Update PSC (#499)

* Update personal star counter mod

Decided to modernize this mod by making it more efficient and readable. Added a ton of comments to make it much easier to understand what's going on here.

* Rename mod

* Rename mod just a bit more
This commit is contained in:
Sunk 2023-10-30 19:06:15 -04:00 committed by Agent X
parent 6d1f1cb776
commit e5dba75757

View file

@ -1,279 +1,339 @@
-- name: Personal Star Counter EX+ -- name: Personal Star Counter
-- description: See how many stars you've collected!\n\nCredits:\n\\#097419\\Mr.Needlemouse\\#FFFFFF\\ - Concept\nSunk\\#dcdcdc\\ - Creator\n\\#269A91\\Demnyx\\#dcdcdc\\ - Assistance\n\\#f296af\\PeachyPeach\\#dcdcdc\\ - Global functions -- description: See how many stars you've collected!\n\nCredits:\n\\#097419\\Mr.Needlemouse\\#FFFFFF\\ - Concept\nSunk\\#dcdcdc\\ - Creator\n\\#269A91\\Demnyx\\#dcdcdc\\ - Assistance\n\\#f296af\\PeachyPeach\\#dcdcdc\\ - Global functions
-- incompatible: gamemode arena -- incompatible: gamemode arena
for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do ------------------------------
----- Localize functions -----
-- This looks strange but it makes the mod more performant
local tonumber, mod_storage_load, mod_storage_save, tostring, djui_hud_is_pause_menu_created, djui_hud_set_color, hud_get_value, djui_hud_print_text, djui_hud_render_texture, obj_get_first_with_behavior_id, djui_hud_set_resolution, djui_hud_set_font, djui_hud_get_screen_height, djui_hud_get_screen_width, djui_hud_set_render_behind_hud, hud_set_value, network_player_set_description, djui_popup_create =
tonumber, mod_storage_load, mod_storage_save, tostring, djui_hud_is_pause_menu_created, djui_hud_set_color, hud_get_value, djui_hud_print_text, djui_hud_render_texture, obj_get_first_with_behavior_id, djui_hud_set_resolution, djui_hud_set_font, djui_hud_get_screen_height, djui_hud_get_screen_width, djui_hud_set_render_behind_hud, hud_set_value, network_player_set_description, djui_popup_create
-- Initialize a value for the psc for everyone
for i = 0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do
gPlayerSyncTable[i].psc = 0 gPlayerSyncTable[i].psc = 0
end end
if mod_storage_load("StarCounter") == nil then local psc_toggle = true
mod_storage_save("StarCounter", "0") local has_cheats_enabled = gServerSettings.enableCheats ~= 0
local starCheater = false -- If there is no value in storage, default to 0
local TotalStarCounter = tonumber(mod_storage_load("StarCounter")) local TotalStarCounter = tonumber(mod_storage_load("StarCounter")) or 0
local StarCounter = 0 local ThisGameStarCounter = 0
local prevNumStars = 0 local prevNumStars = 0
local screenHeight = 0
local screenWidth = 0
local pscToggle = 1
local introTimer = 0 local introTimer = 0
-- junk -- -- When in these cutscenes, do special things like hiding or moving the star counters
cutscenes = { local is_in_cutscenes = {
} }
---@param m MarioState --- Whenever a star is collected, increment the other star counters
--Increments an independent counter if a star is collected. ---@param m MarioState The Mario that does the interaction
function localStarCounter(m, o, type) ---@param obj Object The object the Mario interacted with (Unused here)
if (m.playerIndex == 0) and (type == INTERACT_STAR_OR_KEY) then ---@param intType integer The interaction type
--This ensures that it increments ONLY if a star is collected. ---@param interacted boolean If the interaction was successful (Unused here)
if get_id_from_behavior(o.behavior) ~= id_bhvBowserKey then ---@return nil
--The hook happens after the star count increments, so this allows the independent counter to increment ONLY when YELLOW star is collected. local function star_counter_on_interact(m, obj, intType, interacted)
if m.numStars ~= prevNumStars then if not psc_toggle then return end
StarCounter = StarCounter + 1
gPlayerSyncTable[0].psc = StarCounter if m.playerIndex == 0 and intType == INTERACT_STAR_OR_KEY then
if starCheater == false then --Only if not cheating -- Interactions happen before hud rendering, which is why this check can work
TotalStarCounter = TotalStarCounter + 1 -- despite prevNumStars being updated every frame
mod_storage_save("StarCounter", tostring(TotalStarCounter)) if m.numStars ~= prevNumStars then
end ThisGameStarCounter = ThisGameStarCounter + 1 -- Red star counter
end -- Disable total star counter if cheats are enabled
end if not has_cheats_enabled then
TotalStarCounter = TotalStarCounter + 1 -- Green star counter
mod_storage_save("StarCounter", tostring(TotalStarCounter)) -- Save to mod storage
end end
end end
-- Hud alpha stuff from Agent X --- Hud alpha stuff from Agent X
function djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(r, g, b, a) --- Causes the hud to darken when the game is paused
---@param r number Red
---@param g number Green
---@param b number Blue
---@param a number Alpha (Transparency)
---@return nil
local function djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(r, g, b, a)
local multiplier = 1 local multiplier = 1
if djui_hud_is_pause_menu_created() then multiplier = 0.57 end --Star Display compatibility if djui_hud_is_pause_menu_created() then multiplier = 0.57 end -- Star Display compatibility
djui_hud_set_color(r * multiplier, g * multiplier, b * multiplier, a) djui_hud_set_color(r * multiplier, g * multiplier, b * multiplier, a)
end end
local function displayStarCounter() --- Sets the star counters onto the hud
local m = gMarioStates[0] ---@param m MarioState Mario
if pscToggle == 0 then return end ---@param height number Screen height (Unused)
if obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) ~= nil then ---@param width number Screen width
return ---@return nil
end local function set_hud_star_positions(m, height, width)
if introTimer >= 1195 or m.action ~= ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE then
local star_texture = gTextures.star
-- Check if the timer is currently active
local timer_current_value = hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_TIMER)
--Make HUD appear when the real one does during the intro -- Offset based on if the timer is active
local timer_offset_X = 0
local timer_offset_Y = 0
-- Offset based on if each counter has less than 100 stars
local low_stars_offset_X = 0
local low_stars_offset_Y = 0
-- Based off of star texture pos
local star_counter_offset_X = 0
-- Y position, based off of the top of the screen
local top_screen_offset_Y = 0
----- Yellow star counter -----
-- Don't display while in a cutscene
if not is_in_cutscenes[m.action] then
star_counter_offset_X = 76
top_screen_offset_Y = 15
low_stars_offset_X = 14
offsetX = 14
if m.numStars < 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, 255)
djui_hud_print_text("@", width - (star_counter_offset_X - 16), top_screen_offset_Y, 1)
offsetX = 0
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(m.numStars), width - (star_counter_offset_X - 30) - offsetX, top_screen_offset_Y, 1)
djui_hud_render_texture(star_texture, width - star_counter_offset_X, top_screen_offset_Y, 1, 1)
----- Red star counter -----
-- Move HUD graphics away from the TIMER HUD
if timer_current_value ~= 0 then
timer_offset_X = 60
timer_offset_Y = 17
star_counter_offset_X = is_in_cutscenes[m.action] and 22 or 76
top_screen_offset_Y = is_in_cutscenes[m.action] and 15 or 15 + 17
low_stars_offset_X = 14
local left_align = is_in_cutscenes[m.action]
-- Render X if this counter has less than 100 stars
if ThisGameStarCounter < 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, 255)
"@", -- Text
(left_align and (star_counter_offset_X + 16) or -- X pos in cutscenes
(width - (star_counter_offset_X - 16) - timer_offset_X)), -- X pos outside cutscenes
top_screen_offset_Y + timer_offset_Y, -- Y pos
1) -- Scale
low_stars_offset_X = 0
-- Render counter
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
tostring(ThisGameStarCounter), -- Text
(left_align and (star_counter_offset_X + 30 - low_stars_offset_X) or -- X pos in cutscenes
(width - (star_counter_offset_X - 30) - timer_offset_X - low_stars_offset_X)), -- X pos outside cutscenes
top_screen_offset_Y + timer_offset_Y, -- Y pos
1) -- Scale
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(232, 17, 35, 255)
star_texture, -- Texture
(left_align and star_counter_offset_X or -- X pos in cutscenes
(width - star_counter_offset_X - timer_offset_X)), -- X pos outside cutscenes
top_screen_offset_Y + timer_offset_Y, -- Y pos
1, 1) -- Scale
----- Green star counter -----
-- Increment a seperate counter if the total star count is over 10000
local perceived_total_counter = TotalStarCounter
local milestone_counter = 0
while perceived_total_counter >= 10000 do
perceived_total_counter = perceived_total_counter - 10000
milestone_counter = milestone_counter + 1
-- Move HUD graphics away from the TIMER HUD
if timer_current_value ~= 0 then
timer_offset_X = 0
timer_offset_Y = -10
star_counter_offset_X = 76
top_screen_offset_Y = is_in_cutscenes[m.action] and 15 or 15 + 17 * 2
low_stars_offset_X = 14
-- Render X if this counter has less than 100 stars
if perceived_total_counter < 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, 255)
"@", -- Text
width - (star_counter_offset_X - 16) - timer_offset_X, -- X pos
top_screen_offset_Y + timer_offset_Y, -- Y pos
1) -- Scale
low_stars_offset_X = 0
-- Render counter
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
tostring(perceived_total_counter), -- Text
width - (star_counter_offset_X - 30) - timer_offset_X - low_stars_offset_X, -- X pos
top_screen_offset_Y + timer_offset_Y, -- Y pos
1) -- Scale
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(50, 176, 40, 255)
star_texture, -- Texture
width - star_counter_offset_X - timer_offset_X, -- X pos
top_screen_offset_Y + timer_offset_Y, -- Y pos
1, 1) -- Scale
if milestone_counter ~= 0 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
"@" .. milestone_counter, -- Text
width - star_counter_offset_X - timer_offset_X, -- X pos
(top_screen_offset_Y + 16) + timer_offset_Y, -- Y pos
0.5) -- Scale
--- Renders star counters onto the screen
---@return nil
local function hud_render_psc()
if not psc_toggle then return end
-- If the act selector is active
if obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) then return end
-- HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER doesn't supply a MarioState, so one has to be gotten from this
---@type MarioState
local m = gMarioStates[0]
-- Make HUD appear when the real one does during the intro
if m.action == ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE then if m.action == ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE then
if introTimer ~= 1195 then if introTimer < 1195 then
introTimer = introTimer + 1 introTimer = introTimer + 1
end end
end end
djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_N64) djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_N64)
djui_hud_set_font(FONT_HUD) djui_hud_set_font(FONT_HUD)
--Draw over credits fades
if cutscenes[m.action] ~= true then
--I don't want to put this in a seperate function, there's not enough code for it to be worth it. local screen_height = djui_hud_get_screen_height()
if m.playerIndex == 0 then local screen_width = djui_hud_get_screen_width()
prevNumStars = m.numStars
else -- Set prevNumStars
return prevNumStars = m.numStars
-- Draw over credits fades
djui_hud_set_render_behind_hud(not is_in_cutscenes[m.action])
-- Force the normal star counter to be hidden
set_hud_star_positions(m, screen_height, screen_width)
--- Display each person's star counter in the player menu
---@return nil
local function psc_update()
gPlayerSyncTable[0].psc = ThisGameStarCounter
for i = 0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do
network_player_set_description(gNetworkPlayers[i], "\\#FF0000\\Stars: " .. tostring(gPlayerSyncTable[i].psc), 255, 255, 255, 255)
end end
screenHeight = djui_hud_get_screen_height() local timer = 0
screenWidth = djui_hud_get_screen_width() --- Inform the player that they have joined a game with cheats enabled
--- and won't be able to get any green stars
if a == nil then a = 255 end ---@param m MarioState
---@return nil
local timerValFrames = hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_TIMER) local function psc_mario_update_inform_cheats(m)
local timerX = 0 if m.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end
local timerY = 0 if has_cheats_enabled then
timer = timer + 1
-- Move HUD graphics away from the TIMER HUD if timer == 30 then
if timerValFrames ~= 0 then djui_popup_create("This game has cheats enabled. You cannot gain any \\#00FF00\\green stars\\#DCDCDC\\ from this game.", 3)
timerX = 60
timerY = 17
--Normal vanilla star counter (The fake real one)
--Yes Im hiding the hardcoded one because alignment is a pain lmao
if cutscenes[m.action] ~= true then
if introTimer >= 1195
or m.action ~= ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE then
if m.numStars >= 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(m.numStars), screenWidth - 60, screenHeight - 225, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76, screenHeight - 225, 1, 1.)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, a)
djui_hud_print_text("X", screenWidth - 60, screenHeight - 225, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(m.numStars), screenWidth - 46, screenHeight - 225, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76, screenHeight - 225, 1, 1)
--Normal personal star counter (The red one)
if cutscenes[m.action] == true then
if StarCounter >= 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(StarCounter), screenWidth%2 + 38, screenHeight - 235, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(232, 17, 35, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth%2 + 22, screenHeight - 235, 1, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring("X"), screenWidth%2 + 38, screenHeight - 235, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(StarCounter), screenWidth%2 + 54, screenHeight - 235, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(232, 17, 35, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth%2 + 22, screenHeight - 235, 1, 1)
if introTimer >= 1195
or m.action ~= ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE then
if StarCounter >= 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(StarCounter), screenWidth - 60 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(232, 17, 35, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring("X"), screenWidth - 60 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(StarCounter), screenWidth - 46 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(232, 17, 35, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1, 1)
--Total star counter (The green one)
if timerValFrames ~= 0 then
timerX = 0
timerY = -10
local perceived_total_counter = TotalStarCounter
local milestone_counter = 0
while perceived_total_counter >= 10000 do
perceived_total_counter = perceived_total_counter - 10000
milestone_counter = milestone_counter + 1
if cutscenes[m.action] == true then
if perceived_total_counter >= 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(perceived_total_counter), screenWidth - 60, screenHeight - 235, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(50, 176, 40, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76, screenHeight - 235, 1, 1)
if milestone_counter ~= 0 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(string.format("x%d", milestone_counter), screenWidth - 76, screenHeight - 235, 0.5)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring("X"), screenWidth - 60, screenHeight - 235, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(perceived_total_counter), screenWidth - 46, screenHeight - 235, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(50, 176, 40, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76, screenHeight - 235, 1, 1)
if milestone_counter ~= 0 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(string.format("x%d", milestone_counter), screenWidth - 76, screenHeight - 235, 0.5)
if introTimer >= 1195
or m.action ~= ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE then
if perceived_total_counter >= 100 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(perceived_total_counter), screenWidth - 60 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(50, 176, 40, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1, 1)
if milestone_counter ~= 0 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(string.format("x%d", milestone_counter), screenWidth - 76 - timerX, screenHeight - 174 - timerY, 0.5)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring("X"), screenWidth - 60 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(tostring(perceived_total_counter), screenWidth - 46 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1)
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(50, 176, 40, a)
djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 76 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1, 1)
if milestone_counter ~= 0 then
djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a)
djui_hud_print_text(string.format("x%d", milestone_counter), screenWidth - 76 - timerX, screenHeight - 174 - timerY, 0.5)
end end
end end
end end
--Turn server cheats off, silly! --- Toggle whether or not to display the star counter on the hud
--Will be updated immediately when individual cheats get flags. ---@param msg string
function cheaterStar() ---@return boolean
if starCheater == true then return end local function toggle_psc(msg)
if gServerSettings.enableCheats ~= 0 then if msg:lower() == "on" then
djui_popup_create("This server has cheats enabled.\n\\#31AF28\\Total Star Count\\#FFFFFF\\ will not change.", 2) psc_toggle = true
play_sound_button_change_blocked() elseif msg:lower() == "off" then
starCheater = true psc_toggle = false
starCheater = false
--See how many stars everyone gets!
function updatePSC(m)
gPlayerSyncTable[0].psc = StarCounter
--No star text icon yet, also the text gets removed after the second color change?
function update()
for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do
gPlayerSyncTable[i].psc = gPlayerSyncTable[i].psc
network_player_set_description(gNetworkPlayers[i], "\\#FF0000\\".."Stars"..--[[ "\\#FFFFFF\\".. ]]": " ..tostring(gPlayerSyncTable[i].psc), 255, 255, 255, 255)
function pscToggle(msg)
if msg == string.lower("On") or msg == "1" then
pscToggle = 1
return true
elseif msg == string.lower("Off") or msg == "0" then
pscToggle = 0
return true
end end
return true
end end
--------- -----------------
--Hooks-- ----- Hooks -----
--------- -----------------
hook_event(HOOK_ON_INTERACT, localStarCounter)
hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER, displayStarCounter)
hook_event(HOOK_ON_LEVEL_INIT, cheaterStar)
hook_event(HOOK_UPDATE, update)
hook_event(HOOK_UPDATE, updatePSC)
hook_chat_command('psc', "On|Off - Displays stars you've collected. Default is On.", pscToggle)
--Global functions for everyone to use! hook_event(HOOK_ON_INTERACT, star_counter_on_interact)
--Thank you, PeachyPeach! hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER, hud_render_psc)
hook_event(HOOK_UPDATE, psc_update)
hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, psc_mario_update_inform_cheats)
hook_chat_command('psc', "On|Off - Displays stars you've collected. Default is On.", toggle_psc)
-- Globalize functions for other mods to use
-- Created by PeachyPeach
_G.PersonalStarCounter = { _G.PersonalStarCounter = {
--- Get the amount of red stars collected
---@return integer
get_star_counter = function () get_star_counter = function ()
return StarCounter return ThisGameStarCounter
end, end,
--- Get the amount of green stars collected
---@return integer
get_total_star_counter = function () get_total_star_counter = function ()
return TotalStarCounter return TotalStarCounter
end, end,
--- Force show or hide the star counters
---@param hide boolean
hide_star_counters = function (hide) hide_star_counters = function (hide)
if hide then pscToggle = 0 else pscToggle = 1 end psc_toggle = hide
end, end,
--- Modify the value of the star counters
---@param red_change number How much to change the red (single game) star counter by
---@param green_change number How much to change the green (total) star counter by
---@param override_set boolean If true, force set the value of the star counters instead of change
---@param save boolean If true, save the green star counter to mod storage
---@return nil
change_star_counter_value = function (red_change, green_change, override_set, save)
ThisGameStarCounter = ThisGameStarCounter + red_change
if override_set then
ThisGameStarCounter = red_change
TotalStarCounter = TotalStarCounter + green_change
if override_set then
TotalStarCounter = green_change
if save then
mod_storage_save("StarCounter", tostring(TotalStarCounter))
} }