2016-07-18 16:57:59 +10:00

1159 lines
57 KiB
Raw Blame History

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This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#include "thewaveworker.h"
extern MainWindow* MainWin;
theWaveWorker::theWaveWorker(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
startListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
okListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
errorListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
stopListeningSound = new QSoundEffect(this);
if (this->settings.value("thewave/enabled", true).toBool()) {
geolocationSource = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createDefaultSource(this);
connect(geolocationSource, &QGeoPositionInfoSource::positionUpdated, [=](QGeoPositionInfo position) {
this->currentCoordinates = position.coordinate();
numberDictionary["quarter"] = 0.25;
numberDictionary["half"] = 0.5;
numberDictionary["zero"] = 0;
numberDictionary["a"] = 1;
numberDictionary["one"] = 1;
numberDictionary["two"] = 2;
numberDictionary["three"] = 3;
numberDictionary["four"] = 4;
numberDictionary["five"] = 5;
numberDictionary["six"] = 6;
numberDictionary["seven"] = 7;
numberDictionary["eight"] = 8;
numberDictionary["nine"] = 9;
numberDictionary["ten"] = 10;
numberDictionary["eleven"] = 11;
numberDictionary["twelve"] = 12;
numberDictionary["thirteen"] = 13;
numberDictionary["fourteen"] = 14;
numberDictionary["fifteen"] = 15;
numberDictionary["sixteen"] = 16;
numberDictionary["seventeen"] = 17;
numberDictionary["eighteen"] = 18;
numberDictionary["nineteen"] = 19;
numberDictionary["twenty"] = 20;
numberDictionary["thirty"] = 30;
numberDictionary["forty"] = 40;
numberDictionary["fifty"] = 50;
numberDictionary["sixty"] = 60;
numberDictionary["seventy"] = 70;
numberDictionary["eighty"] = 80;
numberDictionary["ninety"] = 90;
numberDictionary["hundred"] = 100;
numberDictionary["thousand"] = 1000;
numberDictionary["million"] = 1000000;
numberDictionary["pi"] = M_PI;
numberDictionary["tau"] = M_PI * 2;
numberDictionary["e"] = M_E;
recorder = new QAudioRecorder(this);
QAudioEncoderSettings settings;
probe = new QAudioProbe(this);
connect(probe, SIGNAL(audioBufferProbed(QAudioBuffer)), this, SLOT(soundBuffer(QAudioBuffer)));
oldLoudness = 0;
QFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveSpeech.wav").remove();
recorder->setEncodingSettings(settings, QVideoEncoderSettings(), "wav");
recorder->setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveSpeech.wav"));
testRecorder = new QAudioRecorder(this);
testRecorder->setEncodingSettings(settings, QVideoEncoderSettings(), "wav");
testRecorder->setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveBeforeSpeech.wav"));
} else {
this->disabled = true;
theWaveWorker::~theWaveWorker() {
this->stopEverything = true;
emit finished();
void theWaveWorker::begin() {
if (!isRunning) {
isRunning = true;
if (resetOnNextBegin) { //Check if we need to reset frames
resetOnNextBegin = false; //Reset Frame Reset bit
emit resetFrames(); //Tell UI to reset frames
maxLoudnessForSession = 0; //Reset maximum loudness
isListeningAfterLoudnessChange = false; //Reset if recorder is listening
//recorder->record(); //Record audio
endListenTimer.start(); //Start end listening timer
startListeningSound->play(); //Play start sound
emit outputSpeech("Go for it!");
emit startedListening(); //Tell UI that we're listening
if (this->state == Idle) {
emit showBigListenFrame();
noVoiceInput = true;
void theWaveWorker::soundBuffer(QAudioBuffer buffer) {
//Get loudness of sound
qreal loudness = 0;
qreal peak_value(USHRT_MAX);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.frameCount(); i++) {
qreal value = qAbs(qreal(buffer.constData<qint16>()[i]));
if (value > loudness) {
loudness = value;
loudness /= peak_value;
emit loudnessChanged(loudness);
//If loudness has changed considerably, reset timer
if (oldLoudness - 0.01 > loudness || oldLoudness + 0.01 < loudness) {
oldLoudness = loudness;
//Set the maximum loudness
if (maxLoudnessForSession < loudness) {
maxLoudnessForSession = loudness;
if (!isListeningAfterLoudnessChange && loudness > 0.1) { //Start actual recording now
emit outputSpeech("Listening...");
isListeningAfterLoudnessChange = true;
//If loudness has stayed the same for a second and there has been audio input, stop listening.
if (endListenTimer.elapsed() >= 1000 && maxLoudnessForSession > 0.1) {
void theWaveWorker::endAndProcess() {
if (isRunning) {
emit stoppedListening();
emit loudnessChanged(-1);
if (recorder->duration() <= 1000 || maxLoudnessForSession < 0.1) { //Don't process if too short or not loud enough
emit loudnessChanged(-2);
emit outputSpeech("");
if (this->state == Idle) {
emit hideBigListenFrame();
isRunning = false;
} else {
emit outputSpeech("Processing...");
speechProc = new QProcess(this);
connect(speechProc, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(outputAvailable()));
connect(speechProc, static_cast<void(QProcess::*)(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)>(&QProcess::finished),
[=](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus){
if (noVoiceInput) {
speechProc->start("pocketsphinx_continuous -infile \"" + QDir::homePath() + "/.thewaveSpeech.wav\"");
void theWaveWorker::outputAvailable() {
if (buffer.endsWith("\n")) {
QStringList bufferOutput = buffer.split("\n");
for (QString outputString : bufferOutput) {
qDebug() << outputString;
if (outputString.startsWith("INFO:")) {
} else if (outputString.startsWith("-") || outputString == "Current configuration:" || outputString.startsWith("[NAME]")) {
} else {
if (outputString != "") {
noVoiceInput = false;
emit outputSpeech(outputString);
disconnect(speechProc, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(outputAvailable()));
//delete speechProc;
emit loudnessChanged(-2);
buffer = "";
void theWaveWorker::processSpeech(QString speech, bool voiceFeedback) {
if (this->settings.value("thewave/enabled", true).toBool()) {
QString name = settings.value("thewave/name").toString();
if (resetOnNextBegin) {
resetOnNextBegin = false;
emit resetFrames();
QString parse = speech.toLower();
QStringList words = parse.split(" ");
if (speech == "") {
QString output;
switch (qrand() % 5) {
case 0:
output = "That flew past me. Try again.";
case 1:
output = "Not sure what you said. Try again.";
case 2:
output = "I didn't get that. Could you please say that again?";
case 3:
output = "Sorry, what was that again?";
case 4:
output = "I don't know what you just said. Try again.";
emit outputResponse(output);
emit outputSpeech(output);
speak(output, voiceFeedback);
} else {
switch (this->state) {
case Idle:
emit hideBigListenFrame();
if (words.contains("call") || words.contains("ring") || words.contains("dial")) { //Place Call
emit outputResponse("Unfortunately, I can't place a call from this device.");
speak("Unfortunately, I can't place a call from this device.");
emit showCallFrame(false);
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (words.contains("text") || words.contains("message")) { //Send Text Message
emit outputResponse("Unfortunately, I can't send text messages from this device. This functionality may come later for IM applications.");
speak("Unfortunately, I can't send text messages from this device.");
emit showMessageFrame();
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (words.contains("e-mail") || words.contains("email")) { //Send Email
//if (launchAkonadi()) {
//emit outputResponse("Who are you sending this email to?");
//speak("Who are you sending this email to?"); //Pronunciation issues... :P
//this->state = emailGetRecipient;
emit outputResponse("I'm not able to send email yet. Sorry about that.");
speak("I'm not able to send email yet. Sorry about that."); //Pronunciation issues... :P
} else if (words.contains("timer") || words.contains("countdown") || parse.contains("count down")) { //Set Timer
QStringList parseSpace = parse.split(" ");
int currentNumber = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
for (QString part : parseSpace) {
if (numberDictionary.contains(part)) {
currentNumber = currentNumber + numberDictionary.value(part);
} else if (part.contains("hour")) {
hour = hour + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("minute")) {
minute = minute + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("second")) {
second = second + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
if (hour == 0 && minute == 0 && second == 0) {
emit outputResponse("How long do you want this timer to be set for?");
speak("How long do you want this timer to be set for?", voiceFeedback);
state = TimerGetTime;
} else {
goto TimerGetTime;
} else if (words.contains("help") || parse.contains("what can you do")) { //Get Help
emit outputResponse("I can do some things. Try asking me something from this list.");
speak("I can do some things. Try asking me something from this list.");
emit showHelpFrame();
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (parse.startsWith("start", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || parse.startsWith("launch", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { //Launch App
emit launchApp(parse.remove(0, 6));
} else if (words.contains("flight")) { //Flight Information
emit showFlightFrame("Unknown Airline 000");
emit outputResponse("I can't find flight information at the moment.");
speak("I can't find flight information at the moment.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (words.contains("turn") || words.contains("switch") || words.contains("on") || words.contains("off")) { //Settings
bool isOn;
if (words.contains("on")) {
isOn = true;
} else if (words.contains("off")) {
isOn = false;
} else {
emit outputResponse("Not sure what you want me to do with that setting. Try telling me to switch on or off.");
speak("Not sure what you want me to do with that setting.");
if (words.contains("wi-fi") || words.contains("wifi")) {
this->currentSetting = "wifi";
emit showSettingsFrame(QIcon::fromTheme("network-wireless"), "Wi-Fi", isOn);
this->SetSetting("wifi", isOn);
if (isOn) {
emit outputResponse("Wi-Fi has been turned on.");
speak("Wi-Fi has been turned on.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("Wi-Fi has been turned off.");
speak("Wi-Fi has been turned off.");
} else {
if (isOn) {
emit outputResponse("Not sure what you want me to turn on. You can try asking me a different way.");
speak("Not sure what you want me to turn on.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("Not sure what you want me to turn off. You can try asking me a different way.");
speak("Not sure what you want me to turn off.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (parse == "where am i") { //Geolocation
QGeoCoordinate coordinates = this->currentCoordinates;
QString output;
if (coordinates.isValid()) {
output = "You're at " + QString::number(coordinates.latitude()) + " " + QString::number(coordinates.longitude());
} else {
output = "I'm not quite sure where you are.";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else if (words.contains("song") || words.contains("playing") || words.contains("play") || words.contains("pause") ||
((words.contains("track") || words.contains("song") || words.contains("playing")) &&
(words.contains("next") || words.contains("previous") || words.contains("now") || words.contains("current") || words.contains("what")))) { //Media Player Controls
if (words.contains("pause")) {
emit outputResponse("Paused.");
} else if (words.contains("play")) {
emit outputResponse("Playing.");
} else if (words.contains("next")) {
emit outputResponse("Next Track");
speak("Next Track");
} else if (words.contains("previous")) {
emit outputResponse("Previous Track");
speak("Previous Track");
} else if (words.contains("playing") || words.contains("current") || words.contains("what")) {
if (MainWin->isMprisAvailable()) {
QString title = MainWin->songName();
QString artists = MainWin->songArtist();
QString album = MainWin->songAlbum();
bool playing = MainWin->isMprisPlaying();
QPixmap art = QIcon::fromTheme("audio").pixmap(32, 32);
QString response = "Not sure what you want me to do with the music.";
if (title != "" && artists != "" && album != "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " by " + artists + " on the album " + album + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, artists + " · " + album, playing);
} else if (title != "" && artists != "" && album == "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " by " + artists + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, artists, playing);
} else if (title != "" && artists == "" && album != "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " on the album " + album + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, album, playing);
} else if (title != "" && artists == "" && album != "") {
response = "Right now, " + title + " is playing.";
emit showMediaFrame(art, title, MainWin->mprisApp(), playing);
} else {
response = "I'm not sure what's playing now.";
//emit showMediaFrame(art, title, artists + " · " + album);
emit outputResponse(response);
} else {
emit outputResponse("There's no media player open now.");
speak("There's no media player open now.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if ((words.contains("calculate") || words.contains("add") || words.contains("plus") || parse.contains("+") || words.contains("subtract") || words.contains("minus") ||
parse.contains("-") || words.contains("times") || words.contains("multiply") || parse.contains("*") ||
words.contains("over") || words.contains("divide") || parse.contains("divided by") ||
parse.contains("/") || words.contains("exponent") || parse.contains("to the power of") || parse.contains("^") ||
words.contains("squared") || words.contains("cubed") || words.contains("factorial"))) {
QString numbersAndOperations = parse;
numbersAndOperations.remove("what is");
numbersAndOperations.replace("+", " + ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("-", " - ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("*", " * ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("/", " / ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("^", " ^ ");
numbersAndOperations.replace("add", "+");
numbersAndOperations.replace("plus", "+");
numbersAndOperations.replace("minus", "-");
numbersAndOperations.replace("subtract", "-");
numbersAndOperations.replace("negative", "-");
numbersAndOperations.replace("times", "*");
numbersAndOperations.replace("multiply", "*");
numbersAndOperations.replace("over", "/");
numbersAndOperations.replace("divided by", "/");
numbersAndOperations.replace("divide", "/");
numbersAndOperations.replace("exponent", "^");
numbersAndOperations.replace("to the power of", "^");
numbersAndOperations.replace("squared", "^ 2");
numbersAndOperations.replace("cubed", "^ 3");
numbersAndOperations.replace("factorial", "!");
QStringList numberReplacer = numbersAndOperations.split(" ");
float currentNumber = 0;
int startIndex = -1;
bool doingPoints = false;
for (QString part : numberReplacer) {
bool isNum;
if (isNum) {
} else if (part == "point") {
if (startIndex != -1) {
numberReplacer.replace(startIndex, QString::number(currentNumber));
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < numberReplacer.indexOf(part); i++) {
numberReplacer.replace(i, "");
currentNumber = 0;
numberReplacer.replace(numberReplacer.indexOf("point"), ".");
startIndex = numberReplacer.indexOf(part + 1);
doingPoints = true;
} else if (numberDictionary.keys().contains(part)) {
float number = numberDictionary.value(part);
if (doingPoints) {
currentNumber = QString::number(currentNumber).append(QString::number(number)).toInt();
} else if (number >= 100) {
currentNumber = currentNumber * number;
} else {
currentNumber = currentNumber + number;
if (startIndex == -1) {
startIndex = numberReplacer.indexOf(part);
} else {
if (startIndex != -1) {
numberReplacer.replace(startIndex, QString::number(currentNumber));
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < numberReplacer.indexOf(part); i++) {
numberReplacer.replace(i, "");
currentNumber = 0;
startIndex = -1;
doingPoints = false;
if (startIndex != -1) {
numberReplacer.replace(startIndex, QString::number(currentNumber));
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < numberReplacer.count(); i++) {
numberReplacer.replace(i, "");
numbersAndOperations = numberReplacer.join(" ");
numbersAndOperations.replace(" . ", ".");
QString displayExpression = numbersAndOperations;
displayExpression.replace("*", "×");
displayExpression.replace("/", "÷");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ 2", "²");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ 3", "³");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ - 1", "⁻¹");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ - 2", "⁻²");
displayExpression.replace(" ^ - 3", "⁻³");
displayExpression.replace(" !", "!");
displayExpression.append(" =");
bool hasErrorOccurred = false;
QString errorMessage;
QStringList expressionToCalculate = numbersAndOperations.split(" ");
while (expressionToCalculate.contains("!") && hasErrorOccurred == false) { //Calcuate Factorials
int index = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("!");
float number = - 1).toFloat();
/*if (index >= 2) {
if ( - 2) == "-") {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "factorialNeg";
if (qFloor(number) != number || qCeil(number) != number) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "factorialNonInt";
} else if (number == 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, "0");
} else {
float result = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++) {
result = result * i;
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
while (expressionToCalculate.contains("^") && hasErrorOccurred == false) {
int index = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("^");
float base = - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if ( - 2) == "-") {
base = base * -1;
float exponent;
if ( + 1) == "-") {
exponent = + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
exponent = + 1).toFloat();
if (base == 0 && exponent == 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "0^0";
} else if (base == 0 && exponent < 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "0^neg";
} else {
float result = qPow(base, exponent);
if (exponent < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (base < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
while ((expressionToCalculate.contains("/") || expressionToCalculate.contains("*")) && hasErrorOccurred == false) {
bool doDiv;
int divIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("/");
int mulIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("*");
if (divIndex == -1) {
doDiv = false;
} else if (mulIndex == -1) {
doDiv = true;
} else if (mulIndex < divIndex) {
doDiv = false;
} else {
doDiv = true;
if (doDiv) {
int index = divIndex;
float divisor = - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if ( - 2) == "-") {
divisor = divisor * -1;
float dividend;
if ( + 1) == "-") {
dividend = + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
dividend = + 1).toFloat();
if (dividend == 0 && divisor == 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "0div0";
} else if (dividend == 0) {
hasErrorOccurred = true;
errorMessage = "div0";
} else {
float result = divisor / dividend;
if (dividend < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (divisor < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
} else {
int index = mulIndex;
float multiplicand = - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if ( - 2) == "-") {
multiplicand = multiplicand * -1;
float multiplier;
if ( + 1) == "-") {
multiplier = + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
multiplier = + 1).toFloat();
float result = multiplicand * multiplier;
if (multiplicand < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (multiplier < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
int ignoreNegativeCount = 0;
int ignoreNegativeIndex = 0;
while ((expressionToCalculate.contains("+") || expressionToCalculate.count("-") > ignoreNegativeCount) && hasErrorOccurred == false) {
bool doAdd;
int addIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("+");
int subIndex = expressionToCalculate.indexOf("-", ignoreNegativeIndex);
if (addIndex == -1) {
doAdd = false;
} else if (subIndex == -1) {
doAdd = true;
} else if (subIndex < addIndex) {
doAdd = false;
} else {
doAdd = true;
if (doAdd) {
int index = addIndex;
float addend1 = - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if ( - 2) == "-") {
addend1 = addend1 * -1;
float addend2;
if ( + 1) == "-") {
addend2 = + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
addend2 = + 1).toFloat();
float result = addend1 + addend2;
if (addend2 < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (addend1 < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
} else {
int index = subIndex;
if (index == 0) {
ignoreNegativeIndex = index + 1;
} else {
bool minuendIsFloat; - 1).toFloat(&minuendIsFloat);
if (minuendIsFloat) {
float minuend = - 1).toFloat();
if (index >= 2) {
if ( - 2) == "-") {
minuend = minuend * -1;
float subtrahend;
if ( + 1) == "-") {
subtrahend = + 2).toFloat() * -1;
} else {
subtrahend = + 1).toFloat();
float result = minuend - subtrahend;
if (subtrahend < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 2);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index + 1);
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 1);
if (minuend < 0) {
expressionToCalculate.removeAt(index - 2);
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 2, QString::number(result));
} else {
expressionToCalculate.insert(index - 1, QString::number(result));
} else {
ignoreNegativeIndex = index + 1;
if (hasErrorOccurred) {
if (errorMessage == "0div0") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "indeterminate");
if (name == "") {
emit outputResponse("You've broken mathematics!");
speak("You've broken mathematics!");
} else {
emit outputResponse("You've broken mathematics, " + name + "!");
speak("You've broken mathematics, " + name + "!");
} else if (errorMessage == "div0") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't divide by 0.");
speak("I can't divide by 0.");
} else if (errorMessage == "0^0") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't raise 0 to the power of 0.");
speak("I can't raise 0 to the power of 0.");
} else if (errorMessage == "0^neg") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't raise 0 to the power of a negative number. That would be dividing by zero, which is bad.");
speak("I can't raise 0 to the power of a negative number. That would be dividing by zero, which is bad.");
} else if (errorMessage == "factorialNeg") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't calculate the factorial of a negative number.");
speak("I can't calculate the factorial of a negative number.");
} else if (errorMessage == "factorialNonInt") {
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, "undefined");
emit outputResponse("I can't calculate the factorial of a number that isn't an integer.");
speak("I can't calculate the factorial of a number that isn't an integer.");
} else {
QString speakText = expressionToCalculate.first();
speakText.replace("e+", " times 10 to the power of ");
speakText.replace("e-", " times 10 to the power of negative ");
if (speakText.left(1) == "-") {
speakText.replace(0, 1, "negative ");
emit showMathematicsFrame(displayExpression, expressionToCalculate.first());
emit outputResponse("");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
/*} else if (parse.contains("weather")) {
//Get the location the user wants
QString location = ""; //If Location is blank, get current location.
if (location == "") { //Use current location
if (currentCoordinates.isValid()) {
} else {
emit outputResponse("I'm not sure where you are, so I can't get weather information. Try saying a city name. Sorry about that.");
speak("I'm not sure where you are, so I can't get weather information. Try saying a city name. Sorry about that.");
} else if (words.contains("time")) {
if (words.contains("in") || words.contains("at")) {
QString output = "I can't get times for other places yet.";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else { //Local time
QTime currentTime = QTime::currentTime();
QString output = "Right now, it's " + currentTime.toString("hh:mm:ss") + " in " + QLocale::countryToString(QTimeZone::systemTimeZone().country()) + ".";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else if ( == "spell") {
QString output = parse;
output = output.remove("spell ") + ": ";
QString spelling = parse;
spelling = spelling.remove("spell ").split("").join(" ");
emit outputResponse("");
} else if (parse.contains("happy birthday")) { //Fun
QString output = "It's not my birthday. But I'm assuming it's yours.";
if (name != "") {
output = "It's not my birthday. But I'm assuming it's yours. Happy Birthday " + name + "!";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else if (words.contains("hello") || words.contains("hi") | words.contains("hey")) { //Hello
if (name == "") {
emit outputResponse("Hey there! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
speak("Hey there! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("Hello " + name + "! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
speak("Hello " + name + "! Just tell me what you'd like me to do.");
emit showHelpFrame();
resetOnNextBegin = true;
} else if (parse == "who am i") { //Name Testing
if (name == "") {
emit outputResponse("I'm not quite sure. Tell me in my settings.");
speak("I'm not quite sure. Tell me in my settings.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("You're " + name + ", aren't you?");
speak("You're " + name + ", aren't you?");
} else if (parse == "who are you") { //Who are you
emit outputResponse("Me? I'm theWave. Pleased to meet you.");
speak("Me? I'm theWave. Pleased to meet you.");
} else if (parse == "fuck you") { //Fun
emit outputResponse("Did I do something wrong?");
speak("Did I do something wrong?");
} else if (parse.contains("what's the best") || parse.contains("what is the best")) { //Fun
if (parse.contains("operating system")) {
emit outputResponse("theOS. What else?");
speak("the O S. What else?");
} else if (words.contains("phone")) {
emit outputResponse("I'm kind of drawn to the Plasma Mobiles.");
speak("I'm kind of drawn to the Plasma Mobiles.");
} else if (words.contains("tablet")) {
emit outputResponse("Any tablet computer really. As long as theOS is installed on it.");
speak("Any tablet computer really. As long as the O S is installed on it.");
} else if (parse == "tell me a joke") {
QString output;
switch (qrand() % 3) {
case 0:
output = "I'm always nervous when it comes to jokes. It's kind of... nerve racking.";
case 1:
output = "Two men walked into a bar. They walked out again.\n\nActually, that was a pretty bad joke.";
case 2:
output = "If you're trying to laugh, just smile. It'll make you feel better.";
emit outputResponse(output);
} else { //Look Online
bool doLookupSpeech = false;
if (settings.value("thewave/wikipediaSearch", true).toBool()) {
doLookupSpeech = true;
bool isInfoFound = false;
if (doLookupSpeech) {
emit outputResponse("Looking online for information...");
speak("Looking online for information...");
if (settings.value("thewave/wikipediaSearch", true).toBool()) {
QEventLoop eventLoop;
QNetworkRequest request;
QString term = speech;
term.replace(" ", "+");
QUrl requestUrl("" + term + "&format=xml&prop=extracts&redirects=true&exintro=true");
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, "theWave/2.1 (");
QNetworkAccessManager networkManager;
connect(&networkManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
QNetworkReply* NetworkReply = networkManager.get(request);
QString reply(NetworkReply->readAll());
qDebug() << reply;
if (reply.contains("title=") && !reply.contains("missing=\"\"")) {
isInfoFound = true;
QString title = reply.split("title=\"").at(1).split("\"").at(0);
QString text;
text = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head></head><body>" + reply.split("<extract xml:space=\"preserve\">").at(1).split("</extract>").at(0) + "</body></html>";
text.replace("&lt;", "<");
text.replace("&gt;", ">");
text.replace("&quot;", "\"");
text.replace("&amp;", "&");
if (stopEverything) {
emit showWikipediaFrame(title, text);
emit outputResponse("I found some information. Take a look.");
speak("I found some information. Take a look.");
resetOnNextBegin = true;
if (stopEverything) {
if (!isInfoFound) {
QString output;
switch (qrand() % 4) {
case 0:
output = "Unfortunately, I don't understand what that means.";
case 1:
output = "Not sure what you want me to do.";
case 2:
output = "I don't know how to interpret that. Sorry about that.";
case 3:
output = "I probably misheard you. Could you try again?";
emit outputResponse(output);
case TimerGetTime:
if (words.contains("hour") || words.contains("minute") || words.contains("second") ||
words.contains("hours") || words.contains("minutes") || words.contains("seconds")) {
int currentNumber = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
for (QString part : words) {
if (numberDictionary.contains(part)) {
currentNumber = currentNumber + numberDictionary.value(part);
} else if (part.contains("hour")) {
hour = hour + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("minute")) {
minute = minute + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
} else if (part.contains("second")) {
second = second + currentNumber;
currentNumber = 0;
if (hour >= 60 || minute >= 60 || second >= 60) {
emit outputResponse("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?");
emit outputHint("Try saying \"ten seconds\" or \"three hours ten minutes twenty seconds.\"");
speak("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?", voiceFeedback);
state = TimerGetTime;
} else {
QString compiledSpeech = "I've set the timer for ";
bool includeAnd = false;
if (hour != 0) {
compiledSpeech.append(QString::number(hour) + " hours, ");
includeAnd = true;
if (minute != 0) {
compiledSpeech.append(QString::number(minute) + " minutes, ");
includeAnd = true;
if (second != 0) {
compiledSpeech.append(QString::number(second) + " seconds.");
QTime t(hour, minute, second);
emit setTimer(t);
emit outputResponse(compiledSpeech + " You can check your timer next to the clock.");
state = Idle;
} else if (words.contains("cancel") || words.contains("stop")) {
state = Idle;
emit outputResponse("OK, I cancelled the timer.");
speak("OK, I cancelled the timer.");
} else {
emit outputResponse("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?");
emit outputHint("Try saying \"ten seconds\" or \"three hours ten minutes twenty seconds.\"");
speak("I'm sorry, how long is the timer?", voiceFeedback);
state = TimerGetTime;
case emailGetRecipient:
isRunning = false;
} else {
this->disabled = true;
bool theWaveWorker::launchAkonadi() {
if (!Akonadi::ServerManager::isRunning()) {
emit outputResponse("Starting Akonadi. Please wait.");
speak("Starting Akonadi. Please wait.");
if (!Akonadi::ServerManager::start()) {
emit outputResponse("Unfortunately, the Akonadi Personal Information Management service didn't start properly. Sorry about that.");
speak("Unfortunately, the Akonadi Personal Information Management service didn't start properly Sorry about that.");
return false;
return true;
void theWaveWorker::speak(QString speech, bool restartOnceComplete) {
while (speechPlaying) {
if (stopEverything) {
speechPlaying = true;
if (settings.value("thewave/ttsEngine").toString() == "pico2wave" && QFile("/usr/bin/pico2wave").exists()) {
QString command = "pico2wave -w=\"" + QDir::homePath() + "/.thewavevoice.wav\" \"" + speech + "\"";
QSoundEffect* sound = new QSoundEffect();
sound->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewavevoice.wav"));
connect(sound, &QSoundEffect::playingChanged, [=]() {
if (!sound->isPlaying()) {
connect(sound, &QSoundEffect::destroyed, [=]() {
bool success = QFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.thewavevoice.wav").remove();
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
speechPlaying = false;
//QSound sound();
//while (!sound.isFinished()) {
} else if (settings.value("thewave/ttsEngine").toString() == "espeak" && QFile("/usr/bin/espeak").exists()) {
QProcess *s = new QProcess(this);
s->start("espeak \"" + speech + "\"");
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
connect(s, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(begin()));
connect(s, static_cast<void(QProcess::*)(int)>(&QProcess::finished), [=]() {
speechPlaying = false;
} else if (settings.value("thewave/ttsEngine").toString() == "festival" && QFile("/usr/bin/festival").exists()) {
QProcess *s = new QProcess(this);
s->start("festival --tts");
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
connect(s, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(begin()));
speechPlaying = false;
} else {
QTimer* waitTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(waitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), waitTimer, SLOT(deleteLater()));
if (restartOnceComplete && !stopEverything) {
connect(waitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(begin()));
speechPlaying = false;
void theWaveWorker::quit() {
stopEverything = true;
connect(stopListeningSound, &QSoundEffect::playingChanged, [=]() {
if (!stopListeningSound->isPlaying()) {
delete startListeningSound;
delete okListeningSound;
delete errorListeningSound;
delete stopListeningSound;
void theWaveWorker::launchAppReply(QString app) {
emit outputResponse("Launching " + app + ".");
speak("Launching " + app + ".");
while (speechPlaying) {
if (stopEverything) {
emit doLaunchApp(app);
void theWaveWorker::launchApp_disambiguation(QStringList apps) {\
emit outputResponse("There's more than one app. Select the one you'd like to open on your screen.");
speak("There's more than one app. Select the one you'd to open on your screen.");
void theWaveWorker::currentSettingChanged(bool isOn) {
this->SetSetting(currentSetting, isOn);
void theWaveWorker::SetSetting(QString setting, bool isOn) {
if (setting == "wifi") {
bool theWaveWorker::isDisabled() { //Is theWave disabled?
return this->disabled;