Histacom/windows 95/Windowsxp2002damaged.vb
2015-03-03 15:49:16 -05:00

464 lines
25 KiB
Executable file

Public Class Windowsxp2002damaged
Dim countdown As Integer
Dim ampm As String
Dim count As Integer
Dim txtcount As Integer
Dim usersave As String
Private Sub startbutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub windows98_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
End Sub
Private Sub windows98Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.CanRead Then
Dim bStr(My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.Length) As Byte
My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.Read(bStr, 0, My.Resources.Windows_XP_Startup.Length)
My.Computer.Audio.Play(bStr, AudioPlayMode.Background)
End If
Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
Dim w, h As Integer
w = Me.desktopicons.Width
h = Me.desktopicons.Height
Dim bmp As Bitmap = New Bitmap(w, h)
Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
g.DrawImage(Me.BackgroundImage, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height)
End Using
Me.BackgroundImage = bmp
Me.desktopicons.BackgroundImage = bmp
System.Windows.Forms.Application.VisualStyleState = VisualStyles.VisualStyleState.ClientAndNonClientAreasEnabled
desktopicons.AutoArrange = False
desktopicons.AllowDrop = True
End Sub
Private Sub NotePadToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim opennotepad As New formnotepad
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DoubleClick
Dim objDrawingPoint As Drawing.Point
Dim objListViewItem As ListViewItem
objDrawingPoint = desktopicons.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
If Not IsNothing(objDrawingPoint) Then
With objDrawingPoint
objListViewItem = desktopicons.GetItemAt(.X, .Y)
End With
If Not IsNothing(objListViewItem) Then
If objListViewItem.Text = "Internet Explorer" Then
Dim openinternet As New internet_explorer_5
End If
If objListViewItem.Text = "Guess The Number 2 Setup" Then
Dim openinstall As New Installer98
openinstall.installname.Text = "Guess The Number 2"
openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.Guess_the_Number__install_
End If
If objListViewItem.Text = "Start Runner 98 Setup" Then
Dim openinstall As New Installer98
openinstall.installname.Text = "Start Runner 98"
openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.start_run__install___white_with_programname_
End If
If objListViewItem.Text = "Error Blaster 98 Setup" Then
Dim openinstall As New Installer98
openinstall.installname.Text = "Error Blaster 98"
openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.error_blast__big_
End If
If objListViewItem.Text = "Skindows 95 Setup" Then
Dim openinstall As New Installer98
openinstall.installname.Text = "Skindows 95"
openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.skindows_95__install_
End If
If objListViewItem.Text = "Web Chat Setup" Then
Dim openinstall As New Installer98
openinstall.installname.Text = "Web Chat"
openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.chat__big_
End If
If objListViewItem.Text = "hwcv.exe" Then
Dim openhwcv As New hwcv
End If
If objListViewItem.Text = "Time Distorter 0.3 Setup" Then
Dim openinstall As New installerxp
openinstall.installname.Text = "Time Distorter 0.3"
openinstall.installimage.Image = My.Resources.time_distorter__install_Black_
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Desktop_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.MouseClick
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
rightclickbackproperties.Location = MousePosition
End If
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
End If
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles startbutton.Click
usernamestart.Text = mainname
startbutton.Image = My.Resources.windowsxpstartbuttonpressed
End Sub
Private Sub PropertiesToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PropertiesToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Dim oform As New formDisplayproperties
End Sub
Private Sub WindowsExplorerToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim openinternetexplorer As New internet_explorer_5
End Sub
Private Sub FolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FolderToolStripMenuItem.Click
desktopicons.Items.Add("New Folder")
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles desktopicons.MouseDown
startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.MouseDown
End Sub
Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles turnoffcomputerbutton.Click
Dim bStr(My.Resources.Windows_XP_Shutdown.Length) As Byte
My.Resources.Windows_XP_Shutdown.Read(bStr, 0, My.Resources.Windows_XP_Shutdown.Length)
My.Computer.Audio.Play(bStr, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If Hour(Now) > 12 Then
ampm = "PM"
ampm = "AM"
End If
taskbartime.Text = Format(Now, "hh:mm") & " " & ampm
End Sub
Private Sub NotepadToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NotepadToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim opennotepad As New notepadxp
startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton
End Sub
Private Sub commandpromptstartup_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles commandpromptstartup.Tick
countdown = 200
End Sub
Private Sub countaction_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles countaction.Tick
countdown = countdown - 1
End Sub
Private Sub comcountdown_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles comcountdown.Tick
If countdown = 13 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ill just wait for you and you can make the choice of 2000 or 2001" & Environment.NewLine)
countdown = countdown - 1
End If
If countdown = 17 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ok install it now..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 18 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 100%" & Environment.NewLine)
Me.desktopicons.Items.Add("Time Distorter 0.3 Setup", imageIndex:=2)
End If
If countdown = 19 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 98%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 20 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 94" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 21 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 91%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 22 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 87%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 23 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 83%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 24 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 76%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 25 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 71%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 26 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 67%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 27 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 65%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 28 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 61%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 29 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 59%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 30 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 55%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 31 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 52%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 32 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 49%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 33 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 43%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 34 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 36%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 35 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 30%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 36 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 26%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 37 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 23%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 38 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 18%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 39 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 16%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 40 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 11%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 41 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 7%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 42 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 4%" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 43 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("time distorter 0.3 - 0%" & Environment.NewLine)
countaction.Interval = 1000
comcountdown.Interval = 1000
End If
If countdown = 44 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("Starting tranfer: time distorter 0.3" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 48 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Here ill send you time distorter 0.3 now" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 52 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: So its up to you where you want to go" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 56 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The reason that I can not go to 2000 is that if nothing went wrong why would I be there..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 61 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 2. you by yourself go to 2000 and pretend that the whole time travel experiment worked fine and nothing went wrong" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 65 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 1. we both go to the year 2001 and try to tell 12padams about what has happened before his virus infects the whole internet" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 70 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: which gives us 2 choices" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 73 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: These years are 2000 and 2001" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 78 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: time distorter 0.3 allows time travel to 2 years..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 81 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Ok as you know in 2000 12padams gave me time distorter 0.3" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 85 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: So everything is now lost the only way we can fix this is by going back in time" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 90 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The only use for the internet now is remote home pc to pc communications which is how i am talking to you now..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 94 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: now Its 2002 and the whole internet has been taken out and 12padams is gone" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 98 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: It went from website to website destroying each one..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 103 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: This virus was so powerful that it killed his own computer and then spread through the whole internet" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 107 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He suddenly went crazy and started making the worlds most dangerous virus." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 110 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: but then all hell broke loose..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 115 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: but I was just too good and avoided the viruses easily" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 119 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 12padams basically tried making a virus to destroy my computer in 2001" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 123 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: anyway back to the story..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 128 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: I have 0.3 of time distorter because he sent it to me in 2000 ready for you and me to both time travel together" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 133 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: I guess he wanted to get rid of my computer which has 0.3 of time distorter on it" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 138 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: In 2001 he started getting furious and started attacking me." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 142 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: So he lost complete trust In me" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 145 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He thought that you had come to the year 2000 and the I was hiding you." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 149 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He refused to believe that his software failed" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 152 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: When the year 2000 came and you never showed up" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 155 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: He was certain that nothing would go wrong." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 158 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The problem was that his software jumped forward two years while you were time traveling" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 163 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 12padams believed that his software would successfully go past the year 2000 without errors..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 168 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: 12padams basically had an agreement with me that as soon as you got to the year 2000 I would tell him" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 172 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: It all started when you left the year 1999" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 176 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: ok I will tell you what happened" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 179 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: I have a lot to tell you... the world is in crysis" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 182 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Trust me don't go on..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 185 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: If you go on the internet you will have your computer completly infected!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 189 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: The whole internet is infected and is permently unusable and damaged" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 192 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: Don't go on the internet!!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
countaction.Interval = 1500
comcountdown.Interval = 1500
End If
If countdown = 195 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker: STOP!!!!" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 197 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("The Hidden Hacker Connected" & Environment.NewLine)
End If
If countdown = 199 Then
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text = commandpromptxp.TextBox1.Text + ("Ip 192.424.112.432 Connecting..." & Environment.NewLine)
End If
commandpromptxp.TextBox1.SelectionStart = 999999
End Sub
Private Sub InternetExplorerToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles InternetExplorerToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim openinternet As New Internetexplorer62002damaged
startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton
End Sub
Private Sub TimeDistorter03ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TimeDistorter03ToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim timedistorter03 As New timedistorter032002xp
startbutton.Image = My.Resources.winxpstartbutton
End Sub
Private Sub taskbartime_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles taskbartime.Click
Dim showmess As New Windows_Xp_messagebox
showmess.errormessage.Text = "your save code is: bsdn98e5"
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.ItemDrag
Dim lvi As ListViewItem = CType(e.Item, ListViewItem)
desktopicons.DoDragDrop(New DataObject("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem", lvi), DragDropEffects.Move)
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem") Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
End If
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_DragOver(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DragOver
Dim lvi As ListViewItem = CType(e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"), ListViewItem)
Dim Offset As Size = Size.Subtract(Cursor.Size, New Size(Cursor.HotSpot.X, Cursor.HotSpot.Y))
lvi.Position = Point.Subtract(desktopicons.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y)), Offset)
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
End Sub
Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem6.Click
End Sub
Private Sub TourWindowsXPToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TourWindowsXPToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click
End Sub
End Class