' This code was generated by a tool.
' Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000
' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
' the code is regenerated.
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Namespace My
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class MySettings
Inherits Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase
Private Shared defaultInstance As MySettings = CType(Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Synchronized(New MySettings), MySettings)
#Region "My.Settings Auto-Save Functionality"
#If _MyType = "WindowsForms" Then
Private Shared addedHandler As Boolean
Private Shared addedHandlerLockObject As New Object
Private Shared Sub AutoSaveSettings(ByVal sender As Global.System.Object, ByVal e As Global.System.EventArgs)
If My.Application.SaveMySettingsOnExit Then
End If
End Sub
#End If
#End Region
Public Shared ReadOnly Property [Default]() As MySettings
#If _MyType = "WindowsForms" Then
If Not addedHandler Then
SyncLock addedHandlerLockObject
If Not addedHandler Then
AddHandler My.Application.Shutdown, AddressOf AutoSaveSettings
addedHandler = True
End If
End SyncLock
End If
#End If
Return defaultInstance
End Get
End Property
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace My
Friend Module MySettingsProperty
Friend ReadOnly Property Settings() As Global.ShiftOS.Modding.VisualBasic.LegacySkinConverter.My.MySettings
Return Global.ShiftOS.Modding.VisualBasic.LegacySkinConverter.My.MySettings.Default
End Get
End Property
End Module
End Namespace