Linus Groh 1de1d6423b LibWeb: Implement the fetch() method :^)
With so much infrastructure implemented, we can finally add the last
piece of this puzzle - the fetch() method itself!

This contains a few hundred lines of generated code as handling the
RequestInfo and RequestInfo parameter types manually is not feasible,
but we can't use the IDL definition as the Window object is handwritten
code at the moment.
It's neatly tucked away in Bindings/ and will be removed eventually.
2022-10-30 20:10:29 +00:00

1487 lines
58 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Base64.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Utf8View.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Completion.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Error.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/FunctionObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalEnvironment.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Shape.h>
#include <LibTextCodec/Decoder.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/CSSNamespace.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/FetchMethod.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/LocationObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Replaceable.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/WindowExposedInterfaces.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/WindowPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/MediaQueryList.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/Parser/Parser.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/ResolvedCSSStyleDeclaration.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/Screen.h>
#include <LibWeb/Crypto/Crypto.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EventDispatcher.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventHandler.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventLoop/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/MessageEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigator.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Origin.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/PageTransitionEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ClassicScript.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Storage.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Timer.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/WindowProxy.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/Performance.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/TimeOrigin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/InitialContainingBlock.h>
#include <LibWeb/Page/Page.h>
#include <LibWeb/RequestIdleCallback/IdleDeadline.h>
#include <LibWeb/Selection/Selection.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
void run_animation_frame_callbacks(DOM::Document& document, double)
// FIXME: Bring this closer to the spec.
class IdleCallback : public RefCounted<IdleCallback> {
explicit IdleCallback(Function<JS::Completion(JS::NonnullGCPtr<RequestIdleCallback::IdleDeadline>)> handler, u32 handle)
: m_handler(move(handler))
, m_handle(handle)
~IdleCallback() = default;
JS::Completion invoke(JS::NonnullGCPtr<RequestIdleCallback::IdleDeadline> deadline) { return m_handler(deadline); }
u32 handle() const { return m_handle; }
Function<JS::Completion(JS::NonnullGCPtr<RequestIdleCallback::IdleDeadline>)> m_handler;
u32 m_handle { 0 };
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Window> Window::create(JS::Realm& realm)
return *realm.heap().allocate<Window>(realm, realm);
Window::Window(JS::Realm& realm)
: DOM::EventTarget(realm)
void Window::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)
for (auto& it : m_timers)
Window::~Window() = default;
HighResolutionTime::Performance& Window::performance()
if (!m_performance)
m_performance = heap().allocate<HighResolutionTime::Performance>(realm(), *this);
return *m_performance;
CSS::Screen& Window::screen()
if (!m_screen)
m_screen = heap().allocate<CSS::Screen>(realm(), *this);
return *m_screen;
void Window::alert_impl(String const& message)
if (auto* page = this->page())
bool Window::confirm_impl(String const& message)
if (auto* page = this->page())
return page->client().page_did_request_confirm(message);
return false;
String Window::prompt_impl(String const& message, String const& default_)
if (auto* page = this->page())
return page->client().page_did_request_prompt(message, default_);
return {};
i32 Window::set_timeout_impl(TimerHandler handler, i32 timeout, JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments)
return run_timer_initialization_steps(move(handler), timeout, move(arguments), Repeat::No);
i32 Window::set_interval_impl(TimerHandler handler, i32 timeout, JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments)
return run_timer_initialization_steps(move(handler), timeout, move(arguments), Repeat::Yes);
void Window::clear_timeout_impl(i32 id)
void Window::clear_interval_impl(i32 id)
void Window::deallocate_timer_id(Badge<Timer>, i32 id)
i32 Window::run_timer_initialization_steps(TimerHandler handler, i32 timeout, JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments, Repeat repeat, Optional<i32> previous_id)
// 1. Let thisArg be global if that is a WorkerGlobalScope object; otherwise let thisArg be the WindowProxy that corresponds to global.
// 2. If previousId was given, let id be previousId; otherwise, let id be an implementation-defined integer that is greater than zero and does not already exist in global's map of active timers.
auto id = previous_id.has_value() ? previous_id.value() : m_timer_id_allocator.allocate();
// FIXME: 3. If the surrounding agent's event loop's currently running task is a task that was created by this algorithm, then let nesting level be the task's timer nesting level. Otherwise, let nesting level be zero.
// 4. If timeout is less than 0, then set timeout to 0.
if (timeout < 0)
timeout = 0;
// FIXME: 5. If nesting level is greater than 5, and timeout is less than 4, then set timeout to 4.
// 6. Let callerRealm be the current Realm Record, and calleeRealm be global's relevant Realm.
// FIXME: Implement this when step 9.2 is implemented.
// 7. Let initiating script be the active script.
// 8. Assert: initiating script is not null, since this algorithm is always called from some script.
// 9. Let task be a task that runs the following substeps:
JS::SafeFunction<void()> task = [this, handler = move(handler), timeout, arguments = move(arguments), repeat, id]() mutable {
// 1. If id does not exist in global's map of active timers, then abort these steps.
if (!m_timers.contains(id))
// 2. If handler is a Function, then invoke handler given arguments with the callback this value set to thisArg. If this throws an exception, catch it, and report the exception.
[&](JS::Handle<WebIDL::CallbackType> callback) {
if (auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(*callback, this, arguments); result.is_error())
HTML::report_exception(result, realm());
// 3. Otherwise:
[&](String const& source) {
// 1. Assert: handler is a string.
// FIXME: 2. Perform HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(callerRealm, calleeRealm). If this throws an exception, catch it, report the exception, and abort these steps.
// 3. Let settings object be global's relevant settings object.
auto& settings_object = associated_document().relevant_settings_object();
// 4. Let base URL be initiating script's base URL.
auto url = associated_document().url();
// 5. Assert: base URL is not null, as initiating script is a classic script or a JavaScript module script.
// 6. Let fetch options be a script fetch options whose cryptographic nonce is initiating script's fetch options's cryptographic nonce, integrity metadata is the empty string, parser metadata is "not-parser-inserted", credentials mode is initiating script's fetch options's credentials mode, and referrer policy is initiating script's fetch options's referrer policy.
// 7. Let script be the result of creating a classic script given handler, settings object, base URL, and fetch options.
auto script = HTML::ClassicScript::create(url.basename(), source, settings_object, url);
// 8. Run the classic script script.
// 4. If id does not exist in global's map of active timers, then abort these steps.
if (!m_timers.contains(id))
switch (repeat) {
// 5. If repeat is true, then perform the timer initialization steps again, given global, handler, timeout, arguments, true, and id.
case Repeat::Yes:
run_timer_initialization_steps(handler, timeout, move(arguments), repeat, id);
// 6. Otherwise, remove global's map of active timers[id].
case Repeat::No:
// FIXME: 10. Increment nesting level by one.
// FIXME: 11. Set task's timer nesting level to nesting level.
// 12. Let completionStep be an algorithm step which queues a global task on the timer task source given global to run task.
JS::SafeFunction<void()> completion_step = [this, task = move(task)]() mutable {
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::TimerTask, *this, move(task));
// 13. Run steps after a timeout given global, "setTimeout/setInterval", timeout, completionStep, and id.
auto timer = Timer::create(*this, timeout, move(completion_step), id);
m_timers.set(id, timer);
// 14. Return id.
return id;
i32 Window::request_animation_frame_impl(WebIDL::CallbackType& js_callback)
return m_animation_frame_callback_driver.add([this, js_callback = JS::make_handle(js_callback)](auto) mutable {
// 3. Invoke callback, passing now as the only argument,
auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(*js_callback, {}, JS::Value(performance().now()));
// and if an exception is thrown, report the exception.
if (result.is_error())
HTML::report_exception(result, realm());
void Window::cancel_animation_frame_impl(i32 id)
void Window::did_set_location_href(Badge<Bindings::LocationObject>, AK::URL const& new_href)
auto* browsing_context = associated_document().browsing_context();
if (!browsing_context)
browsing_context->loader().load(new_href, FrameLoader::Type::Navigation);
void Window::did_call_location_reload(Badge<Bindings::LocationObject>)
auto* browsing_context = associated_document().browsing_context();
if (!browsing_context)
browsing_context->loader().load(associated_document().url(), FrameLoader::Type::Reload);
void Window::did_call_location_replace(Badge<Bindings::LocationObject>, String url)
auto* browsing_context = associated_document().browsing_context();
if (!browsing_context)
auto new_url = associated_document().parse_url(url);
browsing_context->loader().load(move(new_url), FrameLoader::Type::Navigation);
bool Window::dispatch_event(DOM::Event& event)
return DOM::EventDispatcher::dispatch(*this, event, true);
int Window::inner_width() const
// The innerWidth attribute must return the viewport width including the size of a rendered scroll bar (if any),
// or zero if there is no viewport.
if (auto const* browsing_context = associated_document().browsing_context())
return browsing_context->viewport_rect().width();
return 0;
int Window::inner_height() const
// The innerHeight attribute must return the viewport height including the size of a rendered scroll bar (if any),
// or zero if there is no viewport.
if (auto const* browsing_context = associated_document().browsing_context())
return browsing_context->viewport_rect().height();
return 0;
Page* Window::page()
return associated_document().page();
Page const* Window::page() const
return associated_document().page();
CSS::CSSStyleDeclaration* Window::get_computed_style_impl(DOM::Element& element) const
return CSS::ResolvedCSSStyleDeclaration::create(element);
JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSS::MediaQueryList> Window::match_media_impl(String media)
auto media_query_list = CSS::MediaQueryList::create(associated_document(), parse_media_query_list(CSS::Parser::ParsingContext(associated_document()), media));
return media_query_list;
Optional<CSS::MediaFeatureValue> Window::query_media_feature(CSS::MediaFeatureID media_feature) const
// FIXME: Many of these should be dependent on the hardware
switch (media_feature) {
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::AnyHover:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Hover);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::AnyPointer:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Fine);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::AspectRatio:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::Ratio(inner_width(), inner_height()));
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Color:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(8);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::ColorGamut:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Srgb);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::ColorIndex:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(0);
// FIXME: device-aspect-ratio
// FIXME: device-height
// FIXME: device-width
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::DisplayMode:
// FIXME: Detect if window is fullscreen
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Browser);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::DynamicRange:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Standard);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::EnvironmentBlending:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Opaque);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::ForcedColors:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::None);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Grid:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(0);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Height:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::Length::make_px(inner_height()));
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::HorizontalViewportSegments:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(1);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Hover:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Hover);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::InvertedColors:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::None);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Monochrome:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(0);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::NavControls:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Back);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Orientation:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(inner_height() >= inner_width() ? CSS::ValueID::Portrait : CSS::ValueID::Landscape);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::OverflowBlock:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Scroll);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::OverflowInline:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Scroll);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Pointer:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Fine);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::PrefersColorScheme: {
if (auto* page = this->page()) {
switch (page->preferred_color_scheme()) {
case CSS::PreferredColorScheme::Light:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Light);
case CSS::PreferredColorScheme::Dark:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Dark);
case CSS::PreferredColorScheme::Auto:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(page->palette().is_dark() ? CSS::ValueID::Dark : CSS::ValueID::Light);
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Light);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::PrefersContrast:
// FIXME: Make this a preference
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::NoPreference);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::PrefersReducedData:
// FIXME: Make this a preference
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::NoPreference);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::PrefersReducedMotion:
// FIXME: Make this a preference
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::NoPreference);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::PrefersReducedTransparency:
// FIXME: Make this a preference
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::NoPreference);
// FIXME: resolution
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Scan:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Progressive);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Scripting:
if (associated_document().is_scripting_enabled())
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Enabled);
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::None);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Update:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Fast);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::VerticalViewportSegments:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(1);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::VideoColorGamut:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Srgb);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::VideoDynamicRange:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::ValueID::Standard);
case CSS::MediaFeatureID::Width:
return CSS::MediaFeatureValue(CSS::Length::make_px(inner_width()));
return {};
float Window::scroll_x() const
if (auto* page = this->page())
return page->top_level_browsing_context().viewport_scroll_offset().x();
return 0;
float Window::scroll_y() const
if (auto* page = this->page())
return page->top_level_browsing_context().viewport_scroll_offset().y();
return 0;
void Window::fire_a_page_transition_event(FlyString const& event_name, bool persisted)
// To fire a page transition event named eventName at a Window window with a boolean persisted,
// fire an event named eventName at window, using PageTransitionEvent,
// with the persisted attribute initialized to persisted,
HTML::PageTransitionEventInit event_init {};
event_init.persisted = persisted;
auto event = HTML::PageTransitionEvent::create(associated_document().realm(), event_name, event_init);
// ...the cancelable attribute initialized to true,
// the bubbles attribute initialized to true,
// and legacy target override flag set.
void Window::queue_microtask_impl(WebIDL::CallbackType& callback)
// The queueMicrotask(callback) method must queue a microtask to invoke callback,
HTML::queue_a_microtask(&associated_document(), [this, &callback]() mutable {
auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(callback, {});
// and if callback throws an exception, report the exception.
if (result.is_error())
HTML::report_exception(result, realm());
float Window::device_pixel_ratio() const
// FIXME: Return 2.0f if we're in HiDPI mode!
return 1.0f;
int Window::screen_x() const
// The screenX and screenLeft attributes must return the x-coordinate, relative to the origin of the Web-exposed screen area,
// of the left of the client window as number of CSS pixels, or zero if there is no such thing.
return 0;
int Window::screen_y() const
// The screenY and screenTop attributes must return the y-coordinate, relative to the origin of the screen of the Web-exposed screen area,
// of the top of the client window as number of CSS pixels, or zero if there is no such thing.
return 0;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTML::Storage> Window::local_storage()
// FIXME: Implement according to spec.
static HashMap<Origin, JS::Handle<HTML::Storage>> local_storage_per_origin;
auto storage = local_storage_per_origin.ensure(associated_document().origin(), [this]() -> JS::Handle<HTML::Storage> {
return *HTML::Storage::create(realm());
return *storage;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTML::Storage> Window::session_storage()
// FIXME: Implement according to spec.
static HashMap<Origin, JS::Handle<HTML::Storage>> session_storage_per_origin;
auto storage = session_storage_per_origin.ensure(associated_document().origin(), [this]() -> JS::Handle<HTML::Storage> {
return *HTML::Storage::create(realm());
return *storage;
WindowProxy* Window::parent()
// 1. Let current be this Window object's browsing context.
auto* current = browsing_context();
// 2. If current is null, then return null.
if (!current)
return nullptr;
// 3. If current is a child browsing context of another browsing context parent,
// then return parent's WindowProxy object.
if (current->parent()) {
return current->parent()->window_proxy();
// 4. Assert: current is a top-level browsing context.
// 5. Return current's WindowProxy object.
return current->window_proxy();
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Window::post_message_impl(JS::Value message, String const&)
// FIXME: This is an ad-hoc hack implementation instead, since we don't currently
// have serialization and deserialization of messages.
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::PostedMessage, *this, [this, message]() mutable {
HTML::MessageEventInit event_init {}; = message;
event_init.origin = "<origin>";
dispatch_event(*HTML::MessageEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::message, event_init));
return {};
String Window::name() const
// 1. If this's browsing context is null, then return the empty string.
if (!browsing_context())
return String::empty();
// 2. Return this's browsing context's name.
return browsing_context()->name();
void Window::set_name(String const& name)
// 1. If this's browsing context is null, then return.
if (!browsing_context())
// 2. Set this's browsing context's name to the given value.
bool Window::has_transient_activation() const
// FIXME: Implement this.
return false;
void Window::start_an_idle_period()
// 1. Optionally, if the user agent determines the idle period should be delayed, return from this algorithm.
// 2. Let pending_list be window's list of idle request callbacks.
auto& pending_list = m_idle_request_callbacks;
// 3. Let run_list be window's list of runnable idle callbacks.
auto& run_list = m_runnable_idle_callbacks;
// 4. Clear pending_list.
// FIXME: This might not agree with the spec, but currently we use 100% CPU if we keep queueing tasks
if (run_list.is_empty())
// 5. Queue a task on the queue associated with the idle-task task source,
// which performs the steps defined in the invoke idle callbacks algorithm with window and getDeadline as parameters.
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::IdleTask, *this, [this]() mutable {
void Window::invoke_idle_callbacks()
auto& event_loop = main_thread_event_loop();
// 1. If the user-agent believes it should end the idle period early due to newly scheduled high-priority work, return from the algorithm.
// 2. Let now be the current time.
auto now = HighResolutionTime::unsafe_shared_current_time();
// 3. If now is less than the result of calling getDeadline and the window's list of runnable idle callbacks is not empty:
if (now < event_loop.compute_deadline() && !m_runnable_idle_callbacks.is_empty()) {
// 1. Pop the top callback from window's list of runnable idle callbacks.
auto callback = m_runnable_idle_callbacks.take_first();
// 2. Let deadlineArg be a new IdleDeadline whose [get deadline time algorithm] is getDeadline.
auto deadline_arg = RequestIdleCallback::IdleDeadline::create(realm());
// 3. Call callback with deadlineArg as its argument. If an uncaught runtime script error occurs, then report the exception.
auto result = callback->invoke(deadline_arg);
if (result.is_error())
HTML::report_exception(result, realm());
// 4. If window's list of runnable idle callbacks is not empty, queue a task which performs the steps
// in the invoke idle callbacks algorithm with getDeadline and window as a parameters and return from this algorithm
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::IdleTask, *this, [this]() mutable {
u32 Window::request_idle_callback_impl(WebIDL::CallbackType& callback)
// 1. Let window be this Window object.
auto& window = *this;
// 2. Increment the window's idle callback identifier by one.
// 3. Let handle be the current value of window's idle callback identifier.
auto handle = window.m_idle_callback_identifier;
// 4. Push callback to the end of window's list of idle request callbacks, associated with handle.
auto handler = [callback = JS::make_handle(callback)](JS::NonnullGCPtr<RequestIdleCallback::IdleDeadline> deadline) -> JS::Completion {
return WebIDL::invoke_callback(const_cast<WebIDL::CallbackType&>(*callback), {}, deadline.ptr());
window.m_idle_request_callbacks.append(adopt_ref(*new IdleCallback(move(handler), handle)));
// 5. Return handle and then continue running this algorithm asynchronously.
return handle;
// FIXME: 6. If the timeout property is present in options and has a positive value:
// FIXME: 1. Wait for timeout milliseconds.
// FIXME: 2. Wait until all invocations of this algorithm, whose timeout added to their posted time occurred before this one's, have completed.
// FIXME: 3. Optionally, wait a further user-agent defined length of time.
// FIXME: 4. Queue a task on the queue associated with the idle-task task source, which performs the invoke idle callback timeout algorithm, passing handle and window as arguments.
void Window::cancel_idle_callback_impl(u32 handle)
// 1. Let window be this Window object.
auto& window = *this;
// 2. Find the entry in either the window's list of idle request callbacks or list of runnable idle callbacks
// that is associated with the value handle.
// 3. If there is such an entry, remove it from both window's list of idle request callbacks and the list of runnable idle callbacks.
window.m_idle_request_callbacks.remove_first_matching([handle](auto& callback) {
return callback->handle() == handle;
window.m_runnable_idle_callbacks.remove_first_matching([handle](auto& callback) {
return callback->handle() == handle;
void Window::set_associated_document(DOM::Document& document)
m_associated_document = &document;
void Window::set_current_event(DOM::Event* event)
m_current_event = event;
HTML::BrowsingContext const* Window::browsing_context() const
return m_associated_document->browsing_context();
HTML::BrowsingContext* Window::browsing_context()
return m_associated_document->browsing_context();
void Window::initialize_web_interfaces(Badge<WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject>)
auto& realm = this->realm();
add_window_exposed_interfaces(*this, realm);
Object::set_prototype(&Bindings::ensure_web_prototype<Bindings::WindowPrototype>(realm, "Window"));
m_crypto = Crypto::Crypto::create(realm);
// FIXME: These should be native accessors, not properties
define_native_accessor(realm, "top", top_getter, nullptr, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "window", window_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "frames", frames_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "self", self_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "parent", parent_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "document", document_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "frameElement", frame_element_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "name", name_getter, name_setter, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "history", history_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "performance", performance_getter, performance_setter, JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "crypto", crypto_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "screen", screen_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "innerWidth", inner_width_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "innerHeight", inner_height_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
define_native_accessor(realm, "devicePixelRatio", device_pixel_ratio_getter, {}, JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable);
u8 attr = JS::Attribute::Writable | JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable;
define_native_function(realm, "alert", alert, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "confirm", confirm, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "prompt", prompt, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "setInterval", set_interval, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "setTimeout", set_timeout, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "clearInterval", clear_interval, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "clearTimeout", clear_timeout, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "requestAnimationFrame", request_animation_frame, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "cancelAnimationFrame", cancel_animation_frame, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "atob", atob, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "btoa", btoa, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "queueMicrotask", queue_microtask, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "requestIdleCallback", request_idle_callback, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "cancelIdleCallback", cancel_idle_callback, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "getComputedStyle", get_computed_style, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "matchMedia", match_media, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "getSelection", get_selection, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "postMessage", post_message, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "fetch", Bindings::fetch, 1, attr);
// FIXME: These properties should be [Replaceable] according to the spec, but [Writable+Configurable] is the closest we have.
define_native_accessor(realm, "scrollX", scroll_x_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "pageXOffset", scroll_x_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "scrollY", scroll_y_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "pageYOffset", scroll_y_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "length", length_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "scroll", scroll, 2, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "scrollTo", scroll, 2, attr);
define_native_function(realm, "scrollBy", scroll_by, 2, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "screenX", screen_x_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "screenY", screen_y_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "screenLeft", screen_left_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "screenTop", screen_top_getter, {}, attr);
define_direct_property("CSS", heap().allocate<Bindings::CSSNamespace>(realm, realm), 0);
define_native_accessor(realm, "localStorage", local_storage_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "sessionStorage", session_storage_getter, {}, attr);
define_native_accessor(realm, "origin", origin_getter, {}, attr);
// Legacy
define_native_accessor(realm, "event", event_getter, event_setter, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
m_location_object = heap().allocate<Bindings::LocationObject>(realm, realm);
m_navigator = heap().allocate<HTML::Navigator>(realm, realm);
define_direct_property("navigator", m_navigator, JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable);
define_direct_property("clientInformation", m_navigator, JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable);
// NOTE: location is marked as [LegacyUnforgeable], meaning it isn't configurable.
define_native_accessor(realm, "location", location_getter, location_setter, JS::Attribute::Enumerable);
// WebAssembly "namespace"
define_direct_property("WebAssembly", heap().allocate<Bindings::WebAssemblyObject>(realm, realm), JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable);
// HTML::GlobalEventHandlers and HTML::WindowEventHandlers
#define __ENUMERATE(attribute, event_name) \
define_native_accessor(realm, #attribute, attribute##_getter, attribute##_setter, attr);
#undef __ENUMERATE
HTML::Origin Window::origin() const
return associated_document().origin();
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<bool> Window::internal_set_prototype_of(JS::Object* prototype)
// 1. Return ? SetImmutablePrototype(O, V).
return set_immutable_prototype(prototype);
static JS::ThrowCompletionOr<HTML::Window*> impl_from(JS::VM& vm)
// Since this is a non built-in function we must treat it as non-strict mode
// this means that a nullish this_value should be converted to the
// global_object. Generally this does not matter as we try to convert the
// this_value to a specific object type in the bindings. But since window is
// the global object we make an exception here.
// This allows calls like `setTimeout(f, 10)` to work.
auto this_value = vm.this_value();
if (this_value.is_nullish())
this_value = &vm.current_realm()->global_object();
auto* this_object = MUST(this_value.to_object(vm));
if (is<WindowProxy>(*this_object))
return static_cast<WindowProxy*>(this_object)->window().ptr();
if (is<Window>(*this_object))
return static_cast<Window*>(this_object);
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAnObjectOfType, "Window");
// Note: This method is defined using two overloads, instead of using an optional argument,
// for historical reasons. The practical impact of this is that alert(undefined) is
// treated as alert("undefined"), but alert() is treated as alert("").
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
String message = "";
if (vm.argument_count())
message = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm));
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
String message = "";
if (!vm.argument(0).is_undefined())
message = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->confirm_impl(message));
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
String message = "";
String default_ = "";
if (!vm.argument(0).is_undefined())
message = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm));
if (!vm.argument(1).is_undefined())
default_ = TRY(vm.argument(1).to_string(vm));
auto response = impl->prompt_impl(message, default_);
if (response.is_null())
return JS::js_null();
return JS::js_string(vm, response);
static JS::ThrowCompletionOr<TimerHandler> make_timer_handler(JS::VM& vm, JS::Value handler)
if (handler.is_function())
return JS::make_handle(vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<WebIDL::CallbackType>(handler.as_function(), HTML::incumbent_settings_object()));
return TRY(handler.to_string(vm));
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountAtLeastOne, "setTimeout");
auto handler = TRY(make_timer_handler(vm, vm.argument(0)));
i32 timeout = 0;
if (vm.argument_count() >= 2)
timeout = TRY(vm.argument(1).to_i32(vm));
JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments { vm.heap() };
for (size_t i = 2; i < vm.argument_count(); ++i)
auto id = impl->set_timeout_impl(move(handler), timeout, move(arguments));
return JS::Value(id);
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountAtLeastOne, "setInterval");
auto handler = TRY(make_timer_handler(vm, vm.argument(0)));
i32 timeout = 0;
if (vm.argument_count() >= 2)
timeout = TRY(vm.argument(1).to_i32(vm));
JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments { vm.heap() };
for (size_t i = 2; i < vm.argument_count(); ++i)
auto id = impl->set_interval_impl(move(handler), timeout, move(arguments));
return JS::Value(id);
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
i32 id = 0;
if (vm.argument_count())
id = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_i32(vm));
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
i32 id = 0;
if (vm.argument_count())
id = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_i32(vm));
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountOne, "requestAnimationFrame");
auto* callback_object = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_object(vm));
if (!callback_object->is_function())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAFunctionNoParam);
auto* callback = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<WebIDL::CallbackType>(*callback_object, HTML::incumbent_settings_object());
return JS::Value(impl->request_animation_frame_impl(*callback));
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountOne, "cancelAnimationFrame");
auto id = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_i32(vm));
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountAtLeastOne, "queueMicrotask");
auto* callback_object = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_object(vm));
if (!callback_object->is_function())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAFunctionNoParam);
auto* callback = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<WebIDL::CallbackType>(*callback_object, HTML::incumbent_settings_object());
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountAtLeastOne, "requestIdleCallback");
auto* callback_object = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_object(vm));
if (!callback_object->is_function())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAFunctionNoParam);
// FIXME: accept options object
auto* callback = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<WebIDL::CallbackType>(*callback_object, HTML::incumbent_settings_object());
return JS::Value(impl->request_idle_callback_impl(*callback));
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountOne, "cancelIdleCallback");
auto id = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_u32(vm));
return JS::js_undefined();
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountOne, "atob");
auto string = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm));
auto decoded = decode_base64(StringView(string));
if (decoded.is_error())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::InvalidFormat, "Base64");
// decode_base64() returns a byte string. LibJS uses UTF-8 for strings. Use Latin1Decoder to convert bytes 128-255 to UTF-8.
auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for("windows-1252");
return JS::js_string(vm, decoder->to_utf8(decoded.value()));
if (!vm.argument_count())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountOne, "btoa");
auto string = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm));
Vector<u8> byte_string;
for (u32 code_point : Utf8View(string)) {
if (code_point > 0xff)
return throw_completion(WebIDL::InvalidCharacterError::create(*vm.current_realm(), "Data contains characters outside the range U+0000 and U+00FF"));
auto encoded = encode_base64(byte_string.span());
return JS::js_string(vm, move(encoded));
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<size_t> Window::document_tree_child_browsing_context_count() const
// 1. If W's browsing context is null, then return 0.
auto* this_browsing_context = associated_document().browsing_context();
if (!this_browsing_context)
return 0;
// 2. Return the number of document-tree child browsing contexts of W's browsing context.
return this_browsing_context->document_tree_child_browsing_context_count();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
// The length getter steps are to return the number of document-tree child browsing contexts of this.
return TRY(impl->document_tree_child_browsing_context_count());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
// 1. If this Window object's browsing context is null, then return null.
auto* browsing_context = impl->browsing_context();
if (!browsing_context)
return JS::js_null();
// 2. Return this Window object's browsing context's top-level browsing context's WindowProxy object.
return browsing_context->top_level_browsing_context().window_proxy();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
// The window, frames, and self getter steps are to return this's relevant realm.[[GlobalEnv]].[[GlobalThisValue]].
return &relevant_realm(*impl).global_environment().global_this_value();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
// The window, frames, and self getter steps are to return this's relevant realm.[[GlobalEnv]].[[GlobalThisValue]].
return &relevant_realm(*impl).global_environment().global_this_value();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
// The window, frames, and self getter steps are to return this's relevant realm.[[GlobalEnv]].[[GlobalThisValue]].
return &relevant_realm(*impl).global_environment().global_this_value();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
auto* parent = impl->parent();
if (!parent)
return JS::js_null();
return parent;
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return &impl->associated_document();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
// 1. Let current be this Window object's browsing context.
auto* current = impl->browsing_context();
// 2. If current is null, then return null.
if (!current)
return JS::js_null();
// 3. Let container be current's container.
auto* container = current->container();
// 4. If container is null, then return null.
if (!container)
return JS::js_null();
// 5. If container's node document's origin is not same origin-domain with the current settings object's origin, then return null.
if (!container->document().origin().is_same_origin(current_settings_object().origin()))
return JS::js_null();
// 6. Return container.
return container;
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return &impl->performance();
// 4.1. If no arguments were passed, then throw a TypeError.
if (vm.argument_count() == 0)
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::BadArgCountOne, "set performance");
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
// 5. If attribute is declared with the [Replaceable] extended attribute, then:
// 1. Perform ? CreateDataProperty(esValue, id, V).
TRY(impl->create_data_property("performance", vm.argument(0)));
// 2. Return undefined.
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return &impl->screen();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!impl->current_event())
return JS::js_undefined();
return impl->current_event();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return impl->m_location_object;
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
TRY(impl->m_location_object->set(JS::PropertyKey("href"), vm.argument(0), JS::Object::ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return &impl->crypto();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->inner_width());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->inner_height());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->device_pixel_ratio());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
auto* object = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_object(vm));
if (!is<DOM::Element>(object))
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAnObjectOfType, "DOM element");
return impl->get_computed_style_impl(*static_cast<DOM::Element*>(object));
// The method must invoke and return the result of getSelection() on this's Window.document attribute.
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return impl->associated_document().get_selection();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
auto media = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm));
return impl->match_media_impl(move(media));
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->scroll_x());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->scroll_y());
enum class ScrollBehavior {
static void perform_a_scroll(Page& page, double x, double y, ScrollBehavior)
// FIXME: Stop any existing smooth-scrolls
// FIXME: Implement smooth-scroll
page.client().page_did_request_scroll_to({ x, y });
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!impl->page())
return JS::js_undefined();
auto& page = *impl->page();
auto viewport_rect = page.top_level_browsing_context().viewport_rect();
auto x_value = JS::Value(viewport_rect.x());
auto y_value = JS::Value(viewport_rect.y());
String behavior_string = "auto";
if (vm.argument_count() == 1) {
auto* options = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_object(vm));
auto left = TRY(options->get("left"));
if (!left.is_undefined())
x_value = left;
auto top = TRY(options->get("top"));
if (!top.is_undefined())
y_value = top;
auto behavior_string_value = TRY(options->get("behavior"));
if (!behavior_string_value.is_undefined())
behavior_string = TRY(behavior_string_value.to_string(vm));
if (behavior_string != "smooth" && behavior_string != "auto")
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>("Behavior is not one of 'smooth' or 'auto'");
} else if (vm.argument_count() >= 2) {
// We ignore arguments 2+ in line with behavior of Chrome and Firefox
x_value = vm.argument(0);
y_value = vm.argument(1);
ScrollBehavior behavior = (behavior_string == "smooth") ? ScrollBehavior::Smooth : ScrollBehavior::Auto;
double x = TRY(x_value.to_double(vm));
x = JS::Value(x).is_finite_number() ? x : 0.0;
double y = TRY(y_value.to_double(vm));
y = JS::Value(y).is_finite_number() ? y : 0.0;
// FIXME: Are we calculating the viewport in the way this function expects?
// FIXME: Handle overflow-directions other than top-left to bottom-right
perform_a_scroll(page, x, y, behavior);
return JS::js_undefined();
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
if (!impl->page())
return JS::js_undefined();
auto& page = *impl->page();
JS::Object* options = nullptr;
if (vm.argument_count() == 0) {
options = JS::Object::create(realm, nullptr);
} else if (vm.argument_count() == 1) {
options = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_object(vm));
} else if (vm.argument_count() >= 2) {
// We ignore arguments 2+ in line with behavior of Chrome and Firefox
options = JS::Object::create(realm, nullptr);
MUST(options->set("left", vm.argument(0), ShouldThrowExceptions::No));
MUST(options->set("top", vm.argument(1), ShouldThrowExceptions::No));
MUST(options->set("behavior", JS::js_string(vm, "auto"), ShouldThrowExceptions::No));
auto left_value = TRY(options->get("left"));
auto left = TRY(left_value.to_double(vm));
auto top_value = TRY(options->get("top"));
auto top = TRY(top_value.to_double(vm));
left = JS::Value(left).is_finite_number() ? left : 0.0;
top = JS::Value(top).is_finite_number() ? top : 0.0;
auto current_scroll_position = page.top_level_browsing_context().viewport_scroll_offset();
left = left + current_scroll_position.x();
top = top + current_scroll_position.y();
auto behavior_string_value = TRY(options->get("behavior"));
auto behavior_string = behavior_string_value.is_undefined() ? "auto" : TRY(behavior_string_value.to_string(vm));
if (behavior_string != "smooth" && behavior_string != "auto")
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>("Behavior is not one of 'smooth' or 'auto'");
ScrollBehavior behavior = (behavior_string == "smooth") ? ScrollBehavior::Smooth : ScrollBehavior::Auto;
// FIXME: Spec wants us to call scroll(options) here.
// The only difference is that would invoke the viewport calculations that scroll()
// is not actually doing yet, so this is the same for now.
perform_a_scroll(page, left, top, behavior);
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return impl->associated_document().history();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->screen_x());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->screen_y());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->screen_x());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::Value(impl->screen_y());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
auto target_origin = TRY(vm.argument(1).to_string(vm));
impl->post_message_impl(vm.argument(0), target_origin);
return JS::js_undefined();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::js_string(vm, impl->associated_document().origin().serialize());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return impl->local_storage();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return impl->session_storage();
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::js_string(vm, impl->name());
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm));
return JS::js_undefined();
#define __ENUMERATE(attribute, event_name) \
JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(Window::attribute##_getter) \
{ \
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm)); \
auto retval = impl->attribute(); \
if (!retval) \
return JS::js_null(); \
return &retval->callback; \
} \
JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(Window::attribute##_setter) \
{ \
auto* impl = TRY(impl_from(vm)); \
auto value = vm.argument(0); \
WebIDL::CallbackType* cpp_value = nullptr; \
if (value.is_object()) { \
cpp_value = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<WebIDL::CallbackType>( \
value.as_object(), HTML::incumbent_settings_object()); \
} \
impl->set_##attribute(cpp_value); \
return JS::js_undefined(); \
#undef __ENUMERATE