mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 09:12:13 -05:00
The refactor in the previous commit was storing a reference to a stack allocated `Infrastructure::Request::BodyType` which was then immediately freed. To fix this, we can store the `Infrastructure::Request::BodyType` in a variable beforehand, so it becomes safe to reference.
603 lines
18 KiB
603 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <andreas@ladybird.org>
* Copyright (c) 2021, Daniel Bertalan <dani@danielbertalan.dev>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/Noncopyable.h>
#include <AK/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <AK/Try.h>
#include <AK/Types.h>
#include <AK/kmalloc.h>
namespace AK {
namespace Detail {
template<auto condition, typename T>
struct ConditionallyResultType;
template<typename T>
struct ConditionallyResultType<true, T> {
using Type = typename T::ResultType;
template<typename T>
struct ConditionallyResultType<false, T> {
using Type = T;
template<auto condition, typename T>
using ConditionallyResultType = typename Detail::ConditionallyResultType<condition, T>::Type;
// NOTE: If you're here because of an internal compiler error in GCC 10.3.0+,
// it's because of the following bug:
// https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=96745
// Make sure you didn't accidentally make your destructor private before
// you start bug hunting. :^)
class Optional;
struct OptionalNone {
explicit OptionalNone() = default;
template<typename T, typename Self = Optional<T>>
requires(!IsLvalueReference<Self>) class [[nodiscard]] OptionalBase {
using ValueType = T;
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Self& operator=(V)
return static_cast<Self&>(*this);
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T* ptr() &
return static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value() ? __builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T*>(&static_cast<Self&>(*this).value())) : nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T const* ptr() const&
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() ? __builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T const*>(&static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value())) : nullptr;
template<typename O = T, typename Fallback = O>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE O value_or(Fallback const& fallback) const&
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return fallback;
template<typename O = T, typename Fallback = O>
requires(!IsLvalueReference<O> && !IsRvalueReference<O>)
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE O value_or(Fallback&& fallback) &&
if (static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value())
return move(static_cast<Self&>(*this).value());
return move(fallback);
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE O value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE Optional<O> value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<O> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename Callback, typename O = T>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<Optional<O>> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename O>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(Optional<O> const& other) const
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() == (other).has_value()
&& (!static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() || static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value() == (other).value());
template<typename O>
requires(!Detail::IsBaseOf<OptionalBase<T, Self>, O>)
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(O const& other) const
return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value() && static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value() == other;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T const& operator*() const { return static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value(); }
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T& operator*() { return static_cast<Self&>(*this).value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T const* operator->() const { return &static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T* operator->() { return &static_cast<Self&>(*this).value(); }
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper)
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(static_cast<Self&>(*this).value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (static_cast<Self&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { mapper(static_cast<Self&>(*this).value()) };
return OptionalType {};
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper) const
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (static_cast<Self const&>(*this).has_value())
return OptionalType { mapper(static_cast<Self const&>(*this).value()) };
return OptionalType {};
template<typename T>
requires(!IsLvalueReference<T>) class [[nodiscard]] Optional<T> : public OptionalBase<T, Optional<T>> {
template<typename U>
friend class Optional;
static_assert(!IsLvalueReference<T> && !IsRvalueReference<T>);
using ValueType = T;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional() = default;
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional(V) { }
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional& operator=(V)
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional const& other)
: m_has_value(other.m_has_value)
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.value());
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional&& other)
: m_has_value(other.m_has_value)
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.release_value());
template<typename U>
requires(IsConstructible<T, U const&> && !IsSpecializationOf<T, Optional> && !IsSpecializationOf<U, Optional> && (!IsLvalueReference<U> || IsTriviallyCopyConstructible<U>)) ALWAYS_INLINE explicit Optional(Optional<U> const& other)
: m_has_value(other.has_value())
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.value());
template<typename U>
requires(IsConstructible<T, U &&> && !IsSpecializationOf<T, Optional> && !IsSpecializationOf<U, Optional> && (!IsLvalueReference<U> || IsTriviallyMoveConstructible<U>)) ALWAYS_INLINE explicit Optional(Optional<U>&& other)
: m_has_value(other.has_value())
if (other.has_value())
new (&m_storage) T(other.release_value());
template<typename U = T>
requires(!IsSame<OptionalNone, RemoveCVReference<U>>)
ALWAYS_INLINE explicit(!IsConvertible<U&&, T>) Optional(U&& value)
requires(!IsSame<RemoveCVReference<U>, Optional<T>> && IsConstructible<T, U &&>)
: m_has_value(true)
new (&m_storage) T(forward<U>(value));
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional const& other)
requires(!IsTriviallyCopyConstructible<T> || !IsTriviallyDestructible<T>)
if (this != &other) {
m_has_value = other.m_has_value;
if (other.has_value()) {
new (&m_storage) T(other.value());
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional&& other)
if (this != &other) {
m_has_value = other.m_has_value;
if (other.has_value()) {
new (&m_storage) T(other.release_value());
return *this;
template<typename O>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(Optional<O> const& other) const
return has_value() == other.has_value() && (!has_value() || value() == other.value());
template<typename O>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(O const& other) const
return has_value() && value() == other;
requires(!IsTriviallyDestructible<T> && IsDestructible<T>)
ALWAYS_INLINE void clear()
if (m_has_value) {
m_has_value = false;
template<typename... Parameters>
ALWAYS_INLINE void emplace(Parameters&&... parameters)
m_has_value = true;
new (&m_storage) T(forward<Parameters>(parameters)...);
template<typename Callable>
ALWAYS_INLINE void lazy_emplace(Callable callable)
m_has_value = true;
new (&m_storage) T { callable() };
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_value() const { return m_has_value; }
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T& value() &
return *__builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_storage));
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T const& value() const&
return *__builtin_launder(reinterpret_cast<T const*>(&m_storage));
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value() &&
return release_value();
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T release_value()
T released_value = move(value());
m_has_value = false;
return released_value;
alignas(T) u8 m_storage[sizeof(T)];
bool m_has_value { false };
template<typename T>
requires(IsLvalueReference<T>) class [[nodiscard]] Optional<T> {
friend class Optional;
template<typename U>
constexpr static bool CanBePlacedInOptional = IsSame<RemoveReference<T>, RemoveReference<AddConstToReferencedType<U>>> && (IsBaseOf<RemoveCVReference<T>, RemoveCVReference<U>> || IsSame<RemoveCVReference<T>, RemoveCVReference<U>>);
using ValueType = T;
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional() = default;
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional(V) { }
template<SameAs<OptionalNone> V>
Optional& operator=(V)
return *this;
template<typename U = T>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(U& value)
: m_pointer(&value)
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(RemoveReference<T>& value)
: m_pointer(&value)
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional<U>& other)
: m_pointer(other.ptr())
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional<U> const& other)
requires(CanBePlacedInOptional<U const>)
: m_pointer(other.ptr())
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional(Optional<U>&& other)
: m_pointer(other.ptr())
other.m_pointer = nullptr;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional<U>& other)
m_pointer = other.ptr();
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional<U> const& other)
requires(CanBePlacedInOptional<U const>)
m_pointer = other.ptr();
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(Optional<U>&& other)
requires(CanBePlacedInOptional<U> && IsLvalueReference<U>)
m_pointer = other.m_pointer;
other.m_pointer = nullptr;
return *this;
template<typename U>
requires(!IsSame<OptionalNone, RemoveCVReference<U>>)
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional& operator=(U& value)
m_pointer = &value;
return *this;
// Note: Disallows assignment from a temporary as this does not do any lifetime extension.
template<typename U>
requires(!IsSame<OptionalNone, RemoveCVReference<U>>)
ALWAYS_INLINE consteval Optional& operator=(RemoveReference<U> const&& value)
= delete;
ALWAYS_INLINE void clear()
m_pointer = nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE bool has_value() const { return m_pointer != nullptr; }
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE RemoveReference<T>* ptr()
return m_pointer;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE RemoveReference<T> const* ptr() const
return m_pointer;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value()
return *m_pointer;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE AddConstToReferencedType<T> value() const
return *m_pointer;
template<typename U>
requires(IsBaseOf<RemoveCVReference<T>, U>) [[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE AddConstToReferencedType<T> value_or(U& fallback) const
if (m_pointer)
return value();
return fallback;
// Note that this ends up copying the value.
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE RemoveCVReference<T> value_or(RemoveCVReference<T> fallback) const
if (m_pointer)
return value();
return fallback;
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T release_value()
return *exchange(m_pointer, nullptr);
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(Optional<U> const& other) const
return has_value() == other.has_value() && (!has_value() || value() == other.value());
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(U const& other) const
return has_value() && value() == other;
ALWAYS_INLINE AddConstToReferencedType<T> operator*() const { return value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T operator*() { return value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE RawPtr<AddConst<RemoveReference<T>>> operator->() const { return &value(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE RawPtr<RemoveReference<T>> operator->() { return &value(); }
// Conversion operators from Optional<T&> -> Optional<T>, implicit when T is trivially copyable.
ALWAYS_INLINE operator Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>>() const
if (has_value())
return Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>>(value());
return {};
// Conversion operators from Optional<T&> -> Optional<T>, explicit when T is not trivially copyable, since this is usually a mistake.
ALWAYS_INLINE explicit operator Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>>() const
if (has_value())
return Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>>(value());
return {};
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>> copy() const
return static_cast<Optional<RemoveCVReference<T>>>(*this);
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE T value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE Optional<T> value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return callback();
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<T> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename Callback>
[[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE ErrorOr<Optional<T>> try_value_or_lazy_evaluated_optional(Callback callback) const
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return value();
return TRY(callback());
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper)
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { mapper(value()) };
return OptionalType {};
template<typename F, typename MappedType = decltype(declval<F>()(declval<T&>())), auto IsErrorOr = IsSpecializationOf<MappedType, ErrorOr>, typename OptionalType = Optional<ConditionallyResultType<IsErrorOr, MappedType>>>
ALWAYS_INLINE Conditional<IsErrorOr, ErrorOr<OptionalType>, OptionalType> map(F&& mapper) const
if constexpr (IsErrorOr) {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { TRY(mapper(value())) };
return OptionalType {};
} else {
if (m_pointer != nullptr)
return OptionalType { mapper(value()) };
return OptionalType {};
RemoveReference<T>* m_pointer { nullptr };
using AK::Optional;
using AK::OptionalNone;