LibWeb: Use w3 instead of drafts for spec

Add more specs to the CSS Grid class and update others so as to use instead of the drafts website.
This commit is contained in:
martinfalisse 2022-10-12 11:31:02 +02:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent f7af190de0
commit b6a29ae9e2

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@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// calculated, accounting for the sizes of their contents and/or available space as specified in
// the grid definition.
// 12. Grid Sizing
// This section defines the grid sizing algorithm, which determines the size of all grid tracks and,
// by extension, the entire grid.
@ -537,11 +537,71 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
for (int row_index = grid_rows.size(); row_index < occupation_grid.row_count(); row_index++)
grid_rows.append({ CSS::GridTrackSize::make_auto(), CSS::GridTrackSize::make_auto() });
// 12.1. Grid Sizing Algorithm
// FIXME: Deals with subgrids, min-content, and justify-content.. not implemented yet
// 1. First, the track sizing algorithm is used to resolve the sizes of the grid columns.
// In this process, any grid item which is subgridded in the grid containers inline axis is treated
// as empty and its grid items (the grandchildren) are treated as direct children of the grid
// container (their grandparent). This introspection is recursive.
// Items which are subgridded only in the block axis, and whose grid container size in the inline
// axis depends on the size of its contents are also introspected: since the size of the item in
// this dimension can be dependent on the sizing of its subgridded tracks in the other, the size
// contribution of any such item to this grids column sizing (see Resolve Intrinsic Track Sizes) is
// taken under the provision of having determined its track sizing only up to the same point in the
// Grid Sizing Algorithm as this itself. E.g. for the first pass through this step, the item will
// have its tracks sized only through this first step; if a second pass of this step is triggered
// then the item will have completed a first pass through steps 1-3 as well as the second pass of
// this step prior to returning its size for consideration in this grids column sizing. Again, this
// introspection is recursive.
// If calculating the layout of a grid item in this step depends on the available space in the block
// axis, assume the available space that it would have if any row with a definite max track sizing
// function had that size and all other rows were infinite. If both the grid container and all
// tracks have definite sizes, also apply align-content to find the final effective size of any gaps
// spanned by such items; otherwise ignore the effects of track alignment in this estimation.
// 2. Next, the track sizing algorithm resolves the sizes of the grid rows.
// In this process, any grid item which is subgridded in the grid containers block axis is treated
// as empty and its grid items (the grandchildren) are treated as direct children of the grid
// container (their grandparent). This introspection is recursive.
// As with sizing columns, items which are subgridded only in the inline axis, and whose grid
// container size in the block axis depends on the size of its contents are also introspected. (As
// with sizing columns, the size contribution to this grids row sizing is taken under the provision
// of having determined its track sizing only up to this corresponding point in the algorithm; and
// again, this introspection is recursive.)
// To find the inline-axis available space for any items whose block-axis size contributions require
// it, use the grid column sizes calculated in the previous step. If the grid containers inline
// size is definite, also apply justify-content to account for the effective column gap sizes.
// 3. Then, if the min-content contribution of any grid item has changed based on the row sizes and
// alignment calculated in step 2, re-resolve the sizes of the grid columns with the new min-content
// and max-content contributions (once only).
// To find the block-axis available space for any items whose inline-axis size contributions require
// it, use the grid row sizes calculated in the previous step. If the grid containers block size is
// definite, also apply align-content to account for the effective row gap sizes
// 4. Next, if the min-content contribution of any grid item has changed based on the column sizes and
// alignment calculated in step 3, re-resolve the sizes of the grid rows with the new min-content
// and max-content contributions (once only).
// To find the inline-axis available space for any items whose block-axis size contributions require
// it, use the grid column sizes calculated in the previous step. If the grid containers inline
// size is definite, also apply justify-content to account for the effective column gap sizes.
// 5. Finally, the grid container is sized using the resulting size of the grid as its content size,
// and the tracks are aligned within the grid container according to the align-content and
// justify-content properties.
// Once the size of each grid area is thus established, the grid items are laid out into their
// respective containing blocks. The grid areas width and height are considered definite for this
// purpose.
// 12.3. Track Sizing Algorithm
// The remainder of this section is the track sizing algorithm, which calculates from the min and
@ -553,9 +613,9 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// 2. Resolve Intrinsic Track Sizes
// 3. Maximize Tracks
// 4. Expand Flexible Tracks
// 5. [[#algo-stretch|Expand Stretched auto Tracks]]
// 5. Expand Stretched auto Tracks
// 12.4. Initialize Track Sizes
// Initialize each tracks base size and growth limit.
@ -564,7 +624,6 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
switch (grid_column.min_track_sizing_function.type()) {
// - A fixed sizing function
// Resolve to an absolute length and use that size as the tracks initial base size.
// Indefinite lengths cannot occur, as theyre treated as auto.
case CSS::GridTrackSize::Type::Length:
if (!grid_column.min_track_sizing_function.length().is_auto())
grid_column.base_size = grid_column.min_track_sizing_function.length().to_px(box);
@ -611,7 +670,6 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
switch (grid_row.min_track_sizing_function.type()) {
// - A fixed sizing function
// Resolve to an absolute length and use that size as the tracks initial base size.
// Indefinite lengths cannot occur, as theyre treated as auto.
case CSS::GridTrackSize::Type::Length:
if (!grid_row.min_track_sizing_function.length().is_auto())
grid_row.base_size = grid_row.min_track_sizing_function.length().to_px(box);
@ -655,7 +713,7 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// FIXME: In all cases, if the growth limit is less than the base size, increase the growth limit to match
// the base size.
// 12.5. Resolve Intrinsic Track Sizes
// This step resolves intrinsic track sizing functions to absolute lengths. First it resolves those
// sizes based on items that are contained wholly within a single track. Then it gradually adds in
@ -713,10 +771,6 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// result from assuming the items used minimum size as its preferred size; else the items minimum
// contribution is its min-content contribution. Because the minimum contribution often depends on
// the size of the items content, it is considered a type of intrinsic size contribution.
// For items with a specified minimum size of auto (the initial value), the minimum contribution is
// usually equivalent to the min-content contribution—but can differ in some cases, see §6.6
// Automatic Minimum Size of Grid Items. Also, minimum contribution ≤ min-content contribution ≤
// max-content contribution.
float grid_column_width = 0;
for (auto& box_of_column : boxes_of_column)
grid_column_width = max(grid_column_width, calculate_min_content_width(box_of_column));
@ -737,6 +791,7 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// to match the base size.
if (grid_column.growth_limit != -1 && grid_column.growth_limit < grid_column.base_size)
grid_column.growth_limit = grid_column.base_size;
@ -780,10 +835,6 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// result from assuming the items used minimum size as its preferred size; else the items minimum
// contribution is its min-content contribution. Because the minimum contribution often depends on
// the size of the items content, it is considered a type of intrinsic size contribution.
// For items with a specified minimum size of auto (the initial value), the minimum contribution is
// usually equivalent to the min-content contribution—but can differ in some cases, see §6.6
// Automatic Minimum Size of Grid Items. Also, minimum contribution ≤ min-content contribution ≤
// max-content contribution.
float grid_row_height = 0;
for (auto& positioned_box : positioned_boxes_of_row)
grid_row_height = max(grid_row_height, positioned_box.computed_height);
@ -811,8 +862,8 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// items with a span of 2 that do not span a track with a flexible sizing function.
// FIXME: Content-sized tracks not implemented (min-content, etc.)
// 3.1. For intrinsic minimums: First distribute extra space to base sizes of tracks with an intrinsic
// min track sizing function, to accommodate these items minimum contributions.
// 3.1. For intrinsic minimums: First increase the base size of tracks with an intrinsic min track sizing
// function by distributing extra space as needed to accommodate these items minimum contributions.
// If the grid container is being sized under a min- or max-content constraint, use the items
// limited min-content contributions in place of their minimum contributions here. (For an item
@ -820,66 +871,68 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// contribution is the sum of the fixed max track sizing functions of any tracks it spans, and is
// applied if it only spans such tracks.)
// 3.2. For content-based minimums: Next continue to distribute extra space to the base sizes of tracks
// with a min track sizing function of min-content or max-content, to accommodate these items'
// min-content contributions.
// 3.2. For content-based minimums: Next continue to increase the base size of tracks with a min track
// sizing function of min-content or max-content by distributing extra space as needed to account
// for these items' min-content contributions.
// 3.3. For max-content minimums: Next, if the grid container is being sized under a max-content
// constraint, continue to distribute extra space to the base sizes of tracks with a min track
// sizing function of auto or max-content, to accommodate these items' limited max-content
// contributions.
// constraint, continue to increase the base size of tracks with a min track sizing function of auto
// or max-content by distributing extra space as needed to account for these items' limited
// max-content contributions.
// In all cases, continue to distribute extra space to the base sizes of tracks with a min track
// sizing function of max-content, to accommodate these items' max-content contributions.
// In all cases, continue to increase the base size of tracks with a min track sizing function of
// max-content by distributing extra space as needed to account for these items' max-content
// contributions.
// 3.4. If at this point any tracks growth limit is now less than its base size, increase its growth
// limit to match its base size.
// 3.5. For intrinsic maximums: Next distribute extra space to the growth limits of tracks with intrinsic
// max track sizing function, to accommodate these items' min-content contributions. Mark any tracks
// whose growth limit changed from infinite to finite in this step as infinitely growable for the
// next step.
// 3.5. For intrinsic maximums: Next increase the growth limit of tracks with an intrinsic max track
// sizing function by distributing extra space as needed to account for these items' min-content
// contributions. Mark any tracks whose growth limit changed from infinite to finite in this step as
// infinitely growable for the next step.
// 3.6. For max-content maximums: Lastly continue to distribute extra space to the growth limits of
// tracks with a max track sizing function of max-content, to accommodate these items' max-content
// contributions. However, limit the growth of any fit-content() tracks by their fit-content()
// argument.
// 3.6. For max-content maximums: Lastly continue to increase the growth limit of tracks with a max track
// sizing function of max-content by distributing extra space as needed to account for these items'
// max-content contributions. However, limit the growth of any fit-content() tracks by their
// fit-content() argument.
// Repeat incrementally for items with greater spans until all items have been considered.
// FIXME: 4. Increase sizes to accommodate spanning items crossing flexible tracks: Next, repeat the previous
// step instead considering (together, rather than grouped by span size) all items that do span a
// track with a flexible sizing function while distributing space only to flexible tracks (i.e.
// treating all other tracks as having a fixed sizing function)
// track with a flexible sizing function while
// if the sum of the flexible sizing functions of all flexible tracks spanned by the item is greater
// than or equal to one, distributing space to such tracks according to the ratios of their flexible
// sizing functions rather than distributing space equally; and if the sum is less than one,
// distributing that proportion of space according to the ratios of their flexible sizing functions
// and the rest equally
// - distributing space only to flexible tracks (i.e. treating all other tracks as having a fixed
// sizing function)
// - if the sum of the flexible sizing functions of all flexible tracks spanned by the item is greater
// than zero, distributing space to such tracks according to the ratios of their flexible sizing
// functions rather than distributing space equally
// FIXME: 5. If any track still has an infinite growth limit (because, for example, it had no items placed in
// it or it is a flexible track), set its growth limit to its base size.
// 12.5.1. Distributing Extra Space Across Spanned Tracks
// To distribute extra space by increasing the affected sizes of a set of tracks as required by a
// set of intrinsic size contributions,
// 1. Maintain separately for each affected track a planned increase, initially set to 0. (This
// prevents the size increases from becoming order-dependent.)
// 1. Maintain separately for each affected base size or growth limit a planned increase, initially
// set to 0. (This prevents the size increases from becoming order-dependent.)
// 2. For each accommodated item, considering only tracks the item spans:
// 2. For each considered item,
// 2.1. Find the space to distribute: Subtract the affected size of every spanned track (not just the
// affected tracks) from the items size contribution, flooring it at zero. (For infinite growth
// limits, substitute the tracks base size.) This remaining size contribution is the space to
// distribute.
// space = max(0, size contribution - ∑track-sizes)
// 2.1. Find the space to distribute: Subtract the corresponding size (base size or growth limit) of
// every spanned track from the items size contribution to find the items remaining size
// contribution. (For infinite growth limits, substitute the tracks base size.) This is the space
// to distribute. Floor it at zero.
// extra-space = max(0, size-contribution - ∑track-sizes)
// 2.2. Distribute space up to limits:
// Find the item-incurred increase for each affected track by: distributing the space equally among
// these tracks, freezing a tracks item-incurred increase as its affected size + item-incurred
// increase reaches its limit (and continuing to grow the unfrozen tracks as needed).
// 2.2. Distribute space up to limits: Find the item-incurred increase for each spanned track with an
// affected size by: distributing the space equally among such tracks, freezing a tracks
// item-incurred increase as its affected size + item-incurred increase reaches its limit (and
// continuing to grow the unfrozen tracks as needed).
// For base sizes, the limit is its growth limit. For growth limits, the limit is infinity if it is
// marked as infinitely growable, and equal to the growth limit otherwise.
@ -887,10 +940,8 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// If the affected size was a growth limit and the track is not marked infinitely growable, then each
// item-incurred increase will be zero.
// 2.3. Distribute space beyond limits:
// If extra space remains at this point, unfreeze and continue to distribute space to the
// item-incurred increase of…
// 2.3. Distribute space beyond limits: If space remains after all tracks are frozen, unfreeze and
// continue to distribute space to the item-incurred increase of…
// - when accommodating minimum contributions or accommodating min-content contributions: any affected
// track that happens to also have an intrinsic max track sizing function; if there are no such
@ -905,17 +956,18 @@ void GridFormattingContext::run(Box const& box, LayoutMode, AvailableSpace const
// max-content until it reaches the limit specified as the fit-content() argument, after which it is
// treated as having a fixed sizing function of that argument.
// This step prioritizes the distribution of space for accommodating size contributions beyond the
// tracks' current growth limits based on the types of their max track sizing functions.
// This step prioritizes the distribution of space for accommodating space required by the
// tracks min track sizing functions beyond their current growth limits based on the types of their
// max track sizing functions.
// 2.4. For each affected track, if the tracks item-incurred increase is larger than the tracks planned
// increase set the tracks planned increase to that value.
// 3. Update the tracks' affected sizes by adding in the planned increase, so that the next round of
// 3. Update the tracks' affected sizes by adding in the planned increase so that the next round of
// space distribution will account for the increase. (If the affected size is an infinite growth
// limit, set it to the tracks base size plus the planned increase.)
// 12.6. Maximize Tracks
// If the free space is positive, distribute it equally to the base sizes of all tracks, freezing