2023-08-09 17:09:16 +02:00

368 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Linus Groh <>
* Copyright (c) 2020, Nico Weber <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, Petróczi Zoltán <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/GenericLexer.h>
#include <AK/Time.h>
#include <LibCore/DateTime.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Date.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/DateConstructor.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/DatePrototype.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
namespace JS {
// Date.parse ( string ),
static double parse_simplified_iso8601(DeprecatedString const& iso_8601)
// Date Time String Format,
GenericLexer lexer(iso_8601);
auto lex_n_digits = [&](size_t n, Optional<int>& out) {
if (lexer.tell_remaining() < n)
return false;
int r = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
char ch = lexer.consume();
if (!is_ascii_digit(ch))
return false;
r = 10 * r + ch - '0';
out = r;
return true;
Optional<int> year;
Optional<int> month;
Optional<int> day;
Optional<int> hours;
Optional<int> minutes;
Optional<int> seconds;
Optional<int> milliseconds;
Optional<char> timezone;
Optional<int> timezone_hours;
Optional<int> timezone_minutes;
auto lex_year = [&]() {
if (lexer.consume_specific('+'))
return lex_n_digits(6, year);
if (lexer.consume_specific('-')) {
Optional<int> absolute_year;
if (!lex_n_digits(6, absolute_year))
return false;
// The representation of the year 0 as -000000 is invalid.
if (absolute_year.value() == 0)
return false;
year = -absolute_year.value();
return true;
return lex_n_digits(4, year);
auto lex_month = [&]() { return lex_n_digits(2, month) && *month >= 1 && *month <= 12; };
auto lex_day = [&]() { return lex_n_digits(2, day) && *day >= 1 && *day <= 31; };
auto lex_date = [&]() { return lex_year() && (!lexer.consume_specific('-') || (lex_month() && (!lexer.consume_specific('-') || lex_day()))); };
auto lex_hours_minutes = [&](Optional<int>& out_h, Optional<int>& out_m) {
Optional<int> h;
Optional<int> m;
if (lex_n_digits(2, h) && *h >= 0 && *h <= 24 && lexer.consume_specific(':') && lex_n_digits(2, m) && *m >= 0 && *m <= 59) {
out_h = move(h);
out_m = move(m);
return true;
return false;
auto lex_seconds = [&]() { return lex_n_digits(2, seconds) && *seconds >= 0 && *seconds <= 59; };
auto lex_milliseconds = [&]() {
// Date.parse() is allowed to accept an arbitrary number of implementation-defined formats.
// Milliseconds are parsed slightly different as other engines allow effectively any number of digits here.
// We require at least one digit and only use the first three.
auto digits_read = 0;
int result = 0;
while (!lexer.is_eof() && is_ascii_digit(lexer.peek())) {
char ch = lexer.consume();
if (digits_read < 3)
result = 10 * result + ch - '0';
if (digits_read == 0)
return false;
// If we got less than three digits pretend we have trailing zeros.
while (digits_read < 3) {
result *= 10;
milliseconds = result;
return true;
auto lex_seconds_milliseconds = [&]() { return lex_seconds() && (!lexer.consume_specific('.') || lex_milliseconds()); };
auto lex_timezone = [&]() {
if (lexer.consume_specific('+')) {
timezone = '+';
return lex_hours_minutes(timezone_hours, timezone_minutes);
if (lexer.consume_specific('-')) {
timezone = '-';
return lex_hours_minutes(timezone_hours, timezone_minutes);
if (lexer.consume_specific('Z'))
timezone = 'Z';
return true;
auto lex_time = [&]() { return lex_hours_minutes(hours, minutes) && (!lexer.consume_specific(':') || lex_seconds_milliseconds()) && lex_timezone(); };
if (!lex_date() || (lexer.consume_specific('T') && !lex_time()) || !lexer.is_eof()) {
return NAN;
// We parsed a valid date simplified ISO 8601 string.
VERIFY(year.has_value()); // A valid date string always has at least a year.
auto time = AK::UnixDateTime::from_unix_time_parts(*year, month.value_or(1), day.value_or(1), hours.value_or(0), minutes.value_or(0), seconds.value_or(0), milliseconds.value_or(0));
auto time_ms = static_cast<double>(time.milliseconds_since_epoch());
// "When the UTC offset representation is absent, date-only forms are interpreted as a UTC time and date-time forms are interpreted as a local time."
if (!timezone.has_value() && hours.has_value())
time_ms = utc_time(time_ms);
if (timezone == '-')
time_ms += *timezone_hours * 3'600'000 + *timezone_minutes * 60'000;
else if (timezone == '+')
time_ms -= *timezone_hours * 3'600'000 + *timezone_minutes * 60'000;
return time_clip(time_ms);
static constexpr AK::Array<StringView, 6> extra_formats = {
"%a %b %e %T %z %Y"sv,
"%m/%e/%Y %R %z"sv,
"%Y/%m/%e %R"sv,
"%Y-%m-%e %R"sv,
"%B %e, %Y %T"sv,
static double parse_date_string(DeprecatedString const& date_string)
auto value = parse_simplified_iso8601(date_string);
if (isfinite(value))
return value;
// Date.parse() is allowed to accept an arbitrary number of implementation-defined formats.
// Parse formats of this type: "Wed Apr 17 23:08:53 +0000 2019"
// And: "4/17/2019"
// And: "12/05/2022 10:00 -0800"
// And: "2014/11/14 13:05" or "2014-11-14 13:05"
// And: "June 5, 2023 17:00:00"
// FIXME: Exactly what timezone and which additional formats we should support is unclear.
// Both Chrome and Firefox seem to support "4/17/2019 11:08 PM +0000" with most parts
// being optional, however this is not clearly documented anywhere.
for (auto const& format : extra_formats) {
auto maybe_datetime = Core::DateTime::parse(format, date_string);
if (maybe_datetime.has_value())
return 1000.0 * maybe_datetime->timestamp();
return NAN;
DateConstructor::DateConstructor(Realm& realm)
: NativeFunction(realm.vm().names.Date.as_string(), realm.intrinsics().function_prototype())
void DateConstructor::initialize(Realm& realm)
auto& vm = this->vm();
// Date.prototype,
define_direct_property(vm.names.prototype, realm.intrinsics().date_prototype(), 0);
u8 attr = Attribute::Writable | Attribute::Configurable;
define_native_function(realm,, now, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.parse, parse, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.UTC, utc, 7, attr);
define_direct_property(vm.names.length, Value(7), Attribute::Configurable);
// Date ( ...values ),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> DateConstructor::call()
// 1. If NewTarget is undefined, then
// a. Let now be the time value (UTC) identifying the current time.
auto now = AK::UnixDateTime::now().milliseconds_since_epoch();
// b. Return ToDateString(now).
return PrimitiveString::create(vm(), to_date_string(now));
// Date ( ...values ),
ThrowCompletionOr<NonnullGCPtr<Object>> DateConstructor::construct(FunctionObject& new_target)
auto& vm = this->vm();
double date_value;
// 2. Let numberOfArgs be the number of elements in values.
// 3. If numberOfArgs = 0, then
if (vm.argument_count() == 0) {
// a. Let dv be the time value (UTC) identifying the current time.
auto now = AK::UnixDateTime::now().milliseconds_since_epoch();
date_value = static_cast<double>(now);
// 4. Else if numberOfArgs = 1, then
else if (vm.argument_count() == 1) {
// a. Let value be values[0].
auto value = vm.argument(0);
double time_value;
// b. If Type(value) is Object and value has a [[DateValue]] internal slot, then
if (value.is_object() && is<Date>(value.as_object())) {
// i. Let tv be ! thisTimeValue(value).
time_value = MUST(this_time_value(vm, value));
// c. Else,
else {
// i. Let v be ? ToPrimitive(value).
auto primitive = TRY(value.to_primitive(vm));
// ii. If Type(v) is String, then
if (primitive.is_string()) {
// 1. Assert: The next step never returns an abrupt completion because Type(v) is String.
// 2. Let tv be the result of parsing v as a date, in exactly the same manner as for the parse method (
time_value = parse_date_string(primitive.as_string().deprecated_string());
// iii. Else,
else {
// 1. Let tv be ? ToNumber(v).
time_value = TRY(primitive.to_number(vm)).as_double();
// d. Let dv be TimeClip(tv).
date_value = time_clip(time_value);
// 5. Else,
else {
// a. Assert: numberOfArgs ≥ 2.
// b. Let y be ? ToNumber(values[0]).
auto year = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_number(vm)).as_double();
// c. Let m be ? ToNumber(values[1]).
auto month = TRY(vm.argument(1).to_number(vm)).as_double();
auto arg_or = [&vm](size_t i, double fallback) -> ThrowCompletionOr<double> {
return vm.argument_count() > i ? TRY(vm.argument(i).to_number(vm)).as_double() : fallback;
// d. If numberOfArgs > 2, let dt be ? ToNumber(values[2]); else let dt be 1𝔽.
auto date = TRY(arg_or(2, 1));
// e. If numberOfArgs > 3, let h be ? ToNumber(values[3]); else let h be +0𝔽.
auto hours = TRY(arg_or(3, 0));
// f. If numberOfArgs > 4, let min be ? ToNumber(values[4]); else let min be +0𝔽.
auto minutes = TRY(arg_or(4, 0));
// g. If numberOfArgs > 5, let s be ? ToNumber(values[5]); else let s be +0𝔽.
auto seconds = TRY(arg_or(5, 0));
// h. If numberOfArgs > 6, let milli be ? ToNumber(values[6]); else let milli be +0𝔽.
auto milliseconds = TRY(arg_or(6, 0));
// i. If y is NaN, let yr be NaN.
// j. Else,
if (!isnan(year)) {
// i. Let yi be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(y).
auto year_integer = to_integer_or_infinity(year);
// ii. If 0 ≤ yi ≤ 99, let yr be 1900𝔽 + 𝔽(yi); otherwise, let yr be y.
if (0 <= year_integer && year_integer <= 99)
year = 1900 + year_integer;
// k. Let finalDate be MakeDate(MakeDay(yr, m, dt), MakeTime(h, min, s, milli)).
auto day = make_day(year, month, date);
auto time = make_time(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
auto final_date = make_date(day, time);
// l. Let dv be TimeClip(UTC(finalDate)).
date_value = time_clip(utc_time(final_date));
// 6. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%Date.prototype%", « [[DateValue]] »).
// 7. Set O.[[DateValue]] to dv.
// 8. Return O.
return TRY(ordinary_create_from_constructor<Date>(vm, new_target, &Intrinsics::date_prototype, date_value));
// ( ),
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
return Value(floor(tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + tv.tv_usec / 1000.0));
// Date.parse ( string ),
if (!vm.argument_count())
return js_nan();
auto date_string = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_deprecated_string(vm));
return Value(parse_date_string(date_string));
// Date.UTC ( year [ , month [ , date [ , hours [ , minutes [ , seconds [ , ms ] ] ] ] ] ] ),
auto arg_or = [&vm](size_t i, double fallback) -> ThrowCompletionOr<double> {
return vm.argument_count() > i ? TRY(vm.argument(i).to_number(vm)).as_double() : fallback;
// 1. Let y be ? ToNumber(year).
auto year = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_number(vm)).as_double();
// 2. If month is present, let m be ? ToNumber(month); else let m be +0𝔽.
auto month = TRY(arg_or(1, 0));
// 3. If date is present, let dt be ? ToNumber(date); else let dt be 1𝔽.
auto date = TRY(arg_or(2, 1));
// 4. If hours is present, let h be ? ToNumber(hours); else let h be +0𝔽.
auto hours = TRY(arg_or(3, 0));
// 5. If minutes is present, let min be ? ToNumber(minutes); else let min be +0𝔽.
auto minutes = TRY(arg_or(4, 0));
// 6. If seconds is present, let s be ? ToNumber(seconds); else let s be +0𝔽.
auto seconds = TRY(arg_or(5, 0));
// 7. If ms is present, let milli be ? ToNumber(ms); else let milli be +0𝔽.
auto milliseconds = TRY(arg_or(6, 0));
// 8. If y is NaN, let yr be NaN.
// 9. Else,
if (!isnan(year)) {
// a. Let yi be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(y).
auto year_integer = to_integer_or_infinity(year);
// b. If 0 ≤ yi ≤ 99, let yr be 1900𝔽 + 𝔽(yi); otherwise, let yr be y.
if (0 <= year_integer && year_integer <= 99)
year = 1900 + year_integer;
// 10. Return TimeClip(MakeDate(MakeDay(yr, m, dt), MakeTime(h, min, s, milli))).
auto day = make_day(year, month, date);
auto time = make_time(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
return Value(time_clip(make_date(day, time)));