mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 20:22:27 -05:00
1159 lines
57 KiB
1159 lines
57 KiB
#include "thewaveworker.h"
extern MainWindow* MainWin;
theWaveWorker::theWaveWorker(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
startListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
okListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
errorListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
stopListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
if (this->settings.value("thewave/enabled", true).toBool()) {
geolocationSource = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createDefaultSource(this);
connect(geolocationSource, &QGeoPositionInfoSource::positionUpdated, [=](QGeoPositionInfo position) {
this->currentCoordinates = position.coordinate();
numberDictionary["quarter"] = 0.25;
numberDictionary["half"] = 0.5;
numberDictionary["zero"] = 0;
numberDictionary["a"] = 1;
numberDictionary["one"] = 1;
numberDictionary["two"] = 2;
numberDictionary["three"] = 3;
numberDictionary["four"] = 4;
numberDictionary["five"] = 5;
numberDictionary["six"] = 6;
numberDictionary["seven"] = 7;
numberDictionary["eight"] = 8;
numberDictionary["nine"] = 9;
numberDictionary["ten"] = 10;
numberDictionary["eleven"] = 11;
numberDictionary["twelve"] = 12;
numberDictionary["thirteen"] = 13;
numberDictionary["fourteen"] = 14;
numberDictionary["fifteen"] = 15;
numberDictionary["sixteen"] = 16;
numberDictionary["seventeen"] = 17;
numberDictionary["eighteen"] = 18;
numberDictionary["nineteen"] = 19;
numberDictionary["twenty"] = 20;
numberDictionary["thirty"] = 30;
numberDictionary["forty"] = 40;
numberDictionary["fifty"] = 50;
numberDictionary["sixty"] = 60;
numberDictionary["seventy"] = 70;
numberDictionary["eighty"] = 80;
numberDictionary["ninety"] = 90;
numberDictionary["hundred"] = 100;
numberDictionary["thousand"] = 1000;
numberDictionary["million"] = 1000000;
numberDictionary["pi"] = M_PI;
numberDictionary["tau"] = M_PI * 2;
numberDictionary["e"] = M_E;
recorder = new QAudioRecorder(this);
QAudioEncoderSettings settings;
probe = new QAudioProbe(this);
connect(probe, SIGNAL(audioBufferProbed(QAudioBuffer)), this, SLOT(soundBuffer(QAudioBuffer)));
oldLoudness = 0;
QFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveSpeech.wav").remove();
recorder->setEncodingSettings(settings, QVideoEncoderSettings(), "wav");
recorder->setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveSpeech.wav"));
testRecorder = new QAudioRecorder(this);
testRecorder->setEncodingSettings(settings, QVideoEncoderSettings(), "wav");
testRecorder->setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveBeforeSpeech.wav"));
} else {
this->disabled = true;
theWaveWorker::~theWaveWorker() {
this->stopEverything = true;
emit finished();
void theWaveWorker::begin() {
if (!isRunning) {
isRunning = true;
if (resetOnNextBegin) { //Check if we need to reset frames
resetOnNextBegin = false; //Reset Frame Reset bit
emit resetFrames(); //Tell UI to reset frames
maxLoudnessForSession = 0; //Reset maximum loudness
isListeningAfterLoudnessChange = false; //Reset if recorder is listening
//recorder->record(); //Record audio
endListenTimer.start(); //Start end listening timer
startListeningSound->play(); //Play start sound
emit outputSpeech("Go for it!");
emit startedListening(); //Tell UI that we're listening
if (this->state == Idle) {
emit showBigListenFrame();
noVoiceInput = true;
void theWaveWorker::soundBuffer(QAudioBuffer buffer) {
//Get loudness of sound
qreal loudness = 0;
qreal peak_value(USHRT_MAX);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.frameCount(); i++) {
qreal value = qAbs(qreal(buffer.constData<qint16>()[i]));
if (value > loudness) {
loudness = value;
loudness /= peak_value;
emit loudnessChanged(loudness);
//If loudness has changed considerably, reset timer
if (oldLoudness - 0.01 > loudness || oldLoudness + 0.01 < loudness) {
oldLoudness = loudness;
//Set the maximum loudness
if (maxLoudnessForSession < loudness) {
maxLoudnessForSession = loudness;
if (!isListeningAfterLoudnessChange && loudness > 0.1) { //Start actual recording now
emit outputSpeech("Listening...");
isListeningAfterLoudnessChange = true;
//If loudness has stayed the same for a second and there has been audio input, stop listening.
if (endListenTimer.elapsed() >= 1000 && maxLoudnessForSession > 0.1) {
void theWaveWorker::endAndProcess() {
if (isRunning) {
emit stoppedListening();
emit loudnessChanged(-1);
if (recorder->duration() <= 1000 || maxLoudnessForSession < 0.1) { //Don't process if too short or not loud enough
emit loudnessChanged(-2);
emit outputSpeech("");
if (this->state == Idle) {
emit hideBigListenFrame();
isRunning = false;
} else {
emit outputSpeech("Processing...");
speechProc = new QProcess(this);
connect(speechProc, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(outputAvailable()));
connect(speechProc, static_cast<void(QProcess::*)(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)>(&QProcess::finished),
[=](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus){
if (noVoiceInput) {
speechProc->start("pocketsphinx_continuous -infile \"" + QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveSpeech.wav\"");
void theWaveWorker::outputAvailable() {
if (buffer.endsWith("\n")) {
QStringList bufferOutput = buffer.split("\n");
for (QString outputString : bufferOutput) {
qDebug() << outputString;
if (outputString.startsWith("INFO:")) {
} else if (outputString.startsWith("-") || outputString == "Current configuration:" || outputString.startsWith("[NAME]")) {
} else {
if (outputString != "") {
noVoiceInput = false;
emit outputSpeech(outputString);
disconnect(speechProc, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(outputAvailable()));
//delete speechProc;
emit loudnessChanged(-2);
buffer = "";
void theWaveWorker::processSpeech(QString speech, bool voiceFeedback) {
if (this->settings.value("thewave/enabled", true).toBool()) {
QString name = settings.value("thewave/name").toString();
if (resetOnNextBegin) {
resetOnNextBegin = false;
emit resetFrames();
QString parse = speech.toLower();
QStringList words = parse.split(" ");
if (speech == "") {
QString output;
switch (qrand() % 5) {
case 0:
output = "That flew past me. Try again.";
case 1:
output = "Not sure what you said. Try again.";
case 2:
output = "I didn't get that. Could you please say that again?";
case 3:
output = "Sorry, what was that again?";
case 4:
output = "I don't know what you just said. Try again.";
emit outputResponse(output);
emit outputSpeech(output);
speak(output, voiceFeedback);
} else {
switch (this->state) {
case Idle:
emit hideBigListenFrame();
if (words.contains("call") || words.contains("ring") || words.contains("dial")) { //Place Call
emit outputResponse("Unfortunately, I can't place a call from this device.");
speak("Unfortunately, I can't place a call from this device.");
emit showCallFrame(false);
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (words.contains("text") || words.contains("message")) { //Send Text Message
emit outputResponse("Unfortunately, I can't send text messages from this device. This functionality may come later for IM applications.");
speak("Unfortunately, I can't send text messages from this device.");
emit showMessageFrame();
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (words.contains("e-mail") || words.contains("email")) { //Send Email
//if (launchAkonadi()) {
//emit outputResponse("Who are you sending this email to?");
//speak("Who are you sending this email to?"); //Pronunciation issues... :P
//this->state = emailGetRecipient;
emit outputResponse("I'm not able to send email yet. Sorry about that.");
speak("I'm not able to send email yet. Sorry about that."); //Pronunciation issues... :P
} else if (words.contains("timer") || words.contains("countdown") || parse.contains("count down")) { //Set Timer
QStringList parseSpace = parse.split(" ");
int currentNumber = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
for (QString part : parseSpace) {
if (numberDictionary.contains(part)) {
currentNumber = currentNumber + numberDictionary.value(part);
} else if (part.contains("hour")) {
hour = hour + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("minute")) {
minute = minute + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("second")) {
second = second + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
if (hour == 0 && minute == 0 && second == 0) {
emit outputResponse("How long do you want this timer to be set for?");
speak("How long do you want this timer to be set for?", voiceFeedback);
state = TimerGetTime;
} else {
goto TimerGetTime;
} else if (words.contains("help") || parse.contains("what can you do")) { //Get Help
emit outputResponse("I can do some things. Try asking me something from this list.");
speak("I can do some things. Try asking me something from this list.");
emit showHelpFrame();
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (parse.startsWith("start", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || parse.startsWith("launch", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { //Launch App
emit launchApp(parse.remove(0, 6));
} else if (words.contains("flight")) { //Flight Information
emit showFlightFrame("Unknown Airline 000");
emit outputResponse("I can't find flight information at the moment.");
speak("I can't find flight information at the moment.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (words.contains("turn") || words.contains("switch") || words.contains("on") || words.contains("off")) { //Settings
bool isOn;
if (words.contains("on")) {
isOn = true;
} else if (words.contains("off")) {
isOn = false;
} else {
emit outputResponse("Not sure what you want me to do with that setting. Try telling me to switch on or off.");
speak("Not sure what you want me to do with that setting.");
if (words.contains("wi-fi") || words.contains("wifi")) {
this->currentSetting = "wifi";
emit showSettingsFrame(QIcon::fromTheme("network-wireless"), "Wi-Fi", isOn);
this->SetSetting("wifi", isOn);
if (isOn) {
emit outputResponse("Wi-Fi has been turned on.");
speak("Wi-Fi has been turned on.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("Wi-Fi has been turned off.");
speak("Wi-Fi has been turned off.");
} else {
if (isOn) {
emit outputResponse("Not sure what you want me to turn on. You can try asking me a different way.");
speak("Not sure what you want me to turn on.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("Not sure what you want me to turn off. You can try asking me a different way.");
speak("Not sure what you want me to turn off.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (parse == "where am i") { //Geolocation
QGeoCoordinate coordinates = this->currentCoordinates;
QString output;
if (coordinates.isValid()) {
output = "You're at " + QString::number(coordinates.latitude()) + " " + QString::number(coordinates.longitude());
} else {
output = "I'm not quite sure where you are.";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else if (words.contains("song") || words.contains("playing") || words.contains("play") || words.contains("pause") ||
((words.contains("track") || words.contains("song") || words.contains("playing")) &&
(words.contains("next") || words.contains("previous") || words.contains("now") || words.contains("current") || words.contains("what")))) { //Media Player Controls
if (words.contains("pause")) {
emit outputResponse("Paused.");
} else if (words.contains("play")) {
emit outputResponse("Playing.");
} else if (words.contains("next")) {
emit outputResponse("Next Track");
speak("Next Track");
} else if (words.contains("previous")) {
emit outputResponse("Previous Track");
speak("Previous Track");
} else if (words.contains("playing") || words.contains("current") || words.contains("what")) {
if (MainWin->isMprisAvailable()) {
QString title = MainWin->songName();
QString artists = MainWin->songArtist();
QString album = MainWin->songAlbum();
bool playing = MainWin->isMprisPlaying();
QPixmap art = QIcon::fromTheme("audio").pixmap(32, 32);
QString response = "Not sure what you want me to do with the music.";
if (title != "" && artists != "" && album != "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " by " + artists + " on the album " + album + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, artists + " · " + album, playing);
} else if (title != "" && artists != "" && album == "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " by " + artists + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, artists, playing);
} else if (title != "" && artists == "" && album != "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " on the album " + album + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, album, playing);
} else if (title != "" && artists == "" && album != "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, MainWin->mprisApp(), playing);
} else {
response = "I'm not sure what's playing now.";
//emit showMediaFrame(art, title, artists + " · " + album);
emit outputResponse(response);
} else {
emit outputResponse("There's no media player open now.");
speak("There's no media player open now.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if ((words.contains("calculate") || words.contains("add") || words.contains("plus") || parse.contains("+") || words.contains("subtract") || words.contains("minus") ||
parse.contains("-") || words.contains("times") || words.contains("multiply") || parse.contains("*") ||
words.contains("over") || words.contains("divide") || parse.contains("divided by") ||
parse.contains("/") || words.contains("exponent") || parse.contains("to the power of") || parse.contains("^") ||
words.contains("squared") || words.contains("cubed") || words.contains("factorial"))) {
QString numbersAndOperations = parse;
numbersAndOperations.remove("what is");
numbersAndOperations.replace("+", " + ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("-", " - ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("*", " * ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("/", " / ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("^", " ^ ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("add", "+");
numbersAndOperations.replace("plus", "+");
numbersAndOperations.replace("minus", "-");
numbersAndOperations.replace("subtract", "-");
numbersAndOperations.replace("negative", "-");
numbersAndOperations.replace("times", "*");
numbersAndOperations.replace("multiply", "*");
numbersAndOperations.replace("over", "/");
numbersAndOperations.replace("divided by", "/");
numbersAndOperations.replace("divide", "/");
numbersAndOperations.replace("exponent", "^");
numbersAndOperations.replace("to the power of", "^");
numbersAndOperations.replace("squared", "^ 2");
numbersAndOperations.replace("cubed", "^ 3");
numbersAndOperations.replace("factorial", "!");
QStringList numberReplacer = numbersAndOperations.split(" ");
float currentNumber = 0;
int startIndex = -1;
bool doingPoints = false;
for (QString part : numberReplacer) {
bool isNum;
if (isNum) {
} else if (part == "point") {
if (startIndex != -1) {
numberReplacer.replace(startIndex, QString::number(currentNumber));
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < numberReplacer.indexOf(part); i++) {
numberReplacer.replace(i, "");
currentNumber = 0;
numberReplacer.replace(numberReplacer.indexOf("point"), ".");
startIndex = numberReplacer.indexOf(part + 1);
doingPoints = true;
} else if (numberDictionary.keys().contains(part)) {
float number = numberDictionary.value(part);
if (doingPoints) {
currentNumber = QString::number(currentNumber).append(QString::number(number)).toInt();
} else if (number >= 100) {
currentNumber = currentNumber * number;
} else {
currentNumber = currentNumber + number;
if (startIndex == -1) {
startIndex = numberReplacer.indexOf(part);
} else {
if (startIndex != -1) {
numberReplacer.replace(startIndex, QString::number(currentNumber));
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < numberReplacer.indexOf(part); i++) {
numberReplacer.replace(i, "");
currentNumber = 0;
startIndex = -1;
doingPoints = false;
if (startIndex != -1) {
numberReplacer.replace(startIndex, QString::number(currentNumber));
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < numberReplacer.count(); i++) {
numberReplacer.replace(i, "");
numbersAndOperations = numberReplacer.join(" ");
numbersAndOperations.replace(" . ", ".");
QString displayExpression = numbersAndOperations;
displayExpression.replace("*", "×");
displayExpression.replace("/", "÷");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ 2", "²");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ 3", "³");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ - 1", "⁻¹");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ - 2", "⁻²");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ - 3", "⁻³");
displayExpression.replace(" !", "!");
displayExpression.append(" =");
bool hasErrorOccurred = false;
QString errorMessage;
QStringList expressionToCalculate = numbersAndOperations.split(" ");
while (expressionToCalculate.contains("!") && hasErrorOccurred == false) { //Calcuate Factorials
int index = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("!");
float number = expressionToCalculate.at(index - 1).toFloat();
/*if (index >= 2) {
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index - 2) == "-") {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "factorialNeg";
if (qFloor(number) != number || qCeil(number) != number) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "factorialNonInt";
} else if (number == 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, "0");
} else {
float result = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++) {
result = result * i;
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
while (expressionToCalculate.contains("^") && hasErrorOccurred == false) {
int index = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("^");
float base = expressionToCalculate.at(index - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index - 2) == "-") {
base = base * -1;
float exponent;
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1) == "-") {
exponent = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
exponent = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1).toFloat();
if (base == 0 && exponent == 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "0^0";
} else if (base == 0 && exponent < 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "0^neg";
} else {
float result = qPow(base, exponent);
if (exponent < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (base < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
while ((expressionToCalculate.contains("/") || expressionToCalculate.contains("*")) && hasErrorOccurred == false) {
bool doDiv;
int divIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("/");
int mulIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("*");
if (divIndex == -1) {
doDiv = false;
} else if (mulIndex == -1) {
doDiv = true;
} else if (mulIndex < divIndex) {
doDiv = false;
} else {
doDiv = true;
if (doDiv) {
int index = divIndex;
float divisor = expressionToCalculate.at(index - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index - 2) == "-") {
divisor = divisor * -1;
float dividend;
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1) == "-") {
dividend = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
dividend = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1).toFloat();
if (dividend == 0 && divisor == 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "0div0";
} else if (dividend == 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "div0";
} else {
float result = divisor / dividend;
if (dividend < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (divisor < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
} else {
int index = mulIndex;
float multiplicand = expressionToCalculate.at(index - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index - 2) == "-") {
multiplicand = multiplicand * -1;
float multiplier;
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1) == "-") {
multiplier = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
multiplier = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1).toFloat();
float result = multiplicand * multiplier;
if (multiplicand < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (multiplier < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
int ignoreNegativeCount = 0;
int ignoreNegativeIndex = 0;
while ((expressionToCalculate.contains("+") || expressionToCalculate.count("-") > ignoreNegativeCount) && hasErrorOccurred == false) {
bool doAdd;
int addIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("+");
int subIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("-", ignoreNegativeIndex);
if (addIndex == -1) {
doAdd = false;
} else if (subIndex == -1) {
doAdd = true;
} else if (subIndex < addIndex) {
doAdd = false;
} else {
doAdd = true;
if (doAdd) {
int index = addIndex;
float addend1 = expressionToCalculate.at(index - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index - 2) == "-") {
addend1 = addend1 * -1;
float addend2;
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1) == "-") {
addend2 = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
addend2 = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1).toFloat();
float result = addend1 + addend2;
if (addend2 < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (addend1 < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
} else {
int index = subIndex;
if (index == 0) {
ignoreNegativeIndex = index + 1;
} else {
bool minuendIsFloat;
expressionToCalculate.at(index - 1).toFloat(&minuendIsFloat);
if (minuendIsFloat) {
float minuend = expressionToCalculate.at(index - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index - 2) == "-") {
minuend = minuend * -1;
float subtrahend;
if (expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1) == "-") {
subtrahend = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
subtrahend = expressionToCalculate.at(index + 1).toFloat();
float result = minuend - subtrahend;
if (subtrahend < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (minuend < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
} else {
ignoreNegativeIndex = index + 1;
if (hasErrorOccurred) {
if (errorMessage == "0div0") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "indeterminate");
if (name == "") {
emit outputResponse("You've broken mathematics!");
speak("You've broken mathematics!");
} else {
emit outputResponse("You've broken mathematics, " + name + "!");
speak("You've broken mathematics, " + name + "!");
} else if (errorMessage == "div0") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't divide by 0.");
speak("I can't divide by 0.");
} else if (errorMessage == "0^0") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't raise 0 to the power of 0.");
speak("I can't raise 0 to the power of 0.");
} else if (errorMessage == "0^neg") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't raise 0 to the power of a negative number. That would be dividing by zero, which is bad.");
speak("I can't raise 0 to the power of a negative number. That would be dividing by zero, which is bad.");
} else if (errorMessage == "factorialNeg") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't calculate the factorial of a negative number.");
speak("I can't calculate the factorial of a negative number.");
} else if (errorMessage == "factorialNonInt") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't calculate the factorial of a number that isn't an integer.");
speak("I can't calculate the factorial of a number that isn't an integer.");
} else {
QString speakText = expressionToCalculate.first();
speakText.replace("e+", " times 10 to the power of ");
speakText.replace("e-", " times 10 to the power of negative ");
if (speakText.left(1) == "-") {
speakText.replace(0, 1, "negative ");
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, expressionToCalculate.first());
emit outputResponse("");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
/*} else if (parse.contains("weather")) {
//Get the location the user wants
QString location = ""; //If Location is blank, get current location.
if (location == "") { //Use current location
if (currentCoordinates.isValid()) {
} else {
emit outputResponse("I'm not sure where you are, so I can't get weather information. Try saying a city name. Sorry about that.");
speak("I'm not sure where you are, so I can't get weather information. Try saying a city name. Sorry about that.");
} else if (words.contains("time")) {
if (words.contains("in") || words.contains("at")) {
QString output = "I can't get times for other places yet.";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else { //Local time
QTime currentTime = QTime::currentTime();
QString output = "Right now, it's " + currentTime.toString("hh:mm:ss") + " in " + QLocale::countryToString(QTimeZone::systemTimeZone().country()) + ".";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else if (words.at(0) == "spell") {
QString output = parse;
output = output.remove("spell ") + ": ";
QString spelling = parse;
spelling = spelling.remove("spell ").split("").join(" ");
emit outputResponse("");
} else if (parse.contains("happy birthday")) { //Fun
QString output = "It's not my birthday. But I'm assuming it's yours.";
if (name != "") {
output = "It's not my birthday. But I'm assuming it's yours. Happy Birthday " + name + "!";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else if (words.contains("hello") || words.contains("hi") | words.contains("hey")) { //Hello
if (name == "") {
emit outputResponse("Hey there! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
speak("Hey there! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("Hello " + name + "! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
speak("Hello " + name + "! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
emit showHelpFrame();
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (parse == "who am i") { //Name Testing
if (name == "") {
emit outputResponse("I'm not quite sure. Tell me in my settings.");
speak("I'm not quite sure. Tell me in my settings.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("You're " + name + ", aren't you?");
speak("You're " + name + ", aren't you?");
} else if (parse == "who are you") { //Who are you
emit outputResponse("Me? I'm theWave. Pleased to meet you.");
speak("Me? I'm theWave. Pleased to meet you.");
} else if (parse == "fuck you") { //Fun
emit outputResponse("Did I do something wrong?");
speak("Did I do something wrong?");
} else if (parse.contains("what's the best") || parse.contains("what is the best")) { //Fun
if (parse.contains("operating system")) {
emit outputResponse("theOS. What else?");
speak("the O S. What else?");
} else if (words.contains("phone")) {
emit outputResponse("I'm kind of drawn to the Plasma Mobiles.");
speak("I'm kind of drawn to the Plasma Mobiles.");
} else if (words.contains("tablet")) {
emit outputResponse("Any tablet computer really. As long as theOS is installed on it.");
speak("Any tablet computer really. As long as the O S is installed on it.");
} else if (parse == "tell me a joke") {
QString output;
switch (qrand() % 3) {
case 0:
output = "I'm always nervous when it comes to jokes. It's kind of... nerve racking.";
case 1:
output = "Two men walked into a bar. They walked out again.\n\nActually, that was a pretty bad joke.";
case 2:
output = "If you're trying to laugh, just smile. It'll make you feel better.";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else { //Look Online
bool doLookupSpeech = false;
if (settings.value("thewave/wikipediaSearch", true).toBool()) {
doLookupSpeech = true;
bool isInfoFound = false;
if (doLookupSpeech) {
emit outputResponse("Looking online for information...");
speak("Looking online for information...");
if (settings.value("thewave/wikipediaSearch", true).toBool()) {
QEventLoop eventLoop;
QNetworkRequest request;
QString term = speech;
term.replace(" ", "+");
QUrl requestUrl("https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=" + term + "&format=xml&prop=extracts&redirects=true&exintro=true");
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, "theWave/2.1 (vicr12345@gmail.com)");
QNetworkAccessManager networkManager;
connect(&networkManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
QNetworkReply* NetworkReply = networkManager.get(request);
QString reply(NetworkReply->readAll());
qDebug() << reply;
if (reply.contains("title=") && !reply.contains("missing=\"\"")) {
isInfoFound = true;
QString title = reply.split("title=\"").at(1).split("\"").at(0);
QString text;
text = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head></head><body>" + reply.split("<extract xml:space=\"preserve\">").at(1).split("</extract>").at(0) + "</body></html>";
text.replace("<", "<");
text.replace(">", ">");
text.replace(""", "\"");
text.replace("&", "&");
if (stopEverything) {
emit showWikipediaFrame(title, text);
emit outputResponse("I found some information. Take a look.");
speak("I found some information. Take a look.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
if (stopEverything) {
if (!isInfoFound) {
QString output;
switch (qrand() % 4) {
case 0:
output = "Unfortunately, I don't understand what that means.";
case 1:
output = "Not sure what you want me to do.";
case 2:
output = "I don't know how to interpret that. Sorry about that.";
case 3:
output = "I probably misheard you. Could you try again?";
emit outputResponse(output);
case TimerGetTime:
if (words.contains("hour") || words.contains("minute") || words.contains("second") ||
words.contains("hours") || words.contains("minutes") || words.contains("seconds")) {
int currentNumber = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
for (QString part : words) {
if (numberDictionary.contains(part)) {
currentNumber = currentNumber + numberDictionary.value(part);
} else if (part.contains("hour")) {
hour = hour + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("minute")) {
minute = minute + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("second")) {
second = second + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
if (hour >= 60 || minute >= 60 || second >= 60) {
emit outputResponse("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?");
emit outputHint("Try saying \"ten seconds\" or \"three hours ten minutes twenty seconds.\"");
speak("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?", voiceFeedback);
state = TimerGetTime;
} else {
QString compiledSpeech = "I've set the timer for ";
bool includeAnd = false;
if (hour != 0) {
compiledSpeech.append(QString::number(hour) + " hours, ");
includeAnd = true;
if (minute != 0) {
compiledSpeech.append(QString::number(minute) + " minutes, ");
includeAnd = true;
if (second != 0) {
compiledSpeech.append(QString::number(second) + " seconds.");
QTime t(hour, minute, second);
emit setTimer(t);
emit outputResponse(compiledSpeech + " You can check your timer next to the clock.");
state = Idle;
} else if (words.contains("cancel") || words.contains("stop")) {
state = Idle;
emit outputResponse("OK, I cancelled the timer.");
speak("OK, I cancelled the timer.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?");
emit outputHint("Try saying \"ten seconds\" or \"three hours ten minutes twenty seconds.\"");
speak("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?", voiceFeedback);
state = TimerGetTime;
case emailGetRecipient:
isRunning = false;
} else {
this->disabled = true;
bool theWaveWorker::launchAkonadi() {
if (!Akonadi::ServerManager::isRunning()) {
emit outputResponse("Starting Akonadi. Please wait.");
speak("Starting Akonadi. Please wait.");
if (!Akonadi::ServerManager::start()) {
emit outputResponse("Unfortunately, the Akonadi Personal Information Management service didn't start properly. Sorry about that.");
speak("Unfortunately, the Akonadi Personal Information Management service didn't start properly Sorry about that.");
return false;
return true;
void theWaveWorker::speak(QString speech, bool restartOnceComplete) {
while (speechPlaying) {
if (stopEverything) {
speechPlaying = true;
if (settings.value("thewave/ttsEngine").toString() == "pico2wave" && QFile("/usr/bin/pico2wave").exists()) {
QString command = "pico2wave -w=\"" + QDir::homePath() + "/.thewavevoice.wav\" \"" + speech + "\"";
QSoundEffect* sound = new QSoundEffect();
sound->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewavevoice.wav"));
connect(sound, &QSoundEffect::playingChanged, [=]() {
if (!sound->isPlaying()) {
connect(sound, &QSoundEffect::destroyed, [=]() {
bool success = QFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewavevoice.wav").remove();
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
speechPlaying = false;
//QSound sound();
//while (!sound.isFinished()) {
} else if (settings.value("thewave/ttsEngine").toString() == "espeak" && QFile("/usr/bin/espeak").exists()) {
QProcess *s = new QProcess(this);
s->start("espeak \"" + speech + "\"");
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
connect(s, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(begin()));
connect(s, static_cast<void(QProcess::*)(int)>(&QProcess::finished), [=]() {
speechPlaying = false;
} else if (settings.value("thewave/ttsEngine").toString() == "festival" && QFile("/usr/bin/festival").exists()) {
QProcess *s = new QProcess(this);
s->start("festival --tts");
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
connect(s, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(begin()));
speechPlaying = false;
} else {
QTimer* waitTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(waitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), waitTimer, SLOT(deleteLater()));
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
connect(waitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(begin()));
speechPlaying = false;
void theWaveWorker::quit() {
stopEverything = true;
connect(stopListeningSound, &QSoundEffect::playingChanged, [=]() {
if (!stopListeningSound->isPlaying()) {
delete startListeningSound;
delete okListeningSound;
delete errorListeningSound;
delete stopListeningSound;
void theWaveWorker::launchAppReply(QString app) {
emit outputResponse("Launching " + app + ".");
speak("Launching " + app + ".");
while (speechPlaying) {
if (stopEverything) {
emit doLaunchApp(app);
void theWaveWorker::launchApp_disambiguation(QStringList apps) {\
emit outputResponse("There's more than one app. Select the one you'd like to open on your screen.");
speak("There's more than one app. Select the one you'd to open on your screen.");
void theWaveWorker::currentSettingChanged(bool isOn) {
this->SetSetting(currentSetting, isOn);
void theWaveWorker::SetSetting(QString setting, bool isOn) {
if (setting == "wifi") {
bool theWaveWorker::isDisabled() { //Is theWave disabled?
return this->disabled;