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Let's try to make it a bit more clear that this is a Vector of GC roots.
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* Copyright (c) 2023, Andrew Kaster <akaster@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibGC/Heap.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Realm.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/NavigationPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/AbortController.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/DocumentState.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/ErrorEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/History.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigateEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigation.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationDestination.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationHistoryEntry.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationTransition.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/XHR/FormData.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
static NavigationResult navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker);
NavigationAPIMethodTracker::NavigationAPIMethodTracker(GC::Ref<Navigation> navigation,
Optional<String> key,
JS::Value info,
Optional<SerializationRecord> serialized_state,
GC::Ptr<NavigationHistoryEntry> commited_to_entry,
GC::Ref<WebIDL::Promise> committed_promise,
GC::Ref<WebIDL::Promise> finished_promise)
: navigation(navigation)
, key(move(key))
, info(info)
, serialized_state(move(serialized_state))
, commited_to_entry(commited_to_entry)
, committed_promise(committed_promise)
, finished_promise(finished_promise)
void NavigationAPIMethodTracker::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
GC::Ref<Navigation> Navigation::create(JS::Realm& realm)
return realm.create<Navigation>(realm);
Navigation::Navigation(JS::Realm& realm)
: DOM::EventTarget(realm)
Navigation::~Navigation() = default;
void Navigation::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void Navigation::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-entries
Vector<GC::Ref<NavigationHistoryEntry>> Navigation::entries() const
// The entries() method steps are:
// 1. If this has entries and events disabled, then return the empty list.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled())
return {};
// 2. Return this's entry list.
// NOTE: Recall that because of Web IDL's sequence type conversion rules,
// this will create a new JavaScript array object on each call.
// That is, navigation.entries() !== navigation.entries().
return m_entry_list;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#navigation-current-entry
GC::Ptr<NavigationHistoryEntry> Navigation::current_entry() const
// The current entry of a Navigation navigation is the result of running the following steps:
// 1. If navigation has entries and events disabled, then return null.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled())
return nullptr;
// 2. Assert: navigation's current entry index is not −1.
VERIFY(m_current_entry_index != -1);
// 3. Return navigation's entry list[navigation's current entry index].
return m_entry_list[m_current_entry_index];
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-updatecurrententry
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigation::update_current_entry(NavigationUpdateCurrentEntryOptions options)
// The updateCurrentEntry(options) method steps are:
// 1. Let current be the current entry of this.
auto current = current_entry();
// 2. If current is null, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (current == nullptr)
return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Cannot update current NavigationHistoryEntry when there is no current entry"_string);
// 3. Let serializedState be StructuredSerializeForStorage(options["state"]), rethrowing any exceptions.
auto serialized_state = TRY(structured_serialize_for_storage(vm(), options.state));
// 4. Set current's session history entry's navigation API state to serializedState.
// 5. Fire an event named currententrychange at this using NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent,
// with its navigationType attribute initialized to null and its from initialized to current.
NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEventInit event_init = {};
event_init.navigation_type = {};
event_init.from = current;
dispatch_event(HTML::NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent::construct_impl(realm(), HTML::EventNames::currententrychange, event_init));
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-cangoback
bool Navigation::can_go_back() const
// The canGoBack getter steps are:
// 1. If this has entries and events disabled, then return false.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled())
return false;
// 2. Assert: navigation's current entry index is not −1.
VERIFY(m_current_entry_index != -1);
// 3. If this's current entry index is 0, then return false.
// 4. Return true.
return (m_current_entry_index != 0);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-cangoforward
bool Navigation::can_go_forward() const
// The canGoForward getter steps are:
// 1. If this has entries and events disabled, then return false.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled())
return false;
// 2. Assert: navigation's current entry index is not −1.
VERIFY(m_current_entry_index != -1);
// 3. If this's current entry index is equal to this's entry list's size, then return false.
// 4. Return true.
return (m_current_entry_index != static_cast<i64>(m_entry_list.size()));
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#history-handling-behavior
HistoryHandlingBehavior to_history_handling_behavior(Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior b)
// A history handling behavior is a NavigationHistoryBehavior that is either "push" or "replace",
// i.e., that has been resolved away from any initial "auto" value.
VERIFY(b != Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Auto);
switch (b) {
case Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Push:
return HistoryHandlingBehavior::Push;
case Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Replace:
return HistoryHandlingBehavior::Replace;
case Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Auto:
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#history-handling-behavior
Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior to_navigation_history_behavior(HistoryHandlingBehavior b)
// A history handling behavior is a NavigationHistoryBehavior that is either "push" or "replace",
// i.e., that has been resolved away from any initial "auto" value.
switch (b) {
case HistoryHandlingBehavior::Push:
return Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Push;
case HistoryHandlingBehavior::Replace:
return Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Replace;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-navigate
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::navigate(String url, NavigationNavigateOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
auto& vm = this->vm();
// The navigate(options) method steps are:
// 1. Parse url relative to this's relevant settings object.
// If that returns failure, then return an early error result for a "SyntaxError" DOMException.
// Otherwise, let urlRecord be the resulting URL record.
auto url_record = relevant_settings_object(*this).parse_url(url);
if (!url_record.is_valid())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, "Cannot navigate to Invalid URL"_string));
// 2. Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto& document = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document();
// 3. If options["history"] is "push", and the navigation must be a replace given urlRecord and document,
// then return an early error result for a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (options.history == Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Push && navigation_must_be_a_replace(url_record, document))
return early_error_result(WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm, "Navigation must be a replace, but push was requested"_string));
// 4. Let state be options["state"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
auto state = options.state.value_or(JS::js_undefined());
// 5. Let serializedState be StructuredSerializeForStorage(state).
// If this throws an exception, then return an early error result for that exception.
// FIXME: Fix this spec grammaro in the note
// NOTE: It is importantly to perform this step early, since serialization can invoke web developer code,
// which in turn might change various things we check in later steps.
auto serialized_state_or_error = structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, state);
if (serialized_state_or_error.is_error()) {
return early_error_result(serialized_state_or_error.release_error());
auto serialized_state = serialized_state_or_error.release_value();
// 6. If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (!document.is_fully_active())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document is not fully active"_string));
// 7. If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (document.unload_counter() > 0)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document already unloaded"_string));
// 8. Let info be options["info"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
auto info = options.info.value_or(JS::js_undefined());
// 9. Let apiMethodTracker be the result of maybe setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker for this
// given info and serializedState.
auto api_method_tracker = maybe_set_the_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker(info, serialized_state);
// 10. Navigate document's node navigable to urlRecord using document,
// with historyHandling set to options["history"] and navigationAPIState set to serializedState.
// FIXME: Fix spec typo here
// NOTE: Unlike location.assign() and friends, which are exposed across origin-domain boundaries,
// navigation.navigate() can only be accessed by code with direct synchronous access to the
// window.navigation property. Thus, we avoid the complications about attributing the source document
// of the navigation, and we don't need to deal with the allowed by sandboxing to navigate check and its
// acccompanying exceptionsEnabled flag. We just treat all navigations as if they come from the Document
// corresponding to this Navigation object itself (i.e., document).
TRY(document.navigable()->navigate({ .url = url_record, .source_document = document, .history_handling = options.history, .navigation_api_state = move(serialized_state) }));
// 11. If this's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is apiMethodTracker, then:
// NOTE: If the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is still apiMethodTracker, this means that the navigate
// algorithm bailed out before ever getting to the inner navigate event firing algorithm which would promote
// that upcoming API method tracker to ongoing.
if (m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker == api_method_tracker) {
m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker = nullptr;
return early_error_result(WebIDL::AbortError::create(realm, "Navigation aborted"_string));
// 12. Return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for apiMethodTracker.
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(api_method_tracker);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-reload
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::reload(NavigationReloadOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
auto& vm = this->vm();
// The reload(options) method steps are:
// 1. Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto& document = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document();
// 2. Let serializedState be StructuredSerializeForStorage(undefined).
auto serialized_state = MUST(structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, JS::js_undefined()));
// 3. If options["state"] exists, then set serializedState to StructuredSerializeForStorage(options["state"]).
// If this throws an exception, then return an early error result for that exception.
// NOTE: It is importantly to perform this step early, since serialization can invoke web developer
// code, which in turn might change various things we check in later steps.
if (options.state.has_value()) {
auto serialized_state_or_error = structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, options.state.value());
if (serialized_state_or_error.is_error())
return early_error_result(serialized_state_or_error.release_error());
serialized_state = serialized_state_or_error.release_value();
// 4. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Let current be the current entry of this.
auto current = current_entry();
// 2. If current is not null, then set serializedState to current's session history entry's navigation API state.
if (current != nullptr)
serialized_state = current->session_history_entry().navigation_api_state();
// 5. If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (!document.is_fully_active())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document is not fully active"_string));
// 6. If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (document.unload_counter() > 0)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document already unloaded"_string));
// 7. Let info be options["info"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
auto info = options.info.value_or(JS::js_undefined());
// 8. Let apiMethodTracker be the result of maybe setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker for this given info and serializedState.
auto api_method_tracker = maybe_set_the_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker(info, serialized_state);
// 9. Reload document's node navigable with navigationAPIState set to serializedState.
// FIXME: Pass serialized_state to reload
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(api_method_tracker);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-traverseto
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::traverse_to(String key, NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// The traverseTo(key, options) method steps are:
// 1. If this's current entry index is −1, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (m_current_entry_index == -1)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot traverseTo: no current session history entry"_string));
// 2. If this's entry list does not contain a NavigationHistoryEntry whose session history entry's navigation API key equals key,
// then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
auto it = m_entry_list.find_if([&key](auto const& entry) {
return entry->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key() == key;
if (it == m_entry_list.end())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot traverseTo: key not found in session history list"_string));
// 3. Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
return perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(key, options);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#performing-a-navigation-api-traversal
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::back(NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// The back(options) method steps are:
// 1. If this's current entry index is −1 or 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (m_current_entry_index == -1 || m_current_entry_index == 0)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot navigate back: no previous session history entry"_string));
// 2. Let key be this's entry list[this's current entry index − 1]'s session history entry's navigation API key.
auto key = m_entry_list[m_current_entry_index - 1]->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key();
// 3. Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
return perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(key, options);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-forward
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::forward(NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// The forward(options) method steps are:
// 1. If this's current entry index is −1 or is equal to this's entry list's size − 1,
// then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (m_current_entry_index == -1 || m_current_entry_index == static_cast<i64>(m_entry_list.size() - 1))
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot navigate forward: no next session history entry"_string));
// 2. Let key be this's entry list[this's current entry index + 1]'s session history entry's navigation API key.
auto key = m_entry_list[m_current_entry_index + 1]->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key();
// 3. Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
return perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(key, options);
void Navigation::set_onnavigate(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigate, event_handler);
WebIDL::CallbackType* Navigation::onnavigate()
return event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigate);
void Navigation::set_onnavigatesuccess(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigatesuccess, event_handler);
WebIDL::CallbackType* Navigation::onnavigatesuccess()
return event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigatesuccess);
void Navigation::set_onnavigateerror(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigateerror, event_handler);
WebIDL::CallbackType* Navigation::onnavigateerror()
return event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigateerror);
void Navigation::set_oncurrententrychange(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::currententrychange, event_handler);
WebIDL::CallbackType* Navigation::oncurrententrychange()
return event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::currententrychange);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#has-entries-and-events-disabled
bool Navigation::has_entries_and_events_disabled() const
// A Navigation navigation has entries and events disabled if the following steps return true:
// 1. Let document be navigation's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto const& document = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document();
// 2. If document is not fully active, then return true.
if (!document.is_fully_active())
return true;
// 3. If document's is initial about:blank is true, then return true.
if (document.is_initial_about_blank())
return true;
// 4. If document's origin is opaque, then return true.
if (document.origin().is_opaque())
return true;
// 5. Return false.
return false;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#getting-the-navigation-api-entry-index
i64 Navigation::get_the_navigation_api_entry_index(SessionHistoryEntry const& she) const
// To get the navigation API entry index of a session history entry she within a Navigation navigation:
// 1. Let index be 0.
i64 index = 0;
// 2. For each nhe of navigation's entry list:
for (auto const& nhe : m_entry_list) {
// 1. If nhe's session history entry is equal to she, then return index.
if (&nhe->session_history_entry() == &she)
return index;
// 2. Increment index by 1.
// 3. Return −1.
return -1;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#navigation-api-early-error-result
NavigationResult Navigation::early_error_result(AnyException e)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// An early error result for an exception e is a NavigationResult dictionary instance given by
// «[ "committed" → a promise rejected with e, "finished" → a promise rejected with e ]».
return {
.committed = WebIDL::create_rejected_promise_from_exception(realm, e),
.finished = WebIDL::create_rejected_promise_from_exception(realm, e),
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#navigation-api-method-tracker-derived-result
NavigationResult navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker)
// A navigation API method tracker-derived result for a navigation API method tracker is a NavigationResult
/// dictionary instance given by «[ "committed" apiMethodTracker's committed promise, "finished" → apiMethodTracker's finished promise ]».
return {
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#upcoming-non-traverse-api-method-tracker
GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> Navigation::maybe_set_the_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker(JS::Value info, Optional<SerializationRecord> serialized_state)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
auto& vm = this->vm();
// To maybe set the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker given a Navigation navigation,
// a JavaScript value info, and a serialized state-or-null serializedState:
// 1. Let committedPromise and finishedPromise be new promises created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto committed_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
auto finished_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 2. Mark as handled finishedPromise.
// NOTE: The web developer doesn’t necessarily care about finishedPromise being rejected:
// - They might only care about committedPromise.
// - They could be doing multiple synchronous navigations within the same task,
// in which case all but the last will be aborted (causing their finishedPromise to reject).
// This could be an application bug, but also could just be an emergent feature of disparate
// parts of the application overriding each others' actions.
// - They might prefer to listen to other transition-failure signals instead of finishedPromise, e.g.,
// the navigateerror event, or the navigation.transition.finished promise.
// As such, we mark it as handled to ensure that it never triggers unhandledrejection events.
// 3. Let apiMethodTracker be a new navigation API method tracker with:
// navigation object: navigation
// key: null
// info: info
// serialized state: serializedState
// comitted-to entry: null
// comitted promise: committedPromise
// finished promise: finishedPromise
auto api_method_tracker = vm.heap().allocate<NavigationAPIMethodTracker>(
/* .navigation = */ *this,
/* .key = */ OptionalNone {},
/* .info = */ info,
/* .serialized_state = */ move(serialized_state),
/* .commited_to_entry = */ nullptr,
/* .committed_promise = */ committed_promise,
/* .finished_promise = */ finished_promise);
// 4. Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 5. If navigation does not have entries and events disabled,
// then set navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker to apiMethodTracker.
// NOTE: If navigation has entries and events disabled, then committedPromise and finishedPromise will never fulfill
// (since we never create a NavigationHistoryEntry object for such Documents, and so we have nothing to resolve them with);
// there is no NavigationHistoryEntry to apply serializedState to; and there is no navigate event to include info with.
// So, we don't need to track this API method call after all.
if (!has_entries_and_events_disabled())
m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker = api_method_tracker;
// 6. Return apiMethodTracker.
return api_method_tracker;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#add-an-upcoming-traverse-api-method-tracker
GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> Navigation::add_an_upcoming_traverse_api_method_tracker(String destination_key, JS::Value info)
auto& vm = this->vm();
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
// To add an upcoming traverse API method tracker given a Navigation navigation, a string destinationKey, and a JavaScript value info:
// 1. Let committedPromise and finishedPromise be new promises created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto committed_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
auto finished_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 2. Mark as handled finishedPromise.
// NOTE: See the previous discussion about why this is done
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#note-mark-as-handled-navigation-api-finished
// 3. Let apiMethodTracker be a new navigation API method tracker with:
// navigation object: navigation
// key: destinationKey
// info: info
// serialized state: null
// comitted-to entry: null
// comitted promise: committedPromise
// finished promise: finishedPromise
auto api_method_tracker = vm.heap().allocate<NavigationAPIMethodTracker>(
/* .navigation = */ *this,
/* .key = */ destination_key,
/* .info = */ info,
/* .serialized_state = */ OptionalNone {},
/* .commited_to_entry = */ nullptr,
/* .committed_promise = */ committed_promise,
/* .finished_promise = */ finished_promise);
// 4. Set navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key] to apiMethodTracker.
// FIXME: Fix spec typo key --> destinationKey
m_upcoming_traverse_api_method_trackers.set(destination_key, api_method_tracker);
// 5. Return apiMethodTracker.
return api_method_tracker;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#performing-a-navigation-api-traversal
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(String key, NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// To perform a navigation API traversal given a Navigation navigation, a string key, and a NavigationOptions options:
// 1. Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto& document = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document();
// 2. If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (!document.is_fully_active())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document is not fully active"_string));
// 3. If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (document.unload_counter() > 0)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document already unloaded"_string));
// 4. Let current be the current entry of navigation.
auto current = current_entry();
// 5. If key equals current's session history entry's navigation API key, then return
// «[ "committed" → a promise resolved with current, "finished" → a promise resolved with current ]».
if (key == current->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key()) {
return NavigationResult {
.committed = WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, current),
.finished = WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, current)
// 6. If navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key] exists,
// then return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key].
if (auto maybe_tracker = m_upcoming_traverse_api_method_trackers.get(key); maybe_tracker.has_value())
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(maybe_tracker.value());
// 7. Let info be options["info"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
auto info = options.info.value_or(JS::js_undefined());
// 8. Let apiMethodTracker be the result of adding an upcoming traverse API method tracker for navigation given key and info.
auto api_method_tracker = add_an_upcoming_traverse_api_method_tracker(key, info);
// 9. Let navigable be document's node navigable.
auto navigable = document.navigable();
// 10. Let traversable be navigable's traversable navigable.
auto traversable = navigable->traversable_navigable();
// 11. Let sourceSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting source snapshot params given document.
auto source_snapshot_params = document.snapshot_source_snapshot_params();
// 12. Append the following session history traversal steps to traversable:
traversable->append_session_history_traversal_steps(GC::create_function(heap(), [key, api_method_tracker, navigable, source_snapshot_params, traversable, this] {
// 1. Let navigableSHEs be the result of getting session history entries given navigable.
auto navigable_shes = navigable->get_session_history_entries();
// 2. Let targetSHE be the session history entry in navigableSHEs whose navigation API key is key. If no such entry exists, then:
auto it = navigable_shes.find_if([&key](auto const& entry) {
return entry->navigation_api_key() == key;
if (it == navigable_shes.end()) {
// NOTE: This path is taken if navigation's entry list was outdated compared to navigableSHEs,
// which can occur for brief periods while all the relevant threads and processes are being synchronized in reaction to a history change.
// 1. Queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigation's relevant global object
// to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, relevant_global_object(*this), GC::create_function(heap(), [this, api_method_tracker] {
auto& reject_realm = relevant_realm(*this);
TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { reject_realm };
WebIDL::reject_promise(reject_realm, api_method_tracker->finished_promise,
WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(reject_realm, "Cannot traverse with stale session history entry"_string));
// 2. Abort these steps.
auto target_she = *it;
// 3. If targetSHE is navigable's active session history entry, then abort these steps.
// NOTE: This can occur if a previously queued traversal already took us to this session history entry.
// In that case the previous traversal will have dealt with apiMethodTracker already.
if (target_she == navigable->active_session_history_entry())
// 4. Let result be the result of applying the traverse history step given by targetSHE's step to traversable,
// given sourceSnapshotParams, navigable, and "none".
auto result = traversable->apply_the_traverse_history_step(target_she->step().get<int>(), source_snapshot_params, navigable, UserNavigationInvolvement::None);
// NOTE: When result is "canceled-by-beforeunload" or "initiator-disallowed", the navigate event was never fired,
// aborting the ongoing navigation would not be correct; it would result in a navigateerror event without a
// preceding navigate event. In the "canceled-by-navigate" case, navigate is fired, but the inner navigate event
// firing algorithm will take care of aborting the ongoing navigation.
// 5. If result is "canceled-by-beforeunload", then queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source
// given navigation's relevant global object to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with a
// new "AbortError" DOMException created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
auto& global = relevant_global_object(*this);
if (result == TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult::CanceledByBeforeUnload) {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, global, GC::create_function(heap(), [this, api_method_tracker, &realm] {
TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { realm };
reject_the_finished_promise(api_method_tracker, WebIDL::AbortError::create(realm, "Navigation cancelled by beforeunload"_string));
// 6. If result is "initiator-disallowed", then queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source
// given navigation's relevant global object to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with a
// new "SecurityError" DOMException created in navigation's relevant realm.
if (result == TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult::InitiatorDisallowed) {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, global, GC::create_function(heap(), [this, api_method_tracker, &realm] {
TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { realm };
reject_the_finished_promise(api_method_tracker, WebIDL::SecurityError::create(realm, "Navigation disallowed from this origin"_string));
// 13. Return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for apiMethodTracker.
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(api_method_tracker);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#abort-the-ongoing-navigation
void Navigation::abort_the_ongoing_navigation(GC::Ptr<WebIDL::DOMException> error)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
// To abort the ongoing navigation given a Navigation navigation and an optional DOMException error:
// 1. Let event be navigation's ongoing navigate event.
auto event = ongoing_navigate_event();
// 2. Assert: event is not null.
VERIFY(event != nullptr);
// 3. Set navigation's focus changed during ongoing navigation to false.
m_focus_changed_during_ongoing_navigation = false;
// 4. Set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to false.
m_suppress_scroll_restoration_during_ongoing_navigation = false;
// 5. If error was not given, then let error be a new "AbortError" DOMException created in navigation's relevant realm.
if (!error)
error = WebIDL::AbortError::create(realm, "Navigation aborted"_string);
// 6. If event's dispatch flag is set, then set event's canceled flag to true.
if (event->dispatched())
// 7. Signal abort on event's abort controller given error.
// 8. Set navigation's ongoing navigate event to null.
m_ongoing_navigate_event = nullptr;
// 9. Fire an event named navigateerror at navigation using ErrorEvent, with error initialized to error,
// and message, filename, lineno, and colno initialized to appropriate values that can be extracted
// from error and the current JavaScript stack in the same underspecified way that the report the exception algorithm does.
ErrorEventInit event_init = {};
event_init.error = error;
// FIXME: Extract information from the exception and the JS context in the wishy-washy way the spec says here.
event_init.filename = String {};
event_init.colno = 0;
event_init.lineno = 0;
event_init.message = String {};
dispatch_event(ErrorEvent::create(realm, EventNames::navigateerror, event_init));
// 10. If navigation's ongoing API method tracker is non-null, then reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with error.
if (m_ongoing_api_method_tracker != nullptr)
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, m_ongoing_api_method_tracker->finished_promise, error);
// 11. If navigation's transition is not null, then:
if (m_transition != nullptr) {
// 1. Reject navigation's transition's finished promise with error.
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, m_transition->finished(), error);
// 2. Set navigation's transition to null.
m_transition = nullptr;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#promote-an-upcoming-api-method-tracker-to-ongoing
void Navigation::promote_an_upcoming_api_method_tracker_to_ongoing(Optional<String> destination_key)
// 1. Assert: navigation's ongoing API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_ongoing_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 2. If destinationKey is not null, then:
if (destination_key.has_value()) {
// 1. Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 2. If navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[destinationKey] exists, then:
if (auto tracker = m_upcoming_traverse_api_method_trackers.get(destination_key.value()); tracker.has_value()) {
// 1. Set navigation's ongoing API method tracker to navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[destinationKey].
m_ongoing_api_method_tracker = tracker.value();
// 2. Remove navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[destinationKey].
// 3. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Set navigation's ongoing API method tracker to navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker.
m_ongoing_api_method_tracker = m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker;
// 2. Set navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker to null.
m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker = nullptr;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#navigation-api-method-tracker-clean-up
void Navigation::clean_up(GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker)
// 1. Let navigation be apiMethodTracker's navigation object.
VERIFY(api_method_tracker->navigation == this);
// 2. If navigation's ongoing API method tracker is apiMethodTracker, then set navigation's ongoing API method tracker to null.
if (m_ongoing_api_method_tracker == api_method_tracker) {
m_ongoing_api_method_tracker = nullptr;
// 3. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Let key be apiMethodTracker's key.
auto& key = api_method_tracker->key;
// 2. Assert: key is not null.
// 3. Assert: navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key] exists.
// 4. Remove navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key].
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#resolve-the-finished-promise
void Navigation::resolve_the_finished_promise(GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Resolve apiMethodTracker's committed promise with its committed-to entry.
// NOTE: Usually, notify about the committed-to entry has previously been called on apiMethodTracker,
// and so this will do nothing. However, in some cases resolve the finished promise is called
// directly, in which case this step is necessary.
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, api_method_tracker->committed_promise, api_method_tracker->commited_to_entry);
// 2. Resolve apiMethodTracker's finished promise with its committed-to entry.
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, api_method_tracker->finished_promise, api_method_tracker->commited_to_entry);
// 3. Clean up apiMethodTracker.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#reject-the-finished-promise
void Navigation::reject_the_finished_promise(GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker, JS::Value exception)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Reject apiMethodTracker's committed promise with exception.
// NOTE: This will do nothing if apiMethodTracker's committed promise was previously resolved
// via notify about the committed-to entry.
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, api_method_tracker->committed_promise, exception);
// 2. Reject apiMethodTracker's finished promise with exception.
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, api_method_tracker->finished_promise, exception);
// 3. Clean up apiMethodTracker.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#notify-about-the-committed-to-entry
void Navigation::notify_about_the_committed_to_entry(GC::Ref<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker, GC::Ref<NavigationHistoryEntry> nhe)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Set apiMethodTracker's committed-to entry to nhe.
api_method_tracker->commited_to_entry = nhe;
// 2. If apiMethodTracker's serialized state is not null, then set nhe's session history entry's navigation API state to apiMethodTracker's serialized state.'
// NOTE: If it's null, then we're traversing to nhe via navigation.traverseTo(), which does not allow changing the state.
if (api_method_tracker->serialized_state.has_value()) {
// NOTE: At this point, apiMethodTracker's serialized state is no longer needed.
// Implementations might want to clear it out to avoid keeping it alive for the lifetime of the navigation API method tracker.
api_method_tracker->serialized_state = {};
// 3. Resolve apiMethodTracker's committed promise with nhe.
TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { realm };
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, api_method_tracker->committed_promise, nhe);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#inner-navigate-event-firing-algorithm
bool Navigation::inner_navigate_event_firing_algorithm(
Bindings::NavigationType navigation_type,
GC::Ref<NavigationDestination> destination,
UserNavigationInvolvement user_involvement,
Optional<Vector<XHR::FormDataEntry>&> form_data_entry_list,
Optional<String> download_request_filename,
Optional<SerializationRecord> classic_history_api_state)
// NOTE: Specification assumes that ongoing navigation event is cancelled before dispatching next navigation event.
if (m_ongoing_navigate_event)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
// 1. If navigation has entries and events disabled, then:
// NOTE: These assertions holds because traverseTo(), back(), and forward() will immediately fail when entries and events are disabled
// (since there are no entries to traverse to), and if our starting point is instead navigate() or reload(),
// then we avoided setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker in the first place.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled()) {
// 1. Assert: navigation's ongoing API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_ongoing_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 2. Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 3. Assert: navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers is empty.
// 4. Return true.
return true;
// 2. Let destinationKey be null.
Optional<String> destination_key = {};
// 3. If destination's entry is non-null, then set destinationKey to destination's entry's key.
if (destination->navigation_history_entry() != nullptr)
destination_key = destination->navigation_history_entry()->key();
// 4. Assert: destinationKey is not the empty string.
VERIFY(destination_key != ""sv);
// 5. Promote an upcoming API method tracker to ongoing given navigation and destinationKey.
// 6. Let apiMethodTracker be navigation's ongoing API method tracker.
auto api_method_tracker = m_ongoing_api_method_tracker;
// 7. Let navigable be navigation's relevant global object's navigable.
auto& relevant_global_object = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(Web::HTML::relevant_global_object(*this));
auto navigable = relevant_global_object.navigable();
// 8. Let document be navigation's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto& document = relevant_global_object.associated_document();
// Note: We create the Event in this algorithm instead of passing it in,
// and have all the following "initialize" steps set up the event init
NavigateEventInit event_init = {};
// 9. If document can have its URL rewritten to destination's URL,
// and either destination's is same document is true or navigationType is not "traverse",
// then initialize event's canIntercept to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.can_intercept = can_have_its_url_rewritten(document, destination->raw_url()) && (destination->same_document() || navigation_type != Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse);
// 10. Let traverseCanBeCanceled be true if all of the following are true:
// - navigable is a top-level traversable;
// - destination's is same document is true; and
// - either userInvolvement is not "browser UI", or navigation's relevant global object has history-action activation.
// Otherwise, let it be false.
bool const traverse_can_be_canceled = navigable->is_top_level_traversable()
&& destination->same_document()
&& (user_involvement != UserNavigationInvolvement::BrowserUI || relevant_global_object.has_history_action_activation());
// 11. If either:
// - navigationType is not "traverse"; or
// - traverseCanBeCanceled is true
// then initialize event's cancelable to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.cancelable = (navigation_type != Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse) || traverse_can_be_canceled;
// 12. Initialize event's type to "navigate".
// AD-HOC: Happens later, when calling the factory function
// 13. Initialize event's navigationType to navigationType.
event_init.navigation_type = navigation_type;
// 14. Initialize event's destination to destination.
event_init.destination = destination;
// 15. Initialize event's downloadRequest to downloadRequestFilename.
event_init.download_request = move(download_request_filename);
// 16. If apiMethodTracker is not null, then initialize event's info to apiMethodTracker's info. Otherwise, initialize it to undefined.
// NOTE: At this point apiMethodTracker's info is no longer needed and can be nulled out instead of keeping it alive for the lifetime of the navigation API method tracker.
if (api_method_tracker) {
event_init.info = api_method_tracker->info;
api_method_tracker->info = JS::js_undefined();
} else {
event_init.info = JS::js_undefined();
// FIXME: 17: Initialize event's hasUAVisualTransition to true if a visual transition, to display a cached rendered state
// of the document's latest entry, was done by the user agent. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.has_ua_visual_transition = false;
// 18. Set event's abort controller to a new AbortController created in navigation's relevant realm.
// AD-HOC: Set on the NavigateEvent later after construction
auto abort_controller = MUST(DOM::AbortController::construct_impl(realm));
// 19. Initialize event's signal to event's abort controller's signal.
event_init.signal = abort_controller->signal();
// 20. Let currentURL be document's URL.
auto current_url = document.url();
// 21. If all of the following are true:
// - event's classic history API state is null;
// - destination's is same document is true;
// - destination's URL equals currentURL with exclude fragments set to true; and
// - destination's URL's fragment is not identical to currentURL's fragment,
// then initialize event's hashChange to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.hash_change = (!classic_history_api_state.has_value()
&& destination->same_document()
&& destination->raw_url().equals(current_url, URL::ExcludeFragment::Yes)
&& destination->raw_url().fragment() != current_url.fragment());
// 22. If userInvolvement is not "none", then initialize event's userInitiated to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.user_initiated = user_involvement != UserNavigationInvolvement::None;
// 23. If formDataEntryList is not null, then initialize event's formData to a new FormData created in navigation's relevant realm,
// associated to formDataEntryList. Otherwise, initialize it to null.
if (form_data_entry_list.has_value()) {
event_init.form_data = MUST(XHR::FormData::construct_impl(realm, form_data_entry_list.release_value()));
} else {
event_init.form_data = nullptr;
// AD-HOC: *Now* we have all the info required to create the event
auto event = NavigateEvent::construct_impl(realm, EventNames::navigate, event_init);
// AD-HOC: This is supposed to be set in "fire a <type> navigate event", and is only non-null when
// we're doing a push or replace. We set it here because we create the event here
// 24. Assert: navigation's ongoing navigate event is null.
VERIFY(m_ongoing_navigate_event == nullptr);
// 25. Set navigation's ongoing navigate event to event.
m_ongoing_navigate_event = event;
// 26. Set navigation's focus changed during ongoing navigation to false.
m_focus_changed_during_ongoing_navigation = false;
// 27. Set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to false.
m_suppress_scroll_restoration_during_ongoing_navigation = false;
// 28. Let dispatchResult be the result of dispatching event at navigation.
auto dispatch_result = dispatch_event(*event);
// 29. If dispatchResult is false:
if (!dispatch_result) {
// 1. If navigationType is "traverse", then consume history-action user activation given navigation's relevant global object.
if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse)
// 2. If event's abort controller's signal is not aborted, then abort the ongoing navigation given navigation.
if (!event->abort_controller()->signal()->aborted())
// 3. Return false.
return false;
// 30. Let endResultIsSameDocument be true if event's interception state
// is not "none" or event's destination's is same document is true.
bool const end_result_is_same_document = (event->interception_state() != NavigateEvent::InterceptionState::None) || event->destination()->same_document();
// 31. Prepare to run script given navigation's relevant settings object.
// NOTE: There's a massive spec note here
TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { realm, TemporaryExecutionContext::CallbacksEnabled::Yes };
// 32. If event's interception state is not "none":
if (event->interception_state() != NavigateEvent::InterceptionState::None) {
// 1. Set event's interception state to "committed".
// 2. Let fromNHE be the current entry of navigation.
auto from_nhe = current_entry();
// 3. Assert: fromNHE is not null.
VERIFY(from_nhe != nullptr);
// 4. Set navigation's transition to a new NavigationTransition created in navigation's relevant realm,
// whose navigation type is navigationType, from entry is fromNHE, and whose finished promise is a new promise
// created in navigation's relevant realm.
m_transition = NavigationTransition::create(realm, navigation_type, *from_nhe, WebIDL::create_promise(realm));
// 5. Mark as handled navigation's transition's finished promise.
// 6. If navigationType is "traverse", then set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to true.
// NOTE: If event's scroll behavior was set to "after-transition", then scroll restoration will happen as part of finishing
// the relevant NavigateEvent. Otherwise, there will be no scroll restoration. That is, no navigation which is intercepted
// by intercept() goes through the normal scroll restoration process; scroll restoration for such navigations
// is either done manually, by the web developer, or is done after the transition.
if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse)
m_suppress_scroll_restoration_during_ongoing_navigation = true;
// FIXME: Fix spec typo "serialied"
// 7. If navigationType is "push" or "replace", then run the URL and history update steps given document and
// event's destination's URL, with serialiedData set to event's classic history API state and historyHandling
// set to navigationType.
if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Push || navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Replace) {
auto history_handling = navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Push ? HistoryHandlingBehavior::Push : HistoryHandlingBehavior::Replace;
perform_url_and_history_update_steps(document, event->destination()->raw_url(), event->classic_history_api_state(), history_handling);
// Big spec note about reload here
// 33. If endResultIsSameDocument is true:
if (end_result_is_same_document) {
// 1. Let promisesList be an empty list.
GC::RootVector<GC::Ref<WebIDL::Promise>> promises_list(realm.heap());
// 2. For each handler of event's navigation handler list:
for (auto const& handler : event->navigation_handler_list()) {
// 1. Append the result of invoking handler with an empty arguments list to promisesList.
auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(handler, {});
// This *should* be equivalent to converting a promise to a promise capability
promises_list.append(WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, result.value().value()));
// 3. If promisesList's size is 0, then set promisesList to « a promise resolved with undefined ».
// NOTE: There is a subtle timing difference between how waiting for all schedules its success and failure
// steps when given zero promises versus ≥1 promises. For most uses of waiting for all, this does not matter.
// However, with this API, there are so many events and promise handlers which could fire around the same time
// that the difference is pretty easily observable: it can cause the event/promise handler sequence to vary.
// (Some of the events and promises involved include: navigatesuccess / navigateerror, currententrychange,
// dispose, apiMethodTracker's promises, and the navigation.transition.finished promise.)
if (promises_list.size() == 0) {
promises_list.append(WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, JS::js_undefined()));
// 4. Wait for all of promisesList, with the following success steps:
realm, promises_list, [event, this, api_method_tracker](auto const&) -> void {
// FIXME: Spec issue: Event's relevant global objects' *associated document*
// 1. If event's relevant global object is not fully active, then abort these steps.
auto& relevant_global_object = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(HTML::relevant_global_object(*event));
auto& realm = event->realm();
if (!relevant_global_object.associated_document().is_fully_active())
// 2. If event's abort controller's signal is aborted, then abort these steps.
if (event->abort_controller()->signal()->aborted())
// 3. Assert: event equals navigation's ongoing navigate event.
VERIFY(event == m_ongoing_navigate_event);
// 4. Set navigation's ongoing navigate event to null.
m_ongoing_navigate_event = nullptr;
// 5. Finish event given true.
// FIXME: Implement https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-event-fire somewhere
// 6. Fire an event named navigatesuccess at navigation.
dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(realm, EventNames::navigatesuccess));
// 7. If apiMethodTracker is non-null, then resolve the finished promise for apiMethodTracker.
if (api_method_tracker != nullptr)
// 8. If navigation's transition is not null, then resolve navigation's transition's finished promise with undefined.
if (m_transition != nullptr)
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, m_transition->finished(), JS::js_undefined());
// 9. Set navigation's transition to null.
m_transition = nullptr; },
// and the following failure steps given reason rejectionReason:
[event, this, api_method_tracker](JS::Value rejection_reason) -> void {
// FIXME: Spec issue: Event's relevant global objects' *associated document*
// 1. If event's relevant global object is not fully active, then abort these steps.
auto& relevant_global_object = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(HTML::relevant_global_object(*event));
auto& realm = event->realm();
if (!relevant_global_object.associated_document().is_fully_active())
// 2. If event's abort controller's signal is aborted, then abort these steps.
if (event->abort_controller()->signal()->aborted())
// 3. Assert: event equals navigation's ongoing navigate event.
VERIFY(event == m_ongoing_navigate_event);
// 4. Set navigation's ongoing navigate event to null.
m_ongoing_navigate_event = nullptr;
// 5. Finish event given false.
// 6. Let errorInfo be the result of extracting error information from rejectionReason.
ErrorEventInit event_init = {};
event_init.error = rejection_reason;
// FIXME: Extract information from the exception and the JS context in the wishy-washy way the spec says here.
event_init.filename = String {};
event_init.colno = 0;
event_init.lineno = 0;
event_init.message = String {};
// 7. Fire an event named navigateerror at navigation using ErrorEvent,with additional attributes initialized according to errorInfo.
dispatch_event(ErrorEvent::create(realm, EventNames::navigateerror, event_init));
// 8. If apiMethodTracker is non-null, then reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with rejectionReason.
if (api_method_tracker != nullptr)
reject_the_finished_promise(*api_method_tracker, rejection_reason);
// 9. If navigation's transition is not null, then reject navigation's transition's finished promise with rejectionReason.
if (m_transition)
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, m_transition->finished(), rejection_reason);
// 10. Set navigation's transition to null.
m_transition = nullptr;
// 34. Otherwise, if apiMethodTracker is non-null, then clean up apiMethodTracker.
else if (api_method_tracker != nullptr) {
// 35. Clean up after running script given navigation's relevant settings object.
// Handled by TemporaryExecutionContext destructor from step 31
// 36. If event's interception state is "none", then return true.
// 37. Return false.
return event->interception_state() == NavigateEvent::InterceptionState::None;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#fire-a-traverse-navigate-event
bool Navigation::fire_a_traverse_navigate_event(GC::Ref<SessionHistoryEntry> destination_she, UserNavigationInvolvement user_involvement)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
auto& vm = this->vm();
// 1. Let event be the result of creating an event given NavigateEvent, in navigation's relevant realm.
// 2. Set event's classic history API state to null.
// AD-HOC: These are handled in the inner algorithm
// 3. Let destination be a new NavigationDestination created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto destination = NavigationDestination::create(realm);
// 4. Set destination's URL to destinationSHE's URL.
// 5. Let destinationNHE be the NavigationHistoryEntry in navigation's entry list whose session history entry is destinationSHE,
// or null if no such NavigationHistoryEntry exists.
auto destination_nhe = m_entry_list.find_if([destination_she](auto& nhe) {
return &nhe->session_history_entry() == destination_she;
// 6. If destinationNHE is non-null, then:
if (destination_nhe != m_entry_list.end()) {
// 1. Set destination's entry to destinationNHE.
// 2. Set destination's state to destinationSHE's navigation API state.
// 7. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Set destination's entry to null.
// 2. Set destination's state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
destination->set_state(MUST(structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, JS::js_null())));
// 8. Set destination's is same document to true if destinationSHE's document is equal to
// navigation's relevant global object's associated Document; otherwise false.
destination->set_is_same_document(destination_she->document() == &verify_cast<Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document());
// 9. Return the result of performing the inner navigate event firing algorithm given navigation, "traverse", event, destination, userInvolvement, null, and null.
// AD-HOC: We don't pass the event, but we do pass the classic_history_api state at the end to be set later
return inner_navigate_event_firing_algorithm(Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse, destination, user_involvement, {}, {}, {});
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#fire-a-push/replace/reload-navigate-event
bool Navigation::fire_a_push_replace_reload_navigate_event(
Bindings::NavigationType navigation_type,
URL::URL destination_url,
bool is_same_document,
UserNavigationInvolvement user_involvement,
Optional<Vector<XHR::FormDataEntry>&> form_data_entry_list,
Optional<SerializationRecord> navigation_api_state,
Optional<SerializationRecord> classic_history_api_state)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
auto& vm = this->vm();
// This fulfills the entry requirement: an optional serialized state navigationAPIState (default StructuredSerializeForStorage(null))
if (!navigation_api_state.has_value())
navigation_api_state = MUST(structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, JS::js_null()));
// 1. Let event be the result of creating an event given NavigateEvent, in navigation's relevant realm.
// 2. Set event's classic history API state to classicHistoryAPIState.
// AD-HOC: These are handled in the inner algorithm
// 3. Let destination be a new NavigationDestination created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto destination = NavigationDestination::create(realm);
// 4. Set destination's URL to destinationURL.
// 5. Set destination's entry to null.
// 6. Set destination's state to navigationAPIState.
// 7. Set destination's is same document to isSameDocument.
// 8. Return the result of performing the inner navigate event firing algorithm given navigation,
// navigationType, event, destination, userInvolvement, formDataEntryList, and null.
// AD-HOC: We don't pass the event, but we do pass the classic_history_api state at the end to be set later
return inner_navigate_event_firing_algorithm(navigation_type, destination, user_involvement, move(form_data_entry_list), {}, move(classic_history_api_state));
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#fire-a-download-request-navigate-event
bool Navigation::fire_a_download_request_navigate_event(URL::URL destination_url, UserNavigationInvolvement user_involvement, String filename)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
auto& vm = this->vm();
// 1. Let event be the result of creating an event given NavigateEvent, in navigation's relevant realm.
// 2. Set event's classic history API state to classicHistoryAPIState.
// AD-HOC: These are handled in the inner algorithm
// 3. Let destination be a new NavigationDestination created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto destination = NavigationDestination::create(realm);
// 4. Set destination's URL to destinationURL.
// 5. Set destination's entry to null.
// 6. Set destination's state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
destination->set_state(MUST(structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, JS::js_null())));
// 7. Set destination's is same document to false.
// 8. Return the result of performing the inner navigate event firing algorithm given navigation,
// "push", event, destination, userInvolvement, null, and filename.
// AD-HOC: We don't pass the event, but we do pass the classic_history_api state at the end to be set later
return inner_navigate_event_firing_algorithm(Bindings::NavigationType::Push, destination, user_involvement, {}, move(filename), {});
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#initialize-the-navigation-api-entries-for-a-new-document
void Navigation::initialize_the_navigation_api_entries_for_a_new_document(Vector<GC::Ref<SessionHistoryEntry>> const& new_shes, GC::Ref<SessionHistoryEntry> initial_she)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
// 1. Assert: navigation's entry list is empty.
// 2. Assert: navigation's current entry index is −1.
VERIFY(m_current_entry_index == -1);
// 3. If navigation has entries and events disabled, then return.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled())
// 4. For each newSHE of newSHEs:
for (auto const& new_she : new_shes) {
// 1. Let newNHE be a new NavigationHistoryEntry created in the relevant realm of navigation.
// 2. Set newNHE's session history entry to newSHE.
auto new_nhe = NavigationHistoryEntry::create(realm, new_she);
// 3. Append newNHE to navigation's entry list.
// 5. Set navigation's current entry index to the result of getting the navigation API entry index of initialSHE within navigation.
m_current_entry_index = get_the_navigation_api_entry_index(*initial_she);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#update-the-navigation-api-entries-for-a-same-document-navigation
// https://whatpr.org/html/9893/nav-history-apis.html#update-the-navigation-api-entries-for-a-same-document-navigation
void Navigation::update_the_navigation_api_entries_for_a_same_document_navigation(GC::Ref<SessionHistoryEntry> destination_she, Bindings::NavigationType navigation_type)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
// 1. If navigation has entries and events disabled, then return.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled())
// 2. Let oldCurrentNHE be the current entry of navigation.
auto old_current_nhe = current_entry();
// 3. Let disposedNHEs be a new empty list.
Vector<GC::Ref<NavigationHistoryEntry>> disposed_nhes;
// 4. If navigationType is "traverse", then:
if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse) {
// 1. Set navigation's current entry index to the result of getting the navigation API entry index of destinationSHE within navigation.
m_current_entry_index = get_the_navigation_api_entry_index(destination_she);
// 2. Assert: navigation's current entry index is not −1.
// NOTE: This algorithm is only called for same-document traversals.
// Cross-document traversals will instead call either initialize the navigation API entries for a new document
// or update the navigation API entries for reactivation
VERIFY(m_current_entry_index != -1);
// 5. Otherwise, if navigationType is "push", then:
else if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Push) {
// 1. Set navigation's current entry index to navigation's current entry index + 1.
// 2. Let i be navigation's current entry index.
auto i = m_current_entry_index;
// 3. While i < navigation's entry list's size:
while (i < static_cast<i64>(m_entry_list.size())) {
// 1. Append navigation's entry list[i] to disposedNHEs.
// 2. Set i to i + 1.
// 4. Remove all items in disposedNHEs from navigation's entry list.
m_entry_list.remove(m_current_entry_index, m_entry_list.size() - m_current_entry_index);
// 6. Otherwise, if navigationType is "replace", then:
else if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Replace) {
VERIFY(old_current_nhe != nullptr);
// 1. Append oldCurrentNHE to disposedNHEs.
// 7. If navigationType is "push" or "replace", then:
if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Push || navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Replace) {
// 1. Let newNHE be a new NavigationHistoryEntry created in the relevant realm of navigation.
// 2. Set newNHE's session history entry to destinationSHE.
auto new_nhe = NavigationHistoryEntry::create(realm, destination_she);
VERIFY(m_current_entry_index != -1);
// 3. Set navigation's entry list[navigation's current entry index] to newNHE.
if (m_current_entry_index < static_cast<i64>(m_entry_list.size()))
m_entry_list[m_current_entry_index] = new_nhe;
else {
VERIFY(m_current_entry_index == static_cast<i64>(m_entry_list.size()));
// 8. If navigation's ongoing API method tracker is non-null, then notify about the committed-to entry
// given navigation's ongoing API method tracker and the current entry of navigation.
// NOTE: It is important to do this before firing the dispose or currententrychange events,
// since event handlers could start another navigation, or otherwise change the value of
// navigation's ongoing API method tracker.
if (m_ongoing_api_method_tracker != nullptr)
notify_about_the_committed_to_entry(*m_ongoing_api_method_tracker, *current_entry());
// 9. Prepare to run script given navigation's relevant realm.
// 10. Fire an event named currententrychange at navigation using NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent,
// with its navigationType attribute initialized to navigationType and its from initialized to oldCurrentNHE.
NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEventInit event_init = {};
event_init.navigation_type = navigation_type;
event_init.from = old_current_nhe;
dispatch_event(NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent::construct_impl(realm, EventNames::currententrychange, event_init));
// 11. For each disposedNHE of disposedNHEs:
for (auto& disposed_nhe : disposed_nhes) {
// 1. Fire an event named dispose at disposedNHE.
disposed_nhe->dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(realm, EventNames::dispose, {}));
// 12. Clean up after running script given navigation's relevant realm.