Tim Ledbetter 1d825f17c0 LibWeb: Remove first rule if no argument is given for remove_rule()
While this isn't explicitly mentioned in the specification, there is a
WPT test that checks for this behavior.
2024-02-24 21:59:28 +01:00

29 lines
1.1 KiB

#import <CSS/CSSRule.idl>
#import <CSS/CSSRuleList.idl>
#import <CSS/MediaList.idl>
#import <CSS/StyleSheet.idl>
interface CSSStyleSheet : StyleSheet {
constructor(optional CSSStyleSheetInit options = {});
readonly attribute CSSRule? ownerRule;
[SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
unsigned long insertRule(CSSOMString rule, optional unsigned long index = 0);
undefined deleteRule(unsigned long index);
Promise<CSSStyleSheet> replace(USVString text);
undefined replaceSync(USVString text);
[SameObject, ImplementedAs=css_rules] readonly attribute CSSRuleList rules;
long addRule(optional DOMString selector = "undefined", optional DOMString style = "undefined", optional unsigned long index);
undefined removeRule(optional unsigned long index);
dictionary CSSStyleSheetInit {
DOMString baseURL = null;
(MediaList or DOMString) media = "";
boolean disabled = false;