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synced 2025-01-23 09:46:04 -05:00
This class takes on the duties of CLOCK_MONOTONIC, a time without a defined reference point that always increases. This informs some important design decisions about the class API: MonotonicTime cannot be constructed from external time data, except as a computation based on other monotonic time, or the current monotonic time. Importantly, there is no default constructor, since the reference point of monotonic time is unspecified and therefore without meaning as a default. The current use of monotonic time (via Duration) includes some potential problems that may be caught when we move most to all code to MonotonicTime in the next commit. The API restrictions have one important relaxation: Kernel::TimeManagement is allowed to exchange raw time data within MonotonicTime freely. This is required for the clock-agnostic time accessors for timeouts and syscalls, as well as creating monotonic time data from hardware in the first place.
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627 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Array.h>
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/Badge.h>
#include <AK/Checked.h>
#include <AK/Platform.h>
#include <AK/Types.h>
#if defined(AK_OS_SERENITY) && defined(KERNEL)
# include <Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/time.h>
# include <Kernel/API/POSIX/time.h>
// We need a Badge<TimeManagement> for some MonotonicTime operations.
namespace Kernel {
class TimeManagement;
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
namespace AK {
// Concept to detect types which look like timespec without requiring the type.
template<typename T>
concept TimeSpecType = requires(T t) {
constexpr bool is_leap_year(int year)
return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
// Month and day start at 1. Month must be >= 1 and <= 12.
// The return value is 0-indexed, that is 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.
// Day may be negative or larger than the number of days
// in the given month.
unsigned day_of_week(int year, unsigned month, int day);
// Month and day start at 1. Month must be >= 1 and <= 12.
// The return value is 0-indexed, that is Jan 1 is day 0.
// Day may be negative or larger than the number of days
// in the given month. If day is negative enough, the result
// can be negative.
constexpr int day_of_year(int year, unsigned month, int day)
VERIFY(month >= 1 && month <= 12);
constexpr Array seek_table = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
int day_of_year = seek_table[month - 1] + day - 1;
if (is_leap_year(year) && month >= 3)
return day_of_year;
// Month starts at 1. Month must be >= 1 and <= 12.
int days_in_month(int year, unsigned month);
constexpr int days_in_year(int year)
return 365 + (is_leap_year(year) ? 1 : 0);
namespace Detail {
// Integer division rounding towards negative infinity.
// TODO: This feels like there should be an easier way to do this.
template<int divisor>
constexpr i64 floor_div_by(i64 dividend)
static_assert(divisor > 1);
int is_negative = dividend < 0;
return (dividend + is_negative) / divisor - is_negative;
// Counts how many integers n are in the interval [begin, end) with n % positive_mod == 0.
// NOTE: "end" is not considered to be part of the range, hence "[begin, end)".
template<int positive_mod>
constexpr i64 mod_zeros_in_range(i64 begin, i64 end)
return floor_div_by<positive_mod>(end - 1) - floor_div_by<positive_mod>(begin - 1);
constexpr i64 years_to_days_since_epoch(int year)
int begin_year, end_year, leap_sign;
if (year < 1970) {
begin_year = year;
end_year = 1970;
leap_sign = -1;
} else {
begin_year = 1970;
end_year = year;
leap_sign = +1;
i64 year_i64 = year;
// This duplicates the logic of 'is_leap_year', with the advantage of not needing any loops.
// Given that the definition of leap years is not expected to change, this should be a good trade-off.
i64 days = 365 * (year_i64 - 1970);
i64 extra_leap_days = 0;
extra_leap_days += Detail::mod_zeros_in_range<4>(begin_year, end_year);
extra_leap_days -= Detail::mod_zeros_in_range<100>(begin_year, end_year);
extra_leap_days += Detail::mod_zeros_in_range<400>(begin_year, end_year);
return days + extra_leap_days * leap_sign;
constexpr i64 days_since_epoch(int year, int month, int day)
return years_to_days_since_epoch(year) + day_of_year(year, month, day);
constexpr i64 seconds_since_epoch_to_year(i64 seconds)
constexpr double seconds_per_year = 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0 * 365.2425;
// NOTE: We are not using floor() from <math.h> to avoid LibC / DynamicLoader dependency issues.
auto round_down = [](double value) -> i64 {
auto as_i64 = static_cast<i64>(value);
if ((value == as_i64) || (as_i64 >= 0))
return as_i64;
return as_i64 - 1;
auto years_since_epoch = static_cast<double>(seconds) / seconds_per_year;
return 1970 + round_down(years_since_epoch);
// Represents a duration in a "safe" way.
// Minimum: -(2**63) seconds, 0 nanoseconds
// Maximum: 2**63-1 seconds, 999'999'999 nanoseconds
// If any operation (e.g. 'from_timeval' or operator-) would over- or underflow, the closest legal value is returned instead.
// Inputs (e.g. to 'from_timespec') are allowed to be in non-normal form (e.g. "1 second, 2'012'345'678 nanoseconds" or "1 second, -2 microseconds").
// Outputs (e.g. from 'to_timeval') are always in normal form.
// NOTE: This class is naive. It may represent either absolute offsets or relative durations. It does not have a reference point in itself,
// and therefore comparing multiple instances of this class is only sensible if you are sure that their reference point is identical.
// You should not be using this class directly to represent absolute time.
class Duration {
constexpr Duration() = default;
constexpr Duration(Duration const&) = default;
constexpr Duration& operator=(Duration const&) = default;
constexpr Duration(Duration&& other)
: m_seconds(exchange(other.m_seconds, 0))
, m_nanoseconds(exchange(other.m_nanoseconds, 0))
constexpr Duration& operator=(Duration&& other)
if (this != &other) {
m_seconds = exchange(other.m_seconds, 0);
m_nanoseconds = exchange(other.m_nanoseconds, 0);
return *this;
// This must be part of the header in order to make the various 'from_*' functions constexpr.
// However, sane_mod can only deal with a limited range of values for 'denominator', so this can't be made public.
ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr i64 sane_mod(i64& numerator, i64 denominator)
VERIFY(2 <= denominator && denominator <= 1'000'000'000);
// '%' in C/C++ does not work in the obvious way:
// For example, -9 % 7 is -2, not +5.
// However, we want a representation like "(-2)*7 + (+5)".
i64 dividend = numerator / denominator;
numerator %= denominator;
if (numerator < 0) {
// Does not overflow: different signs.
numerator += denominator;
// Does not underflow: denominator >= 2.
dividend -= 1;
return dividend;
ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr i32 sane_mod(i32& numerator, i32 denominator)
i64 numerator_64 = numerator;
i64 dividend = sane_mod(numerator_64, denominator);
// Does not underflow: numerator can only become smaller.
numerator = static_cast<i32>(numerator_64);
// Does not overflow: Will be smaller than original value of 'numerator'.
return static_cast<i32>(dividend);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static Duration from_seconds(i64 seconds) { return Duration(seconds, 0); }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static Duration from_nanoseconds(i64 nanoseconds)
i64 seconds = sane_mod(nanoseconds, 1'000'000'000);
return Duration(seconds, nanoseconds);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static Duration from_microseconds(i64 microseconds)
i64 seconds = sane_mod(microseconds, 1'000'000);
return Duration(seconds, microseconds * 1'000);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static Duration from_milliseconds(i64 milliseconds)
i64 seconds = sane_mod(milliseconds, 1'000);
return Duration(seconds, milliseconds * 1'000'000);
[[nodiscard]] static Duration from_ticks(clock_t, time_t);
[[nodiscard]] static Duration from_timespec(const struct timespec&);
[[nodiscard]] static Duration from_timeval(const struct timeval&);
// We don't pull in <stdint.h> for the pretty min/max definitions because this file is also included in the Kernel
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static Duration min() { return Duration(-__INT64_MAX__ - 1LL, 0); };
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static Duration zero() { return Duration(0, 0); };
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static Duration max() { return Duration(__INT64_MAX__, 999'999'999); };
#ifndef KERNEL
[[nodiscard]] static Duration now_monotonic();
[[nodiscard]] static Duration now_monotonic_coarse();
// Truncates towards zero (2.8s to 2s, -2.8s to -2s).
[[nodiscard]] i64 to_truncated_seconds() const;
[[nodiscard]] i64 to_truncated_milliseconds() const;
[[nodiscard]] i64 to_truncated_microseconds() const;
// Rounds away from zero (2.3s to 3s, -2.3s to -3s).
[[nodiscard]] i64 to_seconds() const;
[[nodiscard]] i64 to_milliseconds() const;
[[nodiscard]] i64 to_microseconds() const;
[[nodiscard]] i64 to_nanoseconds() const;
[[nodiscard]] timespec to_timespec() const;
// Rounds towards -inf (it was the easiest to implement).
[[nodiscard]] timeval to_timeval() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool is_zero() const { return (m_seconds == 0) && (m_nanoseconds == 0); }
[[nodiscard]] bool is_negative() const { return m_seconds < 0; }
constexpr Duration operator+(Duration const& other) const
VERIFY(m_nanoseconds < 1'000'000'000);
VERIFY(other.m_nanoseconds < 1'000'000'000);
u32 new_nsecs = m_nanoseconds + other.m_nanoseconds;
u32 extra_secs = new_nsecs / 1'000'000'000;
new_nsecs %= 1'000'000'000;
i64 this_secs = m_seconds;
i64 other_secs = other.m_seconds;
// We would like to just add "this_secs + other_secs + extra_secs".
// However, computing this naively may overflow even though the result is in-bounds.
// Example in 8-bit: (-127) + (-2) + (+1) = (-128), which fits in an i8.
// Example in 8-bit, the other way around: (-2) + (127) + (+1) = 126.
// So we do something more sophisticated:
if (extra_secs) {
VERIFY(extra_secs == 1);
if (this_secs != 0x7fff'ffff'ffff'ffff) {
this_secs += 1;
} else if (other_secs != 0x7fff'ffff'ffff'ffff) {
other_secs += 1;
} else {
/* If *both* are INT64_MAX, then adding them will overflow in any case. */
return Duration::max();
Checked<i64> new_secs { this_secs };
new_secs += other_secs;
if (new_secs.has_overflow()) {
if (other_secs > 0)
return Duration::max();
return Duration::min();
return Duration { new_secs.value(), new_nsecs };
constexpr Duration& operator+=(Duration const& other)
*this = *this + other;
return *this;
constexpr Duration operator-(Duration const& other) const
VERIFY(m_nanoseconds < 1'000'000'000);
VERIFY(other.m_nanoseconds < 1'000'000'000);
if (other.m_nanoseconds)
return *this + Duration((i64) ~(u64)other.m_seconds, 1'000'000'000 - other.m_nanoseconds);
if (other.m_seconds != (i64)-0x8000'0000'0000'0000)
return *this + Duration(-other.m_seconds, 0);
// Only remaining case: We want to subtract -0x8000'0000'0000'0000 seconds,
// i.e. add a very large number.
if (m_seconds >= 0)
return Duration::max();
return Duration { (m_seconds + 0x4000'0000'0000'0000) + 0x4000'0000'0000'0000, m_nanoseconds };
constexpr Duration& operator-=(Duration const& other)
*this = *this - other;
return *this;
constexpr bool operator==(Duration const& other) const = default;
constexpr int operator<=>(Duration const& other) const
if (int cmp = (m_seconds > other.m_seconds ? 1 : m_seconds < other.m_seconds ? -1
: 0);
cmp != 0)
return cmp;
if (int cmp = (m_nanoseconds > other.m_nanoseconds ? 1 : m_nanoseconds < other.m_nanoseconds ? -1
: 0);
cmp != 0)
return cmp;
return 0;
constexpr explicit Duration(i64 seconds, u32 nanoseconds)
: m_seconds(seconds)
, m_nanoseconds(nanoseconds)
[[nodiscard]] static Duration from_half_sanitized(i64 seconds, i32 extra_seconds, u32 nanoseconds);
i64 m_seconds { 0 };
u32 m_nanoseconds { 0 }; // Always less than 1'000'000'000
namespace Detail {
// Common base class for all unaware time types.
// Naive, or unaware, in the time context means to make heavily simplifying assumptions about time.
// In the case of this class and its children, they are not timezone-aware and strictly ordered.
class UnawareTime {
constexpr UnawareTime(UnawareTime const&) = default;
constexpr UnawareTime& operator=(UnawareTime const&) = default;
[[nodiscard]] timespec to_timespec() const { return m_offset.to_timespec(); }
// Rounds towards -inf.
[[nodiscard]] timeval to_timeval() const { return m_offset.to_timeval(); }
// We intentionally do not define a comparison operator here to avoid accidentally comparing incompatible time types.
constexpr explicit UnawareTime(Duration offset)
: m_offset(offset)
Duration m_offset {};
// Naive UNIX time, representing an offset from 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z, without accounting for UTC leap seconds.
// This class is mainly intended for interoperating with anything that expects a unix timestamp.
class UnixDateTime : public Detail::UnawareTime {
constexpr UnixDateTime()
: Detail::UnawareTime(Duration::zero())
constexpr static UnixDateTime epoch()
return UnixDateTime {};
// Creates UNIX time from a unix timestamp.
// Note that the returned time is probably not equivalent to the same timestamp in UTC time, since UNIX time does not observe leap seconds.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static UnixDateTime from_unix_time_parts(i32 year, u8 month, u8 day, u8 hour, u8 minute, u8 second, u16 millisecond)
constexpr auto milliseconds_per_day = 86'400'000;
constexpr auto milliseconds_per_hour = 3'600'000;
constexpr auto milliseconds_per_minute = 60'000;
constexpr auto milliseconds_per_second = 1'000;
i64 days = days_since_epoch(year, month, day);
i64 milliseconds_since_epoch = days * milliseconds_per_day;
milliseconds_since_epoch += hour * milliseconds_per_hour;
milliseconds_since_epoch += minute * milliseconds_per_minute;
milliseconds_since_epoch += second * milliseconds_per_second;
milliseconds_since_epoch += millisecond;
return from_milliseconds_since_epoch(milliseconds_since_epoch);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static UnixDateTime from_seconds_since_epoch(i64 seconds)
return UnixDateTime { Duration::from_seconds(seconds) };
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static UnixDateTime from_milliseconds_since_epoch(i64 milliseconds)
return UnixDateTime { Duration::from_milliseconds(milliseconds) };
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static UnixDateTime from_nanoseconds_since_epoch(i64 nanoseconds)
return UnixDateTime { Duration::from_nanoseconds(nanoseconds) };
[[nodiscard]] static UnixDateTime from_unix_timespec(struct timespec const& time)
return UnixDateTime { Duration::from_timespec(time) };
// Earliest and latest representable UNIX timestamps.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static UnixDateTime earliest() { return UnixDateTime { Duration::min() }; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static UnixDateTime latest() { return UnixDateTime { Duration::max() }; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Duration offset_to_epoch() const { return m_offset; }
// May return an epoch offset *after* what this UnixDateTime contains, because rounding to seconds occurs.
[[nodiscard]] i64 seconds_since_epoch() const { return m_offset.to_seconds(); }
[[nodiscard]] i64 milliseconds_since_epoch() const { return m_offset.to_milliseconds(); }
[[nodiscard]] i64 nanoseconds_since_epoch() const { return m_offset.to_nanoseconds(); }
// Never returns a point after this UnixDateTime, since fractional seconds are cut off.
[[nodiscard]] i64 truncated_seconds_since_epoch() const { return m_offset.to_truncated_seconds(); }
// Offsetting a UNIX time by a duration yields another UNIX time.
constexpr UnixDateTime operator+(Duration const& other) const { return UnixDateTime { m_offset + other }; };
constexpr UnixDateTime& operator+=(Duration const& other)
this->m_offset = this->m_offset + other;
return *this;
constexpr UnixDateTime operator-(Duration const& other) const { return UnixDateTime { m_offset - other }; };
// Subtracting two UNIX times yields their time difference.
constexpr Duration operator-(UnixDateTime const& other) const { return m_offset - other.m_offset; };
#ifndef KERNEL
[[nodiscard]] static UnixDateTime now();
[[nodiscard]] static UnixDateTime now_coarse();
constexpr bool operator==(UnixDateTime const& other) const
return this->m_offset == other.m_offset;
constexpr int operator<=>(UnixDateTime const& other) const { return this->m_offset <=> other.m_offset; }
constexpr explicit UnixDateTime(Duration offset)
: Detail::UnawareTime(offset)
// Monotonic time represents time returned from the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock, which has an arbitrary fixed reference point.
class MonotonicTime : private Detail::UnawareTime {
// Monotonic time does not have a defined reference point.
// A MonotonicTime at the reference point is therefore meaningless.
MonotonicTime() = delete;
constexpr MonotonicTime(MonotonicTime const&) = default;
constexpr MonotonicTime(MonotonicTime&&) = default;
constexpr MonotonicTime& operator=(MonotonicTime const&) = default;
constexpr MonotonicTime& operator=(MonotonicTime&&) = default;
#ifndef KERNEL
[[nodiscard]] static MonotonicTime now();
[[nodiscard]] static MonotonicTime now_coarse();
// clang-format off
// Clang-format likes to expand this function for some reason.
[[nodiscard]] i64 seconds() const { return m_offset.to_seconds(); }
// clang-format on
[[nodiscard]] i64 milliseconds() const { return m_offset.to_milliseconds(); }
[[nodiscard]] i64 nanoseconds() const { return m_offset.to_nanoseconds(); }
// Never returns a point in the future, since fractional seconds are cut off.
[[nodiscard]] i64 truncated_seconds() const { return m_offset.to_truncated_seconds(); }
[[nodiscard]] i64 nanoseconds_within_second() const { return to_timespec().tv_nsec; }
// clang-format off
constexpr bool operator==(MonotonicTime const& other) const { return this->m_offset == other.m_offset; }
// clang-format on
constexpr int operator<=>(MonotonicTime const& other) const { return this->m_offset <=> other.m_offset; }
constexpr MonotonicTime operator+(Duration const& other) const { return MonotonicTime { m_offset + other }; }
constexpr MonotonicTime& operator+=(Duration const& other)
this->m_offset = this->m_offset + other;
return *this;
constexpr MonotonicTime operator-(Duration const& other) const { return MonotonicTime { m_offset - other }; }
constexpr Duration operator-(MonotonicTime const& other) const { return m_offset - other.m_offset; }
#ifdef KERNEL
// Required in the Kernel in order to create monotonic time information from hardware timers.
[[nodiscard]] static MonotonicTime from_hardware_time(Badge<Kernel::TimeManagement>, time_t seconds, long nanoseconds)
return MonotonicTime { Duration::from_timespec({ seconds, nanoseconds }) };
// "Start" is whenever the hardware timers started counting (e.g. for HPET it's most certainly boot).
[[nodiscard]] Duration time_since_start(Badge<Kernel::TimeManagement>)
return m_offset;
constexpr explicit MonotonicTime(Duration offset)
: Detail::UnawareTime(offset)
template<typename TimevalType>
inline void timeval_sub(TimevalType const& a, TimevalType const& b, TimevalType& result)
result.tv_sec = a.tv_sec - b.tv_sec;
result.tv_usec = a.tv_usec - b.tv_usec;
if (result.tv_usec < 0) {
result.tv_usec += 1'000'000;
template<typename TimevalType>
inline void timeval_add(TimevalType const& a, TimevalType const& b, TimevalType& result)
result.tv_sec = a.tv_sec + b.tv_sec;
result.tv_usec = a.tv_usec + b.tv_usec;
if (result.tv_usec >= 1'000'000) {
result.tv_usec -= 1'000'000;
template<typename TimespecType>
inline void timespec_sub(TimespecType const& a, TimespecType const& b, TimespecType& result)
result.tv_sec = a.tv_sec - b.tv_sec;
result.tv_nsec = a.tv_nsec - b.tv_nsec;
if (result.tv_nsec < 0) {
result.tv_nsec += 1'000'000'000;
template<typename TimespecType>
inline void timespec_add(TimespecType const& a, TimespecType const& b, TimespecType& result)
result.tv_sec = a.tv_sec + b.tv_sec;
result.tv_nsec = a.tv_nsec + b.tv_nsec;
if (result.tv_nsec >= 1000'000'000) {
result.tv_nsec -= 1000'000'000;
template<typename TimespecType, typename TimevalType>
inline void timespec_add_timeval(TimespecType const& a, TimevalType const& b, TimespecType& result)
result.tv_sec = a.tv_sec + b.tv_sec;
result.tv_nsec = a.tv_nsec + b.tv_usec * 1000;
if (result.tv_nsec >= 1000'000'000) {
result.tv_nsec -= 1000'000'000;
template<typename TimevalType, typename TimespecType>
inline void timeval_to_timespec(TimevalType const& tv, TimespecType& ts)
ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
template<typename TimespecType, typename TimevalType>
inline void timespec_to_timeval(TimespecType const& ts, TimevalType& tv)
tv.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec;
tv.tv_usec = ts.tv_nsec / 1000;
// To use these, add a ``using namespace AK::TimeLiterals`` at block or file scope
namespace TimeLiterals {
constexpr Duration operator""_ns(unsigned long long nanoseconds) { return Duration::from_nanoseconds(static_cast<i64>(nanoseconds)); }
constexpr Duration operator""_us(unsigned long long microseconds) { return Duration::from_microseconds(static_cast<i64>(microseconds)); }
constexpr Duration operator""_ms(unsigned long long milliseconds) { return Duration::from_milliseconds(static_cast<i64>(milliseconds)); }
constexpr Duration operator""_sec(unsigned long long seconds) { return Duration::from_seconds(static_cast<i64>(seconds)); }
using AK::day_of_week;
using AK::day_of_year;
using AK::days_in_month;
using AK::days_in_year;
using AK::days_since_epoch;
using AK::Duration;
using AK::is_leap_year;
using AK::MonotonicTime;
using AK::seconds_since_epoch_to_year;
using AK::timespec_add;
using AK::timespec_add_timeval;
using AK::timespec_sub;
using AK::timespec_to_timeval;
using AK::timeval_add;
using AK::timeval_sub;
using AK::timeval_to_timespec;
using AK::UnixDateTime;
using AK::years_to_days_since_epoch;