task and old state set to oldState.
m_popover_toggle_task_tracker = ToggleTaskTracker {
.task_id = task_id,
.old_state = move(old_state),
void HTMLElement::did_receive_focus()
if (!first_is_one_of(m_content_editable_state, ContentEditableState::True, ContentEditableState::PlaintextOnly))
auto editing_host = document().editing_host_manager();
DOM::Text* text = nullptr;
for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type<DOM::Text>([&](auto& node) {
text = &node;
return TraversalDecision::Continue;
if (!text) {
editing_host->set_selection_anchor(*this, 0);
editing_host->set_selection_anchor(*text, text->length());
void HTMLElement::did_lose_focus()
if (!first_is_one_of(m_content_editable_state, ContentEditableState::True, ContentEditableState::PlaintextOnly))
void HTMLElement::removed_from(Node* old_parent)
// If removedNode's popover attribute is not in the no popover state, then run the hide popover algorithm given removedNode, false, false, and false.
if (popover().has_value())
MUST(hide_popover(FocusPreviousElement::No, FireEvents::No, ThrowExceptions::No));
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-accesskeylabel
String HTMLElement::access_key_label() const
dbgln("FIXME: Implement HTMLElement::access_key_label()");
return String {};