@ -5,14 +5,20 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/AsyncStreamBuffer.h>
#include <AK/AsyncStreamHelpers.h>
#include <AK/AsyncStreamTransform.h>
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/GenericAwaiter.h>
#include <AK/MemMem.h>
#include <AK/MemoryStream.h>
#include <AK/Try.h>
#include <LibCompress/Brotli.h>
#include <LibCompress/Gzip.h>
#include <LibCompress/Zlib.h>
#include <LibCore/Event.h>
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibHTTP/HttpResponse.h>
#include <LibHTTP/Job.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@ -20,6 +26,62 @@
namespace HTTP {
template<typename Stream>
struct SyncStreamAsyncWrapper final : public AsyncInputStream {
explicit SyncStreamAsyncWrapper(MaybeOwned<Stream>&& stream)
: m_stream(move(stream))
, m_awaiter(GenericAwaiter { [&](auto cb) { m_stream->on_ready_to_read = move(cb); } })
virtual void reset() override
virtual Coroutine<ErrorOr<void>> close() override
if (m_stream->is_open())
co_return {};
virtual bool is_open() const override
return !m_stream->is_eof() || !m_buffer.is_empty();
virtual Coroutine<ErrorOr<bool>> enqueue_some(Badge<AsyncInputStream>) override
CO_TRY(co_await m_awaiter);
auto buffer = AK::Detail::ByteBuffer<16 * KiB> {};
auto bytes = CO_TRY(m_stream->read_some(buffer.must_get_bytes_for_writing(16 * KiB)));
if (bytes.is_empty())
co_return !m_stream->is_eof();
co_return true;
virtual ReadonlyBytes buffered_data_unchecked(Badge<AsyncInputStream>) const override
return m_buffer.data();
virtual void dequeue(Badge<AsyncInputStream>, size_t bytes) override
Coroutine<ErrorOr<StringView>> read_line(size_t max_size)
co_return StringView { CO_TRY(co_await AsyncStreamHelpers::consume_until(*this, "\r\n"sv, max_size)) }.trim("\r\n"sv, TrimMode::Right);
MaybeOwned<Stream> m_stream;
GenericAwaiter m_awaiter;
AsyncStreamBuffer m_buffer;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> handle_content_encoding(ByteBuffer const& buf, ByteString const& content_encoding)
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job::handle_content_encoding: buf has content_encoding={}", content_encoding);
@ -89,7 +151,7 @@ static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> handle_content_encoding(ByteBuffer const& buf, ByteSt
return buf;
Job::Job(HttpRequest&& request, Stream& output_stream)
Job::Job(HttpRequest&& request, Core::File& output_stream)
: Core::NetworkJob(output_stream)
, m_request(move(request))
@ -119,81 +181,335 @@ void Job::shutdown(ShutdownMode mode)
void Job::flush_received_buffers()
Coroutine<void> Job::flush_received_buffers()
if (!m_can_stream_response || m_buffered_size == 0)
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Flushing received buffers: have {} bytes in {} buffers for {}", m_buffered_size, m_received_buffers.size(), m_request.url());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_received_buffers.size(); ++i) {
auto& payload = m_received_buffers[i]->pending_flush;
auto result = do_write(payload);
if (result.is_error()) {
if (!result.error().is_errno()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Failed to flush received buffers: {}", result.error());
if (result.error().code() == EINTR) {
if (!m_can_stream_response || m_has_scheduled_flush)
TemporaryChange change(m_has_scheduled_flush, true);
while (m_buffered_size > 0) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Flushing received buffers: have {} bytes in {} buffers for {}", m_buffered_size, m_received_buffers.size(), m_request.url());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_received_buffers.size(); ++i) {
auto& payload = m_received_buffers[i]->pending_flush;
auto result = co_await do_write(payload);
if (result.is_error())
auto written = result.release_value();
m_buffered_size -= written;
if (written == payload.size()) {
// FIXME: Make this a take-first-friendly object?
VERIFY(written < payload.size());
payload = payload.slice(written, payload.size() - written);
auto written = result.release_value();
m_buffered_size -= written;
if (written == payload.size()) {
// FIXME: Make this a take-first-friendly object?
VERIFY(written < payload.size());
payload = payload.slice(written, payload.size() - written);
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Flushing received buffers done: have {} bytes in {} buffers for {}", m_buffered_size, m_received_buffers.size(), m_request.url());
if (m_request_done) {
m_has_scheduled_finish = true;
auto response = HttpResponse::create(m_code, move(m_headers), m_received_size);
// If the server responded with "Connection: close", close the connection
// as the server may or may not want to close the socket. Also, if this is
// a legacy HTTP server (1.0 or older), assume close is the default value.
if (auto result = response->headers().get("Connection"sv); result.has_value() ? result->equals_ignoring_ascii_case("close"sv) : m_legacy_connection)
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Flushing received buffers done: have {} bytes in {} buffers for {}", m_buffered_size, m_received_buffers.size(), m_request.url());
void Job::register_on_ready_to_read(Function<void()> callback)
auto Job::parse_status(auto& stream) -> Coroutine<ErrorOr<void>>
m_socket->on_ready_to_read = [this, callback = move(callback)] {
auto line = CO_TRY(co_await stream.read_line(PAGE_SIZE));
// As `m_socket` is a buffered object, we might not get notifications for data in the buffer
// so exhaust the buffer to ensure we don't end up waiting forever.
auto can_read_without_blocking = m_socket->can_read_without_blocking();
if (can_read_without_blocking.is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (can_read_without_blocking.value() && m_state != State::Finished && !has_error()) {
deferred_invoke([this] {
if (m_socket && m_socket->on_ready_to_read)
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} read line of length {}", m_request.url(), line.length());
auto parts = line.split_view(' ');
if (parts.size() < 2) {
dbgln("Job: Expected 2-part or 3-part HTTP status line, got '{}'", line);
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
co_return {};
if (!parts[0].matches("HTTP/?.?"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive) || !is_ascii_digit(parts[0][5]) || !is_ascii_digit(parts[0][7])) {
dbgln("Job: Expected HTTP-Version to be of the form 'HTTP/X.Y', got '{}'", parts[0]);
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
co_return {};
auto http_major_version = parse_ascii_digit(parts[0][5]);
auto http_minor_version = parse_ascii_digit(parts[0][7]);
m_legacy_connection = http_major_version < 1 || (http_major_version == 1 && http_minor_version == 0);
auto code = parts[1].template to_number<unsigned>();
if (!code.has_value()) {
dbgln("Job: Expected numeric HTTP status");
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
co_return {};
m_code = code.value();
co_return {};
auto Job::parse_headers(auto& stream, bool in_trailers) -> Coroutine<ErrorOr<void>>
while (true) {
// There's no max limit defined on headers, but for our sanity, let's limit it to 32K.
auto line = StringView { CO_TRY(co_await stream.read_line(32 * KiB)) };
if (line.is_empty()) {
if (in_trailers) {
co_await finish_up();
co_return {};
if (on_headers_received)
on_headers_received(m_headers, m_code > 0 ? m_code : Optional<u32> {});
// We've reached the end of the headers, there's a possibility that the server
// responds with nothing (content-length = 0 with normal encoding); if that's the case,
// quit early as we won't be reading anything anyway.
if (auto result = m_headers.get("Content-Length"sv).value_or(""sv).to_number<unsigned>(); result.has_value()) {
if (result.value() == 0) {
auto transfer_encoding = m_headers.get("Transfer-Encoding"sv);
if (!transfer_encoding.has_value() || !transfer_encoding->view().trim_whitespace().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("chunked"sv)) {
co_await finish_up();
co_return {};
// There's also the possibility that the server responds with 204 (No Content),
// and manages to set a Content-Length anyway, in such cases ignore Content-Length and quit early;
// As the HTTP spec explicitly prohibits presence of Content-Length when the response code is 204.
if (m_code == 204) {
co_await finish_up();
co_return {};
auto parts = line.split_view(':');
if (parts.is_empty()) {
if (in_trailers) {
// Some servers like to send two ending chunks
// use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk
// that is not a valid trailing header.
co_await finish_up();
co_return {};
dbgln("Job: Expected HTTP header with key/value");
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
co_return {};
auto name = parts[0];
if (line.length() < name.length() + 2) {
if (in_trailers) {
// Some servers like to send two ending chunks
// use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk
// that is not a valid trailing header.
co_await finish_up();
co_return {};
dbgln("Job: Malformed HTTP header: '{}' ({})", line, line.length());
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
co_return {};
auto value = line.substring_view(name.length() + 2, line.length() - name.length() - 2);
m_headers.set(name, value);
if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("Content-Encoding"sv)) {
// Assume that any content-encoding means that we can't decode it as a stream :(
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Content-Encoding {} detected, cannot stream output :(", value);
m_can_stream_response = false;
} else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("Content-Length"sv)) {
auto length = value.to_number<u64>();
if (length.has_value())
m_content_length = length.value();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: [{}] = '{}'", name, value);
co_return {};
ErrorOr<ByteString> Job::read_line(size_t size)
auto Job::parse_body(auto& stream) -> Coroutine<ErrorOr<bool>>
auto buffer = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(size));
auto bytes_read = TRY(m_socket->read_until(buffer, "\r\n"sv));
return ByteString::copy(bytes_read);
auto should_read_trailers = false;
while (true) {
auto read_size = 64 * KiB;
if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) {
auto remaining = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value();
if (remaining == -1) {
// read size
auto size_data = CO_TRY(co_await stream.read_line(PAGE_SIZE));
if (m_should_read_chunk_ending_line) {
// NOTE: Some servers seem to send an extra \r\n here despite there being no size.
// This makes us tolerate that.
size_data = size_data.trim("\r\n"sv, TrimMode::Right);
m_should_read_chunk_ending_line = false;
auto size_lines = size_data.trim_whitespace().lines();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Received a chunk with size '{}'", size_data);
if (size_lines.size() == 0) {
if (!m_socket->is_eof())
dbgln("Job: Reached end of stream");
co_await finish_up();
auto chunk = size_lines[0].split_view(';', SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty);
ByteString size_string = chunk[0];
char* endptr;
auto size = strtoul(size_string.characters(), &endptr, 16);
if (*endptr) {
// invalid number
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (size == 0) {
// This is the last chunk
// '0' *[; chunk-ext-name = chunk-ext-value]
// We're going to ignore _all_ chunk extensions
read_size = 0;
m_current_chunk_total_size = 0;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = 0;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Received the last chunk with extensions '{}'", size_string.substring_view(1, size_string.length() - 1));
} else {
m_current_chunk_total_size = size;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size;
read_size = size;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Chunk of size '{}' started", size);
} else {
read_size = remaining;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Resuming chunk with '{}' bytes left over", remaining);
} else {
auto transfer_encoding = m_headers.get("Transfer-Encoding");
if (transfer_encoding.has_value()) {
// HTTP/1.1
// If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the Content-Length. [...]
// https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7230.html#message.body.length
m_content_length = {};
// Note: Some servers add extra spaces around 'chunked', see #6302.
auto encoding = transfer_encoding.value().trim_whitespace();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: This content has transfer encoding '{}'", encoding);
if (encoding.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("chunked"sv)) {
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = -1;
goto read_chunk_size;
} else {
dbgln("Job: Unknown transfer encoding '{}', the result will likely be wrong!", encoding);
} else if (m_content_length.has_value()) {
read_size = m_content_length.value() - m_received_size;
if (read_size == 0) {
co_await finish_up();
auto payload = CO_TRY(ByteBuffer::copy(CO_TRY(co_await stream.read(read_size))));
if (payload.is_empty() && !stream.is_open()) {
co_await finish_up();
bool read_everything = false;
if (m_content_length.has_value()) {
auto length = m_content_length.value();
if (m_received_size + payload.size() >= length) {
payload.resize(length - m_received_size);
read_everything = true;
m_buffered_size += payload.size();
m_received_size += payload.size();
deferred_invoke([this] { did_progress(m_content_length, m_received_size); });
if (read_everything) {
VERIFY(m_received_size <= m_content_length.value());
co_await finish_up();
// Check after reading all the buffered data if we have reached the end of stream
// for cases where the server didn't send a content length, chunked encoding but is
// directly closing the connection.
if (!m_content_length.has_value() && !m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value() && m_socket->is_eof()) {
co_await finish_up();
if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) {
auto size = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value() - payload.size();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: We have {} bytes left over in this chunk", size);
if (size == 0) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Finished a chunk of {} bytes", m_current_chunk_total_size.value());
if (m_current_chunk_total_size.value() == 0) {
should_read_trailers = true;
// we've read everything, now let's get the next chunk
size = -1;
auto line = CO_TRY(co_await stream.read_line(PAGE_SIZE));
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size;
co_return should_read_trailers;
ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> Job::receive(size_t size)
auto Job::read_response() -> Coroutine<ErrorOr<void>>
if (size == 0)
return ByteBuffer {};
auto stream = SyncStreamAsyncWrapper(MaybeOwned { *m_socket });
auto buffer = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(size));
size_t nread;
do {
auto result = m_socket->read_some(buffer);
if (result.is_error() && result.error().is_errno() && result.error().code() == EINTR)
nread = TRY(result).size();
} while (true);
return buffer.slice(0, nread);
if (is_cancelled())
co_return {};
if (m_socket->is_eof()) {
// Some servers really like terminating connections by simply closing them (even TLS ones)
// to signal end-of-data, if there's no:
// - connection
// - content-size
// - transfer-encoding: chunked
// header, simply treat EOF as a termination signal.
if (m_headers.contains("connection"sv) || m_content_length.has_value() || m_current_chunk_total_size.has_value()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Read failure: Actually EOF!");
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
co_return {};
co_await finish_up();
co_return {};
CO_TRY(co_await parse_status(stream));
CO_TRY(co_await parse_headers(stream, false));
auto should_read_trailers = CO_TRY(co_await parse_body(stream));
if (should_read_trailers)
CO_TRY(co_await parse_headers(stream, true));
co_await finish_up();
co_return {};
void Job::on_socket_connected()
@ -205,381 +521,27 @@ void Job::on_socket_connected()
dbgln("{}", ByteString::copy(raw_request));
bool success = !m_socket->write_until_depleted(raw_request).is_error();
if (!success)
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (m_socket->write_until_depleted(raw_request).is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
register_on_ready_to_read([&] {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Ready to read for {}, state = {}, cancelled = {}", m_request.url(), to_underlying(m_state), is_cancelled());
if (is_cancelled())
if (m_state == State::Finished) {
// We have everything we want, at this point, we can either get an EOF, or a bunch of extra newlines
// (unless "Connection: close" isn't specified)
// So just ignore everything after this.
Core::EventLoop::current().adopt_coroutine([this] mutable -> Coroutine<void> {
auto result = co_await read_response();
if (result.is_error()) {
dbgln("Job: Failed to read response: {}", result.error());
if (m_socket->is_eof()) {
// Some servers really like terminating connections by simply closing them (even TLS ones)
// to signal end-of-data, if there's no:
// - connection
// - content-size
// - transfer-encoding: chunked
// header, simply treat EOF as a termination signal.
if (m_headers.contains("connection"sv) || m_content_length.has_value() || m_current_chunk_total_size.has_value()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Read failure: Actually EOF!");
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
while (m_state == State::InStatus) {
auto can_read_line = m_socket->can_read_up_to_delimiter("\r\n"sv.bytes());
if (can_read_line.is_error()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} could not figure out whether we could read a line", m_request.url());
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (!can_read_line.value()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} cannot read a full line", m_request.url());
// TODO: Should we retry here instead of failing instantly?
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
auto maybe_line = read_line(PAGE_SIZE);
if (maybe_line.is_error()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} could not read line: {}", m_request.url(), maybe_line.error());
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
auto line = maybe_line.release_value();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} read line of length {}", m_request.url(), line.length());
auto parts = line.split_view(' ');
if (parts.size() < 2) {
dbgln("Job: Expected 2-part or 3-part HTTP status line, got '{}'", line);
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
if (!parts[0].matches("HTTP/?.?"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive) || !is_ascii_digit(parts[0][5]) || !is_ascii_digit(parts[0][7])) {
dbgln("Job: Expected HTTP-Version to be of the form 'HTTP/X.Y', got '{}'", parts[0]);
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
auto http_major_version = parse_ascii_digit(parts[0][5]);
auto http_minor_version = parse_ascii_digit(parts[0][7]);
m_legacy_connection = http_major_version < 1 || (http_major_version == 1 && http_minor_version == 0);
auto code = parts[1].to_number<unsigned>();
if (!code.has_value()) {
dbgln("Job: Expected numeric HTTP status");
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
m_code = code.value();
m_state = State::InHeaders;
auto can_read_without_blocking = m_socket->can_read_without_blocking();
if (can_read_without_blocking.is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (!can_read_without_blocking.value())
while (m_state == State::InHeaders || m_state == State::Trailers) {
auto can_read_line = m_socket->can_read_up_to_delimiter("\r\n"sv.bytes());
if (can_read_line.is_error()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} could not figure out whether we could read a line", m_request.url());
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (!can_read_line.value()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Can't read lines anymore :(");
// There's no max limit defined on headers, but for our sanity, let's limit it to 32K.
auto maybe_line = read_line(32 * KiB);
if (maybe_line.is_error()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job {} could not read a header line: {}", m_request.url(), maybe_line.error());
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
auto line = maybe_line.release_value();
if (line.is_empty()) {
if (m_state == State::Trailers) {
return finish_up();
if (on_headers_received) {
on_headers_received(m_headers, m_code > 0 ? m_code : Optional<u32> {});
m_state = State::InBody;
// We've reached the end of the headers, there's a possibility that the server
// responds with nothing (content-length = 0 with normal encoding); if that's the case,
// quit early as we won't be reading anything anyway.
if (auto result = m_headers.get("Content-Length"sv).value_or(""sv).to_number<unsigned>(); result.has_value()) {
if (result.value() == 0) {
auto transfer_encoding = m_headers.get("Transfer-Encoding"sv);
if (!transfer_encoding.has_value() || !transfer_encoding->view().trim_whitespace().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("chunked"sv))
return finish_up();
// There's also the possibility that the server responds with 204 (No Content),
// and manages to set a Content-Length anyway, in such cases ignore Content-Length and quit early;
// As the HTTP spec explicitly prohibits presence of Content-Length when the response code is 204.
if (m_code == 204)
return finish_up();
auto parts = line.split_view(':');
if (parts.is_empty()) {
if (m_state == State::Trailers) {
// Some servers like to send two ending chunks
// use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk
// that is not a valid trailing header.
return finish_up();
dbgln("Job: Expected HTTP header with key/value");
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
auto name = parts[0];
if (line.length() < name.length() + 2) {
if (m_state == State::Trailers) {
// Some servers like to send two ending chunks
// use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk
// that is not a valid trailing header.
return finish_up();
dbgln("Job: Malformed HTTP header: '{}' ({})", line, line.length());
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); });
auto value = line.substring(name.length() + 2, line.length() - name.length() - 2);
m_headers.set(name, value);
if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("Content-Encoding"sv)) {
// Assume that any content-encoding means that we can't decode it as a stream :(
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Content-Encoding {} detected, cannot stream output :(", value);
m_can_stream_response = false;
} else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("Content-Length"sv)) {
auto length = value.to_number<u64>();
if (length.has_value())
m_content_length = length.value();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: [{}] = '{}'", name, value);
auto can_read_without_blocking = m_socket->can_read_without_blocking();
if (can_read_without_blocking.is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (!can_read_without_blocking.value()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Can't read headers anymore, byebye :(");
VERIFY(m_state == State::InBody);
while (true) {
auto can_read_without_blocking = m_socket->can_read_without_blocking();
if (can_read_without_blocking.is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (!can_read_without_blocking.value())
auto read_size = 64 * KiB;
if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) {
auto remaining = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value();
if (remaining == -1) {
// read size
auto can_read_line = m_socket->can_read_up_to_delimiter("\r\n"sv.bytes());
if (can_read_line.is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (!can_read_line.value()) // We'll try later.
auto maybe_size_data = read_line(PAGE_SIZE);
if (maybe_size_data.is_error()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Could not receive chunk: {}", maybe_size_data.error());
auto size_data = maybe_size_data.release_value();
if (m_should_read_chunk_ending_line) {
// NOTE: Some servers seem to send an extra \r\n here despite there being no size.
// This makes us tolerate that.
size_data = size_data.trim("\r\n"sv, TrimMode::Right);
m_should_read_chunk_ending_line = false;
auto size_lines = size_data.view().trim_whitespace().lines();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Received a chunk with size '{}'", size_data);
if (size_lines.size() == 0) {
if (!m_socket->is_eof())
dbgln("Job: Reached end of stream");
} else {
auto chunk = size_lines[0].split_view(';', SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty);
ByteString size_string = chunk[0];
char* endptr;
auto size = strtoul(size_string.characters(), &endptr, 16);
if (*endptr) {
// invalid number
deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (size == 0) {
// This is the last chunk
// '0' *[; chunk-ext-name = chunk-ext-value]
// We're going to ignore _all_ chunk extensions
read_size = 0;
m_current_chunk_total_size = 0;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = 0;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Received the last chunk with extensions '{}'", size_string.substring_view(1, size_string.length() - 1));
} else {
m_current_chunk_total_size = size;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size;
read_size = size;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Chunk of size '{}' started", size);
} else {
read_size = remaining;
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Resuming chunk with '{}' bytes left over", remaining);
} else {
auto transfer_encoding = m_headers.get("Transfer-Encoding");
if (transfer_encoding.has_value()) {
// HTTP/1.1
// If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the Content-Length. [...]
// https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7230.html#message.body.length
m_content_length = {};
// Note: Some servers add extra spaces around 'chunked', see #6302.
auto encoding = transfer_encoding.value().trim_whitespace();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: This content has transfer encoding '{}'", encoding);
if (encoding.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("chunked"sv)) {
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = -1;
goto read_chunk_size;
} else {
dbgln("Job: Unknown transfer encoding '{}', the result will likely be wrong!", encoding);
can_read_without_blocking = m_socket->can_read_without_blocking();
if (can_read_without_blocking.is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (!can_read_without_blocking.value())
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Waiting for payload for {}", m_request.url());
auto maybe_payload = receive(read_size);
if (maybe_payload.is_error()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Could not read the payload: {}", maybe_payload.error());
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
auto payload = maybe_payload.release_value();
if (payload.is_empty() && m_socket->is_eof()) {
bool read_everything = false;
if (m_content_length.has_value()) {
auto length = m_content_length.value();
if (m_received_size + payload.size() >= length) {
payload.resize(length - m_received_size);
read_everything = true;
m_buffered_size += payload.size();
m_received_size += payload.size();
deferred_invoke([this] { did_progress(m_content_length, m_received_size); });
if (read_everything) {
VERIFY(m_received_size <= m_content_length.value());
// Check after reading all the buffered data if we have reached the end of stream
// for cases where the server didn't send a content length, chunked encoding but is
// directly closing the connection.
if (!m_content_length.has_value() && !m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value() && m_socket->is_eof()) {
if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) {
auto size = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value() - payload.size();
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: We have {} bytes left over in this chunk", size);
if (size == 0) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Job: Finished a chunk of {} bytes", m_current_chunk_total_size.value());
if (m_current_chunk_total_size.value() == 0) {
m_state = State::Trailers;
// we've read everything, now let's get the next chunk
size = -1;
auto can_read_line = m_socket->can_read_up_to_delimiter("\r\n"sv.bytes());
if (can_read_line.is_error())
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
if (can_read_line.value()) {
auto maybe_line = read_line(PAGE_SIZE);
if (maybe_line.is_error()) {
return deferred_invoke([this] { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); });
} else {
m_should_read_chunk_ending_line = true;
m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size;
if (!m_socket->is_open()) {
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Connection appears to have closed, finishing up");
void Job::timer_event(Core::TimerEvent& event)
Coroutine<void> Job::finish_up()
if (m_buffered_size == 0)
if (m_has_scheduled_finish)
void Job::finish_up()
m_state = State::Finished;
if (!m_can_stream_response) {
auto maybe_flattened_buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(m_buffered_size);
if (maybe_flattened_buffer.is_error())
return did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed);
co_return did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed);
auto flattened_buffer = maybe_flattened_buffer.release_value();
u8* flat_ptr = flattened_buffer.data();
@ -596,7 +558,7 @@ void Job::finish_up()
if (auto result = handle_content_encoding(flattened_buffer, content_encoding.value()); !result.is_error())
flattened_buffer = result.release_value();
return did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed);
co_return did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed);
m_buffered_size = flattened_buffer.size();
@ -604,28 +566,7 @@ void Job::finish_up()
m_can_stream_response = true;
if (m_buffered_size != 0) {
// We have to wait for the client to consume all the downloaded data
// before we can actually call `did_finish`. in a normal flow, this should
// never be hit since the client is reading as we are writing, unless there
// are too many concurrent downloads going on.
dbgln_if(JOB_DEBUG, "Flush finished with {} bytes remaining, will try again later", m_buffered_size);
if (!has_timer())
m_has_scheduled_finish = true;
auto response = HttpResponse::create(m_code, move(m_headers), m_received_size);
deferred_invoke([this, response = move(response)] {
// If the server responded with "Connection: close", close the connection
// as the server may or may not want to close the socket. Also, if this is
// a legacy HTTP server (1.0 or older), assume close is the default value.
if (auto result = response->headers().get("Connection"sv); result.has_value() ? result->equals_ignoring_ascii_case("close"sv) : m_legacy_connection)
m_request_done = true;