kleines Filmröllchen 2451e97a11 Base: Adjust serenity-application template with some cpp-gui pieces
Namely, the window title and size are carried over, since a larger
window with a more readable "Example Application" title is better to
understand. I also took the opportunity to add a missing trailing
newline to the generated CMake file.
2023-05-05 02:15:43 +03:30

29 lines
863 B

echo > $2/CMakeLists.txt <<-EOF
# NOTE! Make sure to edit this file and remove the comments before submitting a
# PR for a new application.
# Defines your application component. If the application is essential to the
# system's operation, add REQUIRED. If it would be beneficial for the user that
# this application is built by default, add RECOMMENDED.
# Place source files here. You should also add auto-generated headers, if you
# have any.
# Change this to something cool. :^)
serenity_app($1 ICON filetype-executable)
# You should place all the libraries that your application uses here. You can
# identify each library by their include path. An exception is LibCore, which
# is linked to all components by default.
target_link_libraries($1 LibGUI LibGfx LibMain)