Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class API 'Error handling Private Shared LastError As Exception _ Public Shared Sub HandleError() If LastError IsNot Nothing Then Throw LastError ElseIf Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() <> 0 Then Throw New System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()) End If End Sub Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Int32, ByVal Msg As UInteger, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer Public Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Int32, ByVal Msg As UInteger, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer Public Declare Function AttachThreadInput Lib "user32" (ByVal idAttach As Integer, ByVal idAttackTo As Integer, ByVal fAttack As Int32) As Boolean Public Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Integer Public Class WM Public Enum SC 'System Commands CLOSE = &HF060 CONTEXTHELP = &HF180 CDEFAULT = &HF160 HOTKEY = &HF150 HSCROLL = &HF080 ISSECURE = &H1 KEYMENU = &HF100 MAXIMIZE = &HF030 MINIMIZE = &HF020 MONITORPOWER = &HF170 MouseMenu = &HF090 MOVE = &HF010 NEXTWINDOW = &HF040 PREVWINDOW = &HF050 RESTORE = &HF120 SCREENSAVE = &HF140 Size = &HF000 TASKLIST = &HF130 VSCROLL = &HF070 End Enum Public Enum msg As UInteger USER = &H400& ACTIVATE = &H6 ACTIVATEAPP = &H1C ASKCBFORMATNAME = &H30C CANCELJOURNAL = &H4B CANCELMODE = &H1F CHANGECBCHAIN = &H30D Chr = &H102 CHARTOITEM = &H2F CHILDACTIVATE = &H22 CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT = (USER + 1) CHOOSEFONT_SETFLAGS = (USER + 102) CHOOSEFONT_SETLOGFONT = (USER + 101) CLEAR = &H303 CLOSE = &H10 Command = &H111 COMMNOTIFY = &H44 ' no longer suported COMPACTING = &H41 COMPAREITEM = &H39 CONVERTREQUESTEX = &H108 Copy = &H301 COPYDATA = &H4A CREATE = &H1 CTLCOLORBTN = &H135 CTLCOLORDLG = &H136 CTLCOLOREDIT = &H133 CTLCOLORLISTBOX = &H134 CTLCOLORMSGBOX = &H132 CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR = &H137 CTLCOLORSTATIC = &H138 CUT = &H300 DDE_FIRST = &H3E0 DDE_ACK = (DDE_FIRST + 4) DDE_ADVISE = (DDE_FIRST + 2) DDE_DATA = (DDE_FIRST + 5) DDE_EXECUTE = (DDE_FIRST + 8) DDE_INITIATE = (DDE_FIRST) DDE_LAST = (DDE_FIRST + 8) DDE_POKE = (DDE_FIRST + 7) DDE_REQUEST = (DDE_FIRST + 6) DDE_TERMINATE = (DDE_FIRST + 1) DDE_UNADVISE = (DDE_FIRST + 3) DEADCHAR = &H103 DELETEITEM = &H2D DESTROY = &H2 DESTROYCLIPBOARD = &H307 DEVMODECHANGE = &H1B DRAWCLIPBOARD = &H308 DRAWITEM = &H2B DROPFILES = &H233 ENABLE = &HA ENDSESSION = &H16 ENTERIDLE = &H121 ENTERMENULOOP = &H211 ERASEBKGND = &H14 EXITMENULOOP = &H212 FONTCHANGE = &H1D GETFONT = &H31 GETDLGCODE = &H87 GETHOTKEY = &H33 GETMINMAXINFO = &H24 GETTEXT = &HD GETTEXTLENGTH = &HE HOTKEY = &H312 HSCROLL = &H114 HSCROLLCLIPBOARD = &H30E ICONERASEBKGND = &H27 IME_CHAR = &H286 IME_COMPOSITION = &H10F IME_COMPOSITIONFULL = &H284 IME_CONTROL = &H283 IME_ENDCOMPOSITION = &H10E IME_KEYDOWN = &H290 IME_KEYLAST = &H10F IME_KEYUP = &H291 IME_NOTIFY = &H282 IME_SELECT = &H285 IME_SETCONTEXT = &H281 IME_STARTCOMPOSITION = &H10D INITDIALOG = &H110 INITMENU = &H116 INITMENUPOPUP = &H117 KEYDOWN = &H100 KEYFIRST = &H100 KEYLAST = &H108 KEYUP = &H101 KILLFOCUS = &H8 LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203 LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 LBUTTONUP = &H202 MBUTTONDBLCLK = &H209 MBUTTONDOWN = &H207 MBUTTONUP = &H208 MDIACTIVATE = &H222 MDICASCADE = &H227 MDICREATE = &H220 MDIDESTROY = &H221 MDIGETACTIVE = &H229 MDIICONARRANGE = &H228 MDIMAXIMIZE = &H225 MDINEXT = &H224 MDIREFRESHMENU = &H234 MDIRESTORE = &H223 MDISETMENU = &H230 MDITILE = &H226 MEASUREITEM = &H2C MENUCHAR = &H120 MENUSELECT = &H11F MOUSEACTIVATE = &H21 MOUSEFIRST = &H200 MOUSELAST = &H209 MOUSEMOVE = &H200 MOVE = &H3 NCACTIVATE = &H86 NCCALCSIZE = &H83 NCCREATE = &H81 NCDESTROY = &H82 NCHITTEST = &H84 NCLBUTTONDBLCLK = &HA3 NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 NCLBUTTONUP = &HA2 NCMBUTTONDBLCLK = &HA9 NCMBUTTONDOWN = &HA7 NCMBUTTONUP = &HA8 NCMOUSEMOVE = &HA0 NCPAINT = &H85 NCRBUTTONDBLCLK = &HA6 NCRBUTTONDOWN = &HA4 NCRBUTTONUP = &HA5 NEXTDLGCTL = &H28 NULL = &H0 PAINT = &HF PAINTCLIPBOARD = &H309 PAINTICON = &H26 PALETTECHANGED = &H311 PALETTEISCHANGING = &H310 PARENTNOTIFY = &H210 PASTE = &H302 PENWINFIRST = &H380 PENWINLAST = &H38F POWER = &H48 Print = &H317 PSD_ENVSTAMPRECT = (USER + 5) PSD_FULLPAGERECT = (USER + 1) PSD_GREEKTEXTRECT = (USER + 4) PSD_MARGINRECT = (USER + 3) PSD_MINMARGINRECT = (USER + 2) PSD_PAGESETUPDLG = (USER) PSD_YAFULLPAGERECT = (USER + 6) QUERYDRAGICON = &H37 QUERYENDSESSION = &H11 QUERYNEWPALETTE = &H30F QUERYOPEN = &H13 QUEUESYNC = &H23 QUIT = &H12 RBUTTONDBLCLK = &H206 RBUTTONDOWN = &H204 RBUTTONUP = &H205 RENDERALLFORMATS = &H306 RENDERFORMAT = &H305 SETCURSOR = &H20 SETFOCUS = &H7 SETFONT = &H30 SETHOTKEY = &H32 SETREDRAW = &HB SETTEXT = &HC Size = &H5 SIZECLIPBOARD = &H30B SPOOLERSTATUS = &H2A SYSCHAR = &H106 SYSCOLORCHANGE = &H15 SYSCOMMAND = &H112 SYSDEADCHAR = &H107 SYSKEYDOWN = &H104 SYSKEYUP = &H105 SHOWWINDOW = &H18 Timer = &H113 TIMECHANGE = &H1E UNDO = &H304 VKEYTOITEM = &H2E VSCROLL = &H115 VSCROLLCLIPBOARD = &H30A WINDOWPOSCHANGED = &H47 WINDOWPOSCHANGING = &H46 WININICHANGE = &H1A End Enum 'Window Messages Public Shared Function GETTEXTLENGTH(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0) + 1 End Function Public Shared Property TEXT(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As String Get Dim length As Integer = GETTEXTLENGTH(hwnd) Dim Handle As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(length) SendMessage(hwnd, 13, length, Handle) TEXT = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(Handle) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(Handle) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Dim handle As IntPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(value) SendMessage(hwnd, &HC, IntPtr.Zero, handle) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(handle) End Set End Property Public Shared Property FONT(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As System.Drawing.Font Get Return System.Drawing.Font.FromHfont(SendMessage(hwnd, msg.GETFONT, 0, 0)) End Get Set(ByVal value As System.Drawing.Font) SendMessage(hwnd, msg.SETFONT, value.ToHfont, True) End Set End Property Public Shared Function SETFOCUS(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.SETFOCUS, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function CLOSE(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.CLOSE, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function DESTROY(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.DESTROY, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function CLEAR(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.CLEAR, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function UNDO(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.UNDO, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function Copy(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.Copy, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function PASTE(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.PASTE, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function CUT(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.CUT, 0, 0) End Function Public Shared Function SETREDRAW(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, Optional ByVal redraw As Boolean = True) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.SETREDRAW, redraw, 0) End Function Public Shared Function KILLFOCUS(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Boolean Return SendMessage(hwnd, msg.KILLFOCUS, 0, 0) End Function 'listview Public Shared Function SETICONSPACING(ByVal lview As ListView, ByVal spaceX As Integer, ByVal spaceY As Integer) As Integer Return SETICONSPACING(lview.Handle, spaceX, spaceY) End Function Public Shared Function SETICONSPACING(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal spaceX As Integer, ByVal spaceY As Integer) As Integer Return SendMessage(hwnd, &H1035, spaceX, spaceY) End Function Public Shared Function SYSCOMMAND(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal command As SC, Optional ByVal lparam As Integer = 0) As Boolean Return SendMessage(hwnd, WM.msg.SYSCOMMAND, command, lparam) End Function Public Shared Function SYSCOMMAND(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal command As SC, ByVal x As Short, ByVal y As Short) As Boolean Return SendMessage(hwnd, WM.msg.SYSCOMMAND, command, New DWORD(x, y)) End Function End Class Public Class SPI _ Private Shared Function SystemParametersInfoGet(ByVal uAction As SPI.GetActions, ByVal uiParam As UInt32, ByRef pvParam As IntPtr, ByVal fuWinIni As UInt32) As Boolean End Function _ Private Shared Function SystemParametersInfoSet(ByVal uAction As SPI.SetActions, ByVal uiParam As UInt32, ByVal pvParam As IntPtr, ByVal fuWinIni As UInt32) As Boolean End Function Public Enum GetActions As UInt32 ICONHORIZONTALSPACING = &HD ICONVERTICALSPACING = &H18 BEEP = &H1 MOUSE = &H3 BORDER = &H5 KEYBOARDSPEED = &HA SCREENSAVETIMEOUT = &HE SCREENSAVEACTIVE = &H10 GRIDGRANULARITY = &H12 KEYBOARDDELAY = &H16 ICONTITLEWRAP = &H19 MENUDROPALIGNMENT = &H1B ICONTITLELOGFONT = &H1F FASTTASKSWITCH = &H23 DRAGFULLWINDOWS = &H26 NONCLIENTMETRICS = &H29 MINIMIZEDMETRICS = &H2B ICONMETRICS = &H2D WORKAREA = &H30 HIGHCONTRAST = &H42 KEYBOARDPREF = &H44 SCREENREADER = &H46 ANIMATION = &H48 FONTSMOOTHING = &H4A LOWPOWERTIMEOUT = &H4F POWEROFFTIMEOUT = &H50 LOWPOWERACTIVE = &H53 POWEROFFACTIVE = &H54 DEFAULTINPUTLANG = &H59 WINDOWSEXTENSION = &H5C MOUSETRAILS = &H5E FILTERKEYS = &H32 TOGGLEKEYS = &H34 MOUSEKEYS = &H36 SHOWSOUNDS = &H38 STICKYKEYS = &H3A ACCESSTIMEOUT = &H3C SERIALKEYS = &H3E SOUNDSENTRY = &H40 SNAPTODEFBUTTON = &H5F MOUSEHOVERWIDTH = &H62 MOUSEHOVERHEIGHT = &H64 MOUSEHOVERTIME = &H66 WHEELSCROLLLINES = &H68 MENUSHOWDELAY = &H6A WHEELSCROLLCHARS = &H6C SCREENSAVERRUNNING = &H72 MOUSESPEED = &H70 DESKWALLPAPER = &H73 AUDIODESCRIPTION = &H74 SCREENSAVESECURE = &H76 SHOWIMEUI = &H6E ACTIVEWINDOWTRACKING = &H1000 MENUANIMATION = &H1002 COMBOBOXANIMATION = &H1004 LISTBOXSMOOTHSCROLLING = &H1006 GRADIENTCAPTIONS = &H1008 KEYBOARDCUES = &H100A MENUUNDERLINES = KEYBOARDCUES ACTIVEWNDTRKZORDER = &H100C HOTTRACKING = &H100E MENUFADE = &H1012 SELECTIONFADE = &H1014 TOOLTIPANIMATION = &H1016 TOOLTIPFADE = &H1018 CURSORSHADOW = &H101A MOUSESONAR = &H101C MOUSECLICKLOCK = &H101E MOUSEVANISH = &H1020 FLATMENU = &H1022 DROPSHADOW = &H1024 BLOCKSENDINPUTRESETS = &H1026 UIEFFECTS = &H103E DISABLEOVERLAPPEDCONTENT = &H1040 CLIENTAREAANIMATION = &H1042 CLEARTYPE = &H1048 SPEECHRECOGNITION = &H104A FOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT = &H2000 ACTIVEWNDTRKTIMEOUT = &H2002 FOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT = &H2004 CARETWIDTH = &H2006 MOUSECLICKLOCKTIME = &H2008 FONTSMOOTHINGTYPE = &H200A FONTSMOOTHINGCONTRAST = &H200C FOCUSBORDERWIDTH = &H200E FOCUSBORDERHEIGHT = &H2010 FONTSMOOTHINGORIENTATION = &H2012 MINIMUMHITRADIUS = &H2014 MESSAGEDURATION = &H2016 End Enum Public Enum SetActions As UInt32 BEEP = &H2 MOUSE = &H4 BORDER = &H6 KEYBOARDSPEED = &HB SCREENSAVETIMEOUT = &HF SCREENSAVEACTIVE = &H11 GRIDGRANULARITY = &H13 DESKWALLPAPER = &H14 DESKPATTERN = &H15 KEYBOARDDELAY = &H17 ICONTITLEWRAP = &H1A MENUDROPALIGNMENT = &H1C DOUBLECLKWIDTH = &H1D DOUBLECLKHEIGHT = &H1E DOUBLECLICKTIME = &H20 MOUSEBUTTONSWAP = &H21 ICONTITLELOGFONT = &H22 FASTTASKSWITCH = &H24 DRAGFULLWINDOWS = &H25 NONCLIENTMETRICS = &H2A MINIMIZEDMETRICS = &H2C ICONMETRICS = &H2E WORKAREA = &H2F PENWINDOWS = &H31 HIGHCONTRAST = &H43 KEYBOARDPREF = &H45 SCREENREADER = &H47 ANIMATION = &H49 FONTSMOOTHING = &H4B DRAGWIDTH = &H4C DRAGHEIGHT = &H4D HANDHELD = &H4E LOWPOWERTIMEOUT = &H51 POWEROFFTIMEOUT = &H52 LOWPOWERACTIVE = &H55 POWEROFFACTIVE = &H56 CURSORS = &H57 ICONS = &H58 DEFAULTINPUTLANG = &H5A LANGTOGGLE = &H5B MOUSETRAILS = &H5D SCREENSAVERRUNNING = &H61 FILTERKEYS = &H33 TOGGLEKEYS = &H35 MOUSEKEYS = &H37 SHOWSOUNDS = &H39 STICKYKEYS = &H3B ACCESSTIMEOUT = &H3D SERIALKEYS = &H3F SOUNDSENTRY = &H41 SNAPTODEFBUTTON = &H60 MOUSEHOVERWIDTH = &H63 MOUSEHOVERHEIGHT = &H65 MOUSEHOVERTIME = &H67 WHEELSCROLLLINES = &H69 MENUSHOWDELAY = &H6B WHEELSCROLLCHARS = &H6D SHOWIMEUI = &H6F MOUSESPEED = &H71 AUDIODESCRIPTION = &H75 SCREENSAVESECURE = &H77 ACTIVEWINDOWTRACKING = &H1001 MENUANIMATION = &H1003 COMBOBOXANIMATION = &H1005 LISTBOXSMOOTHSCROLLING = &H1007 GRADIENTCAPTIONS = &H1009 KEYBOARDCUES = &H100B MENUUNDERLINES = KEYBOARDCUES ACTIVEWNDTRKZORDER = &H100D HOTTRACKING = &H100F MENUFADE = &H1013 SELECTIONFADE = &H1015 TOOLTIPANIMATION = &H1017 TOOLTIPFADE = &H1019 CURSORSHADOW = &H101B MOUSESONAR = &H101D MOUSECLICKLOCK = &H101F MOUSEVANISH = &H1021 FLATMENU = &H1023 DROPSHADOW = &H1025 BLOCKSENDINPUTRESETS = &H1027 UIEFFECTS = &H103F DISABLEOVERLAPPEDCONTENT = &H1041 CLIENTAREAANIMATION = &H1043 CLEARTYPE = &H1049 SPEECHRECOGNITION = &H104B FOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT = &H2001 ACTIVEWNDTRKTIMEOUT = &H2003 FOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT = &H2005 CARETWIDTH = &H2007 MOUSECLICKLOCKTIME = &H2009 FONTSMOOTHINGTYPE = &H200B FONTSMOOTHINGCONTRAST = &H200D FOCUSBORDERWIDTH = &H200F FOCUSBORDERHEIGHT = &H2011 FONTSMOOTHINGORIENTATION = &H2013 MINIMUMHITRADIUS = &H2015 MESSAGEDURATION = &H2017 End Enum Public Enum FontSmoothing As Int32 STANDARD = &H1 CLEARTYPE = &H2 DOCKING = &H8000 End Enum Public Enum FontSmoothingOrientation As Int32 BGR = &H0 RGB = &H1 End Enum Public Shared Function SetParameter(ByVal parameter As SetActions, ByVal uparam As UInteger, ByVal pvParam As IntPtr) As Boolean Return SystemParametersInfoSet(parameter, uparam, pvParam, 1) End Function Public Shared Function SetParameter(ByVal parameter As SetActions, ByVal pvParam As IntPtr) As Boolean Return SetParameter(parameter, 0, pvParam) End Function Public Shared Function GetParameter(ByVal parameter As GetActions) As IntPtr SystemParametersInfoGet(parameter, 0, GetParameter, 0) End Function End Class Public Class DC Implements System.IDisposable Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As IntPtr, ByVal nXDest As Integer, ByVal nYDest As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal hdcSrc As IntPtr, ByVal nXSrc As Integer, ByVal nYSrc As Integer, ByVal dwRop As UInteger) As Boolean Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetPixel" (ByVal hdc As IntPtr, ByVal X As Int32, ByVal Y As Int32) As Int32 Private Declare Function SetPixel Lib "gdi32" Alias "SetPixel" (ByVal hdc As IntPtr, ByVal X As Int32, ByVal Y As Int32, ByVal crColor As UInt32) As UInt32 Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal hDC As IntPtr) As Boolean Private Declare Function GetClipBox Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As IntPtr, ByRef lprc As WRECT) As Integer Private Declare Function GetClipRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As IntPtr, ByRef hrgn As Region) As Integer Private Declare Function GetRandomRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As IntPtr, ByRef hrgn As Region, ByVal inum As Integer) As Integer Private managedtype As DCSource Private managedobject As Object Private managedgraphics As Graphics Private hdc As IntPtr Private _disposed As Boolean Public Enum DCSource None Handle Graphics End Enum Sub New(ByVal g As Graphics) Me.managedobject = g Me.managedtype = DCSource.Graphics Me.hdc = g.GetHdc End Sub Sub New(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal hdc As IntPtr) Me.managedobject = hwnd Me.managedtype = DCSource.Handle Me.hdc = hdc End Sub Sub New() Me.managedobject = Nothing Me.managedtype = DCSource.None End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Source() As DCSource Get Return Me.managedtype End Get End Property Public Sub SetPixel(ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal C As Color) SetPixel(Me.hdc, X, Y, C.ToArgb) End Sub Public Function GetPixel(ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer) As Color Return ColorTranslator.FromOle(GetPixel(Me.hdc, X, Y)) End Function Public Property Pixel(ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer) As Color Get Return GetPixel(X, Y) End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) SetPixel(X, Y, value) End Set End Property Public Enum RasterOperation As UInteger ''' default operation NORMAL = RasterOperation.SRCCOPY Or RasterOperation.CAPTUREBLT ''' dest = source SRCCOPY = &HCC0020 ''' dest = source OR dest SRCPAINT = &HEE0086 ''' dest = source AND dest SRCAND = &H8800C6 ''' dest = source XOR dest SRCINVERT = &H660046 ''' dest = source AND (NOT dest) SRCERASE = &H440328 ''' dest = (NOT source) NOTSRCCOPY = &H330008 ''' dest = (NOT src) AND (NOT dest) NOTSRCERASE = &H1100A6 ''' dest = (source AND pattern) MERGECOPY = &HC000CA ''' dest = (NOT source) OR dest MERGEPAINT = &HBB0226 ''' dest = pattern PATCOPY = &HF00021 ''' dest = DPSnoo PATPAINT = &HFB0A09 ''' dest = pattern XOR dest PATINVERT = &H5A0049 ''' dest = (NOT dest) DSTINVERT = &H550009 ''' dest = BLACK BLACKNESS = &H42 ''' dest = WHITE WHITENESS = &HFF0062 ''' ''' Capture window as seen on screen. This includes layered windows ''' such as WPF windows with AllowsTransparency="true" ''' CAPTUREBLT = &H40000000 End Enum Public ReadOnly Property ClipBox() As Rectangle Get Dim w As WRECT GetClipBox(Me.hdc, w) Return w.Value End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property ClipSize() As Size Get Return Me.ClipBox.Size End Get End Property Public Property Handle() As IntPtr Get Return Me.hdc End Get Set(ByVal value As IntPtr) Me.hdc = value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property Disposed() As Boolean Get Return Me._disposed End Get End Property Public Sub Draw(ByVal source As Graphics, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, ByVal sourceoffset As Point, ByVal operation As RasterOperation) Dim hdc As IntPtr = source.GetHdc Draw(hdc, destrect, sourceoffset, operation) source.ReleaseHdc(hdc) End Sub Public Sub Draw(ByVal source As DC, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, ByVal sourceoffset As Point, ByVal operation As RasterOperation) Draw(source.hdc, destrect, sourceoffset, operation) End Sub Public Sub Draw(ByVal sourcehdc As IntPtr, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, ByVal sourceoffset As Point, ByVal operation As RasterOperation) BitBlt(Me.hdc, destrect.X, destrect.Y, destrect.Width, destrect.Height, sourcehdc, sourceoffset.X, sourceoffset.Y, operation) End Sub Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal destination As Graphics, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) CopyTo(destination, Me.ClipBox, operation) End Sub Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal destination As Graphics, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) CopyTo(destination, destrect, New Point(0, 0), operation) End Sub Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal destination As Graphics, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, ByVal sourceoffset As Point, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) Dim hdc As IntPtr = destination.GetHdc CopyTo(hdc, destrect, sourceoffset, operation) destination.ReleaseHdc(hdc) End Sub Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal destination As DC, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) CopyTo(destination.hdc, Me.ClipBox, New Point(0, 0), operation) End Sub Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal destination As DC, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) CopyTo(destination.hdc, destrect, New Point(0, 0), operation) End Sub Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal destination As DC, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, ByVal sourceoffset As Point, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) CopyTo(destination.hdc, destrect, sourceoffset, operation) End Sub Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal desthdc As IntPtr, ByVal destrect As Rectangle, ByVal sourceoffset As Point, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) BitBlt(desthdc, destrect.X, destrect.Y, destrect.Width, destrect.Height, Me.hdc, sourceoffset.X, sourceoffset.Y, operation) End Sub Public Function ToBitmap(Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.NORMAL) As Bitmap Return ToBitmap(Me.ClipSize, operation) End Function Public Function ToBitmap(ByVal Resolution As Size, Optional ByVal operation As RasterOperation = RasterOperation.SRCCOPY Or RasterOperation.CAPTUREBLT) As Bitmap ToBitmap = New Bitmap(Resolution.Width, Resolution.Height) Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(ToBitmap) Dim ghdc As IntPtr = g.GetHdc BitBlt(ghdc, 0, 0, Resolution.Width, Resolution.Height, Me.hdc, 0, 0, operation) g.ReleaseHdc(ghdc) g.Dispose() End Function Public ReadOnly Property Graphics() As Graphics Get If Me.managedgraphics Is Nothing Then Me.managedgraphics = Graphics.FromHdc(Me.hdc) Return Me.managedgraphics End Get End Property Public Shared Function FromHandle(ByVal handle As IntPtr) As DC FromHandle = New DC() FromHandle.hdc = handle End Function Protected Overridable Overloads Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If Me._disposed = False Then Select Case managedtype Case DCSource.Handle ReleaseDC(CType(Me.managedobject, IntPtr), Me.hdc) Case DCSource.Graphics CType(Me.managedobject, Graphics).ReleaseHdc(Me.hdc) End Select If managedgraphics IsNot Nothing Then managedgraphics.Dispose() Me.managedgraphics = Nothing Me.managedobject = Nothing Me.managedtype = Nothing Me.hdc = Nothing Me._disposed = True End If End Sub Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose Dispose(True) GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) End Sub End Class Public Structure ShellExecuteInfo Private Declare Function ShellExecuteEx Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteExA" (ByRef lpExecInfo As ShellExecuteInfo) As Boolean Sub New(ByVal Verb As Verb) Me.lpVerb = Verb.ToString() End Sub Private cbSize As Integer Public fMask As Mask Public hwnd As IntPtr Public lpVerb As String Public lpFile As String Public lpParameters As String Public lpDirectory As String Public nShow As SW Public hInstApp As IntPtr Public lpIDList As IntPtr Public lpClass As String Public hkeyClass As IntPtr Public dwHotKey As Integer Public hIcon As IntPtr Public hProcess As IntPtr Public Property hMonitor() As IntPtr Get Return Me.hIcon End Get Set(ByVal value As IntPtr) Me.hIcon = value End Set End Property Public Enum Mask As Integer NONE = &H0 CLASSNAME = &H1 CLASSKEY = &H3 IDLIST = &H4 INVOKEIDLIST = &HC ICON = &H10 HOTKEY = &H20 NOCLOSEPROCESS = &H40 CONNECTNETDRV = &H80 NOASYNC = &H100 DOENVSUBST = &H200 FLAG_NO_UI = &H400 UNICODE = &H4000 NO_CONSOLE = &H8000 ASYNCOK = &H100000 NOQUERYCLASSSTORE = &H1000000 HMONITOR = &H200000 NOZONECHECKS = &H800000 WAITFORINPUTIDLE = &H2000000 FLAG_LOG_USAGE = &H4000000 End Enum Public Enum SW As Integer ''' ''' No SW command, default value. ''' NONE ''' ''' Hides the window and activates another window. ''' HIDE ''' ''' Maximizes the specified window. ''' MAXIMIZE ''' ''' Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the z-order. ''' MINIMIZE ''' ''' Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. ''' An application should specify this flag when restoring a minimized window. ''' RESTORE ''' ''' Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position. ''' SHOW ''' ''' Sets the show state based on the SW_ flag specified in the STARTUPINFO structure passed to the CreateProcess function by the program that started the application. ''' An application should call ShowWindow with this flag to set the initial show state of its main window. ''' SHOWDEFAULT ''' ''' Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window. ''' SHOWMAXIMIZED ''' ''' Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window. ''' SHOWMINIMIZED ''' ''' Displays the window as a minimized window. The active window remains active. ''' SHOWMINNOACTIVE ''' ''' Displays the window in its current state. The active window remains active. ''' SHOWNA ''' ''' Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The active window remains active. ''' SHOWNOACTIVATE ''' ''' Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. ''' An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time. ''' SHOWNORMAL End Enum Public Enum Verb none edit explore find open print properties End Enum Public Function Execute() As Boolean Me.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(Me) Return ShellExecuteEx(Me) End Function End Structure Public Declare Function VkKeyScan Lib "user32" Alias "VkKeyScanA" (ByVal ch As Char) As Short Public Declare Function MapVirtualKey Lib "User32.dll" Alias "MapVirtualKeyA" (ByVal uCode As UInt32, ByVal uMapType As MAPVK) As UInt32 Public Enum MAPVK As UInt32 ''' uCode is a virtual-key code and is translated into a scan code. ''' If it is a virtual-key code that does not distinguish between left- and ''' right-hand keys, the left-hand scan code is returned. ''' If there is no translation, the function returns 0. ''' ''' VK_TO_VSC = 0 ''' uCode is a scan code and is translated into a virtual-key code that ''' does not distinguish between left- and right-hand keys. If there is no ''' translation, the function returns 0. ''' ''' VSC_TO_VK = 1 ''' uCode is a virtual-key code and is translated into an unshifted ''' character value in the low-order word of the return value. Dead keys (diacritics) ''' are indicated by setting the top bit of the return value. If there is no ''' translation, the function returns 0. ''' ''' VK_TO_CHAR = 2 ''' Windows NT/2000/XP: uCode is a scan code and is translated into a ''' virtual-key code that distinguishes between left- and right-hand keys. If ''' there is no translation, the function returns 0. ''' ''' VSC_TO_VK_EX = 3 End Enum Public Structure Input Sub New(ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer, ByVal flags As MouseEvent, Optional ByVal data As MouseData = 0) If (flags And MouseEvent.MoveScreen) = MouseEvent.MoveScreen Then 'convert to screen absolute dx = dx / My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width * UShort.MaxValue dy = dy / My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height * UShort.MaxValue flags -= MouseEvent.MoveScreen If Not (flags And MouseEvent.MoveAbsolute) = MouseEvent.MoveAbsolute Then flags += MouseEvent.MoveAbsolute End If End If Me.type = dwType.MOUSE With Me.mi .dx = dx .dy = dy .time = 0 .dwExtraInfo = 0 .mouseData = data .dwFlags = flags End With End Sub Sub New(ByVal key As Keys, ByVal keyevent As KeyEvent) Me.type = dwType.KEYBOARD Dim extended As Boolean = False If key = Keys.Shift Then key = &H10 If key = Keys.Control Then key = &H11 If key = Keys.Menu Then key = &H12 If key = Keys.LControlKey Or key = Keys.RControlKey Then extended = True If key = Keys.LMenu Or key = Keys.RMenu Then extended = True If key = Keys.LShiftKey Or key = Keys.RShiftKey Then extended = True With .wVk = key .dwFlags = keyevent If extended Then .dwFlags += KEYBDINPUT.KEYEVENTF.EXTENDEDKEY .time = 0 .dwExtraInfo = 0 End With End Sub Sub New(ByVal msg As Integer, ByVal ParamL As Short, ByVal ParamH As Short) Me.type = dwType.HARDWARE With Me.hi .uMsg = msg .wParamL = ParamL .wParamH = ParamH End With End Sub Private type As dwType Private mi As MOUSEINPUT Private ki As KEYBDINPUT Private hi As HARDWAREINPUT Private Structure MOUSEINPUT Public dx As Integer Public dy As Integer Public mouseData As Integer Public dwFlags As MOUSEEVENTF Public time As Integer Public dwExtraInfo As IntPtr Public Enum MOUSEEVENTF As Integer MOVE = &H1 LEFTDOWN = &H2 LEFTUP = &H4 RIGHTDOWN = &H8 RIGHTUP = &H10 MIDDLEDOWN = &H20 MIDDLEUP = &H40 XDOWN = &H80 XUP = &H100 WHEEL = &H800 VIRTUALDESK = &H4000 ABSOLUTE = &H8000 End Enum End Structure Private Structure KEYBDINPUT Public wVk As Short Public wScan As Short Public dwFlags As KEYEVENTF Public time As Integer Public dwExtraInfo As IntPtr Public Enum KEYEVENTF As Integer KEYDOWN = 0 EXTENDEDKEY = 1 KEYUP = 2 UNICODE = 4 SCANCODE = 8 End Enum End Structure Private Structure HARDWAREINPUT Public uMsg As Integer Public wParamL As Short Public wParamH As Short End Structure Private Enum dwType As Integer MOUSE = 0 KEYBOARD = 1 HARDWARE = 2 End Enum Public Enum MouseEvent ''' ''' Moves the cursor with the offset dx and dy ''' Move = &H1 ''' ''' Places the cursor at the screen coordinates dx and dy ''' MoveScreen = &H1000 ''' ''' Places the cursor at the screen using dx and dy ranging from 0 (left/top) to 65535 (right/bottom) ''' MoveAbsolute = Move Or &H8000 ''' ''' Places the cursor at the desktop using dx and dy ranging from 0 (left/top) to 65535 (right/bottom) ''' MoveVirtualDesktop = MoveAbsolute Or &H4000 ''' ''' Press the left mouse button ''' LeftDown = &H2 ''' ''' Release the left mouse button ''' LeftUp = &H4 ''' ''' Press the right mouse button ''' RightDown = &H8 ''' ''' Release the right mouse button ''' RightUp = &H10 ''' ''' Press the middle mouse button ''' MiddleDown = &H30 ''' ''' Release the middle mouse button ''' MiddleUp = &H40 ''' ''' Press the XButton specified in the data member ''' XDown = &H80 ''' ''' Release the XButton specified in the data member ''' XUp = &H100 ''' ''' Scroll the vertical mousewheel with the delta count of the data member ''' MouseVWheel = &H800 ''' ''' Scroll the horizontal mousewheel with the delta count of the data member ''' MouseHWheel = &H20E End Enum Public Enum MouseData As Integer XButton1 = 1 XButton2 = 2 Wheel_Delta_Backward = -120 Wheel_Delta_Forward = 120 Wheel_Delta_Left = -120 Wheel_Delta_Right = 120 End Enum Public Enum KeyEvent Down = 0 Up = 2 End Enum Private Declare Function SendInput Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal cInputs As Integer, ByVal pInputs() As Input, ByVal cbSize As Integer) As Integer Public Shared Function Send(ByVal ParamArray inputs() As Input) As Boolean Return SendInput(inputs.Count, inputs, Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Input))) End Function Public Function Send() As Boolean Return Send(Me) End Function End Structure Public Structure WORD Sub New(ByVal value As Short) Me.Short1 = value End Sub Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal w As WORD) As Short Return w.Short1 End Operator Public Short1 As Short Public UShort1 As UShort Public Byte1 As Byte Public Byte2 As Byte Public Shared Function FromBB(ByVal Byte1 As Byte, ByVal Byte2 As Byte) As WORD FromBB = New WORD FromBB.Byte1 = Byte1 FromBB.Byte2 = Byte2 End Function End Structure Public Structure DWORD Sub New(ByVal value As Integer) Me.Integer1 = value End Sub Sub New(ByVal Short1 As Short, ByVal Short2 As Short) Me.Short1 = Short1 Me.Short2 = Short2 End Sub Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal w As DWORD) As Integer Return w.Integer1 End Operator Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal w As DWORD) As IntPtr Return w.Integer1 End Operator Public Integer1 As Integer Public UInteger1 As UInteger Public Short1 As Short Public UShort1 As UShort Public Short2 As Short Public UShort2 As UShort Public Byte1 As Byte Public Byte2 As Byte Public Byte3 As Byte Public Byte4 As Byte Public Shared Function FromUsBB(ByVal UShort1 As UShort, ByVal Byte1 As Byte, ByVal Byte2 As Byte) As DWORD FromUsBB = New DWORD FromUsBB.UShort1 = UShort1 FromUsBB.Byte3 = Byte1 FromUsBB.Byte4 = Byte2 End Function Public Shared Function FromSBB(ByVal Short1 As Short, ByVal Byte1 As Byte, ByVal Byte2 As Byte) As DWORD FromSBB = New DWORD FromSBB.Short1 = Short1 FromSBB.Byte3 = Byte1 FromSBB.Byte4 = Byte2 End Function Public Shared Function FromBBBB(ByVal Byte1 As Byte, ByVal Byte2 As Byte, ByVal Byte3 As Byte, ByVal Byte4 As Byte) As DWORD FromBBBB = New DWORD FromBBBB.Byte1 = Byte1 FromBBBB.Byte2 = Byte2 FromBBBB.Byte3 = Byte3 FromBBBB.Byte4 = Byte4 End Function End Structure Public Structure QWORD Sub New(ByVal value As Long) Me.Long1 = value End Sub Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal w As QWORD) As Long Return w.Long1 End Operator Public Long1 As Long Public ULong1 As ULong Public Integer1 As Integer Public UInteger1 As UInteger Public Integer2 As Integer Public UInteger2 As UInteger Public Short1 As Short Public UShort1 As UShort Public Short2 As Short Public UShort2 As UShort Public Short3 As Short Public UShort3 As UShort Public Short4 As Short Public UShort4 As UShort Public Byte1 As Byte Public Byte2 As Byte Public Byte3 As Byte Public Byte4 As Byte Public Byte5 As Byte Public Byte6 As Byte Public Byte7 As Byte Public Byte8 As Byte End Structure Public Structure WPOINT Public X As Integer Public Y As Integer Sub New(ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer) Me.X = X Me.Y = Y End Sub Sub New(ByVal p As Point) Me.X = p.X Me.Y = p.Y End Sub Public Property Value() As Point Get Return New Point(Me.X, Me.Y) End Get Set(ByVal value As Point) Me.X = value.X Me.Y = value.Y End Set End Property End Structure Public Structure WRECT Public Left As Integer, Top As Integer, Right As Integer, Bottom As Integer Sub New(ByVal r As Rectangle) Me.Value = r End Sub Public Property Value() As Rectangle Get Return New Rectangle(Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top) End Get Set(ByVal value As Rectangle) Me.Left = value.Left Me.Right = value.Right Me.Top = value.Top Me.Bottom = value.Bottom End Set End Property End Structure Public Class MCI _ Private Shared Function mciGetErrorString(ByVal fdwError As Integer, ByVal lpszErrorText As System.Text.StringBuilder, ByVal cchErrorText As UInt32) As Boolean End Function _ Private Shared Function mciSendString(ByVal strCommand As String, ByVal strReturn As System.Text.StringBuilder, ByVal iReturnLength As Integer, ByVal hwndCallback As IntPtr) As Long End Function _ Private Shared Function mciSendCommand(ByVal IDDevice As Integer, ByVal uMsg As UInt32, ByVal fdwCommand As Integer, ByVal dwParam As Integer) As Long End Function Private Shared Function GetErrorString(ByVal ErrorCode As Long) As String With New QWORD(ErrorCode) GetErrorString = "Device: " & .Integer2 & " - " Dim buff As New System.Text.StringBuilder(128) If mciGetErrorString(.Integer1, buff, buff.Capacity) Then GetErrorString &= buff.ToString Else GetErrorString &= "Error code: " & .Integer1 End If End With End Function _ Public Shared Function SendString(ByVal command As String, ByVal callback As IntPtr, ByVal returnlength As Integer) As String Dim buff As System.Text.StringBuilder = Nothing If returnlength > 0 Then buff = New System.Text.StringBuilder(returnlength) Dim err As Long = mciSendString(command, buff, returnlength, callback) If err <> 0 Then LastError = New Exception(GetErrorString(err)) Throw LastError Return "ERROR" End If If returnlength = 0 Then Return Nothing Else Return buff.ToString End Function _ Public Shared Sub SendString(ByVal command As String, ByVal callback As IntPtr) SendString(command, callback, 0) End Sub _ Public Shared Sub SendCommand(ByVal DeviceID As Integer, ByVal Message As UInt32, ByVal Command As IntPtr, ByVal Parameter As Integer) Dim err As Long = mciSendCommand(DeviceID, Message, Command, Parameter) If err <> 0 Then LastError = New Exception(GetErrorString(err)) Throw LastError End If End Sub End Class Public Class DESKTOP Public Declare Auto Function GetThreadDesktop Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal threadId As Integer) As IntPtr Public Declare Auto Function OpenInputDesktop Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal flags As Integer, ByVal inherit As Boolean, ByVal desiredAccess As Integer) As IntPtr Public Declare Auto Function CreateDesktop Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal desktop As String, ByVal device As String, ByVal devmode As IntPtr, ByVal flags As Integer, ByVal desiredAccess As Integer, ByVal lpsa As IntPtr) As IntPtr Public Declare Auto Function SetThreadDesktop Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal desktop As IntPtr) As Boolean Public Declare Auto Function SwitchDesktop Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal desktop As IntPtr) As Boolean Public Declare Auto Function CloseDesktop Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal desktop As IntPtr) As Boolean End Class End Class