Ali Mohammad Pur 20c066b8e0 LibCore: Call optional did_construct() method when constucting objects
Some objects need to perform tasks during construction that require
the object to be fully constructed, which can't be done in the
constructor. This allows postponing such tasks into a did_construct
method that will be called right after the object was fully
2021-06-20 14:57:26 +02:00

380 lines
17 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Forward.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/IntrusiveList.h>
#include <AK/Noncopyable.h>
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtrVector.h>
#include <AK/OwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/TypeCasts.h>
#include <AK/Weakable.h>
#include <LibCore/Forward.h>
#include <LibCore/Property.h>
namespace Core {
#define REGISTER_CORE_OBJECT(namespace_, class_name) \
namespace Core { \
namespace Registration { \
Core::ObjectClassRegistration registration_##class_name(#namespace_ "::" #class_name, []() { return namespace_::class_name::construct(); }); \
} \
class ObjectClassRegistration {
ObjectClassRegistration(const String& class_name, Function<NonnullRefPtr<Object>()> factory, ObjectClassRegistration* parent_class = nullptr);
String class_name() const { return m_class_name; }
const ObjectClassRegistration* parent_class() const { return m_parent_class; }
NonnullRefPtr<Object> construct() const { return m_factory(); }
bool is_derived_from(const ObjectClassRegistration& base_class) const;
static void for_each(Function<void(const ObjectClassRegistration&)>);
static const ObjectClassRegistration* find(const String& class_name);
String m_class_name;
Function<NonnullRefPtr<Object>()> m_factory;
ObjectClassRegistration* m_parent_class { nullptr };
class InspectorServerConnection;
enum class TimerShouldFireWhenNotVisible {
No = 0,
#define C_OBJECT(klass) \
public: \
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return #klass; } \
template<typename Klass = klass, class... Args> \
static inline NonnullRefPtr<klass> construct(Args&&... args) \
{ \
auto obj = adopt_ref(*new Klass(forward<Args>(args)...)); \
if constexpr (requires { declval<Klass>().did_construct(); }) \
obj->did_construct(); \
return obj; \
#define C_OBJECT_ABSTRACT(klass) \
public: \
virtual const char* class_name() const override { return #klass; }
class Object
: public RefCounted<Object>
, public Weakable<Object> {
// NOTE: No C_OBJECT macro for Core::Object itself.
IntrusiveListNode<Object> m_all_objects_list_node;
virtual ~Object();
virtual const char* class_name() const = 0;
const String& name() const { return m_name; }
void set_name(String name) { m_name = move(name); }
NonnullRefPtrVector<Object>& children() { return m_children; }
const NonnullRefPtrVector<Object>& children() const { return m_children; }
template<typename Callback>
void for_each_child(Callback callback)
for (auto& child : m_children) {
if (callback(child) == IterationDecision::Break)
template<typename T, typename Callback>
void for_each_child_of_type(Callback callback) requires IsBaseOf<Object, T>;
template<typename T>
T* find_child_of_type_named(const String&) requires IsBaseOf<Object, T>;
template<typename T>
T* find_descendant_of_type_named(const String&) requires IsBaseOf<Object, T>;
bool is_ancestor_of(const Object&) const;
Object* parent() { return m_parent; }
const Object* parent() const { return m_parent; }
void start_timer(int ms, TimerShouldFireWhenNotVisible = TimerShouldFireWhenNotVisible::No);
void stop_timer();
bool has_timer() const { return m_timer_id; }
void add_child(Object&);
void insert_child_before(Object& new_child, Object& before_child);
void remove_child(Object&);
void remove_all_children();
void set_event_filter(Function<bool(Core::Event&)>);
void dump_tree(int indent = 0);
void deferred_invoke(Function<void(Object&)>);
void save_to(JsonObject&);
bool set_property(String const& name, const JsonValue& value);
JsonValue property(String const& name) const;
const HashMap<String, NonnullOwnPtr<Property>>& properties() const { return m_properties; }
static IntrusiveList<Object, RawPtr<Object>, &Object::m_all_objects_list_node>& all_objects();
void dispatch_event(Core::Event&, Object* stay_within = nullptr);
void remove_from_parent()
if (m_parent)
template<class T, class... Args>
inline T& add(Args&&... args)
auto child = T::construct(forward<Args>(args)...);
return child;
virtual bool is_visible_for_timer_purposes() const;
bool is_being_inspected() const { return m_inspector_count; }
void increment_inspector_count(Badge<InspectorServerConnection>);
void decrement_inspector_count(Badge<InspectorServerConnection>);
virtual bool load_from_json(const JsonObject&, RefPtr<Core::Object> (*)(const String&)) { return false; }
explicit Object(Object* parent = nullptr);
void register_property(const String& name, Function<JsonValue()> getter, Function<bool(const JsonValue&)> setter = nullptr);
virtual void event(Core::Event&);
virtual void timer_event(TimerEvent&);
virtual void custom_event(CustomEvent&);
// NOTE: You may get child events for children that are not yet fully constructed!
virtual void child_event(ChildEvent&);
virtual void did_begin_inspection() { }
virtual void did_end_inspection() { }
Object* m_parent { nullptr };
String m_name;
int m_timer_id { 0 };
unsigned m_inspector_count { 0 };
HashMap<String, NonnullOwnPtr<Property>> m_properties;
NonnullRefPtrVector<Object> m_children;
Function<bool(Core::Event&)> m_event_filter;
struct AK::Formatter<Core::Object> : AK::Formatter<FormatString> {
void format(FormatBuilder& builder, const Core::Object& value)
return AK::Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{}({})", value.class_name(), &value);
namespace Core {
template<typename T, typename Callback>
inline void Object::for_each_child_of_type(Callback callback) requires IsBaseOf<Object, T>
for_each_child([&](auto& child) {
if (is<T>(child))
return callback(static_cast<T&>(child));
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename T>
T* Object::find_child_of_type_named(const String& name) requires IsBaseOf<Object, T>
T* found_child = nullptr;
for_each_child_of_type<T>([&](auto& child) {
if ( == name) {
found_child = &child;
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
return found_child;
template<typename T>
T* Object::find_descendant_of_type_named(String const& name) requires IsBaseOf<Object, T>
if (is<T>(*this) && this->name() == name) {
return static_cast<T*>(this);
T* found_child = nullptr;
for_each_child([&](auto& child) {
found_child = child.template find_descendant_of_type_named<T>(name);
if (found_child)
return IterationDecision::Break;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
return found_child;
#define REGISTER_INT_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter) \
register_property( \
property_name, \
[this] { return this->getter(); }, \
[this](auto& value) { \
this->setter(value.template to_number<int>()); \
return true; \
#define REGISTER_BOOL_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter) \
register_property( \
property_name, \
[this] { return this->getter(); }, \
[this](auto& value) { \
this->setter(value.to_bool()); \
return true; \
#define REGISTER_STRING_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter) \
register_property( \
property_name, \
[this] { return this->getter(); }, \
[this](auto& value) { \
this->setter(value.to_string()); \
return true; \
#define REGISTER_READONLY_STRING_PROPERTY(property_name, getter) \
register_property( \
property_name, \
[this] { return this->getter(); }, \
#define REGISTER_RECT_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter) \
register_property( \
property_name, \
[this] { \
auto rect = this->getter(); \
JsonObject rect_object; \
rect_object.set("x", rect.x()); \
rect_object.set("y", rect.y()); \
rect_object.set("width", rect.width()); \
rect_object.set("height", rect.height()); \
return rect_object; \
}, \
[this](auto& value) { \
if (!value.is_object()) \
return false; \
Gfx::IntRect rect; \
rect.set_x(value.as_object().get("x").to_i32()); \
rect.set_y(value.as_object().get("y").to_i32()); \
rect.set_width(value.as_object().get("width").to_i32()); \
rect.set_height(value.as_object().get("height").to_i32()); \
setter(rect); \
return true; \
#define REGISTER_SIZE_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter) \
register_property( \
property_name, \
[this] { \
auto size = this->getter(); \
JsonObject size_object; \
size_object.set("width", size.width()); \
size_object.set("height", size.height()); \
return size_object; \
}, \
[this](auto& value) { \
if (!value.is_object()) \
return false; \
Gfx::IntSize size; \
size.set_width(value.as_object().get("width").to_i32()); \
size.set_height(value.as_object().get("height").to_i32()); \
setter(size); \
return true; \
#define REGISTER_ENUM_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter, EnumType, ...) \
register_property( \
property_name, \
[this]() -> JsonValue { \
struct { \
EnumType enum_value; \
String string_value; \
} options[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
auto enum_value = getter(); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(options); ++i) { \
auto& option = options[i]; \
if (enum_value == option.enum_value) \
return option.string_value; \
} \
return JsonValue(); \
}, \
[this](auto& value) { \
struct { \
EnumType enum_value; \
String string_value; \
} options[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
if (!value.is_string()) \
return false; \
auto string_value = value.as_string(); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(options); ++i) { \
auto& option = options[i]; \
if (string_value == option.string_value) { \
setter(option.enum_value); \
return true; \
} \
} \
return false; \
#define REGISTER_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter) \
property_name, getter, setter, Gfx::TextAlignment, \
{ Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, "Center" }, \
{ Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft, "CenterLeft" }, \
{ Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterRight, "CenterRight" }, \
{ Gfx::TextAlignment::TopLeft, "TopLeft" }, \
{ Gfx::TextAlignment::TopRight, "TopRight" }, \
{ Gfx::TextAlignment::BottomLeft, "BottomLeft" }, \
{ Gfx::TextAlignment::BottomRight, "BottomRight" })
#define REGISTER_FONT_WEIGHT_PROPERTY(property_name, getter, setter) \
property_name, getter, setter, unsigned, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::Thin, "Thin" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::ExtraLight, "ExtraLight" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::Light, "Light" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::Regular, "Regular" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::Medium, "Medium" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::SemiBold, "SemiBold" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::Bold, "Bold" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::ExtraBold, "ExtraBold" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::Black, "Black" }, \
{ Gfx::FontWeight::ExtraBlack, "ExtraBlack" })