2019-01-08 15:21:06 +11:00

277 lines
7.2 KiB

# Project created by QtCreator 2016-12-30T16:59:03
QT += widgets
CONFIG += c++14
TARGET = the-libs
# The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
# any feature of Qt which as been marked as deprecated (the exact warnings
# depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
# deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
# You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs.
# In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
# You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
#DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
SOURCES += tvariantanimation.cpp \
tpropertyanimation.cpp \
thelibsglobal.cpp \
ttoast.cpp \
tvirtualkeyboard.cpp \
tcircularspinner.cpp \
tnotification/tnotification-common.cpp \
tapplication.cpp \
tshortcuthud.cpp \
tstackedwidget.cpp \
HEADERS += tvariantanimation.h\
the-libs_global.h \
tpropertyanimation.h \
ttoast.h \
tnotification.h \
tvirtualkeyboard.h \
tcircularspinner.h \
tapplication.h \
tpromise.h \
tshortcuthud.h \
tstackedwidget.h \
translations/au_AU.ts \
translations/ab_GE.ts \
translations/aa_DJ.ts \
translations/aa_ER.ts \
translations/aa_ET.ts \
translations/af_ZA.ts \
translations/sq_AL.ts \
translations/am_ET.ts \
translations/ar_DZ.ts \
translations/ar_BH.ts \
translations/ar_TD.ts \
translations/ar_KM.ts \
translations/ar_DJ.ts \
translations/ar_EG.ts \
translations/ar_ER.ts \
translations/ar_IQ.ts \
translations/ar_JO.ts \
translations/ar_KW.ts \
translations/ar_LB.ts \
translations/ar_LY.ts \
translations/ar_MR.ts \
translations/ar_MA.ts \
translations/ar_OM.ts \
translations/ar_PS.ts \
translations/ar_QA.ts \
translations/ar_SA.ts \
translations/ar_SO.ts \
translations/ar_SD.ts \
translations/ar_SY.ts \
translations/ar_TZ.ts \
translations/ar_TN.ts \
translations/ar_AE.ts \
translations/ar_YE.ts \
translations/hy_AM.ts \
translations/as_IN.ts \
translations/az_AZ.ts \
translations/be_BY.ts \
translations/bn_BD.ts \
translations/bi_VU.ts \
translations/bs_BA.ts \
translations/bg_BG.ts \
translations/my_MM.ts \
translations/ca_AD.ts \
translations/zh_CN.ts \
translations/zh_SG.ts \
translations/cr_CA.ts \
translations/hr_HR.ts \
translations/cs_CZ.ts \
translations/da_DK.ts \
translations/dv_MV.ts \
translations/nl_NL.ts \
translations/nl_BE.ts \
translations/dz_BT.ts \
translations/en_AU.ts \
translations/en_US.ts \
translations/en_GB.ts \
translations/en_NZ.ts \
translations/en_CA.ts \
translations/eo.ts \
translations/et_EE.ts \
translations/fj_FJ.ts \
translations/fi_FI.ts \
translations/fr_CA.ts \
translations/fr_FR.ts \
translations/ka_GE.ts \
translations/de_DE.ts \
translations/de_AT.ts \
translations/de_CH.ts \
translations/el_GR.ts \
translations/gn_PY.ts \
translations/ht_HT.ts \
translations/ha_NE.ts \
translations/he_IL.ts \
translations/hi_IN.ts \
translations/ho_PG.ts \
translations/hu_HU.ts \
translations/id_ID.ts \
translations/ga_IE.ts \
translations/ig_NG.ts \
translations/is_IS.ts \
translations/it_IT.ts \
translations/iu_CA.ts \
translations/ja_JP.ts \
translations/jv_IN.ts \
translations/kk_KZ.ts \
translations/km_KH.ts \
translations/ki_KE.ts \
translations/rw_RW.ts \
translations/ky_KG.ts \
translations/ko_KR.ts \
translations/ku_IR.ts \
translations/kj_AO.ts \
translations/kj_NA.ts \
translations/lb_LU.ts \
translations/lg_UG.ts \
translations/ln_CD.ts \
translations/lo_LA.ts \
translations/lt_LT.ts \
translations/lv_LV.ts \
translations/mk_MK.ts \
translations/mg_MG.ts \
translations/ms_MY.ts \
translations/ms_SG.ts \
translations/mt_MT.ts \
translations/mi_NZ.ts \
translations/mn_MN.ts \
translations/ne_NP.ts \
translations/nb_NO.ts \
translations/nn_NO.ts \
translations/pa_PK.ts \
translations/pa_IN.ts \
translations/fa_IR.ts \
translations/pl_PL.ts \
translations/pt_AO.ts \
translations/pt_BR.ts \
translations/pt_CV.ts \
translations/pt_TL.ts \
translations/pt_GQ.ts \
translations/pt_GW.ts \
translations/pt_MZ.ts \
translations/pt_PT.ts \
translations/pt_ST.ts \
translations/rn_BI.ts \
translations/ro_RO.ts \
translations/ro_MD.ts \
translations/ru_RU.ts \
translations/ru_BY.ts \
translations/ru_KZ.ts \
translations/ru_KG.ts \
translations/sm_WS.ts \
translations/sg_CF.ts \
translations/sr_RS.ts \
translations/sr_BA.ts \
translations/si_LK.ts \
translations/sk_SK.ts \
translations/sl_SI.ts \
translations/so_SO.ts \
translations/st_LS.ts \
translations/es_ES.ts \
translations/es_CL.ts \
translations/es_AR.ts \
translations/es_BO.ts \
translations/es_CO.ts \
translations/es_DO.ts \
translations/es_EC.ts \
translations/es_SV.ts \
translations/es_GT.ts \
translations/es_HN.ts \
translations/es_MX.ts \
translations/es_NI.ts \
translations/es_PA.ts \
translations/es_PY.ts \
translations/es_PE.ts \
translations/es_UY.ts \
translations/es_VE.ts \
translations/su_SD.ts \
translations/sv_SE.ts \
translations/th_TH.ts \
translations/tk_TM.ts \
translations/tl_PH.ts \
translations/to_TO.ts \
translations/tr_TR.ts \
translations/uk_UA.ts \
translations/ur_PK.ts \
translations/uz_UZ.ts \
translations/ve_ZA.ts \
translations/vi_VN.ts \
translations/cy_GB.ts \
qtPrepareTool(LUPDATE, lupdate)
genlang.commands = "$$LUPDATE -no-obsolete -source-language en_US $$_PRO_FILE_"
qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease)
rellang.commands = "$$LRELEASE -removeidentical $$_PRO_FILE_"
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS = genlang rellang
PRE_TARGETDEPS = genlang rellang
unix {
module.files = qt_thelib.pri
module.path = $$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/modules
header.files = *.h
INSTALLS += target module header
unix:!macx {
QT += dbus
target.path = /usr/lib
header.path = /usr/include/the-libs
SOURCES += tnotification/tnotification-linux.cpp
macx {
target.path = /usr/local/lib
header.path = /usr/local/include/the-libs
SOURCES += tnotification/tnotification-mac.cpp
win32 {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): TARGET = the-libsd
module.files = qt_thelib.pri
module.path = $$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/modules
header.files = *.h
header.path = "C:/Program Files/thelibs/include"
target.path = "C:/Program Files/thelibs/lib"
INSTALLS += target module header
SOURCES += tnotification/tnotification-win.cpp
FORMS += \