Initial Release

This commit is contained in:
Declan Hoare 2020-04-16 22:58:21 +10:00
commit 7000fce72f
25 changed files with 1376 additions and 0 deletions

README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Shift Gears is a new server for ShiftOS 1.0.
Currently focusing on the available source and binary of 1.0 Beta 2.5.2
but ultimately it would be nice to support as many client versions as
To run it you need a config.json file that looks something like
"dbaddr": "mysql://root:password@localhost/shiftos"
dependencies: sqlalchemy, twisted, flask, netfleece
You need a WSGI Web server to run unite.wsgi for the Unite server.
You can just execute to run the MUD server.

99 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import io
import secrets
import socket
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from database import AuthSession
from mapping import map_from, map_to
from messagehandler import handler
from myconfig import config, mappings
from netclass.jsonconverter import from_json
class InvalidTokenError(Exception):
class Auth:
def __init__(self, dbsession, addr):
self.dbsession = dbsession
self.addr = addr
def session(self, token):
session = self.dbsession.query(AuthSession).filter_by(Token = token).one()
except NoResultFound:
raise InvalidTokenError()
session.LastUsed = datetime.utcnow()
session.LastIP = self.addr
return session
def create_session(self, user, app_name, app_description, version):
session = AuthSession()
session.Token = secrets.token_urlsafe()
session.User = user
session.AppName = app_name
session.AppDesc = app_description
session.Version = version
session.Created = session.LastUsed = datetime.utcnow()
session.LastIP = self.addr
return session
def mud_token_login(connection, contents):
if connection.authsession is not None:
connection.error("You're already logged in and tried to log in again.")
connection.authsession = connection.auth.session(contents)
user = connection.authsession.User
save = user.Save
if save is None:
data = {"Upgrades": {u.Name: u.Installed for u in save.Upgrades},
"CurrentLegions": [], #NYI
"UniteAuthToken": connection.authsession.Token,
"StoriesExperienced": [s.Name for s in save.StoriesExperienced],
"Users": [map_to(u, mappings["ClientSave"]) for u in save.Users]}
data.update(map_to(user, mappings["UserSave"]))
data.update(map_to(save, mappings["Save"]))
connection.send_message("mud_savefile", data)
except InvalidTokenError:
@handler("mud_save", dict)
def mud_save(connection, contents):
user = connection.authsession.User
save = user.Save
if save is None:
save = Save()
user.Save = save
map_from(user, mappings["UserSave"], contents)
map_from(save, mappings["Save"], contents)
connection.dbsession.query(Upgrade).filter_by(Save = save).delete()
if contents["Upgrades"] is not None:
for k, v in contents["Upgrades"].items():
connection.dbsession.add(Upgrade(Name = k, Installed = v, Save = save))
connection.dbsession.query(StoryExperienced).filter_by(Save = save).delete()
if contents["StoriesExperienced"] is not None:
for v in contents["StoriesExperienced"]:
connection.dbsession.add(StoryExperienced(Name = v, Save = save))
if contents["Users"] is not None:
users_new = {u["Username"]: u for u in contents["Users"]}
for usr in connection.dbsession.query(ClientSave).filter_by(Save = save):
if usr.Username in users_new:
map_from(usr, mappings["ClientSave"], users_new[usr.Username])
del users_new[usr.Username]
for data in users_new.values():
usr = ClientSave(Save = save)
map_from(usr, mappings["ClientSave"], data)

32 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import database
session = database.DbSession()
systems = [("DevX", "mud", ["sys", "DevX"]),
("hacker101", "undisclosed", ["hacker101"]),
("victortran", "theos", ["victortran"])]
# create the system account
for i, (displayname, sysname, users) in enumerate(systems):
user = database.User()
user.dontvalidate = True
user.ID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-%012d" % i
user.Email = f"{sysname}@system.invalid"
user.DisplayName = displayname
user.SysName = sysname
save = database.Save()
save.User = user
save.IsMUDAdmin = True
for username in users:
clientsave = database.ClientSave()
clientsave.Username = username
clientsave.Save = save

21 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import base64
import json
import uuid
import requests
uniq = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8].upper()
displayname = f"u{uniq}"
sysname = f"s{uniq}"
email = f"{uniq}"
password = "P@ssw0rd"
auth = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(f"{email}:{password}".encode()).decode()
token = requests.get("",
params = {"appname": "ShiftGears", "appdesc": "ShiftGears testing software", "version": "45", "displayname": displayname, "sysname": sysname},
headers = {"Authentication": auth}).text.strip()

206 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
# SQL Tables
# This shits a mess but hey it's python...
import contextlib
import enum
import os
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, create_engine, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, MetaData, String, Table, Text, Unicode, UnicodeText
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import BIGINT, DOUBLE
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship, RelationshipProperty, sessionmaker, validates
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from mapping import Direction
from myconfig import config, mappings
Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine(config["dbaddr"])
DbSession = sessionmaker(bind = engine)
class ValidationError(Exception):
def validated(col, validator = None, strip = False, min_length = None, min_value = None, max_value = None):
def validate_string(row, key, val, encoding = None):
if not isinstance(val, str):
raise ValidationError(f"{} must be a string")
if encoding is not None:
except UnicodeEncodeError: # this exc is also used for ASCII!
raise ValidationError(f"{} must be a valid {encoding} string")
if strip:
val = val.strip()
if min_length is not None and len(val) < min_length:
raise ValidationError(f"{} must be at least {min_length} characters long")
if col.type.length is not None and len(val) > col.type.length:
raise ValidationError(f"{} cannot be more than {col.type.length} characters long")
return val
def validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, t):
if not isinstance(val, t):
raise ValidationError(f"{val} must be {t.__name__}")
if min is not None and val < min:
raise ValidationError(f"{} cannot be less than {min}")
if max is not None and val > max:
raise ValidationError(f"{} cannot be greater than {max}")
return val
def validate(row, key, val):
if hasattr(row, "dontvalidate"):
return val
if validator is not None:
val = validator(row, key, val)
if val is None:
if col.nullable:
return None
raise ValidationError(f"{} cannot be null")
min = min_value
max = max_value
if isinstance(col.type, String) or isinstance(col.type, Text):
val = validate_string(row, key, val, "ASCII")
elif isinstance(col.type, Unicode) or isinstance(col.type, UnicodeText):
val = validate_string(row, key, val, "UTF-8")
elif isinstance(col.type, Boolean) and not isinstance(val, bool):
raise ValidationError(f"{} must be a boolean")
elif isinstance(col.type, Integer):
if min is None:
min = -(1 << 31)
if max is None:
max = (1 << 31) - 1
val = validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, int)
elif isinstance(col.type, BIGINT):
if min is None:
min = 0 if col.type.unsigned else -(1 << 63)
if max is None:
max = 1 << (63 if col.type.unsigned else 64)
val = validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, int)
elif isinstance(col.type, DOUBLE):
val = validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, float)
return val
return col, validate
def validate_email(row, key, val):
if val.count("@") == 1 and ".." not in val.split("@")[-1]:
return val
raise ValidationError("Invalid email")
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "User"
# This is a GUID
ID = Column(String(36), nullable = False, primary_key = True)
Email, ValidateEmail = validated(Column("Email", Unicode(254), nullable = False, unique = True),
validate_email, strip = True)
Password = Column(String(60))
DisplayName, ValidateDisplayName = validated(
Column("DisplayName", Unicode(255), unique = True, nullable = False),
strip = True, min_length = 1)
SysName, ValidateSysName = validated(
Column("SysName", Unicode(255), unique = True, nullable = False),
strip = True, min_length = 5)
FullName, ValidateFullName = validated(
Column("FullName", Unicode(255), nullable = False, default = ""),
strip = True)
Codepoints, ValidateCodepoints = validated(Column("Codepoints", BIGINT(unsigned = True), nullable = False, default = 0))
PongLevel, ValidatePongLevel = validated(Column("PongLevel", Integer), min_value = 1, max_value = 42)
PongCP, ValidatePongCP = validated(Column("PongCP", BIGINT(unsigned = True)))
Sessions = relationship("AuthSession", back_populates = "User")
class AuthSession(Base):
__tablename__ = "AuthSession"
Token = Column(String(43), primary_key = True)
UserID = Column(String(36), ForeignKey("User.ID"))
User = relationship("User", back_populates = "Sessions")
AppName, ValidateAppName = validated(Column("AppName", Unicode(255), nullable = False), strip = True)
AppDesc, ValidateAppDesc = validated(Column("AppDesc", Unicode(255), nullable = False), strip = True)
Version, ValidateVersion = validated(Column("Version", Unicode(255), nullable = False), strip = True)
Created = Column(DateTime)
LastUsed = Column(DateTime)
LastIP = Column(String(39), nullable = False)
# Save is out to a separate table cause the player can delete it without
# deleting their whole account
class Save(Base):
__tablename__ = "Save"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
UserID = Column(String(36), ForeignKey("User.ID"))
User = relationship("User", backref = backref("Save", uselist = False))
MusicVolume, ValidateMusicVolume = validated(Column("MusicVolume", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
SfxVolume, ValidateSfxVolume = validated(Column("SfxVolume", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
Upgrades = relationship("Upgrade", backref = "Save")
# I think if the StoryPosition is changed back to 0 after the Oobe then ShiftOS will softlock.
# Keep an eye on this...
StoryPosition, ValidateStoryPosition = validated(Column("StoryPosition", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
Language, ValidateLanguage = validated(Column("Language", Unicode(255)))
MyShop, ValidateMyShop = validated(Column("MyShop", Unicode(255)))
MajorVersion, ValidateMajorVersion = validated(Column("MajorVersion", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
MinorVersion, ValidateMinorVersion = validated(Column("MinorVersion", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
Revision, ValidateRevision = validated(Column("Revision", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
IsPatreon = Column(Boolean, nullable = False, default = False)
Class, ValidateClass = validated(Column("Class", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0),
min_value = 0, max_value = 8)
RawReputation, ValidateRawReputation = validated(Column("RawReputation", DOUBLE, nullable = False, default = 0))
Password, ValidatePassword = validated(Column("Password", Unicode(255)))
PasswordHashed, ValidatePasswordHashed = validated(Column("PasswordHashed", Boolean, nullable = False, default = False))
ShiftnetSubscription, ValidateShiftnetSubscription = validated(Column("ShiftnetSubscription", Integer, nullable = False, default = False),
min_value = 0, max_value = 3)
IsMUDAdmin = Column(Boolean, nullable = False, default = False)
LastMonthPaid, ValidateLastMonthPaid = validated(Column("LastMonthPaid", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
StoriesExperienced = relationship("StoryExperienced", backref = "Save")
Users = relationship("ClientSave", backref = "Save")
class Upgrade(Base):
__tablename__ = "Upgrade"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
SaveID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Save.ID"))
Name, ValidateName = validated(Column("Name", Unicode(255)))
Installed, ValidateInstalled = validated(Column("Installed", Boolean, nullable = False))
class StoryExperienced(Base):
__tablename__ = "StoryExperienced"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
SaveID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Save.ID"))
Name, ValidateName = validated(Column("Name", Unicode(255)))
Name = Column(Unicode(255))
class ClientSave(Base):
__tablename__ = "ClientSave"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
SaveID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Save.ID"))
Username, ValidateUsername = validated(Column("Username", Unicode(255)))
Password, ValidatePassword = validated(Column("Password", Unicode(255)))
Permissions, ValidatePermissions = validated(Column("Permissions", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0), min_value = 0, max_value = 3)

52 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import enum
import os
# A mapping defines how to convert part of a row to a dictionary for
# an API response, and how to insert data from a received dictionary
# back into the row. In other words it allows you to quickly select
# and rename a lot of fields. This module deals with parsing them.
# They are used in database and the path is chosen in myconfig.
class Direction(enum.Flag):
TO =
Direction.BOTH = Direction.TO|Direction.FROM
_direction_symbols = [("<", Direction.TO), (">", Direction.FROM)]
def load_mappings(path):
mappings = {}
for fn in os.listdir(path):
with open(os.path.join(path, fn)) as f:
mapping = []
for l in f:
l = l.strip()
if l == "" or l.startswith("#"):
cols = l.split()
dictname = cols.pop(0)
if cols:
direction = Direction(0)
dirstring = cols.pop(0)
for sym, val in _direction_symbols:
if sym in dirstring:
direction |= val
direction = Direction.BOTH
if cols:
tablename = cols.pop(0)
tablename = dictname
mapping.append((dictname, direction, tablename))
mappings[fn] = mapping
return mappings
def map_to(row, mapping):
return {dictname: getattr(row, tablename) for dictname, direction, tablename in mapping if direction & direction.TO}
def map_from(row, mapping, data):
for dictname, direction, tablename in mapping:
if direction & direction.FROM:
setattr(row, tablename, data[dictname])

mappings/ClientSave Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

mappings/PongHighscore Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
UserId < ID
Level < PongLevel
CodepointsCashout < PongCP

mappings/Save Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
IsPatreon <
ID < UserID
IsMUDAdmin <

mappings/UserSave Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Username <> Email
Codepoints <
SystemName <> SysName

30 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from netclass.jsonconverter import from_json, to_json
from servermessage import ServerMessage
handlers = {}
forwardhandlers = {}
def handler(name, t = None, dct = handlers):
def decorator(fun):
dct[name] = (fun if t is None
else lambda conn, c, *a: fun(conn, from_json(t, c), *a))
return fun
return decorator
def forwardhandler(name, t = None):
return handler(name, t, dct = forwardhandlers)
# "Forward" messages are meant to be sent to other clients, and the
# original server did this without validating them at all. This
# gives clients all the same power over each other as the server has
# over them, all the way up to arbitrary code execution...not a good
# idea. Instead forwards are treated as just a different kind of
# message for the server to handle. Forward-handlers get the GUID
# which in this case is a target, unlike normal handlers, where it is
# discarded because it is on the source connection.
@handler("mud_forward", ServerMessage)
def mud_forward(connection, contents):
if contents.Name in forwardhandlers:
return forwardhandlers[contents.Name](connection, contents.Contents, contents.GUID)

87 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import traceback
import uuid
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from auth import Auth
from database import DbSession
from netclass import netclass_root, jsonconverter
from servermessage import ServerMessage, ServerMessageStream
import pong
import save
from messagehandler import handlers
class MudConnection(ServerMessageStream):
def __init__(self, factory, addr):
self.factory = factory
self.addr = addr
self.authsession = None
def connectionMade(self):
self.dbsession = DbSession()
self.pong = pong.PongState(self)
self.auth = Auth(self.dbsession,
print(f"{} connected.")
self.send_message("Welcome", str(uuid.uuid4()))
# If the server shuts down, all the clients that were left open
# will reconnect as soon as it comes back on. But, they don't
# bother to re-authenticate on their own, so the server has to
# prompt them to save to get the copy of the auth token that is
# in the save. When the client joins on its own startup,
# and authenticates anyway, hopefully this won't matter...
# but it is commented out cause the lua script doesn't work
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print(f"{} disconnected.")
self.closing = True
def serverMessageReceived(self, message):
if message.Name not in ["pong_mp_setballpos", "pong_mp_setopponenty"]:
print(f"{}: {message.Name}({repr(message.Contents)})")
if message.Name in handlers:
handlers[message.Name](self, message.Contents)
self.error(f"Unimplemented message {message.Name}. Thanks for using Shift Gears!")
def send_message(self, name, contents = None, guid = None):
if contents is not None and not isinstance(contents, str):
contents = jsonconverter.to_json(contents)
guid = str(guid)
self.sendServerMessage(ServerMessage(name, contents, guid))
def error(self, message):
# The content of the Error message is deserialised at the other
# end as an Exception, but only the Message member is read.
self.send_message("Error", {"ClassName":"System.Exception","Message":message,"Data":None,"InnerException":None,"HelpURL":None,"StackTraceString":None,"RemoteStackTraceString":None,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":None,"HResult":-2146233088,"Source":None})
# executes Lua code on the client...its that easy
def run(self, script):
self.send_message("run", {"script": script})
# executes a ShiftOS command on the client
def run_command(self, cmd):
# We don't use trm_invokecommand because it expects the prompt
# to be sent to it before the command and it's not always
# feasible to figure out what the prompt is."sos.runCommand({repr(cmd)})")
def infobox(self, msg, title = "MUD"):
self.invoke_command("" + jsonconverter.to_json({"title": title, "msg": msg}))
class MudConnectionFactory(Factory):
def __init__(self):
self.pong = pong.PongMatchmaking()
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return MudConnection(self, addr)

10 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import os
import json
import mapping
with open("config.json") as f:
config = json.load(f)
mappings = mapping.load_mappings("mappings")

netclass/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .netclass import netclass, netclass_root

netclass/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Copyright 2020 Declan Hoare
# This should really be split into two layers:
# - deals with transforming Python objects into
# NRBF meta-dictionaries and vice versa.
# - reads and writes the binary structure.
# To do this, netfleece should ideally be patched, because as-is, it
# changes the meta-dictionaries somewhat from how they are in the file:
# in particular, after reading *AndTypes records it will consume the
# following records and move them to a 'Values' member on the lead
# record.
# Anyway, I think the interface of this module is fine, so it will do
# as a black box for now.
import struct
import netfleece
from netfleece.netfleece import RecordTypeEnum
from .netclass import netclass_root, classes
def deserialise(stream):
def extract_value(meta): #Recover the underlying structure from NRBF meta-dictionary
if "Value" in meta:
return meta["Value"]
elif "Values" in meta:
return classes[meta["ClassInfo"]["Name"]].from_dict(
{n.split("<")[1].split(">")[0]: extract_value(v) # They look like this: <Name>k__BackingField for some reason
for n, v in zip(meta["ClassInfo"]["MemberNames"], meta["Values"])})
elif meta["RecordTypeEnum"] == "ObjectNull":
return None
raise ValueError(f"Unknown value format: {meta}")
dnb = netfleece.DNBinary(stream, expand = True)
meta = dnb.backfill()
return extract_value(meta)
# Serialisation is limited, mostly only supporting the features needed
# for ShiftOS
_nrbf_header = b"\0\x01\0\0\0\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
_nrbf_footer = b"\x0B"
s32 = struct.Struct("<i")
def serialise(stream, obj):
assemblies = [None]
last_id = 0
def write_byte(val):
def write_s32(val):
def write_string(s):
data = s.encode("utf-8")
n = len(data)
if n > 0x7FFFFFFF:
raise ValueError(f"String is too long ({n} bytes)")
while n > 0x7F:
write_byte((n & 0x7F) | 0x80)
n >>= 7
def next_id():
nonlocal last_id
last_id += 1
return last_id
def write_record_type(typ):
def write_library(name):
library_id = len(assemblies)
return library_id
def library(name):
return assemblies.index(name)
def write_object_string(object_id, val):
def write_object_null():
def write_class_with_members(object_id, val):
library_id = library(val._assembly)
for typ, name in val._members:
def walk_library(it):
if isinstance(it, netclass_root):
if it._assembly not in assemblies:
for typ, name in it._members:
def walk(it):
object_id = next_id()
if isinstance(it, netclass_root):
write_class_with_members(object_id, it)
for typ, name in it._members:
elif isinstance(it, str):
write_object_string(object_id, it)
elif it is None:
raise TypeError("Type not supported!")
return object_id

netclass/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import decimal
import json
from .netclass import netclass_root
class _encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, netclass_root):
return obj._contents
elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
return float(obj)
return super().default(obj)
def from_json(t, j):
val = json.loads(j)
if issubclass(t, netclass_root):
val = t.from_dict(val)
if not isinstance(val, t):
raise ValueError(f"the JSON value was of type {type(val)}, not {t}")
return val
def to_json(obj):
return json.dumps(obj, cls=_encoder)

netclass/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# The netclasses derive this so they can be identified.
class netclass_root:
classes = {}
def netclass(name, assembly, members):
member_names = [n for _, n in members]
class proxy(netclass_root):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args == ():
super().__setattr__("_contents", kwargs)
super().__setattr__("_contents", dict(zip(member_names, args)))
def _validate(self):
if set(member_names) != set(self._contents.keys()):
raise TypeError("The instance does not have the correct members")
for typ, name in members:
val = self._contents[name]
if not isinstance(val, typ):
raise TypeError(f"{name} is {val}, must be {typ}")
def from_dict(d):
cleaned = {}
for typ, name in members:
val = d[name]
if isinstance(val, dict) and issubclass(typ, netclass_root):
val = typ.from_dict(val)
cleaned[name] = val
return proxy(**cleaned)
def __getattr__(self, member):
return self._contents[member]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(f"No such member {member}")
def __setattr__(self, member, value):
if member in self._members:
self._contents[member] = value
raise AttributeError(f"No such member {member}")
proxy._name = name
proxy._assembly = assembly
proxy._members = members
proxy.__name__ = name.split(".")[-1]
classes[name] = proxy
return proxy

23 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import io
from netclass import netclass, binaryformatter
from payload import PayloadStream
NetObject = netclass("NetSockets.NetObject",
"NetSockets, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
[(str, "Name"), (object, "Object")])
class NetObjectStream(PayloadStream):
def payloadReceived(self, payload):
with io.BytesIO(payload) as buf:
obj = binaryformatter.deserialise(buf)
if not isinstance(obj, NetObject):
raise TypeError(f"An object was received on the NetObjectStream of type {type(obj)}")
def sendNetObject(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, NetObject):
raise TypeError(f"The NetObjectStream can only send NetObject, not {type(obj)}")
with io.BytesIO() as buf:
binaryformatter.serialise(buf, obj)

30 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import struct
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
s32 = struct.Struct("<i")
class PayloadStream(Protocol):
"""'Payloads' are length-prefixed binary blobs used in NetSockets."""
def __init__(self):
self.__length = None
self.__buffer = b""
def dataReceived(self, data):
self.__buffer += data
while True:
if self.__length is None and len(self.__buffer) >= 4:
self.__length = s32.unpack(self.__buffer[:4])[0]
self.__buffer = self.__buffer[4:]
if self.__length < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid (negative) payload length {self.__length}")
if self.__length is not None and len(self.__buffer) >= self.__length:
payload = self.__buffer[:self.__length]
self.__buffer = self.__buffer[self.__length:]
self.__length = None
def sendPayload(self, data):
self.transport.write(s32.pack(len(data)) + data)

216 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# The original server didn't even know about the pong multiplayer
# protocol, it just relayed "Forward" messages between clients and let
# them sort it all out. In practice this worked but if anybody with
# a sort of twisted Joker mind ever read the ShiftOS source then this
# could have led to mischief and malice.
# This implementation mediates the protocol to make sure messages are
# only going where they should. That makes it more complicated but
# on the plus side it's hopefully also more reliable even when
# everyone's playing by the rules.
import datetime
from messagehandler import forwardhandler, handler
class PongMatchmaking:
def __init__(self):
self.players = {}
self.current_heartbeat = 0
def join(self, newcomer):
for opponent in self.players.values():
self.players[] = newcomer
def leave(self, player):
del self.players[]
except KeyError:
for opponent in self.players.values():
def heartbeat(self):
for player in list(self.players.values()): # copy to be able to delete
if self.current_heartbeat - player.last_heartbeat >= 3:
player.connection.infobox("Your connection to Pong has timed out.", "Timed out")
self.current_heartbeat += 1
def handshake(self, leader, follower_name):
follower = self.players[follower_name]
except KeyError:
return False
if follower.opponent is not None:
return False
leader.opponent = follower
leader.is_leader = True
follower.opponent = leader
follower.is_leader = False
follower.handshake_complete = False
# If the opponent GUID is null-or-whitespace then the client
# won't send pong_mp_left. Other than that, the value doesn't
# matter.
follower.connection.send_message("pong_handshake_chosen", "_")
return True
class PongPlayer:
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
# We have to store this, because it's used as the key sent to
# the clients to identify each other but it can change at any
# time. = self.connection.authsession.User.DisplayName
# The heartbeat 'freezes' while the server is waiting for the
# client to finish the handshake. This means that a
# mischievous client can't leave someone else hanging by
# responding to the heartbeats and deliberately ignoring the
# handshake. As a bonus it clears up the connection a little.
self.frozen = False
self.y = 0
self.connected = True
self.opponent = None
def leave(self):
self.connected = False
if self.opponent is not None:
self.opponent.opponent = None
# In the special situation that the follower leaves before
# the handshake is complete, the leader is still fit to
# choose another follower.
if not self.is_leader and not self.handshake_complete:
self.opponent.connection.infobox(f"{} is no longer available.", "Matchmaking failed")
# in all other circumstances, including leader leaving
# part-way through handshake, the other player's state has
# changed and can't be recovered, so Pong has to quit.
def send_heartbeat(self):
if not self.frozen:
def heartbeat(self):
if not self.frozen:
self.last_heartbeat = self.connection.factory.pong.current_heartbeat
def freeze(self):
self.frozen = True
def unfreeze(self):
self.frozen = False
def complete_handshake(self):
if self.is_leader:
raise ValueError("The handshake can only be completed by a follower")
self.handshake_complete = True
self.opponent.connection.send_message("pong_handshake_complete", "_")
class PongState:
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
self.player = None
def busy(self):
return self.player is not None and self.player.connected
def join(self):
if self.busy():
self.connection.infobox("You can't play multiple simultaneous games of online Pong...nobody is that good")
self.player = PongPlayer(self.connection)
def leave(self):
if self.busy():
def heartbeat(self):
if self.busy():
# Note that this is a normal handler. This is sent as a normal
# message only once at the start of matchmaking; after that, it's resent
# as a forward.
def pong_handshake_matchmake(connection, contents):
# We send out a pong_handshake_resendid to every matchmaking player
# every 5 seconds as a heartbeat, and a working client will respond with
# a pong_handshake_matchmake immediately.
def pong_handshake_matchmake_forward(connection, contents, name):
def pong_handshake_chosen(connection, contents, name):
if not connection.factory.pong.handshake(connection.pong.player, name):
connection.infobox(f"{name} is no longer available.", "Matchmaking failed")
def pong_handshake_complete(connection, contents, name):
def pong_handshake_left(connection, contents, name):
@forwardhandler("pong_mp_setopponenty", int)
def pong_mp_setopponenty(connection, y, name):
assert -2147483648 <= y <= 2147483647
connection.error("Y co-ordinate out of range")
connection.pong.player.y = y
@forwardhandler("pong_mp_setballpos", str)
def pong_mp_setballpos(connection, point, name):
if not connection.pong.player.is_leader:
connection.error("That message can only be used by the leader")
x, y = point.split(",")
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
assert -2147483648 <= x <= 2147483647
assert -2147483648 <= y <= 2147483647
connection.error("Invalid Point") # har har
connection.pong.player.opponent.connection.send_message("pong_mp_setballpos", f'"{x},{y}"')
connection.pong.player.opponent.connection.send_message("pong_mp_setopponenty", connection.pong.player.y)
connection.pong.player.connection.send_message("pong_mp_setopponenty", connection.pong.player.opponent.y)
def pong_mp_left(connection, contents, name):
def pong_mp_youwin(connection, contents, name):
def pong_mp_youlose(connection, contents, name):
def pong_mp_cashedout(connection, contents, name):
# The client is already out of here immediately after sending the
# message.
opponent = connection.pong.player.opponent
if opponent is not None:
opponent.opponent = None
connection.pong.player.opponent = None

75 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# mud save/load
from auth import Auth, InvalidTokenError
from database import ClientSave, Save, StoryExperienced, Upgrade
from mapping import map_from, map_to
from messagehandler import handler
from myconfig import mappings
from netclass.jsonconverter import from_json
def mud_token_login(connection, contents):
connection.authsession = connection.auth.session(contents)
user = connection.authsession.User
save = user.Save
if save is None:
data = {"Upgrades": {u.Name: u.Installed for u in save.Upgrades},
"CurrentLegions": [], #NYI
"UniteAuthToken": connection.authsession.Token,
"StoriesExperienced": [s.Name for s in save.StoriesExperienced],
"Users": [map_to(u, mappings["ClientSave"]) for u in save.Users]}
data.update(map_to(user, mappings["UserSave"]))
data.update(map_to(save, mappings["Save"]))
connection.send_message("mud_savefile", data)
except InvalidTokenError:
@handler("mud_save", dict)
def mud_save(connection, contents):
# No token means the save isn't ready yet
if contents["UniteAuthToken"] is None or contents["UniteAuthToken"].strip() == "":
# If the server shuts down, all the clients that were left open
# will reconnect as soon as it comes back on. But, they don't
# bother to re-authenticate on their own, so the server has to
# prompt them to save to get the copy of the auth token that is
# in the save.
if connection.authsession is None:
connection.authsession = connection.auth.session(contents["UniteAuthToken"])
except InvalidTokenError:
connection.error("Your token is incorrect and you could not be re-authenticated with the server")
user = connection.authsession.User
save = user.Save
if save is None:
save = Save()
user.Save = save
map_from(user, mappings["UserSave"], contents)
map_from(save, mappings["Save"], contents)
connection.dbsession.query(Upgrade).filter_by(Save = save).delete()
if contents["Upgrades"] is not None:
for k, v in contents["Upgrades"].items():
connection.dbsession.add(Upgrade(Name = k, Installed = v, Save = save))
connection.dbsession.query(StoryExperienced).filter_by(Save = save).delete()
if contents["StoriesExperienced"] is not None:
for v in contents["StoriesExperienced"]:
connection.dbsession.add(StoryExperienced(Name = v, Save = save))
if contents["Users"] is not None:
users_new = {u["Username"]: u for u in contents["Users"]}
for usr in connection.dbsession.query(ClientSave).filter_by(Save = save):
if usr.Username in users_new:
map_from(usr, mappings["ClientSave"], users_new[usr.Username])
del users_new[usr.Username]
for data in users_new.values():
usr = ClientSave(Save = save)
map_from(usr, mappings["ClientSave"], data)

11 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ServerEndpoint
from twisted.internet import reactor
from mud import MudConnectionFactory
endpoint = TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 13370)

24 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from netclass import netclass
from netobject import NetObject, NetObjectStream
ServerMessage = netclass("ShiftOS.Objects.ServerMessage",
"ShiftOS.Objects, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
[(str, "Name"), (str, "Contents"), (str, "GUID")])
class ServerMessageStream(NetObjectStream):
def netObjectReceived(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj.Object, ServerMessage):
raise TypeError(f"An object was received on the ServerMessageStream of type {type(obj.Object)}")
def sendServerMessage(self, message):
if not isinstance(message, ServerMessage):
raise TypeError(f"The ServerMessageStream can only send ServerMessage, not {type(obj)}")
# Although the real ShiftOS fills in the Name field on the
# NetObject, it does not ever read it, so it's not really
# part of the protocol.
self.sendNetObject(NetObject(None, message))

203 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
import base64
import re
import traceback
import uuid
import bcrypt
import flask
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from auth import Auth, InvalidTokenError
from database import User, DbSession, ValidationError
import mapping
from myconfig import mappings
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def cb_decorator(fn):
return lambda *args, **kwargs: lambda cb: fn(*args, **kwargs, cb = cb)
def db_route(path, cb):
@app.route(path, endpoint = path)
def db_handler(*args, **kwargs):
dbsession = DbSession()
ret = cb(*args, **kwargs, dbsession = dbsession)
except (ValidationError, NoResultFound):
return flask.Response(status = 400)
except IntegrityError as ex:
# 1062 is the SQL error code for duplicate entry.
# That's a user input error, but if we get some other kind
# of integrity error, then it's a server error.
if ex.orig.args[0] == 1062:
return flask.Response(status = 400)
return ret
return db_handler
# /Auth/ endpoints use basic authentication and create new tokens.
def auth_route(path, cb):
def auth_handler(*args, dbsession, **kwargs):
kind, value = flask.request.headers["Authentication"].split(" ")
assert kind == "Basic"
email, password = base64.b64decode(value).decode().split(":")
except (KeyError, ValueError, AssertionError):
print("no basic auth")
return flask.Response(status = 401)
email = email.strip()
return cb(*args, **kwargs, dbsession = dbsession, email = email, password = password)
return auth_handler
# /API/ endpoints use token authentication and operate as a
# Unite user.
def api_route(path, cb):
def api_handler(*args, dbsession, **kwargs):
kind, token = flask.request.headers["Authentication"].split(" ")
assert kind == "Token"
auth = Auth(dbsession, flask.request.remote_addr)
authsession = auth.session(token)
except (KeyError, ValueError, AssertionError, InvalidTokenError):
return flask.Response(status = 401)
return cb(*args, **kwargs, dbsession = dbsession, authsession = authsession)
return api_handler
def register(email, password, dbsession):
def error(message):
return flask.jsonify({"ClassName":"System.Exception","Message":message,"Data":None,"InnerException":None,"HelpURL":None,"StackTraceString":None,"RemoteStackTraceString":None,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":None,"HResult":-2146233088,"Source":None})
displayname = flask.request.args["displayname"]
sysname = flask.request.args["sysname"]
appname = flask.request.args["appname"][:255]
appdesc = flask.request.args["appdesc"][:255]
version = flask.request.args["version"][:255]
except KeyError as ex:
return error(str(ex))
# Additional constraints for password
if len(password) < 7:
return error("Password too short")
requirements = [".*[A-Z].*", ".*[a-z].*", ".*[0-9].*"]
for expr in list(requirements):
if re.compile(expr).match(password) is None:
return error("Password does not meet the requirements")
password = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode()
user = User(ID = str(uuid.uuid4()), Email = email, Password = password, DisplayName = displayname, SysName = sysname)
except ValidationError:
return error(str(ex))
except IntegrityError as ex:
if ex.orig.args[0] == 1062:
return error(ex.orig.args[1])
auth = Auth(dbsession, flask.request.remote_addr)
return auth.create_session(user, appname, appdesc, version).Token
def login(email, password, dbsession):
if email == "" or password == "":
return flask.Response(status = 400)
appname = flask.request.args["appname"][:255]
appdesc = flask.request.args["appdesc"][:255]
version = flask.request.args["version"][:255]
except KeyError:
return flask.Response(status = 400)
user = dbsession.query(User).filter_by(Email = email).one()
except NoResultFound:
print("acct does not exist")
return flask.Response(status = 401)
if user.Password is None: # login disabled
print("login disabled")
return flask.Response(status = 401)
if not bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode(), user.Password.encode()):
print("password incorrect")
return flask.Response(status = 401)
auth = Auth(dbsession, flask.request.remote_addr)
return auth.create_session(user, appname, appdesc, version).Token
def get_display_name(uid, dbsession, authsession):
return dbsession.query(User).filter_by(ID = uid).one().DisplayName
def get_pong_highscores(dbsession, authsession):
return flask.jsonify({"Pages": 0, # unused
"Highscores": [mapping.map_to(user, mappings["PongHighscore"])
for user in dbsession.query(User).all()
if user.PongLevel is not None and user.PongCP is not None]})
def get_email(dbsession, authsession):
return authsession.User.Email
def gettersetters(name, convert = lambda v: v):
def getter(dbsession, authsession):
return str(getattr(authsession.User, name))
def setter(value, dbsession, authsession):
setattr(authsession.User, name, convert(value))
return flask.Response(status = 200)
def get_pong_cp(dbsession, authsession):
return str(authsession.User.PongCP or 0)
def set_pong_cp(value, dbsession, authsession):
value = int(value)
if authsession.User.PongCP is not None and value <= authsession.User.PongCP:
return flask.Response(status = 400)
authsession.User.PongCP = value
return flask.Response(status = 200)
def get_pong_level(dbsession, authsession):
return str(authsession.User.PongLevel or 0)
def set_pong_cp(value, dbsession, authsession):
value = int(value)
if authsession.User.PongLevel is not None and value <= authsession.User.PongLevel:
return flask.Response(status = 400)
authsession.User.PongLevel = value
return flask.Response(status = 200)
gettersetters("Codepoints", convert = int)

unite.wsgi Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
from unite import app as application