2023-08-04 11:05:55 +02:00

298 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Base64.h>
#include <AK/Checked.h>
#include <AK/MemoryStream.h>
#include <LibGfx/Bitmap.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/JPEGWriter.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/PNGWriter.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleComputer.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLCanvasElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/CanvasBox.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
static constexpr auto max_canvas_area = 16384 * 16384;
HTMLCanvasElement::HTMLCanvasElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: HTMLElement(document, move(qualified_name))
HTMLCanvasElement::~HTMLCanvasElement() = default;
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<void> HTMLCanvasElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
set_prototype(&Bindings::ensure_web_prototype<Bindings::HTMLCanvasElementPrototype>(realm, "HTMLCanvasElement"));
return {};
void HTMLCanvasElement::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
[&](JS::NonnullGCPtr<CanvasRenderingContext2D>& context) {
[&](JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebGL::WebGLRenderingContext>& context) {
[](Empty) {
unsigned HTMLCanvasElement::width() const
return attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::width).to_uint().value_or(300);
unsigned HTMLCanvasElement::height() const
return attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::height).to_uint().value_or(150);
void HTMLCanvasElement::reset_context_to_default_state()
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<CanvasRenderingContext2D>& context) {
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebGL::WebGLRenderingContext>&) {
[](Empty) {
// Do nothing.
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLCanvasElement::set_width(unsigned value)
TRY(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::width, DeprecatedString::number(value)));
m_bitmap = nullptr;
return {};
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLCanvasElement::set_height(unsigned value)
TRY(set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::height, DeprecatedString::number(value)));
m_bitmap = nullptr;
return {};
JS::GCPtr<Layout::Node> HTMLCanvasElement::create_layout_node(NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleProperties> style)
return heap().allocate_without_realm<Layout::CanvasBox>(document(), *this, move(style));
HTMLCanvasElement::HasOrCreatedContext HTMLCanvasElement::create_2d_context()
if (!m_context.has<Empty>())
return m_context.has<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CanvasRenderingContext2D>>() ? HasOrCreatedContext::Yes : HasOrCreatedContext::No;
m_context = CanvasRenderingContext2D::create(realm(), *this).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
return HasOrCreatedContext::Yes;
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<HTMLCanvasElement::HasOrCreatedContext> HTMLCanvasElement::create_webgl_context(JS::Value options)
if (!m_context.has<Empty>())
return m_context.has<JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebGL::WebGLRenderingContext>>() ? HasOrCreatedContext::Yes : HasOrCreatedContext::No;
auto maybe_context = TRY(WebGL::WebGLRenderingContext::create(realm(), *this, options));
if (!maybe_context)
return HasOrCreatedContext::No;
m_context = JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebGL::WebGLRenderingContext>(*maybe_context);
return HasOrCreatedContext::Yes;
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<HTMLCanvasElement::RenderingContext> HTMLCanvasElement::get_context(DeprecatedString const& type, JS::Value options)
// 1. If options is not an object, then set options to null.
if (!options.is_object())
options = JS::js_null();
// 2. Set options to the result of converting options to a JavaScript value.
// NOTE: No-op.
// 3. Run the steps in the cell of the following table whose column header matches this canvas element's canvas context mode and whose row header matches contextId:
// NOTE: See the spec for the full table.
if (type == "2d"sv) {
if (create_2d_context() == HasOrCreatedContext::Yes)
return JS::make_handle(*m_context.get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTML::CanvasRenderingContext2D>>());
return Empty {};
// NOTE: The WebGL spec says "experimental-webgl" is also acceptable and must be equivalent to "webgl". Other engines accept this, so we do too.
if (type.is_one_of("webgl"sv, "experimental-webgl"sv)) {
if (TRY(create_webgl_context(options)) == HasOrCreatedContext::Yes)
return JS::make_handle(*m_context.get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebGL::WebGLRenderingContext>>());
return Empty {};
return Empty {};
static Gfx::IntSize bitmap_size_for_canvas(HTMLCanvasElement const& canvas, size_t minimum_width, size_t minimum_height)
auto width = max(canvas.width(), minimum_width);
auto height = max(canvas.height(), minimum_height);
Checked<size_t> area = width;
area *= height;
if (area.has_overflow()) {
dbgln("Refusing to create {}x{} canvas (overflow)", width, height);
return {};
if (area.value() > max_canvas_area) {
dbgln("Refusing to create {}x{} canvas (exceeds maximum size)", width, height);
return {};
return Gfx::IntSize(width, height);
bool HTMLCanvasElement::create_bitmap(size_t minimum_width, size_t minimum_height)
auto size = bitmap_size_for_canvas(*this, minimum_width, minimum_height);
if (size.is_empty()) {
m_bitmap = nullptr;
return false;
if (!m_bitmap || m_bitmap->size() != size) {
auto bitmap_or_error = Gfx::Bitmap::create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888, size);
if (bitmap_or_error.is_error())
return false;
m_bitmap = bitmap_or_error.release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
return m_bitmap;
struct SerializeBitmapResult {
ByteBuffer buffer;
StringView mime_type;
static ErrorOr<SerializeBitmapResult> serialize_bitmap(Gfx::Bitmap const& bitmap, StringView type, Optional<double> quality)
// If type is an image format that supports variable quality (such as "image/jpeg"), quality is given, and type is not "image/png", then,
// if Type(quality) is Number, and quality is in the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, the user agent must treat quality as the desired quality level.
// Otherwise, the user agent must use its default quality value, as if the quality argument had not been given.
if (quality.has_value() && !(*quality >= 0.0 && *quality <= 1.0))
quality = OptionalNone {};
if (type.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("image/jpeg"sv)) {
AllocatingMemoryStream file;
Gfx::JPEGWriter::Options jpeg_options;
if (quality.has_value())
jpeg_options.quality = static_cast<int>(quality.value() * 100);
TRY(Gfx::JPEGWriter::encode(file, bitmap, jpeg_options));
return SerializeBitmapResult { TRY(file.read_until_eof()), "image/jpeg"sv };
// User agents must support PNG ("image/png"). User agents may support other types.
// If the user agent does not support the requested type, then it must create the file using the PNG format. [PNG]
return SerializeBitmapResult { TRY(Gfx::PNGWriter::encode(bitmap)), "image/png"sv };
DeprecatedString HTMLCanvasElement::to_data_url(DeprecatedString const& type, Optional<double> quality) const
// FIXME: 1. If this canvas element's bitmap's origin-clean flag is set to false, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.
// 2. If this canvas element's bitmap has no pixels (i.e. either its horizontal dimension or its vertical dimension is zero)
// then return the string "data:,". (This is the shortest data: URL; it represents the empty string in a text/plain resource.)
if (!m_bitmap)
return "data:,";
// 3. Let file be a serialization of this canvas element's bitmap as a file, passing type and quality if given.
auto file = serialize_bitmap(*m_bitmap, type, move(quality));
// 4. If file is null then return "data:,".
if (file.is_error()) {
dbgln("HTMLCanvasElement: Failed to encode canvas bitmap to {}: {}", type, file.error());
return "data:,";
// 5. Return a data: URL representing file. [RFC2397]
auto base64_encoded_or_error = encode_base64(file.value().buffer);
if (base64_encoded_or_error.is_error()) {
return "data:,";
return AK::URL::create_with_data(file.value().mime_type, base64_encoded_or_error.release_value(), true).to_deprecated_string();
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLCanvasElement::to_blob(JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::CallbackType> callback, DeprecatedString const& type, Optional<double> quality)
// FIXME: 1. If this canvas element's bitmap's origin-clean flag is set to false, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.
// 2. Let result be null.
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> bitmap_result;
// 3. If this canvas element's bitmap has pixels (i.e., neither its horizontal dimension nor its vertical dimension is zero),
// then set result to a copy of this canvas element's bitmap.
if (m_bitmap)
bitmap_result = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm(), m_bitmap->clone());
// 4. Run these steps in parallel:
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([this, callback, bitmap_result, type, quality] {
// 1. If result is non-null, then set result to a serialization of result as a file with type and quality if given.
Optional<SerializeBitmapResult> file_result;
if (bitmap_result) {
if (auto result = serialize_bitmap(*bitmap_result, type, move(quality)); !result.is_error())
file_result = result.release_value();
// 2. Queue an element task on the canvas blob serialization task source given the canvas element to run these steps:
queue_an_element_task(Task::Source::CanvasBlobSerializationTask, [this, callback, file_result = move(file_result)] {
auto maybe_error = Bindings::throw_dom_exception_if_needed(vm(), [&]() -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> {
// 1. If result is non-null, then set result to a new Blob object, created in the relevant realm of this canvas element, representing result. [FILEAPI]
JS::GCPtr<FileAPI::Blob> blob_result;
if (file_result.has_value())
blob_result = TRY(FileAPI::Blob::create(realm(), file_result->buffer, TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm(), String::from_utf8(file_result->mime_type))));
// 2. Invoke callback with « result ».
TRY(WebIDL::invoke_callback(*callback, {}, move(blob_result)));
return {};
if (maybe_error.is_throw_completion())
report_exception(maybe_error.throw_completion(), realm());
return {};
void HTMLCanvasElement::present()
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<CanvasRenderingContext2D>&) {
// Do nothing, CRC2D writes directly to the canvas bitmap.
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebGL::WebGLRenderingContext>& context) {
[](Empty) {
// Do nothing.