
273 lines
9.3 KiB

#include "Logger.h"
#include "String.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Window.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Funcs.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Launcher.h"
#include "Server.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "main.h"
*-------------------------------------------------Complex argument parsing------------------------------------------------*
cc_bool Resume_Parse(struct ResumeInfo* info, cc_bool full) {
String_InitArray(info->server, info->_serverBuffer);
Options_Get(ROPT_SERVER, &info->server, "");
String_InitArray(info->user, info->_userBuffer);
Options_Get(ROPT_USER, &info->user, "");
String_InitArray(info->ip, info->_ipBuffer);
Options_Get(ROPT_IP, &info->ip, "");
String_InitArray(info->port, info->_portBuffer);
Options_Get(ROPT_PORT, &info->port, "");
if (!full) return true;
String_InitArray(info->mppass, info->_mppassBuffer);
Options_GetSecure(ROPT_MPPASS, &info->mppass);
info->user.length && info->mppass.length &&
info->ip.length && info->port.length;
cc_bool DirectUrl_Claims(const cc_string* input, cc_string* addr, cc_string* user, cc_string* mppass) {
static const cc_string prefix = String_FromConst("mc://");
cc_string parts[6];
if (!String_CaselessStarts(input, &prefix)) return false;
/* mc://[ip:port]/[username]/[mppass] */
if (String_UNSAFE_Split(input, '/', parts, 6) != 5) return false;
*addr = parts[2];
*user = parts[3];
*mppass = parts[4];
return true;
void DirectUrl_ExtractAddress(const cc_string* addr, cc_string* ip, cc_string* port) {
static const cc_string defPort = String_FromConst("25565");
int index = String_LastIndexOf(addr, ':');
/* support either "[IP]" or "[IP]:[PORT]" */
if (index == -1) {
*ip = *addr;
*port = defPort;
} else {
*ip = String_UNSAFE_Substring(addr, 0, index);
*port = String_UNSAFE_SubstringAt(addr, index + 1);
*------------------------------------------------------Game setup/run-----------------------------------------------------*
static void RunGame(void) {
cc_string title; char titleBuffer[STRING_SIZE];
int width = Options_GetInt(OPT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 0, DisplayInfo.Width, 0);
int height = Options_GetInt(OPT_WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, DisplayInfo.Height, 0);
/* No custom resolution has been set */
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
width = 854; height = 480;
if (DisplayInfo.Width < 854) width = 640;
String_InitArray(title, titleBuffer);
String_Format2(&title, "%c (%s)", GAME_APP_TITLE, &Game_Username);
Game_Run(width, height, &title);
/* Shows a warning dialog due to an invalid command line argument */
CC_NOINLINE static void WarnInvalidArg(const char* name, const cc_string* arg) {
cc_string tmp; char tmpBuffer[256];
String_InitArray(tmp, tmpBuffer);
String_Format2(&tmp, "%c '%s'", name, arg);
Logger_DialogTitle = "Failed to start";
/* Shows a warning dialog due to insufficient command line arguments */
CC_NOINLINE static void WarnMissingArgs(int argsCount, const cc_string* args) {
cc_string tmp; char tmpBuffer[256];
int i;
String_InitArray(tmp, tmpBuffer);
String_AppendConst(&tmp, "Missing IP and/or port - ");
for (i = 0; i < argsCount; i++) {
String_AppendString(&tmp, &args[i]);
String_Append(&tmp, ' ');
Logger_DialogTitle = "Failed to start";
static void SetupProgram(int argc, char** argv) {
static char ipBuffer[STRING_SIZE];
cc_result res;
res = Platform_SetDefaultCurrentDirectory(argc, argv);
if (res) Logger_SysWarn(res, "setting current directory");
Platform_LogConst("Starting " GAME_APP_NAME " ..");
String_InitArray(Server.Address, ipBuffer);
#define SP_HasDir(path) (String_IndexOf(path, '/') >= 0 || String_IndexOf(path, '\\') >= 0)
static cc_bool IsOpenableFile(const cc_string* path) {
cc_filepath str;
if (!SP_HasDir(path)) return false;
Platform_EncodePath(&str, path);
return File_Exists(&str);
static int ParseMPArgs(const cc_string* user, const cc_string* mppass, const cc_string* addr, const cc_string* port) {
String_Copy(&Game_Username, user);
String_Copy(&Game_Mppass, mppass);
String_Copy(&Server.Address, addr);
if (!Convert_ParseInt(port, &Server.Port) || Server.Port < 0 || Server.Port > 65535) {
WarnInvalidArg("Invalid port", port);
return false;
return true;
static int RunProgram(int argc, char** argv) {
cc_string args[GAME_MAX_CMDARGS];
int argsCount = Platform_GetCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, args);
struct ResumeInfo r;
cc_string host;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/* NOTE: Make sure to comment this out before pushing a commit */
//cc_string rawArgs = String_FromConst("UnknownShadow200 fffff 25565");
//cc_string rawArgs = String_FromConst("UnknownShadow200");
//argsCount = String_UNSAFE_Split(&rawArgs, ' ', args, 4);
if (argsCount == 0) {
String_AppendConst(&Game_Username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
/* :[hash] - auto join server with the given hash */
} else if (argsCount == 1 && args[0].buffer[0] == ':') {
args[0] = String_UNSAFE_SubstringAt(&args[0], 1);
String_Copy(&Launcher_AutoHash, &args[0]);
/* --resume - try to resume to last server */
} else if (argsCount == 1 && String_CaselessEqualsConst(&args[0], DEFAULT_RESUME_ARG)) {
if (!Resume_Parse(&r, true)) {
WarnInvalidArg("No server to resume to", &args[0]);
return 1;
if (!ParseMPArgs(&r.user, &r.mppass, &r.ip, &r.port)) return 1;
/* --singleplayer' - run singleplayer with default user */
} else if (argsCount == 1 && String_CaselessEqualsConst(&args[0], DEFAULT_SINGLEPLAYER_ARG)) {
/* [file path] - run singleplayer with auto loaded map */
} else if (argsCount == 1 && IsOpenableFile(&args[0])) {
String_Copy(&SP_AutoloadMap, &args[0]); /* TODO: don't copy args? */
/* mc://[addr]:[port]/[user]/[mppass] - run multiplayer using direct URL form arguments */
} else if (argsCount == 1 && DirectUrl_Claims(&args[0], &host, &r.user, &r.mppass)) {
DirectUrl_ExtractAddress(&host, &r.ip, &r.port);
if (!ParseMPArgs(&r.user, &r.mppass, &r.ip, &r.port)) return 1;
/* [user] - run multiplayer using explicit username */
} else if (argsCount == 1) {
String_Copy(&Game_Username, &args[0]);
/* 2 to 3 arguments - unsupported at present */
} else if (argsCount < 4) {
WarnMissingArgs(argsCount, args);
return 1;
/* [user] [mppass] [address] [port] - run multiplayer using explicit arguments */
} else {
if (!ParseMPArgs(&args[0], &args[1], &args[2], &args[3])) return 1;
return 0;
#if defined CC_BUILD_IOS
/* ClassiCube is sort of and sort of not the executable */
/* on iOS - UIKit is responsible for kickstarting the game. */
/* (this is handled in interop_ios.m as the code is Objective C) */
int ios_main(int argc, char** argv) {
SetupProgram(argc, argv);
for (;;) { RunProgram(argc, argv); }
return 0;
#elif defined CC_BUILD_ANDROID
/* ClassiCube is just a native library on android, */
/* unlike other platforms where it is the executable. */
/* (activity java class is responsible for kickstarting the game,
see Platform_Android.c for the code that actually calls this) */
void android_main(void) {
Platform_LogConst("Main loop started!");
SetupProgram(0, NULL);
for (;;) { RunProgram(0, NULL); }
#elif defined CC_BUILD_CONSOLE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
SetupProgram(argc, argv);
while (Window_Main.Exists) {
RunProgram(argc, argv);
return 0;
/* NOTE: main_real is used for when compiling with MinGW without linking to startup files. */
/* Normally, the final code produced for "main" is our "main" combined with crt's main */
/* (mingw-w64-crt/crt/gccmain.c) - alas this immediately crashes the game on startup. */
/* Using main_real instead and setting main_real as the entrypoint fixes the crash. */
#if defined CC_NOMAIN
int main_real(int argc, char** argv) {
#elif defined CC_BUILD_WEB
/* webclient does some asynchronous initialisation first, then kickstarts the game after that */
int web_main(int argc, char** argv) {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
cc_result res;
SetupProgram(argc, argv);
/* If single process mode, then the loop is launcher -> game -> launcher etc */
do {
res = RunProgram(argc, argv);
} while (Platform_SingleProcess && Window_Main.Exists);
if (res) Window_Free();
return res;