Public Class Webchat1998 Dim con As Integer Dim ran As New Random Dim abletoclose As String Dim correct As String Dim username As String Private Sub closebutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles closebutton.Click If abletoclose = "yes" Then Me.Close() End If If abletoclose = "no" Then End If End Sub Private Sub me_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load look.Start() Button3.Hide() Button4.Hide() Button5.Hide() Label5.Hide() abletoclose = "yes" End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click username = txtscreenname.Text login.Hide() Chat.Start() ListBox1.Items.Add(username) history.Text = history.Text + (username & " Has Logged On" & Environment.NewLine) End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click history.Text = history.Text + (username & ": " & typechat.Text & Environment.NewLine) typechat.Text = "" typechat.Focus() history.SelectionStart = 999999 history.ScrollToCaret() End Sub Private Sub Chat_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Chat.Tick If con = 144 Then Title_Screen.Close() End If If con = 143 Then history.Text = (Environment.NewLine & "Game Over... You lose because you are using MS-DOS from the early 1980's and its 1998... Serriously what were you thinking??" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 142 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("" & Environment.NewLine) history.Text = history.Text + ("" & Environment.NewLine) history.Text = history.Text + ("C:\>") Chat.Interval = 10000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 141 Then history.Text = "Starting MS-DOS..." Chat.Interval = 4000 history.ReadOnly = True con = con + 1 End If If con = 140 Then history.Text = "" Chat.Interval = 2000 history.ReadOnly = True con = con + 1 End If If con = 139 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh last of all here is one hint... DOS IS USLESS... ITS JUST TEXT. NEXTTIME DON'T PIRATE SOFTWARE" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 138 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok see ya... You have learned two leasons today... 1. don't pirtae software, 2. you learnt about old operating systems." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 10000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 137 Then history.ForeColor = Color.Silver Chat.Interval = 2000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 136 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: In DOS the computer had grey text not white text i just gotta modify it first." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 135 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok I just need to do one last setup for DOS" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 133 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Your computer now needs MS-DOS this will disconnect you from the convasation." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 2 End If If con = 131 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hmm i am being to kind.... I think i gotta go now." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 2 End If If con = 130 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok there you go you can now type... Happy now?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 history.ReadOnly = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 129 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Lol for once i am giving you a feature..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 128 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok Well lol woops you can't type... thats a big mistake!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 127 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Good now thats gone. I really gotta think for a little while at what to do next." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 10000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 126 Then program.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None history.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None top.Hide() left.Hide() bottom.Hide() right.Hide() toprightcorner.Hide() topleftcorner.Hide() bottomrightcorner.Hide() bottomleftcorner.Hide() Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 125 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok ill remove it now." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 124 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh and the the white border around your screen i can't forget to remove that..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 123 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: mouse removed..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 Cursor.Hide() End If If con = 122 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 1" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 121 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 2" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 120 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 3 " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 119 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 4" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 118 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 5" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 117 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 6" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 116 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 7" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 115 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 8" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 114 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: 9" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 113 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok removing in 10..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 112 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok enjoy the mouse while you can because I am just about to remove it..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 111 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: How could i forget to remove then mouse..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 110 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok this is imbarrissing... I forgot to remove something thats really noticable that didn't exist." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 109 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hmm... I seem to be making quite a good theme... I really should add this to skindows..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 108 Then history.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.None Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 107 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ill just remove it now..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 2000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 106 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: I see the scroll bar at the side of the screen... that didn't exist early 1980's" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 105 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: hmm theres still something missing..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 104 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Wow your computers looking good... I should be a programmer since i did such a godo job..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 103 Then history.Dock = DockStyle.Fill Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 102 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hmm yes Thats whats missing I gotta make the text full screen..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 101 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: I Think I almost got your computer converted... early 1980's should be enough of a punishment..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 100 Then history.ForeColor = Color.White history.BackColor = Color.Black Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 99 Then Me.BackColor = Color.Black Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 98 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok I hope Your not Scared Of the dark!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 97 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hmm ok this is gunna be tricky..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 96 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh and we didn't have backgrounds... or even color for the matter..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 95 Then Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 Label6.Hide() Label1.Hide() Label7.Hide() End If If con = 94 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: First of all we didn't have labels... so ill remove labels now" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 2000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 93 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Well let me give you a little lesson on the history of computers..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 92 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: This is good now i can teach you and punish you at the same time lol :) " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 91 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hey you must be new to computers... " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 90 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hmm your new... Infact I have scanned your system and your using windwos 95 which you just got very recenty... " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 10000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 89 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh thats Right you dont even talk so your problably don't even know its gone... " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 88 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Lol your problably saying WHY CAN'T I TALK... " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 typechat.Hide() Button2.Hide() con = con + 1 End If If con = 87 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Since you never talk i guess you won't be needing this..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 86 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: " & username & "? I don't remeber you... Oh right your the silent one... " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 85 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Now We are just left with... um wait who was it again..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 84 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh Has Logged Off" & Environment.NewLine) ListBox1.Items.Remove("SkyHigh") Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 83 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh Don't you know how to? here ill do it for you..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 82 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: But I can't!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 81 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Stop? you both have been able to stop this the whole time... just turn off your computer..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 80 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Please Stop!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 79 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ok now that thats removed i Can deal with your punishments" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 Panel1.Hide() con = con + 1 End If If con = 78 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: No because i got rid of him... oh woops and talking about getting rid of things lol i forgot to remove the illegal file he uploaded which has been here all along..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 77 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Exactly and rain49 uploaded the skindows and do you see him now?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 76 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: I thought its only illegal to upload stuff..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 75 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Please Thats It!!! STOP. Me and " & username & " didn't accually do the uploading..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 9000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 74 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Damn IT!!! what are we supposed to do now " & username & "... he got rid of the top bar with the close button and maximize and all the..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 73 Then programtopbar.Hide() Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 72 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: What I have done everything...? What about this?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 71 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: NOOOOOOO please this is enough you have done everything. I won't illegally download your software again" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 70 Then Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 Windows95.Hide() Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized End If If con = 69 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Well first I need your full attention..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 Dim FontName As String = "Arial" Dim FontSize As Integer = 11 Dim FS As New Font(FontName, FontSize, FontStyle.Regular) history.Font = FS End If If con = 68 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Please Let Me and " & username & " go and just forget this happened!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 67 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: You wanna Know how to Stop this?!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 66 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Please Stop!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 65 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh yea and your icons are infected so you don't need them" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 Windows95.desktopicons.Hide() con = con + 1 End If If con = 64 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh but you said to the remove viruses and your taskbar was infected... it had no start button" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 63 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Hey What the hell give me back my taskbar!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 9000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 62 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hmm the taskbar was made by microsoft for windows 95...." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 Windows95.taskbar.Hide() End If If con = 61 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hmm I see a Taskbar at the bottom of the screen..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 60 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Well the whole of windows 95 is a virus so hmm where do we begin..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 59 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Get Rid of the viruses did you say???" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 58 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: What the Hell??? just get rid of these viruses now!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 57 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Anyway SkyHigh you are asking to many questions... Its time I unleash my next virus" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 56 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Well It causes your computer to have all its funtions disabled" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 55 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Whats the virus do?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 54 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Your both experienceing a lethal virus which i like to call (death)" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 53 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: I told you that you were gunna be punished...." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 52 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Hey what i can't open anything?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 51 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Don't worry " & username & " ill look online for help" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 Windows95.Enabled = False con = con + 1 End If If con = 50 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Hey trying to fight back are we...? well ill punish you both!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 49 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Stop it!!! Let me and " & username & " go!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 48 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Oh yea thats right... Now we had two left. We have SkyHigh and " & username & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 47 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: anyway... where were we?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 46 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: lol All your Computers are infected with a virus which makes them unable to boot." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 45 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49 Has Logged Out" & Environment.NewLine) ListBox1.Items.Remove("rain49") Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 44 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Oh yea... just watch" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 43 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: I would not do that if i were you..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 42 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: No... because i can just turn my computer off at the powerpoint... " & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 41 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: ... scared Yet?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 40 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Omg 12padams disabled it..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 39 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: What the Hell!!!! wheres my startbutton." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 38 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Ha Ha Ha... nobodys turning off their computer???" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 37 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Yea Guys I Will definatly unban you if you do that..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 Windows95.startbutton.Hide() End If If con = 36 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Guys Quickly go to start and turn off your computer!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 35 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: Now that I Have you... We are gunna have a bit of fun..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 10000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 34 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams: I Have Caught you!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 33 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: I can't the x button is not working!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 32 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: CRAP 12padams logged on... Quickly SkyHigh and " & username & " LOGOUT!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 31 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("12padams Has Logged On" & Environment.NewLine) ListBox1.Items.Add("12padams") Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 abletoclose = "no" End If If con = 30 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: OMG THIS IS AWESOME.... I like the fire theme :0" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 29 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: ok have fun then..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 28 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: YAY! Download Finished... Ill install it now :)" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 27 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: lol ok... hey " & username & " you can download it as well :)" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 9000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 26 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Yay Thanks rain49!!! Ill download it now" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 25 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Its now added to the file sharing section at the bottom right of the screen" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 Label5.Show() Button5.Show() con = con + 1 End If If con = 24 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Ok just wait a sec..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 23 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: I think thats enough time... SEND IT NOW!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 22 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Wait ill just give " & username & " a few moments to quit this chat just incase..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 10000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 21 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Come on send it now..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 20 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Yea and rain 49 is gunna send it to us through Webchat :)" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 19 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Anyway on the 12padams site there is a really cool piece of software called skindows95" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 18 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: If I were you i would log out right now... otherwise you will probably be banned" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 17 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Ok " & username & " we are going to be breaking the chat rules..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 8000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 16 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Ill Have to tell " & username & " then..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 15 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Oh woops I forgot to to warn " & username & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 14 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Oh ok... Does " & username & " know?" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 13 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Oh " & username & " is just some new person who just logged on for the first time today" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 6000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 12 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: Hey Who's " & username & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 7000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 11 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49: lol... hi SkyHigh" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 10 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: rain49 is finally on :) !!!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 9 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Yay" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 8 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("rain49 Has Logged On" & Environment.NewLine) ListBox1.Items.Add("rain49") Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 7 Then If correct = "Yes" Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Yay You got it :)" & Environment.NewLine) Button4.Hide() Button3.Hide() typechat.Show() con = con + 1 End If If correct = "No" Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Sorry My Name was Bill :(" & Environment.NewLine) Button4.Hide() Button3.Hide() typechat.Show() con = con + 1 End If End If If con = 6 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Ill make 2 buttons appear at the bottom of your screen and you click to guess" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 500 con = con + 1 Button3.Show() Button4.Show() typechat.Hide() Chat.Stop() End If If con = 5 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Ok Guess What my Name is" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 3000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 4 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: " & username & " We can play a game while we wait for rain49 to login" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 4000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 3 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: But wait!" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 2 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Sorry I thought my friend rain49 was gunna be on..." & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 1000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 1 Then history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh: Damn" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If If con = 0 Then ListBox1.Items.Add("SkyHigh") history.Text = history.Text + ("SkyHigh Has Logged On" & Environment.NewLine) Chat.Interval = 5000 con = con + 1 End If history.Focus() history.SelectionStart = 999999 history.ScrollToCaret() typechat.Focus() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click con = 7 correct = "No" Chat.Start() End Sub Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click con = 7 correct = "Yes" Chat.Start() End Sub Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click Dim opendownload As New downloader95 opendownload.Show() opendownload.Label2.Text = "Downloading: Skindows 95" End Sub Dim moveable As Boolean = True Dim mexlocation, meylocation As Integer Dim mewidth, meheight As Integer Dim maximize As Boolean Private Sub programtopbar_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles programtopbar.MouseDown If moveable = True Then If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then programtopbar.Capture = False Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &HA1S Const HTCAPTION As Integer = 2 Dim msg As Message = _ Message.Create(Me.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, _ New IntPtr(HTCAPTION), IntPtr.Zero) Me.DefWndProc(msg) End If Else End If End Sub Private Sub pullside_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullside.Tick Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X End Sub Private Sub pullbottom_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbottom.Tick Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y End Sub Private Sub pullbs_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbs.Tick Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y End Sub Private Sub Rightpull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles right.MouseDown pullside.Start() End Sub Private Sub rightpull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles right.MouseUp pullside.Stop() End Sub Private Sub bottompull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottom.MouseDown pullbottom.Start() End Sub Private Sub buttompull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottom.MouseUp pullbottom.Stop() End Sub Private Sub bspull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottomrightcorner.MouseDown pullbs.Start() End Sub Private Sub bspull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bottomrightcorner.MouseUp pullbs.Stop() End Sub Private Sub maximizebutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles maximizebutton.Click If maximize = False Then meylocation = Windows95.desktopicons.Height - Me.Height mexlocation = Windows95.desktopicons.Width - Me.Width mewidth = Me.Width meheight = Me.Height toprightcorner.Hide() topleftcorner.Hide() bottomrightcorner.Hide() bottomleftcorner.Hide() left.Hide() top.Hide() bottom.Hide() right.Hide() Dim w, h As Integer w = Windows95.desktopicons.Width h = Windows95.desktopicons.Height Me.Location = New Point(0, 0) Me.Size = New Size(w, h) moveable = False maximizebutton.Image = My.Resources.unmaximizebutton maximize = True Else toprightcorner.Show() topleftcorner.Show() bottomrightcorner.Show() bottomleftcorner.Show() left.Show() top.Show() bottom.Show() right.Show() Me.Location = New Point(mexlocation, meylocation) Me.Size = New Size(mewidth, meheight) moveable = True maximizebutton.Image = My.Resources.Maximize maximize = False End If End Sub Private Sub look_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles look.Tick Me.programtopbar.BackColor = Windows95.exampleprogramtopbar.BackColor Me.programtopbar.BackgroundImage = Windows95.exampleprogramtopbar.BackgroundImage Me.programname.BackColor = Windows95.exampleprogramtext.BackColor End Sub Private Sub minimizebutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles minimizebutton.Click Me.Hide() End Sub End Class