Shannon Booth d48a0aaa55 LibJS: Remove unneeded FIXMEs for suspending an execution context
From what I understand, the suspension steps are not required now,
or in the future for our implementation, or any other. The intent
is already implemented in the spec pushing on another execution
context to the stack and leaving the running execution context as-is.

The resume steps are a slightly different story as there is some subtle
behavior which the spec is trying to convey where some custom logic may
need to be done when one execution context changes from one to another.
It may be worth implementing those steps at a later point in time so
that this behavior is a bit easier to follow in those cases.

To make the situation more confusing - from what I can gather from the
spec, not all cases that the spec mentions resume actually means
anything normative. Resume is only _actually_ needed in a limited set
of locations.

For now, let's just remove the unneeded FIXMEs that indicate that there
is something to be done for the suspension steps, as there is not, and
leave the resume steps as is.
2025-01-02 11:30:04 +01:00

174 lines
8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022, David Tuin <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Completion.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalEnvironment.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ModuleEnvironment.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PromiseCapability.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PromiseConstructor.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibJS/SyntheticModule.h>
namespace JS {
// 1.2.1 CreateSyntheticModule ( exportNames, evaluationSteps, realm, hostDefined ),
SyntheticModule::SyntheticModule(Vector<DeprecatedFlyString> export_names, SyntheticModule::EvaluationFunction evaluation_steps, Realm& realm, StringView filename)
: Module(realm, filename)
, m_export_names(move(export_names))
, m_evaluation_steps(move(evaluation_steps))
// 1. Return Synthetic Module Record { [[Realm]]: realm, [[Environment]]: undefined, [[Namespace]]: undefined, [[HostDefined]]: hostDefined, [[ExportNames]]: exportNames, [[EvaluationSteps]]: evaluationSteps }.
// GetExportedNames( exportStarSet ),
ThrowCompletionOr<Vector<DeprecatedFlyString>> SyntheticModule::get_exported_names(VM&, Vector<Module*>)
// 1. Return module.[[ExportNames]].
return m_export_names;
// ResolveExport( exportName, resolveSet ),
ThrowCompletionOr<ResolvedBinding> SyntheticModule::resolve_export(VM&, DeprecatedFlyString const& export_name, Vector<ResolvedBinding>)
// 1. If module.[[ExportNames]] does not contain exportName, return null.
if (!m_export_names.contains_slow(export_name))
return ResolvedBinding::null();
// 2. Return ResolvedBinding Record { [[Module]]: module, [[BindingName]]: exportName }.
return ResolvedBinding { ResolvedBinding::BindingName, this, export_name };
// Link ( ),
ThrowCompletionOr<void> SyntheticModule::link(VM& vm)
// Note: Has some changes from PR:
// Which includes renaming it from Instantiate ( ) to Link ( ).
// 1. Let realm be module.[[Realm]].
// 2. Assert: realm is not undefined.
// Note: This must be true because we use a reference.
// 3. Let env be NewModuleEnvironment(realm.[[GlobalEnv]]).
auto environment = vm.heap().allocate<ModuleEnvironment>(&realm().global_environment());
// 4. Set module.[[Environment]] to env.
// 5. For each exportName in module.[[ExportNames]],
for (auto& export_name : m_export_names) {
// a. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(exportName, false).
MUST(environment->create_mutable_binding(vm, export_name, false));
// b. Perform ! envRec.InitializeBinding(exportName, undefined, normal).
MUST(environment->initialize_binding(vm, export_name, js_undefined(), Environment::InitializeBindingHint::Normal));
// 6. Return unused.
return {};
// Evaluate ( ),
ThrowCompletionOr<Promise*> SyntheticModule::evaluate(VM& vm)
// Note: Has some changes from PR:
// 1. Suspend the currently running execution context.
// NOTE: Done by the push on step 8.
// 2. Let moduleContext be a new ECMAScript code execution context.
auto module_context = ExecutionContext::create();
// 3. Set the Function of moduleContext to null.
// Note: This is the default value.
// 4. Set the Realm of moduleContext to module.[[Realm]].
module_context->realm = &realm();
// 5. Set the ScriptOrModule of moduleContext to module.
module_context->script_or_module = GC::Ref<Module>(*this);
// 6. Set the VariableEnvironment of moduleContext to module.[[Environment]].
module_context->variable_environment = environment();
// 7. Set the LexicalEnvironment of moduleContext to module.[[Environment]].
module_context->lexical_environment = environment();
// 8. Push moduleContext on to the execution context stack; moduleContext is now the running execution context.
TRY(vm.push_execution_context(*module_context, {}));
// 9. Let result be the result of performing module.[[EvaluationSteps]](module).
auto result = m_evaluation_steps(*this);
// 10. Suspend moduleContext and remove it from the execution context stack.
// 11. Resume the context that is now on the top of the execution context stack as the running execution context.
// 12. Return Completion(result).
// Note: Because we expect it to return a promise we convert this here.
auto promise = Promise::create(realm());
if (result.is_error()) {
} else {
// Note: This value probably isn't visible to JS code? But undefined is fine anyway.
return promise.ptr();
// 1.2.2 SetSyntheticModuleExport ( module, exportName, exportValue ),
ThrowCompletionOr<void> SyntheticModule::set_synthetic_module_export(DeprecatedFlyString const& export_name, Value export_value)
auto& vm = this->realm().vm();
// Note: Has some changes from PR:
// 1. Return ? module.[[Environment]].SetMutableBinding(name, value, true).
return environment()->set_mutable_binding(vm, export_name, export_value, true);
// 1.3 CreateDefaultExportSyntheticModule ( defaultExport ),
GC::Ref<SyntheticModule> SyntheticModule::create_default_export_synthetic_module(Value default_export, Realm& realm, StringView filename)
// Note: Has some changes from PR:
// 1. Let closure be the a Abstract Closure with parameters (module) that captures defaultExport and performs the following steps when called:
auto closure = [default_export = make_root(default_export)](SyntheticModule& module) -> ThrowCompletionOr<void> {
// a. Return ? module.SetSyntheticExport("default", defaultExport).
return module.set_synthetic_module_export("default", default_export.value());
// 2. Return CreateSyntheticModule("default", closure, realm)
return realm.heap().allocate<SyntheticModule>(Vector<DeprecatedFlyString> { "default" }, move(closure), realm, filename);
// 1.4 ParseJSONModule ( source ),
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<Module>> parse_json_module(StringView source_text, Realm& realm, StringView filename)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let jsonParse be realm's intrinsic object named "%JSON.parse%".
auto json_parse = realm.intrinsics().json_parse_function();
// 2. Let json be ? Call(jsonParse, undefined, « sourceText »).
auto json = TRY(call(vm, *json_parse, js_undefined(), PrimitiveString::create(realm.vm(), source_text)));
// 3. Return CreateDefaultExportSyntheticModule(json, realm, hostDefined).
return SyntheticModule::create_default_export_synthetic_module(json, realm, filename);
// LoadRequestedModules ( ),
PromiseCapability& SyntheticModule::load_requested_modules(GC::Ptr<GraphLoadingState::HostDefined>)
// 1. Return ! PromiseResolve(%Promise%, undefined).
auto& constructor = *vm().current_realm()->intrinsics().promise_constructor();
auto promise_capability = MUST(new_promise_capability(vm(), &constructor));
MUST(call(vm(), *promise_capability->resolve(), js_undefined(), js_undefined()));
return promise_capability;