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synced 2025-01-24 02:03:06 -05:00
We don't have to invalidate style for the entire document when a style sheet changes inside of a shadow root. To make this possible, StyleSheetList now keeps track of which Document-or-ShadowRoot it corresponds to, instead of just tracking the containing Document. This avoids a lot of style recomputation on pages with lots of shadow DOM content (like GitHub).
374 lines
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374 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2024, Tim Ledbetter <timledbetter@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/CSSStyleSheetPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/CSSStyleSheet.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/Parser/Parser.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleComputer.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleSheetList.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::CSS {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSStyleSheet> CSSStyleSheet::create(JS::Realm& realm, CSSRuleList& rules, MediaList& media, Optional<URL::URL> location)
return realm.heap().allocate<CSSStyleSheet>(realm, realm, rules, media, move(location));
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-cssstylesheet
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSStyleSheet>> CSSStyleSheet::construct_impl(JS::Realm& realm, Optional<CSSStyleSheetInit> const& options)
// 1. Construct a new CSSStyleSheet object sheet.
auto sheet = create(realm, CSSRuleList::create_empty(realm), CSS::MediaList::create(realm, {}), {});
// 2. Set sheet’s location to the base URL of the associated Document for the current global object.
auto associated_document = sheet->global_object().document();
// 3. Set sheet’s stylesheet base URL to the baseURL attribute value from options.
if (options.has_value() && options->base_url.has_value()) {
Optional<URL::URL> sheet_location_url;
if (sheet->location().has_value())
sheet_location_url = sheet->location().release_value();
// AD-HOC: This isn't explicitly mentioned in the specification, but multiple modern browsers do this.
URL::URL url = sheet->location().has_value() ? sheet_location_url->complete_url(options->base_url.value()) : options->base_url.value();
if (!url.is_valid())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm, "Constructed style sheets must have a valid base URL"_fly_string);
// 4. Set sheet’s parent CSS style sheet to null.
// 5. Set sheet’s owner node to null.
// 6. Set sheet’s owner CSS rule to null.
// 7. Set sheet’s title to the the empty string.
sheet->set_title(String {});
// 8. Unset sheet’s alternate flag.
// 9. Set sheet’s origin-clean flag.
// 10. Set sheet’s constructed flag.
// 11. Set sheet’s Constructor document to the associated Document for the current global object.
// 12. If the media attribute of options is a string, create a MediaList object from the string and assign it as sheet’s media.
// Otherwise, serialize a media query list from the attribute and then create a MediaList object from the resulting string and set it as sheet’s media.
if (options.has_value()) {
if (options->media.has<String>()) {
} else {
sheet->m_media = *options->media.get<JS::Handle<MediaList>>();
// 13. If the disabled attribute of options is true, set sheet’s disabled flag.
if (options.has_value() && options->disabled)
// 14. Return sheet
return sheet;
CSSStyleSheet::CSSStyleSheet(JS::Realm& realm, CSSRuleList& rules, MediaList& media, Optional<URL::URL> location)
: StyleSheet(realm, media)
, m_rules(&rules)
if (location.has_value())
for (auto& rule : *m_rules)
m_rules->on_change = [this]() {
void CSSStyleSheet::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void CSSStyleSheet::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-insertrule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<unsigned> CSSStyleSheet::insert_rule(StringView rule, unsigned index)
// FIXME: 1. If the origin-clean flag is unset, throw a SecurityError exception.
// If the disallow modification flag is set, throw a NotAllowedError DOMException.
if (disallow_modification())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call insert_rule() on non-modifiable stylesheets."_fly_string);
// 3. Let parsed rule be the return value of invoking parse a rule with rule.
auto context = m_style_sheet_list ? CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { m_style_sheet_list->document() } : CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { realm() };
auto parsed_rule = parse_css_rule(context, rule);
// 4. If parsed rule is a syntax error, return parsed rule.
if (!parsed_rule)
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm(), "Unable to parse CSS rule."_fly_string);
// 5. If parsed rule is an @import rule, and the constructed flag is set, throw a SyntaxError DOMException.
if (constructed() && parsed_rule->type() == CSSRule::Type::Import)
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm(), "Can't insert @import rules into a constructed stylesheet."_fly_string);
// 6. Return the result of invoking insert a CSS rule rule in the CSS rules at index.
auto result = m_rules->insert_a_css_rule(parsed_rule, index);
if (!result.is_exception()) {
// NOTE: The spec doesn't say where to set the parent style sheet, so we'll do it here.
if (m_style_sheet_list) {
return result;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-deleterule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> CSSStyleSheet::delete_rule(unsigned index)
// FIXME: 1. If the origin-clean flag is unset, throw a SecurityError exception.
// 2. If the disallow modification flag is set, throw a NotAllowedError DOMException.
if (disallow_modification())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call delete_rule() on non-modifiable stylesheets."_fly_string);
// 3. Remove a CSS rule in the CSS rules at index.
auto result = m_rules->remove_a_css_rule(index);
if (!result.is_exception()) {
if (m_style_sheet_list) {
return result;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-replace
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> CSSStyleSheet::replace(String text)
// 1. Let promise be a promise
auto promise = JS::Promise::create(realm());
// 2. If the constructed flag is not set, or the disallow modification flag is set, reject promise with a NotAllowedError DOMException and return promise.
if (!constructed()) {
promise->reject(WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replace() on non-constructed stylesheets"_fly_string));
return promise;
if (disallow_modification()) {
promise->reject(WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replace() on non-modifiable stylesheets"_fly_string));
return promise;
// 3. Set the disallow modification flag.
// 4. In parallel, do these steps:
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([this, text = move(text), promise] {
// 1. Let rules be the result of running parse a stylesheet’s contents from text.
auto context = m_style_sheet_list ? CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { m_style_sheet_list->document() } : CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { realm() };
auto* parsed_stylesheet = parse_css_stylesheet(context, text);
auto& rules = parsed_stylesheet->rules();
// 2. If rules contains one or more @import rules, remove those rules from rules.
JS::MarkedVector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSRule>> rules_without_import(realm().heap());
for (auto rule : rules) {
if (rule->type() != CSSRule::Type::Import)
// 3. Set sheet’s CSS rules to rules.
m_rules->set_rules({}, rules_without_import);
// 4. Unset sheet’s disallow modification flag.
// 5. Resolve promise with sheet.
return promise;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-replacesync
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> CSSStyleSheet::replace_sync(StringView text)
// 1. If the constructed flag is not set, or the disallow modification flag is set, throw a NotAllowedError DOMException.
if (!constructed())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replaceSync() on non-constructed stylesheets"_fly_string);
if (disallow_modification())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replaceSync() on non-modifiable stylesheets"_fly_string);
// 2. Let rules be the result of running parse a stylesheet’s contents from text.
auto context = m_style_sheet_list ? CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { m_style_sheet_list->document() } : CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { realm() };
auto* parsed_stylesheet = parse_css_stylesheet(context, text);
auto& rules = parsed_stylesheet->rules();
// 3. If rules contains one or more @import rules, remove those rules from rules.
JS::MarkedVector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSRule>> rules_without_import(realm().heap());
for (auto rule : rules) {
if (rule->type() != CSSRule::Type::Import)
// 4.Set sheet’s CSS rules to rules.
m_rules->set_rules({}, rules_without_import);
return {};
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-addrule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<WebIDL::Long> CSSStyleSheet::add_rule(Optional<String> selector, Optional<String> style, Optional<WebIDL::UnsignedLong> index)
// 1. Let rule be an empty string.
StringBuilder rule;
// 2. Append selector to rule.
if (selector.has_value())
// 3. Append " { " to rule.
// 4. If block is not empty, append block, followed by a space, to rule.
if (style.has_value() && !style->is_empty())
rule.appendff("{} ", style.release_value());
// 5. Append "}" to rule.
// 6. Let index be optionalIndex if provided, or the number of CSS rules in the stylesheet otherwise.
// 7. Call insertRule(), with rule and index as arguments.
TRY(insert_rule(rule.string_view(), index.value_or(rules().length())));
// 8. Return -1.
return -1;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-removerule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> CSSStyleSheet::remove_rule(Optional<WebIDL::UnsignedLong> index)
// The removeRule(index) method must run the same steps as deleteRule().
return delete_rule(index.value_or(0));
void CSSStyleSheet::for_each_effective_style_rule(Function<void(CSSStyleRule const&)> const& callback) const
if (m_media->matches()) {
void CSSStyleSheet::for_each_effective_keyframes_at_rule(Function<void(CSSKeyframesRule const&)> const& callback) const
if (m_media->matches())
bool CSSStyleSheet::evaluate_media_queries(HTML::Window const& window)
bool any_media_queries_changed_match_state = false;
bool now_matches = m_media->evaluate(window);
if (!m_did_match.has_value() || m_did_match.value() != now_matches)
any_media_queries_changed_match_state = true;
if (now_matches && m_rules->evaluate_media_queries(window))
any_media_queries_changed_match_state = true;
m_did_match = now_matches;
return any_media_queries_changed_match_state;
void CSSStyleSheet::set_style_sheet_list(Badge<StyleSheetList>, StyleSheetList* list)
m_style_sheet_list = list;
Optional<FlyString> CSSStyleSheet::default_namespace() const
if (m_default_namespace_rule)
return m_default_namespace_rule->namespace_uri();
return {};
Optional<FlyString> CSSStyleSheet::namespace_uri(StringView namespace_prefix) const
return m_namespace_rules.get(namespace_prefix)
.map([](JS::GCPtr<CSSNamespaceRule> namespace_) {
return namespace_->namespace_uri();
void CSSStyleSheet::recalculate_namespaces()
m_default_namespace_rule = nullptr;
for (JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSRule> rule : *m_rules) {
// "Any @namespace rules must follow all @charset and @import rules and precede all other
// non-ignored at-rules and style rules in a style sheet.
// ...
// A syntactically invalid @namespace rule (whether malformed or misplaced) must be ignored."
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-namespaces/#syntax
switch (rule->type()) {
case CSSRule::Type::Import:
case CSSRule::Type::Namespace:
// Any other types mean that further @namespace rules are invalid, so we can stop here.
auto& namespace_rule = verify_cast<CSSNamespaceRule>(*rule);
if (!namespace_rule.namespace_uri().is_empty() && namespace_rule.prefix().is_empty())
m_default_namespace_rule = namespace_rule;
m_namespace_rules.set(namespace_rule.prefix(), namespace_rule);