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using System;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp.Renderers {
public unsafe class StandardEnvRenderer : EnvRenderer {
public StandardEnvRenderer( Game game ) {
this.game = game;
map = game.Map;
int cloudsVb = -1, cloudVertices, skyVb = -1, skyVertices;
bool legacy;
public void SetUseLegacyMode( bool legacy ) {
this.legacy = legacy;
public override void Render( double deltaTime ) {
if( skyVb == -1 || cloudsVb == -1 ) return;
Vector3 pos = game.CurrentCameraPos;
float normalY = map.Height + 8;
float skyY = Math.Max( pos.Y + 8, normalY );
graphics.SetBatchFormat( VertexFormat.Pos3fCol4b );
graphics.BindVb( skyVb );
if( skyY == normalY ) {
graphics.DrawIndexedVb( DrawMode.Triangles, skyVertices * 6 / 4, 0 );
} else {
Matrix4 m = Matrix4.Translate( 0, skyY - normalY, 0 );
graphics.MultiplyMatrix( ref m );
graphics.DrawIndexedVb( DrawMode.Triangles, skyVertices * 6 / 4, 0 );
RenderClouds( deltaTime );
protected override void EnvVariableChanged( object sender, EnvVarEventArgs e ) {
if( e.Var == EnvVar.SkyColour ) {
} else if( e.Var == EnvVar.FogColour ) {
} else if( e.Var == EnvVar.CloudsColour ) {
} else if( e.Var == EnvVar.CloudsLevel ) {
public override void OnNewMap( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
graphics.Fog = false;
graphics.DeleteVb( skyVb );
graphics.DeleteVb( cloudsVb );
skyVb = cloudsVb = -1;
public override void OnNewMapLoaded( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
graphics.Fog = true;
ResetAllEnv( null, null );
public override void Init() {
graphics.Fog = true;
ResetAllEnv( null, null );
game.Events.ViewDistanceChanged += ResetAllEnv;
void ResetAllEnv( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
public override void Dispose() {
game.Events.ViewDistanceChanged -= ResetAllEnv;
graphics.DeleteVb( skyVb );
graphics.DeleteVb( cloudsVb );
void RenderClouds( double delta ) {
if( game.Map.CloudHeight < -2000 ) return;
double time = game.accumulator;
float offset = (float)( time / 2048f * 0.6f * map.CloudsSpeed );
graphics.SetMatrixMode( MatrixType.Texture );
Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.Translate( offset, 0, 0 );
graphics.LoadMatrix( ref matrix );
graphics.SetMatrixMode( MatrixType.Modelview );
graphics.AlphaTest = true;
graphics.Texturing = true;
graphics.BindTexture( game.CloudsTexId );
graphics.SetBatchFormat( VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b );
graphics.BindVb( cloudsVb );
graphics.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( cloudVertices * 6 / 4, 0 );
graphics.AlphaTest = false;
graphics.Texturing = false;
graphics.SetMatrixMode( MatrixType.Texture );
graphics.SetMatrixMode( MatrixType.Modelview );
double BlendFactor( int x ) {
//return -0.05 + 0.22 * Math.Log( Math.Pow( x, 0.25 ) );
double blend = -0.13 + 0.28 * Math.Log( Math.Pow( x, 0.25 ) );
if( blend < 0 ) blend = 0;
if( blend > 1 ) blend = 1;
return blend;
void ResetFog() {
if( map.IsNotLoaded ) return;
FastColour adjFogCol = FastColour.White;
BlockInfo info = game.BlockInfo;
BoundingBox pBounds = game.LocalPlayer.CollisionBounds;
Vector3I headCoords = Vector3I.Floor( game.LocalPlayer.EyePosition );
Vector3 pos = (Vector3)headCoords;
byte headBlock = game.Map.SafeGetBlock( headCoords );
BoundingBox blockBB = new BoundingBox( pos + game.BlockInfo.MinBB[headBlock],
pos + game.BlockInfo.MaxBB[headBlock] );
BoundingBox localBB = game.LocalPlayer.CollisionBounds;
bool intersecting = blockBB.Intersects( localBB );
if( intersecting && info.FogDensity[headBlock] != 0 ) {
graphics.SetFogMode( Fog.Exp );
graphics.SetFogDensity( info.FogDensity[headBlock] );
adjFogCol = info.FogColour[headBlock];
} else {
// Blend fog and sky together
float blend = (float)BlendFactor( game.ViewDistance );
adjFogCol = FastColour.Lerp( map.FogCol, map.SkyCol, blend );
graphics.SetFogMode( Fog.Linear );
graphics.SetFogStart( 0 );
graphics.SetFogEnd( game.ViewDistance );
graphics.ClearColour( adjFogCol );
graphics.SetFogColour( adjFogCol );
void ResetClouds() {
if( map.IsNotLoaded ) return;
graphics.DeleteVb( cloudsVb );
ResetClouds( game.ViewDistance, legacy ? 128 : 65536 );
void ResetSky() {
if( map.IsNotLoaded ) return;
graphics.DeleteVb( skyVb );
ResetSky( game.ViewDistance, legacy ? 128 : 65536 );
void ResetClouds( int extent, int axisSize ) {
extent = Utils.AdjViewDist( extent );
int x1 = -extent, x2 = map.Width + extent;
int z1 = -extent, z2 = map.Length + extent;
cloudVertices = Utils.CountVertices( x2 - x1, z2 - z1, axisSize );
VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[cloudVertices];
DrawCloudsY( x1, z1, x2, z2, map.CloudHeight, axisSize, map.CloudsCol, vertices );
cloudsVb = graphics.CreateVb( vertices, VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b, cloudVertices );
void ResetSky( int extent, int axisSize ) {
extent = Utils.AdjViewDist( extent );
int x1 = -extent, x2 = map.Width + extent;
int z1 = -extent, z2 = map.Length + extent;
skyVertices = Utils.CountVertices( x2 - x1, z2 - z1, axisSize );
VertexPos3fCol4b[] vertices = new VertexPos3fCol4b[skyVertices];
int height = Math.Max( map.Height + 2 + 6, map.CloudHeight + 6);
DrawSkyY( x1, z1, x2, z2, height, axisSize, map.SkyCol, vertices );
skyVb = graphics.CreateVb( vertices, VertexFormat.Pos3fCol4b, skyVertices );
void DrawSkyY( int x1, int z1, int x2, int z2, int y, int axisSize, FastColour col, VertexPos3fCol4b[] vertices ) {
int endX = x2, endZ = z2, startZ = z1;
int i = 0;
for( ; x1 < endX; x1 += axisSize ) {
x2 = x1 + axisSize;
if( x2 > endX ) x2 = endX;
z1 = startZ;
for( ; z1 < endZ; z1 += axisSize ) {
z2 = z1 + axisSize;
if( z2 > endZ ) z2 = endZ;
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fCol4b( x1, y, z1, col );
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fCol4b( x1, y, z2, col );
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fCol4b( x2, y, z2, col );
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fCol4b( x2, y, z1, col );
void DrawCloudsY( int x1, int z1, int x2, int z2, int y, int axisSize, FastColour col, VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices ) {
int endX = x2, endZ = z2, startZ = z1;
// adjust range so that largest negative uv coordinate is shifted to 0 or above.
float offset = Utils.CeilDiv( -x1, 2048 );
int i = 0;
for( ; x1 < endX; x1 += axisSize ) {
x2 = x1 + axisSize;
if( x2 > endX ) x2 = endX;
z1 = startZ;
for( ; z1 < endZ; z1 += axisSize ) {
z2 = z1 + axisSize;
if( z2 > endZ ) z2 = endZ;
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x1, y + 0.1f, z1, x1 / 2048f + offset, z1 / 2048f + offset, col );
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x1, y + 0.1f, z2, x1 / 2048f + offset, z2 / 2048f + offset, col );
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x2, y + 0.1f, z2, x2 / 2048f + offset, z2 / 2048f + offset, col );
vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x2, y + 0.1f, z1, x2 / 2048f + offset, z1 / 2048f + offset, col );
} |