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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public static class Picking {
// http://www.xnawiki.com/index.php/Voxel_traversal
public static void GetPickedBlockPos( Game window, Vector3 origin, Vector3 dir, float reach, PickedPos pickedPos ) {
// Implementation is based on:
// "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing"
// John Amanatides, Andrew Woo
// http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~amana/research/grid.pdf
// http://www.devmaster.net/articles/raytracing_series/A%20faster%20voxel%20traversal%20algorithm%20for%20ray%20tracing.pdf
// * This code assumes that the ray's position and direction are in 'cell coordinates', which means
// that one unit equals one cell in all directions.
// * When the ray doesn't start within the voxel grid, calculate the first position at which the
// ray could enter the grid. If it never enters the grid, there is nothing more to do here.
// * Also, it is important to test when the ray exits the voxel grid when the grid isn't infinite.
// * The Point3D structure is a simple structure having three integer fields (X, Y and Z).
// The cell in which the ray starts.
Vector3I start = Vector3I.Floor( origin ); // Rounds the position's X, Y and Z down to the nearest integer values.
int x = start.X;
int y = start.Y;
int z = start.Z;
// Determine which way we go.
int stepX = Math.Sign( dir.X );
int stepY = Math.Sign( dir.Y );
int stepZ = Math.Sign( dir.Z );
// Calculate cell boundaries. When the step (i.e. direction sign) is positive,
// the next boundary is AFTER our current position, meaning that we have to add 1.
// Otherwise, it is BEFORE our current position, in which case we add nothing.
Vector3I cellBoundary = new Vector3I(
x + ( stepX > 0 ? 1 : 0 ),
y + ( stepY > 0 ? 1 : 0 ),
z + ( stepZ > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) );
// NOTE: For the following calculations, the result will be Single.PositiveInfinity
// when ray.Direction.X, Y or Z equals zero, which is OK. However, when the left-hand
// value of the division also equals zero, the result is Single.NaN, which is not OK.
// Determine how far we can travel along the ray before we hit a voxel boundary.
Vector3 tMax = new Vector3(
( cellBoundary.X - origin.X ) / dir.X, // Boundary is a plane on the YZ axis.
( cellBoundary.Y - origin.Y ) / dir.Y, // Boundary is a plane on the XZ axis.
( cellBoundary.Z - origin.Z ) / dir.Z ); // Boundary is a plane on the XY axis.
if( Single.IsNaN( tMax.X ) || Single.IsInfinity( tMax.X ) ) tMax.X = Single.PositiveInfinity;
if( Single.IsNaN( tMax.Y ) || Single.IsInfinity( tMax.Y ) ) tMax.Y = Single.PositiveInfinity;
if( Single.IsNaN( tMax.Z ) || Single.IsInfinity( tMax.Z ) ) tMax.Z = Single.PositiveInfinity;
// Determine how far we must travel along the ray before we have crossed a gridcell.
Vector3 tDelta = new Vector3(
stepX / dir.X, // Crossing the width of a cell.
stepY / dir.Y, // Crossing the height of a cell.
stepZ / dir.Z ); // Crossing the depth of a cell.
if( Single.IsNaN( tDelta.X ) ) tDelta.X = Single.PositiveInfinity;
if( Single.IsNaN( tDelta.Y ) ) tDelta.Y = Single.PositiveInfinity;
if( Single.IsNaN( tDelta.Z ) ) tDelta.Z = Single.PositiveInfinity;
Map map = window.Map;
BlockInfo info = window.BlockInfo;
float reachSquared = reach * reach;
int iterations = 0;
// For each step, determine which distance to the next voxel boundary is lowest (i.e.
// which voxel boundary is nearest) and walk that way.
while( iterations < 10000 ) {
byte block = map.IsValidPos( x, y, z ) ? map.GetBlock( x, y, z ) : (byte)0;
Vector3 min = new Vector3( x, y, z );
Vector3 max = min + new Vector3( 1, block == 0 ? 1 : info.BlockHeight( block ), 1 );
float dx = Math.Min( Math.Abs( origin.X - min.X ), Math.Abs( origin.X - max.X ) );
float dy = Math.Min( Math.Abs( origin.Y - min.Y ), Math.Abs( origin.Y - max.Y ) );
float dz = Math.Min( Math.Abs( origin.Z - min.Z ), Math.Abs( origin.Z - max.Z ) );
if( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz > reachSquared ) {
if( window.CanPick( block ) ) {
// This cell falls on the path of the ray. Now perform an additional bounding box test,
// since some blocks do not occupy a whole cell.
float t0, t1;
if( Intersection.RayIntersectsBox( origin, dir, min, max, out t0, out t1 ) ) {
Vector3 intersect = origin + dir * t0;
pickedPos.SetAsValid( min, max, intersect );
if( tMax.X < tMax.Y && tMax.X < tMax.Z ) {
// tMax.X is the lowest, an YZ cell boundary plane is nearest.
x += stepX;
tMax.X += tDelta.X;
} else if( tMax.Y < tMax.Z ) {
// tMax.Y is the lowest, an XZ cell boundary plane is nearest.
y += stepY;
tMax.Y += tDelta.Y;
} else {
// tMax.Z is the lowest, an XY cell boundary plane is nearest.
z += stepZ;
tMax.Z += tDelta.Z;
throw new InvalidOperationException( "did over 10000 iterations in GetPickedBlockPos(). " +
"Something has gone wrong. (dir: " + dir + ")" );
public class PickedPos {
public Vector3 Min, Max;
public Vector3I BlockPos;
public Vector3I TranslatedPos;
public bool Valid = true;
public CpeBlockFace BlockFace;
public void SetAsValid( Vector3 min, Vector3 max, Vector3 intersect ) {
Min = min;
Max = max;
BlockPos = Vector3I.Truncate( Min );
Valid = true;
Vector3I normal = Vector3I.Zero;
float dist = float.PositiveInfinity;
TestAxis( intersect.X - Min.X, ref dist, -Vector3I.UnitX, ref normal, CpeBlockFace.XMin );
TestAxis( intersect.X - Max.X, ref dist, Vector3I.UnitX, ref normal, CpeBlockFace.XMax );
TestAxis( intersect.Y - Min.Y, ref dist, -Vector3I.UnitY, ref normal, CpeBlockFace.YMin );
TestAxis( intersect.Y - Max.Y, ref dist, Vector3I.UnitY, ref normal, CpeBlockFace.YMax );
TestAxis( intersect.Z - Min.Z, ref dist, -Vector3I.UnitZ, ref normal, CpeBlockFace.ZMin );
TestAxis( intersect.Z - Max.Z, ref dist, Vector3I.UnitZ, ref normal, CpeBlockFace.ZMax );
TranslatedPos = BlockPos + normal;
public void SetAsInvalid() {
Valid = false;
BlockPos = TranslatedPos = Vector3I.MinusOne;
BlockFace = (CpeBlockFace)255;
void TestAxis( float dAxis, ref float dist, Vector3I nAxis, ref Vector3I normal,
CpeBlockFace fAxis) {
dAxis = Math.Abs( dAxis );
if( dAxis < dist ) {
dist = dAxis;
normal = nAxis;
BlockFace = fAxis;
} |