This project aims to create a custom Minecraft experience based on Minecraft: Pocket Edition as of 2011. It's based on the mcpe01_canada.apk build of the game.
* To add Quality-of-Life features to Minecraft: Pocket Edition, such as a brighter color gamut, an in-game options menu, etc.
* To add features that were in Minecraft Alpha and the early Betas in 2011. (before and during Minecraft PE's development - this excludes hunger, for example, as it was added in Beta 1.8)
* To keep the source code layout similar to the original Minecraft PE (reconstructed from clues hidden within certain versions of the game, such as the 0.1.0 touch prototype/debug build)
Note: The original mcpe01_canada.apk does not work on newer Android devices. A port of this likely will.
This project is licensed under the [BSD 1 clause license]( However, it contains third party software with different but compatible licenses:
- [RakNet]( [Licensed under the BSD 2 clause license](thirdparty/raknet/LICENSE)
This project **requires** you to have a copy of the `mcpe01_canada.apk` (sha256: `74b1d3b51a174c4dcaaa58d2bbdf7a4f4c9cfe5f2aeec4844427c2b8f1124343`), before you can build.
I've had texture seams when playing Minecraft Classic, ClassiCube and this recreation of Minecraft PE. If seams bother you, and you are using an NVIDIA graphics card,
go to the NVIDIA Control Panel, then in "Manage 3D Settings", change "Antialiasing - Mode" to "Application Controlled".
## Notes on assets
The terrain.png and related textures appear to have stayed the same between the E3 demo and the final release for Xperia PLAY. It appears to have been fetched before
Java Edition Beta 1.4's release. This can be seen because the cookie's texture is missing. (it was added in Java Edition Beta 1.4)
1. Due to lack of initialization of memory, fire can potentially burn normally inflammable blocks. See [this video]( for a demo.
2. Due to `SHAPE_FIRE` not being implemented, fire is invisible in this version. Fire rendering was backported from v0.7.1 and can be disabled with the `ORIGINAL_CODE` define
The bugs can be "un-patched" by defining `ORIGINAL_CODE`. This allows compilation of an incomplete and mostly accurate recreation of MCPE for Xperia Play.
2. Potential freeze in `Entity::move`. If z_1 is between -0.04f and 0.04f, the game may freeze.
3. In `Particle::render`, the offset (`C_MAGIC_1`) is slightly larger than 1.0f / 16.0f. It's probably meant to be _smaller_ than 1.0f / 16.0f.
4. Ice doesn't properly cull faces, except on the y axis.
5. Fire is not extinguished on the server side.
6. Due to inaccuracies in level generation, some blocks may be different in multiplayer between a player on this version, and a player on the original MCPE.
The original Minecraft: Pocket Edition had some missing details that make it feel like MCPE. Here are some enhancements that have been done:
* (`ENH_ENTITY_SHADING`) Make entity models have primitive shading
* (`ENH_SHADE_HELD_TILES`) Make in-hand block items have shading
* (`ENH_FIX_INVIS_STAIRS`) Fix 16x16x16 chunks of stairs rendering as invisible
* (`ENH_ALLOW_AO`) Allow enabling ambient occlusion (smooth lighting) using a hotkey (F4)
* (`ENH_TRANSPARENT_HOTBAR`) Allow the hotbar to be transparent. (See patched bugs #3)
* (`ENH_INSTA_BREAK`) Allow instant breaking of blocks
* (`ENH_CAMERA_NO_PARTICLES`) Hide particles from a camera's view. This hides the smoke particles that the camera emits, creating a clearer picture
* (`ENH_USE_JAVA_LIGHT_RAMP`) Use Minecraft: Java Edition Beta 1.6's light ramp code instead of the original (max brightness was only 0.8 in early versions of MC:PE for whatever reason)
* (`ENH_RUN_DAY_NIGHT_CYCLE`) Allow the day/night cycle to run
* (`ENH_ENABLE_9TH_SLOT`) Allow the 9th slot of the hotbar to be used instead of the unusable elipses (...)
* (`ENH_USE_OWN_AO`) Use a custom ambient occlusion engine (looks the same but fixes some corners)
* (`ENH_ADD_OPTIONS_PAUSE`) Add an "Options" button to the pause menu
* (`ENH_EXTRA_ITEMS_IN_INV`) Add extra items to a 5th row in the creative inventory
* (`ENH_HIGHLIGHT_BY_HOVER`) Highlight buttons when hovering over them instead of when using arrow keys
* (`ENH_ALLOW_SAND_GRAVITY`) Allow sand to fall
* (`ENH_USE_GUI_SCALE_2`) Use a GUI scale of 2 instead of 3 which looks better on PC (temporary)
* (`ENH_ALLOW_SCROLL_WHEEL`) Allow use of the scroll wheel to change selected inventory slots
In addition to enhancements, optional modifications to the base game were made. These mods are disabled by default but can be enabled in `GameMods.hpp`.