2017-07-24 21:09:48 -04:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using ShiftOS.Engine ;
using ShiftOS.Objects ;
namespace ShiftOS.Frontend
public class MonoGameOOBE : IOobe
public void PromptForLogin ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
public void ShowSaveTransfer ( Save save )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
public void SlowWriteLine ( string text )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( Console . Text ) )
Console . WriteLine ( "" ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < text . Length ; i + + )
System . Threading . Thread . Sleep ( 50 ) ;
Console . Write ( text [ i ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
private Apps . TerminalControl Console = null ;
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private GUI . ProgressBar progress = null ;
private GUI . TextControl status = null ;
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public void StartShowing ( Save save )
TerminalBackend . InStory = true ;
TerminalBackend . PrefixEnabled = false ;
var term = new Apps . TerminalControl ( ) ;
GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . AddTopLevel ( term ) ;
term . Width = GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Width ;
term . Height = GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Height ;
term . X = 0 ;
term . Y = 0 ;
AppearanceManager . ConsoleOut = term ;
AppearanceManager . StartConsoleOut ( ) ;
Console = term ;
var t = new System . Threading . Thread ( ( ) = >
SlowWriteLine ( "Michael VanOverbeek presents..." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "A Philip Adams game..." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @ "It's not often technology becomes out of mankind's league, out of its
control . I mean , we are the creators of technology , we are the ones with the ideas ,
innovations , and skill . It just does what we tell it to , right ? ");
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @ "Such a naive being you are to think that, after all,
you have no idea where you are . . . what ' s going on . . . who I am . ");
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @ "To you, I'm just text. Something you understand. Words...
paragraphs . . . ideas . . . the very things that caused and became technology . ");
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @"""Where am I? What the hell's going on!?" " I hear you ask.
Such important questions , but please adjust your emotional and
mental state . This is not your concern . ");
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @"My name is DevX. What is yours?" ) ;
bool nameChosen = false ;
Engine . Infobox . PromptText ( "What is your name?" , "Please enter your name in the box below, then hit 'OK'." , ( name ) = >
nameChosen = true ;
save . Username = name ;
} ) ;
while ( nameChosen = = false )
Thread . Sleep ( 10 ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( $@"Hello there, {save.Username}. Nice to meet you." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @"Welcome to my Digital Society." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @ "I can't and won't tell you what happened to you, but I'm going to tell you
what you ' re going to be doing for me . . . with me . ");
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @ "But it's not time for that. First, you must be trained.
I ' m installing the Digital Society ' s gateway operating system onto your sentience .
It ' s called ShiftOS . ");
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "" ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( @"When the system is installed, I'll contact you. DevX out." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 5000 ) ;
while ( AppearanceManager . OpenForms . Count > 0 )
AppearanceManager . OpenForms [ 0 ] . Close ( ) ;
AppearanceManager . OpenForms . RemoveAt ( 0 ) ;
GUI . TextControl _shiftos = new GUI . TextControl ( ) ;
GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . AddTopLevel ( _shiftos ) ;
term . Clear ( ) ;
_shiftos . AutoSize = true ;
_shiftos . Font = SkinEngine . LoadedSkin . HeaderFont ;
_shiftos . Text = "ShiftOS" ;
_shiftos . Y = GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Height / 3 ;
_shiftos . Layout ( new Microsoft . Xna . Framework . GameTime ( ) ) ;
_shiftos . X = ( GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Width - _shiftos . Width ) / 2 ;
2017-07-25 13:17:19 -04:00
status = new GUI . TextControl ( ) ;
GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . AddTopLevel ( status ) ;
status . Font = SkinEngine . LoadedSkin . MainFont ;
status . AutoSize = true ;
status . Text = "Beginning installation..." ;
status . Y = _shiftos . Y + _shiftos . Height + 5 ;
status . Layout ( new Microsoft . Xna . Framework . GameTime ( ) ) ;
status . X = ( GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Width - status . Width ) / 2 ;
progress = new GUI . ProgressBar ( ) ;
GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . AddTopLevel ( progress ) ;
progress . Width = 150 ;
progress . Height = 10 ;
progress . Maximum = 250 ;
progress . Value = 0 ;
progress . Y = status . Y + status . Height + 15 ;
progress . X = ( GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Width - progress . Width ) / 2 ;
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2017-07-25 13:17:19 -04:00
term . Clear ( ) ;
term . Width = 320 ;
term . Height = 200 ;
term . X = ( GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Width - term . Width ) / 2 ;
term . Y = progress . Y + progress . Height + 15 ;
var nt = new Thread ( ( ) = >
while ( status ! = null )
if ( term . Lines . Length > 0 )
string txt = term . Lines [ term . Lines . Length - 1 ] ;
if ( status . Text ! = txt + $" [{progress.Value}%]" )
status . Text = txt + $" [{progress.Value}%]" ;
status . Layout ( new Microsoft . Xna . Framework . GameTime ( ) ) ;
status . X = ( GraphicsSubsystem . UIManager . Viewport . Width - status . Width ) / 2 ;
Thread . Sleep ( 10 ) ;
catch { }
} ) ;
nt . Start ( ) ;
SlowWriteLine ( "Formatting storage device A with ShiftFS version 4.7..." ) ;
progress . Maximum = 100 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i + + )
progress . Value = i ;
Thread . Sleep ( 25 ) ;
progress . Value = 0 ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Mounting storage device A to 0:/" ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 135 ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Writing system files & directories to sentience..." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 450 ) ;
foreach ( var dir in Paths . GetAllWithoutKey ( ) )
if ( dir . StartsWith ( "0:/" ) )
Console . WriteLine ( "Writing: " + dir ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 30 ) ;
catch { }
Thread . Sleep ( 1250 ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Generating system profile..." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 25 ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Codepoints: 0" ) ;
save . Codepoints = 0 ;
progress . Value = 10 ;
Thread . Sleep ( 25 ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Shiftorium cache generated..." ) ;
save . Upgrades = new Dictionary < string , bool > ( ) ;
progress . Value = 20 ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Performing even more redundant tasks that have already been done for us by the backend because we're redundant programmers who don't know our own code... jesus christ this is a long string..." ) ;
save . ID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) ;
save . IsSandbox = false ;
save . Language = "english" ;
save . MusicEnabled = true ;
save . MusicVolume = 100 ;
save . PickupPoint = "" ;
save . ShiftnetSubscription = 0 ;
save . SoundEnabled = true ;
save . StoriesExperienced = new List < string > ( ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 2000 ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Far out. We haven't asked the user for a hostname." ) ;
bool hostnameEntered = false ;
Engine . Infobox . PromptText ( "Enter system hostname" , "You need a hostname to exist within the Digital Society. Your hostname allows other sentiences to interact with you. Please enter one." , ( hostname ) = >
hostnameEntered = true ;
save . SystemName = hostname ;
} ) ;
int ticks = 0 ;
while ( hostnameEntered = = false )
Thread . Sleep ( 10 ) ;
ticks + + ;
if ( ticks = = 1000 )
Console . WriteLine ( "<kernel> [growls] COME ON. THE BOX IS RIGHT THERE. PICK A DARN HOSTNAME ALREADY." ) ;
if ( ticks = = 1250 )
Console . WriteLine ( "<kernel> [screaming expletives] WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" ) ;
if ( ticks = = 1500 )
Console . WriteLine ( "<kernel> [someone pissed in its cereal] For crying out loud I'm about ready to default you to localhost and prevent you from accessing the Digital Society." ) ;
progress . Value = 100 ;
save . ViralInfections = new List < ViralInfection > ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "<kernel> Setup complete. You're ready." ) ;
Thread . Sleep ( 500 ) ;
save . StoryPosition = 123456789 ; //HERE. YOU DO THE MATH.
SaveSystem . CurrentSave = save ;
SaveSystem . SaveGame ( ) ;
2017-07-24 21:09:48 -04:00
} ) ;
t . Start ( ) ;