using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ShiftOS.Engine; using ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications; namespace ShiftOS.WinForms { [Namespace("l337")] [RequiresUpgrade("hacker101_deadaccts")] public static class HackerCommands { private static void writeSlow(string text) { Console.Write("[hacker101@undisclosed]: "); foreach(var c in text.ToCharArray()) { Console.Write(c); Thread.Sleep(125); } Console.WriteLine(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } [Story("hacker101_deadaccts")] public static void DeadAccountsStory() { if (!terminalIsOpen()) { AppearanceManager.SetupWindow(new Terminal()); } var t = new Thread(() => { Console.WriteLine("[sys@mud]: Warning: User connecting to system..."); Thread.Sleep(75); Console.WriteLine("[sys@mud]: UBROADCAST: Username: hacker101 - Sysname: undisclosed"); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.Write("--locking mud connection resources..."); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.WriteLine("...done."); Console.Write("--locking user input... "); Thread.Sleep(75); TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled = false; TerminalBackend.InStory = true; Console.WriteLine("...done."); Thread.Sleep(2000); writeSlow($"Hello there, fellow multi-user domain user."); writeSlow("My name, as you can tell, is hacker101."); writeSlow("And yours must be... don't say it... it's " + SaveSystem.CurrentSave.Username + "@" + SaveSystem.CurrentSave.SystemName + ", right?"); writeSlow("Of course it is."); writeSlow("And I bet you 10,000 Codepoints that you have... " + SaveSystem.CurrentSave.Codepoints.ToString() + " Codepoints."); writeSlow("Oh, and how much upgrades have you installed since you first started using ShiftOS?"); writeSlow("That would be... uhh... " + SaveSystem.CurrentSave.CountUpgrades().ToString() + "."); writeSlow("I'm probably freaking you out right now. You are probably thinking that you're unsafe and need to lock yourself down."); writeSlow("But, don't worry, I mean no harm."); writeSlow("In fact, I am a multi-user domain safety activist and security professional."); writeSlow("I need your help with something."); writeSlow("Inside the multi-user domain, every now and then these 'dead' user accounts pop up."); writeSlow("They're infesting everything. They're in every legion, they infest chatrooms, and they take up precious hard drive space."); writeSlow("Eventually there's going to be tons of them just sitting there taking over the MUD. We can't have that."); writeSlow("It sounds like a conspiracy theory indeed, but it's true, in fact, these dead accounts hold some valuable treasures."); writeSlow("I'm talking Codepoints, skins, documents, the possibilities are endless."); writeSlow("I'm going to execute a quick sys-script that will show you how you can help get rid of these accounts, and also gain some valuable resources to help you on your digital frontier."); writeSlow("This script will also show you the fundamentals of security exploitation and theft of resources - which if you want to survive in the multi-user domain is paramount."); writeSlow("Good luck."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("--user disconnected"); Thread.Sleep(75); Console.WriteLine("--commands unlocked - check"); Thread.Sleep(45); SaveSystem.SaveGame(); Console.Write("--unlocking user input..."); Thread.Sleep(75); Console.Write(" ..done"); TerminalBackend.InStory = false; TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled = true; Console.Write($"{SaveSystem.CurrentSave.Username}@{SaveSystem.CurrentSave.SystemName}:~$ "); StartHackerTutorial(); }); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); } internal static void StartHackerTutorial() { //nyi } private static bool terminalIsOpen() { foreach(var win in AppearanceManager.OpenForms) { if (win.ParentWindow is Terminal) return true; } return false; } } [Namespace("storydev")] public static class StoryDevCommands { [Command("start", description = "Starts a story plot.", usage ="id:string")] [RequiresArgument("id")] [RemoteLock] public static bool StartStory(Dictionary args) { Story.Start(args["id"].ToString()); return true; } [Command("unexperience", description = "Marks a story plot as not-experienced yet.", usage ="id:string")] [RemoteLock] [RequiresArgument("id")] public static bool Unexperience(Dictionary args) { string id = args["id"].ToString(); if (SaveSystem.CurrentSave.StoriesExperienced.Contains(id)) { Console.WriteLine("Unexperiencing " + id + "."); SaveSystem.CurrentSave.StoriesExperienced.Remove(id); SaveSystem.SaveGame(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Story ID not found."); } return true; } } }