#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e script_path=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) . "${script_path}/shell_include.sh" if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then set +e ${SUDO} -- "${SHELL}" -c "\"$0\" $* || exit 42" case $? in 1) die "this script needs to run as root" ;; 42) exit 1 ;; *) exit 0 ;; esac else : "${SUDO_UID:=0}" "${SUDO_GID:=0}" fi grub=$(command -v grub-install 2>/dev/null) || true if [ -z "$grub" ]; then grub=$(command -v grub2-install 2>/dev/null) || true fi if [ -z "$grub" ]; then echo "can't find a grub-install or grub2-install binary, oh no" exit 1 fi echo "using grub-install at ${grub}" DISK_SIZE=$(($(disk_usage "$SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR/Base") + $(disk_usage Root) + 300)) echo "setting up disk image..." if [ "$1" = "ebr" ]; then DISK_SIZE= fi dd if=/dev/zero of=grub_disk_image bs=1M count="${DISK_SIZE:-800}" status=none || die "couldn't create disk image" chown "$SUDO_UID":"$SUDO_GID" grub_disk_image || die "couldn't adjust permissions on disk image" echo "done" printf "creating loopback device... " dev=$(losetup --find --partscan --show grub_disk_image) if [ -z "$dev" ]; then die "couldn't mount loopback device" fi echo "loopback device is at ${dev}" cleanup() { if [ -d mnt ]; then printf "unmounting filesystem... " umount mnt || ( sleep 1 && sync && umount mnt ) rmdir mnt echo "done" fi if [ -e "${dev}" ]; then printf "cleaning up loopback device... " losetup -d "${dev}" echo "done" fi } trap cleanup EXIT printf "creating partition table... " if [ "$1" = "mbr" ]; then parted -s "${dev}" mklabel msdos mkpart primary ext2 1MiB 100% -a minimal set 1 boot on || die "couldn't partition disk" partition_number="p1" partition_scheme="mbr" elif [ "$1" = "gpt" ]; then parted -s "${dev}" mklabel gpt mkpart BIOSBOOT ext3 1MiB 8MiB mkpart OS ext2 8MiB 290MiB set 1 bios_grub || die "couldn't partition disk" partition_number="p2" partition_scheme="gpt" elif [ "$1" = "ebr" ]; then parted -s "${dev}" mklabel msdos mkpart primary 32k 200MiB mkpart primary 200MiB 201MiB mkpart primary 201MiB 202MiB mkpart extended 250MiB 739MiB mkpart logical 372MiB 739MiB -a minimal set 1 boot on || die "couldn't partition disk" partition_number="p5" partition_scheme="ebr" else parted -s "${dev}" mklabel msdos mkpart primary ext2 1MiB 100% -a minimal set 1 boot on || die "couldn't partition disk" partition_number="p1" partition_scheme="mbr" fi echo "done" printf "destroying old filesystem... " dd if=/dev/zero of="${dev}${partition_number}" bs=1M count=1 status=none || die "couldn't destroy old filesystem" echo "done" printf "creating new filesystem... " mke2fs -q "${dev}${partition_number}" || die "couldn't create filesystem" echo "done" printf "mounting filesystem... " mkdir -p mnt mount "${dev}${partition_number}" mnt/ || die "couldn't mount filesystem" echo "done" "$script_path/build-root-filesystem.sh" if [ -z "$2" ]; then grub_cfg="$SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR"/Meta/grub-"${partition_scheme}".cfg else grub_cfg=$2 fi echo "installing grub using $grub with $grub_cfg..." $grub --boot-directory=mnt/boot --target=i386-pc --modules="ext2 part_msdos" "${dev}" if [ -d mnt/boot/grub2 ]; then cp "$grub_cfg" mnt/boot/grub2/grub.cfg else cp "$grub_cfg" mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg fi echo "done"