mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 01:32:14 -05:00
These instances were detected by searching for files that include AK/Memory.h, but don't match the regex: \\b(fast_u32_copy|fast_u32_fill|secure_zero|timing_safe_compare)\\b This regex is pessimistic, so there might be more files that don't actually use any memory function. In theory, one might use LibCPP to detect things like this automatically, but let's do this one step after another.
452 lines
13 KiB
452 lines
13 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/ByteBuffer.h>
#include <AK/DeprecatedString.h>
#include <AK/FlyString.h>
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
namespace AK {
bool DeprecatedString::operator==(FlyString const& fly_string) const
return m_impl == fly_string.impl() || view() == fly_string.view();
bool DeprecatedString::operator==(DeprecatedString const& other) const
return m_impl == other.impl() || view() == other.view();
bool DeprecatedString::operator==(StringView other) const
return view() == other;
bool DeprecatedString::operator<(DeprecatedString const& other) const
return view() < other.view();
bool DeprecatedString::operator>(DeprecatedString const& other) const
return view() > other.view();
bool DeprecatedString::copy_characters_to_buffer(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size) const
// We must fit at least the NUL-terminator.
VERIFY(buffer_size > 0);
size_t characters_to_copy = min(length(), buffer_size - 1);
__builtin_memcpy(buffer, characters(), characters_to_copy);
buffer[characters_to_copy] = 0;
return characters_to_copy == length();
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::isolated_copy() const
if (!m_impl)
return {};
if (!m_impl->length())
return empty();
char* buffer;
auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(length(), buffer);
memcpy(buffer, m_impl->characters(), m_impl->length());
return DeprecatedString(move(*impl));
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::substring(size_t start, size_t length) const
if (!length)
return DeprecatedString::empty();
VERIFY(!Checked<size_t>::addition_would_overflow(start, length));
VERIFY(start + length <= m_impl->length());
return { characters() + start, length };
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::substring(size_t start) const
VERIFY(start <= length());
return { characters() + start, length() - start };
StringView DeprecatedString::substring_view(size_t start, size_t length) const
VERIFY(!Checked<size_t>::addition_would_overflow(start, length));
VERIFY(start + length <= m_impl->length());
return { characters() + start, length };
StringView DeprecatedString::substring_view(size_t start) const
VERIFY(start <= length());
return { characters() + start, length() - start };
Vector<DeprecatedString> DeprecatedString::split(char separator, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const
return split_limit(separator, 0, split_behavior);
Vector<DeprecatedString> DeprecatedString::split_limit(char separator, size_t limit, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const
if (is_empty())
return {};
Vector<DeprecatedString> v;
size_t substart = 0;
bool keep_empty = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty);
bool keep_separator = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepTrailingSeparator);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length() && (v.size() + 1) != limit; ++i) {
char ch = characters()[i];
if (ch == separator) {
size_t sublen = i - substart;
if (sublen != 0 || keep_empty)
v.append(substring(substart, keep_separator ? sublen + 1 : sublen));
substart = i + 1;
size_t taillen = length() - substart;
if (taillen != 0 || keep_empty)
v.append(substring(substart, taillen));
return v;
Vector<StringView> DeprecatedString::split_view(Function<bool(char)> separator, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const
if (is_empty())
return {};
Vector<StringView> v;
size_t substart = 0;
bool keep_empty = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty);
bool keep_separator = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepTrailingSeparator);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length(); ++i) {
char ch = characters()[i];
if (separator(ch)) {
size_t sublen = i - substart;
if (sublen != 0 || keep_empty)
v.append(substring_view(substart, keep_separator ? sublen + 1 : sublen));
substart = i + 1;
size_t taillen = length() - substart;
if (taillen != 0 || keep_empty)
v.append(substring_view(substart, taillen));
return v;
Vector<StringView> DeprecatedString::split_view(char const separator, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const
return split_view([separator](char ch) { return ch == separator; }, split_behavior);
ByteBuffer DeprecatedString::to_byte_buffer() const
if (!m_impl)
return {};
// FIXME: Handle OOM failure.
return ByteBuffer::copy(bytes()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
template<typename T>
Optional<T> DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const
return StringUtils::convert_to_int<T>(view(), trim_whitespace);
template Optional<i8> DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<i16> DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<i32> DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<long> DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<long long> DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const;
template<typename T>
Optional<T> DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const
return StringUtils::convert_to_uint<T>(view(), trim_whitespace);
template Optional<u8> DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<u16> DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<u32> DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<unsigned long> DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const;
template Optional<unsigned long long> DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const;
#ifndef KERNEL
Optional<double> DeprecatedString::to_double(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const
return StringUtils::convert_to_floating_point<double>(*this, trim_whitespace);
Optional<float> DeprecatedString::to_float(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const
return StringUtils::convert_to_floating_point<float>(*this, trim_whitespace);
bool DeprecatedString::starts_with(StringView str, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const
return StringUtils::starts_with(*this, str, case_sensitivity);
bool DeprecatedString::starts_with(char ch) const
if (is_empty())
return false;
return characters()[0] == ch;
bool DeprecatedString::ends_with(StringView str, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const
return StringUtils::ends_with(*this, str, case_sensitivity);
bool DeprecatedString::ends_with(char ch) const
if (is_empty())
return false;
return characters()[length() - 1] == ch;
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::repeated(char ch, size_t count)
if (!count)
return empty();
char* buffer;
auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(count, buffer);
memset(buffer, ch, count);
return *impl;
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::repeated(StringView string, size_t count)
if (!count || string.is_empty())
return empty();
char* buffer;
auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(count * string.length(), buffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
__builtin_memcpy(buffer + i * string.length(), string.characters_without_null_termination(), string.length());
return *impl;
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::bijective_base_from(size_t value, unsigned base, StringView map)
if (map.is_null())
VERIFY(base >= 2 && base <= map.length());
// The '8 bits per byte' assumption may need to go?
Array<char, round_up_to_power_of_two(sizeof(size_t) * 8 + 1, 2)> buffer;
size_t i = 0;
do {
buffer[i++] = map[value % base];
value /= base;
} while (value > 0);
// NOTE: Weird as this may seem, the thing that comes after 'Z' is 'AA', which as a number would be '00'
// to make this work, only the most significant digit has to be in a range of (1..25) as opposed to (0..25),
// but only if it's not the only digit in the string.
if (i > 1)
--buffer[i - 1];
for (size_t j = 0; j < i / 2; ++j)
swap(buffer[j], buffer[i - j - 1]);
return DeprecatedString { ReadonlyBytes(buffer.data(), i) };
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::roman_number_from(size_t value)
if (value > 3999)
return DeprecatedString::number(value);
StringBuilder builder;
while (value > 0) {
if (value >= 1000) {
value -= 1000;
} else if (value >= 900) {
value -= 900;
} else if (value >= 500) {
value -= 500;
} else if (value >= 400) {
value -= 400;
} else if (value >= 100) {
value -= 100;
} else if (value >= 90) {
value -= 90;
} else if (value >= 50) {
value -= 50;
} else if (value >= 40) {
value -= 40;
} else if (value >= 10) {
value -= 10;
} else if (value == 9) {
value -= 9;
} else if (value >= 5 && value <= 8) {
value -= 5;
} else if (value == 4) {
value -= 4;
} else if (value <= 3) {
value -= 1;
return builder.to_deprecated_string();
bool DeprecatedString::matches(StringView mask, Vector<MaskSpan>& mask_spans, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const
return StringUtils::matches(*this, mask, case_sensitivity, &mask_spans);
bool DeprecatedString::matches(StringView mask, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const
return StringUtils::matches(*this, mask, case_sensitivity);
bool DeprecatedString::contains(StringView needle, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const
return StringUtils::contains(*this, needle, case_sensitivity);
bool DeprecatedString::contains(char needle, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const
return StringUtils::contains(*this, StringView(&needle, 1), case_sensitivity);
bool DeprecatedString::equals_ignoring_case(StringView other) const
return StringUtils::equals_ignoring_case(view(), other);
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::reverse() const
StringBuilder reversed_string(length());
for (size_t i = length(); i-- > 0;) {
return reversed_string.to_deprecated_string();
DeprecatedString escape_html_entities(StringView html)
StringBuilder builder;
for (size_t i = 0; i < html.length(); ++i) {
if (html[i] == '<')
else if (html[i] == '>')
else if (html[i] == '&')
else if (html[i] == '"')
return builder.to_deprecated_string();
DeprecatedString::DeprecatedString(FlyString const& string)
: m_impl(string.impl())
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_lowercase() const
if (!m_impl)
return {};
return m_impl->to_lowercase();
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_uppercase() const
if (!m_impl)
return {};
return m_impl->to_uppercase();
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_snakecase() const
return StringUtils::to_snakecase(*this);
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_titlecase() const
return StringUtils::to_titlecase(*this);
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::invert_case() const
return StringUtils::invert_case(*this);
bool DeprecatedString::operator==(char const* cstring) const
return view() == cstring;
InputStream& operator>>(InputStream& stream, DeprecatedString& string)
StringBuilder builder;
for (;;) {
char next_char;
stream >> next_char;
if (stream.has_any_error()) {
string = nullptr;
return stream;
if (next_char) {
} else {
string = builder.to_deprecated_string();
return stream;
DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::vformatted(StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params)
StringBuilder builder;
MUST(vformat(builder, fmtstr, params));
return builder.to_deprecated_string();
Vector<size_t> DeprecatedString::find_all(StringView needle) const
return StringUtils::find_all(*this, needle);