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528 lines
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#if USE_DX
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Threading;
using SharpDX;
using SharpDX.Direct3D9;
using D3D = SharpDX.Direct3D9;
using Matrix4 = OpenTK.Matrix4;
using WinWindowInfo = OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinWindowInfo;
namespace ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI {
// TODO: Should we use a native form wrapper instead of wrapping over OpenTK?
public class Direct3D9Api : IGraphicsApi {
Device device;
Direct3D d3d;
Capabilities caps;
const int texBufferSize = 512, iBufferSize = 256, vBufferSize = 2048;
D3D.Texture[] textures = new D3D.Texture[texBufferSize];
DataBuffer[] vBuffers = new DataBuffer[vBufferSize];
DataBuffer[] iBuffers = new DataBuffer[iBufferSize];
MatrixStack viewStack, projStack, texStack;
MatrixStack curStack;
PrimitiveType[] modeMappings = {
PrimitiveType.TriangleList, PrimitiveType.LineList,
static Format[] depthFormats = { Format.D32, Format.D24X8, Format.D24S8, Format.D24X4S4, Format.D16, Format.D15S1 };
Format depthFormat, viewFormat = Format.X8R8G8B8;
CreateFlags createFlags = CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing;
public Direct3D9Api( Game game ) {
IntPtr windowHandle = ((WinWindowInfo)game.WindowInfo).WindowHandle;
d3d = new Direct3D();
int adapter = d3d.Adapters[0].Adapter;
for( int i = 0; i < depthFormats.Length; i++ ) {
depthFormat = depthFormats[i];
if( d3d.CheckDepthStencilMatch( adapter, DeviceType.Hardware, viewFormat, viewFormat, depthFormat ) ) break;
if( i == depthFormats.Length - 1 )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to create a depth buffer with sufficient precision." );
PresentParameters args = GetPresentArgs( 640, 480 );
try {
device = d3d.CreateDevice( adapter, DeviceType.Hardware, windowHandle, createFlags, args );
} catch( SharpDXException ) {
createFlags = CreateFlags.MixedVertexProcessing;
try {
device = d3d.CreateDevice( adapter, DeviceType.Hardware, windowHandle, createFlags, args );
} catch ( SharpDXException ) {
createFlags = CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing;
device = d3d.CreateDevice( adapter, DeviceType.Hardware, windowHandle, createFlags, args );
caps = device.Capabilities;
viewStack = new MatrixStack( 32, device, TransformState.View );
projStack = new MatrixStack( 4, device, TransformState.Projection );
texStack = new MatrixStack( 4, device, TransformState.Texture0 );
bool alphaTest, alphaBlend;
public override bool AlphaTest {
set { if( value == alphaTest ) return;
alphaTest = value; device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaTestEnable, value );
public override bool AlphaBlending {
set { if( value == alphaBlend ) return;
alphaBlend = value; device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, value );
Compare[] compareFuncs = {
Compare.Always, Compare.NotEqual, Compare.Never, Compare.Less,
Compare.LessEqual, Compare.Equal, Compare.GreaterEqual, Compare.Greater,
Compare alphaTestFunc;
int alphaTestRef;
public override void AlphaTestFunc( CompareFunc func, float value ) {
alphaTestFunc = compareFuncs[(int)func];
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaFunc, (int)alphaTestFunc );
alphaTestRef = (int)( value * 255 );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaRef, alphaTestRef );
Blend[] blendFuncs = {
Blend.Zero, Blend.One,
Blend.SourceAlpha, Blend.InverseSourceAlpha,
Blend.DestinationAlpha, Blend.InverseDestinationAlpha,
Blend srcBlendFunc, dstBlendFunc;
public override void AlphaBlendFunc( BlendFunc srcFunc, BlendFunc dstFunc ) {
srcBlendFunc = blendFuncs[(int)srcFunc];
dstBlendFunc = blendFuncs[(int)dstFunc];
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.SourceBlend, (int)srcBlendFunc );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.DestinationBlend, (int)dstBlendFunc );
bool fogEnable;
public override bool Fog {
set { if( value == fogEnable ) return;
fogEnable = value; device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogEnable, value );
int fogCol;
public override void SetFogColour( FastColour col ) {
fogCol = col.ToArgb();
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogColor, fogCol );
float fogDensity = -1, fogStart = -1, fogEnd = -1;
public override void SetFogDensity( float value ) {
if( value == fogDensity ) return;
fogDensity = value;
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogDensity, value );
public override void SetFogStart( float value ) {
if( value == fogStart ) return;
fogStart = value;
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogStart, value );
public override void SetFogEnd( float value ) {
if( value == fogEnd ) return;
fogEnd = value;
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogEnd, value );
FogMode[] modes = { FogMode.Linear, FogMode.Exponential, FogMode.ExponentialSquared };
FogMode fogTableMode;
public override void SetFogMode( Fog fogMode ) {
FogMode newMode = modes[(int)fogMode];
if( newMode == fogTableMode ) return;
fogTableMode = newMode;
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogTableMode, (int)fogTableMode );
public override bool FaceCulling {
set {
Cull mode = value ? Cull.Clockwise : Cull.None;
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.CullMode, (int)mode );
public override int MaxTextureDimensions {
get { return Math.Min( caps.MaxTextureHeight, caps.MaxTextureWidth ); }
public override bool Texturing {
set { if( !value ) device.SetTexture( 0, null ); }
public override int CreateTexture( int width, int height, IntPtr scan0 ) {
D3D.Texture texture = device.CreateTexture( width, height, 0, Usage.None, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed );
texture.SetData( scan0, width * height * 4, 0, LockFlags.None );
return GetOrExpand( ref textures, texture, texBufferSize );
public override void BindTexture( int texId ) {
device.SetTexture( 0, textures[texId] );
public override void DeleteTexture( ref int texId ) {
Delete( textures, texId );
texId = -1;
int lastClearCol;
public override void Clear() {
device.Clear( ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, lastClearCol, 1f, 0 );
public override void ClearColour( FastColour col ) {
lastClearCol = col.ToArgb();
public override bool ColourWrite {
set { device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ColorWriteEnable, value ? 0xF : 0x0 ); }
Compare depthTestFunc;
public override void DepthTestFunc( CompareFunc func ) {
depthTestFunc = compareFuncs[(int)func];
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ZFunc, (int)depthTestFunc );
bool depthTest, depthWrite;
public override bool DepthTest {
set { depthTest = value; device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ZEnable, value ); }
public override bool DepthWrite {
set { depthWrite = value; device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ZWriteEnable, value ); }
public override int CreateDynamicVb( VertexFormat format, int maxVertices ) {
return -1;
public override void DrawDynamicVb<T>( DrawMode mode, int vb, T[] vertices, VertexFormat format, int count ) {
device.SetVertexFormat( formatMapping[(int)format] );
device.DrawUserPrimitives( modeMappings[(int)mode], 0, NumPrimitives( count, mode ), vertices );
public override void DeleteDynamicVb( int id ) {
#region Vertex buffers
D3D.VertexFormat[] formatMapping = {
D3D.VertexFormat.Position | D3D.VertexFormat.Texture2,
D3D.VertexFormat.Position | D3D.VertexFormat.Diffuse,
D3D.VertexFormat.Position | D3D.VertexFormat.Texture2 | D3D.VertexFormat.Diffuse,
public override int CreateVb<T>( T[] vertices, VertexFormat format, int count ) {
int size = count * strideSizes[(int)format];
DataBuffer buffer = device.CreateVertexBuffer( size, Usage.None, formatMapping[(int)format], Pool.Managed );
buffer.SetData( vertices, size, LockFlags.None );
return GetOrExpand( ref vBuffers, buffer, vBufferSize );
public override int CreateVb( IntPtr vertices, VertexFormat format, int count ) {
int size = count * strideSizes[(int)format];
DataBuffer buffer = device.CreateVertexBuffer( size, Usage.None, formatMapping[(int)format], Pool.Managed );
buffer.SetData( vertices, size, LockFlags.None );
return GetOrExpand( ref vBuffers, buffer, vBufferSize );
public unsafe override int CreateIb( ushort[] indices, int indicesCount ) {
int size = indicesCount * sizeof( ushort );
DataBuffer buffer = device.CreateIndexBuffer( size, Usage.None, Format.Index16, Pool.Managed );
buffer.SetData( indices, size, LockFlags.None );
return GetOrExpand( ref iBuffers, buffer, iBufferSize );
public override int CreateIb( IntPtr indices, int indicesCount ) {
int size = indicesCount * sizeof( ushort );
DataBuffer buffer = device.CreateIndexBuffer( size, Usage.None, Format.Index16, Pool.Managed );
buffer.SetData( indices, size, LockFlags.None );
return GetOrExpand( ref iBuffers, buffer, iBufferSize );
public override void DeleteVb( int vb ) {
Delete( vBuffers, vb );
public override void DeleteIb( int ib ) {
Delete( iBuffers, ib );
int batchStride;
public override void BeginVbBatch( VertexFormat format ) {
device.SetVertexFormat( formatMapping[(int)format] );
batchStride = strideSizes[(int)format];
public override void DrawVb( DrawMode mode, int startVertex, int verticesCount ) {
device.DrawPrimitives( modeMappings[(int)mode], startVertex, NumPrimitives( verticesCount, mode ) );
public override void BindVb( int vb ) {
device.SetStreamSource( 0, vBuffers[vb], 0, batchStride );
public override void BindIb( int ib ) {
device.SetIndices( iBuffers[ib] );
public override void DrawIndexedVb( DrawMode mode, int indicesCount, int startIndex ) {
device.DrawIndexedPrimitives( modeMappings[(int)mode], 0, startIndex / 6 * 4,
indicesCount / 6 * 4, startIndex, NumPrimitives( indicesCount, mode ) );
internal override void DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( int indicesCount, int startIndex ) {
device.DrawIndexedPrimitives( PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, startIndex / 6 * 4,
indicesCount / 6 * 4, startIndex, indicesCount / 3 );
internal override void DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( int indicesCount, int startVertex, int startIndex ) {
device.DrawIndexedPrimitives( PrimitiveType.TriangleList, startVertex, 0,
indicesCount / 6 * 4, startIndex, indicesCount / 3 );
#region Matrix manipulation
public override void SetMatrixMode( MatrixType mode ) {
if( mode == MatrixType.Modelview ) {
curStack = viewStack;
} else if( mode == MatrixType.Projection ) {
curStack = projStack;
} else if( mode == MatrixType.Texture ) {
curStack = texStack;
public unsafe override void LoadMatrix( ref Matrix4 matrix ) {
if( curStack == texStack ) {
matrix.M31 = matrix.M41; // NOTE: this hack fixes the texture movements.
device.SetTextureStageState( 0, TextureStage.TextureTransformFlags, (int)TextureTransform.Count2 );
curStack.SetTop( ref matrix );
Matrix4 identity = Matrix4.Identity;
public override void LoadIdentityMatrix() {
if( curStack == texStack ) {
device.SetTextureStageState( 0, TextureStage.TextureTransformFlags, (int)TextureTransform.Disable );
curStack.SetTop( ref identity );
public override void PushMatrix() {
public override void PopMatrix() {
public unsafe override void MultiplyMatrix( ref Matrix4 matrix ) {
curStack.MultiplyTop( ref matrix );
class MatrixStack
Matrix4[] stack;
int stackIndex;
Device device;
TransformState matrixType;
public MatrixStack( int capacity, Device device, TransformState matrixType ) {
stack = new Matrix4[capacity];
stack[0] = Matrix4.Identity;
this.device = device;
this.matrixType = matrixType;
public void Push() {
stack[stackIndex + 1] = stack[stackIndex]; // mimic GL behaviour
stackIndex++; // exact same, we don't need to update DirectX state.
public void SetTop( ref Matrix4 matrix ) {
stack[stackIndex] = matrix;
device.SetTransform( matrixType, ref stack[stackIndex] );
public void MultiplyTop( ref Matrix4 matrix ) {
stack[stackIndex] = matrix * stack[stackIndex];
device.SetTransform( matrixType, ref stack[stackIndex] );
public void Pop() {
device.SetTransform( matrixType, ref stack[stackIndex] );
public override void BeginFrame( Game game ) {
public override void EndFrame( Game game ) {
int code = device.Present();
if( code >= 0 ) return;
if( (uint)code != (uint)Direct3DError.DeviceLost )
throw new SharpDXException( code );
// TODO: Make sure this actually works on all graphics cards.
Utils.LogDebug( "Lost Direct3D device." );
while( true ) {
Thread.Sleep( 50 );
code = device.TestCooperativeLevel();
if( (uint)code == (uint)Direct3DError.DeviceNotReset ) {
Utils.Log( "Retrieved Direct3D device again." );
RecreateDevice( game );
game.Network.Tick( 1 / 20.0 );
bool vsync = false;
public override void SetVSync( Game game, bool value ) {
vsync = value;
game.VSync = value;
RecreateDevice( game );
public override void OnWindowResize( Game game ) {
RecreateDevice( game );
void RecreateDevice( Game game ) {
PresentParameters args = GetPresentArgs( game.Width, game.Height );
device.Reset( args );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaTestEnable, alphaTest );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, alphaBlend );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaFunc, (int)alphaTestFunc );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.AlphaRef, alphaTestRef );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.SourceBlend, (int)srcBlendFunc );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.DestinationBlend, (int)dstBlendFunc );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogEnable, fogEnable );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogColor, fogCol );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogDensity, fogDensity );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogStart, fogStart );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogEnd, fogEnd );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FogTableMode, (int)fogTableMode );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ZFunc, (int)depthTestFunc );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ZEnable, depthTest );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ZWriteEnable, depthWrite );
void SetDefaultRenderStates() {
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.FillMode, (int)FillMode.Solid );
FaceCulling = false;
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.ColorVertex, false );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.Lighting, false );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.SpecularEnable, false );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.LocalViewer, false );
device.SetRenderState( RenderState.DebugMonitorToken, false );
PresentParameters GetPresentArgs( int width, int height ) {
PresentParameters args = new PresentParameters();
args.AutoDepthStencilFormat = depthFormat;
args.BackBufferWidth = width;
args.BackBufferHeight = height;
args.BackBufferFormat = viewFormat;
args.BackBufferCount = 1;
args.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
args.PresentationInterval = vsync ? PresentInterval.One : PresentInterval.Immediate;
args.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
args.Windowed = true;
return args;
static int GetOrExpand<T>( ref T[] array, T value, int expSize ) {
// Find first free slot
for( int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++ ) {
if( array[i] == null ) {
array[i] = value;
return i;
// Otherwise resize and add more elements
int oldLength = array.Length;
Array.Resize( ref array, array.Length + expSize );
array[oldLength] = value;
return oldLength;
static void Delete<T>( T[] array, int id ) where T : class, IDisposable {
if( id <= 0 || id >= array.Length ) return;
T value = array[id];
if( value != null ) {
array[id] = null;
static int NumPrimitives( int vertices, DrawMode mode ) {
if( mode == DrawMode.Triangles ) {
return vertices / 3;
} else if( mode == DrawMode.TriangleStrip ) {
return vertices - 2;
return vertices / 2;
protected unsafe override void LoadOrthoMatrix( float width, float height ) {
Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter( 0, width, height, 0, 0, 1 );
matrix.M33 = -1;
matrix.M43 = 0;
curStack.SetTop( ref matrix );
public override void Dispose() {
public override void PrintApiSpecificInfo() {
Utils.Log( "--Using Direct3D 9--" );
Utils.Log( "Tex memory available: " + (uint)device.AvailableTextureMemory );
Utils.Log( "Vertex processing mode: " + createFlags );
Utils.Log( "Depth buffer format: " + depthFormat );
Utils.Log( "Adapter description: " + d3d.Adapters[0].Details.Description );
Utils.Log( "Device caps: " + caps.DeviceCaps );
public unsafe override void TakeScreenshot( string output, Size size ) {
using( Surface backbuffer = device.GetBackBuffer( 0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono ),
tempSurface = device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface( size.Width, size.Height, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.SystemMemory ) ) {
// For DX 8 use IDirect3DDevice8::CreateImageSurface
device.GetRenderTargetData( backbuffer, tempSurface );
LockedRectangle rect = tempSurface.LockRectangle( LockFlags.ReadOnly | LockFlags.NoDirtyUpdate );
using( Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( size.Width, size.Height, size.Width * 4,
PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, rect.DataPointer ) ) {
bmp.Save( output, ImageFormat.Png );
#endif |