## [:rewind: Lua Functions](functions.md)
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# functions from obj_behaviors_2.c
## [approach_f32_ptr](#approach_f32_ptr)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = approach_f32_ptr(px, target, delta)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| px | `Pointer` <`number`> |
| target | `number` |
| delta | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 approach_f32_ptr(f32 *px, f32 target, f32 delta);`
## [cur_obj_init_anim_and_check_if_end](#cur_obj_init_anim_and_check_if_end)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_init_anim_and_check_if_end(arg0)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| arg0 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_init_anim_and_check_if_end(s32 arg0);`
## [cur_obj_init_anim_check_frame](#cur_obj_init_anim_check_frame)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_init_anim_check_frame(arg0, arg1)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| arg0 | `integer` |
| arg1 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_init_anim_check_frame(s32 arg0, s32 arg1);`
## [cur_obj_init_anim_extend](#cur_obj_init_anim_extend)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| arg0 | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_init_anim_extend(s32 arg0);`
## [cur_obj_play_sound_at_anim_range](#cur_obj_play_sound_at_anim_range)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_play_sound_at_anim_range(arg0, arg1, sound)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| arg0 | `integer` |
| arg1 | `integer` |
| sound | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_play_sound_at_anim_range(s8 arg0, s8 arg1, u32 sound);`
## [cur_obj_set_anim_if_at_end](#cur_obj_set_anim_if_at_end)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_set_anim_if_at_end(arg0)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| arg0 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_set_anim_if_at_end(s32 arg0);`
## [cur_obj_spin_all_dimensions](#cur_obj_spin_all_dimensions)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_spin_all_dimensions(arg0, arg1)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| arg0 | `number` |
| arg1 | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_spin_all_dimensions(f32 arg0, f32 arg1);`
## [obj_act_knockback](#obj_act_knockback)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| baseScale | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_act_knockback(UNUSED f32 baseScale);`
## [obj_act_squished](#obj_act_squished)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| baseScale | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_act_squished(f32 baseScale);`
## [obj_bounce_off_walls_edges_objects](#obj_bounce_off_walls_edges_objects)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_bounce_off_walls_edges_objects(targetYaw)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetYaw | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_bounce_off_walls_edges_objects(s32 *targetYaw);`
## [obj_check_attacks](#obj_check_attacks)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_check_attacks(hitbox, attackedMarioAction)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| hitbox | [ObjectHitbox](structs.md#ObjectHitbox) |
| attackedMarioAction | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_check_attacks(struct ObjectHitbox *hitbox, s32 attackedMarioAction);`
## [obj_compute_vel_from_move_pitch](#obj_compute_vel_from_move_pitch)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| speed | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_compute_vel_from_move_pitch(f32 speed);`
## [obj_die_if_above_lava_and_health_non_positive](#obj_die_if_above_lava_and_health_non_positive)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_die_if_above_lava_and_health_non_positive()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_die_if_above_lava_and_health_non_positive(void);`
## [obj_die_if_health_non_positive](#obj_die_if_health_non_positive)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_die_if_health_non_positive(void);`
## [obj_face_pitch_approach](#obj_face_pitch_approach)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_face_pitch_approach(targetPitch, deltaPitch)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetPitch | `integer` |
| deltaPitch | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_face_pitch_approach(s16 targetPitch, s16 deltaPitch);`
## [obj_face_roll_approach](#obj_face_roll_approach)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_face_roll_approach(targetRoll, deltaRoll)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetRoll | `integer` |
| deltaRoll | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_face_roll_approach(s16 targetRoll, s16 deltaRoll);`
## [obj_face_yaw_approach](#obj_face_yaw_approach)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_face_yaw_approach(targetYaw, deltaYaw)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetYaw | `integer` |
| deltaYaw | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_face_yaw_approach(s16 targetYaw, s16 deltaYaw);`
## [obj_forward_vel_approach](#obj_forward_vel_approach)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_forward_vel_approach(target, delta)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| target | `number` |
| delta | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_forward_vel_approach(f32 target, f32 delta);`
## [obj_get_pitch_from_vel](#obj_get_pitch_from_vel)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_get_pitch_from_vel()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_get_pitch_from_vel(void);`
## [obj_get_pitch_to_home](#obj_get_pitch_to_home)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_get_pitch_to_home(latDistToHome)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| latDistToHome | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_get_pitch_to_home(f32 latDistToHome);`
## [obj_grow_then_shrink](#obj_grow_then_shrink)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_grow_then_shrink(scaleVel, shootFireScale, endScale)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| scaleVel | `Pointer` <`number`> |
| shootFireScale | `number` |
| endScale | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_grow_then_shrink(f32 *scaleVel, f32 shootFireScale, f32 endScale);`
## [obj_handle_attacks](#obj_handle_attacks)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_handle_attacks(hitbox, attackedMarioAction, attackHandlers)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| hitbox | [ObjectHitbox](structs.md#ObjectHitbox) |
| attackedMarioAction | `integer` |
| attackHandlers | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_handle_attacks(struct ObjectHitbox *hitbox, s32 attackedMarioAction, u8 *attackHandlers);`
## [obj_is_near_to_and_facing_mario](#obj_is_near_to_and_facing_mario)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_is_near_to_and_facing_mario(m, maxDist, maxAngleDiff)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| maxDist | `number` |
| maxAngleDiff | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_is_near_to_and_facing_mario(struct MarioState* m, f32 maxDist, s16 maxAngleDiff);`
## [obj_is_rendering_enabled](#obj_is_rendering_enabled)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_is_rendering_enabled()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_is_rendering_enabled(void);`
## [obj_move_for_one_second](#obj_move_for_one_second)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_move_for_one_second(endAction)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| endAction | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_move_for_one_second(s32 endAction);`
## [obj_move_pitch_approach](#obj_move_pitch_approach)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_move_pitch_approach(target, delta)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| target | `integer` |
| delta | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_move_pitch_approach(s16 target, s16 delta);`
## [obj_random_fixed_turn](#obj_random_fixed_turn)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_random_fixed_turn(delta)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| delta | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_random_fixed_turn(s16 delta);`
## [obj_resolve_collisions_and_turn](#obj_resolve_collisions_and_turn)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_resolve_collisions_and_turn(targetYaw, turnSpeed)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetYaw | `integer` |
| turnSpeed | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_resolve_collisions_and_turn(s16 targetYaw, s16 turnSpeed);`
## [obj_resolve_object_collisions](#obj_resolve_object_collisions)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_resolve_object_collisions(targetYaw)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetYaw | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_resolve_object_collisions(s32 *targetYaw);`
## [obj_roll_to_match_yaw_turn](#obj_roll_to_match_yaw_turn)
### Lua Example
`obj_roll_to_match_yaw_turn(targetYaw, maxRoll, rollSpeed)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetYaw | `integer` |
| maxRoll | `integer` |
| rollSpeed | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_roll_to_match_yaw_turn(s16 targetYaw, s16 maxRoll, s16 rollSpeed);`
## [obj_rotate_yaw_and_bounce_off_walls](#obj_rotate_yaw_and_bounce_off_walls)
### Lua Example
`obj_rotate_yaw_and_bounce_off_walls(targetYaw, turnAmount)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetYaw | `integer` |
| turnAmount | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_rotate_yaw_and_bounce_off_walls(s16 targetYaw, s16 turnAmount);`
## [obj_set_dist_from_home](#obj_set_dist_from_home)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| distFromHome | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_dist_from_home(f32 distFromHome);`
## [obj_set_knockback_action](#obj_set_knockback_action)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| attackType | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_knockback_action(s32 attackType);`
## [obj_set_squished_action](#obj_set_squished_action)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_squished_action(void);`
## [obj_smooth_turn](#obj_smooth_turn)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_smooth_turn(angleVel, angle, targetAngle, targetSpeedProportion, accel, minSpeed, maxSpeed)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| angleVel | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
| angle | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
| targetAngle | `integer` |
| targetSpeedProportion | `number` |
| accel | `integer` |
| minSpeed | `integer` |
| maxSpeed | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_smooth_turn(s16 *angleVel, s32 *angle, s16 targetAngle, f32 targetSpeedProportion, s16 accel, s16 minSpeed, s16 maxSpeed);`
## [obj_spit_fire](#obj_spit_fire)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = obj_spit_fire(relativePosX, relativePosY, relativePosZ, scale, model, startSpeed, endSpeed, movePitch)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| relativePosX | `integer` |
| relativePosY | `integer` |
| relativePosZ | `integer` |
| scale | `number` |
| model | `integer` |
| startSpeed | `number` |
| endSpeed | `number` |
| movePitch | `integer` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object* obj_spit_fire(s16 relativePosX, s16 relativePosY, s16 relativePosZ, f32 scale, s32 model, f32 startSpeed, f32 endSpeed, s16 movePitch);`
## [obj_turn_pitch_toward_mario](#obj_turn_pitch_toward_mario)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_turn_pitch_toward_mario(m, targetOffsetY, turnAmount)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| targetOffsetY | `number` |
| turnAmount | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_turn_pitch_toward_mario(struct MarioState* m, f32 targetOffsetY, s16 turnAmount);`
## [obj_unused_die](#obj_unused_die)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_unused_die(void);`
## [obj_update_blinking](#obj_update_blinking)
### Lua Example
`obj_update_blinking(blinkTimer, baseCycleLength, cycleLengthRange, blinkLength)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| blinkTimer | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
| baseCycleLength | `integer` |
| cycleLengthRange | `integer` |
| blinkLength | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_update_blinking(s32 *blinkTimer, s16 baseCycleLength, s16 cycleLengthRange, s16 blinkLength);`
## [obj_update_standard_actions](#obj_update_standard_actions)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_update_standard_actions(scale)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| scale | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_update_standard_actions(f32 scale);`
## [obj_y_vel_approach](#obj_y_vel_approach)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_y_vel_approach(target, delta)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| target | `number` |
| delta | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_y_vel_approach(f32 target, f32 delta);`
## [oscillate_toward](#oscillate_toward)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = oscillate_toward(value, vel, target, velCloseToZero, accel, slowdown)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
| vel | `Pointer` <`number`> |
| target | `integer` |
| velCloseToZero | `number` |
| accel | `number` |
| slowdown | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 oscillate_toward(s32 *value, f32 *vel, s32 target, f32 velCloseToZero, f32 accel, f32 slowdown);`
## [platform_on_track_update_pos_or_spawn_ball](#platform_on_track_update_pos_or_spawn_ball)
### Lua Example
`platform_on_track_update_pos_or_spawn_ball(ballIndex, x, y, z)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| ballIndex | `integer` |
| x | `number` |
| y | `number` |
| z | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void platform_on_track_update_pos_or_spawn_ball(s32 ballIndex, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z);`
## [random_linear_offset](#random_linear_offset)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = random_linear_offset(base, range)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| base | `integer` |
| range | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 random_linear_offset(s16 base, s16 range);`
## [random_mod_offset](#random_mod_offset)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = random_mod_offset(base, step, mod)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| base | `integer` |
| step | `integer` |
| mod | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 random_mod_offset(s16 base, s16 step, s16 mod);`
## [treat_far_home_as_mario](#treat_far_home_as_mario)
### Lua Example
`treat_far_home_as_mario(threshold, distanceToPlayer, angleToPlayer)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| threshold | `number` |
| distanceToPlayer | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
| angleToPlayer | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void treat_far_home_as_mario(f32 threshold, s32* distanceToPlayer, s32* angleToPlayer);`
# functions from object_helpers.c
## [abs_angle_diff](#abs_angle_diff)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = abs_angle_diff(x0, x1)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| x0 | `integer` |
| x1 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 abs_angle_diff(s16 x0, s16 x1);`
## [apply_drag_to_value](#apply_drag_to_value)
### Lua Example
`apply_drag_to_value(value, dragStrength)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `Pointer` <`number`> |
| dragStrength | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void apply_drag_to_value(f32 *value, f32 dragStrength);`
## [approach_f32_signed](#approach_f32_signed)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = approach_f32_signed(value, target, increment)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `Pointer` <`number`> |
| target | `number` |
| increment | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 approach_f32_signed(f32 *value, f32 target, f32 increment);`
## [approach_f32_symmetric](#approach_f32_symmetric)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = approach_f32_symmetric(value, target, increment)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `number` |
| target | `number` |
| increment | `number` |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 approach_f32_symmetric(f32 value, f32 target, f32 increment);`
## [approach_s16_symmetric](#approach_s16_symmetric)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = approach_s16_symmetric(value, target, increment)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `integer` |
| target | `integer` |
| increment | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 approach_s16_symmetric(s16 value, s16 target, s16 increment);`
## [bhv_dust_smoke_loop](#bhv_dust_smoke_loop)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void bhv_dust_smoke_loop(void);`
## [bhv_init_room](#bhv_init_room)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void bhv_init_room(void);`
## [bit_shift_left](#bit_shift_left)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = bit_shift_left(a0)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 bit_shift_left(s32 a0);`
## [chain_segment_init](#chain_segment_init)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| segment | [ChainSegment](structs.md#ChainSegment) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void chain_segment_init(struct ChainSegment *segment);`
## [clear_move_flag](#clear_move_flag)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = clear_move_flag(bitSet, flag)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| bitSet | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
| flag | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 clear_move_flag(u32 *bitSet, s32 flag);`
## [clear_time_stop_flags](#clear_time_stop_flags)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| flags | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void clear_time_stop_flags(s32 flags);`
## [count_objects_with_behavior](#count_objects_with_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = count_objects_with_behavior(behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 count_objects_with_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [count_unimportant_objects](#count_unimportant_objects)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = count_unimportant_objects()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 count_unimportant_objects(void);`
## [create_transformation_from_matrices](#create_transformation_from_matrices)
### Lua Example
`create_transformation_from_matrices(a0, a1, a2)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | `Mat4` |
| a1 | `Mat4` |
| a2 | `Mat4` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void create_transformation_from_matrices(Mat4 a0, Mat4 a1, Mat4 a2);`
## [cur_obj_abs_y_dist_to_home](#cur_obj_abs_y_dist_to_home)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = cur_obj_abs_y_dist_to_home()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 cur_obj_abs_y_dist_to_home(void);`
## [cur_obj_advance_looping_anim](#cur_obj_advance_looping_anim)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_advance_looping_anim()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_advance_looping_anim(void);`
## [cur_obj_align_gfx_with_floor](#cur_obj_align_gfx_with_floor)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_align_gfx_with_floor(void);`
## [cur_obj_angle_to_home](#cur_obj_angle_to_home)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_angle_to_home()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 cur_obj_angle_to_home(void);`
## [cur_obj_apply_drag_xz](#cur_obj_apply_drag_xz)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dragStrength | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_apply_drag_xz(f32 dragStrength);`
## [cur_obj_become_intangible](#cur_obj_become_intangible)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_become_intangible(void);`
## [cur_obj_become_tangible](#cur_obj_become_tangible)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_become_tangible(void);`
## [cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox](#cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox(m, radius, height, unused)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| radius | `number` |
| height | `number` |
| unused | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox(struct MarioState* m, f32 radius, f32 height, UNUSED s32 unused);`
## [cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox_2](#cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox_2)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox_2(m, radius, height)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| radius | `number` |
| height | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox_2(struct MarioState* m, f32 radius, f32 height);`
## [cur_obj_change_action](#cur_obj_change_action)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| action | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_change_action(s32 action);`
## [cur_obj_check_anim_frame](#cur_obj_check_anim_frame)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_check_anim_frame(frame)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| frame | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_check_anim_frame(s32 frame);`
## [cur_obj_check_anim_frame_in_range](#cur_obj_check_anim_frame_in_range)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_check_anim_frame_in_range(startFrame, rangeLength)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| startFrame | `integer` |
| rangeLength | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_check_anim_frame_in_range(s32 startFrame, s32 rangeLength);`
## [cur_obj_check_frame_prior_current_frame](#cur_obj_check_frame_prior_current_frame)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_check_frame_prior_current_frame(a0)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_check_frame_prior_current_frame(s16 *a0);`
## [cur_obj_check_grabbed_mario](#cur_obj_check_grabbed_mario)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_check_grabbed_mario()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_check_grabbed_mario(void);`
## [cur_obj_check_if_at_animation_end](#cur_obj_check_if_at_animation_end)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_check_if_at_animation_end()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_check_if_at_animation_end(void);`
## [cur_obj_check_if_near_animation_end](#cur_obj_check_if_near_animation_end)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_check_if_near_animation_end()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_check_if_near_animation_end(void);`
## [cur_obj_check_interacted](#cur_obj_check_interacted)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_check_interacted()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_check_interacted(void);`
## [cur_obj_clear_interact_status_flag](#cur_obj_clear_interact_status_flag)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_clear_interact_status_flag(flag)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| flag | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_clear_interact_status_flag(s32 flag);`
## [cur_obj_compute_vel_xz](#cur_obj_compute_vel_xz)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_compute_vel_xz(void);`
## [cur_obj_count_objects_with_behavior](#cur_obj_count_objects_with_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_count_objects_with_behavior(behavior, dist)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
| dist | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u16 cur_obj_count_objects_with_behavior(const BehaviorScript* behavior, f32 dist);`
## [cur_obj_detect_steep_floor](#cur_obj_detect_steep_floor)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_detect_steep_floor(steepAngleDegrees)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| steepAngleDegrees | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_detect_steep_floor(s16 steepAngleDegrees);`
## [cur_obj_disable](#cur_obj_disable)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_disable(void);`
## [cur_obj_disable_rendering](#cur_obj_disable_rendering)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_disable_rendering(void);`
## [cur_obj_disable_rendering_and_become_intangible](#cur_obj_disable_rendering_and_become_intangible)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_disable_rendering_and_become_intangible(struct Object *obj);`
## [cur_obj_dist_to_nearest_object_with_behavior](#cur_obj_dist_to_nearest_object_with_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = cur_obj_dist_to_nearest_object_with_behavior(behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 cur_obj_dist_to_nearest_object_with_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [cur_obj_enable_rendering](#cur_obj_enable_rendering)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_enable_rendering(void);`
## [cur_obj_enable_rendering_2](#cur_obj_enable_rendering_2)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_enable_rendering_2(void);`
## [cur_obj_enable_rendering_and_become_tangible](#cur_obj_enable_rendering_and_become_tangible)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_enable_rendering_and_become_tangible(struct Object *obj);`
## [cur_obj_enable_rendering_if_mario_in_room](#cur_obj_enable_rendering_if_mario_in_room)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_enable_rendering_if_mario_in_room(void);`
## [cur_obj_end_dialog](#cur_obj_end_dialog)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_end_dialog(m, dialogFlags, dialogResult)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| dialogFlags | `integer` |
| dialogResult | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_end_dialog(struct MarioState* m, s32 dialogFlags, s32 dialogResult);`
## [cur_obj_extend_animation_if_at_end](#cur_obj_extend_animation_if_at_end)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_extend_animation_if_at_end(void);`
## [cur_obj_find_nearby_held_actor](#cur_obj_find_nearby_held_actor)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = cur_obj_find_nearby_held_actor(behavior, maxDist)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
| maxDist | `number` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object *cur_obj_find_nearby_held_actor(const BehaviorScript *behavior, f32 maxDist);`
## [cur_obj_find_nearest_object_with_behavior](#cur_obj_find_nearest_object_with_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = cur_obj_find_nearest_object_with_behavior(behavior, dist)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
| dist | `Pointer` <`number`> |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object *cur_obj_find_nearest_object_with_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior, f32 *dist);`
## [cur_obj_find_nearest_pole](#cur_obj_find_nearest_pole)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = cur_obj_find_nearest_pole()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object* cur_obj_find_nearest_pole(void);`
## [cur_obj_follow_path](#cur_obj_follow_path)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_follow_path(unusedArg)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| unusedArg | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_follow_path(UNUSED s32 unusedArg);`
## [cur_obj_forward_vel_approach_upward](#cur_obj_forward_vel_approach_upward)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_forward_vel_approach_upward(target, increment)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| target | `number` |
| increment | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_forward_vel_approach_upward(f32 target, f32 increment);`
## [cur_obj_get_dropped](#cur_obj_get_dropped)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_get_dropped(void);`
## [cur_obj_get_thrown_or_placed](#cur_obj_get_thrown_or_placed)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_get_thrown_or_placed(forwardVel, velY, thrownAction)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| forwardVel | `number` |
| velY | `number` |
| thrownAction | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_get_thrown_or_placed(f32 forwardVel, f32 velY, s32 thrownAction);`
## [cur_obj_has_behavior](#cur_obj_has_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_has_behavior(behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_has_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [cur_obj_has_model](#cur_obj_has_model)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_has_model(modelID)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| modelID | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_has_model(u16 modelID);`
## [cur_obj_hide](#cur_obj_hide)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_hide(void);`
## [cur_obj_hide_if_mario_far_away_y](#cur_obj_hide_if_mario_far_away_y)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_hide_if_mario_far_away_y(distY)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| distY | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_hide_if_mario_far_away_y(f32 distY);`
## [cur_obj_if_hit_wall_bounce_away](#cur_obj_if_hit_wall_bounce_away)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_if_hit_wall_bounce_away(void);`
## [cur_obj_init_animation](#cur_obj_init_animation)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| animIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_init_animation(s32 animIndex);`
## [cur_obj_init_animation_and_anim_frame](#cur_obj_init_animation_and_anim_frame)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_init_animation_and_anim_frame(animIndex, animFrame)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| animIndex | `integer` |
| animFrame | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_init_animation_and_anim_frame(s32 animIndex, s32 animFrame);`
## [cur_obj_init_animation_and_check_if_near_end](#cur_obj_init_animation_and_check_if_near_end)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_init_animation_and_check_if_near_end(animIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| animIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_init_animation_and_check_if_near_end(s32 animIndex);`
## [cur_obj_init_animation_and_extend_if_at_end](#cur_obj_init_animation_and_extend_if_at_end)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| animIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_init_animation_and_extend_if_at_end(s32 animIndex);`
## [cur_obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound](#cur_obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound(animIndex, accel)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| animIndex | `integer` |
| accel | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound(s32 animIndex, f32 accel);`
## [cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound](#cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| animIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(s32 animIndex);`
## [cur_obj_is_any_player_on_platform](#cur_obj_is_any_player_on_platform)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_is_any_player_on_platform()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_is_any_player_on_platform(void);`
## [cur_obj_is_mario_ground_pounding_platform](#cur_obj_is_mario_ground_pounding_platform)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_is_mario_ground_pounding_platform()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_is_mario_ground_pounding_platform(void);`
## [cur_obj_is_mario_on_platform](#cur_obj_is_mario_on_platform)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_is_mario_on_platform()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_is_mario_on_platform(void);`
## [cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home](#cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home(void);`
## [cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_obj_to_home](#cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_obj_to_home)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_obj_to_home(obj)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_obj_to_home(struct Object *obj);`
## [cur_obj_lateral_dist_to_home](#cur_obj_lateral_dist_to_home)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = cur_obj_lateral_dist_to_home()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 cur_obj_lateral_dist_to_home(void);`
## [cur_obj_mario_far_away](#cur_obj_mario_far_away)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_mario_far_away()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_mario_far_away(void);`
## [cur_obj_move_after_thrown_or_dropped](#cur_obj_move_after_thrown_or_dropped)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_move_after_thrown_or_dropped(forwardVel, velY)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| forwardVel | `number` |
| velY | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_after_thrown_or_dropped(f32 forwardVel, f32 velY);`
## [cur_obj_move_standard](#cur_obj_move_standard)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| steepSlopeAngleDegrees | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_standard(s16 steepSlopeAngleDegrees);`
## [cur_obj_move_up_and_down](#cur_obj_move_up_and_down)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_move_up_and_down(a0)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_move_up_and_down(s32 a0);`
## [cur_obj_move_update_ground_air_flags](#cur_obj_move_update_ground_air_flags)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_move_update_ground_air_flags(gravity, bounciness)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| gravity | `number` |
| bounciness | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_update_ground_air_flags(UNUSED f32 gravity, f32 bounciness);`
## [cur_obj_move_update_underwater_flags](#cur_obj_move_update_underwater_flags)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_update_underwater_flags(void);`
## [cur_obj_move_using_fvel_and_gravity](#cur_obj_move_using_fvel_and_gravity)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_using_fvel_and_gravity(void);`
## [cur_obj_move_using_vel](#cur_obj_move_using_vel)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_using_vel(void);`
## [cur_obj_move_using_vel_and_gravity](#cur_obj_move_using_vel_and_gravity)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_using_vel_and_gravity(void);`
## [cur_obj_move_xz](#cur_obj_move_xz)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_move_xz(steepSlopeNormalY, careAboutEdgesAndSteepSlopes)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| steepSlopeNormalY | `number` |
| careAboutEdgesAndSteepSlopes | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_move_xz(f32 steepSlopeNormalY, s32 careAboutEdgesAndSteepSlopes);`
## [cur_obj_move_xz_using_fvel_and_yaw](#cur_obj_move_xz_using_fvel_and_yaw)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_xz_using_fvel_and_yaw(void);`
## [cur_obj_move_y](#cur_obj_move_y)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_move_y(gravity, bounciness, buoyancy)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| gravity | `number` |
| bounciness | `number` |
| buoyancy | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_y(f32 gravity, f32 bounciness, f32 buoyancy);`
## [cur_obj_move_y_and_get_water_level](#cur_obj_move_y_and_get_water_level)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = cur_obj_move_y_and_get_water_level(gravity, buoyancy)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| gravity | `number` |
| buoyancy | `number` |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 cur_obj_move_y_and_get_water_level(f32 gravity, f32 buoyancy);`
## [cur_obj_move_y_with_terminal_vel](#cur_obj_move_y_with_terminal_vel)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_move_y_with_terminal_vel(void);`
## [cur_obj_nearest_object_with_behavior](#cur_obj_nearest_object_with_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = cur_obj_nearest_object_with_behavior(behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object *cur_obj_nearest_object_with_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [cur_obj_outside_home_rectangle](#cur_obj_outside_home_rectangle)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_outside_home_rectangle(minX, maxX, minZ, maxZ)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| minX | `number` |
| maxX | `number` |
| minZ | `number` |
| maxZ | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_outside_home_rectangle(f32 minX, f32 maxX, f32 minZ, f32 maxZ);`
## [cur_obj_outside_home_square](#cur_obj_outside_home_square)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_outside_home_square(halfLength)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| halfLength | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_outside_home_square(f32 halfLength);`
## [cur_obj_push_mario_away](#cur_obj_push_mario_away)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| radius | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_push_mario_away(f32 radius);`
## [cur_obj_push_mario_away_from_cylinder](#cur_obj_push_mario_away_from_cylinder)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_push_mario_away_from_cylinder(radius, extentY)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| radius | `number` |
| extentY | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_push_mario_away_from_cylinder(f32 radius, f32 extentY);`
## [cur_obj_reflect_move_angle_off_wall](#cur_obj_reflect_move_angle_off_wall)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_reflect_move_angle_off_wall()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 cur_obj_reflect_move_angle_off_wall(void);`
## [cur_obj_reset_timer_and_subaction](#cur_obj_reset_timer_and_subaction)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_reset_timer_and_subaction(void);`
## [cur_obj_resolve_wall_collisions](#cur_obj_resolve_wall_collisions)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_resolve_wall_collisions()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_resolve_wall_collisions(void);`
## [cur_obj_reverse_animation](#cur_obj_reverse_animation)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_reverse_animation(void);`
## [cur_obj_rotate_face_angle_using_vel](#cur_obj_rotate_face_angle_using_vel)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_rotate_face_angle_using_vel(void);`
## [cur_obj_rotate_move_angle_using_vel](#cur_obj_rotate_move_angle_using_vel)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_rotate_move_angle_using_vel(void);`
## [cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward](#cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(target, increment)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| target | `integer` |
| increment | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(s16 target, s16 increment);`
## [cur_obj_scale](#cur_obj_scale)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| scale | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_scale(f32 scale);`
## [cur_obj_scale_over_time](#cur_obj_scale_over_time)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_scale_over_time(a0, a1, sp10, sp14)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | `integer` |
| a1 | `integer` |
| sp10 | `number` |
| sp14 | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_scale_over_time(s32 a0, s32 a1, f32 sp10, f32 sp14);`
## [cur_obj_set_behavior](#cur_obj_set_behavior)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [cur_obj_set_billboard_if_vanilla_cam](#cur_obj_set_billboard_if_vanilla_cam)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_billboard_if_vanilla_cam(void);`
## [cur_obj_set_face_angle_to_move_angle](#cur_obj_set_face_angle_to_move_angle)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_face_angle_to_move_angle(void);`
## [cur_obj_set_hitbox_and_die_if_attacked](#cur_obj_set_hitbox_and_die_if_attacked)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_set_hitbox_and_die_if_attacked(hitbox, deathSound, noLootCoins)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| hitbox | [ObjectHitbox](structs.md#ObjectHitbox) |
| deathSound | `integer` |
| noLootCoins | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_set_hitbox_and_die_if_attacked(struct ObjectHitbox *hitbox, s32 deathSound, s32 noLootCoins);`
## [cur_obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height](#cur_obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height(radius, height)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| radius | `number` |
| height | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height(f32 radius, f32 height);`
## [cur_obj_set_home_once](#cur_obj_set_home_once)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_home_once(void);`
## [cur_obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height](#cur_obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height(radius, height)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| radius | `number` |
| height | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height(f32 radius, f32 height);`
## [cur_obj_set_pos_relative](#cur_obj_set_pos_relative)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_set_pos_relative(other, dleft, dy, dforward)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| other | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| dleft | `number` |
| dy | `number` |
| dforward | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_pos_relative(struct Object *other, f32 dleft, f32 dy, f32 dforward);`
## [cur_obj_set_pos_relative_to_parent](#cur_obj_set_pos_relative_to_parent)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_set_pos_relative_to_parent(dleft, dy, dforward)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dleft | `number` |
| dy | `number` |
| dforward | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_pos_relative_to_parent(f32 dleft, f32 dy, f32 dforward);`
## [cur_obj_set_pos_to_home](#cur_obj_set_pos_to_home)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_pos_to_home(void);`
## [cur_obj_set_pos_to_home_and_stop](#cur_obj_set_pos_to_home_and_stop)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_pos_to_home_and_stop(void);`
## [cur_obj_set_pos_to_home_with_debug](#cur_obj_set_pos_to_home_with_debug)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_pos_to_home_with_debug(void);`
## [cur_obj_set_pos_via_transform](#cur_obj_set_pos_via_transform)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_pos_via_transform(void);`
## [cur_obj_set_vel_from_mario_vel](#cur_obj_set_vel_from_mario_vel)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_set_vel_from_mario_vel(m, f12, f14)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| f12 | `number` |
| f14 | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_vel_from_mario_vel(struct MarioState* m, f32 f12, f32 f14);`
## [cur_obj_set_y_vel_and_animation](#cur_obj_set_y_vel_and_animation)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_set_y_vel_and_animation(sp18, sp1C)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sp18 | `number` |
| sp1C | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_set_y_vel_and_animation(f32 sp18, s32 sp1C);`
## [cur_obj_shake_screen](#cur_obj_shake_screen)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| shake | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_shake_screen(s32 shake);`
## [cur_obj_shake_y](#cur_obj_shake_y)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| amount | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_shake_y(f32 amount);`
## [cur_obj_shake_y_until](#cur_obj_shake_y_until)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_shake_y_until(cycles, amount)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| cycles | `integer` |
| amount | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_shake_y_until(s32 cycles, s32 amount);`
## [cur_obj_spawn_loot_blue_coin](#cur_obj_spawn_loot_blue_coin)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_spawn_loot_blue_coin(void);`
## [cur_obj_spawn_loot_coin_at_mario_pos](#cur_obj_spawn_loot_coin_at_mario_pos)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_spawn_loot_coin_at_mario_pos(struct MarioState* m);`
## [cur_obj_spawn_particles](#cur_obj_spawn_particles)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| info | [SpawnParticlesInfo](structs.md#SpawnParticlesInfo) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_spawn_particles(struct SpawnParticlesInfo *info);`
## [cur_obj_spawn_star_at_y_offset](#cur_obj_spawn_star_at_y_offset)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_spawn_star_at_y_offset(targetX, targetY, targetZ, offsetY)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| targetX | `number` |
| targetY | `number` |
| targetZ | `number` |
| offsetY | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_spawn_star_at_y_offset(f32 targetX, f32 targetY, f32 targetZ, f32 offsetY);`
## [cur_obj_start_cam_event](#cur_obj_start_cam_event)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_start_cam_event(obj, cameraEvent)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| cameraEvent | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_start_cam_event(UNUSED struct Object *obj, s32 cameraEvent);`
## [cur_obj_unhide](#cur_obj_unhide)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_unhide(void);`
## [cur_obj_unrender_and_reset_state](#cur_obj_unrender_and_reset_state)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_unrender_and_reset_state(sp18, sp1C)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sp18 | `integer` |
| sp1C | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_unrender_and_reset_state(s32 sp18, s32 sp1C);`
## [cur_obj_unused_init_on_floor](#cur_obj_unused_init_on_floor)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_unused_init_on_floor(void);`
## [cur_obj_unused_play_footstep_sound](#cur_obj_unused_play_footstep_sound)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_unused_play_footstep_sound(animFrame1, animFrame2, sound)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| animFrame1 | `integer` |
| animFrame2 | `integer` |
| sound | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_unused_play_footstep_sound(s32 animFrame1, s32 animFrame2, s32 sound);`
## [cur_obj_unused_resolve_wall_collisions](#cur_obj_unused_resolve_wall_collisions)
### Lua Example
`cur_obj_unused_resolve_wall_collisions(offsetY, radius)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| offsetY | `number` |
| radius | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_unused_resolve_wall_collisions(f32 offsetY, f32 radius);`
## [cur_obj_update_floor](#cur_obj_update_floor)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_update_floor(void);`
## [cur_obj_update_floor_and_resolve_wall_collisions](#cur_obj_update_floor_and_resolve_wall_collisions)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| steepSlopeDegrees | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_update_floor_and_resolve_wall_collisions(s16 steepSlopeDegrees);`
## [cur_obj_update_floor_and_walls](#cur_obj_update_floor_and_walls)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_update_floor_and_walls(void);`
## [cur_obj_update_floor_height](#cur_obj_update_floor_height)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void cur_obj_update_floor_height(void);`
## [cur_obj_update_floor_height_and_get_floor](#cur_obj_update_floor_height_and_get_floor)
### Lua Example
`local SurfaceValue = cur_obj_update_floor_height_and_get_floor()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Surface *cur_obj_update_floor_height_and_get_floor(void);`
## [cur_obj_wait_then_blink](#cur_obj_wait_then_blink)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_wait_then_blink(timeUntilBlinking, numBlinks)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| timeUntilBlinking | `integer` |
| numBlinks | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_wait_then_blink(s32 timeUntilBlinking, s32 numBlinks);`
## [cur_obj_was_attacked_or_ground_pounded](#cur_obj_was_attacked_or_ground_pounded)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_was_attacked_or_ground_pounded()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_was_attacked_or_ground_pounded(void);`
## [cur_obj_within_12k_bounds](#cur_obj_within_12k_bounds)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = cur_obj_within_12k_bounds()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 cur_obj_within_12k_bounds(void);`
## [disable_time_stop](#disable_time_stop)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void disable_time_stop(void);`
## [disable_time_stop_including_mario](#disable_time_stop_including_mario)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void disable_time_stop_including_mario(void);`
## [dist_between_object_and_point](#dist_between_object_and_point)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = dist_between_object_and_point(obj, pointX, pointY, pointZ)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| pointX | `number` |
| pointY | `number` |
| pointZ | `number` |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 dist_between_object_and_point(struct Object *obj, f32 pointX, f32 pointY, f32 pointZ);`
## [dist_between_objects](#dist_between_objects)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = dist_between_objects(obj1, obj2)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj1 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| obj2 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 dist_between_objects(struct Object *obj1, struct Object *obj2);`
## [enable_time_stop](#enable_time_stop)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void enable_time_stop(void);`
## [enable_time_stop_if_alone](#enable_time_stop_if_alone)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void enable_time_stop_if_alone(void);`
## [enable_time_stop_including_mario](#enable_time_stop_including_mario)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void enable_time_stop_including_mario(void);`
## [find_object_with_behavior](#find_object_with_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = find_object_with_behavior(behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object *find_object_with_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [find_unimportant_object](#find_unimportant_object)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = find_unimportant_object()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object *find_unimportant_object(void);`
## [geo_offset_klepto_debug](#geo_offset_klepto_debug)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = geo_offset_klepto_debug(callContext, a1, sp8)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| callContext | `integer` |
| a1 | [GraphNode](structs.md#GraphNode) |
| sp8 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 geo_offset_klepto_debug(s32 callContext, struct GraphNode *a1, UNUSED s32 sp8);`
## [get_object_list_from_behavior](#get_object_list_from_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_object_list_from_behavior(behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 get_object_list_from_behavior(const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [get_trajectory_length](#get_trajectory_length)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_trajectory_length(trajectory)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| trajectory | `Pointer` <`Trajectory`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 get_trajectory_length(Trajectory* trajectory);`
## [increment_velocity_toward_range](#increment_velocity_toward_range)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = increment_velocity_toward_range(value, center, zeroThreshold, increment)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `number` |
| center | `number` |
| zeroThreshold | `number` |
| increment | `number` |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 increment_velocity_toward_range(f32 value, f32 center, f32 zeroThreshold, f32 increment);`
## [is_item_in_array](#is_item_in_array)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = is_item_in_array(item, array)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| item | `integer` |
| array | `Pointer` <`integer`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 is_item_in_array(s8 item, s8 *array);`
## [is_mario_moving_fast_or_in_air](#is_mario_moving_fast_or_in_air)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = is_mario_moving_fast_or_in_air(speedThreshold)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| speedThreshold | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 is_mario_moving_fast_or_in_air(s32 speedThreshold);`
## [lateral_dist_between_objects](#lateral_dist_between_objects)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = lateral_dist_between_objects(obj1, obj2)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj1 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| obj2 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 lateral_dist_between_objects(struct Object *obj1, struct Object *obj2);`
## [linear_mtxf_mul_vec3f](#linear_mtxf_mul_vec3f)
### Lua Example
`linear_mtxf_mul_vec3f(m, dst, v)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | `Mat4` |
| dst | [Vec3f](structs.md#Vec3f) |
| v | [Vec3f](structs.md#Vec3f) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void linear_mtxf_mul_vec3f(Mat4 m, Vec3f dst, Vec3f v);`
## [linear_mtxf_transpose_mul_vec3f](#linear_mtxf_transpose_mul_vec3f)
### Lua Example
`linear_mtxf_transpose_mul_vec3f(m, dst, v)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | `Mat4` |
| dst | [Vec3f](structs.md#Vec3f) |
| v | [Vec3f](structs.md#Vec3f) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void linear_mtxf_transpose_mul_vec3f(Mat4 m, Vec3f dst, Vec3f v);`
## [mario_is_dive_sliding](#mario_is_dive_sliding)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = mario_is_dive_sliding(m)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 mario_is_dive_sliding(struct MarioState* m);`
## [mario_is_in_air_action](#mario_is_in_air_action)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = mario_is_in_air_action(m)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 mario_is_in_air_action(struct MarioState* m);`
## [mario_is_within_rectangle](#mario_is_within_rectangle)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = mario_is_within_rectangle(minX, maxX, minZ, maxZ)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| minX | `integer` |
| maxX | `integer` |
| minZ | `integer` |
| maxZ | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 mario_is_within_rectangle(s16 minX, s16 maxX, s16 minZ, s16 maxZ);`
## [mario_set_flag](#mario_set_flag)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| flag | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void mario_set_flag(s32 flag);`
## [obj_angle_to_object](#obj_angle_to_object)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_angle_to_object(obj1, obj2)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj1 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| obj2 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_angle_to_object(struct Object *obj1, struct Object *obj2);`
## [obj_angle_to_point](#obj_angle_to_point)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_angle_to_point(obj, pointX, pointZ)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| pointX | `number` |
| pointZ | `number` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_angle_to_point(struct Object *obj, f32 pointX, f32 pointZ);`
## [obj_apply_scale_to_matrix](#obj_apply_scale_to_matrix)
### Lua Example
`obj_apply_scale_to_matrix(obj, dst, src)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| dst | `Mat4` |
| src | `Mat4` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_apply_scale_to_matrix(struct Object *obj, Mat4 dst, Mat4 src);`
## [obj_apply_scale_to_transform](#obj_apply_scale_to_transform)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_apply_scale_to_transform(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_attack_collided_from_other_object](#obj_attack_collided_from_other_object)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_attack_collided_from_other_object(obj)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_attack_collided_from_other_object(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_become_tangible](#obj_become_tangible)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_become_tangible(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_build_relative_transform](#obj_build_relative_transform)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_build_relative_transform(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_build_transform_from_pos_and_angle](#obj_build_transform_from_pos_and_angle)
### Lua Example
`obj_build_transform_from_pos_and_angle(obj, posIndex, angleIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| posIndex | `integer` |
| angleIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_build_transform_from_pos_and_angle(struct Object *obj, s16 posIndex, s16 angleIndex);`
## [obj_build_transform_relative_to_parent](#obj_build_transform_relative_to_parent)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_build_transform_relative_to_parent(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_build_vel_from_transform](#obj_build_vel_from_transform)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_build_vel_from_transform(struct Object *a0);`
## [obj_check_if_collided_with_object](#obj_check_if_collided_with_object)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_check_if_collided_with_object(obj1, obj2)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj1 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| obj2 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_check_if_collided_with_object(struct Object *obj1, struct Object *obj2);`
## [obj_copy_angle](#obj_copy_angle)
### Lua Example
`obj_copy_angle(dst, src)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dst | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| src | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_copy_angle(struct Object *dst, struct Object *src);`
## [obj_copy_behavior_params](#obj_copy_behavior_params)
### Lua Example
`obj_copy_behavior_params(dst, src)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dst | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| src | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_copy_behavior_params(struct Object *dst, struct Object *src);`
## [obj_copy_graph_y_offset](#obj_copy_graph_y_offset)
### Lua Example
`obj_copy_graph_y_offset(dst, src)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dst | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| src | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_copy_graph_y_offset(struct Object *dst, struct Object *src);`
## [obj_copy_pos](#obj_copy_pos)
### Lua Example
`obj_copy_pos(dst, src)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dst | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| src | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_copy_pos(struct Object *dst, struct Object *src);`
## [obj_copy_pos_and_angle](#obj_copy_pos_and_angle)
### Lua Example
`obj_copy_pos_and_angle(dst, src)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dst | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| src | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_copy_pos_and_angle(struct Object *dst, struct Object *src);`
## [obj_copy_scale](#obj_copy_scale)
### Lua Example
`obj_copy_scale(dst, src)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| dst | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| src | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_copy_scale(struct Object *dst, struct Object *src);`
## [obj_create_transform_from_self](#obj_create_transform_from_self)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_create_transform_from_self(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_explode_and_spawn_coins](#obj_explode_and_spawn_coins)
### Lua Example
`obj_explode_and_spawn_coins(sp18, sp1C)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sp18 | `number` |
| sp1C | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_explode_and_spawn_coins(f32 sp18, s32 sp1C);`
## [obj_has_behavior](#obj_has_behavior)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_has_behavior(obj, behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_has_behavior(struct Object *obj, const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [obj_init_animation](#obj_init_animation)
### Lua Example
`obj_init_animation(obj, animIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| animIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_init_animation(struct Object *obj, s32 animIndex);`
## [obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound](#obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound)
### Lua Example
`obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound(obj, animIndex, accel)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| animIndex | `integer` |
| accel | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_init_animation_with_accel_and_sound(struct Object *obj, s32 animIndex, f32 accel);`
## [obj_init_animation_with_sound](#obj_init_animation_with_sound)
### Lua Example
`obj_init_animation_with_sound(obj, animations, animIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| animations | [AnimationTable](structs.md#AnimationTable) |
| animIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_init_animation_with_sound(struct Object *obj, const struct AnimationTable* animations, s32 animIndex);`
## [obj_is_hidden](#obj_is_hidden)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_is_hidden(obj)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 obj_is_hidden(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_mark_for_deletion](#obj_mark_for_deletion)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_mark_for_deletion(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_pitch_to_object](#obj_pitch_to_object)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_pitch_to_object(obj, target)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| target | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_pitch_to_object(struct Object* obj, struct Object* target);`
## [obj_scale](#obj_scale)
### Lua Example
`obj_scale(obj, scale)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| scale | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_scale(struct Object *obj, f32 scale);`
## [obj_scale_random](#obj_scale_random)
### Lua Example
`obj_scale_random(obj, rangeLength, minScale)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| rangeLength | `number` |
| minScale | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_scale_random(struct Object *obj, f32 rangeLength, f32 minScale);`
## [obj_scale_xyz](#obj_scale_xyz)
### Lua Example
`obj_scale_xyz(obj, xScale, yScale, zScale)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| xScale | `number` |
| yScale | `number` |
| zScale | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_scale_xyz(struct Object *obj, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, f32 zScale);`
## [obj_set_angle](#obj_set_angle)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_angle(obj, pitch, yaw, roll)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| pitch | `integer` |
| yaw | `integer` |
| roll | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_angle(struct Object *obj, s16 pitch, s16 yaw, s16 roll);`
## [obj_set_behavior](#obj_set_behavior)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_behavior(obj, behavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| behavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_behavior(struct Object *obj, const BehaviorScript *behavior);`
## [obj_set_billboard](#obj_set_billboard)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_billboard(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_set_cylboard](#obj_set_cylboard)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_cylboard(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_set_face_angle](#obj_set_face_angle)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_face_angle(obj, pitch, yaw, roll)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| pitch | `integer` |
| yaw | `integer` |
| roll | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_face_angle(struct Object *obj, s16 pitch, s16 yaw, s16 roll);`
## [obj_set_face_angle_to_move_angle](#obj_set_face_angle_to_move_angle)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_face_angle_to_move_angle(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_set_gfx_angle](#obj_set_gfx_angle)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_gfx_angle(obj, pitch, yaw, roll)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| pitch | `integer` |
| yaw | `integer` |
| roll | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_gfx_angle(struct Object *obj, s16 pitch, s16 yaw, s16 roll);`
## [obj_set_gfx_pos](#obj_set_gfx_pos)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_gfx_pos(obj, x, y, z)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| x | `number` |
| y | `number` |
| z | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_gfx_pos(struct Object *obj, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z);`
## [obj_set_gfx_pos_at_obj_pos](#obj_set_gfx_pos_at_obj_pos)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_gfx_pos_at_obj_pos(obj1, obj2)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj1 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| obj2 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_gfx_pos_at_obj_pos(struct Object *obj1, struct Object *obj2);`
## [obj_set_gfx_pos_from_pos](#obj_set_gfx_pos_from_pos)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_gfx_pos_from_pos(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_set_gfx_scale](#obj_set_gfx_scale)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_gfx_scale(obj, x, y, z)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| x | `number` |
| y | `number` |
| z | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_gfx_scale(struct Object *obj, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z);`
## [obj_set_held_state](#obj_set_held_state)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_held_state(obj, heldBehavior)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| heldBehavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_held_state(struct Object *obj, const BehaviorScript *heldBehavior);`
## [obj_set_hitbox](#obj_set_hitbox)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_hitbox(obj, hitbox)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| hitbox | [ObjectHitbox](structs.md#ObjectHitbox) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_hitbox(struct Object *obj, struct ObjectHitbox *hitbox);`
## [obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height](#obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height(o, radius, height)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| o | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| radius | `number` |
| height | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_hitbox_radius_and_height(struct Object *o, f32 radius, f32 height);`
## [obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height](#obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height(o, radius, height)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| o | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| radius | `number` |
| height | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_hurtbox_radius_and_height(struct Object *o, f32 radius, f32 height);`
## [obj_set_move_angle](#obj_set_move_angle)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_move_angle(obj, pitch, yaw, roll)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| pitch | `integer` |
| yaw | `integer` |
| roll | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_move_angle(struct Object *obj, s16 pitch, s16 yaw, s16 roll);`
## [obj_set_parent_relative_pos](#obj_set_parent_relative_pos)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_parent_relative_pos(obj, relX, relY, relZ)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| relX | `integer` |
| relY | `integer` |
| relZ | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_parent_relative_pos(struct Object *obj, s16 relX, s16 relY, s16 relZ);`
## [obj_set_pos](#obj_set_pos)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_pos(obj, x, y, z)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| x | `integer` |
| y | `integer` |
| z | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_pos(struct Object *obj, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z);`
## [obj_set_pos_relative](#obj_set_pos_relative)
### Lua Example
`obj_set_pos_relative(obj, other, dleft, dy, dforward)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| other | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| dleft | `number` |
| dy | `number` |
| dforward | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_pos_relative(struct Object *obj, struct Object *other, f32 dleft, f32 dy, f32 dforward);`
## [obj_set_throw_matrix_from_transform](#obj_set_throw_matrix_from_transform)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_set_throw_matrix_from_transform(struct Object *obj);`
## [obj_spawn_loot_blue_coins](#obj_spawn_loot_blue_coins)
### Lua Example
`obj_spawn_loot_blue_coins(obj, numCoins, sp28, posJitter)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| numCoins | `integer` |
| sp28 | `number` |
| posJitter | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_spawn_loot_blue_coins(struct Object *obj, s32 numCoins, f32 sp28, s16 posJitter);`
## [obj_spawn_loot_coins](#obj_spawn_loot_coins)
### Lua Example
`obj_spawn_loot_coins(obj, numCoins, sp30, coinBehavior, posJitter, model)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| numCoins | `integer` |
| sp30 | `number` |
| coinBehavior | `Pointer` <`BehaviorScript`> |
| posJitter | `integer` |
| model | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_spawn_loot_coins(struct Object *obj, s32 numCoins, f32 sp30, const BehaviorScript *coinBehavior, s16 posJitter, s16 model);`
## [obj_spawn_loot_yellow_coins](#obj_spawn_loot_yellow_coins)
### Lua Example
`obj_spawn_loot_yellow_coins(obj, numCoins, sp28)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| numCoins | `integer` |
| sp28 | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_spawn_loot_yellow_coins(struct Object *obj, s32 numCoins, f32 sp28);`
## [obj_translate_local](#obj_translate_local)
### Lua Example
`obj_translate_local(obj, posIndex, localTranslateIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| posIndex | `integer` |
| localTranslateIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_translate_local(struct Object *obj, s16 posIndex, s16 localTranslateIndex);`
## [obj_translate_xyz_random](#obj_translate_xyz_random)
### Lua Example
`obj_translate_xyz_random(obj, rangeLength)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| rangeLength | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_translate_xyz_random(struct Object *obj, f32 rangeLength);`
## [obj_translate_xz_random](#obj_translate_xz_random)
### Lua Example
`obj_translate_xz_random(obj, rangeLength)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| rangeLength | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_translate_xz_random(struct Object *obj, f32 rangeLength);`
## [obj_turn_toward_object](#obj_turn_toward_object)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = obj_turn_toward_object(obj, target, angleIndex, turnAmount)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| target | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| angleIndex | `integer` |
| turnAmount | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 obj_turn_toward_object(struct Object *obj, struct Object *target, s16 angleIndex, s16 turnAmount);`
## [obj_update_pos_from_parent_transformation](#obj_update_pos_from_parent_transformation)
### Lua Example
`obj_update_pos_from_parent_transformation(a0, a1)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | `Mat4` |
| a1 | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void obj_update_pos_from_parent_transformation(Mat4 a0, struct Object *a1);`
## [player_performed_grab_escape_action](#player_performed_grab_escape_action)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = player_performed_grab_escape_action()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 player_performed_grab_escape_action(void);`
## [random_f32_around_zero](#random_f32_around_zero)
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = random_f32_around_zero(diameter)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| diameter | `number` |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 random_f32_around_zero(f32 diameter);`
## [set_mario_interact_hoot_if_in_range](#set_mario_interact_hoot_if_in_range)
### Lua Example
`set_mario_interact_hoot_if_in_range(sp0, sp4, sp8)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sp0 | `integer` |
| sp4 | `integer` |
| sp8 | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_mario_interact_hoot_if_in_range(UNUSED s32 sp0, UNUSED s32 sp4, f32 sp8);`
## [set_room_override](#set_room_override)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| room | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_room_override(s16 room);`
## [set_time_stop_flags](#set_time_stop_flags)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| flags | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_time_stop_flags(s32 flags);`
## [set_time_stop_flags_if_alone](#set_time_stop_flags_if_alone)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| flags | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_time_stop_flags_if_alone(s32 flags);`
## [signum_positive](#signum_positive)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = signum_positive(x)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| x | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 signum_positive(s32 x);`
## [spawn_base_star_with_no_lvl_exit](#spawn_base_star_with_no_lvl_exit)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void spawn_base_star_with_no_lvl_exit(void);`
## [spawn_mist_particles](#spawn_mist_particles)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void spawn_mist_particles(void);`
## [spawn_mist_particles_with_sound](#spawn_mist_particles_with_sound)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sp18 | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void spawn_mist_particles_with_sound(u32 sp18);`
## [spawn_star_with_no_lvl_exit](#spawn_star_with_no_lvl_exit)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = spawn_star_with_no_lvl_exit(sp20, sp24)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sp20 | `integer` |
| sp24 | `integer` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object *spawn_star_with_no_lvl_exit(s32 sp20, s32 sp24);`
## [spawn_water_droplet](#spawn_water_droplet)
### Lua Example
`local ObjectValue = spawn_water_droplet(parent, params)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| parent | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| params | [WaterDropletParams](structs.md#WaterDropletParams) |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Object *spawn_water_droplet(struct Object *parent, struct WaterDropletParams *params);`
## [stub_obj_helpers_3](#stub_obj_helpers_3)
### Lua Example
`stub_obj_helpers_3(sp0, sp4)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sp0 | `integer` |
| sp4 | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void stub_obj_helpers_3(UNUSED s32 sp0, UNUSED s32 sp4);`
## [stub_obj_helpers_4](#stub_obj_helpers_4)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void stub_obj_helpers_4(void);`
# functions from object_list_processor.h
## [set_object_respawn_info_bits](#set_object_respawn_info_bits)
### Description
Runs an OR operator on the `obj`'s respawn info with `bits` << 8. If `bits` is 0xFF, this prevents the object from respawning after leaving and re-entering the area
### Lua Example
`set_object_respawn_info_bits(obj, bits)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| bits | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_object_respawn_info_bits(struct Object *obj, u8 bits);`
# functions from rumble_init.h
## [queue_rumble_data](#queue_rumble_data)
### Description
Queues rumble data
### Lua Example
`queue_rumble_data(a0, a1)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| a0 | `integer` |
| a1 | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void queue_rumble_data(s16 a0, s16 a1);`
## [queue_rumble_data_mario](#queue_rumble_data_mario)
### Description
Queues rumble data for Mario
### Lua Example
`queue_rumble_data_mario(m, a0, a1)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| a0 | `integer` |
| a1 | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void queue_rumble_data_mario(struct MarioState* m, s16 a0, s16 a1);`
## [queue_rumble_data_object](#queue_rumble_data_object)
### Description
Queues rumble data for object, factoring in its distance from Mario
### Lua Example
`queue_rumble_data_object(object, a0, a1)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| object | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| a0 | `integer` |
| a1 | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void queue_rumble_data_object(struct Object* object, s16 a0, s16 a1);`
## [reset_rumble_timers](#reset_rumble_timers)
### Description
Resets rumble timers
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void reset_rumble_timers(struct MarioState* m);`
## [reset_rumble_timers_2](#reset_rumble_timers_2)
### Description
Resets rumble timers and sets a field based on `a0`
### Lua Example
`reset_rumble_timers_2(m, a0)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| m | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) |
| a0 | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void reset_rumble_timers_2(struct MarioState* m, s32 a0);`
# functions from save_file.h
## [save_file_clear_flags](#save_file_clear_flags)
### Description
Clears specific flags in the current save file. The flags are specified as a bitmask in the `flags` parameter. Ensures that the save file remains valid after clearing. Useful for removing specific game states, such as collected items or completed objectives, without resetting the entire save
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| flags | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_clear_flags(u32 flags);`
## [save_file_do_save](#save_file_do_save)
### Description
Saves the current state of the game into a specified save file. Includes data verification and backup management. Useful for maintaining game progress during play or when saving manually
### Lua Example
`save_file_do_save(fileIndex, forceSave)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| forceSave | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_do_save(s32 fileIndex, s8 forceSave);`
## [save_file_erase](#save_file_erase)
### Description
Erases all data in a specified save file, including backup slots. Marks the save file as modified and performs a save to apply the changes. Useful for resetting a save file to its default state
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_erase(s32 fileIndex);`
## [save_file_erase_current_backup_save](#save_file_erase_current_backup_save)
### Description
Erases the backup data for the current save file without affecting the primary save data. Reloads the save file afterward
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_erase_current_backup_save(void);`
## [save_file_get_cap_pos](#save_file_get_cap_pos)
### Description
Retrieves the current position of Mario's cap, if it is on the ground in the current level and area. The position is stored in the provided `capPos` parameter. Useful for tracking the cap's location after it has been dropped or lost
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_cap_pos(capPos)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| capPos | [Vec3s](structs.md#Vec3s) |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 save_file_get_cap_pos(Vec3s capPos);`
## [save_file_get_course_coin_score](#save_file_get_course_coin_score)
### Description
Returns the highest coin score for a specified course in the save file. Performs checks to ensure the coin score is valid. Useful for tracking player achievements and high scores
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_course_coin_score(fileIndex, courseIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 save_file_get_course_coin_score(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex);`
## [save_file_get_course_star_count](#save_file_get_course_star_count)
### Description
Calculates the total number of stars collected in a specific course for a given save file. Useful for determining completion status of individual levels
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_course_star_count(fileIndex, courseIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 save_file_get_course_star_count(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex);`
## [save_file_get_flags](#save_file_get_flags)
### Description
Retrieves the bitmask of flags representing the current state of the save file. Flags indicate collected items, completed objectives, and other game states. Useful for checking specific game progress details
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_flags()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 save_file_get_flags(void);`
## [save_file_get_max_coin_score](#save_file_get_max_coin_score)
### Description
Determines the maximum coin score for a course across all save files. Returns the score along with the file index of the save containing it. Useful for leaderboard-style comparisons and overall progress tracking
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_max_coin_score(courseIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 save_file_get_max_coin_score(s32 courseIndex);`
## [save_file_get_sound_mode](#save_file_get_sound_mode)
### Description
Returns the current sound mode (e.g., stereo, mono) stored in the save file. Useful for checking the audio output preferences when loading a save
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_sound_mode()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u16 save_file_get_sound_mode(void);`
## [save_file_get_star_flags](#save_file_get_star_flags)
### Description
Retrieves the bitmask of stars collected in a specific course or castle secret stars (-1). Useful for evaluating level progress and completion
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_star_flags(fileIndex, courseIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 save_file_get_star_flags(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex);`
## [save_file_get_total_star_count](#save_file_get_total_star_count)
### Description
Calculates the total number of stars collected across multiple courses within a specified range. Useful for determining the overall progress toward game completion
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_get_total_star_count(fileIndex, minCourse, maxCourse)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| minCourse | `integer` |
| maxCourse | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 save_file_get_total_star_count(s32 fileIndex, s32 minCourse, s32 maxCourse);`
## [save_file_is_cannon_unlocked](#save_file_is_cannon_unlocked)
### Description
Checks whether the cannon in the specified course is unlocked. Returns true if the cannon is unlocked, otherwise false. Useful for tracking course-specific progress and enabling shortcuts
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = save_file_is_cannon_unlocked(fileIndex, courseIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s32 save_file_is_cannon_unlocked(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex);`
## [save_file_reload](#save_file_reload)
### Description
Reloads the save file data into memory, optionally resetting all save files. Marks the save file as modified. Useful for reloading state after data corruption or during development debugging
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| load_all | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_reload(u8 load_all);`
## [save_file_remove_star_flags](#save_file_remove_star_flags)
### Description
Removes specific star flags from the save file. This modifies the bitmask representing collected stars for a course or castle secret stars. Useful for undoing progress or debugging collected stars
### Lua Example
`save_file_remove_star_flags(fileIndex, courseIndex, starFlagsToRemove)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
| starFlagsToRemove | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_remove_star_flags(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex, u32 starFlagsToRemove);`
## [save_file_set_course_coin_score](#save_file_set_course_coin_score)
### Description
Updates the coin score for a specific course in the save file. The new score is provided in the `coinScore` parameter. Useful for manually setting achievements such as high coin counts in individual levels
### Lua Example
`save_file_set_course_coin_score(fileIndex, courseIndex, coinScore)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
| coinScore | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_set_course_coin_score(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex, u8 coinScore);`
## [save_file_set_flags](#save_file_set_flags)
### Description
Adds new flags to the save file's flag bitmask. Useful for updating progress or triggering new gameplay features
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| flags | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_set_flags(u32 flags);`
## [save_file_set_star_flags](#save_file_set_star_flags)
### Description
Adds specific star flags to the save file, indicating collected stars for a course or castle secret stars. Updates the save file flags as necessary. Useful for recording progress after star collection
### Lua Example
`save_file_set_star_flags(fileIndex, courseIndex, starFlags)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
| starFlags | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void save_file_set_star_flags(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex, u32 starFlags);`
## [touch_coin_score_age](#touch_coin_score_age)
### Description
Marks the coin score for a specific course as the newest among all save files. Adjusts the age of other scores to reflect the update. Useful for leaderboard tracking or displaying recent progress
### Lua Example
`touch_coin_score_age(fileIndex, courseIndex)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fileIndex | `integer` |
| courseIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void touch_coin_score_age(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex);`
# functions from seqplayer.h
## [sequence_player_get_tempo](#sequence_player_get_tempo)
### Description
Gets the tempo of `player`
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = sequence_player_get_tempo(player)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| player | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u16 sequence_player_get_tempo(u8 player);`
## [sequence_player_get_tempo_acc](#sequence_player_get_tempo_acc)
### Description
Gets the tempoAcc (tempo ???) of `player`
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = sequence_player_get_tempo_acc(player)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| player | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u16 sequence_player_get_tempo_acc(u8 player);`
## [sequence_player_get_transposition](#sequence_player_get_transposition)
### Description
Gets the transposition (pitch) of `player`
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = sequence_player_get_transposition(player)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| player | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u16 sequence_player_get_transposition(u8 player);`
## [sequence_player_set_tempo](#sequence_player_set_tempo)
### Description
Sets the `tempo` of `player`. Resets when another sequence is played
### Lua Example
`sequence_player_set_tempo(player, tempo)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| player | `integer` |
| tempo | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void sequence_player_set_tempo(u8 player, u16 tempo);`
## [sequence_player_set_tempo_acc](#sequence_player_set_tempo_acc)
### Description
Sets the `tempoAcc` (tempo ???) of `player`. Resets when another sequence is played
### Lua Example
`sequence_player_set_tempo_acc(player, tempoAcc)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| player | `integer` |
| tempoAcc | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void sequence_player_set_tempo_acc(u8 player, u16 tempoAcc);`
## [sequence_player_set_transposition](#sequence_player_set_transposition)
### Description
Sets the `transposition` (pitch) of `player`. Resets when another sequence is played
### Lua Example
`sequence_player_set_transposition(player, transposition)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| player | `integer` |
| transposition | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void sequence_player_set_transposition(u8 player, u16 transposition);`
# functions from smlua_anim_utils.h
## [get_mario_vanilla_animation](#get_mario_vanilla_animation)
### Description
Gets a vanilla mario Animation with `index`
### Lua Example
`local AnimationValue = get_mario_vanilla_animation(index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Animation *get_mario_vanilla_animation(u16 index);`
## [smlua_anim_util_get_current_animation_name](#smlua_anim_util_get_current_animation_name)
### Description
Gets the name of the current animation playing on `obj`, returns `nil` if there's no name
### Lua Example
`local stringValue = smlua_anim_util_get_current_animation_name(obj)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
### Returns
- `string`
### C Prototype
`const char *smlua_anim_util_get_current_animation_name(struct Object *obj);`
## [smlua_anim_util_set_animation](#smlua_anim_util_set_animation)
### Description
Sets the animation of `obj` to the animation `name` corresponds to
### Lua Example
`smlua_anim_util_set_animation(obj, name)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| obj | [Object](structs.md#Object) |
| name | `string` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void smlua_anim_util_set_animation(struct Object *obj, const char *name);`
# functions from smlua_audio_utils.h
## [audio_sample_destroy](#audio_sample_destroy)
### Description
Destroys an `audio` sample
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_sample_destroy(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_sample_load](#audio_sample_load)
### Description
Loads an `audio` sample
### Lua Example
`local ModAudioValue = audio_sample_load(filename)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| filename | `string` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct ModAudio* audio_sample_load(const char* filename);`
## [audio_sample_play](#audio_sample_play)
### Description
Plays an `audio` sample at `position` with `volume`
### Lua Example
`audio_sample_play(audio, position, volume)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
| position | [Vec3f](structs.md#Vec3f) |
| volume | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_sample_play(struct ModAudio* audio, Vec3f position, f32 volume);`
## [audio_sample_stop](#audio_sample_stop)
### Description
Stops an `audio` sample
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_sample_stop(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_stream_destroy](#audio_stream_destroy)
### Description
Destroys an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_destroy(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_stream_get_frequency](#audio_stream_get_frequency)
### Description
Gets the frequency of an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = audio_stream_get_frequency(audio)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 audio_stream_get_frequency(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_stream_get_looping](#audio_stream_get_looping)
### Description
Gets if an `audio` stream is looping or not
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = audio_stream_get_looping(audio)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool audio_stream_get_looping(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_stream_get_position](#audio_stream_get_position)
### Description
Gets the position of an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = audio_stream_get_position(audio)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 audio_stream_get_position(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_stream_get_volume](#audio_stream_get_volume)
### Description
Gets the volume of an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = audio_stream_get_volume(audio)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 audio_stream_get_volume(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_stream_load](#audio_stream_load)
### Description
Loads an `audio` stream by `filename` (with extension)
### Lua Example
`local ModAudioValue = audio_stream_load(filename)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| filename | `string` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct ModAudio* audio_stream_load(const char* filename);`
## [audio_stream_pause](#audio_stream_pause)
### Description
Pauses an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_pause(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [audio_stream_play](#audio_stream_play)
### Description
Plays an `audio` stream with `volume`. `restart` sets the elapsed time back to 0.
### Lua Example
`audio_stream_play(audio, restart, volume)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
| restart | `boolean` |
| volume | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_play(struct ModAudio* audio, bool restart, f32 volume);`
## [audio_stream_set_frequency](#audio_stream_set_frequency)
### Description
Sets the frequency of an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
`audio_stream_set_frequency(audio, freq)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
| freq | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_set_frequency(struct ModAudio* audio, f32 freq);`
## [audio_stream_set_looping](#audio_stream_set_looping)
### Description
Sets if an `audio` stream is looping or not
### Lua Example
`audio_stream_set_looping(audio, looping)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
| looping | `boolean` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_set_looping(struct ModAudio* audio, bool looping);`
## [audio_stream_set_position](#audio_stream_set_position)
### Description
Sets the position of an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
`audio_stream_set_position(audio, pos)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
| pos | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_set_position(struct ModAudio* audio, f32 pos);`
## [audio_stream_set_volume](#audio_stream_set_volume)
### Description
Sets the volume of an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
`audio_stream_set_volume(audio, volume)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
| volume | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_set_volume(struct ModAudio* audio, f32 volume);`
## [audio_stream_stop](#audio_stream_stop)
### Description
Stops an `audio` stream
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| audio | [ModAudio](structs.md#ModAudio) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void audio_stream_stop(struct ModAudio* audio);`
## [smlua_audio_utils_replace_sequence](#smlua_audio_utils_replace_sequence)
### Lua Example
`smlua_audio_utils_replace_sequence(sequenceId, bankId, defaultVolume, m64Name)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| sequenceId | `integer` |
| bankId | `integer` |
| defaultVolume | `integer` |
| m64Name | `string` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void smlua_audio_utils_replace_sequence(u8 sequenceId, u8 bankId, u8 defaultVolume, const char* m64Name);`
## [smlua_audio_utils_reset_all](#smlua_audio_utils_reset_all)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void smlua_audio_utils_reset_all(void);`
# functions from smlua_camera_utils.h
## [camera_allow_toxic_gas_camera](#camera_allow_toxic_gas_camera)
### Description
Sets if the romhack camera should fly above poison gas
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| allow | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_allow_toxic_gas_camera(u8 allow);`
## [camera_config_enable_analog_cam](#camera_config_enable_analog_cam)
### Description
Overrides if Analog Camera is enabled
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| enable | `boolean` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_enable_analog_cam(bool enable);`
## [camera_config_enable_free_cam](#camera_config_enable_free_cam)
### Description
Overrides if Free Camera is enabled
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| enable | `boolean` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_enable_free_cam(bool enable);`
## [camera_config_enable_mouse_look](#camera_config_enable_mouse_look)
### Description
Overrides if camera mouse look is enabled
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| enable | `boolean` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_enable_mouse_look(bool enable);`
## [camera_config_get_aggression](#camera_config_get_aggression)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = camera_config_get_aggression()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 camera_config_get_aggression(void);`
## [camera_config_get_deceleration](#camera_config_get_deceleration)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = camera_config_get_deceleration()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 camera_config_get_deceleration(void);`
## [camera_config_get_pan_level](#camera_config_get_pan_level)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = camera_config_get_pan_level()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 camera_config_get_pan_level(void);`
## [camera_config_get_x_sensitivity](#camera_config_get_x_sensitivity)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = camera_config_get_x_sensitivity()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 camera_config_get_x_sensitivity(void);`
## [camera_config_get_y_sensitivity](#camera_config_get_y_sensitivity)
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = camera_config_get_y_sensitivity()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u32 camera_config_get_y_sensitivity(void);`
## [camera_config_invert_x](#camera_config_invert_x)
### Description
Overrides if camera X is inverted
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| invert | `boolean` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_invert_x(bool invert);`
## [camera_config_invert_y](#camera_config_invert_y)
### Description
Overrides if camera Y is inverted
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| invert | `boolean` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_invert_y(bool invert);`
## [camera_config_is_analog_cam_enabled](#camera_config_is_analog_cam_enabled)
### Description
Checks if Analog Camera is enabled
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = camera_config_is_analog_cam_enabled()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool camera_config_is_analog_cam_enabled(void);`
## [camera_config_is_free_cam_enabled](#camera_config_is_free_cam_enabled)
### Description
Checks if Free Camera is enabled
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = camera_config_is_free_cam_enabled()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool camera_config_is_free_cam_enabled(void);`
## [camera_config_is_mouse_look_enabled](#camera_config_is_mouse_look_enabled)
### Description
Checks if Mouse Look is enabled
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = camera_config_is_mouse_look_enabled()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool camera_config_is_mouse_look_enabled(void);`
## [camera_config_is_x_inverted](#camera_config_is_x_inverted)
### Description
Checks if camera X is inverted
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = camera_config_is_x_inverted()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool camera_config_is_x_inverted(void);`
## [camera_config_is_y_inverted](#camera_config_is_y_inverted)
### Description
Checks if camera Y is inverted
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = camera_config_is_y_inverted()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool camera_config_is_y_inverted(void);`
## [camera_config_set_aggression](#camera_config_set_aggression)
### Description
Overrides camera aggression
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_set_aggression(u32 value);`
## [camera_config_set_deceleration](#camera_config_set_deceleration)
### Description
Overrides camera deceleration
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_set_deceleration(u32 value);`
## [camera_config_set_pan_level](#camera_config_set_pan_level)
### Description
Overrides camera pan level
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_set_pan_level(u32 value);`
## [camera_config_set_x_sensitivity](#camera_config_set_x_sensitivity)
### Description
Overrides camera X sensitivity
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_set_x_sensitivity(u32 value);`
## [camera_config_set_y_sensitivity](#camera_config_set_y_sensitivity)
### Description
Overrides camera Y sensitivity
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_config_set_y_sensitivity(u32 value);`
## [camera_freeze](#camera_freeze)
### Description
Freezes the camera by not updating it
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_freeze(void);`
## [camera_get_checking_surfaces](#camera_get_checking_surfaces)
### Description
Checks if the camera should account for surfaces
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = camera_get_checking_surfaces()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool camera_get_checking_surfaces(void);`
## [camera_is_frozen](#camera_is_frozen)
### Description
Checks if the camera is frozen
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = camera_is_frozen()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool camera_is_frozen(void);`
## [camera_reset_overrides](#camera_reset_overrides)
### Description
Resets camera config overrides
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_reset_overrides(void);`
## [camera_romhack_allow_centering](#camera_romhack_allow_centering)
### Description
Sets if the romhack camera should allow centering
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| allow | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_romhack_allow_centering(u8 allow);`
## [camera_romhack_allow_dpad_usage](#camera_romhack_allow_dpad_usage)
### Description
Sets if the romhack camera should allow D-Pad movement
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| allow | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_romhack_allow_dpad_usage(u8 allow);`
## [camera_set_checking_surfaces](#camera_set_checking_surfaces)
### Description
Sets if the camera should account for surfaces
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| value | `boolean` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_set_checking_surfaces(bool value);`
## [camera_set_romhack_override](#camera_set_romhack_override)
### Description
Sets the romhack camera override status
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| rco | [enum RomhackCameraOverride](constants.md#enum-RomhackCameraOverride) |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_set_romhack_override(enum RomhackCameraOverride rco);`
## [camera_unfreeze](#camera_unfreeze)
### Description
Unfreezes the camera
### Lua Example
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void camera_unfreeze(void);`
# functions from smlua_collision_utils.h
## [collision_find_ceil](#collision_find_ceil)
### Description
Finds a potential ceiling at the given `x`, `y`, and `z` values
### Lua Example
`local SurfaceValue = collision_find_ceil(x, y, z)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| x | `number` |
| y | `number` |
| z | `number` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Surface* collision_find_ceil(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z);`
## [collision_find_floor](#collision_find_floor)
### Description
Finds a potential floor at the given `x`, `y`, and `z` values
### Lua Example
`local SurfaceValue = collision_find_floor(x, y, z)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| x | `number` |
| y | `number` |
| z | `number` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Surface* collision_find_floor(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z);`
## [collision_get_temp_wall_collision_data](#collision_get_temp_wall_collision_data)
### Description
Returns a temporary wall collision data pointer
### Lua Example
`local WallCollisionDataValue = collision_get_temp_wall_collision_data()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct WallCollisionData* collision_get_temp_wall_collision_data(void);`
## [get_surface_from_wcd_index](#get_surface_from_wcd_index)
### Description
Gets the surface corresponding to `index` from `wcd`
### Lua Example
`local SurfaceValue = get_surface_from_wcd_index(wcd, index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| wcd | [WallCollisionData](structs.md#WallCollisionData) |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Surface* get_surface_from_wcd_index(struct WallCollisionData* wcd, s8 index);`
## [get_water_surface_pseudo_floor](#get_water_surface_pseudo_floor)
### Lua Example
`local SurfaceValue = get_water_surface_pseudo_floor()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct Surface* get_water_surface_pseudo_floor(void);`
## [smlua_collision_util_find_surface_types](#smlua_collision_util_find_surface_types)
### Description
Gets a table of the surface types from `data`
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| data | `Pointer` <`Collision`> |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void smlua_collision_util_find_surface_types(Collision* data);`
## [smlua_collision_util_get](#smlua_collision_util_get)
### Description
Gets the `Collision` with `name`
### Lua Example
`local PointerValue = smlua_collision_util_get(name)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| name | `string` |
### Returns
- `Pointer` <`Collision`>
### C Prototype
`Collision* smlua_collision_util_get(const char* name);`
## [smlua_collision_util_get_current_terrain_collision](#smlua_collision_util_get_current_terrain_collision)
### Description
Gets the current level terrain collision
### Lua Example
`local PointerValue = smlua_collision_util_get_current_terrain_collision()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `Pointer` <`Collision`>
### C Prototype
`Collision* smlua_collision_util_get_current_terrain_collision(void);`
## [smlua_collision_util_get_level_collision](#smlua_collision_util_get_level_collision)
### Description
Gets the `level` terrain collision from `area`
### Lua Example
`local PointerValue = smlua_collision_util_get_level_collision(level, area)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| level | `integer` |
| area | `integer` |
### Returns
- `Pointer` <`Collision`>
### C Prototype
`Collision *smlua_collision_util_get_level_collision(u32 level, u16 area);`
# functions from smlua_deprecated.h
# functions from smlua_gfx_utils.h
## [get_fog_color](#get_fog_color)
### Description
Gets a value of the global fog color
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_fog_color(index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u8 get_fog_color(u8 index);`
## [get_fog_intensity](#get_fog_intensity)
### Description
Gets the intensity of the fog
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = get_fog_intensity()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 get_fog_intensity(void);`
## [get_lighting_color](#get_lighting_color)
### Description
Gets a value of the global lighting color
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_lighting_color(index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u8 get_lighting_color(u8 index);`
## [get_lighting_color_ambient](#get_lighting_color_ambient)
### Description
Gets a value of the global ambient lighting color
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_lighting_color_ambient(index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u8 get_lighting_color_ambient(u8 index);`
## [get_lighting_dir](#get_lighting_dir)
### Description
Gets a value of the global lighting direction
### Lua Example
`local numberValue = get_lighting_dir(index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
- `number`
### C Prototype
`f32 get_lighting_dir(u8 index);`
## [get_skybox](#get_skybox)
### Description
Gets the current skybox
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_skybox()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s8 get_skybox(void);`
## [get_skybox_color](#get_skybox_color)
### Description
Gets a value of the global skybox color
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_skybox_color(index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u8 get_skybox_color(u8 index);`
## [get_vertex_color](#get_vertex_color)
### Description
Gets a value of the global vertex shading color
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = get_vertex_color(index)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`u8 get_vertex_color(u8 index);`
## [set_fog_color](#set_fog_color)
### Description
Sets a value of the global fog color
### Lua Example
`set_fog_color(index, value)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_fog_color(u8 index, u8 value);`
## [set_fog_intensity](#set_fog_intensity)
### Description
Sets the intensity of the fog (this value scales very quickly, 1.0 to 1.1 is a desirable range)
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| intensity | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_fog_intensity(f32 intensity);`
## [set_lighting_color](#set_lighting_color)
### Description
Sets a value of the global lighting color
### Lua Example
`set_lighting_color(index, value)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_lighting_color(u8 index, u8 value);`
## [set_lighting_color_ambient](#set_lighting_color_ambient)
### Description
Sets a value of the global lighting color (run this after `set_lighting_color` for the ambient color to not be overriden)
### Lua Example
`set_lighting_color_ambient(index, value)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_lighting_color_ambient(u8 index, u8 value);`
## [set_lighting_dir](#set_lighting_dir)
### Description
Sets a value of the global lighting direction
### Lua Example
`set_lighting_dir(index, value)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
| value | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_lighting_dir(u8 index, f32 value);`
## [set_override_far](#set_override_far)
### Description
Sets the override far plane
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| far | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_override_far(f32 far);`
## [set_override_fov](#set_override_fov)
### Description
Sets the override FOV
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| fov | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_override_fov(f32 fov);`
## [set_override_near](#set_override_near)
### Description
Sets the override near plane
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| near | `number` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_override_near(f32 near);`
## [set_override_skybox](#set_override_skybox)
### Description
Sets the override skybox
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| background | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_override_skybox(s8 background);`
## [set_skybox_color](#set_skybox_color)
### Description
Sets a value of the global skybox color
### Lua Example
`set_skybox_color(index, value)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_skybox_color(u8 index, u8 value);`
## [set_vertex_color](#set_vertex_color)
### Description
Sets a value of the global vertex shading color
### Lua Example
`set_vertex_color(index, value)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| index | `integer` |
| value | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void set_vertex_color(u8 index, u8 value);`
# functions from smlua_level_utils.h
## [level_is_vanilla_level](#level_is_vanilla_level)
### Description
Checks if `levelNum` is a vanilla level
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = level_is_vanilla_level(levelNum)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| levelNum | `integer` |
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool level_is_vanilla_level(s16 levelNum);`
## [level_register](#level_register)
### Description
Registers a fully custom level. Level ID begins at 50
### Lua Example
`local integerValue = level_register(scriptEntryName, courseNum, fullName, shortName, acousticReach, echoLevel1, echoLevel2, echoLevel3)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| scriptEntryName | `string` |
| courseNum | `integer` |
| fullName | `string` |
| shortName | `string` |
| acousticReach | `integer` |
| echoLevel1 | `integer` |
| echoLevel2 | `integer` |
| echoLevel3 | `integer` |
### Returns
- `integer`
### C Prototype
`s16 level_register(const char* scriptEntryName, s16 courseNum, const char* fullName, const char* shortName, u32 acousticReach, u32 echoLevel1, u32 echoLevel2, u32 echoLevel3);`
## [smlua_level_util_change_area](#smlua_level_util_change_area)
### Description
Instantly changes the current area to `areaIndex`
### Lua Example
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| areaIndex | `integer` |
### Returns
- None
### C Prototype
`void smlua_level_util_change_area(s32 areaIndex);`
## [smlua_level_util_get_info](#smlua_level_util_get_info)
### Description
Gets information on a custom level from `levelNum`
### Lua Example
`local CustomLevelInfoValue = smlua_level_util_get_info(levelNum)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| levelNum | `integer` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct CustomLevelInfo* smlua_level_util_get_info(s16 levelNum);`
## [smlua_level_util_get_info_from_course_num](#smlua_level_util_get_info_from_course_num)
### Description
Gets information on a custom level from `courseNum`
### Lua Example
`local CustomLevelInfoValue = smlua_level_util_get_info_from_course_num(courseNum)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| courseNum | `integer` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct CustomLevelInfo* smlua_level_util_get_info_from_course_num(u8 courseNum);`
## [smlua_level_util_get_info_from_short_name](#smlua_level_util_get_info_from_short_name)
### Description
Gets information on a custom level from `shortName`
### Lua Example
`local CustomLevelInfoValue = smlua_level_util_get_info_from_short_name(shortName)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| shortName | `string` |
### Returns
### C Prototype
`struct CustomLevelInfo* smlua_level_util_get_info_from_short_name(const char* shortName);`
## [warp_exit_level](#warp_exit_level)
### Description
Exits the current level after `aDelay`
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = warp_exit_level(aDelay)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| aDelay | `integer` |
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool warp_exit_level(s32 aDelay);`
## [warp_restart_level](#warp_restart_level)
### Description
Restarts the current level
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = warp_restart_level()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool warp_restart_level(void);`
## [warp_to_castle](#warp_to_castle)
### Description
Warps back to the castle from `aLevel`
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = warp_to_castle(aLevel)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| aLevel | `integer` |
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool warp_to_castle(s32 aLevel);`
## [warp_to_level](#warp_to_level)
### Description
Warps to `aArea` of `aLevel` in `aAct`
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = warp_to_level(aLevel, aArea, aAct)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| aLevel | `integer` |
| aArea | `integer` |
| aAct | `integer` |
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool warp_to_level(s32 aLevel, s32 aArea, s32 aAct);`
## [warp_to_start_level](#warp_to_start_level)
### Description
Warps to the start level (Castle Grounds by default)
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = warp_to_start_level()`
### Parameters
- None
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool warp_to_start_level(void);`
## [warp_to_warpnode](#warp_to_warpnode)
### Description
Warps to `aWarpId` of `aArea` in `aLevel` during `aAct`
### Lua Example
`local booleanValue = warp_to_warpnode(aLevel, aArea, aAct, aWarpId)`
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| aLevel | `integer` |
| aArea | `integer` |
| aAct | `integer` |
| aWarpId | `integer` |
### Returns
- `boolean`
### C Prototype
`bool warp_to_warpnode(s32 aLevel, s32 aArea, s32 aAct, s32 aWarpId);`
[< prev](functions-4.md) | [1](functions.md) | [2](functions-2.md) | [3](functions-3.md) | [4](functions-4.md) | 5 | [6](functions-6.md) | [next >](functions-6.md)]