/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "PropertiesDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PropertiesDialog::PropertiesDialog(const String& path, bool disable_rename, Window* parent_window) : Dialog(parent_window) { auto lexical_path = LexicalPath(path); ASSERT(lexical_path.is_valid()); auto& main_widget = set_main_widget(); main_widget.set_layout(); main_widget.layout()->set_margins({ 4, 4, 4, 4 }); main_widget.set_fill_with_background_color(true); set_rect({ 0, 0, 360, 420 }); set_resizable(false); auto& tab_widget = main_widget.add(); auto& general_tab = tab_widget.add_tab("General"); general_tab.set_layout(); general_tab.layout()->set_margins({ 12, 8, 12, 8 }); general_tab.layout()->set_spacing(10); auto& file_container = general_tab.add(); file_container.set_layout(); file_container.layout()->set_spacing(20); file_container.set_fixed_height(34); m_icon = file_container.add(); m_icon->set_fixed_size(32, 32); m_name = lexical_path.basename(); m_path = lexical_path.string(); m_parent_path = lexical_path.dirname(); m_name_box = file_container.add(); m_name_box->set_text(m_name); m_name_box->set_mode(disable_rename ? GUI::TextBox::Mode::DisplayOnly : GUI::TextBox::Mode::Editable); m_name_box->on_change = [&]() { m_name_dirty = m_name != m_name_box->text(); m_apply_button->set_enabled(m_name_dirty || m_permissions_dirty); }; set_icon(Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/properties.png")); general_tab.add(Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal); struct stat st; if (lstat(path.characters(), &st)) { perror("stat"); return; } String owner_name; String group_name; if (auto* pw = getpwuid(st.st_uid)) { owner_name = pw->pw_name; } else { owner_name = "n/a"; } if (auto* gr = getgrgid(st.st_gid)) { group_name = gr->gr_name; } else { group_name = "n/a"; } m_mode = st.st_mode; m_old_mode = st.st_mode; auto properties = Vector(); properties.append({ "Type:", get_description(m_mode) }); auto parent_link = URL::create_with_file_protocol(m_parent_path); properties.append(PropertyValuePair { "Location:", path, Optional(parent_link) }); if (S_ISLNK(m_mode)) { auto link_destination = Core::File::read_link(path); if (link_destination.is_null()) { perror("readlink"); } else { auto link_directory = LexicalPath(link_destination); ASSERT(link_directory.is_valid()); auto link_parent = URL::create_with_file_protocol(link_directory.dirname()); properties.append({ "Link target:", link_destination, Optional(link_parent) }); } } properties.append({ "Size:", String::formatted("{} bytes", st.st_size) }); properties.append({ "Owner:", String::formatted("{} ({})", owner_name, st.st_uid) }); properties.append({ "Group:", String::formatted("{} ({})", group_name, st.st_gid) }); properties.append({ "Created at:", GUI::FileSystemModel::timestamp_string(st.st_ctime) }); properties.append({ "Last modified:", GUI::FileSystemModel::timestamp_string(st.st_mtime) }); make_property_value_pairs(properties, general_tab); general_tab.add(Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal); make_permission_checkboxes(general_tab, { S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, S_IXUSR }, "Owner:", m_mode); make_permission_checkboxes(general_tab, { S_IRGRP, S_IWGRP, S_IXGRP }, "Group:", m_mode); make_permission_checkboxes(general_tab, { S_IROTH, S_IWOTH, S_IXOTH }, "Others:", m_mode); general_tab.layout()->add_spacer(); auto& button_widget = main_widget.add(); button_widget.set_layout(); button_widget.set_fixed_height(24); button_widget.layout()->set_spacing(5); button_widget.layout()->add_spacer(); make_button("OK", button_widget).on_click = [this](auto) { if (apply_changes()) close(); }; make_button("Cancel", button_widget).on_click = [this](auto) { close(); }; m_apply_button = make_button("Apply", button_widget); m_apply_button->on_click = [this](auto) { apply_changes(); }; m_apply_button->set_enabled(false); update(); } PropertiesDialog::~PropertiesDialog() { } void PropertiesDialog::update() { m_icon->set_bitmap(GUI::FileIconProvider::icon_for_path(make_full_path(m_name), m_mode).bitmap_for_size(32)); set_title(String::formatted("{} - Properties", m_name)); } void PropertiesDialog::permission_changed(mode_t mask, bool set) { if (set) { m_mode |= mask; } else { m_mode &= ~mask; } m_permissions_dirty = m_mode != m_old_mode; m_apply_button->set_enabled(m_name_dirty || m_permissions_dirty); } String PropertiesDialog::make_full_path(const String& name) { return String::formatted("{}/{}", m_parent_path, name); } bool PropertiesDialog::apply_changes() { if (m_name_dirty) { String new_name = m_name_box->text(); String new_file = make_full_path(new_name).characters(); if (GUI::FilePicker::file_exists(new_file)) { GUI::MessageBox::show(this, String::formatted("A file \"{}\" already exists!", new_name), "Error", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Error); return false; } if (rename(make_full_path(m_name).characters(), new_file.characters())) { GUI::MessageBox::show(this, String::formatted("Could not rename file: {}!", strerror(errno)), "Error", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Error); return false; } m_name = new_name; m_name_dirty = false; update(); } if (m_permissions_dirty) { if (chmod(make_full_path(m_name).characters(), m_mode)) { GUI::MessageBox::show(this, String::formatted("Could not update permissions: {}!", strerror(errno)), "Error", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Error); return false; } m_old_mode = m_mode; m_permissions_dirty = false; } update(); m_apply_button->set_enabled(false); return true; } void PropertiesDialog::make_permission_checkboxes(GUI::Widget& parent, PermissionMasks masks, String label_string, mode_t mode) { auto& widget = parent.add(); widget.set_layout(); widget.set_fixed_height(16); widget.layout()->set_spacing(10); auto& label = widget.add(label_string); label.set_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft); struct stat st; if (lstat(m_path.characters(), &st)) { perror("stat"); return; } auto can_edit_checkboxes = st.st_uid == getuid(); auto& box_read = widget.add("Read"); box_read.set_checked(mode & masks.read); box_read.on_checked = [&, masks](bool checked) { permission_changed(masks.read, checked); }; box_read.set_enabled(can_edit_checkboxes); auto& box_write = widget.add("Write"); box_write.set_checked(mode & masks.write); box_write.on_checked = [&, masks](bool checked) { permission_changed(masks.write, checked); }; box_write.set_enabled(can_edit_checkboxes); auto& box_execute = widget.add("Execute"); box_execute.set_checked(mode & masks.execute); box_execute.on_checked = [&, masks](bool checked) { permission_changed(masks.execute, checked); }; box_execute.set_enabled(can_edit_checkboxes); } void PropertiesDialog::make_property_value_pairs(const Vector& pairs, GUI::Widget& parent) { int max_width = 0; Vector> property_labels; property_labels.ensure_capacity(pairs.size()); for (auto pair : pairs) { auto& label_container = parent.add(); label_container.set_layout(); label_container.set_fixed_height(14); label_container.layout()->set_spacing(12); auto& label_property = label_container.add(pair.property); label_property.set_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft); if (!pair.link.has_value()) { label_container.add(pair.value).set_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft); } else { auto& link = label_container.add(pair.value); link.set_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft); link.on_click = [pair]() { Desktop::Launcher::open(pair.link.value()); }; } max_width = max(max_width, label_property.font().width(pair.property)); property_labels.append(label_property); } for (auto label : property_labels) label->set_fixed_width(max_width); } GUI::Button& PropertiesDialog::make_button(String text, GUI::Widget& parent) { auto& button = parent.add(text); button.set_fixed_size(70, 22); return button; }