dgaston edb10aa17a Chess: Add time controls
This commit adds functionality to the new game dialog to allow time
controls to be selected. The game logic is updated to take into account
losing on time, time bonuses for moves, and exporting the time control
to PGN.
2024-06-05 20:45:38 -04:00

208 lines
7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* Copyright (c) 2023, Sam Atkins <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Ledbetter <>
* Copyright (c) 2024, Daniel Gaston <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "Engine.h"
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtr.h>
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <LibChess/Chess.h>
#include <LibConfig/Listener.h>
#include <LibGUI/Frame.h>
#include <LibGUI/Label.h>
#include <LibGUI/TextEditor.h>
#include <LibGfx/Bitmap.h>
namespace Chess {
class PGNParseError {
PGNParseError() = default;
PGNParseError(String&& message)
: m_message(move(message))
String const& message() const { return m_message; }
static PGNParseError from_string_formatted(ErrorOr<String> maybe_formatted_string)
if (maybe_formatted_string.is_error()) {
return PGNParseError {};
return PGNParseError { maybe_formatted_string.release_value() };
String m_message;
class ChessWidget final
: public GUI::Frame
, public Config::Listener {
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<ChessWidget>> try_create();
virtual ~ChessWidget() override = default;
virtual void paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&) override;
virtual void mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void keydown_event(GUI::KeyEvent&) override;
Chess::Board& board() { return m_board; }
Chess::Board const& board() const { return m_board; }
Chess::Board& board_playback() { return m_board_playback; }
Chess::Board const& board_playback() const { return m_board_playback; }
Chess::Color side() const { return m_side; }
void set_side(Chess::Color side) { m_side = side; }
void set_piece_set(StringView set);
Optional<Chess::Square> mouse_to_square(GUI::MouseEvent& event) const;
bool drag_enabled() const { return m_drag_enabled; }
void set_drag_enabled(bool e) { m_drag_enabled = e; }
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap const> get_piece_graphic(Chess::Piece const& piece) const;
bool show_available_moves() const { return m_show_available_moves; }
void set_show_available_moves(bool e) { m_show_available_moves = e; }
ErrorOr<String> get_fen() const;
ErrorOr<void, PGNParseError> import_pgn(Core::File&);
ErrorOr<void> export_pgn(Core::File&) const;
void update_move_display_widget(Chess::Board&);
int resign();
void flip_board();
void reset();
struct BoardTheme {
StringView name;
Gfx::Color dark_square_color;
Gfx::Color light_square_color;
BoardTheme const& board_theme() const { return m_board_theme; }
void set_board_theme(BoardTheme const& theme) { m_board_theme = theme; }
void set_board_theme(StringView name);
enum class PlaybackDirection {
void playback_move(PlaybackDirection);
void set_engine(RefPtr<Engine> engine) { m_engine = engine; }
void set_move_display_widget(RefPtr<GUI::TextEditor> move_display_widget) { m_move_display_widget = move_display_widget; }
void set_white_time_label(RefPtr<GUI::Label> time_label) { m_white_time_label = time_label; }
void set_black_time_label(RefPtr<GUI::Label> time_label) { m_black_time_label = time_label; }
void input_engine_move();
bool want_engine_move();
void set_coordinates(bool coordinates) { m_coordinates = coordinates; }
bool coordinates() const { return m_coordinates; }
void set_highlight_checks(bool highlight_checks) { m_highlight_checks = highlight_checks; }
bool highlight_checks() const { return m_highlight_checks; }
void set_unlimited_time_control(bool unlimited) { m_unlimited_time_control = unlimited; }
bool unlimited_time_control() const { return m_unlimited_time_control; }
void set_time_control_seconds(i32 seconds) { m_time_control_seconds = seconds; }
i32 time_control_seconds() const { return m_time_control_seconds; }
void set_time_control_increment(i32 seconds) { m_time_control_increment = seconds; }
i32 time_control_increment() const { return m_time_control_increment; }
void initialize_timer();
void update_time_labels(u32 white_time, u32 black_time);
struct BoardMarking {
Chess::Square from { 50, 50 };
Chess::Square to { 50, 50 };
bool alternate_color { false };
bool secondary_color { false };
enum class Type {
Type type() const
if (from.in_bounds() && to.in_bounds() && from != to)
return Type::Arrow;
else if ((from.in_bounds() && !to.in_bounds()) || (from.in_bounds() && to.in_bounds() && from == to))
return Type::Square;
return Type::None;
bool operator==(BoardMarking const& other) const { return from == other.from && to ==; }
enum class ClaimDrawBehavior {
ChessWidget() = default;
virtual void config_string_did_change(StringView domain, StringView group, StringView key, StringView value) override;
virtual void config_bool_did_change(StringView domain, StringView group, StringView key, bool value) override;
bool check_game_over(ClaimDrawBehavior);
void check_resign_on_time(StringView msg);
void apply_increment(Chess::Move move);
Chess::Board m_board;
Chess::Board m_board_playback;
bool m_playback { false };
size_t m_playback_move_number { 0 };
BoardMarking m_current_marking;
Vector<BoardMarking> m_board_markings;
BoardTheme m_board_theme { "Beige"sv, Gfx::Color::from_rgb(0xb58863), Gfx::Color::from_rgb(0xf0d9b5) };
Gfx::Color m_move_highlight_color { Gfx::Color::from_argb(0x66ccee00) };
Gfx::Color m_marking_primary_color { Gfx::Color::from_argb(0x66ff0000) };
Gfx::Color m_marking_alternate_color { Gfx::Color::from_argb(0x66ffaa00) };
Gfx::Color m_marking_secondary_color { Gfx::Color::from_argb(0x6655dd55) };
Chess::Color m_side { Chess::Color::White };
HashMap<Chess::Piece, RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap const>> m_pieces;
bool m_any_piece_images_are_missing { false };
Chess::Square m_moving_square { 50, 50 };
Gfx::IntPoint m_drag_point;
bool m_dragging_piece { false };
bool m_drag_enabled { true };
bool m_show_available_moves { true };
Vector<Chess::Square> m_available_moves;
RefPtr<Engine> m_engine;
bool m_coordinates { true };
bool m_highlight_checks { true };
RefPtr<GUI::TextEditor> m_move_display_widget;
RefPtr<GUI::Label> m_white_time_label;
RefPtr<GUI::Label> m_black_time_label;
bool m_unlimited_time_control { true };
i32 m_time_control_seconds { 0 };
i32 m_time_control_increment { 0 };
i32 m_white_time_elapsed { 0 };
i32 m_black_time_elapsed { 0 };
RefPtr<Core::Timer> m_timer;