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synced 2025-01-23 09:46:04 -05:00
Resulting in a massive rename across almost everywhere! Alongside the namespace change, we now have the following names: * JS::NonnullGCPtr -> GC::Ref * JS::GCPtr -> GC::Ptr * JS::HeapFunction -> GC::Function * JS::CellImpl -> GC::Cell * JS::Handle -> GC::Root
337 lines
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337 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling <andreas@ladybird.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh <linusg@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Sam Atkins <atkinssj@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibURL/Origin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/MainThreadVM.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Requests.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContextGroup.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/DocumentState.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLIFrameElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigableContainer.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationParams.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/TimeOrigin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Page/Page.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HashTable<NavigableContainer*>& NavigableContainer::all_instances()
static HashTable<NavigableContainer*> set;
return set;
NavigableContainer::NavigableContainer(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: HTMLElement(document, move(qualified_name))
void NavigableContainer::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
GC::Ptr<NavigableContainer> NavigableContainer::navigable_container_with_content_navigable(GC::Ref<Navigable> navigable)
for (auto* navigable_container : all_instances()) {
if (navigable_container->content_navigable() == navigable)
return navigable_container;
return nullptr;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#create-a-new-child-navigable
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> NavigableContainer::create_new_child_navigable(GC::Ptr<GC::Function<void()>> after_session_history_update)
// 1. Let parentNavigable be element's node navigable.
auto parent_navigable = navigable();
// 2. Let group be element's node document's browsing context's top-level browsing context's group.
auto group = document().browsing_context()->top_level_browsing_context()->group();
// 3. Let browsingContext and document be the result of creating a new browsing context and document given element's node document, element, and group.
auto& page = document().page();
auto [browsing_context, document] = TRY(BrowsingContext::create_a_new_browsing_context_and_document(page, this->document(), *this, *group));
// 4. Let targetName be null.
Optional<String> target_name;
// 5. If element has a name content attribute, then set targetName to the value of that attribute.
if (name().has_value())
target_name = name().value().to_string();
// 6. Let documentState be a new document state, with
// - document: document
// - initiator origin: document's origin
// - origin: document's origin
// - navigable target name: targetName
// - about base URL: document's about base URL
GC::Ref<DocumentState> document_state = *heap().allocate<HTML::DocumentState>();
if (target_name.has_value())
// 7. Let navigable be a new navigable.
GC::Ref<Navigable> navigable = *heap().allocate<Navigable>(page);
// 8. Initialize the navigable navigable given documentState and parentNavigable.
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm(), navigable->initialize_navigable(document_state, parent_navigable));
// 9. Set element's content navigable to navigable.
m_content_navigable = navigable;
// 10. Let historyEntry be navigable's active session history entry.
auto history_entry = navigable->active_session_history_entry();
// 11. Let traversable be parentNavigable's traversable navigable.
auto traversable = parent_navigable->traversable_navigable();
// 12. Append the following session history traversal steps to traversable:
traversable->append_session_history_traversal_steps(GC::create_function(heap(), [traversable, navigable, parent_navigable, history_entry, after_session_history_update] {
// 1. Let parentDocState be parentNavigable's active session history entry's document state.
auto parent_doc_state = parent_navigable->active_session_history_entry()->document_state();
// 2. Let parentNavigableEntries be the result of getting session history entries for parentNavigable.
auto parent_navigable_entries = parent_navigable->get_session_history_entries();
// 3. Let targetStepSHE be the first session history entry in parentNavigableEntries whose document state equals parentDocState.
auto target_step_she = *parent_navigable_entries.find_if([parent_doc_state](auto& entry) {
return entry->document_state() == parent_doc_state;
// 4. Set historyEntry's step to targetStepSHE's step.
// 5. Let nestedHistory be a new nested history whose id is navigable's id and entries list is « historyEntry ».
DocumentState::NestedHistory nested_history {
.id = navigable->id(),
.entries { *history_entry },
// 6. Append nestedHistory to parentDocState's nested histories.
// 7. Update for navigable creation/destruction given traversable
if (after_session_history_update) {
return {};
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#concept-bcc-content-document
const DOM::Document* NavigableContainer::content_document() const
// 1. If container's content navigable is null, then return null.
if (m_content_navigable == nullptr)
return nullptr;
// 2. Let document be container's content navigable's active document.
auto document = m_content_navigable->active_document();
// 4. If document's origin and container's node document's origin are not same origin-domain, then return null.
if (!document->origin().is_same_origin_domain(m_document->origin()))
return nullptr;
// 5. Return document.
return document;
DOM::Document const* NavigableContainer::content_document_without_origin_check() const
if (!m_content_navigable)
return nullptr;
return m_content_navigable->active_document();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content-other.html#dom-media-getsvgdocument
const DOM::Document* NavigableContainer::get_svg_document() const
// 1. Let document be this element's content document.
auto const* document = content_document();
// 2. If document is non-null and was created by the page load processing model for XML files section because the computed type of the resource in the navigate algorithm was image/svg+xml, then return document.
if (document && document->content_type() == "image/svg+xml"sv)
return document;
// 3. Return null.
return nullptr;
HTML::WindowProxy* NavigableContainer::content_window()
if (!m_content_navigable)
return nullptr;
return m_content_navigable->active_window_proxy();
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/iframe-embed-object.html#shared-attribute-processing-steps-for-iframe-and-frame-elements
Optional<URL::URL> NavigableContainer::shared_attribute_processing_steps_for_iframe_and_frame(bool initial_insertion)
// AD-HOC: If the element was added and immediately removed, the content navigable will be null. Don't process the
// src attribute any further.
if (!m_content_navigable)
return {};
// 1. Let url be the URL record about:blank.
auto url = URL::URL("about:blank");
// 2. If element has a src attribute specified, and its value is not the empty string,
// then parse the value of that attribute relative to element's node document.
// If this is successful, then set url to the resulting URL record.
auto src_attribute_value = get_attribute_value(HTML::AttributeNames::src);
if (!src_attribute_value.is_empty()) {
auto parsed_src = document().parse_url(src_attribute_value);
if (parsed_src.is_valid())
url = parsed_src;
// 3. If the inclusive ancestor navigables of element's node navigable contains a navigable
// whose active document's URL equals url with exclude fragments set to true, then return null.
for (auto const& navigable : document().inclusive_ancestor_navigables()) {
if (navigable->active_document()->url().equals(url, URL::ExcludeFragment::Yes))
return {};
// 4. If url matches about:blank and initialInsertion is true, then perform the URL and history update steps given element's content navigable's active document and url.
if (url_matches_about_blank(url) && initial_insertion) {
auto& document = *m_content_navigable->active_document();
perform_url_and_history_update_steps(document, url);
// 5. Return url.
return url;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/iframe-embed-object.html#navigate-an-iframe-or-frame
void NavigableContainer::navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(URL::URL url, ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy, Optional<String> srcdoc_string)
// 1. Let historyHandling be "auto".
auto history_handling = Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Auto;
// 2. If element's content navigable's active document is not completely loaded, then set historyHandling to "replace".
if (m_content_navigable->active_document() && !m_content_navigable->active_document()->is_completely_loaded()) {
history_handling = Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Replace;
// FIXME: 3. If element is an iframe, then set element's pending resource-timing start time to the current high resolution
// time given element's node document's relevant global object.
// 4. Navigate element's content navigable to url using element's node document, with historyHandling set to historyHandling,
// referrerPolicy set to referrerPolicy, and documentResource set to scrdocString.
Variant<Empty, String, POSTResource> document_resource = Empty {};
if (srcdoc_string.has_value())
document_resource = srcdoc_string.value();
MUST(m_content_navigable->navigate({ .url = url,
.source_document = document(),
.document_resource = document_resource,
.history_handling = history_handling,
.referrer_policy = referrer_policy }));
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#destroy-a-child-navigable
void NavigableContainer::destroy_the_child_navigable()
// 1. Let navigable be container's content navigable.
auto navigable = content_navigable();
// 2. If navigable is null, then return.
if (!navigable)
// Not in the spec:
// Setting container's content navigable makes document *not* be "fully active".
// Therefore, it is moved to run in afterAllDestruction callback of "destroy a document and its descendants"
// when all queued tasks are done.
// "Has been destroyed" flag is used instead to check whether navigable is already destroyed.
if (navigable->has_been_destroyed())
// FIXME: 4. Inform the navigation API about child navigable destruction given navigable.
// 5. Destroy a document and its descendants given navigable's active document.
navigable->active_document()->destroy_a_document_and_its_descendants(GC::create_function(heap(), [this, navigable] {
// 3. Set container's content navigable to null.
m_content_navigable = nullptr;
// Not in the spec:
// 6. Let parentDocState be container's node navigable's active session history entry's document state.
auto parent_doc_state = this->navigable()->active_session_history_entry()->document_state();
// 7. Remove the nested history from parentDocState's nested histories whose id equals navigable's id.
parent_doc_state->nested_histories().remove_all_matching([&](auto& nested_history) {
return navigable->id() == nested_history.id;
// 8. Let traversable be container's node navigable's traversable navigable.
auto traversable = this->navigable()->traversable_navigable();
// 9. Append the following session history traversal steps to traversable:
traversable->append_session_history_traversal_steps(GC::create_function(heap(), [traversable] {
// 1. Update for navigable creation/destruction given traversable.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/iframe-embed-object.html#potentially-delays-the-load-event
bool NavigableContainer::currently_delays_the_load_event() const
if (!m_content_navigable_initialized)
return true;
if (!m_potentially_delays_the_load_event)
return false;
// If an element type potentially delays the load event, then for each element element of that type,
// the user agent must delay the load event of element's node document if element's content navigable is non-null
// and any of the following are true:
if (!m_content_navigable)
return false;
// - element's content navigable's active document is not ready for post-load tasks;
if (!m_content_navigable->active_document()->ready_for_post_load_tasks())
return true;
// - element's content navigable's is delaying load events is true; or
if (m_content_navigable->is_delaying_load_events())
return true;
// - anything is delaying the load event of element's content navigable's active document.
if (m_content_navigable->active_document()->anything_is_delaying_the_load_event())
return true;
return false;