Public Class Windowsxp2002damaged Dim countdown As Integer Dim ampm As String Dim count As Integer Dim txtcount As Integer Dim usersave As String Private Sub startbutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) startmenu.Show() End Sub Private Sub windows98_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click startmenu.Hide() End Sub Private Sub windows98Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.CanRead Then Dim bStr(My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.Length) As Byte My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.Read(bStr, 0, My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.Length) My.Computer.Audio.Play(bStr, AudioPlayMode.Background) End If startmenu.Hide() Timer1.Start() Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Dim w, h As Integer w = Me.desktopicons.Width h = Me.desktopicons.Height Dim bmp As Bitmap = New Bitmap(w, h) Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp) g.DrawImage(Me.BackgroundImage, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height) End Using Me.BackgroundImage = bmp Me.desktopicons.BackgroundImage = bmp commandpromptstartup.Start() System.Windows.Forms.Application.VisualStyleState = VisualStyles.VisualStyleState.ClientAndNonClientAreasEnabled System.Windows.Forms.Application.EnableVisualStyles() desktopicons.AutoArrange = False desktopicons.AllowDrop = True End Sub Private Sub NotePadToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim opennotepad As New formnotepad opennotepad.Show() startmenu.Hide() End Sub Private Sub desktopicons_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DoubleClick Dim objDrawingPoint As Drawing.Point Dim objListViewItem As ListViewItem objDrawingPoint = desktopicons.PointToClient(Cursor.Position) If Not IsNothing(objDrawingPoint) Then With objDrawingPoint objListViewItem = desktopicons.GetItemAt(.X, .Y) End With If Not IsNothing(objListViewItem) Then If objListViewItem.Text = "Internet Explorer" Then Dim openinternet As New internet_explorer_5 openinternet.Show() End If If objListViewItem.Text = "Guess The Number 2 Setup" Then Dim openinstall As New Installer98 openinstall.installname.Text = "Guess The Number 2" openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.Guess_the_Number__install_ openinstall.Show() End If If objListViewItem.Text = "Start Runner 98 Setup" Then Dim openinstall As New Installer98 openinstall.installname.Text = "Start Runner 98" openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.start_run__install___white_with_programname_ openinstall.Show() End If If objListViewItem.Text = "Error Blaster 98 Setup" Then Dim openinstall As New Installer98 openinstall.installname.Text = "Error Blaster 98" openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.error_blast__big_ openinstall.Show() End If If objListViewItem.Text = "Skindows 95 Setup" Then Dim openinstall As New Installer98 openinstall.installname.Text = "Skindows 95" openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.skindows_95__install_ openinstall.Show() End If If objListViewItem.Text = "Web Chat Setup" Then Dim openinstall As New Installer98 openinstall.installname.Text = "Web Chat" openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.chat__big_ openinstall.Show() End If If objListViewItem.Text = "hwcv.exe" Then Dim openhwcv As New hwcv openhwcv.Show() End If If objListViewItem.Text = "Time Distorter 0.3 Setup" Then Dim openinstall As New installerxp openinstall.installname.Text = "Time Distorter 0.3" openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.time_distorter__install_Black_ openinstall.Show() End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub Desktop_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.MouseClick If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then rightclickbackproperties.Show() rightclickbackproperties.BringToFront() rightclickbackproperties.Location = MousePosition End If If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then End If If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle Then End If End Sub Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles startbutton.Click startmenu.Show() usernamestart.Text = mainname startbutton.Image = My.Resources.windowsxpstartbuttonpressed End Sub Private Sub PropertiesToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PropertiesToolStripMenuItem1.Click Dim oform As New formDisplayproperties oform.Show() startmenu.Hide() End Sub Private Sub WindowsExplorerToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim openinternetexplorer As New internet_explorer_5 openinternetexplorer.Show() startmenu.Hide() End Sub Private Sub FolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FolderToolStripMenuItem.Click desktopicons.Items.Add("New Folder") End Sub Private Sub desktopicons_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles desktopicons.MouseDown startmenu.Hide() startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton End Sub Private Sub desktopicons_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.MouseDown End Sub Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles turnoffcomputerbutton.Click startmenu.Hide() desktopicons.Hide() taskbar.Hide() startbutton.Hide() Dim bStr(My.Resources.Windows_XP_Shutdown.Length) As Byte My.Resources.Windows_XP_Shutdown.Read(bStr, 0, My.Resources.Windows_XP_Shutdown.Length) My.Computer.Audio.Play(bStr, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick If Hour(Now) > 12 Then ampm = "PM" Else ampm = "AM" End If taskbartime.Text = Format(Now, "hh:mm") & " " & ampm End Sub Private Sub NotepadToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NotepadToolStripMenuItem.Click Dim opennotepad As New notepadxp opennotepad.Show() startmenu.Hide() startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton End Sub Private Sub commandpromptstartup_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles commandpromptstartup.Tick commandpromptxp.Show() comcountdown.Start() countaction.Start() countdown = 200 commandpromptstartup.Stop() End Sub Private Sub countaction_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles countaction.Tick countdown = countdown - 1 End Sub Private Sub comcountdown_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles comcountdown.Tick If countdown = 13 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ill just wait for you and you can make the choice of 2000 or 2001" & Environment.NewLine) countdown = countdown - 1 countaction.Stop() End If If countdown = 17 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ok install it now..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 18 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 100%" & Environment.NewLine) Me.desktopicons.Items.Add("Time Distorter 0.3 Setup", imageIndex:=2) End If If countdown = 19 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 98%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 20 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 94" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 21 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 91%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 22 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 87%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 23 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 83%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 24 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 76%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 25 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 71%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 26 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 67%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 27 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 65%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 28 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 61%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 29 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 59%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 30 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 55%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 31 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 52%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 32 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 49%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 33 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 43%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 34 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 36%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 35 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 30%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 36 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 26%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 37 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 23%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 38 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 18%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 39 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 16%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 40 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 11%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 41 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 7%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 42 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 4%" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 43 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 0%" & Environment.NewLine) countaction.Interval = 1000 comcountdown.Interval = 1000 End If If countdown = 44 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("Starting tranfer: time distorter 0.3" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 48 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Here ill send you time distorter 0.3 now" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 52 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: So its up to you where you want to go" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 56 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The reason that I can not go to 2000 is that if nothing went wrong why would I be there..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 61 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 2. you by yourself go to 2000 and pretend that the whole time travel experiment worked fine and nothing went wrong" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 65 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 1. we both go to the year 2001 and try to tell 12padams about what has happened before his virus infects the whole internet" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 70 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: which gives us 2 choices" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 73 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: These years are 2000 and 2001" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 78 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: time distorter 0.3 allows time travel to 2 years..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 81 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ok as you know in 2000 12padams gave me time distorter 0.3" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 85 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: So everything is now lost the only way we can fix this is by going back in time" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 90 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The only use for the internet now is remote home pc to pc communications which is how i am talking to you now..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 94 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: now Its 2002 and the whole internet has been taken out and 12padams is gone" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 98 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: It went from website to website destroying each one..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 103 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: This virus was so powerful that it killed his own computer and then spread through the whole internet" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 107 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He suddenly went crazy and started making the worlds most dangerous virus." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 110 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: but then all hell broke loose..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 115 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: but I was just too good and avoided the viruses easily" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 119 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 12padams basically tried making a virus to destroy my computer in 2001" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 123 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: anyway back to the story..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 128 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: I have 0.3 of time distorter because he sent it to me in 2000 ready for you and me to both time travel together" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 133 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: I guess he wanted to get rid of my computer which has 0.3 of time distorter on it" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 138 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: In 2001 he started getting furious and started attacking me." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 142 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: So he lost complete trust In me" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 145 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He thought that you had come to the year 2000 and the I was hiding you." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 149 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He refused to believe that his software failed" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 152 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: When the year 2000 came and you never showed up" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 155 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He was certain that nothing would go wrong." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 158 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The problem was that his software jumped forward two years while you were time traveling" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 163 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 12padams believed that his software would successfully go past the year 2000 without errors..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 168 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 12padams basically had an agreement with me that as soon as you got to the year 2000 I would tell him" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 172 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: It all started when you left the year 1999" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 176 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: ok I will tell you what happened" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 179 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: I have a lot to tell you... the world is in crysis" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 182 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Trust me don't go on..." & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 185 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: If you go on the internet you will have your computer completly infected!!!" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 189 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The whole internet is infected and is permently unusable and damaged" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 192 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Don't go on the internet!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) countaction.Interval = 1500 comcountdown.Interval = 1500 End If If countdown = 195 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: STOP!!!!" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 197 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker Connected" & Environment.NewLine) End If If countdown = 199 Then commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("Ip 192.424.112.432 Connecting..." & Environment.NewLine) End If commandpromptxp.TextBox1.SelectionStart = 999999 commandpromptxp.TextBox1.ScrollToCaret() End Sub Private Sub InternetExplorerToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles InternetExplorerToolStripMenuItem.Click Dim openinternet As New Internetexplorer62002damaged openinternet.Show() startmenu.Hide() startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton End Sub Private Sub TimeDistorter03ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TimeDistorter03ToolStripMenuItem.Click Dim timedistorter03 As New timedistorter032002xp timedistorter03.Show() startmenu.Hide() startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton End Sub Private Sub taskbartime_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles taskbartime.Click Dim showmess As New Windows_Xp_messagebox showmess.errormessage.Text = "your save code is: bsdn98e5" showmess.Show() End Sub Private Sub desktopicons_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.ItemDrag Dim lvi As ListViewItem = CType(e.Item, ListViewItem) desktopicons.DoDragDrop(New DataObject("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem", lvi), DragDropEffects.Move) End Sub Private Sub desktopicons_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DragEnter If e.Data.GetDataPresent("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem") Then e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move End If End Sub Private Sub desktopicons_DragOver(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DragOver Dim lvi As ListViewItem = CType(e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"), ListViewItem) Dim Offset As Size = Size.Subtract(Cursor.Size, New Size(Cursor.HotSpot.X, Cursor.HotSpot.Y)) lvi.Position = Point.Subtract(desktopicons.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y)), Offset) e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move End Sub Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem6.Click End Sub Private Sub TourWindowsXPToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TourWindowsXPToolStripMenuItem.Click End Sub Private Sub Label1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click End Sub End Class