ThemeSettingsPane 0 0 627 620 Form 0 0 0 0 0 Theme QFrame::NoFrame true 0 -124 613 735 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::StrongFocus Qt::StrongFocus Qt::StrongFocus Qt::StrongFocus Accent Colour 0 0 Dark Light Change the colours of the interface Base Colour 75 true COLOURS 16777215 1 Qt::Horizontal 0 0 0 0 0 75 true WINDOW BORDERS If the window borders don't look correct, we can fix that up for you. This will also change your window borders in KDE, and any other desktop that uses KWin for the window manager. true Set Window Borders 16777215 1 Qt::Horizontal Fixed Width Font Interface Font 0 0 75 true FONTS 0 0 QFontComboBox::MonospacedFonts 0 5.000000000000000 0 5.000000000000000 16777215 1 Qt::Horizontal Set the appearance of buttons, text boxes and other interface elements Widget Theme 75 true WIDGETS 0 0 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised 0 -1 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Button .. Radio Button 2 true Using the theme set above, interface elements will look like this: Radio Button 1 Check Box 2 true 75 true DEMO Check Box 1 24 Type here! 16777215 1 Qt::Horizontal 0 0 Transparency Effects TransparencySwitch 75 true EFFECTS Qt::Vertical 20 40 tTitleLabel QLabel
AccentColourPicker QWidget
tSwitch QPushButton
tConditionalWidget QWidget
scrollArea baseColourComboBox accentBlue accentGreen accentOrange accentPink interfaceFont interfaceFontSize fixedFont fixedFontSize