Ali Mohammad Pur 1dd1378159 LibRegex: Preserve the type of the match when clearing capture groups
Even though the contents are supposed to be reset, the type should stay
unchanged, as that's an assumption the engine is making.
2021-07-24 20:52:43 +04:30

492 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, Emanuel Sprung <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "RegexOptions.h"
#include <AK/FlyString.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/MemMem.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
#include <AK/Utf16View.h>
#include <AK/Utf32View.h>
#include <AK/Utf8View.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
namespace regex {
class RegexStringView {
RegexStringView(char const* chars)
: m_view(StringView { chars })
RegexStringView(String const& string)
: m_view(string.view())
RegexStringView(StringView const view)
: m_view(view)
RegexStringView(Utf32View view)
: m_view(view)
RegexStringView(Utf16View view)
: m_view(view)
RegexStringView(Utf8View view)
: m_view(view)
StringView const& string_view() const
return m_view.get<StringView>();
Utf32View const& u32_view() const
return m_view.get<Utf32View>();
Utf16View const& u16_view() const
return m_view.get<Utf16View>();
Utf8View const& u8_view() const
return m_view.get<Utf8View>();
bool unicode() const { return m_unicode; }
void set_unicode(bool unicode) { m_unicode = unicode; }
bool is_empty() const
return m_view.visit([](auto& view) { return view.is_empty(); });
bool is_null() const
return m_view.visit([](auto& view) { return view.is_null(); });
size_t length() const
if (unicode()) {
return m_view.visit(
[](Utf16View const& view) { return view.length_in_code_points(); },
[](auto const& view) { return view.length(); });
return m_view.visit(
[](Utf16View const& view) { return view.length_in_code_units(); },
[](Utf8View const& view) { return view.byte_length(); },
[](auto const& view) { return view.length(); });
RegexStringView typed_null_view()
auto view = m_view.visit(
[&]<typename T>(T const&) {
return RegexStringView { T {} };
return view;
RegexStringView construct_as_same(Span<u32> data, Optional<String>& optional_string_storage, Vector<u16>& optional_utf16_storage) const
auto view = m_view.visit(
[&]<typename T>(T const&) {
StringBuilder builder;
for (auto ch : data)
builder.append(ch); // Note: The type conversion is intentional.
optional_string_storage =;
return RegexStringView { T { *optional_string_storage } };
[&](Utf32View) {
return RegexStringView { Utf32View {, data.size() } };
[&](Utf16View) {
optional_utf16_storage = AK::utf32_to_utf16(Utf32View {, data.size() });
return RegexStringView { Utf16View { optional_utf16_storage } };
return view;
Vector<RegexStringView> lines() const
return m_view.visit(
[](StringView view) {
auto views = view.lines(false);
Vector<RegexStringView> new_views;
for (auto& view : views)
return new_views;
[](Utf32View view) {
Vector<RegexStringView> views;
u32 newline = '\n';
while (!view.is_empty()) {
auto position = AK::memmem_optional(view.code_points(), view.length() * sizeof(u32), &newline, sizeof(u32));
if (!position.has_value())
auto offset = position.value() / sizeof(u32);
views.empend(view.substring_view(0, offset));
view = view.substring_view(offset + 1, view.length() - offset - 1);
if (!view.is_empty())
return views;
[](Utf16View view) {
Vector<RegexStringView> views;
u16 newline = '\n';
while (!view.is_empty()) {
auto position = AK::memmem_optional(, view.length_in_code_units() * sizeof(u16), &newline, sizeof(u16));
if (!position.has_value())
auto offset = position.value() / sizeof(u16);
views.empend(view.substring_view(0, offset));
view = view.substring_view(offset + 1, view.length_in_code_units() - offset - 1);
if (!view.is_empty())
return views;
[](Utf8View& view) {
Vector<RegexStringView> views;
auto it = view.begin();
auto previous_newline_position_it = it;
for (;;) {
if (*it == '\n') {
auto previous_offset = view.byte_offset_of(previous_newline_position_it);
auto new_offset = view.byte_offset_of(it);
auto slice = view.substring_view(previous_offset, new_offset - previous_offset);
previous_newline_position_it = it;
if (it.done())
if (it != previous_newline_position_it) {
auto previous_offset = view.byte_offset_of(previous_newline_position_it);
auto new_offset = view.byte_offset_of(it);
auto slice = view.substring_view(previous_offset, new_offset - previous_offset);
return views;
RegexStringView substring_view(size_t offset, size_t length) const
if (unicode()) {
auto view = m_view.visit(
[&](auto view) { return RegexStringView { view.substring_view(offset, length) }; },
[&](Utf16View const& view) { return RegexStringView { view.unicode_substring_view(offset, length) }; },
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return RegexStringView { view.unicode_substring_view(offset, length) }; });
return view;
auto view = m_view.visit([&](auto view) { return RegexStringView { view.substring_view(offset, length) }; });
return view;
String to_string() const
return m_view.visit(
[](StringView view) { return view.to_string(); },
[](Utf16View view) { return view.to_utf8(Utf16View::AllowInvalidCodeUnits::Yes); },
[](auto& view) {
StringBuilder builder;
for (auto it = view.begin(); it != view.end(); ++it)
return builder.to_string();
u32 operator[](size_t index) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](StringView view) -> u32 {
auto ch = view[index];
if (ch < 0)
return 256u + ch;
return ch;
[&](Utf32View& view) -> u32 { return view[index]; },
[&](auto& view) -> u32 {
size_t i = index;
for (auto it = view.begin(); it != view.end(); ++it, --i) {
if (i == 0)
return *it;
bool operator==(char const* cstring) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View) { return to_string() == cstring; },
[&](Utf16View) { return to_string() == cstring; },
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return view.as_string() == cstring; },
[&](StringView view) { return view == cstring; });
bool operator!=(char const* cstring) const
return !(*this == cstring);
bool operator==(String const& string) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View) { return to_string() == string; },
[&](Utf16View) { return to_string() == string; },
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return view.as_string() == string; },
[&](StringView view) { return view == string; });
bool operator==(StringView const& string) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View) { return to_string() == string; },
[&](Utf16View) { return to_string() == string; },
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return view.as_string() == string; },
[&](StringView view) { return view == string; });
bool operator!=(StringView const& other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool operator==(Utf32View const& other) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View view) {
return view.length() == other.length() && __builtin_memcmp(view.code_points(), other.code_points(), view.length() * sizeof(u32)) == 0;
[&](Utf16View) { return to_string() == RegexStringView { other }.to_string(); },
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return view.as_string() == RegexStringView { other }.to_string(); },
[&](StringView view) { return view == RegexStringView { other }.to_string(); });
bool operator!=(Utf32View const& other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool operator==(Utf16View const& other) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View) { return to_string() == RegexStringView { other }.to_string(); },
[&](Utf16View const& view) { return view == other; },
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return view.as_string() == RegexStringView { other }.to_string(); },
[&](StringView view) { return view == RegexStringView { other }.to_string(); });
bool operator!=(Utf16View const& other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool operator==(Utf8View const& other) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View) { return to_string() == other.as_string(); },
[&](Utf16View) { return to_string() == other.as_string(); },
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return view.as_string() == other.as_string(); },
[&](StringView view) { return other.as_string() == view; });
bool operator!=(Utf8View const& other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool equals(RegexStringView const& other) const
return other.m_view.visit([&](auto const& view) { return operator==(view); });
bool equals_ignoring_case(RegexStringView const& other) const
// FIXME: Implement equals_ignoring_case() for unicode.
return m_view.visit(
[&](StringView view) {
return other.m_view.visit(
[&](StringView other_view) { return view.equals_ignoring_case(other_view); },
[](auto&) -> bool { TODO(); });
[&](Utf16View view) {
return other.m_view.visit(
[&](Utf16View other_view) { return view.equals_ignoring_case(other_view); },
[](auto&) -> bool { TODO(); });
[](auto&) -> bool { TODO(); });
bool starts_with(StringView const& str) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View) -> bool {
[&](Utf16View) -> bool {
[&](Utf8View const& view) { return view.as_string().starts_with(str); },
[&](StringView view) { return view.starts_with(str); });
bool starts_with(Utf32View const& str) const
return m_view.visit(
[&](Utf32View view) -> bool {
if (str.length() > view.length())
return false;
if (str.length() == view.length())
return operator==(str);
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
if ( !=
return false;
return true;
[&](Utf16View) -> bool { TODO(); },
[&](Utf8View const& view) {
auto it = view.begin();
for (auto code_point : str) {
if (it.done())
return false;
if (code_point != *it)
return false;
return true;
[&](StringView) -> bool { TODO(); });
Variant<StringView, Utf8View, Utf16View, Utf32View> m_view;
bool m_unicode { false };
class Match final {
Optional<FlyString> string;
Match() = default;
~Match() = default;
Match(RegexStringView const view_, size_t const line_, size_t const column_, size_t const global_offset_)
: view(view_)
, line(line_)
, column(column_)
, global_offset(global_offset_)
, left_column(column_)
Match(String const string_, size_t const line_, size_t const column_, size_t const global_offset_)
: string(string_)
, view(string.value().view())
, line(line_)
, column(column_)
, global_offset(global_offset_)
, left_column(column_)
void reset()
view = view.typed_null_view();
line = 0;
column = 0;
global_offset = 0;
left_column = 0;
RegexStringView view { nullptr };
size_t line { 0 };
size_t column { 0 };
size_t global_offset { 0 };
// ugly, as not usable by user, but needed to prevent to create extra vectors that are
// able to store the column when the left paren has been found
size_t left_column { 0 };
struct MatchInput {
RegexStringView view { nullptr };
AllOptions regex_options {};
size_t start_offset { 0 }; // For Stateful matches, saved and restored from Regex::start_offset.
size_t match_index { 0 };
size_t line { 0 };
size_t column { 0 };
size_t global_offset { 0 }; // For multiline matching, knowing the offset from start could be important
mutable size_t fail_counter { 0 };
mutable Vector<size_t> saved_positions;
struct MatchState {
size_t string_position_before_match { 0 };
size_t string_position { 0 };
size_t instruction_position { 0 };
size_t fork_at_position { 0 };
Vector<Match> matches;
Vector<Vector<Match>> capture_group_matches;
Vector<HashMap<String, Match>> named_capture_group_matches;
struct MatchOutput {
size_t operations;
Vector<Match> matches;
Vector<Vector<Match>> capture_group_matches;
Vector<HashMap<String, Match>> named_capture_group_matches;
using regex::RegexStringView;
struct AK::Formatter<regex::RegexStringView> : Formatter<StringView> {
void format(FormatBuilder& builder, regex::RegexStringView const& value)
auto string = value.to_string();
return Formatter<StringView>::format(builder, string);