/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2020, Linus Groh * Copyright (c) 2022, Sam Atkins * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum class GraphType { CPU, Memory, Network, }; class GraphWidget final : public GUI::Frame { C_OBJECT(GraphWidget); public: static constexpr size_t history_size = 24; private: GraphWidget(GraphType graph_type, Optional graph_color, Optional graph_error_color) : m_graph_type(graph_type) { set_frame_style(Gfx::FrameStyle::SunkenPanel); m_graph_color = graph_color.value_or(palette().menu_selection()); m_graph_error_color = graph_error_color.value_or(Color::Red); start_timer(1000); } virtual void timer_event(Core::TimerEvent&) override { switch (m_graph_type) { case GraphType::CPU: { u64 total, idle; if (get_cpu_usage(total, idle)) { auto total_diff = total - m_last_total; m_last_total = total; auto idle_diff = idle - m_last_idle; m_last_idle = idle; float cpu = total_diff > 0 ? (float)(total_diff - idle_diff) / (float)total_diff : 0; m_history.enqueue(cpu); m_tooltip = MUST(String::formatted("CPU usage: {:.1}%", 100 * cpu)); } else { m_history.enqueue(-1); m_tooltip = "Unable to determine CPU usage"_string; } break; } case GraphType::Memory: { u64 allocated, available; if (get_memory_usage(allocated, available)) { double total_memory = allocated + available; double memory = (double)allocated / total_memory; m_history.enqueue(memory); m_tooltip = MUST(String::formatted("Memory: {} MiB of {:.1} MiB in use", allocated / MiB, total_memory / MiB)); } else { m_history.enqueue(-1); m_tooltip = "Unable to determine memory usage"_string; } break; } case GraphType::Network: { u64 tx, rx, link_speed; if (get_network_usage(tx, rx, link_speed)) { u64 recent_tx = tx - m_last_total; m_last_total = tx; if (recent_tx > m_current_scale) { u64 m_old_scale = m_current_scale; // Scale in multiples of 1000 kB/s m_current_scale = (recent_tx / scale_unit) * scale_unit; rescale_history(m_old_scale, m_current_scale); } else { // Figure out if we can scale back down. float max = static_cast(recent_tx) / static_cast(m_current_scale); for (auto const value : m_history) { if (value > max) max = value; } if (max < 0.5f && m_current_scale > scale_unit) { u64 m_old_scale = m_current_scale; m_current_scale = ::max((static_cast(max * m_current_scale) / scale_unit) * scale_unit, scale_unit); rescale_history(m_old_scale, m_current_scale); } } m_history.enqueue(static_cast(recent_tx) / static_cast(m_current_scale)); m_tooltip = MUST(String::formatted("Network: TX {} / RX {} ({:.1} kbit/s)", tx, rx, static_cast(recent_tx) * 8.0 / 1000.0)); } else { m_history.enqueue(-1); m_tooltip = "Unable to determine network usage"_string; } break; } default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } set_tooltip(m_tooltip); update(); } virtual void paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent& event) override { GUI::Frame::paint_event(event); GUI::Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.add_clip_rect(frame_inner_rect()); painter.fill_rect(event.rect(), Color::Black); int i = m_history.capacity() - m_history.size(); auto rect = frame_inner_rect(); for (auto value : m_history) { if (value >= 0) { painter.draw_line( { rect.x() + i, rect.bottom() - 1 }, { rect.x() + i, rect.top() + (int)(roundf(rect.height() - (value * rect.height()))) }, m_graph_color); } else { painter.draw_line( { rect.x() + i, rect.top() }, { rect.x() + i, rect.bottom() - 1 }, m_graph_error_color); } ++i; } } virtual void mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override { if (event.button() != GUI::MouseButton::Primary) return; GUI::Process::spawn_or_show_error(window(), "/bin/SystemMonitor"sv, Array { "-t", m_graph_type == GraphType::Network ? "network" : "graphs" }); } ErrorOr get_data_as_json(OwnPtr& file, StringView filename) { if (file) { // Seeking to the beginning causes a data refresh! TRY(file->seek(0, SeekMode::SetPosition)); } else { file = TRY(Core::File::open(filename, Core::File::OpenMode::Read)); } auto file_contents = TRY(file->read_until_eof()); return TRY(JsonValue::from_string(file_contents)); } bool get_cpu_usage(u64& total, u64& idle) { total = 0; idle = 0; auto json = get_data_as_json(m_proc_stat, "/sys/kernel/stats"sv); if (json.is_error()) return false; auto const& obj = json.value().as_object(); total = obj.get_u64("total_time"sv).value_or(0); idle = obj.get_u64("idle_time"sv).value_or(0); return true; } bool get_memory_usage(u64& allocated, u64& available) { auto json = get_data_as_json(m_proc_mem, "/sys/kernel/memstat"sv); if (json.is_error()) return false; auto const& obj = json.value().as_object(); unsigned kmalloc_allocated = obj.get_u32("kmalloc_allocated"sv).value_or(0); unsigned kmalloc_available = obj.get_u32("kmalloc_available"sv).value_or(0); auto physical_allocated = obj.get_u64("physical_allocated"sv).value_or(0); auto physical_committed = obj.get_u64("physical_committed"sv).value_or(0); auto physical_uncommitted = obj.get_u64("physical_uncommitted"sv).value_or(0); unsigned kmalloc_bytes_total = kmalloc_allocated + kmalloc_available; unsigned kmalloc_pages_total = (kmalloc_bytes_total + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE; u64 total_userphysical_and_swappable_pages = kmalloc_pages_total + physical_allocated + physical_committed + physical_uncommitted; allocated = kmalloc_allocated + ((physical_allocated + physical_committed) * PAGE_SIZE); available = (total_userphysical_and_swappable_pages * PAGE_SIZE) - allocated; return true; } bool get_network_usage(u64& tx, u64& rx, u64& link_speed) { tx = rx = link_speed = 0; auto json = get_data_as_json(m_proc_net, "/sys/kernel/net/adapters"sv); if (json.is_error()) return false; auto const& array = json.value().as_array(); for (auto const& adapter_value : array.values()) { auto const& adapter_obj = adapter_value.as_object(); if (!adapter_obj.has_string("ipv4_address"sv) || !adapter_obj.get_bool("link_up"sv).value()) continue; tx += adapter_obj.get_u64("bytes_in"sv).value_or(0); rx += adapter_obj.get_u64("bytes_out"sv).value_or(0); // Link speed data is given in megabits, but we want all return values to be in bytes. link_speed += adapter_obj.get_u64("link_speed"sv).value_or(0) * 8'000'000; } link_speed /= 8; return tx != 0; } void rescale_history(u64 old_scale, u64 new_scale) { float factor = static_cast(old_scale) / static_cast(new_scale); for (auto& value : m_history) value *= factor; } GraphType m_graph_type; Gfx::Color m_graph_color; Gfx::Color m_graph_error_color; CircularQueue m_history; u64 m_last_idle { 0 }; u64 m_last_total { 0 }; static constexpr u64 const scale_unit = 8000; u64 m_current_scale { scale_unit }; String m_tooltip; OwnPtr m_proc_stat; OwnPtr m_proc_mem; OwnPtr m_proc_net; }; ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio recvfd sendfd proc exec rpath unix")); auto app = TRY(GUI::Application::create(arguments)); TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio recvfd sendfd proc exec rpath")); StringView cpu {}; StringView memory {}; StringView network {}; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(cpu, "Create CPU graph", "cpu", 'C', "cpu"); args_parser.add_option(memory, "Create memory graph", "memory", 'M', "memory"); args_parser.add_option(network, "Create network graph", "network", 'N', "network"); args_parser.parse(arguments); if (cpu.is_empty() && memory.is_empty() && network.is_empty()) { printf("At least one of --cpu, --memory, or --network must be used"); return 1; } Vector> applet_windows; auto create_applet = [&](GraphType graph_type, StringView spec) -> ErrorOr { auto parts = spec.split_view(','); dbgln("Create applet: {} with spec '{}'", (int)graph_type, spec); if (parts.size() != 2) return Error::from_string_literal("ResourceGraph: Applet spec is not composed of exactly 2 comma-separated parts"); auto name = parts[0]; auto graph_color = Gfx::Color::from_string(parts[1]); auto window = GUI::Window::construct(); window->set_title(name); window->set_window_type(GUI::WindowType::Applet); window->resize(GraphWidget::history_size + 2, 15); auto graph_widget = window->set_main_widget(graph_type, graph_color, Optional {}); window->show(); applet_windows.append(move(window)); return {}; }; if (!cpu.is_empty()) TRY(create_applet(GraphType::CPU, cpu)); if (!memory.is_empty()) TRY(create_applet(GraphType::Memory, memory)); if (!network.is_empty()) TRY(create_applet(GraphType::Network, network)); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/res", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/sys/kernel/stats", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/sys/kernel/memstat", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/sys/kernel/net/adapters", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/bin/SystemMonitor", "x")); TRY(Core::System::unveil(nullptr, nullptr)); return app->exec(); }