Histacom/windows 95/webchat 2001.vb

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Public Class webchat_2001
Dim waiting As Boolean = False
Dim waiting2 As Boolean = False
Dim con As Integer = 1
Dim ran As New Random
Dim abletoclose As String = "yes"
Dim username As String
Private Sub closebutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles closebutton.Click
If abletoclose = "yes" Then
End If
If abletoclose = "no" Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub me_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
abletoclose = "yes"
ListBox1.Items.Add("The Hidden Hacker")
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
username = txtscreenname.Text
history.Text = history.Text + (username & " Has Logged On" & Environment.NewLine)
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If waiting = True Then
If typechat.Text = "star" Then
con = con + 1
history.Text = history.Text + (username & ": " & typechat.Text & Environment.NewLine)
typechat.Text = ""
history.SelectionStart = 999999
waiting = False
history.Text = history.Text + (username & ": " & typechat.Text & Environment.NewLine)
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: sorry that was the wrong password... remember that you should only type the 4 letter password and nothing else." & Environment.NewLine)
typechat.Text = ""
history.SelectionStart = 999999
End If
history.Text = history.Text + (username & ": " & typechat.Text & Environment.NewLine)
typechat.Text = ""
history.SelectionStart = 999999
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Chat_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Chat.Tick
If con = 34 Then
Chat.Interval = 2000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 33 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Close any open programs now!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 3000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 32 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: And I will close this chat... its not good to have open programs while time traveling" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 3000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 31 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Bye " & mainname & " and Hidden Hacker. Ill see you in the FUTURE!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 3000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 30 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ok bye 12padams and thanks for letting me time travel this time." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 5000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 29 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Yep Its all fixed and time travel is a lot smoother... anyway see ya" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 7000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 28 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: So that wont happen anymore?" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 27 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Basically the time distorter program may have made things flash which currupted a few files" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 8000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 26 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: What do you mean time holes?" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 7000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 25 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: I should mention that time distorter used to cause a few time holes" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 24 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Good and " & mainname & "'s timer is counting down too" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 23 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ok my Time Distorter has started the countdown" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 22 Then
Chat.Interval = 2000
End If
If con = 21 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok then ill send " & mainname & " the new version of time distorter then you can both go off on your journey" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 4000
con = con + 1
waitfor02download = True
End If
If con = 20 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: So ready to get started?" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 5000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 19 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: I just need to make sure that when 2 people both time travel at the same time nothing goes wrong" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 7000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 18 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Thats corrent yes... " & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 17 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: you mean 2 people at once... me and " & mainname & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 4000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 16 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Today we are going to be doing our first multi time travel test" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 5000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 15 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Sorry got a bit to excited... go ahead 12padams and explain it :)" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 14 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok Hidden Hacker I am glad your happy but lets accually start talking about what the aim of this time travel is..." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 9000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 13 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: I get to time travel with you " & mainname & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 5000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 12 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Now I dont have to wait at all!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 5000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 11 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: " & mainname & " you dont understand how boring it is to wait a whole year for you to return..." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 10 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: YAAY OMG I AM SO EXCITED!!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 9 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Yes you do." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 4000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 8 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Now do we get to time travel" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 3000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 7 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: ok good that was the password." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 5000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 6 Then
waiting = True
End If
If con = 5 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Just say the 4 letter password without anything else." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 1000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 4 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: wait a minute... " & mainname & " tell me the password you were given at the end of survive the day." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 3000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 3 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ok lets time travel now!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 6000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 2 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh hi " & mainname & " its good to see you again." & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 4000
con = con + 1
End If
If con = 1 Then
history.Text = history.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: YESSSS!!! " & mainname & " has finally come on!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
Chat.Interval = 5000
con = con + 1
End If
history.SelectionStart = 999999
End Sub
Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim opendownload As New downloader2000
opendownload.Label2.Text = "Downloading: Time Distorter 0.3"
End Sub
Dim moveable As Boolean = True
Dim mexlocation, meylocation As Integer
Dim mewidth, meheight As Integer
Dim maximize As Boolean
Private Sub programtopbar_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles programtopbar.MouseDown
If moveable = True Then
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
programtopbar.Capture = False
Const HTCAPTION As Integer = 2
Dim msg As Message = _
Message.Create(Me.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, _
New IntPtr(HTCAPTION), IntPtr.Zero)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pullside_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullside.Tick
Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X
End Sub
Private Sub pullbottom_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbottom.Tick
Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y
End Sub
Private Sub pullbs_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbs.Tick
Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X
Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y
End Sub
Private Sub Rightpull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles right.MouseDown
End Sub
Private Sub rightpull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles right.MouseUp
End Sub
Private Sub bottompull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottom.MouseDown
End Sub
Private Sub buttompull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottom.MouseUp
End Sub
Private Sub bspull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottomrightcorner.MouseDown
End Sub
Private Sub bspull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottomrightcorner.MouseUp
End Sub
Private Sub maximizebutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles maximizebutton.Click
If maximize = False Then
meylocation = Windows2000.desktopicons.Height - Me.Height
mexlocation = Windows2000.desktopicons.Width - Me.Width
mewidth = Me.Width
meheight = Me.Height
Dim w, h As Integer
w = Windows2000.desktopicons.Width
h = Windows2000.desktopicons.Height
Me.Location = New Point(0, 0)
Me.Size = New Size(w, h)
moveable = False
maximizebutton.Image = My.Resources.unmaximizebutton
maximize = True
Me.Location = New Point(mexlocation, meylocation)
Me.Size = New Size(mewidth, meheight)
moveable = True
maximizebutton.Image = My.Resources.Maximize
maximize = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub look_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles look.Tick
Me.programtopbar.BackColor = Windows2000.exampleprogramtopbar.BackColor
Me.programtopbar.BackgroundImage = Windows2000.exampleprogramtopbar.BackgroundImage
Me.programname.BackColor = Windows2000.exampleprogramtext.BackColor
End Sub
Private Sub waitingdownload_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles waitingdownload.Tick
If waitfor02download = False Then
con = con + 1
End If
End Sub
End Class